#side note: go read the henna artist
hauntedpearl · 2 years
this post is too long already but in my hennanatural au, cas grows the mehendi leaves in his backyard and then tells dean about all the oil+herb combinations people add to the paste to get henna to come out brighter and last longer. and dean tries every. single. one. of. them!
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httpslela · 2 years
I Was Made For Lovin’ You - 2.
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pairings: Ellie Williams x plus-size fem!reader.
warnings: none? idk i don’t think so.
proofread? yup.
author’s note: im so so so happy about the last chapter, im so thankful you liked it, thank you so much! please give feedback and have a nice reading ;)
other chapters here.
Despite the odds, Ellie thought her life was pretty good.
Her mother died when she was still a baby anf she stayed in an orphanage until she was a pre-teen. There, she met the person who completely changed her, her first best friend and first love, Riley.
Riley was fun and always made her laugh, Ellie looked up to her and had an unknown feeling towards her, that was until Riley kissed her during Truth or Dare, after curfew. Ellie was in shock, not even able to return the kiss right away. After that, the relationship between the two got a little weird. And then Riley was adopted.
Ellie got really sad and missed her friend a lot but at the same time, she was a little relieved, since the friendship was at the beginning of the end she felt like it was better for it to come to an end because of Riley moving to the other side of the world rather than because she stopped talking to her.
At 12, the most unexpected thing happened. Ellie was adopted. She figured that at her age, it would never happen and was already planning on turning 18 and getting out of there on her own. But when that middle-aged guy and his teenage daughter were waiting for her at the door with comforting smiles, ready to take her home, her plans changed.
Joel was kind of an asshole and was also a bit impatient, Ellie was clumsy and talked way too much, and that's why they made a funny pair to say the least, always picking on each other. Sarah, Joel's eldest daughter, tried not to take a side in this but would support Ellie on her pranks on Joel, their favorite pastime was to make fun of him together. They were a bit of an unconventional family, but it worked.
That same year, Ellie went to the only school in town and there, she met her best friends. Dina, the pretty and bossy girl, and Jesse, the friendly, caring guy. They made a great team despite the on-and-off relationship the other two had. They weren't very popular and despite Ellie's geeky personality, she wasn't exactly the smart geek type, so she had to rely on Dina's intelligence and Jesse's ability to pass exam answers without being seen by the teachers. Surprisingly, he never got caught.
Ellie’s world was turned upside down when she met the girl who had her down her knees, Y/N. Y/N was Dina and Jesse's best friend who they would talk so much about, Ellie thought she was really kind and so so beautiful and the cutest human being on the entire planet. When she saw that contagious smile and heard Y/N’s laugh after she made the worst joke ever for being so nervous around her when they first met, she knew she was fucked. Y/N was going to fuck up her life.
So she decided to try to forget. Try to ignore it.
She joined the lacrosse team and started making out with any and every girl who hit on her, short, tall, blonds, brunettes, a little older, a littler younger, almost any girl. That's how she met Cat, her first actual girlfriend. She was cool and funny, she was artistic and liked tattoos a lot, had some temporary henna tattoos and some real ones she hid from her parents. She got Ellie's first tattoo too, which she tried to hide from Joel, but he didn't mind it so much when he saw it and just told her to take good care of it, otherwise her hand would fall off and he would be the one to cut it. Their relationship was good and Ellie liked to hang out with Cat, but she felt like there was always something missing. She knew she'd been away from Y/N at that time and really missed her.
It was fun dating Cat, they were really good friends, but it wasn't what she wanted, who she wanted. Didn't take too long for them to break up, no hard feelings. Now, she just tried to ignore the overwhelming feeling that took over her.
Ellie wasn't afraid of many things, but she was terrified of losing Y/N. If her stupid feeling put their friendship at risk and she lost that girl, she wouldn't forgive herself.
So if the price to pay for having her around was that they needed to be just friends, so be it.
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i don’t really know where to start with this post but i was encouraged by @bulletfrootboyzz ... what to talk about?
right. jungkook’s possible real tattoos...
so, when a friend shared this picture with me -
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i honestly didn’t think it was jungkook’s hand because, well, i can’t see his face but i did read somewhere, right after seeing it, that it was posted by jungkook’s brother. but still, i was skeptical that it was jungkook because i said one of the tattoos is real, which is the one right by his thumb. i have tattoos so i know what a new tattoo looks like. that marking on the side of his hand by the thumb is raised, meaning, it’s new. also, people who saw jungkook in person during this time said the markings on his hand were stickers... i wasn’t there. i had to believe what the fans said, right? 
then airport pics are posted, bts is going to nz and what do we see? tada!! the tattoos;
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by this time, people are really thinking they’re real. but a lot say it’s henna. i mean, i thought they were pretty raised still... looking new. he could’ve had them retouched? so, if they were henna markings, i said, two weeks from the time they left for nz, it should be a lot more faded. or gone. we saw him try to hide his hand by covering it with a glove during the cns challenge and also hobi’s vlive where he stuck his hand down, even keeping it in his pocket the entire time in some instances.
but that fading or tats being gone didn’t really happen because a couple of days ago we got this:
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the markings are still there. they’re not as prominent as they did pre-nz trip but they’re there. and they look faded. not as faded as they would look if they were henna. the thing with hand tattoos is that they fade quicker than other tattoos on other part of the body because you use your hands a lot. if these aren’t real tattoos and they’re henna, THEN he had them retouched. but why do it if he’ll hide them most of the time? something i keep bringing up and i’m sure my online friends, mostly sae and sno @seoktoyourjin are probably tired of me bugging them about it... you guys are awesomeeeeee!!
look, i’ve been obsessed with his tattoos since i saw them, whether they’re real or not. but i’m mostly interested in the one tattoo that i keep seeing in other pictures, the one people don’t seem to talk about a lot... this one:
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(there is a cap of jungkook in one of the ads they recently did where you could see the thumb tattoo but i can’t find it right now... also, why am i the only person that seems to be talking about it????)
before i go on with the side hand/thumb tat, let me just say that i get why people think the tattoos are not real but regardless of what we say, they’re his and most people, the people i know at least, and personally speaking, we don’t get tattoos just to get them. they always have a meaning. so, however it appears to us, he’s gonna rock ‘em.
so, i’m discussing all this with @bulletfrootboyzz last night and i thought, ‘ya know, if those tats aren’t real then he keeps getting them retouched to hide the real tattoo.’
and what did people find on the net? a supposed image of jungkook revealing a sleeve tat posted by bts trainer, jinwoo:
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now, it’s not confirmed it is jungkook but people took look at the sandal and made conclusions. 
was i skeptical? the moment i saw it, i knew it was jungkook and it was real. because of this:
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the side tat...
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just one thing tho, it’s really uncool that people left the poor trainer nagging messages, asking if it’s jungkook. like, come on guys. just a note tho, jinwoo did take down the pic somehow and cropped the tatted arm. probably so he won’t get questioned. but damn, people, chill.
anyway. sleeve tat spotted during the riyadh concert. some people were not convinced but hey, look how they covered it up:
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anyway, a sleeve tat? could take a few hours to finish. outline alone takes time, then there’s filling in. so i see why he’d hang around the tat artists a lot. he could’ve had it done in one sitting but ya know, in my experience, some people do sessions. who knows how he had them done. i can’t wait to see them tho. they look really cool. jungkook’s an artist so it is most likely his original design. now who doesn’t want to see that???
this is a mess post. love me anyway.
- epiphany dude
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ayellowbirds · 6 years
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One last night. 
Tomorrow morning, I’ll post Part 29, while I work on Part 30. If, tomorrow, I write within the average number of words i’ve been doing? I’ll have finished NaNoWriMo for the third year, and if i add a bit more after that, i’ll have written a complete story for the second year in a row.
This has been a big undertaking, and it’s absorbed a huge part of my time. It’s been very emotionally rewarding, yes.
But emotional rewards aren’t the only thing I need.
Between car trouble and the news that my employment is ending early next year, i’m increasingly conscious of expenses. I’d really love to commission actual official illustrations for these books, but that’s outside of the present budget, excluding maybe something like one illustration paid for, per month. I do have an artist in mind, and i hope to work things out.
But first, i’m going to need funds to actually pay them.
If you’ve been enjoying what you read so far, and want to tip me even just a buck for the free entertainment, or help fund the creation of an actual finished text with illustrations, appendices, and other added content not included in the initial draft (or just help offset the cost of gas and groceries), then here’s the Paypal donation link for my household, and here’s my Ko-Fi link. 
If you missed the last update, or just want a refresher, then click this link.
And now, the pre-penultimate update:
The 29th of Vernary, 5647 CC
“It did what now?” Toiba asked, hopping up so near to the flame that she had to dance embers off her feet.
Waiting for Orangella’s reports through the flames had become the regular entertainment of the dungeon’s citizens, along with making bets on who and what would be brought back from Sheol. Scoloaster herself had a few pieces of treasure she’d squirreled away in a coffin riding on the possibility that Shiaroc’s mother would be among them, and so, she’d been waiting to hear the news. After all, Orangella refused to share who Cypora and the others had agreed to prioritize until after they learned how much in the way of souls the treasure they’d brought was worth.
“Dropped like a stone,” Orangella emphasized. “As soon as I put Vuègbòrd on the scale, it fell to the ground and wouldn’t rise up. The karishnikim kept piling some kind of weights on the other end, but it wouldn’t budge.”
“I saw you lift that sword like ‘twere nothing, Ella,” Bang said. “How’s it so suddenly heavy?”
“The scales measure worth, Bang,” she replied. “I don’t know if Almaz didn’t know what she had, or if she’s a bigger deal than we realized, but this thing’s monumental in value.”
“So, wait,” Keturah began. She stopped for a moment, seeming to collect her thoughts. “Do we get to bring back whomever we want?”
“Nah, they’re real strict about rules over here,” Orangella said, and sighed. “We have to go somewhere else, to meet with Q’dushah Herself, and get it weighed properly. No haggling, either.”
The 5th of Lumeary, 5647 CC
The journey from Kaf out to the great tower of Etzbamoreh had taken days, not in the least because, although there was a railroad, the train had to take a long route around hills and gorges. But it would have taken even longer to travel the wilderness on foot, especially with so large a party, and Caracosa insisted it was a bad idea if they didn’t want to stay in Sheol.
Cypora didn’t like the way Caracosa paused and looked wistful when she said that, though she seemed to snap with impatience when Cypora reminded her that they would resurrect her first of anyone.
Their party had divided; Yasker, Licoricia, Qurra, and Diadema had gone back to wait at the Sheol side of the dungeon, after Caracosa had pointed out that the rephaim they raised would awaken from their fugues once the price was paid. It would help to have someone there to explain the matter.
