#sherlock holmes cbs
mauraeyk · 3 months
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ELEMENTARY 1.16 | Details
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eg515 · 1 year
Elementary!Sherlock is superior because when he was angry and had to make several phone calls he dug out a rotary phone from his storage closet to be able to hang up on people with more emphasis
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lemoncupcake · 4 months
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@pscentral​ event 23: arcs
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preacherboyd · 2 months
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Elementary | 1x14 The Deductionist
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happygirl2oo2 · 3 months
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saw this textpost and got inspired
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obisamya · 1 year
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1.16 elementary
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couldntbedamned · 6 months
Elementary's Sherlock is just so achingly human.
He doesn't solve murders because it's a game to him; it's because he finds the taking of a life abhorrent. Even when the victim was a Terrible Person™, he'd rather the murderer go to jail, because that person didn't have the right. It's not a game to him.
He's shown again and again to be compassionate and thoughtful, even when he's being an asshole. He's so bad at human relationships but despite what he says, he cares so much.
Jonny Lee Miller was 100% the perfect casting for Sherlock. He knocks it out of the park in every single episode.
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asciuto · 6 months
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on the way home, I wrote a poem, you say "what a mind", this happens all the time
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babygirlgiles · 2 years
So many ppl have said that what the Elementary version of Holmes gets right is that perfect ratio of low asshole energy to high bitchy energy, and while I hear that and totally agree I think what they Really got right is that Holmes is totally and certifiably an absolute fucking freak. He’s a complete weirdo. He loves kinky sex. He has all his bizarre little hobbies. He gets deep joy from these things. And he is not at all ashamed of any of this, he’s actually quite proud of it all and willing to share it with anyone, out of a true love for his passions. He doesn’t feel confined by convention or expectations at all, he just wants to be vibing with his weird little projects and solve some weird little crimes and That Is How Sherlock Holmes Should Be.
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bestnoncannonship · 4 months
Ok Sherlock Holmes People, I have a question for us all....
I don't mean which was your first adaptation, I mean which was the one that took root forever in your brain and turned this into a lifestyle! I started with the Doyle.
@i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end help me spread this around?
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sherlock-holmesie · 8 months
I love you Jamie Moriarty and your comically large portrait of Joan Watson, the woman who you called a side kick and landed you in prison. toxic bisexual
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galaxythreads · 2 years
CBS elementary is absolutely bonkers, okay?
Sherlock crashes Joan's car in the first episode. This is never addressed again.
Sherlock goads Joan into an illegal autopsy after he kept doing it wrong
One time Sherlock comes home with a human head and has no idea where he got it
Moriarty has a daughter who is kidnapped. Sherlock and Joan have to rescue her. With Moriarty.
Moriarty kills someone who tries to assassinate Joan and then sends her a letter basically equaling out to “only me kill you <3″ 
Joan beats up a cop in a boxing ring. Then she annoys Joan again so Joan prepares for round #2.
Joan shaves Sherlock's head on purpose. At his request. He is bald or almost bald for several episodes. 
Someone mocks Sherlock and Joan asks the man "what's the hardest you've ever been hit?”
Joan threatens to stab Sherlock in the thigh with a push-pin if he doesn’t pay attention to a meeting (she has the push pin the whole scene in her hand)
Sherlock and Joan take down an entire drug gang in like a weekend.
Sherlock goads Gregson into marrying his girlfriend for insurance.
They keep roosters for like four episodes because Sherlock is trying to teach them to get along
Lestrade takes a helicopter to go down the block
“I’m Gay” “I am not” “No that’s my name. But I am actually gay, so it saves time.” “How efficient.” 
Sherlock becomes friends with a serial killer
Sherlock and Joan need help with a case so they go visit a detective in stolen antiquities who demands their help with a SEPERATE case that Sherlock solves in ten seconds
“Tell me you didn’t start that fire” “I didn’t start that fire” 
Sherlock’s solution to dealing with annoying neighbors is to start sculpting bushes with a chainsaw
In order to stop Marcus from assaulting someone, Sherlock assaults them first
Joan gets attacked by a serial killer and when Sherlock looks at her with big puppy eyes of apology she tells him that she’ll break his rib if he apologizes
One of Marcus’ professors refuses to teach Marcus because of a grudge they hold against Sherlock
“I’ve been robbed. How offensive.”
A LOT of people Joan knew get murdered (this is weird now that I’m thinking about it, I can think of at least three people)
Mycroft and Joan dated
“Her first hidden body, you must be so proud.” “You’re jesting, but I am.” 
“You don’t know I play the violin?” “Until last week I didn’t know you ate food.” 
Sherlock gets into a disagreement with his father and his solution to dealing with his frustration is to squeeze an entire honey jar down the drain 
Joan publishes a book detailing Sherlock’s life SOLEY for revenge after Reichenbach 
No one can understand Sherlock’s texting except for Joan, who used the fact he WASN’T talking like a teenager to realize he’d been kidnapped 
“It’s the orange high lighter, it always brings bad luck.”
Joan dyes her hair blonde to deal with a personal crises 
Joan and Sherlock lie under oath about breaking into people’s houses because they “heard puppies and babies under distress”
“Holmes and Watson are tracking down some sort of Holmes and Watson thing.”
Joan’s adoption lawyer lies about failing to notify her of meetings and Sherlock gets a king involved
Joan meets her sister because her sister runs an illegal poker game
Clyde. Just. Clyde
Joan’s mother tells her that she thinks Joan’s brother is having an affair and when Joan vents her frustration about this, Sherlock tells her she can (and should) cut off her family
The first half of season three is basically Joan and Sherlock mentoring/parenting Kitty 
Sherlock was SO CONFIDENT that his father wouldn’t show up to the meeting that he hired an actor to stand-in for his father (and he was right)
A consistent running gag of the series is Sherlock waking up Joan in new and strange ways
“Uncle Detective” “My child is not calling you detective.” 
“What does the moon landing have to do with someone trying to kill your father?” “Nothing. Or everything.” 
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sassydefendorflower · 2 months
Okay, hear me out: we've all heard of asshole!Holmes and adrenaline junkie!Watson (Sherlock) or recovering addict!Holmes and sober companion!Watson (Elementary) or Genius Diagnostician!Holmes + Oncologist!Watson (Dr. House), but what about...
Deaf!Holmes and Interpreter!Watson?
Because in most versions of the story, Watson is already the voice of Holmes' story. He's the one writing the book. The blog. He's the one telling people what Holmes did, the only one to truly understand him... while being able to communicate with the world at large.
What would push this metaphor further than... Sherlock Holmes being HoH/Deaf? Unable to join the police because of something outside of his control, still brilliant and eccentric - a proud member of Deaf culture.
A Holmes who refuses to engage with those who don't speak Sign, who refuse to learn his language. And Watson, who gets send by Mycroft to force his brother to communicate with someone.
An unlikely friendship.
And it doesn't quite work out how Mycroft hoped. Sherlock doesn't settle, if anything, Sherlock and Watson are now in the midst of at least ten different conspiracy theories - especially since Sherlock can now gloat using Watson's voice.
Just... Watson is already the person telling us this story - why not a version where he's the voice?
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partiallypearl · 8 months
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You make an effort to appear conventional, but I know, Watson, you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the humdrum routine of ordinary life.— Holmes
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preacherboyd · 1 month
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Elementary | 1x13 The Red Team
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happygirl2oo2 · 1 month
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Elementary as textposts part 4/?
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