#shoutout to the nightwing comic for being the only one to draw jason looking like a normal 20 year old person
arunneronthird · 1 year
so let me tell u a bit about jason todd, yall probably know this but let me tell the story anyway
as we all know, jason has black hair with a white stripe, or does he?
when he was created in the 80s, he was basically the perfect grayson replacement, good kid with a tragic past and a circus bg that wanted to do good and was sweet and had a beautiful relationship with batman and selina. he was also ginger
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(these first images are from batman 1940)
in this timeline, jason died his hair black on his own to resemble robin
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he was also the sweetest kid in existence btw
anyway someone decided that fuck that noise and remade jasons story entirely not soon after, this time hes a delinquent with good-for-nothing parents, with black hair and some interestingly violent tendencies
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"jason todd was the sweet robin" my ass, anyway he became a gremlin of a robin who no one liked and then he died, v tragic (im only half joking, the writers despised him)
then he came back years later! yay! and when he came back, he looked like this
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black hair, right? no white stripe yet, that one is harder to explain
so morrison, new batman writer, brings jason todd again as a ruthless antihero, and this jason is... ginger again? so basically even though he kept the delinquent jason story, he gave a wink to the first sweet boy jason
plus, this ginger jason has the white stripe! as explained here
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basically, the explanation morrison gives is hes been dying his hair black all this time cause bruce needed him to look like grayson cause robin was a symbol, which honestly is kinda insane and i live for it
the problem comes further down the line, the timeline becomes a bit blurry cause flashpoint happened, n52 happened, we were all disappointed, let's move on
his next appearance is in red hood and the outlaws (i think, this timeline is insane) and he goes back to this
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from this point on, i genuinely think the white hair stripe is a stylistic choice cause it makes an appearance whenever it pleases, he usually just has black hair like this
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this is nightwing 2016, but it's also black in robin 2021 and robin war
he famously has the white stripe in the wayne family adventures (the canon status of that series being whatever you want it to be), it's also there in robins 2021 but uh, what was that, and gotham knights, seen here!
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in conclusion: no one actually knows what color jason's hair actually is, my preferred idea is that he dyes it but does a terrible job, but honestly make canon whatever you want it to be, clearly the artists already do and i support them
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