Etzbamoreh rose above the landscape from even a day’s journey away, a tower so tall that its peak pierced the wispy clouds of the dark sky, and so broad that once they were within walking distance—or floating distance, as Cypora tried to use her boots to levitate around, instead—that she could not see its horizontal boundaries, either.
“Are we meant to climb all the way up to the top to meet with Her?” Shiaroc asked as she helped Caracosa and Orangella unload their baggage from the train platform, the book with all of its details on the souls and costs of resurrection for the dead of the dungeon tucked under her left arm.
“I suppose I could fly up, but even that,” Cypora said without finishing the sentiment, craning her neck upwards. She could no longer even see even the sky-scraping upper levels, and the rounded stone exterior of the tower looked flat from the proximity of the train station.
Sefora came up beside her, looking up as well. “And what, bring Her all the way down? We don’t even know if She’s at the top. Could be she’s in the middle, assuming she’s not out somewhere else, like the angel.”
Cypora wondered about that, and sniffed the air. Something smelled like olive oil and coriander. “But She’s a, well, She’s Her. She’s a goddess. Couldn’t She be anywhere She wanted?”
“Yeah, probably,” Q’dushah said from where she was standing on Cypora’s other side, looking up at the tower, herself. “Dang, I forget sometimes how tall that is.”
Cypora fell into Sefora, winding up in a startled heap.
Q’dushah was the very image of how She was said to appear to prophets, mystics, and the otherwise devout, albeit at human scale. A woman of indeterminate age, whose head was that of a lion, and whose thoroughly-hennaed hands ended in claws like grain sickles. Cypora did make note that She very specifically had a mane, which made her wonder, and hope a bit more about the nature of the divine.
“You, um,” Cypora began.
“Me, yep,” Q’dushah replied, and leaned down to help Cypora up. “It’s nice to meet you before your time, Cypora, Sefora.”
She looked at the offered hand and its long razor-edged claws, and decided a bit of maiming might be less painful than slighting the goddess of death, the first thing in all of time that ever died. She tried not to let the relief show when the goddess’s grip did not slice off her hand at the wrist, and instead she was easily lifted back to her feet, pulling Sefora up with her without any harm to either of them. This close, it was obvious that the scent of anointing oils came from Q’dushah herself.
“So, I guess you know why we’re here,” Sefora said, “being a goddess, and all.”
“Yes, but it’s still nice to have someone to talk to without listening in on all that davening,” Q’dushah replied. She took a long stride over to greet Orangella and Shiaroc, and pet Sharf. As she did, Sefora leaned in to whisper to Cypora.
“She has the same color hair as you, eh?”
“Nu?” Cypora whispered back. “So’s more than half my family.”
Q’dushah turned to Caracosa. “It has been a while. Do you remember?”
Caracosa couldn’t nod, with how her head was held on in the armor. Her hand went to her neck, gradually. “Not much, but yes.”
“It’s good that you remained, for the others,” She said. “I can start fixing things, if you wish.”
Orangella hefted one of the bags up. “Ready for measuring, if you could show us where the scales are.”
She caught herself, and added, “oh Hallowed Lady.”
“Here, then,” Q’dushah replied, holding out one open hand. “We’ll start with the troublesome thing, that sword.”
Hesitating for a moment, Orangella looked to the others, especially Cypora. She nodded back at her, mouthing, “go ahead!”
When placed in the hand of the dead-but-not-unliving goddess, the the sword Vuègbòrd dropped ever so slightly, enough that it was noticeable that Q’dushah had to assert her strength to hold it up. She let out an inhuman chirp of surprise. “That’s very interesting. Let me see….”
She gestured with her other hand, and the book flew out from Shiaroc’s grasp, pages fluttering open and beginning to fly out as if on a breeze that moved where the goddess willed. Cypora saw enough of the pages as they flew past to realize they left the book in the order that they’d all agreed they’d prioritize resurrections and raisings of the dead. They landed in a stack in Q’dushah’s free hand, and she seemed to be weighing the pages against the sword.
More and more pages fluttered into her hand, and Cypora wondered just how much of the enormous book would be accounted for.
“Interesting,” Q’dushah said as the stack grew higher without sign of stopping. “Of these, I should warn you that many will not want to be resurrected.”
“Nu, raising them is fine, we assumed there would be many more haints and zombies,” Cypora replied.
“That is not what I mean, but, yes,” She corrected. The stack of papers was slowing, but still seemed to have a bit of rising left. “There are those who would prefer eternal rest, just as there are those who would prefer undeath. I will not force that choice upon them.”
At last, the covers of the book remained in Shiaroc’s grasp with about half the contents remaining. Several hundred pages sat high in Q’dushah’s outstretched hand, and the goddess seemed to be testing the weight of them. In spite of having just fluttered over through the air, they looked to Cypora like they were a lot weightier, in the goddess’s open palm.
“This is sort of unprecedented,” She growled, and holding up the sword, turned to Cypora. She continued to turn it about, examining it as though she could see details that its utterly black surface did not reveal to Cypora’s eyes. “I may, hrm.”
She fixed her gaze on the sheathed blade, something imperceptible in her dark feline eyes.
“We could start with the other treasures,” Orangella suggested, offering one of the bags. The goddess shook her head, long red locks swaying out wide.
“I do not like the idea of this remaining in mortal hands. I may have to do something I have never had to do before,” Q’dushah said, her tone far more serious than when she had greeted them. “I shall have to owe you.” 
The 6th of Lumeary, 5647 CC, in the living world
Scoloaster was the one who finally managed to speak. “We have credit with the goddess of death?”
“That seems to be the case,” Orangella replied. There was something odd about the light of the flame she was speaking through, which flared much brighter than normal when she made the connection, this time. “We’re going to need to be here for a while to work out the details, but Caracosa’s going to come through first to help guide people back as they’re resurrected.”
“So she’s really gonna…?” Keturah let the question hang in the air. She leaned back, and looked to Acantha, whispering, but not so quietly Scoloaster could not hear her. The senses of a dybbuk were sharp, even when possessing a suit of armor. “We kinda figured on her being a representative for the dead who didn’t want to be brought back.”
“Gonna be tricky, on account of her status as soon-to-be alive,” Bang agreed.
Scoloaster scoffed. “Whence did you get that idea?”
“Well, according to Cypora, Jayyida said that the older dead wouldn’t respect Qurra as a leader, so,” Keturah shrugged.
“It’s not because she’s alive,” Scoloaster explained. Honestly, the living could be so dense, pun intended. “It’s because she’s never been dead. She’s not even a gilgul.”
“So, because Miss Grandee has been dead, and I’m guessing for a good long while,” Bang observed, “folks what are dead will listen to her?”
“More than that, one supposes,” Scoloaster said. “Those who were dead and will soon be alive again. She was a military leader.”
She wondered if perhaps she could convince Caracosa to become an Avanturistyeger. It was great fun. 
The 6th of Lumeary, 5647 CC, in Sheol
Caracosa let out a terrible scream when she came back to life, and Cypora dropped to support her as she fell. On top of wearing armor, she was bigger and taller than Cypora. Strength wasn’t the question so much as just getting the right angle to hold her up.
“What’s wrong?” Cypora asked, bracing her. Caracosa was heaving, choking. All the color that had gone back into her had turned into an anguished flush.
“She’s been dead long enough that it’s a bit of a shock, suddenly feeling how empty her belly is, blood starting to flow again,” Q’dushah explained, holding out a bowl of some kind of broth. “Even having a beating heart and pumping lungs is going to be hard to cope with. Here, drink.”
Caracosa nearly buried her face in the bowl, and Cypora had to hold her hair back, not only to keep it out of the soup, but to keep her from drinking too fast. “Hey, pace yourself a bit. It’s not going anywhere, and you’re back. You’re all back.”
“Is this gonna happen to everyone who returns to life?” Sefora asked. She had insisted on several people in particular, and Cypora suspected she was worried about them suffering.
“Different people react differently,” Q’dushah replied. “I will have some food available back at your dungeon, and I recommend that you arrange for that on the living side, as well.”
Orangella nodded, readying a candle to light to light to link to the fires at the dungeon. “Who’s coming back first? I’ll need to tell them what to prepare, after all.”
As Caracosa finished drinking down the soup, she collapsed into Cypora’s lap, breathing heavily but seeming to calm. Cypora looked to Shiaroc, who was holding the stack of papers the goddess had returned to them. They’d spent more time going over her letters, and Shiaroc was a fast enough student that she was starting to grasp at least enough to guess at names when she saw the illustrations on each page.
“If Yasker and Diadema are there, we should bring back those who would know them, first,” she said. She plucked out a smaller stack of pages from the bulk. “The small folk, for the first? Shreteles, kapelyushnikles, leprechauns.”
“I can do that,” Caracosa said, starting to stand. Cypora helped her up, and the older woman gave her a strange look. “You’re a lot stronger than you look, honey.”
The 11th of Lumeary, 5647 CC
When Caracosa Grandee returned through the ring of mirrors in the grove to the land of the living, she had had time to freshen up and change into more comfortable—yet grandiose attire. The only exception was a growth of pale stubble that had returned along with her breath and the flow of blood. Scoloaster was waiting for her, along with the Widows, Bang, Keturah, and nearly every living shretele and kapelyushnikle. That the small folk tended not to menace adventurers in the dungeon had never been a deterrent to the greediest of their kind, and small size along and magical trickery was perhaps the only reason as many survived as had. Of the smaller population of leprechauns, none remained alive in the dungeon, until that day.
Behind Caracosa—in all the finery of her old cavalry uniform restored, her cape billowing out impressively as she took long steps out of the grove—a crowd of tiny people returned to the land of the living. A cheer went up that living ears could not hear in its entirety, and there were many fond embraces.
And amidst the conversation and explanations, words of gratitude on tiny mouths. A building cheer as more and more agreed on what was the ultimate reason they’d been restored to life, in many cases after a great, long time. Who it was who had pushed for treasure to be returned to the dungeon, and then used for its inhabitants.
It wasn’t that she had suggested anything particularly clever, or that nobody in the dungeon had ever thought of it, Scoloaster knew. It was a matter of the timing of it, and a stubbornness that cut through convention to get to what made sense, rather than what they’d all gotten used to as the facts of life. The cheer went up in the name of the girl who came in and gave that last little push everyone needed to do something about everything that had gone wrong, to do more than simply survive.
In the ultrasonic chirps of the shreteles, Yasker led the cheer, “Cypora! Queen Cypora!”
