#she's a die hard spuffy shipper
vampirologist · 1 year
Just want my voice hard as a die hard Angel/Cordy shipper who is meh to honestly quite irritated by Spuffy. I’ve never got the Spuffy bug, no disrespect to those who do, but I love Angel with Cordy so so so much. I wasn’t expecting to be when I first heard they were a ship but I really really fell for them as I watched for the first time a couple of years ago and haven’t looked back. It’s a struggle when I want all the Cangel content but don’t want Spuffy (I’m a Fuffy girl all the way)
hey I appreciate you sharing 🙏 like I said it could change on a rewatch and I like them as besties but maybe it’s been affected by how dirty cordy’s character was done where it’s doesn’t even have the appeal that I have with buffy and angel where they can never be a feasible couple because I’m just so aware of the external influences of charisma getting pregnant and being treated like shit for it to the point it negatively affected her character. but I’m with you on how I was like how is this going to work knowing cordelia left buffy to go on angel’s show and then they do have this great dynamic you wouldn’t expect. which rewatching some early buffy after finishing angel in their little moments together (before she dated xander and then just went with xander on angel as he didn’t like him) she likes him and he’s nice to her so it’s not as surprising now in hindsight. I just like the way she’s so blunt while he’s repressive about his vampirism…. so I AM right in that those who ship cordy and angel tend to ship buffy and spike!
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cputrbug · 2 years
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The pandemic brought binge watching to a whole new level. Lots of people looked up old 90′s shows like Friends, Charmed and Buffy and a new generation of fans were born. 
This is great, IMO. A 25-year-old show has people talking. That’s fantastic! 
I’ve been a fan of Buffy since March 10, 1997 - the day the pilot episode “Welcome to the Hellmouth” aired. I was 6 months pregnant, laying on the couch channel surfing when I heard a catchy tune with some rockin’ guitars. So I stopped to see what it was and saw it was a show about vampires. I was reading a lot of vampire fiction at the time and thought I would see what it was about. From that moment, I was hooked. I raised a second generation of Buffy fans. My children know all of the episodes, can quote them even and we’ve often played Buffy trivia on long car rides or waits in hospital rooms. 
I am a die-hard Buffy fan, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t struggled with it. Season 4 had some low moments **coughWheretheWildThingsARecough**, Season 5 some heartbreak “The Gift” and “The Body” and I struggled through the uneven and out of character scenes in Seasons 6 & 7. Joss Whedon turning out to be a misogynistic, vile turd. He’s a brilliant writer...still a turd. I waited for Xander to get his payback for the lies, the casual cruelty, the Joss-ness that never came. I secretly hoped that they hadn’t defanged Spike and he was playing Buffy to become the Big Bad of Season 6. I wished for Oz to return.  I was deeply involved in fandom. I was a regular visitor to “The Bronze” official message board of the show, and the “Bronze Beta” when it changed networks after Season 5. I consumed Buffy fanfic (and even wrote some). I followed fantastic writers like Margot Le Faye, Ducks, IndieFic, Vatrixsta, Gia and Tango. Very few of their stories are still out there as my broken bookmarks can attest to. 
I was there for the B/A (never Bangel!) vs. Spuffy fights, that went beyond fandom and into RL. I saw my friends threatened, stalked, doxed for posting positive B/A stories or message board posts. I saw people peel away for their own safety and sanity.  Now, 25 years on - Buffy lives! She trends regularly on Twitter and the B/A vs Spuffy war is played out again but this time in 280 characters.   Spike was a fantastic villain. He was even a great grey-hat. He fought on Buffy’s side so he could beat up demons; he should have stayed evil. I was a Spike Fan until “Wrecked”. A line had been crossed. “Seeing Red” was the end for me. His obsession turned violent. He should have been staked at the end of the episode. Instead, they gave him a soul, so he could be a champion. Marti Noxon, Season 6 showrunner, was a Spike fan girl run amok and Whedon had left for “Firefly”. They wrote themselves into the corner and this was the way out. 
