#shugo meta
dreamerdrop · 1 month
My litmus test for if someone is worth discussing Shugo Chara with is how they think about Utau being attracted to Ikuto and the revelation of their uh "relationship."
[Spoilers under cut. If you know, you know.]
Like, do they understand why she's attracted to her brother? Do they understand what themes that attraction is used to highlight? Do they get how it relates to the wider themes of trauma and unstable identities and messed up family dynamics that warp the children within them?
Do they understand that Utau kissing her brother is part of the constantly reoccurring cycle of characters messed up by trauma and then becoming warped and unpleasant and harming others because that trauma is not being dealt with in a healthy manner? The cycle which underpins every single major villain in the story?
It's one thing to be grossed out by it, whatever, so were Kuukai, and Amu, and Ikuto! But when people start dismissing it as shock value fanservice or going "it shouldn't be in a kids manga!" it just tells me that they completely missed the point.
Yeah, it was messed up! Utau is messed up! Her relationship with her brother is messed up! Their childhood was messed up! Utau's behaviour towards her brother is a direct result of how messed up they are! The manga practically screams this at you!!!
And you know what? That should be in a kids manga. Utau's development of realizing her misplaced attraction to her brother is the result of her unstable family dynamics and learning to let go of him in that respect is important!
You think there aren't kids dealing with that? You think there aren't kids that have struggled with misplaced and inappropriate attractions to people because they've been messed up by trauma? You think they don't deserve to be seen and heard and told "you're not broken" and to know they can still be worth love and recovery? To know that they can still navigate a relationship outside of those misplaced attractions and messed up dynamics?
Genuinely: Utau's sub-plot with her dealing with her romantic attraction to her brother was both important and well written, and it ties in so neatly to every other theme about trauma and healing in the manga that if someone misses the point here, I just do not trust that they'll understand anything else this series has to say.
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I’m just gonna ramble into the void here about my Overwatch Self insert but soley in actual gameplay terms and stuff like- no plot is in this ramble its just how i would work mechanically in game if I were in game because I’m a fuckin dingus about that kinda shit.
Still here? Okay so-
First of all, I’m a tank hero, my health is right around that of doomfist and junker queen in the area of about 400 with some shield health as granted by my fox spirit, Shugo.
Main weapon is either a claymore or dual wielding katanas, though i also think having kunai knives as my main skill and then having a katana or claymore as like a big slash skill similar to junker queen since we are currently in the poke meta it seems with heroes like rammatra and junker queen being introduced. So i’d need some long range and close range capability, and while yes story-wise I can use a bow, I think also story-wise since i trained mostly with the blade i would use a blade in combat rather than a bow (plus it just looks super cool)
As for skills, i can create a shield that can be placed similar to sigma’s (and ow1 orisa) that is a permenant shield and can be recalled. It looks like giant shrine gates to tie me into kiriko since me and kiriko are twins. I can also do a self heal similar to roadhog, but it doesnt do as much as hog’s and its similar to kiriko’s where the animation is i put talismans on my arm, its mainly just for survivability.
As for passive things, like every dhimada, i can wallclimb, but thats about it.
I’ve tried thinking about alot of things for my ult and compared them to current tank ults in game and i think i’ve settled on having a giant square of shrine gates appear and anything within them gets mauled by my fox spirit in an animation similar to hanzo’s scatter arrow, and it’s basically a giant aoe scatter arrow confined to the square that my ult puts up. Square is about the size of lucio’s aoe heal/speed if you were to measure it with something.
Anyways thats all i have for the ramble kk goodbye
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I feel like warmonger is an unappreciated A tier.
She has a strong mixup with her bash.
She has a neutral undodgable and a neutral unblockable.
Fast dodge bash
Frame advantage on any bash light finisher
She's strong as fuck and scary in competent hands but isn't meta viable for competitive and isn't as unreasonable as raider or shugo are which means she's just kinda forgotten. The most time people talk about her is because of breach of which she is the queen.
I don't see many warmongers in games but she's probably not that popular because she's an expensive hero while raider, orochi and shugo are all cheap or free to get and require no grinding to be able to play.
