fallenmarquis · 10 years
Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse
Battle theme: Fierce Battle of Steel
Battle intro:"Eh..? Well… I suppose we were bound to meet on the battlefield"
Victory: ”I told you I would hunt you down, little rabbit~”
Defeat: "I don’t want to make excuses but… I can’t break my Lord Sima Jin’s heart by killing you"
Assist: "Fancy meeting you here, my Lady"
Taunt: ”Traitor~~”
Reacting to Taunt: ”I’ll cut your tongue off you little b!tch!”
Flee:"Another time, Wen Yin"
Reacting to Flee: ”Are all of Wu dogs who bark more than they bite?”
Tie:"This can’t be happening…!"
Perfect Victory:”Maybe I’ll keep your corpse after all~”
Finishing Move:”I’ll send your unborn child back to your beloved as my regards~”
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webspinncr · 10 years
Send me a ❤ for a blog rate!
URL: Okay | Good | Great | Amazing | Flawless AJJDKASKFJ Theme: Okay | Good | Great | Amazing | Flawless AJJDKASKFJ Posts: Okay | Good | Great | Amazing | Flawless AJJDKASKFJ Icon: Okay | Good | Great | Amazing | Flawless AJJDKASKFJ {I love your art omg uwu.} Overall: Okay | Good | Great | Amazing | Flawless AJJDKASKFJ
{ We haven’t interacted very much ic or ooc (I think I still have you on Skype though??? ? idk) but your OC is very interesting and I like her. I tend to follow your posts to watch her growth and I must say that I enjoy how far she has come ;A; also you are adorable and I’ve always wondered what your first language is?? }
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houyis-ward · 10 years
Ohhh no. Did I really have to be the one to welcome our visitors?
Swallowing hard, Suyin forced herself to smile, fidgeting as she tapped her index fingers together and shuffled her feet slightly.
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"Er...W-welcome! You must be on important business if you came all the way out here - u-unless you're lost, of course! I shouldn't assume though..."
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arachnxdae · 10 years
"Is that supposed to scare me?"
"Scare you? Goodness no! I can't imagine why you'd draw such a conclusion, dear girl."
Jiayi spoke lightly, as unfettered and pleasant as ever as he twirled the serrated knife in his hand. Truth be told, Yin couldn't have come along at a worse moment; he was normally so careful in the way he disposed of men that threatened his business, but she'd run across him just as he'd finished cutting the throat of a particularly noisy informant.
But even with this little setback in mind, his smile still stayed on. 
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"I'm merely stating a fact. You wandered in at a very inconvenient moment for me, and as much as it pains me to do this, it's only business. People show up in the wrong place at the wrong time quite often, after all - I do hope you'll understand."
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