#short haired lino 🫶
shorelinnes · 20 days
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favorite lee know looks (3/?) ↳ double knot
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leetaehwan · 6 months
Hi, thanks for answering my ask! It's your Stayblr Secret Santa again, this time asking what your favourite things are about Minho and what made him stand out to you. I was talking to someone today and lamenting how I noticed that Lino got the only beige item in an otherwise all-white wardrobe for the Perfect Day with SKZ Photoshoot. Who decided HE had to be the one dressed in beige cardigan and shorts, aka dad uniform? Hope you're having a good day and weekend.
omg true i mean the dad uniform is kinda cute but they definitely could have done better for him 🫢
my weekend was good i went to my work holiday party and got to put up more christmas decorations around my house! i don’t have my tree yet but i’m def feeling a bit more festive ✨✨
gonna put the rest under a cut bc i def rambled a bit oops 😁
my favorite things about minho hmm where to begin sjsjdhshs i think at first it was his visuals that stood out to me (ofc i mean look at him 😵‍💫🤧) but also his dancing is incredible (danceracha captain title well deserved!) u can tell how passionate he is when u watch the dance practices like he’s in this shit for life! and the way he helps everyone when they learn new choreos, like obviously that’s part of his job but it seems like he’s rly looking out for the other members and he wants them to do well. i always think about when felix said something about how he feels safe and comfortable when he’s dancing next to lino or when lino is helping him practice new choreos and like 🥺🥺🫶🏼
also i love that he is the designated Weirdo™️ of the group. i mean . lbr they’re all weirdos but he is king and i can’t help but stan <3 one of my mutuals has a series called “shit lino says” and it’s just gif sets of some insane thing he once said off-hand in a skz-talker ep or something and it brings me endless joy 🥰 the chaotic scorpio energy is off the charts and i love him for it. i watched the 2 kids show with him and chan the other day and that ep is literally pure chaos it was just the two of them clowning mc changbin for 30 minutes and maybe like 2 minutes of them actually being sincere ALDNDKDB he may never admit it but he loves those idiots with his whole chest i just know it
some favorite physical attributes include his giant sparkly eyes (literally the embodiment of 🥺), HIS NOSE, the lil freckle on the side of his nose, the marms (minho arms), that one time during maniac tour last year when his hair was really long.. 🫠 i could literally go on it’s so embarrassing how much i love him </3
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minbinchan · 1 year
I think the only tradition we have is to take turns to say what we were grateful for the year before opening the presents and we used to make the youngest child (that would be me kdhsn) distribute them to each person and do a lil game with it but since we are all grown up now we just give it ourselves kdhsmdh we started doing secret santas too but since my family is all over the globe and we don’t have that many people here so it got harder 😅
Omg Yessssss I screamed when I saw lino and I might be biased but hyunjin’s my fave! HIS SHORT HAIR PLUS THE ICRE CREAM CART! perfection! Also pink seungmin and i.n!! I’m so happy we are going to have more of that!!
Good luck on your exam!! Sending you good energies! 🫶🏻 - 🎁
Hii!!! Sorry it took me literal ages to reply my brain kinda shut down after my exam lmao
Ooooo family secret Santas sound so fun!! It's a bummer that you can't do it anymore bc it's hard to plan now but I bet it was super fun before!
Hyuns pic was ADORABLE he just looked so squishable 🥹🥹 and innie and seungs were so cute too 🥺🥺 innie is so photogenic, his picture looks like something I would have framed on my desk so people know he's my beloved kid lol
Have you been doing good? How is the weather where you are? Here is so warm that it's getting suffocating 🙃 gotta love summer /s
Thank you for the good energies yesterday too for the exam!! I think it went well 🕯️🕯️Today I'm going to school again bc they are doing the revisions for them so fingers crossed for a passing grade 🤞🏼🤞🏼
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