The 23rd of Lumeary, 5647 CC
When Caracosa returned the second time, the stubble starting to turn into wispy hints of sideburns was oiled down slick in a metropolitan style, and she fussed at it in the way those trying to seem charmingly roguish often did. She was accompanied by Diadema, along with those among the formerly-dead who had been more beastly and varied, but she was also followed most closely by Licoricia. The girl was apparently trying to learn the trick of traveling between the worlds of the living and dead.
A varied crowd of bigfoots—or perhaps the right plural was bigfeet—greeted Bang warmly, as did, to Scoloaster’s surprise, a few se’irim.
“Call yourself an anti-paladin?” she heard one say, seeming impressed. “Can anyone get in on that?”
A ‘small’ giant had managed to almost get herself through the gate of the opening, and Bang excused himself to lend a hand in easing her through without breaking anything, but the new hangers-on were following.
More of the white beasts that often accompanied Diadema had come through, joining their packmates and expressing what Scoloaster supposed was joy, and other pale creatures that must have been their near kin; one more bipedal beast with horns and a thick tail, a half dozen others that stood fully upright and bore long claws. This last group had managed to get through the gate with ease where  the giantess was having trouble, in spite of standing just as tall at easily twice the height of a very tall human. She supposed they might have been like some small furry animals, more hair than flesh and bones, allowing them to squeeze through.
On the subject of furry things, a great many taily-pos had returned, and Rifka excitedly told them of her adventures with the Avanturistyegers. Scoloaster thought that it would be unfair to bet on whether every last one would join the next excursion.
Other creatures and critters arrived; many of which Scoloaster would not have known for fully intelligent members of the community if she had not been so long in and about the dungeon. A thing like a cross between a small dog and a teapot, a cylindrical monster that giddily rolled itself about, and all kinds of stranger birds and beasts.
Far up above, Toussaint was applauding.
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soundcheckmnl · 5 years
The country’s biggest, loudest, and most exciting all-OPM festival is BACK!
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Cheers to another year for OPM! In celebration for this momentous occasion, we are bringing back RAKRAKAN FESTIVAL as we become BIGGER, LOUDER, and BOLDER! Oh, we just can’t get enough OPM in our veins, don’t we? Well, get ready to make history AGAIN as we celebrate Peace, Love, and Music with astounding back-to-back performances from our roster of OPM’s finest artists on March 1-2, 2019 at the Globe Circuit Event Grounds! Yep, you read it right—TWO DAYS of Rakrakan Festival this year because one day just won’t be enough to satisfy our OPM cravings.
It would still be a massive production set-up complete with 120 OPM artists, 6 stages (with 3stages per day), skateboarding competitions, live art exhibitions, a merch bazaar, carnival games—name it!
What’s the complete band line-up, though? Well, you gotta stay on the lookout as we drop ‘em in the days to come! We’re still spicing things a bit to give you one hell of a rock n’ roll experience that will leave you a week-long festival hangover!
And if 6 music-filled stages aren’t enough to satisfy of an OPM fan, “Rakrakan Festival 2019 Peace, Love, and Music” offers these pocket events to maximize the Rakrakan experience:
 Skateboarding Exhibition and Competition – a staple since 2013, the skateboarding exhibition and competition feature a free-for-all skateboarding area for attendees, with freebies and prizes at stake for contest participants in several categories including Best Run and Best Trick.  Street Art Contest – five street art teams will endeavor to bring their creativity to life in this activity; winning teams will be judged based on their originality, style, and design. In addition, a “freedom wall” will be setup for all guests who wish to express their creativeness and leave their impression for future generations of OPM supporters.  Merch Exhibit – currently the largest congregation of indie merchandisers in Metro Manila, with over 70 brands participating annually. Festival-goers will find everything here from tees and tank tops to shorts and jeans, jackets, socks, jewelry, footwear, artworks, sunglasses, pins, caps, toys, and plenty of other goods at very affordable prices!  “Peace, Love, and Music” efforts shall also be undertaken in cooperation with several advocacy groups such as LoveYourself, Peace & Equity Foundation, United Nations (Philippines), Global Peace Youth, Act for Peace, and more in order to educate the audience regarding awareness of several advocacies about social issues in the country.  Side activities such as face painting and henna tattooing, brand-sponsored games, information drives, and artist meet-and-greet (for VIP ticket holders) will be there to complement the whole festival experience. Note this! Rakrakan Festival goers wearing
WHITE will be given a free baller upon entrance while goers wearing RED will be given a free rose as a symbol of love!
Tickets are now available at all SM Tickets outlets nationwide! Prices are as follows: 1 DAY PASS: Pre-Sale: PHP 400 Door Price: PHP 500 VIP: PHP 1500 2 DAY PASS: Pre-Sale: PHP 700 Door Price: PHP 1000 VIP: PHP 2000
So, are you going for Day 1? Or Day 2? Better yet, go for Day 1 AND Day 2! Don’t miss it! “Rakrakan Festival 2019: Peace, Love, and Music” is presented by Rakista Radio and Red Horse Beer Muziklaban; co-presented by Dickies; with Official Venue Partner, Circuit Makati. Visit www.rakrakanfestival.com for more details.
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nisestylez · 6 years
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75+ Unique Collar Bone Tattoos
If you want to catch attention then go for a collarbone tattoo. This is the perfect way to highlight your clavicle. Rihanna has a very beautiful tattoo on her collarbone. It says “never a failure, always a lesson” in reverse. She did this in such a way that she can read it in the mirror.
However, even if you are not a celebrity, you can still flaunt a collarbone tattoo. You can search the web and you will discover numerous awesome tattoo designs inked on both men and women all over the world. Yet, the quickest way is to simply scroll down since we have gathered some of the best collarbone tattoos below.
80 Best Collarbone Tattoo Ideas
Rihanna Collarbone Tattoo
Rihanna’s beautiful collarbone tattoo is written backward. It is a tattoo quote that says “Never a Failure, Always a Lesson”. She can easily read it when she is in front of the mirror.
Men’s Collar Bone Tattoos
David Beckham has a lot of tattoos on his body. On his collarbone, he inked the name of his daughter, Harper.
Unique Collar Bone Tattoos
Zayn Malik has two collarbone tattoos. On his right side, he inked the word “Friday.” On the left side is an Arabic tattoo quote which means “Be True to Who You Are”.
Tattoo For Collarbone
Harry Styles has about 30 different tattoos on his body. On his left collarbone, he tattooed it with 17 BLACK, this is James Bond’s lucky gambling number.
Justin Bieber Collarbone Tattoo
Justin Bieber has a total of 56 tattoos on his body. According to the Canadian singer, “It seems like I have a lot of stuff”. He has two collarbone tattoos. The roman numeral tattoo on his left collarbone represents the year his mom was born. How sweet! Pattie Mallette, Justin’s mom, shared her sentiments by saying, “I wish he didn’t have tattoos but I do like them. I’m torn. Weird, right?” On the other hand, the crown tattoo on his right collarbone is believed to be his tribute to Michael Jackson, the king of pop.
Small Collarbone Tattoo
Chris Evans has a tattoo on his collarbone. Do you know what it says? It is actually a famous quote from Eckhart Tolle, “When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.”
Best Collarbone Tattoo
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Shailene Woodley has a Divergent tattoo near her collarbone. These bird tattoos represent Tris’s family members.
Bird Collarbone Tattoo
Using the swallow image as a tattoo is not actually new. This classic bird design looks fluttering on the collarbone.
Collar Bone Tattoo For Girl
This tattoo represents the autumn leaves blown by the wind. The tattoo artist did not fill each leaf with a solid color, instead he shades them creatively.
Small Collarbone Tattoo Ideas
This is a small yet very meaningful tattoo. Don’t hide your feelings. Show it to the world!
Best Collar Bone Tattoo Quotes
The collarbone is the perfect spot for this awesome tattoo. At the same time, it blends well into the existing shoulder tattoo.
Tree of Life Collar Bone Tattoos
A tree tattoo represents growth. This tree is a symbol of life.
Collar Bone Tattoo Designs
When it comes to bird tattoos, there are a lot of options. You could use an eagle, a dove, a sparrow, a raven, and others. In this tattoo, the artist draws five similar birds flying in the same direction.
Collar Bone Flower Tattoos
A beautiful and colorful flower tattoo placed on the collarbone.
Collarbone Quote Tattoo
“Powerful beyond measure” is a great line from Marianne Williamson. It’s also a popular tattoo! This tattoo has a bold placement and an awesome font.
Collar Bone Butterfly Tattoos
With collar bone tattoos, you’ll have a chance to express yourself.
Small Collar Bone Tattoo For Girl
This is the French word for happiness and good humor.
Girl Collarbone Tattoo
The collarbone is the best tattoo placement for those who want to convey a message.
Collarbone And Shoulder Tattoos
With script tattoos, you can express your beliefs.
Collarbone Tattoo Small
This tattoo has a special meaning to the bearer.
Whimsical Small Collar Bone Tattoos
A small tattoo design inked on the collarbone can really grab a great deal of attention. This is a beautiful colored dragonfly tattoo. It appears that this design is actually inked on the bone area.
Small Bike Tattoo Collar Bone
Most women feel sexy with tiny tattoo designs.
Collar Bone Tattoo Guys
Wrap around collarbone tattoos is an excellent option for those who wouldn’t mind the pain involved in getting bigger tattoos.
Butterfly Collarbone Tattoos
Script tattoos are the top choice for collarbone tattoos.
Below Collar Bone Tattoo
Collarbone tattoos can highlight one of the sexiest parts of your body.
Dragonfly Tattoo
Collar bone tattoos can be placed on one side or both.
Collarbone Tattoo Men
This tattoo covers a larger portion around the collarbone.
Collar Bone Tattoo For Females
Small tattoo designs can include symbols such as hearts, musical notes, feathers, and stars.
3d Nails Tattoo Collarbone
The clavicle can also be adorned with 3D tattoos since they look perfect and charming.
Collar Bone Stars Tattoo
This is an amazing example of a colored tattoo. It makes people wonder whether the stars are extended at the back. With collar bone tattoos, you can create a mystery!
Collarbone Tattoo Little Quotes Ideas
Sometimes choosing a tattoo design can be overwhelming. This particular tattoo design is a reminder for us that it doesn’t have to be perfect. Clavicle tattoos are very versatile!
Sun Tattoo
Sun tattoo designs are extremely hot.
Script Letters on Collar Bone
Script tattoos can be a name or initials of a loved one or it can be a favorite quotation which reflects your personality.
Rose Collarbone Tattoo
Floral collarbone tattoos are mostly chosen by women since they are more feminine in nature.
Compass Tattoo With Phrase
Back then, compass tattoos are only worn by Navy personnel, but nowadays, this design can be seen on most tattoo lovers.