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Were there good episodes after “Seeing Red”? Of course. Many, in fact. Though one of the worst of Season 7 was “Empty Places”. In this episode, Willow, Giles, Xander, Faith, Robin and Dawn and the potentials who have all been mooching off of Buffy for most of the season (which of them had actual jobs? Maybe Robin) decide they don’t “trust” her anymore and kick her out of her own house. It was wrong. It was infuriating. And still Xander didn’t get the smackdown he so richly deserved. And yes, 20 years later I’m still pissed off about it.  I will always be a B/A shipper. I might be in the minority these days as Spike has been romanticized to a nauseating degree (even James Marsters thinks so), but I don’t care. 
I love both BtVS and Angel the Series still. My kids are grown now, but on rainy days or weekend gatherings we still break out the original DVD box sets and binge them. 
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #210
BTVS 7x22 Chosen
Stray Thoughts
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You know what? I don’t think I am, Buffy.
1) You know the baddy’s fate is sealed when they dare call Buffy a bitch, right?
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2) Watching Buffy ax Caleb right in the balls and then make puns about it fills me with infinite joy.
3) I think you all know by now I’m not a Bangel shipper, so I wonder how Angel shippers feel about Buffy and Angel’s last on-screen conversation being about Spike. Doesn’t it feel a bit like a wasted opportunity? It’s not really OOC for Angel to act jealous and possessive (even though in the universe of the show he’s spent the last two years approximately being in love with Cordelia, so why does he think he has any right to question Buffy’s love life? Anyway, I know that’s the writers' fault – how they always blatantly ignored whatever was happening in each show for the shippy crossover moment – but the end result is that Angel looks like a two-timing asshole who can’t make up his mind about what or who he wants.) But like, the world is ending, this is what you want your last conversation to be…?
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He is. He is a 200+ years old man-child-pire.
5) The cookie dough speech, though? One of my favorite speeches in the show…
I'm cookie dough. I'm not done baking. I'm not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I'm gonna turn out to be. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next thing, and maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready. I'm cookies. And then, you know, if I want someone to eat… or enjoy warm, delicious cookie me, then...that's fine. That'll be then. When I'm done.
I think it’s one of the finest messages the show delivered, and it’s especially important coming from Buffy herself, someone who was seldom not in a relationship.
6) Callback #1…
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This parallels both  Angel’s first appearance in the show in Welcome to the Hellmouth as well as his exit from the show in Graduation Day Part 2.
7) Oh, Xander…
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8) Of course, the shipping wars wouldn’t be complete without Spuffy talking about Angel. Guh.
9) Iconic!
You know, one of these days I'm just gonna put you two in a room and let you wrestle it out. There could be oil of some kind involved.
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One can only dream!
10) This gives me a lot of feels… It’s such a small gesture but it means she finally trusts him.
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11) You see what I mean when I say the First was fucking idiotic? Always giving Buffy the precise information she needed in order to defeat it? I mean…
None of those girlies will ever know real power unless you're dead. You know the drill: Into every generation, a slayer is born. One girl in all the world. She alone will have the strength and skill to— There's that word again. What you are. How you'll die. Alone. Where's your snappy comeback?
Like, seriously, do you even want to destroy the world? You’re not trying real hard!
12) Yeah, you fucking are!
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13) See? Cut to the next morning, Buffy is telling the others her plans, inspired by none other than the First itself! I don’t think she would’ve thought of it if he hadn’t mentioned the fact that they needed the potentials to have real power, the power of a slayer.
14) Sweet, innocent Dawnie!
WILLOW This goes beyond anything I've ever done. It's a total loss of control, and not in a nice, wholesome, my girlfriend has a pierced tongue kind of way.
BUFFY I wouldn't ask if I didn't think you could do it.
WILLOW I—I'm not sure that I'm stable enough.
GILES You can do this, Willow. We'll get the coven on the line, and we'll find out how they can help.
DAWN Oh! "Pierced tongue."
15) This line always gives me chills!
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16) Although their conversation is cute…
ROBIN Faith—Make me a deal, all right? We live through this, you give me the chance to surprise you.
FAITH What would be the surprise?