Or maybe I'm wrong about all if this who knows I'm sleep deprived
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theshiki · 3 years
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Aunque naruto es un anime shonen hay varias cosas en la relación de naruto y sasuke que se parecen a las vistas en animes shojo. Aquí un pequeño ejemplo, la relación de Hikari y Kei del anime Special A. Ellos desde niños competían por ver quien era el mejor y al igual que naruto, Hikari veía a Kei como un rival al que superar por medio de esfuerzo. Esa rivalidad fue la que hizo que ella tuviera problemas en aceptar que él le gustaba pero cuando Kei se fue del país ella no dudó en seguirlo tal y como naruto con sasuke.
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Anime: Yamada-kun to 7 nin no-majo.
Muchas veces han dicho que el beso accidental de Naruto y Sasuke no es motivo para shippearlos pero en este anime shojo, el primer contacto entre los protagonistas fue, precisamente, un beso accidental entre ellos (y luego se hacen canon).
Incluso se parecen en que Yamada (el protagonista) era visto como un alumno problemático que sólo causaba problemas a quienes estaban cerca, similar a lo que hacía Naruto. Éste al ver a la co-protagonista (Shiraishi) la considera como una alumna creída, ya que tenía buenas calificaciones, era bonita y popular entre los chicos y envidiada por las chicas, algo parecido a lo que sucedía con Sasuke, la actitud de Shiraishi y la de Sasuke incluso se parece en que ambos son serios y de pocas expresividad en sus rostros, siendo considerados fríos por quienes no los conocen.
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Siguiente parecido de naruto con el shojo. Las peleas entre los personajes. Entre akane y Ranma siempre había peleas por muchas cosas; celos, desacuerdos, etc. Sin embargo cuando había alguien que los desafiara peleaban juntos. Akane y Ranma tienen muchas peleas entre ellos para entrenar y otras tantas contra oponentes al igual que naruto y sasuke. Éstas parejas pelean para entrenar, por tonterías y por una meta común  
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Anime: Shugo Chara. Esta es otra de las escenas de Naruto y Sasuke donde se le puede encontrar parecido a escenas de animes shojo. En este anime cada vez que Amu (la protagonista) dueña del candado y su amienemigo (era de dudosa moral) Ikuto, dueño de la llave, se juntaban se creaba un mundo sólo de ellos dos. En el anime explica que sólo con la persona correcta que portara la llave se podría abrir el candado del corazón del propietario del mismo. Esta escena en shugo chara se repitió en dos ocasiones al igual que en Naruto.
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Para los que en el fandom muchas veces dicen "no puedes shippear a naruto y sasuke porque tienen una relaciòn de hermanos". Pues en el anime shojo "marmalade boy" o en español "la familia crece" los protagonistas son "hermanastros" y en un inicio tienen una relación similar a la de hermanos que pretendían ser, con peleas infantiles, se molestaban mutuamente , etc tal y como Naruto y Sasuke (como según decía Naruto que se sentía como si estuviera con un hermano en compañía de Sasuke). Y en este anime shojo esa relación de "hermanos" (no consanguíneos) pasó a ser algo más por lo que igualmente se enamoraron. No nombre "yosuga no sora" porque para mí no hay amor allí, era demasiado similar a school days. Un tipo metiéndose con cualquiera lastimando a la chica no es amor, muy distinto a Yuu quien siempre demostró ser sincero con Miki
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
El manga Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ finaliza abruptamente #Manga #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #DiesIrae
El manga Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ finaliza abruptamente #Manga #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #DiesIrae
La adaptación a manga realizada por Kazuomi Minatogawa para la novela visual Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~finalizó abruptamente en la edición de septiembre de la revista Dengeki Maoh de la editorial Kadokawapublicada el pasado 26 de julio. La revista incluyó una nota, en la que explicaba que la serialización del manga finalizaba “debido a ciertas circunstancias”.
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Manga Dies irae
Es de recalcar…
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quarkie-blog1 · 7 years
Reading YGO Zexal Critics
So I’ve been reading reviews and critics about Yugioh! Zexal after finishing watching it. And it seems like there’s a clear division of the YGO fandom, for the majority it’s either you love or hate it. There are a few recurring/interesting negative criticsms that I do want to comment on as someone who enjoyed most of Zexal. These are just my opinions and you’re welcome to point out any disagreements.
1. Yuma is annoying and is one of the major problems of the series. He fails at many things in duels and refuses to listen to other people’s advice. He can’t do anything without Astral.