Collar Bone Tattoos With Meaning
There are endless designs and ideas for collarbone tattoos.
Collarbone Tattoo Quote
Beauty is imperfection. Do you agree?
Collarbone Tattoo Flower
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Floral designs are a fabulous option for collarbone tattoos since they represent purity, beauty, and love.
Cute Clavicle Tattoos for Women
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Impressive collarbone tattoos can make you look unique and distinct from others.
Under Collar Bone Tattoos
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You can have a single star or a group of star tattoos on your collarbone.
Collarbone Tattoo Quote Ideas
“Heart means everything,” is part of the lyrics of the song “Colder Than My Heart If You Can Imagine.”
Bird Tattoos
Birds are naturally faithful and devoted.
Wonderful Arabic Tattoo On Collarbone
The Arabic script is a great tattoo design since it looks really elegant and creative.
Cool Collar Bone Tattoo Ideas
Getting a collar bone tattoo is not an easy decision. However, this is an excellent way of showing off your personality.
Good Quotes For Collar Bone Tattoos
“She flies by her own wings,” is the motto of U.S. state of Oregon.
Norcal Star Tattoo Designs
Star tattoos for men are becoming more popular these days.
Heart Collarbone Tattoo
You can put a quote, name, or a variety of symbols on your collarbone.
3D Tattoo Design
A fantastic 3D tattoo design can only be done by a seriously talented tattoo artist.
Simple Collarbone Tattoo
Exquisite collar bone design with delicate and dainty wording.
Arrow Tattoo Design For Collarbone
First timers usually prefer arrow tattoos because of its simplicity.
Small Tattoos
Both men and women boldly wear sayings that are inspirational or meaningful to them.
Flower Collar Bone Tattoos
Every tattoo is a unique work of art of the tattoo artist.
Wanderlust Tattoo
If you have a strong desire to travel, then this is the right tattoo for you.
Collarbone Name Tattoos
Collarbone tattoos can include dates and names in memorial of your loved one.
Girls Collar Bone Tattoos
Getting a collarbone tattoo takes a lot of confidence and boldness.
Mens Collar Bone Tattoo Ideas
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Collarbone tattoos are an essential part of fashion.
Henna Tattoo Collarbone
If you love drawing attention to your collarbones, then this is a good place for your first tattoo.
Tiny Collar Bone Tattoo
Clavicle tattoos can range from a single word to extremely detailed sayings.
Cherry Blossom Tattoo
Cherry blossom flowers only bloom in spring. In Japan, they are also known as “Sakura”.
Collarbone Writing Tattoos
“Take these broken wings and learn to fly” is part of the song “Broken Wings.”
Collarbone Cover Up Tattoos
These brilliant red roses are used as a cover-up tattoo.
Collarbone Tattoos Quotes
Aime comme tu l’entends,’ is a French phrase which means ‘Love as thou Wilt’, taken from Jacqueline Carey’s Kushieline Series.
Cute Collar Bone Tattoo Ideas
Floral designs are a favorite in tattoo art, probably because of its extensive variety.
Clavicle Tattoo For Women
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“You make me happy when skies are grey”, is part of the song “You Are My Sunshine.”
Awesome Bird Tattoo Design For Collarbone
This cute collar bone tattoo features a flying bird and three tiny birds in a branch of a cherry blossom tree. It is done with fine lines and softer colors.
Collar Bone Tattoos Ideas
The most popular collarbone tattoos are word or sayings written in various types of fonts.
Collar Bone Tattoos Flowers
Flower tattoos convey femininity, making them a popular choice among women.
Female Collar Bone Tattoo
Hakuna Matata means “no worries”. Everything happens for a reason and they are beyond your control.
Infinity Tattoo
Infinity tattoo designs look very simple yet they are very meaningful.
Feather Collarbone Tattoo
“All good things are wild and free.” These words are found in Henry David Thoreau’s lecture “Walking”.
Beautiful Collarbone Cover Up Tattoo
Collarbone tattoos offer an extensive variety of designs. They can vary from very tiny designs to big ones.
Best Collarbone Tattoo Designs
Time is everything so watch who you spend it with.
Tribal Sun Tattoo
The sun is the ultimate source of life. It has numerous meanings including strength, growth, endurance, and many more.
Awesome Collarbone Tattoo
The collarbone is the perfect spot for quotes tattoo.
Butterfly Collar Bone Tattoos
If you want to make a statement, then you should get a collarbone tattoo.
Tiny Collar Bone Tattoos
Tiny tattoos are placed strategically on the collarbone.
Collar Bone Tattoos For Men
These collar bone tattoos are perfect for guys who are seeking attention.
Collar Bone Tattoos For Guys
“Alis volat propriis” means “She flies with her own wings.”
Cross Tattoos
Сross tattoos are one of the most common designs used by tattoo lovers.
Male Collarbone Tattoo Designs
The collarbone is usually always visible, hence you must opt for a design which means a lot to you.
Collarbone Tattoo Price: How Much Is It?
Generally, tattoo shops charge per hour. Very talented tattoo artists may charge you between $100 and $250 per hour. Take note that the standard is $150 per hour. For instance, if the whole design takes 15 hours to finish and the artist charges you with $150 per hour, then the total cost would be $1500. Obviously, this amount does not include the tip.
However, some tattoo shops require you to pay a minimum amount of approximately $100 for each tattoo. This means that even if you only want a small, simple design that can be finished in less than an hour, you are obliged to pay the minimum amount.
It’s best to talk to the tattoo artist first and get a quotation from him. Sometimes the charge will also depend on the size of your tattoo. For instance, if your collarbone tattoo design is 5″ by 5″ and the artist will charge $10 per square inch, then you’ll have to pay $250.
If you want a text tattoo, then you might think that you will be charged for each letter. However, there is no standard price for each tattooed letter. This is because it will depend on the font size, font type, and location of the tattoo. Most often, tattoo artists will charge you per hour. Therefore, you must ask the artist how long will it take. Usually, a small tattoo design can be finished in less than an hour. A medium-sized tattoo design will probably take less than two hours to finish.
Collarbone Tattoo Pain: How Bad Does It Hurt?
Getting a collarbone tattoo can be a painful process, particularly in some sensitive parts of your body. These are the areas wherein the skin is thinner and more sensitive. Some say that a tattoo on your collarbone is more painful since it’s on your bone and any part of your body where there is bone is surely painful. That is why you should concentrate more so you can finish the session. People who claim that collarbone tattoos do not hurt are probably not telling the truth. Actually, the intensity of the pain varies from one person to another. Some people can tolerate the pain while others can’t. It will also depend on the area where the design is drawn. Perhaps the best way to minimize the pain is to opt for something that can inspire and motivate you.
A collarbone tattoo can be seen both in men and women. Some people say that getting a collarbone tattoo is very painful. However, considering that there are a lot of people getting this tattoo, it is safe to say that the pain is not a hindrance. The designs can range from full chest tattoos to dainty quote tattoos. Most people opt for a collarbone tattoo to make a style statement. While a few people get them to express their beliefs. There are also some people who use this area to show off their artistic side. Regardless what your goal is, it is quite obvious that collar bone tattoos are not just a trend yet they are here to stay.
One of the most popular designs for collarbone tattoos is a quote or word tattoo. There are a number of fonts to choose from. Most often, tattoo lovers choose mottos or phrases that can motivate them in their daily life. This type of tattoos can be made of a single word only or a group of words.
Collar bone tattoos give you the chance to expose your personality. Additionally, you can make it as visible as you want it to be. Want to show off your collar bone tattoo? If so then, simply wear a low-collar shirt. Covering it up is very easy. Just wear a high-collar shirt. Since the collarbone is a very noticeable area, then it can become the center of attraction and can quickly grab some attention wherever you go. If you want numerous tattoos then your collarbone can be your centerpiece. You can also extend your design to your back. However, coming up with a good idea can be very crucial. When it comes to collarbone tattoos, choose designs which have deeper meanings.  If you are not yet ready to have a permanent ink on your body, then you can wear temporary collarbone tattoos.
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beowulfs-booty-call · 7 years
*Chugs drink then slams glass on table but not hard enough to break anything* LEMME HEAR BOUT YOUR OC'S
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SO Demi is an Incubus living in the city of “The Underground” similar to a city like Manhattan; He first came as a human taking a trip home from a night out in the city, and suddenly winds up within the city of monsters, demons, and other unexplained beings.
 He’s turned against his will into a demon by another character, a strip club owner, only known as Persephone, who runs the Fleur de Grenade with her attendant Hades. While he doesn’t quite recall his history as a human, Demi earns his new name from Persephone and works as a dancer in the club as, really, he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. However, it’s the introduction of @alolanbeowulf ‘s OC who travels through different worlds, Olliver, that convinces him to stay rather than to journey through the mysterious city.
You see, The Underground is a place divided by gang wars, demons and their worshippers, gods tossed from their shrines and other things left in the depths of well... Purgatory, if anything. The Gods control the weather, the people, the lifestyle, and their followers reap from the benefits. Each division is usually a District or a Community (Debating on either) where Demi lives, is District Eros, ruled by Persephone. 
As of now, it’s unknown what or who Persephone is. Rather, she simply is known as Persephone, the other fallen gods of the districts aren’t as joyously grateful to newcomers or potential threats. The Underground’s way of life, particularly Eros, is that of lust. Your desires are amplified, sex is king, and there is always a party which usually becomes something darker or worse yet, a District related attack. 
It’s said demons like Lucifer hide out in the city, while monsters of unparalleled appearances creep and lurk in the cover of darkness, the city hoisted by an ocean of murkiness and forebode. I actually wrote about some of the scenery in my writing tag, if you’d like, totally take a look sometime as well!
On Demi’s side, he’s aware that he’s not “like the other demons” and yearns to find out the truth. Though Olliver is his best friend and roommate, Demi actually slips off from their apartment to find himself in some way, shape or form. He’s a very laid back and kind guy, and apologizes frequently, mainly, due to being captured as a sex slave by a demon summoner who summoned him after being sought out in Persephone’s club. As it stemmed, Demi’s original personality was lost after becoming an Incubus by Persephone’s “gemstone” he wears as a choker; Thus, when summoned by the strange demon summoner, Demi developed his persona through the interactions he had with the summoner and creatures within The Underground while enslaved. He doesn’t like to talk on it, but because he was enslaved, he was abused to the point of fearing that he was only ever useful for sex, and magic, as the summoner would routinely drain him of whatever energies the Incubus would garner to use in spells and rituals. 