ROBIN You do know the meaning of the word, right?
I really don’t see the point in spending precious minutes of a finale on these two. If we needed Faith to get closure with anyone, that was Buffy.
17) I don’t actually hate Kennedy on this episode. Wow. I never thought I’d say that.
18) How the mighty have fallen…
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Although I think I missed the part where he was a “highly respected watcher”... 
19) And then this scene…
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I’ve talked about it before, so I’m going to leave you the link in case your interested to know what I make of it as a Spuffy shipper.
20) Oh, Anya…
ANYA So that leaves me and the dungeon master in the north hall?
ANDREW We will defend it with our very lives.
ANYA Yes, we will defend it with his very life.
XANDER And don't be afraid to use him as a human shield.
ANYA Good, yes, thanks!
22) Now, this is what this season should’ve been about…
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23) And callback #2…
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24) Ok, this is one my greatest movie/tv pet peeves. Why would anyone cut their hands? I get it, you need blood or whatever. I can think of 10 parts of your body you could get it from which wouldn’t be as inconvenient as your hand. Like, how do they continue doing things with a fucking open wound on the palm of their hands? It doesn’t make any sense! And it’s always the fucking hand! WHY!?
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25) This is probably the scariest shot in the show, isn’t it? (even if the CGI wasn’t that great…)
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26) Oh, man, this speech still gives me chills!
BUFFY So here's the part where you make a choice: What if you could have that power... now? In every generation, one slayer is born... because a bunch of men who died thousands of years ago made up that rule. They were powerful men. This woman is more powerful than all of them combined. So I say we change the rule. I say my power... should be our power. Tomorrow, Willow will use the essence of the scythe to change our destiny. From now on, every girl in the world who might be a slayer... will be a slayer. Every girl who could have the power... will have the power... can stand up, will stand up. Slayers... every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?
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I love it. I do. It is an empowering moment, it’s Buffy and the slayers breaking free from the Council, taking back the power that was imposed onto them, choosing that power.
The irony is not lost on me, however, that Buffy is making the choice for – and therefore removing the agency of – every single potential slayer who is not in that room. She did ask the ones living with her, but what about the rest? What if they don’t want that power and its responsibility?
In spite of this, it still holds up as one of the greatest moments in the show.
Side note: I read somewhere (or saw an interview?) about how this speech was much longer, and how SMG delivered the whole speech in its entirety without making any mistakes, and when she ended everyone was so in awe at what she’d done as an actress that they started clapping. She is a great actress, isn’t she?
27) And our Willow has come full circle, hasn’t she?
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28) Iconic shot!
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29) Bless you, Anya!!
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30) …
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R.I.P. Anyanka Emanuella Jenkins, former vengeance demon, self-appointed American and defender of capitalism, arch-nemesis of bunnies, hater of subtleties, teller of truths.
I know the way Anya went pissed off a lot of people, especially because it’s almost a blink-and-you-missed-it moment. I do, however, feel that someone had to die in this way. Someone important, I mean. Not every main character death in the show could have a big preamble and a huge aftermath. Sometimes you see death coming, but other times, it happens in an instant and it’s done. That’s especially true in big battles like the one in this episode. There is no time to stop and mourn because if you do, you might end up on the dead pile yourself.
We see later how the only ones concerned about Anya are Xander and Andrew. That makes sense, too, in my opinion. Anya was never a true member of the Scooby gang. She was merely there because of Xander. I’m not saying that was okay, I’m simply stating a fact. In fact, I’ve voiced my annoyance about the way Buffy and Willow treated her several times. (This is proven by how little thought was given to her feelings after Xander left her at the altar…) It hardly matters anyway, because if she wanted to be remembered and missed by anyone, that most certainly was Xander. Her life revolved around him, for better or worse.
But, apart from this, I think this was a fitting way to finish her journey – from vengeance demon, to inadequate teenager, to girl in love, to working gal, to scorned lover, to vengeance demon again, to humanity connoisseur and admirer. She overcame her fear of death and she embraced her humanity, and she died stupidly fighting for what she believed in, just like humans do.
31) I think this is one of the most underrated puns in the show.
