#showed this to my boss and he choked on his drink❤️
saltedserval · 3 months
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
DD pt 3 part 2 of 2
Fem reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber driver
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This art was commissioned to accompany this chapter by the incredibly talented @/ejpuki on Instagram. Please go support the original artist!
Pt 1 , Pt 2 , Pt 3 1 , Part 4 , Part 5
Synopsis- fem reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home...
TW: MINORS DNI, some blood, little.violence, suggestive content ,age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34), this one is a sad one, inspired by the original comic
Over the next few days you two text back and forth and talk on the phone. You feel so happy and excited about this budding romance between you two. It's been so long since you felt safe enough to let yourself catch feelings for a guy. You flood his phone while he's at work. Miguel isn't used to someone texting him so often but it's kind of cute how you update him on every little thing that's happening in your day and he has to try not to burst out laughing in the break room at some of the Instagram reels you send him. 
Your text convo: 
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️) : Why tf would you send me a video of a banana cat with that sad music 😂😐🤨 and who is that white guy that's always randomly showing up at the end of videos with that whistle tune playing? 
You(amor ❤️): it's a meme babe you don't get it😂😂😂 it's supposed to be random, that's what makes it funny af. And that's Josh Hutcherson. You've never seen or read Hunger Games?! 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): no, I haven't. Your sense of humor is a little broken I'm afraid. 🤨 You kids and your memes. 
You(amor ❤️): my sense of humor is just fine 😂LMAO you're only like 8 years older than me. 😂 we're watching it immediately! And we're going to Barnes and Noble to get you a copy. 😇 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): hmmm fine.😌 When would you like to, cutie? ❤️
You(amor ❤️): This weekend please? ❤️❤️❤️
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): I'm so sorry, I'll have Gabi with me. But she'll be at her mom's next weekend. Can we do it then? ❤️ 
You(amor ❤️): that's okay I totally understand! ❤️ Yes please! I'm so excited ❤️ I miss you... 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): perfect. I miss you more. ❤️
Next Friday
Miguel drives to work, his heart like a dead weight in his chest and his mind racing with different scenarios on how he's going to tell his boss he's had enough. This isn't what he signed up for. The project he was overseeing at work was trying to create these "special abilities"in humans. One of the test subjects passed away this week and he'd be lying to himself if he said it wasn't messing with his head. He had nightmares about her. She couldn't have been older than 19. Her blue eyes frantic as she realized she might not make it off the lab table alive. Her horrified screams ringing in his eardrums. Miguel's fist clamped tighter around the steering wheel as he choked back a sob. He felt this was his burden to shoulder alone. He knew he was falling for you steadily now, and he didn't want you to go crazy worrying about him. He knows you love to try and fix people, a lot of times to your detriment and couldn't stand to see you in that position or live with the fact that he put you there. 
 He really didn't care for his boss, Tyler Stone either. Tyler Stone was the 6'3, blonde haired, blue eyed, egotistical vice president over Research and Development at Alchemax. He and the other higher ups just spent all day figuratively (and possibly literally) sucking each other off in boardroom meetings for the hard work everyone underneath them was doing. He was a businessman, not a scientist, and it became clear to Miguel that profit came first for him over scientific discovery and advancement, and his cronies shared the same philosophy. 
Miguel faced the man now, sitting in his office. Tyler sighed and walked over to his decanter set that sat in the corner of his office on top of a polished mahogany drink cabinet. 
"Care for some bourbon?" He asked, rolling up his sleeves.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. 
"It pains me to hear that you're wanting to leave, it really does." Tyler says as he pours the bourbon in two short, square glasses. 
"I chose you because I believed you could handle it. Your track record doesn't lie, Miguel. You were top of your class at Columbia University. I've seen your research and read your thesis that you did with them. You know Dain was actually the one that submitted your nomination to me when I was looking for someone to promote?" Tyler hands the glass of bourbon to Miguel who murmurs a low thank you. 
"My point is, if you leave, I got no one to replace you, and that makes my job even more tough." Tyler takes a sip of his bourbon and makes a small face. "I'm going to bat for your little science project every time I meet with the board of directors. I'll be honest with you, they're ready to trim the fat." Tyler's blue eyes bore into Miguel's over the rim of his glass. "But I tell them that this process, is worth the wait. We won't have these superhuman abilities lined up for purchase on shelves tomorrow. But give or take a few years we will be the first to break 100 bil in quarterly revenue when we roll this out to the public.  My point is, I'm willing to do whatever I gotta do to keep this project afloat because I've ran the numbers, I've seen what guys like you and Dain can do. It's a worthwhile investment."