It was when the summoner tried to use the gem wrapped around Demi’s neck, that effectively stole back all of Demi’s energy, sapping the kidnapper to skin and bones. Horrified and intrigued, Demi slipped away, taking the books of his capturer and his key: Naked and reborn into a world that he feared and detested. Persephone found him again, through her own agents, and brought him to her club once more, offering to allow him to forget what he had been through and become one of “her court” once more. Refusing politely to forget, Demi took back the job of becoming a dancer once more, and easily began to use magic from the writings his captor had previously read. 
To this day, Demi summons demons and monsters for not only his usage, but also as guidance, he conjures the goddess Parvati after months of researching and practice to obtain his memories through a demonic contract, only to find the goddess calling him by a completely different name: “Chris”. Confused and distraught by the new persona, Parvati is overwhelmed by the theoretical fact that her previous contractee, her “child” is if anything, dead, and Demi is the husk she has left. Vowing to protect him and guide him back to his previous life, she forms a contract with him, a piece of his memory coming back in the form of Parvati hugging a young child closely while a dark figure watches far behind. 
Ah! Before I forget, Demi’s name comes from Demetri, and as he began his witchcraft and magic studying, has taken up numerous names to bring to life his “memories” and feelings. He wears the same rolled-up sleeved red flannel as he did when he first arrived in The Underground and is never seen without it. As an Incubus, he has horns which curl slightly back, and keeps his hair windswept into a faux mohawk, or, just combed over since dancing and a tight schedule generally does not give him time to routinely check himself up besides a quick one-two. 
He carries his keys hooked onto his pants, attached to a rubber cord which he can effortlessly pull and swing into a makeshift weapon, the action itself coming as near instinct to him.
- He’s actually pansexual/bi but is leaning towards men as preference.
- He’s an artist, but he doesn’t know why or how he can draw, he has a habit of summoning Parvati to draw henna all over his body, which has recently become a hot topic within the city. He can also control others and even change them through painting or drawing their portrait, effectively making him feared through his unconventional pictomancy
- He doesn’t trust Persephone, but works under and with her because as she said herself, compared to the other Gods and leaders, she’s at the most, more concerned of her people than herself.
- He fell in love with someone once before, but, he stays as their friend when he realized that they simply found someone who makes them happy (It’s what he wants for them in the first place)
- He has the unusual habit of shaving apple skins because he hates the actual skins. (He claims its because he saw once how dirty the food in The Underground can be, but would eat Persephone’s Pomegranates without a peep)
- A health fanatic, Demi is constantly toying with exercise regimes, trends, and tries haphazardly to get Olliver into lifting, dancing, or whatever is on mind for the first fifteen minutes. If he eats something he knows is potentially “unhealthy”, you can find him obsessively squatting or lifting to work off what was given.
- He’s very fond of magic, and finds numerous ways to blend magic into his line of work
- Can be found singing to his plant pot full of succulents when not actively dancing or summoning demons
- While is “around” his 20′s, he still acts like a child in that he is naive and craves to understand the world. Many times it’s Olliver who has to help rope him out of situations that spiral out of control; other times, it’s Demi who helps Olliver with key quotes and odd phrases when the going gets rough.
- Loves the company of Wolves, in one instance when he went missing, he was found with a pack of wolves among him, he didn’t understood why, but he felt it was “natural” to be amongst them.
- Does card readings on a daily basis and can foretell events to come, this gives him a sense of hopelessness in the people he comes across, that he cannot do much to change their fate. He is still optimistic however that fate can be changed.
- In reality, while Demi is becoming his own person and being and tries to find who he was before, Parvati knows deep down, that the real Demi is nothing like the copy. It’s the copy’s personality that is in fact, a mere shell of what was previously taken away. If anything, Demi is a figment of imagination in the paradox of Persephone altering his original fate.
- Is an unapologetic fan of funk and disco music
- Wants to learn how to wrestle, but is mostly in it for the excuse of wearing skimpy outfits
- Has and will continue “changing” people for the good of their fates. Has also been caught making a random stranger’s body grow huge just to see what it was like to pictomance once.
- Is usually noted as the most optimistic and polite person of The Underground (Not a good thing)
- Has formed contracts with Baphomet, Lilith, Parvati, Fae folk, and others
- Claimed to be friends with Cthulhu
- Afraid of being abandoned and has recurring nightmares of such.
- Haunted by a dark man who claims to be the “Shadow of the collective unconsciousness” in his dreams.
Last but not least,
- Knows who exactly is the true enemy of The Underground.
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pinasfm955-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on Pinas FM 95.5
New Post has been published on http://www.pinasfm.com/the-countrys-biggest-loudest-and-most-exciting-all-opm-festival-is-back/
The country’s biggest, loudest, and most exciting all-OPM festival is BACK!
Cheers to another year for OPM! In celebration for this momentous occasion, we are bringing back RAKRAKAN FESTIVAL as we become BIGGER, LOUDER, and BOLDER! Oh, we just can’t get enough OPM in our veins, don’t we? Well, get ready to make history AGAIN as we celebrate Peace, Love, and Music with astounding back-to-back performances from our roster of OPM’s finest artists on March 1-2, 2019 at the Globe Circuit Event Grounds! Yep, you read it right—TWO DAYS of Rakrakan Festival this year because one day just won’t be enough to satisfy our OPM cravings.
It would still be a massive production set-up complete with 120 OPM artists, 6 stages (with 3 stages per day), skateboarding competitions, live art exhibitions, a merch bazaar, carnival games—name it!
What’s the complete band line-up, though? Well, you gotta stay on the lookout as we drop ‘em in the days to come! We’re still spicing things a bit to give you one hell of a rock n’ roll experience that will leave you a week-long festival hangover!
And if 6 music-filled stages aren’t enough to satisfy of an OPM fan, “Rakrakan Festival 2019: Peace, Love, and Music” offers these pocket events to maximize the Rakrakan experience:
  Skateboarding Exhibition and Competition – a staple since 2013, the skateboarding exhibition and competition feature a free-for-all skateboarding area for attendees, with freebies and prizes at stake for contest participants in several categories including Best Run and Best Trick.
    Street Art Contest – five street art teams will endeavor to bring their creativity to life in this activity; winning teams will be judged based on their originality, style, and design. In addition, a “freedom wall” will be setup for all guests who wish to express their creativeness and leave their impression for future generations of OPM supporters.
    Merch Exhibit – currently the largest congregation of indie merchandisers in Metro Manila, with over 70 brands participating annually. Festival-goers will find everything here from tees and tank tops to shorts and jeans, jackets, socks, jewelry, footwear, artworks, sunglasses, pins, caps, toys, and plenty of other goods at very affordable prices!
  “Peace, Love, and Music” efforts shall also be undertaken in cooperation with several advocacy groups such as LoveYourself, Peace & Equity Foundation, United Nations (Philippines), Global Peace Youth, Act for Peace, and more in order to educate the audience regarding awareness of several advocacies about social issues in the country.
  Side activities such as face painting and henna tattooing, brand-sponsored games, information drives, and artist meet-and-greet (for VIP ticket holders) will be there to complement the whole festival experience. Note this! Rakrakan Festival goers wearing WHITE will be given a free baller upon entrance while goers wearing RED will be given a free rose as a symbol of love!
Tickets are now available at all SM Tickets outlets nationwide! Prices are as follows:
Pre-Sale: PHP 400
Door Price: PHP 500
VIP: PHP 1500
Pre-Sale: PHP 700
Door Price: PHP 1000
VIP: PHP 2000
So, are you going for Day 1? Or Day 2? Better yet, go for Day 1 AND Day 2! Don’t miss it!
Visit www.rakrakanfestival.com for more details.
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gossipgirl2019-blog · 6 years
Chickasaw Mudd Puppies Play the Bot Garden, and More Music News and Gossip
New Post has been published on http://gr8gossip.xyz/chickasaw-mudd-puppies-play-the-bot-garden-and-more-music-news-and-gossip/
Chickasaw Mudd Puppies Play the Bot Garden, and More Music News and Gossip
PORCH SONGS: Legendary stomp-blues band Chickasaw Mudd Puppies will play the State Botanical Garden of Georgia Tuesday, Aug. 28 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for garden members and $5 for ages 6–12. Organizers note that the “ticket price for this outdoor concert includes beverages and light snacks. Chairs [are] allowed on concession level only; picnic blankets [are] encouraged on other levels.” So, keep that in mind. Time was, circa ’88–’92-ish, that you couldn’t throw a rock in Athens without hitting a townie dressed in overalls and worn-out work boots in Mudd Puppies fashion. But, I suppose since the garden is literally filled with glass houses, it’s probably a good thing the stone-throwing has subsided. The Puppies’ shows always brought some high energy to whatever event they were playing, and this will likely be a cool place to see them, too. For more information, see facebook.com/botgarden and botgarden.uga.edu.
FIND THE RIVER: The annual fundraiser held by the Broad River Watershed Association will happen at the 40 Watt Club Saturday, Aug. 25. Doors open at 7 p.m. Featured artists include former local Nic Goodson (Sleepy Horses), who hasn’t played in town in a while, as well as Leaving Countries, Summer Hymns, Joe Willey and the Movin’ Men and Diet Dangfly. Spoken-word performances are courtesy of Davis Ripley Keller and Bret Eades. The master of ceremonies is Veronica Darby. Advance tickets are $10, and more information can be had by visiting 40watt.com and brwa.org.
SING OUT LOUD, SING OUT STRONG: What if I told you that, if you’re a UGA student, you could combine your love of ecology with your love for a capella? Well, you’re in luck, crunchy! The UGA Ecotones are holding auditions for new members at the Odum School of Ecology Sunday, Aug. 26 at 6 p.m. If you’re interested, prepare a verse and chorus from two songs of differing styles. Organizers also mention that they’re in need of vocal percussionists, too. The Ecotones perform at many events throughout the year and hold their own big end-of-year concert, too, so don’t audition if you aren’t willing to go the distance. For more information, see facebook.com/ugaecotones.
AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME: A few weeks ago, I mentioned that AthFactor Entertainment was hosting a screening of the early-1990s movie Juice. Unfortunately, that screening was canceled, but it’s been rescheduled for Friday, Aug. 24 at 10 p.m. at Ciné. As always, your hosts Montu Miller and Chief Rocka will host an after-event gathering in the Ciné lab, where Rocka will spin tunes. All are welcome for this post-film hang, even if you miss the screening. The music for the night is planned to be a major mega-mix of 1990s hip hop, so match your shoes to your hat and keep one strap of your overalls loose. Also of note: This is the second time in a single column I’ve mentioned overalls, so don’t tell me there’s not some symmetry happening here. For more information, see facebook.com/athfactor.