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32) Have you noticed how they are killing the Ubervamps with… stakes? Retcon much?
33) Oh, bollocks, indeed…
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34)It kind of breaks my heart when Spike says that he can really feel his soul like he didn’t really believe it was actually there until now.
35) Oh, god, my Spuffy heart…
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Does Buffy really love Spike, though? 
36) "I wanna see how it ends.”
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R.I.P. Spike. Sort of. Not really.
37) I really like this shot…
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Buffy just stares at the open road, her life ahead, her future, thoughts she’d never before allowed herself to indulge in because death was always around the corner. But now? There’s literally a world of possibilities…
38) Callback #3…
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You left like you arrived, Spike. Goodbye home, sweet home.
39) Bless you, Andrew.
XANDER So, did you see?
ANDREW I—I was scared. I'm sorry.
XANDER Did you see what happened? I mean, was she...
ANDREW She was incredible. She died saving my life.
XANDER That's my girl. Always doing the stupid thing.
40) I just love the fact that the original cast members are the only ones in the last shot BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT THIS SEASON SHOULD’VE BEEN ABOUT. EHEM.
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41) I just…
WILLOW Yeah. The First is scrunched, so... what do you think we should do, Buffy?
FAITH Yeah, you're not the one and only chosen anymore. Just gotta live like a person. How's that feel?
DAWN Yeah, Buffy. What are we gonna do now?
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I will try to form a coherent thought because as I write this, I’m still bawling my eyes out. This ending is especially poignant for me because Buffy is my favorite character, so all I’ve ever wanted was her happiness. It’s been seven years. Seven years of heartbreak, pain, mourning loved ones, non-stopping fighting. Seven years of feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. A girl, alone in the world, fighting the forces of evil. Never allowing herself to look forward because that always leads to disappointment and crushed expectations. But now? Nothing is stopping her now, nothing is holding her back. The open road is right ahead, and she can go and do whatever she wants to.
The show had to end with a final shot of Buffy. This was her journey, and though it’s far from over, that smile assures us that yes, she will be fine.
I guess it gives all of us a little bit of hope.
42) Is Chosen a perfect episode? I don’t think so. I think too much time was wasted on ship moments and side characters. There’s a lot of talk but not the kind I usually enjoy the most. It’s only half-way through the episode – when they get to Sunnydale High - that you really get that feeling of “Oh fuck, this is really the end, this is actually happening!”
But I do think it’s a good ending, nonetheless. There’s an epic battle – although I do enjoy the season 3 battle much more… - there’re callbacks and special character moments, there’s closure and there’s death because it wouldn’t be Buffy if no one ever died. (You lied, Giles.)
More importantly, it does what series finales ought to do – it pays tribute to its characters, and it’s a gift to the fans. I don’t think we should ever measure the quality of a show by how good their series finale is, you know? When I think of this show – and we all know I think about it a lot – it’s not “Chosen” what comes to mind. It’s everything that came before it. Chosen is a celebration of and a tribute to all of that. And as such, it is a perfect finale.
43) Thank you to everyone who has ever read one of my recaps, you are the reason I pushed through even when I felt like giving up. Thank you for sharing my unconditional love for this show. I love you all, too.
44) If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
Buffy discourse! I am here for this!! 😍 (CW for spoilers and vague mentions of assault)
I also remember JM talking about that being the inspiration for the scene in Seeing Red. I think what really bothered me about it was how they wrote Spike immediately afterward, especially in the last two eps of S6. Using lines like “b*tch is gonna get what she deserves”… I imagine this is because they wanted us to think his quest was about his chip, and have the surprise at the end, but it still felt gross. As did the continued writing of B/S as a romantic-ish pairing throughout S7 (and this is coming from someone who once identified as a die-hard Spuffy shipper). I know we’re made to believe that you have to treat soul-having Spike as a separate entity from soulless Spike, but still. I feel like they wrote themselves into a terrible position by taking a fan fave character and romantic interest of Buffy’s, having him do what he did in SR, and then trying to continue on with him as a romantic interest. Like, just: no.
