#shes not even tryingggggg
"i need to see a man about a dog" shes sooo funny
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
legend of vox machina season 2 episode 11: Belly of the Beast OR I said what what
"you came up here to sleep with your daughter" "I feel like I wouldn't have let it get that far??" you didn't know shit, scanlan, you 100% would have
not the flogger having an actual emotional significance
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kaylie: >:|
you've heard of immovable rod get ready for immovable sword
of course scanlan knows how to slip ropes like that
leave him ALONE
"why does your keg say 'for animal consumption only'?" grog's drinking ivermectin
I do like the gold-amber-red gradient on the little fate thread
not the campaign 1 death roll
me @ the raven queen:
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scanlan looking all despondent :(
like it's an amazing pose/expression, just. :(
the fact that vax really does see scanlan as like a big brother advice-giving type (which is maybe a little bit of liam and sam bleeding through but hey)
flashback to mica talking about thordak as a shitty dad
so that's cabal's ruin she's wearing, right? or is she gonna pick that up between now and glintshore
background goliath: "this better be good or I'm killin' something" also me whenever I have to have a conversation first thing in the morning
"please god tell me this is a metaphor"
"we need a good plan" "so…do you have one?" "have one what"
big "it's time for plan b" "do we have a plan b?" "no but it's time for one" energy
keyleth failing six stealth checks in a row
"I put you in this place" technically that was percy
"do not go far from me" HEY. NO. SHUT UP.
this whole thing originally took place post-thordak, after the timeskip when percy had a temple to the raven queen built in whitestone
"this isn't something we have to talk about now. or ever, honestly." mood
"it always matters"
"don't let him get away" I regret to inform you that that is in fact the one thing he will actually do
roommate: is that blood? me: yyyyup roommate, with feeling: gross
"take the plunge" I feel like he maybe wasn't being quite this literal, vax
the coffin pose was not necessary, you dramatic ass
I had to look this up, this is Courtenay Taylor as the Raven Queen, which knocked me 100% for a loop
like. jack masseffect? female soul survivor? in my critical role??
there are six fate threads connected to vax, one for each of the other party members
lays in the floor about it
ngl I did have An Emotion about "all the living share one experience"
I also like the idea that RQ has been scouting vax this whole time, even before the temple
also one of those priestesses was liev'tel and I will not be convinced otherwise
"whose blood is that?!"
and now vax is a born-again
the little "dig" gesture
"he's not very smart, is he?"
interrogating the axe
scanlan really is tryingggggg
it's so hard watching this and knowing where scanlan's character arc ends up and just wanting him to be there Now
(someone on the tag made the point that stream!scanlan played everything as a joke until suddenly demanding to be taken seriously, which was a big cause of everyone's confusion and upset in ep. 85, because he really hadn't earned that kind of pathos. this arc is much more satisfying to watch bc we can see those pieces falling into place in real time, instead of having future events informing them in hindsight.)
they can feel the heat from that fire in the next city
petition for that specific pitch to be removed from everyone's sound libraries forever
passive perception too strong pls nerf
quick someone cast fairy fire
this is going to be an extremely weird sentence but I enjoy what they've done with environmental blood splatter this season
vorugal's ice blasts, umbrasyl's invisible stomps, they're just good
"I found out I'm the champion of the Matron of Ravens" "I found out I'm a father" "…you win"
the little look down at "the other way"
plus vax's face after
the pupil dilation
"I didn't actually think this would work!" "it really shouldn't have"
"you leave when Scanlan Shorthalt TELLS you to leave"
love that the broom drop fastball special is just their signiature move now
(are there people having the same reaction to finding out Grog and Vex are married that I did to finding out Roy Mustang and Lust are married)
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