GET GROOVY: Project Safe, committed to ending domestic violence and supporting its victims, will host its annual Groovy Nights lip sync battle Saturday, Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. at The Foundry. The theme this year is “The Battle of the Decades: ’70s vs. ’80s,” which is a match so primed for battle I can hear the machinations of cola wars buzzing as we speak. This night is to be filled with “dancing, lip sync contests, out-of-this-world hairdos, costume contests, henna tattoos, tarot readings and snack and drink specials from the past.” Tickets are $25, and student tickets are $18. Yeah, that’s a little on the high side, but this is a fundraiser, y’all, and Project Safe does good work, so cough it up. For more information, see project-safe.org and facebook.com/PrjectSafeInc (no, there’s no O in that URL.)
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aliciamccollum-blog · 6 years
Stunning and Ravishing Biker Jewelry: This Is No Longer a Fad
To make a right fashion declaration, one calls for having an awesome 2018 Mehndi designs  feel of dressing at the side of being assured and carrying themselves nicely. The latest international appears very gloomy with out fashion and style. As per the style professionals, things appearance absolutely white and black without style. In latest times, each and anybody develops the personal affect through fashion.
Motorcyclists have the distinctive and awesome style, which they stand out loud of the relaxation. They are actually symbolized with the vivid leather-based jackets, long boots, and Biker Jewelry. Along with all the ones articles, they bring about quite a few exclusive and particular attitude and fashion in them.
A glimpse of motorcyclists' embellishes
The motorcyclist's ornaments include rings, chains, anklets, bracelets, and so forth. Those who're the pro motorcyclists put on some ravishing style add-ons. Along with the matte end leather jackets, excessive boots, they wear some appealing ornaments. And this defines a biker the maximum. Basically, you could say that is the last definition of a motorcyclist. These furniture aren't only for show off but for the closing protection from damages in case of injuries.
Ample of famous style designers are available latest mehndi designs  accessible who layout beautiful riders add-ons and cause the riders to put on this. Wearing the ones add-ons, they will look nothing but wonderful. There is an early connection between the leather-based garb and riders.
Are you a rider?
Let the ornaments inform it
In recent days, biking is an 'in' thing for riders. It affords the cool looked picture to a rider that has more desirable the call for and attractiveness of the motorcycles. Though no longer each and every man or woman rides the motorcycle for some public image, severa human beings certainly do this to show their image. If you experience the bikes for making a fab picture they provide you with, then, as a matter of reality, you're the actual rider.
Being the actual rider, you require living like one and put on the apparel like one. Obviously, people will not imagine you in formal suits. So, with regards to fashion and dressing, then ornaments have to now not be omitted from the listing. So, there's Biker Jewelry available nowadays that provide the final attraction and fascination to humans.
Stand out loud carrying those accessories
Motorcyclist ornaments include the lovely collection of bracelets, rings, anklets, and necklaces among different adornments. The whole series is simply designed simply maintaining the notion of the rider to your thoughts. The ornaments contain imaginings of skulls in addition to different artifact linked with riders. The rider jewels are the piece of artwork, which brings out the real rider in you. You do not require telling people approximately the remaining passion for biking.
Those who have a fascination on rider accessories must stand with the high-quality persona, and they need to tell the world through permitting them to recognize about your fashion and fashion. Previously, the rider ornaments have been no longer willingly available and handy. This incredible work of artwork changed into simplest to be had to individuals living in international locations where the producers of this ornaments lived. Introducing the embellishes became the last trouble as access to the manufacturers bridal mehndi designs  of these adorns was in itself the problem. In fact, sporting the modern embellishes will truely assist you displaying your high-quality. You can without problems accumulate all those stunning ornaments from the current online shops. Apart from that, you may additionally cross for the professional or professional who will supply some valuable thought in purchasing simplest the nice for you.
A Brief History Of Mehndi
Mehndi is the art work of portray the hands or ft, or even the frame, with a paste made from dried henna leaves. It creates Mehndi Designs  a stain that levels from vibrant red to a dusky brown, but this shade is prone to fading with time and energy and high-quality of the paste you are making. Oils can be added to assist the richness of the color, however aren't important.
Mehndi began out in Egypt over five,000 years in the past and has been used for numerous creative and non secular makes use of ever due to the fact. In Egypt, archeologists have even decided henna on the palms of mummy. Here in the West, it has emerge as famous as a temporary form of tattooing. Painless and relatively less pricey, Mehndi even is to be had in do-it-your self kits that may be ordered on line or in shops at some stage in america.
Different cultures created one-of-a-kind varieties of packages. Whether it's miles the geometric styles well-known in North Africa or the excellent designs of India and Pakistan the patterns are created thru applying the paste to the pores and skin. Allowing the paste to dry stains the skin and brings the vibrancy of the colours out.
Because henna software program has been a traditionally girl exercise there may be a loss of historic documentation referring to its use. In the cultures that Mehndi become well-known, ladies were no longer officially knowledgeable and the records turned into exceeded down for generations orally, from mother to daughter. It has best been in the present day records that facts and documentation have started out to appear approximately this stunning and wealthy manner of lifestyles.
Traditional weddings in India are activities for brides to be embellished with henna. The Hindu culture requires each the bride and groom to wait the henna painting, at the side of friends and own family. This event, previous to the real marriage ceremony is an observance of the Mehndi paintings as he paints the bride with conventional symbols that could tackle a festive surroundings.
An greater, and older practice, is to mark the surrender of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, with getting henna tattoos. These designs have an awesome time the success of Ramadan, which incorporates abstinence from taking note of your very very own physical looks and beauty. To have a very good time, Mehndi artists paint elaborate designs on Muslim girls.
Although henna has been used as a celebratory event for generations, the important aspect to don't forget about Gandhi is that it's far a social occasion. Friends and family can collect to use henna tattoo, not for religious or ceremonial use, but as a way to socialize and create beauty. The designs you produce and located on in your pals or circle of relatives are a outstanding manner to show your emotions towards that individual. Being adorned with henna is a outstanding manner to expose that you accept as true with the man or woman you are being decorated by means of way of.
Do it yourself kits and stencils are and not using a hassle to be had and can be created thru your self to show off this beautiful expression of your artwork. Friends might be thrilled to game the complex designs that you create.A
Hair Care Tips That Will Work The Way You Want Them To!
Some people think that is is time consuming and expensive to have beautiful and healthy hair. The truth is that excessive amounts of money and time are not always required. Many methods exist that can help you to get the look you're looking for with minimal time and minimal expense   long hairstyles for men . The next few paragraphs are your hair care Buddha; read on to receive enlightenment.
If you have dull or lifeless hair, consider changing your diet. Ideally, your diet should include an abundance of vitamin E, iron and fatty acids; these nutrients play a key role in the health of your hair. If your diet is lacking in these nutrients, consider supplementing it with a daily multivitamin.
When you blow dry your hair, you can damage it. Try using the cool setting and moving it around constantly to avoid keeping it over one spot too long. While you are drying your hair, untangle any knots using your fingers.
It is crucial you ensure your hair retains moisture, otherwise it can lead to dry and brittle hair which can break. Using the right temperature water while you shampoo is one way to accomplish this. Once your hair has been shampooed, turn the water down to a cool temperature before rinsing it. This can keep your hair moisturized.
Don't abuse your hair using a towel if it is wet. This includes rubbing and tugging. This can break the hair, resulting in frizzy and frayed hair. Instead, blot, pat or squeeze any excess moisture out of your hair. Also, you should not use a brush or comb on wet hair, unless the comb is wide-toothed.
Don't use any hair products that have alcohol. Alcohol dries out your hair. That can be terrible for your hair health, and you have to be mindful of the products you are using. Look at the labels and be sure that a potential product is okay for your hair's health.
Get your hair wet before you go swimming in a swimming pool. If you don't use a swim cap, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner right after getting out of the water. This will limit the amount of damage the chlorine does to your hair.
To properly brush your hair, start at your ends, and work towards your scalp. Avoid breakage by combing knots out after your hair is dry. After the knots are removed, gentle strokes can be used over your entire head of hair.
Generally, the more healthy you live your life, the healthier your hair will be. Avoid stress and harmful activities such as smoking, get enough exercise, drink lots of water, and you will have great looking hair. Keeping your mind and body healthy can keep your hair healthy as well.
It is absolutely normal for hair to change with age. It is natural for hair to lose some moisture, to change texture and to go gray. It may even change textures, such as becoming curly or straight. If you feel like your hair's texture is a concern, share your concerns with your family doctor.
If your hair is dry, consider turning down the heat on your next shower. The hotter the water, the dryer your scalp and hair become, causing many problems. Warm water is better for your scalp. Use some cold water after you shower, this will help your hair out tremendously.
If you have very dry hair, you should deep condition it. This can easily be done at home with an at-home conditioning treatment. First, simply dampen clean hair. Use a generous amount of a thicker conditioner to thoroughly massage throughout your hair. Don a plastic shower cap, then allow your hair to absorb the conditioner for up to half an hour. Finish by thoroughly rinsing all traces of product from your hair; you should immediately notice softer, more healthy hair.
Brushing your hair excessively is not something that you should do. While it might seem like brushing is making your hair softer, it might be causing problems. Individual hairs can get damaged by over-brushing, and doing too much of it will yank hairs right out of their follicles.
If you like to keep your hair looking shiny and soft, you can make your own concoction at home to accomplish this. It takes one simple ingredient, so you don't even need a pencil to jot it down. For five minutes, simply massage one half of an egg white in your scalp. Rinse it out with your everyday shampoo and you'll see an added shine to your hair.
Hair grows at a rate of about an inch per month. While some believe that trimming it encourages growth, it simply gives the impression of lengthier locks. Allowing your hair to grow untamed will result in a unattractive mess. Thus, regular trims are highly advisable.
Do not brush or comb your hair when it is wet. anime girl hairstyles  Your hair could be damaged most when wet. Try not to start brushing your hair until it is fairly dry. Wet hair is tangled hair, and people have a propensity to tug and pull on tangles and thus damage their hair. So, avoid wet combing!
So, there you have it. Making some minor changes and introducing a few new tools or products into your life may be just what you need to make your hair the best on the block. Remember that when it comes to hair you get what you give.
Things You Must Do In Order To Get High Grades In College
College is fun! Unfortunately, many would-be students are filled with dread by the idea. This is due to the fact that they are nervous about what the future holds for them. It really helps to learn what you can about college.
When going to college, ensure you carry enough Online Tesol Certification toiletries with you. These are essential as you will use them everyday, and you will quickly run out. Shop around for good deals by buying in bulk from outlet stores when possible.
When you are preparing for college, create a list of the items you need. It makes more sense to arrive well-equipped rather than having to ask Mom and Dad for items each week. This is especially important if you'll be far from home.
