#shipping dialuci or solasmo doesn't mean you want a severe power imbalance
telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
I feel like people need to understand that liking a character does not automatically mean that you think they're perfect flawless beings?
Like, my fave is Belphie. I love him, his storyline is very interesting, I think he can be kind and compassionate, I love how straightforward he is, and he's the adorable youngest sibling.
He's also a fucking menace who literally offed MC, had an entire plan to commit genocide, is snarky, sassy, part of the anti-Luci league, and a manipulative brat.
These things are not mutually exclusive. I very well understand that Belphie is certainly not a completely morally-amazing character; however, I still love his development, his sibling relationships, and his general personality.
In conclusion: The characters you like do not define your personality. You can like characters because of something in your real life, but when consumed normally, fictional characters are...pretty harmless drawings.
If you want extra reassurance: I am yet to murder anyone lol.
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