As for the thing about Anya, I do remember seeing an interview with EC where she had specifically requested for her character to be killed very dead in the finale, so while the method was awful, I think that may have been partly the writers finding a way to fulfill EC’s wish.
i also really don't like the way they wrote the whole "ohhh you will think spike is evil, but actually he is gonna get his soul back" schtick, because i hate it when shows lie to their audience. and i agree, i can sort of get what they were going for, but truly....... it kinda ruined the ship (for me). like i said before, i do love the redemption arc but i love it as something that's isolated, not when i think back on all that happened in s6, especially SR.
ahww i am glad emma got her wish, then!!
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hydesbride · 7 years
TOP TEN BUFFY SUMMERS SCENES ON BTVS (I know there's obviously more than ten so don't feel bad about only *listing* ten. ;)
Oh I love this! Buffy is my favorite character OF ALL TIME, so naturally I could list most of her scenes, but I managed to narrow it down to 10…plus 5! Okay I am just that pathetic that I needed 15…and a few honorable mentions. I’m sorry! I will just put them in chronological order, because ranking them would probably kill me!
1. Prophecy Girl - Buffy’s speech to Giles “Giles. I’m sixteen years old. I don’t want to die.” We had seen Buffy grapple with the balance of being a teenager and being The Slayer, but up until this point, it hadn’t been driven home completely. This scene broke it all open. It put in perspective just how young this girl is and how she was forced to give up her childhood and now, her LIFE. An extension to this scene is the way she marches off to face The Master, despite knowing she will die and then the bad ass bantering way in which she defeats him. “You’ve got fruit punch mouth.” “I may be dead, but I’m still pretty”
2. Becoming Part II -  The fight between Buffy and Joyce, “No, it doesn’t stop! It never stops! Do you think I chose to be like this? You have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous? I would love to be upstairs, watching TV or gossiping about boys or… God, even studying! But I have to save the world. Again.” The weight of the world is on Buffy’s shoulders, as it always is, and she is pretty much losing everything. This showdown with her mom was long overdue, and the absolute heartbreak of knowing that this young woman has to endure even more suffering to save the world is unbearable. I have to include the other pinnacle moment from this episode as a Buffy fan…when Angelus is taunting Buffy, “No weapons… no friends… no hope. Take all that away and what’s left?” and Buffy simply replies “Me.” THAT is Buffy Summers. No matter what the circumstances, she is there standing between us and the forces of darkness and nothing can break her.
3. Helpless - Buffy is being drugged by Giles on behalf of The Watchers. Throughout the episode we get a chance to see how terrifying her job is without any special abilities. The moment she marches in to save her mother from a viscous, rabid vampire, with no super powers to speak of, gives me chills. She is so scared, but she is Buffy. That means she puts aside her fear and fights. It was an incredible moment which proved that Buffy did not need super powers to be a hero. It is her heart and her mind that made her strong.
4. Earshot - The speech Buffy makes to Jonathan in the tower. It was so incredibly poignant and relevant to teenagers and all humanity, really “My life happens, on occasion, to suck beyond the telling of it…sometimes more than I can handle. And it’s not just mine. Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they’re too busy with their own. The beautiful ones, the popular ones, the guys that pick on you, everyone. If you could hear what they were feeling: the loneliness, the confusion…it looks quiet down there. It’s not. It’s deafening.” It is so profound, and it makes us all realize that we need to look beyond the surface and empathize with others and understand that we aren’t the only ones to shed tears.
5. Family - The way Buffy sticks up for Tara in this episode makes me cry every single time. Tara had just screwed up. She made a mistake that could have cost the scoobies their lives, and prior to that Buffy had already been failing to click with or really understand Tara. But she understood her in that moment. She saw a woman who was desperate to fit in and be “normal”, she saw someone who, while being different, was fighting similar demons as the rest of the scoobies. She saw a woman who was being abused by her own blood, and she stood up for her. She welcomed Tara into the family with open arms, “You want her Mr. Maclay? You can go ahead and take her. You just gotta go through me…You heard me. You want to take Tara out of here against her will? You gotta come through me.” Mr. Maclay: “You people have no right to interfere with Tara’s affairs. We are her blood kin. Who the hell are you?” Buffy replies “We’re family.” This is just so moving. Family isn’t about blood. It’s not what you’re born with. It’s what you make. Buffy is the greatest friend, and given the compassion and understanding Tara shows for Buffy when Joyce dies and when Buffy comes back from Heaven, you can really see how much this moment meant to Tara.