With a tight budget, it is likely you will need a loan to pay for college. College can pay some good dividends later on, so it's better to go a bit into debt for future success.
If you're struggling to find smart methods of studying, then determine if your school is offering a study class. Sometimes people breeze through high school, but hit a brick wall in college. Taking courses on studying is a great way to learn how you're able to do well in class.
Where you study matters. It is generally not ideal to study in a dorm room. It is a better idea to find a place that is quiet and where you will not be interrupted. You should opt for the library. If you cannot go to the library, buy some headphones that will drown out noise.
No matter if you are a man or a woman, hitting the gym on campus is always a great idea. Here, you'll be able to meet others that are active in your school while you also keep yourself fit. You might make some friends to work out with.
Get at least one of your general education requirements done and finished in your first semester. If one of your general ed requirements is a drudge, take it first and get it over with. In addition, it would be sad to be stuck in freshman classes as a senior four years down the road.
Always buy used textbooks. College textbook prices can leave you in shell shock sometimes. If you're paying a lot for college already, you might want to save money when you can. Look for online retailers and bookstores for used textbooks. If you buy used, you'll save a heap of cash.
Set aside time every day to study. Sometimes, it may be difficult to stay focused, as you will need to maintain perseverance. Each day, designate at least one hour towards studying. Even if you do not think you need to on that particular day, continue with your schedule. Doing so reinforces your commitment and helps your form a good habit.
You ought to now have a greater understanding of what college is about. That information can help you to be more productive and successful. Use these tips to get the most out of your college education.
Stepping Into the Gym
When it comes to working out and lifting weights, it usually doesn't take a satisfied character to get inside the gymnasium. miami personal training  In the time that I have skilled, the exceptional motivation I actually have used is channeling poor power through the usage of exertion via the weights. When you hear approximately the advantages of exercise and how it can be strain alleviation, this is typically authentic if you train tough enough.
You do not need to be a bodybuilder or intense powerlifter to show up at the gym. Nor do you have to feel inferior if you are in lesser form to the person subsequent to you. Simply moving into the health club place is an incredibly large jump forward into starting your new discovered journey in entering into shape. It's better than now not trying at personal trainer brickell  all than sitting at domestic watching Netflix all day.
The quality issue approximately lifting weights is that you do not ought to spend 8 hours within the health club to get the dream body you preference. All it takes is 30-forty five mins a session and 3 times a week will get your frame into fats burning and muscle constructing mode. When you train at this tempo for several months on a steady basis, you are assured to begin seeing outcomes. Do not flail into wondering that you'll have a goddess of a body via subsequent week, the first-rate effects come from long time education. Just keep on with it and you will be happy you probably did. personal trainer wynwood  And while you do eventually step into the health club, start mild along with your sporting activities and construct yourself up. Because you do not need to burn yourself out both.
Furniture Buying Secrets: Get The Most Bang For Your Buck
Getting your hands on just the right pieces of furniture at a price you like is something that may have eluded you in the past. Pallet Projects  Perhaps you simply needed to further your education on the subject before hitting the shops. Keep reading to learn what you need to know and you will have renewed confidence in your furniture shopping abilities.
Use social media to find great deals on furniture. There are many online yard sale pages on Facebook where you can find gently used furniture at a small fraction of the price of new furniture. Search for yard sale groups in your area and begin looking for the perfect piece of furniture.
When you are having new furniture delivered to your home, make sure that you check it out before you sign the receipt of delivery. If you sign the form then notice something is wrong with the furniture once it is in the house, you may have a hard time getting the company to repair or replace it.
Take the time to keep furniture polished and clean regularly. This bit of maintenance helps keeps your furniture looking like new and also helps to get rid of allergens like dust and pet dander. Letting dust and other allergens collect, especially on finished furniture, can damage it over time, so you need to maintain it on a regular basis.
Yard furniture should be bought at the end of summer. At the end of summer many retailers want to make room for winter items. Stores will give you a discount to get rid of older pieces.
You need to buy furniture that will go well with the rest of your home. For example, if you have an updated house, it is not very wise to antique furniture and vice versa. Unless you want your home to look tacky, it is important to take this into account.
You should be negotiating when purchasing furniture. A lot of places that sell furniture mark the item up quite a bit and they may be willing to negotiate and will give you quite a bit off. If you don't like haggling, take a relative or friend with you who isn't squeamish about it.
Bring in a sample of your room's color scheme to make sure the furniture matches with it. Without this color matching, the piece you like may not look right with your other furniture. Do not permit that to happen. You could use a paint chip or even a photo of your existing decor and carry it along when you go shopping for furniture.
Read all color description before buying any furniture from online. many times people select furniture based on the way that it looks. In many cases people that do this end up with mismatched furniture. A brown loveseat with a black chair won't look so good, so read the descriptions thoroughly.
Search for furniture that is built sturdy. Dressers and chests should be built of solid wood rather than pressed wood. The back should be made of plywood. Don't purchase one that has cardboard or composite backing. Put some pressure on the sides of the furniture so you can be sure it's not moving around a lot.
If you need furniture and want to save money, consider shopping at warehouse stores. Most of these stores do charge a membership fee; however, the money you will save will pay for the fee over and over again. These stores carry quality furniture at a fraction of the price of a furniture store.
When purchasing a leather sofa, check its base very carefully to see if the leather is dyed evenly everywhere. If you notice some white gauze under the sofa, it is made out of vinyl. A genuine leather sofa should be evenly dyed, even under the sofa and between the cushions.
If you have someone offering you furniture, you'll need to check out the condition. You may receive an item that has been heavily used and is nearing the end of it's life. While you may not be able to afford something new, you don't need to accept a piece that will bring you discomfort just because it is free.
If you have small children in your family, do not purchase a glass topped table with edges or corners. Children can be easily hurt by falling or bumping into glass table corners. The glass can also be broken and your children could be seriously injured. Glass coffee table tops also show fingerprints easily, so you will constantly need to clean the glass.
Perhaps you have always hated the idea of shopping for furniture. This may have been because the information you needed about where to go and what you should pay for different items was kept a mystery. Hopefully the information in the piece above has made matters clearer and given you the push you needed to embrace furniture shopping going forward.
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thomasreedtn · 7 years
7 Tips for Henna, Amla, and Morrocco Method Shampoos
For the past several weeks, I keep getting nudges to write about hair. Some clients have mentioned hair issues, and I’m sitting here with a mud pie of henna on my head, so here goes. Back in June 2009, I wrote a comprehensive post about all things henna, along with lots of information about natural hair care, hair nutrients and general tips for full, shiny hair. I wanted to reblog it, but over eight years later, I have too many updates for the little reblog box. You can read my original post here. In today’s post, I’ll just add additional things I’ve learned about henna and Morrocco Method over the years.
Please note that anything I say about henna refers only to body art quality, pure henna (Lawsonia) from a reputable source. Do be careful when experimenting with henna. Some companies add toxic ingredients to get all sorts of unnatural colors and effects, still calling their products “henna.”
To provide some background, though, yes, I henna my hair. I started back in 2006, because a mehendi artist told me that henna would tame the crazy, wild knots I used to get on the back of my head. Using henna did tame those knots, but it didn’t change my hair color until we moved to Monterey, CA in February 2007. Overnight, my hair turned very red (with no additional henna treatment), and my skin went several shades paler. I can maybe explain the sudden redness due to more salt in the air, but that still doesn’t explain how I got so pale. Surrounded by fresh breezes, gorgeous views, and a only short walk to the farmer’s market, fun shops, Indian buffet, and an Aveda salon, plus weekly massages from my all-time favorite massage therapist and lovely friend, Pamela, I became a full fledged redhead.
I’ve always had quite a bit of red in my hair, but bizarre as it sounds, I have mood hair. The happier I feel about my location, the redder it gets. When I lived in Monterey and Sonoma County, I had very red hair. When I lived in Goshen, Indiana — much less so. Only in the sun. Henna’d hair often looks more brown indoors and redder in direct sunlight. Whenever I vacation or live somewhere that makes my soul sing, my hair goes red inside and out. Living in Kalamazoo, it’s back to red:
OK, onto the things I’ve learned since the 2009 Henna for Hair post:
Henna doesn’t just feel good; it is good. I’ve continued to use henna since 2006, because it tames my knots, eliminates the need for conditioner, and also feels like a magical elixer on my head. I recently learned that pure henna has wound healing, anti-headache, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It cuts hair loss, and many people swear by henna as their only cure for psoriasis. For more on henna’s health benefits, please click here.
Grey and white hair can signal other issues. Points 5) and 6) in my previous post discuss nutrition and hair, especially B-vitamins, but I should also mention the importance of minerals in darkening gray or white hair. Genetics, stress, hormones, age, and other factors play key roles, too, but demineralization often shows up as aging hair. Dull, gray/white and brittle hair can sometimes signal a need for more nourishing foods, and/or indicate poor absorption. Dr. Ann Wigmore’s grey hair famously returned to its original color once she started using wheatgrass juice. Taking digestive enzymes, eating more live (raw, fermented) foods and reducing enzyme inhibitors can also help. I recommend Sally Fallon’s book, “Nourishing Traditions” for people concerned about graying hair, tooth decay, chronic fatigue, and/or brittle bones. Likewise, Ramiel Nagel’s book, “Cure Tooth Decay,” includes loads of information about which foods help or hinder mineralization. I don’t personally follow many of the recipes in those books, but the principles can help you receive the most benefits from whatever foods you do eat. A note for vegans: neither book advocates vegan or vegetarian diets, but you can adapt many of the recipes to enrich foods you already eat. Both provide excellent tips staying mineralized.
Keep your application tools simple and sustainable. I’ve used the exact same “for henna only” shower cap for the past eleven years. I used the same gloves for ten of those years until they finally wore out. Those fancy hair dye applicators from beauty supply stores get clogged with the mud pie consistency of henna, but maybe a ketchup bottle would work. I don’t know. I find my hands work best. A wide toothed comb before henna application means fewer knots while rinsing it out. I tried a ponytail method of separating hair for easier rinsing, and it did work well; however, you’re left with lots of ponytail holders to wash and dry. I ended up going back to hand application.
Quality henna makes a big difference. I always buy my henna from reputable health food stores or Morrocco Method. I have to say, the Morrocco Method henna lasts much longer, provides deeper conditioning, and it rinses out far easier than any other brand or bulk henna I’ve tried. I have no financial ties or affiliate connection to Morrocco Method, but in my experience, their henna works way better for my hair.
