#she's getting her own blog bc i'm V passionate about her so far
sacrialege · 23 days
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brinytrolls · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering if maybe you could throw me a post of all your trolls and a lil blurb abt them? I'm a wee bit new to your blog and friggin love your trolls already but I don't know they're names v well or too much abt them.
OOOO ok sure anon!! im trying to work on a new select page with lots of new info on each troll…but due to university its taking me. a long ass time bc i got No Free Tiiiime 
anyway! ill go hemospectrum order, starting with lowest….and hopefully help u learn a little bit about em! ;v; [u can click their names to go to their character pages ;0 tags also included in case u wannna look em up on my blog!! i also have 2 dancestors so throw an ask if u wanna see them too] 
veleno caudae [#vcaudae]
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🐍 severely underloved and underrapreciated-she’s a tough vintage city lesbian with a penchant for illegal things and pushing her luck. she works part time as a lounge singer and cabaret dancer, but thats not where her money comes from.
🎲 she likes to gamble against highbloods in risky games of chance, and often cheats or rigs the game. she doesn’t care, she needs the money more than they do. she’s probably one of the city’s richest lowbloods-but no one knows that.
🐍 she’s pretty coldhearted and untrusting of people-being by herself has gotten her this far, and she’s not about to change her system now. 
rest under the cut or this is gonna get LONG
florem viridi [#fviridi]
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🐝 sweet lil jade gal just trying to breeze through life. [or..afterlife? it’s difficult to quantify when you’re a rainbow drinker.] life has kicked her down hard in the past, and she’s trying her best not to let it rule her in the present day, despite her anxieties about it.
🌱 she loves nature and all things that come with it-both the beautiful and the morbid. gardening is her main hobby, but it sits alongside hiking, outdoorsy sports, camping and tea making. not to mention a little dissection, taxidermy and carnivorous plant care to shake up her quads more than a little!
🐝 she’s the ultimate grandma friend–trying to feed up all of her friends and quads and help their lifestyle, but she’s not afraid to stand up for herself or tell you if you’re being ridiculous. she’s no pushover, and has a stubborn temper. she’s three ounces of whoop ass
sarkan sarky nerdal [#snerdal]
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🐉 my blogs resident dumbass meme man & grubtuber. despite knowing how to build robots and being a pro at maths and science, he prefers to use his tech knowledge to run a pretty well known grubtube channel. he spends way too much time on the internet as a result. 
🎮 has no sense of self preservation whatsoever, doing dumb stunts he passes off as “parkour”, never sleeping [being a shifter doesn’t help], and generally leading a stupidly unhealthy lifestyle. he consumes enough caffeine in one day to fuel a small family, which doesn’t help with his paranoia and jitters about the empire. 
🐉 generally, he’s a pretty sweet dude, although he never knows when to stop joking or tone down the sarcasm. he’s trying his best.
harrel hierax [#harrel]
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📰 stuck up birdboy. he works for the mafia, but not out of his own will, forced into it during his studies as a forensics student. he cleans up crime scenes for a price, and is one of the best in the business to cover up your tracks and stop you being chased down by the police. he’s incredibly professional and businesslike to his clients. 
🎷 behind closed doors and away from…illegal business…he’s a total recluse. a huge hypchondriac and germaphobe, he tries to avoid the outside world-and the people in it-in order to try and gain some control of his life. he compulsively and obsessively cleans and reorganises his apartments, hoping it’ll help his anxieties some. it doesn’t.
📰 in the rare alone moments he manages to chill, he really enjoys music, especially jazz. singing, piano and saxophone is a secret passion of his, not that he gets enough calm moments to practise anymore.
faldur gemela [#fgemela]
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🐠 a BASTARD MAN. a violet-fuchsia cusp who thinks he’s the hottest shit around, and could not be more wrong if he tried. awful temper, sour disposition, and generally unfriendly attitude make him possibly the worst person to be around this side of the planet. alternia’s portrayal of seadwellers has him believing he’s above the others and deserves everything he wants, and he gets it.
👑 getting everything handed to him on a silver platter has made him jaded and bored-he’s reckless and impulsive with little empathy, turning to other trolls for entertainment ( 😉 ), as well as alcohol, bars, and the occasional murder. spoiled rich kid levels of boredom leads you to extreme things. 
🐠 his quads are trying to make him better, though-trying to make him focus on his less destructive hobbies like reading, writing, book restoration, astronomy and his 15 cats. it’s...a difficult process. 
ans thats everyone!! feel free to ask more stuff abt anyone ur interested in! im aLWAYS open to it!!
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