6. Checkpoint - The scene where Buffy confronts The Watchers Council, “I’ve had a lot of people talking at me the last few days, everyone just lining up to tell me how unimportant I am, and I finally figured out why…power. I have it. They don’t. This bothers them. Glory came to my home today…just to talk. She told me I’m a bug, I’m a flea, she could squash me in a second. Only she didn’t. She came into my home and we had what in her warped mind probably passes for a civilized conversation, Why? Because she needs something from me. Because I have power over her. You guys didn’t come all the way from England to determine whether or not I was good enough to be let back in. You came to beg me to let you back in, to give your jobs…your lives…some semblance of meaning.” Buffy coming to the realization that everyone was trying to cut her down because they were threatened and intimated by her power is amazing. She owns it so well.
7. Blood Ties - The scene in the hospital with Dawn, “It’s Summer blood. It’s just like mine. You ARE my sister.” The way Buffy assures Dawn that she IS her sister, and that she loves her, not because of her duties as The Slayer, but because of the connection she feels to her as a sister. Dawn didn’t have to start out as her family, but like with Tara, we see that origins are not something that concerns Buffy. Family is made not born.
8. Intervention - The final scene with Spike. Buffy pretends to be the bot to find out if Spike told Glory about Dawn. When she realizes he would rather die than reveal this secret, she understands for the first time that his love for her is in fact real, and she takes pity on him with the gentlest of kisses. “What you did for me and for Dawn…THAT was real. I won’t forget it.”, and she doesn’t. It is Spike that she continually trusts to protect Dawn in her absence, above all others. As a Spuffy shipper, this scene obviously is one of my favorites, but as a fan of Buffy it ranks up there too. Buffy values loyalty and with Spike she ends up finding the greatest partner in her fight. Side note: The revelation that death is Buffy’s gift and that she is so full of love that she pulls away from it are also really amazing.
10. The Gift - The whole episode really. “But you’re just a girl.” “That’s what I keep saying.” and the staunch way she fights Giles over Dawn when he dares to say Dawn is not her sister, “You’re right. She’s more than that. She’s me. The monks made her out of me. When I hold her…I feel closer to her than… It’s not just the memories they built. It’s physical. Dawn… is a part of me. The only part that I…” then later Giles says that everyone in the world will die, including Dawn, and her response is the most perfect thing, “Then the last thing she’ll see is me protecting her.”. I also really love her later speech to Giles, “I sacrificed Angel to save the world. I loved him so much, but I knew what was right. I don’t have that anymore. I don’t know how to live in this world if these are the choices, if everything gets stripped away. I don’t see the point. I just wish that…I just wish that my mom was here.” In Becoming, Buffy was able to kill Angel. It was black and white, but now the world is gray, and she is asked to kill an innocent, an innocent that she loves more than she has ever loved ANYTHING. Then of course we have the sacrifice and the speech, “"Dawn, listen to me. Listen. I love you. I will always love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles… tell Giles I figured it out. And, and I’m okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world… is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me.” Buffy never hesitates to give her life. It’s who she is. I don;t think any scene on the series makes me cry as much as this one. The beauty that is Buffy Summers… The amount of love in her heart and the way she gives it all for the people around her… I’m going to cry now just talking about it.
