#sigh... im fuckin trying istg
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Adhd is a bitch because I have so much ambition but no focus or patience and I can't just turn it off. I just have to live like this. I feel like my brain is a dog I'm walking on a leash except it just pulls me wherever it wants to go and I just have to try to keep up or get hurt in the process.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
I am a price whore, sweetheart seeing price hunch over his desk, walked up to him, standing beside him and messaging his shoulder and do that hand gestures where she slide one of her hands down his chest, aight imma dipp😗✌️
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Mind turning into mush and for what
BRUH after all that has happened, I feel like Sweetheart is getting bold 💀 cause honestly, she's trying to figure out if they all do like her (as Laswell said)
So she goes to Price's office, and he's so busy he just grunts permission to enter, not really seeing it's Sweetheart. She enters with his nightly hour tea that she's been giving him today cause he's so busy. She looks so sad that he's working himself to the bone (and to the shape of a shrimp 🍤) so she sighs and walks over to him, putting his tea and cookies down on his desk. She comes on his side and caresses his tense shoulder.
Sweetheart, in a low voice: Cap, maybe you should take a break.
Price shivers, her fucking hot ass voice snaps him out of his grind (YOU'RE MESSING IT UP SWEETHEART FUCKIN LEAVE)
Price: Hm. Later.
And then goes back to the grind 💀 she sighs and then has an idea.
Sweetheart: how 'bout I give you a shoulder massage! Maybe that'll relieve some of the tension?
Price nods, but his mind is going BONKERS-- like omg her hands are gonna touch me, soft calloused hands, her perfume FUCK
So she does the massage, and she's actually getting in there- so much so that Price is grunting AHAHA She kinda slows down cause wtf was that? She asks if he's okay and mumbles yes, continue- so she does
She kinda gets lost in it- I mean who WOULDN'T-- his broad ass shoulders, the built muscle, THE LOW GRUNTS AUGHHH her mind just becomes hazy and her hands start to travel. Traveling to his neck, making goosebumps form along the way, slowly and gently moving down to his big chest (HNNGGGGG IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH)
Price's breath hitches cause um??? She's never done this before??? She leans into him, her chest resting on his back and her breath fanning on his neck. The small scratches from her nails is making him lose his mind. It's already lost from her fondling him, hands moving to his neck, shoulders and chest. Almost like she's studying him, how he feels, what makes him hot. Papers long forgotten, Price's fingers are GRIPPING the edge of his desk. Fuucckkkk it's been forever since he's been felt up like this.
Sweetheart, in his ear: Relax.... you're still tense.
BIITCHHHH HOW CAN HE RELAX?? He takes a deep breath, and the sigh. That this man. LETS OUT. UGHHHH rated R. Istg
If you walked in his office now, the scene is so sensual omg- Price is leaning all the way back, completely relaxed, eyes closed with mouth slightly open and eyebrows creased a bit. Sweetheart behind him, tatas pressed up against his back, head fitted between his neck with her eyes hazy and low, and her hands feeling everything. (His shoulders, arms, forearms, his chest, waist and stomach)
Sweetheart:...Are you relaxed now?
Price, lightheaded and pink: Yes...
Sweetheart, smiles: Good.
Huh? Where the hands go? Where the pressure from her chest go? Oh she got up (NOOOOO WHYYYYYY) Price snaps his eyes open and looks at her fleeting figure. Her swaying hips still keeping him light-headed.
She smiles at him before leaving.
Sweetheart: I'm glad I made you feel relaxed! Also, make sure to drink your tea while it's hot. Good night Price.
And with the sound of the click from the door, she's gone. Price can't believe what happened. Maybe he fell asleep on his desk and he had another fantasy about her? (He has had alot of fantasies about her LOLL)
Noooo, he's still up, he pinched himself. Fuck, that legit happend. And the tea is still hot... how? It felt like hours in that state of mind with her. He looked at his clock; 11:10 p.m.