Miguel takes a sip of his bourbon and winces. Fuck it, he downs the rest of the whiskey, his throat on fire. He holds out his empty glass to Tyler who takes it and goes to refill it, his back turned to Miguel.
 "I'm sorry...." Miguel finally says. "I've made up my mind. I'm flattered that you think I'm the right person for this job, but I'm telling you, I don't want to be the guy who all of this is riding on anymore. I'm not gonna gamble if people's lives are the chips."
Tyler's face went dark and he started tapping the side of his glass, his back still turned to Miguel.
Since when did this fucker grow a conscience? He knows he wouldn't be doing this job if he wasn't getting paid for it either right? He'd given Miguel and his team resources that any group of scientists would give their left kidney for. It was thanks to him in those board meetings that those ungrateful bastards even still had a job. And now their hang up is human test subjects? 
Tyler handed Miguel back another glass and said nothing as he watched Miguel down it. Miguel winced again as he finished his liquor, throat still on fire and cheeks starting to flush. 
Tyler turned back around, looking at the now setting sun on the horizon. "I'm afraid I can't let you go." He said calmly. 
Miguel raised an eyebrow, then suddenly his face turned white when Tyler held up an empty vial of Rapture, his back still turned to him. Tyler spoke again, his back still facing Miguel. "Alchemax is the only distributor of Rapture. Leave if you want, but I'm going to have to be forced to let the board know and involve law enforcement when they realize one of their silly little scientists couldn't keep his hands out of the cookie jar and became a needy little addict." He took a long sip. 
"You're not gonna make me look like a weak little bitch in front of the whole board. I don't lose, Miguel. You're not gonna fuck this up for me." 
Enraged, Miguel shot up, shattering the shot glass in his hand, blood gushing out of his fingers. "You fucking piece of shit!" 
Tyler remained calm. "You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead. I used your sign in to get this vial from the lab. The access history and empty vial next to my dead body will just deepen the hole you dug yourself. Either do as I say, or throw away your freedom right now and kill me before you even had a chance to see your little girl go to Prom." 
Miguel paused. This fucker was playing chess with him. Tyler took another sip. "It'd be a damn shame if you did. Especially about that new slutty girlfriend of yours. Did you even get to find out what her pussy feels like?"
That was it. Miguel threw his chair against the wall, the wooden legs splintering into the cabinet Tyler was leaning up against, a neutral expression on his prick face as he sipped more bourbon. 
Miguel turned and left the office, and slammed the door so hard the receptionist let out a small squeak of terror as Miguel tore down the hallway, rage seething out of his ears. 
  "Aaron?" Tyler asked in his cold expressionless voice. 
A short, balding man in his mid-thirties with green eyes and thick black rimmed glasses stepped out from behind a two way mirror in the corner of Tyler's office. 
"You rewrote the code in Machine A-2099 in sector 8, right?" 
"Yes boss." 
You hummed happily as you lit a few of your favorite vanilla almond scented candles on your coffee table. You went all out with a smorgasbord of treats for your movie date night with Miguel including popcorn, gummy worms, Milk Duds, Pretzels, M&Ms, beef jerky, and root beer floats. As soon as you got off work, you cleaned the whole apartment top to bottom and put fresh sheets on the bed. You checked your phone anxiously.
Text convo: 
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️): Good morning beautiful ❤️ how'd you sleep? Have a great day, I'll be at your apartment at 8 pm. 
You(amor ❤️): you just made my whole morning!🥰🥰 Good morning handsome! I slept great! I'm so looking forward to movie night tonight. I have a bunch of treats and goodies for us to snack on too. 😇
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️): that sounds wonderful, baby. ❤️ Driving to work now, I'll text you when I get there but I'm not going to be able to talk much today. I have a meeting with the boss and a bunch of other stuff related to the project I'm overseeing. Just wanted to let you know not to worry ❤️ I'll call you at 6! 
6 pm came and went and you felt sick to your stomach. 
You(amor ❤️): Babe? Everything okay, I tried you twice. 