11. After Life - When Buffy reveals the horrible truth to Spike, “I was happy. Wherever I was… I was happy… at peace. I knew that everyone I cared about was all right. I knew it. Time… didn’t mean anything. Nothing had form. But I was still me, you know? And I was warm. And I was loved. And I was finished. Complete. I - I don’t understand theology or dimensions, any of it really… but I think I was in heaven. And now I’m not. I was torn out of there. Pulled out, by my friends. Everything here is hard and bright and violent. Everything I feel, everything I touch. This is Hell. Just getting through the next moment, and the one after that. Knowing what I’ve lost. They can never know. Never.” The heartbreaking revelation that this hero who sacrificed herself was ripped out of the ultimate happiness and thrown back into her world of violence and death is just so painful, and it sets up the season and Buffy’s depression, perfectly. And of course, being Buffy, she is still trying to save her friends from the massive guilt and regret they would feel for what they did. Obviously, it really wasn’t Buffy’s time, and she recovers and finds the desire to live in the world again, but the pain of loss in this scene is just so intense.
12. Conversations with Dead People/End of Days - Getting to the root of Buffy feeling both superior and inferior, “I feel like I’m worse than anyone. Honestly, I’m beneath them. My friends, my boyfriends. I feel like I’m not worthy of their love. ‘Cause even though they love me, it doesn’t mean anything ‘cause their opinions don’t matter. They don’t know. They haven’t been through what I’ve been through. They’re not the slayer. I am. Sometimes I feel…this is awful…I feel like I’m better than them. Superior.” I always love the scenes when Buffy discusses what it means to be The Slayer and the complexities of it. I couple this one with the scene between Buffy and Faith in End of Days when Faith says “Me, by myself all the time. I’m looking at you, everything you have, and, I don’t know… jealous. Then there I am. Everybody’s looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I’ve never felt so alone in my entire life. And that’s you ever day, isn’t it?” to which Buffy replies “I love my friends. I’m very grateful for them. But that’s the price…being a slayer.” Faith finally grasps the severity and pressure that rests with Buffy, and is such an honest scene and a great finale for their relationship.
13. Bring on the Night - The end speech…it is seriously one of the most epic scenes ever written. Buffy was beaten to a pulp, nearly killed, and she walks down those stairs and she faces the group with the most resolute conviction and strength that I have ever seen on my television screen and says ” I’m beyond tired. I’m beyond scared. I’m standing on the mouth of hell, and it is gonna swallow me whole. And it’ll choke on me. We’re not ready? They’re not ready. They think we’re gonna wait for the end to come, like we always do. I’m done waiting. They want an apocalypse? Oh, we’ll give ‘em one. Anyone else who wants to run, do it now. 'Cause we just became an army. We just declared war. From now on, we won’t just face our worst fears, we will seek them out. We will find them, and cut out their hearts one by one, until The First shows itself for what it really is. And I’ll kill it myself. There is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil, and that’s us. Any questions?“ If that doesn’t make you love Buffy…if that doesn’t give you serious chills, there is something wrong with you.
14. Showtime - When Buffy faces off with the ubervamp (Chaka Khan lol) to teach the whiny potentials a lesson…it is pure genius and just SO Buffy Summers “I’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about.” All Buffy needed to find was her confidence. Whenever she sets her mind to something, she does it. It’s not about the weapons. It is all in her strength of conviction. She decided to slay the ubervamp to make a point, and she did just that. “Here endeth the lesson.”
15. Chosen - Buffy shares the power of The Slayer with all potentials. It is such a lovely and empowering moment seeing so many women finding their strength and rising up. The plan Buffy concocts and the way it is executed is so amazing. As is the way she builds the confidence of Willow and of Spike, who play key roles in the fight. The way the battle shifts according to Buffy’s state, when she is down her side starts losing. But when we see her rise up and tell the first to get out of her face, the entire game changes. Of course the moment she finally admits to herself and to Spike that she loves him, as their hands clasp in flames while she both cries and smiles is just poetry. The revelation is so true and so beautiful. And there is her smile at the very end, at the realization that she no longer has to carry the weight of the world anymore. Perfection.