Amla conditions and tones down red, but it changes hair texture. Henna straightens hair, and adding amla supposedly reduces that effect. For its great conditioning effects and to experiment with browner hair, I tried adding amla to henna earlier this summer. My hair felt soft, but I didn’t recognize myself. My naturally straight hair got really curly in certain spots. Not everywhere. Just some areas. I stopped using amla so I wouldn’t look like a freak. People with naturally wavy or consistently curly hair often swear by amla as a luxurious conditioner. Some people use it with henna so that their curls remain even if they want red highlights. If you have straight hair, amla may or may not work well for you.
If you use switch to Morrocco Method shampoos, definitely get their Volcanic Powder Dry Shampoo. A little goes a long way, and using the dry shampoo makes the “hair detox” period so much easier. I used Morrocco Method shampoos for a couple years and always got compliments on my hair, but I switched back to store bought natural shampoos for about five years. I don’t use toxic products on my hair, yet even so, my recent switch back to Morrocco Method brought the dreaded “hair detox.” I was grateful this occurred during this summer’s hermit phase; however, my hair started curling up and forming dreadlocks on one side. It also felt waxy right after shampooing. Once I started using the dry shampoo, all the detox symptoms cleared up. No more almost-dreadlocks, and as a bonus: extra full, manageable hair. The volcanic shampoo contains a little amla for conditioning, but mixed with everything else, it just makes my moody hair behave. It feels clean, full and healthy. Even with bangs, I can go four days between regular shampoos, as long as I use the dry shampoo. (The photo in this post was three-day old hair with bangs swept to the side.)
Following directions can save you time and money. When I first used the Morrocco Method shampoo system (rotating five elements), I eventually quit due to time and money. It seemed to take so much shampoo to get my hair clean. Although it felt healthy and vibrant, I couldn’t justify going through so many bottles of shampoo. This time around, I read the directions. Doh! These shampoos work much better if you take a small, travel size bottle and squirt a nickle-sized dollop in there, then dilute with water and shake. Apply that mixture to your roots, massage it in and rinse. Repeat if desired. The diluted shampoo method not only works better, but it reduced my shampoo usage to about 1/5 my original use. The dry shampoo further stretches wet shampoo quantities. Not needing to wash as often saves lots of time, water, shampoo, clogged drains, and ends up making hair healthier and fuller, too.
Go with what works for you. Everything in this post comes from my own experience and research. I have weird hair, so what works for me, might not work the best for you. I’ve known Morrocco Method to help clients regain hair after major hair loss or trauma, and their Zen Hair Detox helps remove toxins embedded in the scalp — very useful for people with brain fog. General information often changes with individual application. In a world of toxic hair products, I just felt led to share some options I enjoy. For more information on henna or hair nutrition, please click here.
from Thomas Reed https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/19/7-tips-for-henna-amla-and-morrocco-method-shampoos/
0 notes
floridageekscene · 7 years
Otaku culture values a lot of things–community, open-mindedness, art, pocky… But two valuables I find especially prevalent among anime aficionados are “breadth” and “depth.”
Breadth is the desire to enjoy variety—that spice of life that broadens our appreciation for culture, genre, and style. Breadth, for example, is the ability to watch anime genres as opposite as Attack on Titan and Bunny Drop side-by-side and acknowledge (if not enjoy) both of them.
If breadth is valued by otaku culture for its ability to expand horizons, however, depth is what internalizes those experiences and makes them meaningful. A desire for depth is a craving to dive as far into one particular series, genre, or author as possible and churn the soil for its richness. The deeper I plunge into a series, the more mastery I wield over it and the more of it I am able to apply it myself and the world around me. It’s when I internalize the anime I’ve watched that it’s able to shape my perspective, my beliefs, and even my comprehension of focus subjects like the Meiji Era (Rurouni Kenshin), volleyball (Haikyuu!!), and mythology (Fate/Zero).
Florida Anime Experience not only grasps the importance of depth, but also acts on it. Since its creation in 2011, FAE has been religiously dedicated to becoming, not the largest of Cons, but the most focused of them. Six years later, FAE is still a passionate love letter to otaku, bringing all forms of Japanese entertainment—video games, manga, maid cafes, J-Pop, cosplay, and, of course, anime—together under one all-but-pagoda-shaped roof.
The Scoop:
What – A three-day event centered on Japanese culture, with special focus on anime and manga’s influence on creativity and culture
Friday, March 10th: 10:30AM – 10:00PM Saturday, March 11th: 10AM – 11PM Sunday, March 12th: 10:00AM – 4:30PM
Where – Radisson Resort & Conference Center
Who – Amanda Miller, Cherami Leigh, Cristina Vee, Kate Higgins, Stephanie Sheh, Al Aki, Noise Complaint, Nerdy Karaoke, and Maid Café Mikkusu
Price – $20-$25 (single-day), $45 (weekend)
Perks – An anime viewing room, costume contests, a vendors room (with over forty booths), an artist alley, a Japanese video game room, a maid cafe, and more
My first, and only other, trip to Florida Anime Experience was in 2013—a year when the closest thing I’d ever experienced to anime was Kingdom Hearts and Avatar: the Last Airbender. While I felt very welcomed at FAE 2013 by open-armed staff and conversational cosplayers, I wasn’t able to engage the event from an otaku’s point-of-view and felt very much like I was looking through a window into a wondrous, unfamiliar world. My previous convention experiences had only been with Con giants like Megacon and Metrocon—both events with worthy fame to their names but that focus on scooping up as many fandoms as possible into their weekends. In other words, Cons that, quite successfully, go for breadth.
Four years and 150 anime, manga, light novels, and OVAs later, I returned to Florida Anime Experience, eager to finally participate as a fully-fledged otaku. By the end of the day, I left feeling like I’d become Hokage.
To be more specific, Florida Anime Experience provided (and attracted) everything I’d ask for from a Con centered on Japanese culture. More importantly, I left the event with many experiences, ideas, and keepsakes that I didn’t have when I entered. I believe that’s a true mark of success for any convention.
For example…
I stepped into the Anime Viewing Room and caught a few minutes of My Hero Academia—more than enough time for me to scribble it down on my lengthy to-watch list. I tried two new flavors of taiyaki. I witnessed a round of Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA in action. I met three voice actresses for the first time and obtained six signatures. I put on my first kimono. Most significantly, I made a new friend while waiting in the autograph line.
It’s said that you get from something what you put into it. I think that’s true when attending most any Con. In the case of Florida Anime Experience, though, the process became almost subconscious. New experiences burst around every corner and from every vendor’s table, many of which I ran out of time (or money…) to try for myself—boba tea, the manga library, the maid cafe, henna… Fortunately, hundreds of other otaku were able to experience these novelties, with no table ever left unoccupied by a curious passerby.
Vendors reflected Florida Anime Experience’s distinct themes with katana-sharp pin-pointedness. Figurines, phone strap mascots, rare blind box collectibles, window-sized wall scrolls, dakimakura, and weapon replicas maintained a very strict emphasis on otaku interests. Video games, film, music, literature, and snacks originating in Japan also found their way into vendor’s wares, in-between all the Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu!!, and Naruto merchandise. Despite being of Western origin, RWBY unsurprisingly managed to carry a significant Con presence through both cosplay and fanart.
The Artist Ally wrapped around the centralized vendor’s hall like a picture frame. While there weren’t as many artists as there were merchants, I got the impression that FAE selected them very deliberately. No two were alike, and I don’t just mean that in the “all art is unique” sense. Each artist had a particular medium they specialized in—felt character magnets, clay chibi dolls, three-dimensional shadow boxes, traditional art, digital art… And, of course, most art was inspired by Japanese media. Not all of it, but most. It seemed FAE wanted to honor its artists’ liberties, as long as a certain portion of their wares were dedicated to the Con’s theme.
Due in large part to FAE’s selection of voice actresses, Sailor Moon was a frequent sight all around. I lost track of the number of blonde hair buns and magical staffs I passed, and that’s to say nothing of the themed panels, fanart, figurines, wall scrolls, and other memorabilia based on the Senshi.
Amanda Miller, Cherami Leigh, Cristina Vee, Kate Higgins, and Stephanie Sheh held two autograph signings each day, which idealistically allowed for everyone to participate in the meet-and-greet. I stood in line for an hour on two separate occasions and was the cut-off in front of a few dozen people the first time around. Fans patient enough to try their luck a second time found themselves rewarded, and the convention staff put a limitation on autographs and photography in order to ensure as many attendees as possible were able to meet the actresses.
Despite having never watched a single episode of Sailor Moon, I went home with six autographs from other series. Amanda Miller, Cherami Leigh, Cristina Vee, Kate Higgins, and Stephanie Sheh have impressive resumes and have starred in many of my favorite anime—Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Trigun: Badlands Rumble, and Naruto. (As it was Higgins’ first time in Florida, I was especially excited to get a Saber autograph.) Essentially, whether I was a Sailor Moon fan or not was far from a deal-breaker in the autograph line, much to my delight. My encounters with the actresses were brief but pleasant, and I took away the impression that they enjoyed being among the fans and hearing their personal stories.
The actresses also shared some stories of their own. A Sailor Moon Q&A with all five special guests allowed both Senshi and fans to lay their hearts on the table. Amanda Miller related how the role of Sailor Jupiter helped her overcome a period of heavy depression. I could feel  silence weighing the room as listeners took in her story.
That sense of transparency characterized Florida Anime Experience. The staff were very personable and the attendees responded in kind. I never felt as though I were being “babysat” by the convention staff. Instead, I was treated as though I were “part of the show,” spoken to as an equal and subconsciously asked to help keep things running smoothly by playing my part.
When I obtained my press pass, I was informed that I wouldn’t get any special access with it—because FAE wanted me to experience the Con from a regular attendee’s perspective. Florida Anime Experience is a “by fans, for fans” event, with the playing field courteously levelled. It’s one of the most laidback Con experiences I’ve had the pleasure of attending. Other Cons would be wise to take note.
At the beginning of my review, I made a big deal about Florida Anime Experience going for depth, rather than breadth. Naysayers may argue that FAE limits itself by restricting its theme, but it’s this singular focus that allows FAE to dive as deeply and precisely into its own Con culture as it does. If you are a fan of Japanese media—especially anime—and you live in Central Florida, then Florida Anime Experience should be on your list of annual pilgrimages.
And if you have no idea what kawaii means, who Tezuka is, or which way to read a manga, but you have a curious and open mind, then you’re guaranteed to get a hands-on, cultural crash course more fun than any other at Florida Anime Experience.
Florida Anime Experience is a three day pop culture convention celebrating anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture.
Visit the FAE Official Website
Follow FAE on Facebook
Photography by Amy Covel
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  Florida Anime Experience 2017 Otaku culture values a lot of things--community, open-mindedness, art, pocky... But two valuables I find especially prevalent among anime aficionados are "breadth" and "depth."
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