You (amor ❤️): Miguel? It's 9 pm. Are you okay? Please just call or text me to let me know everything's okay...
It was now 10 pm. He wasn't coming. Your stomach lay in knots. You had called him 28 times with no answer.
What's happening? Is he cheating on me? Did he get into an accident? Is he dead on the side of the road while I'm hundreds of miles away and can't do anything?
He gets busy at work but he always, always checks in with you. You can't help but fight back tears at his untouched root beer float sitting next to yours. You knew going into this that you had to jump, knowing you were gonna fall and he might not be there to catch you. Well, here you were with a small dagger in your heart on what was supposed to be your second date. You couldn't help but let yourself get in your head. His rejection of you this time confirmed everything you feared about yourself. You laid down on the couch and sobbed quietly to sleep. 
That same night at Alchemax
Miguel's painful screams reverberated off the tiled floor of the genetics lab at Alchemax. The tall powerful man he was, was writhing on the floor in agony. It was as though his blood had turned to acid. His whole body felt on fire. Please God, if I'm supposed to die right now just take me already. He hadn't felt pain this intense ever before in his life. His eyes turned bloodshot, foaming at the mouth as his saliva bubbled and splurted out in incoherent gasps. 
Aside from his screams, the machine responsible for his pain let out a low beep. Miguel knew that a copy of his original DNA sample was logged into one of the gene altering machines that he set up when he was first put in charge of Tyler's superhuman project. He knew that as long as he had a drop of Rapture in him, he'd remain an addict defenseless against his new dependency Tyler forced on him. He had tried in vain to rewrite his current biology back to the original, but Tyler was one step ahead. Tyler knew nothing about science or how DNA worked, but it didn't take much to convince Miguel's bitter, jealous subordinate, Aaron Delgado to sabotage the machine. Very little was known about what type of effect that might have on a human, so there was a good chance he'd just die. Just what they wanted. Aaron and Tyler's smug faces entered the lab, watching Miguel suffer and taunting him, even pouring up another round of bourbon while they waited for the show to end. Yep, he'd be dead in just a few more minutes. They had an alibi and a cover up ready to go. They'd post his job opening by Monday and then they could pretend like this never happened. Miguel suddenly became still, his chest seeming to freeze in place, no longer rising and falling with his normal breathes. 
Gabriella, my little girl...I'm so sorry....I love you more than anything 
His eyes became glassy with tears. He was on his way to finding happiness with you too, only to have the rug pulled out from under him, now he was going to die here, alone. And those who killed him would never know justice behind their corporate wall of privilege and greed that would surely protect them. He uttered your name, his lips barely moving before his eyes fell closed and saw only black.. 
Pt 4 coming soon! Thanks for the support 🖤
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n3rdybird · 2 years
Could I request a Dwayne Pride x reader he gets jealous and possessive at the Tru Tone because a guy won’t leave reader alone..........please ❤️
whew, sorry this took awhile. Between playing video games and falling into various show rabbit holes, I finally completed it! Hope I did the request justice while also staying in character for Dwayne. Please enjoy!
Not a Mistake
NCIS New Orleans
Dwayne Pride x Reader
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Some heavy makeout, some language. Nothing serious here!
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You could feel his gaze on you. More so than any previous night. You did your best to ignore it as you served drinks and took orders at the very busy Tru Tone bar. It was hot and humid, normal for a summer night in New Orleans, but that didn’t stop you from hating it. You fanned the back of your neck, trying to alleviate the heat.
You shrieked when a cold bottle pressed to your skin. You slapped Jimmy with the rag you kept tucked in your apron.
“You’re a dick,” you groused but took the proffered bottle of water. The cool water felt like heaven in your throat.
“So why has my dear brother been staring at you all night?” Jimmy asked, causing you to choke on your drink.
“Jesus,” you coughed.
“Nope, still Jimmy,” he quipped, as he patted your back.
“He’s not staring,” you protested as you opened a beer for a customer. You snuck a peek at Dwayne Pride out of the corner of your eye. He was talking with the band, but every once and awhile he would glance towards the bar.
“He is the owner, he’s watching the place,” you brushed off, handing a beer to a customer.
In truth, you knew why he was staring.