....Are you fucking kidding me. (THAT ONLY LASTED FOR TEN MINUTES???MOTHER FUCK--)
Sweetheart in her room: SCREEEECCHHHHHH WHY DID I DO THAT!?!? OMG HE JUST NEEDED A MASSAGE NOT FOREPLAY OMFG WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEAAAAAA he was so hot tho- NO SHUT UP (and then cries for bout an hour)
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Episode 15: "ACQUIESCE BABY!!!"—Kaleigh
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In this round: Everyone acquiesces to Kaleigh's spelling superiority when she wins her second individual immunity; Kaleigh steals Zee's vote; and Zee joins the jury
Whaddup my name's Jared I'm 19 and I never fuckin learned how to read
Honestly not much to report! I'm going to try and stay strong with Alex and Kaleigh. Tony left but I'm sure that's a big relief for him, he did great for his first game.
Hey babes, so I’m SOOO HAPPY to be back and I’m with my hot gurlzzz and I love them. Im so happy Tony got out cause he didn’t vote w me (that’s what he gets 😌). At this point anyone but me, champ, or zee going home is the best for my game cause it’s gonna be a 3-3 tie. IM READY FOR ROCKS☠️😈
woooooo another immunity win, i woulda been so shocked if someone could beat me at a spelling bee. ACQUIESCE BABY!!! my deranged cobwebby brain is good at one thing and one thing only… and that’s spelling. i’m jk i’m good at other things too but wow lol ok. so i’m immune tonight. zee is asking me and alex to flip on michael, and its just condescending at this point :( like i know what i’m doing babe and idgaf if u think michael is gonna win. i’m fine with that LMAO why would i flip on my allies to be at the bottom of ur 3? like? no??? but i told her it’s a possibility but i think i’ll probably just steal a vote tonight and get zee out. please god don’t let her have another stinking advantage !! also i finished that book and it was extremely good. and it’s my niece’s 4th birthday.
Ugh, this vote still feels tenuous. Champ said today she wanted to take Zee out last vote (not that it would have mattered, ultimately - I KNEW she had a second idol lol). She's flat out lied to me so many times at this point, but she also knows how big of a threat Zee is. Finding the time to actually talk game with her feels like it will be impossible, though. I finally reached out to Zee last night to compliment her on still trying to unify the tribe like with the game night. She used the words 'icing out' to describe how quiet chat has been between sides, which is fair. I don't know if it was directed only at me, but even if that wasn't what I was trying to do I can see how she felt that way. It just felt like there was not even, like, pretended level of potential to work together and I didn't know how to bridge the gap of "hey even though we won't tell each other anything in-game, how's life?" and have it not seem disingenuous. So I'm glad that came out of last night. The Tony blindside definitely surprised me, and Jack coming back into the game over Colin. It really feels like it's Champ or bust with this vote but if we come to the risk of rocks, I see them possibly flipping. Now that I'm at Actual Final 6 I don't actually want to go to rocks anymore lol. It just feels like if we can get through tomorrow's vote we could get the rest of the way but who knows. If Zee has a third idol I'll lose my mind lmao. The way Kaleigh's still got her steal a vote and idol and I'm sitting over here with my flopped advantages. Sigh. Kind of incredible of her to only have one vote against her so far AND IT'S FROM ME. She's killing it. Wait. Do I have the most votes out of our 3? I do! Well, that's something I guess. Maybe I could have played a more fluid game, and tried to get the majority alliance to eat each other from the inside of it, but there's no point in thinking about that now. I'm at Final 6 and that's very neat.
I’m running late again for the confession, anyways here for a good time! Not a long time LMFAO
Haven't heard from Jack all day, Champ messaged once. I'm pretty sure I'm going home tonight
Tribal Council
Kaleigh (Zee’s Stolen Vote): Zee
Alex: Zee (You’ve played SUCH a good game, and for all I know, you could still be here after this vote. It genuinely wouldn’t surprise me lmao. But here’s hoping this works. I enjoyed our pre-swap talks.)
Michael: Zee (you’ve played a wonderful game, sorry we didn’t really play together but that’s how it goes 🤷🏾‍♂️)
Jack: Alex (sorry babes we ain’t working together)
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