(First off, not to offend anyone, but 13-year-olds can be like that. The writers were designing the youngest Yugioh MC after all… and they had to find something to balance him out…)
Some may have told you that he starts off as a noob but gets a rather steady progression in having one of the deadliest decks in the series. Given how consistent it was, the development of Yuma and Astral’s relationship was well-thought out. However, Yuma’s unlikable qualities are undeniable, I guess that’s just preference of what you can or can’t tolerate in a show. For you it might be “goofy, immature and stubborn” kids. But does that make Yuma a bad character? 
If we’re going by that, then I should confess: I’m not a fan of Seto Kaiba. His actions are heavily driven by his power-hungry goals. After what he did to Yugi’s grandfather, I just couldn’t like him even after notable changes. For me, disrespecting and taking something important from others (especially the elderly) is very unethical. But does that make him a bad character? Not at all. The series wouldn’t be the same without him and they gave depth to his character. He is one of the best duelists in the series but I can’t root for him nor do I have the love for him as a good villain. (This doesn’t mean I refuse to be friends with any Kaiba fans though, and blue eyes white dragon decks are very meta). 
In regards to Yuma losing more times than other Yugioh main characters, I actually find that makes me more focused on the anime. Everytime he’s dueling I feel like asking, “Is he gonna win? Is he gonna win?” and get more happy when he does. (And side note, Yuma actually has a good attitude when he loses. It’s a good lesson for everyone, “don’t be afraid of losing and keep persisting”). 
2. Yuma’s friends are annoying. They’re just cheerleaders but don’t really add anything to the plot. 
This is mostly referring to the general friends from Yuma’s school, including Kotori, Kathy, Tetsuo, etc. If you notice, Zexal spends a lot of time building up scenes towards their villains. I think this is why Yuma’s supporting friends, Akari, etc had the short end of the stick. I personally would have liked to see more of how Akari and Yuma got along, since the series does portray quite a lot of different family relationships..
I can understand why they did this. Relationships with siblings and friends are something even kids can understand. Making Yuma a relatable character, one can easily identify “Yuma cares about Akari but they often bicker.” from just a few scenes. But for the stories revolving the villains are more complex, and they decided to spend more focuses on that.
3.  It’s such a disappointment, after 5D’s female lead Akiza… that Kotori does practically nothing but stand and say “Yuma” all the time. 
Touche. Please see part 2. You’re right, though poor female lead character isn’t new in Yugioh series. Anzu and Asuka never won against main characters. Maybe if Konami sees how there’s a fair portion of female fans they might consider having a proper female main character. (Yeah, keep dreaming Quarkie >_>). 
This is why I like Hiragi Yuzu a lot. (I had high hopes for her development when she became the first female lead to beat the main character in episode 2).  
Though at the end of the day, this wasn’t something I was too bothered by, not when Zexal was placing so much complicated story plots in front of me. 
4. The sound and animation is weird. 
For sound, I meant voice acting. If you didn’t like the music that’s just your preference. (Haruto’s theme and Kaito’s theme were my favourite.) If you didn’t like Yuma’s voice in the dub then watch the sub. If you still don’t like it, then I guess it’s just a question of what you can and can’t tolerate, no one’s going to be angry at you for not liking a series. 
The animation is actually done better compared to other series. Even arc v, which I suspect was made while they were also doing the Yugioh movie. The summoning sequences are repetitive, but that’s the same for every digimon, shugo chara, magical girl series. 
Everything looks brighter and also clearer, which fits more for the audience (younger boys). I mean, after three series of rather dramatic Yugioh, isn’t it great that the younger kids can have one made for them?
5. Unlike the first three, it’s not connected chronologically. And the whole Zexal change thing… it’s like copying super saiyan mode from Dragonball Z. 
Sorry to hear that you don’t like it as much since it’s a little different. (No sarcasm intended). 
I actually didn’t realise about the similarities until someone mentioned on a critic. Fair enough, it is really different and it’s not as original. Keep in mind that it is not a major plot-driving device. It is focused at times, but I think relationships and revelation of memories were the most important driving force in the series. 
Also I liked DBZ, so if Zexal change is like a fan confession then I love it even more. 
6. The series has way too many fillers. The story doesn’t pick up until like Zexal II starts. 
Or when Tron family appears. Or whenever the series gets interesting for you. Kids are more easily entertained, and a duel with a less important character can probably be just as entertaining. Gauche, Esper Robin, Droite, Anna, etc. They don’t appear often, but anyone who has watched would probably be able to tell you one distinctive thing about that character and what Yuma experienced from there. 