You had been working at the Tru Tone for a few months now. Bartending was a lucrative job in the French Quarter, but you also enjoyed it. The energy of New Orleans was addicting and you couldn’t imagine yourself anywhere else. Not to mention the Tru Tone was an amazing place to work. Great music, wonderful patrons, and of course the best coworkers. And boss. Jimmy was pretty much in charge of the bar, but Dwayne… He was the heart and soul of the place.
And handsome to boot. It didn’t take long for you to develop a crush on the older man. He was so damn charming, it felt inevitable. And for a moment, you thought maybe he felt the same way. The two of you were closing down the bar, which was rare for Dwayne since he had his job as an NCIS agent. It had been a busy night, but by 3 am, the bar was quiet and you began cleaning the bar. The tension had been building for a while between the two of you. All it took was one accidental brush of skin and Dwayne had you on top of the bar. You remembered the feel of his rough fingers as they skated across your shoulder. The pressure of his lips against yours. And then he pushed away. Said things like “I shouldn’t have done that,” and “It would be better if we didn’t go further.” That’s how things were left. He still talked to you of course, but it was all business.
And here you were now, tending bar for a man you wanted but couldn’t have. He didn’t want you. You hoped you could get past this awkward mess.
“Jimmy, mind if I take ten? Need a breather,” you asked.
“Yeah, I can grab Pride and we can cover for you.”
“Thanks, I’ll be back in ten.”
“Take twenty and the bottle of water. And actually sit,” Jimmy ordered in a faux stern tone. You nodded and saluted him flippantly.
“Right away boss,” you said, dodging the towel he snapped at you.
You exited from behind the bar and made your way through the crowd. The horde of patrons felt suffocating once you left the safety of the bar, but you were able to slip through. You cheered when you realized your normal break spot was open, a single-seat table next to the open window. You snagged the table and plopped into the chair . The water Jimmy gave you was appreciated as you took deep swallows.
You bobbed your head to the music and you pulled out your phone to check your messages and emails. Nothing terribly important, but there were a few funny memes from Sebastian that made you snort.
“Beautiful smile,” a voice cut into your bubble, causing you to lookup. A man about your age hovered over your table.
“Mind if I sit?” he asked. “It’s a bit crowded here.” You went to stand to give the patron your seat, but he held up his hands for you to stop.
“No, I meant can I join you.”
You paused in your movements.
“Well there is only one chair,” you pointed out.
“Maybe you can sit in my lap,” he said, sitting on the table, caging yo in by putting his arm on the back of your chair. You groaned. You got hit on a lot at work, but at least this guy was upfront with his red flags.
You slid out from under his arm, putting some distance between the two of you.
“Yeah, no thanks. I’m due back behind the bar.”
“Aw come on sweetheart. I’m sure your boss won’t mind if you spent a little time with me. Customer service and all that.”
You raised a brow. Did he really think his lines worked?
“Not gonna happen,” you said, moving back towards the bar when he grabbed your wrist. It was a tight grip, verging on painful.
“Come on darlin’, don’t be like that.”
When he called you darling, a wave of revulsion washed over you. You wanted only one man to call you that, and he wasn’t him. You tried to yank your wrist away but his grip tightened, causing you to wince at the pressure. You turned to see if anyone was watching when a familiar presence was at your back. It was at that moment you realized the music had stopped and the crowd was watching the scene.
“I believe the young lady asked ya to leave her alone,” Dwayne said, catching the other man’s attention. He was standing tall, not aggressive in his stance, but there was a definite aura around him. This wasn’t Tru Tone Dwayne or even NCIS agent Dwayne. His face was tight, and his hands flexed as if he wanted to wring the man’s neck.
When Dwayne spoke, the grip on your wrist lessened, allowing you to pull your hand away with effort. You cradled your wrist and Dwayne pushed you back with his hip, standing in front of you. While you could take care of yourself and preferred not to have Dwayne or Jimmy step in, you were glad. Knowing that Dwayne had your back still, even after that night.
“And who are you, her dad?” he scoffed, taking note of Dwayne's silver hair and dismissing his authority.
“I’m the owner of this bar, and I’ll hafta ask ya to leave. I’d hate for this to get ugly.”
Maybe the man was drunk or maybe he was a fool. Probably both, especially when he reared back to hit Dwayne. Your boss dodged the swing and caught the man’s arm easily. He brought his arm up behind him, making him yelp at the pressure. The determination on Dwayne’s face made your knees buckle a bit. Like a knight defending a maiden. It was almost too much.
