#side note I watched Joel’s pov of him meeting the frog and seeing the bunker it was terrifying Jimmy kept ominously talking about some ‘pet’
poppyseed799 · 1 year
One thing I’m just gonna complain about for a sec. People keep acting like Jimmy was the only bad boy who knew anything about the frog.
Do you think Grian and Joel making Jimmy’s grave in the bunker along with Judge Judy and Executioner was them magically gaining information about something Jimmy cared about but they didn’t? No, Joel suggested they make his grave there. Because HE KNEW ABOUT THE BUNKER. It was Grian’s first time there, not Joel’s, but I’ve seen people say it was the first time either of them went there which doesn’t make sense cuz then how would they have known about it lol
Joel may not have been involved in the Judge Judy and Executioner plot, but he was aware of it and never shut down Jimmy for talking about it. Just because Grian was crying and screaming about Jimmy talking about frogs doesn’t mean Joel was; he always tried to be a mediator between them.
To be clear this isn’t meant to be Grian slander I just feel like everyone acting like Joel is on the same level of knowledge/care about the frog thing is Joel slander and I will not stand for it.
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