While yes, worlds are in danger because of villains, but there is also the story of Yuma’s growth as a duelist. One thing that I am amazed by is how the story starts off with a “collect the numbers quest” and it continues to spiral downwards to something complicated, conflicting and dark. I feel like it starts already when we meet Kaito (not specifying due to spoilers), but a lot of the disturbing parts sprinkled throughout from the first half are hidden by the generally lighthearted tone of the series. And really, it’s hard to identify it until there is a turning point for Yuma and Astral. (I want to elaborate… but more spoilers. )
As for lots of fillers, I direct you to Yugioh GX. (Shout out to Yuki Judai fans xD). People have said the first half wasn’t that interesting with so many forgettable duels, but you don’t hear a lot of complaints about that. It’s just a matter of what keeps you entertained. 
Overall thoughts: 
Zexal does have flaws, and the different style might not be everyone’s cup to tea. It is made for the younger audience, and the most reliable way of measuring success is how they receive it. Just because it’s not our preference doesn’t mean it’s bad. I can understand that if you don’t want to spend the time watching it, there are plenty of “anime in the sea”. But it’s not really doing justice to other yugioh fans nor the producers if you are going to tell everyone it’s not worth watching. It's not really something we can decide for all fans out there.
If you actually read all that, thanks, and errr… sorry about some parts being so redundant.
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
Kadokawa lanza una nueva figura en tamaño real de Rem #Kadokawa #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Rem
Kadokawa lanza una nueva figura en tamaño real de Rem #Kadokawa #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Rem
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Figura escala real Kadokawa Rem
Kadokawa abrió un sitio web de ventas para promocionar una nueva figura en tamaño real de Rem, del anime Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu. Esta nueva figura muestra a Rem vistiendo un hermoso kimono y sosteniendo una sombrilla real fabricada por la compañía de artesanos Hiyoshiya.
La figura mide un total de 62.5 pulgadas (aproximadamente 1.60 metros) de…
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
Revelan elenco y diseño de personajes de Digimon Adventure 02 para la película Digimon Adventure: Last Kizuna #Anime #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #DigimonAdventure
Toei reveló mas miembros del elenco y el staff para su nueva película Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Los nuevos personajes son la versiones adultas de los personajes principales del anime Digimon Adventure 02, como también sus compañeros Digimon. Digimon Adventure 02 se transmitió durante 50 episodios entre 2000 y 2001.
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Fukujurō Katayama como Daisuke Motomiya
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
Shugo Nakamura interpretará el ending de Chūbyō Gekihatsu Boy #ShugoNakamura #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Música #ChūbyōGekihatsuBoy
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Anime Chūbyō Gekihatsu Boy
La cuenta oficial de Shugo Nakamura informó el día de hoy que el artista interpretará el tema de cierre de la adaptación al anime de novelización hecha por Minato Tonami de la canción del productor de Vocaloid, rerulili; Chūbyō Gekihatsu Boy (también conocida como Young disease outburst Boy). La canción se titulará “Here comes The SUN” y marca el debut del actor de voz…
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
Un banco italiano se vuelve viral por una clara referencia a Boku no Hero Academia #Japón #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #BokuNoHeroAcademia
En estos días, es difícil alcanzar a todos los sectores de la población con la publicidad. La expansión de los medios hace más sencilla la divulgación de la información, pero la tarea de conservar a los consumidores interesados sigue siendo difícil. Por supuesto, hay cosas que se pueden hacer para despertar la curiosidad de la población, y un banco en Italia, sin saberlo, acaba de hacerlo.
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
Descubre qué Pokémon eres con este quiz oficial de Pokémon Center #Juegos #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Pokémon #PokémonCenter
Descubre qué Pokémon eres con este quiz oficial de Pokémon Center #Juegos #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Pokémon #PokémonCenter
Como cualquier compañía, la cadena de ventas Pokémon Center necesita personal. Pero, como podrías esperar, la compañía tiene un sistema de reclutamiento muy único. En su página oficial, la compañía publica el siguiente mensaje: “Hay alrededor de 800 especies de Pokémon diferentes. Todos y cada una de ellas tiene sus propias debilidades y fortalezas, pero siempre se adaptan a ellas“, y esa es la…
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