“Now see, this is ugly. Why don’t ya just go on and get out of here? Before you get arrested for assaulting a federal officer.” He shoved the man who stumbled toward the door. He recovered his footing, red in the face, and stood menacingly.
Dwayne flipped open his wallet flashing his credentials. The man faltered at the sight and stopped his movement. He spat at the ground and pushed through the crowd toward the exit.
You breathed a sigh of relief. You knew Dwayne could handle himself, but you couldn’t help but worry. Drunk men were unpredictable.
“Alright folks, let’s get the music started again,” he called out, and a cheer rang out in the crowd. Once the focus was off the two of you, Dwayne took your uninjured hand and led you towards the stairs.
“Dwayne, I gotta get back to work,” you said.
“Jimmy can handle it,” he said, nodding towards his brother. Jimmy nodded back, waving the two off. “I wanna take a look at your wrist.”
“I’m sure it’s fine,” you said, waving off his concern. You stopped at the base of the stairs when Dwayne leveled his gaze on you. This was not an argument you were going to win.
“Just let me take a look darlin’,” he said with finality. You nodded and allowed him to lead you up the stairs. He kept a hand on your back as you took each step. You relished it, even if it was just Dwayne’s overprotectiveness.
Once upstairs, he herded you into a chair and knelt before you. With gentle hands, he manipulated your wrist. He turned it all ways, rolling it with practiced care. You hissed when he touched a particular sore spot. He turned his gaze to you, worry in his eyes.
“Does it hurt?”
“It's not so bad. I’ll be okay,” you brushed off his concern. He cradled your hand in his, his thumb gently rubbing at your wrist.
The two of you sat in silence as Dwayne stared at your wrist. With each pass of his thumb, your skin tingled, causing the hairs on your arm to stand.
“I didn’t like him touching you,” he finally said.
“Dwayne it’s not your fault-”
He stood abruptly, taking a few steps away from where you were sitting. His back was facing you, and you could see the tension in his shoulders in the way he stood.
“I didn’t like him touching you. Talking to you. Smiling at you,” Dwayne bit out. He turned to face you, his hands clenched into fists. His normally carefree expression was stony, his eyes seemingly darker. You stood up and took a few steps toward your boss. You tentatively reached out and took his hand in yours, thumbing over his knuckles.
“I was wrong that night. Kissing you wasn’t a mistake. Pushing you away, that was a mistake,” he confessed. He brought his other hand up to the crook of your neck. While his long fingers brushed the hair at the nape of your neck, his thumb brushed over your fluttering pulse point.
“Seeing that man flirt with you, as unwanted as it was… made me angry. Jealous. I wanted to hit him for touching you. For hurting you.”
Dwayne was grappling with what he was saying. He had never felt the flame of jealousy as hot as he did that night. It wasn’t him. He had been helping Jimmy behind the bar when he saw the man approach you. He was instantly on alert when he saw him drape his arm over the back of your chair. Your expression when you were clearly uninterested. As soon as he grabbed your wrist, he was out from behind the bar and pushing through the crowd to you.
He felt guilty for not getting to you before your wrist was grabbed. The redness around your wrist was like a brand, shouting at him that he had failed you. He didn’t protect you in time. Dwayne clenched his jaw thinking about it. Your hand, soft and cool, brushed against his temple. You continued your ministrations until the furrow in his brow lessened. His head drooped, his forehead touching yours.
“Dwayne, I don’t want anyone but you,” you breathed. “That hasn’t changed.”
With your confession, his resolve broke, and he tilted your head up, capturing your lips with his. You surged against him, mindful of your wrist as you pulled him closer. Dwayne backed you up until your back was against the wall.
You gasped at the contact and Dwayne used that to his advantage to delve deeper into your mouth. One hand tangled in your hair, the other gripping the swell of your hip. Your mind fogged as he kissed you like a man starved and only your lips would satiate his hunger.
You responded in kind, clinging to his neck, pressing your body flush against him. He grunted when your hips met his and he pulled back with a groan.
“As much as I’d like to stay here, Jimmy is gonna be wondering where we are,” he said, catching his breath against your neck. You hmmed against his hair, trying to regain control of your mental faculties.
“To be continued later?” you offered.
“Oh darlin’, you have no idea,” he said with a smirk.
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