So yeah, I managed to leave off a ton of scenes I love like the way Buffy chooses Xander/Willow as her friends in Welcome to the Hellmouth when she could have picked the in crowd. There is the wonderful scene in The Prom when her peers recognize her for everything she does or the way she finds her strength again in season 4’s “The Freshman”. There’s also the moments of her teaching Dawn and the potentials how to fight and the way she goes into the vineyard to face Caleb alone in Touched. Not to mention the scenes in season 7 where she champions for Spike now that he has a soul or the scenes in Wrecked/Same Time Same Place where she accepts Willow despite her magic issues, first helping her with the addiction then literally giving Willow her power to help her heal. Gosh there are just so many. This is why Buffy Summers is by far the most brilliant, amazing, loyal, strong, courageous, and complex character ever created.
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Talk about the first ship you ever had, What’s your current NOTP?, Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically, Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?, Do you like and use ship names?
The first ship you ever had…I have literally been a shipper since I was old enough to remember watching TV and movies. So, I can’t say what my exact first one was, alot of my fandoms from back then were shows long since forgotten–but I shipped Dimitri and Anastasia from Anastasia pretty hard as a kid, as well as Meg and Hercules from the Disney movie. 
My first hardcore obsessed ship, though? Trevor and Claire from Cupid, the original 90s version by Rob Thomas (who would eventually go on to make Veronica Mars and iZombie). I watched it when it was actually airing and nineteen years later I could still speechify at you for days about how it got the Firefly treatment of bad scheduling and no confidence and little publicity, and how much I adored everything about it: from Jeremy Piven giving me the unfortunate belief that persistent jerkishness is cute to a lifelong attraction to Paula Marshall, who nobody else has ever heard of. (She dates Veronica’s dad at one point, for anyone curious. I adore her still.)
Anyway, he was a sweet optimistic character and she was a realist who couldn’t avoid her growing feelings for him. I thought they had great chemistry and the premise was really good: her job as a therapist was to “treat” him, the crazy guy who believed he was Cupid, while he kept matchmaking people all around them despite her skepticism. Kind of Mulder and Scully but without the pesky scifi, lol…and as a hopeless romantic teen I ate it up. Rob Thomas spoke after the show’s cancellation about the endgame and it would’ve been perfect and I feel robbed without it. 
What’s your current NOTP? Ravi x Peyton on iZombie. I’m not watching a lot of current shows, but this one is especially bothering me because they’re hinting that they want to keep that ship open as a possible future, and I just want it to die. She was never as seriously interested in him as he was in her (though I thought they were cute in S1 and I was willing to go with it). From the beginning of S2 her primary romantic focus was John Deaux/Blaine, even as they yanked that back and forth, and she point blank told Ravi multiple times that they’d had their chance, or she was no longer interested. I love Ravi as a character, but for me, in S3, he’s long since crossed the line from sweet guy who pines for his friend to guy who thinks he deserves her just because he’s nice. PLEASE Ravi, don’t be that guy.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically: I don’t know that there’s ever anybody I stop shipping once I’ve started. Even when I can look back now (hi, Willow/Tara!) and see problematic elements, past-me still ships them, so I can’t say I don’t. Hmm. Oh, I have one! I haven’t tested this out, but I used to super ship Elizabeth Swann and Captain Jack Sparrow in the POTC movies. And now that Johnny Depp disgusts me, it’s hard for me to imagine not feeling squicked about them onscreen. As for TV, there isn’t really anybody that I seriously shipped and then stopped. I liked Kaylee/Simon for a while, but not heavily so.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Absolutely. I shipped Ben x Leslie (Parks and Rec) from gifs alone. It was tumblr that convinced me to watch it. There are others right now on my future watch list where I’ll be on the lookout for the specific ships loved by people who are the reason I recognize the show.
Do you like and use ship names? Sometimes. Depends on the name and how widespread it is, and if I like the feel of it. For example, I’m so used to “Spuffy” it doesn’t even occur to me to think of it as a name combo–it just exists, as itself. I’ve shipped them for 18 years now. Their ship name is an adult for me, lol. Other ones I like and use sometimes just based on the cuteness, like Joshatella (TWW) and Benslie (Parks and Rec)…but for the most part I prefer to spell them out so anybody can follow along. If I’m talking directly to a fellow shipper of that pairing (see Bleyton, of iZombie) then I’ll use the shorthand, but I’d rather not leave people confused.
shipper meme
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