#she'd opened some of my mail and felt really awful about it and me not immediately pardoning her made it worse
sad bc im making my mom uncomfortable/unhappy at home but there's no solution i can figure out besides moving out asap but that requires having some type of regular income
0 notes
smol-dargon · 7 months
Not me posting a fourth chapter because I really wanted to see where this story would go
The air was completely still inside the mausoleum, as if the place were holding its breath. The knight shivered, her chain mail rattling. Her breath was visible in the air. This was not a place for them to linger, clearly.
In the floor ahead of them, several panels in the floor rattled, as if barely containing their occupants. Dan led the way, club at the ready. The knight raised her axe and nodded at him, prepared for whatever might come crawling out of the floors. He bashed the panels in one after the other, sending tiny gremlin creatures scurrying across the chamber. The knight had her hands full corralling and killing them all.
In short order, the room was silent again, save for the sound of their armored steps. One of the panels didn't have anything inside. Rather, it dropped out into a corridor below. With little else to go on, Dan hopped down. The knight followed quickly behind.
Their path was blocked by a stained glass panel. He hated to destroy such art, but he hoped the souls of the recently risen dead would forgive him. He had to pass in order to save the kingdom. The knight was one step ahead of him though; she destroyed the panel without a second thought. In fact, she looked rather upset at it. Beyond the shattered pane, more of the gremlin creatures scurried about, swiftly dispatched by her axe. She took a moment to catch her breath, looking even more distressed at the sight of three more pathways, each blocked by their own stained glass design.
He gave her a bit of a questioning look. It was one thing to be committed to saving Gallowmere. It was quite another to be so hateful towards art.
She heaved a great sigh and rubbed her knuckles as if they ached.
"My father sent me to a convent once for 'misbehaving'. I've hated anything that even smells like a church ever since."
He'd heard of such things happening in other places. Places far removed from his beloved Gallowmere. Women here might not always do the same things men did, but never were they punished for being unusual or unladylike. It explained why she had been so stressed about being discovered, and why she was so aggravated at the mere thought of not being respected as a knight.
"Sounds awful. Sorry."
He hoped even if she couldn't understand his words that his tone at least would carry. To his immense relief, she took a few moments to breathe before steeling herself to continue.
"Let's just get this over with. The sooner we're out of these halls, the better."
He took the lead this time. It was a good thing too. The left path send them down a corridor half blocked by jagged crystals. He smashed their way through a sea of them so she could charge into the room at the end and take care of the creatures within.
With that done, she picked up the rune in the corner. The corridor shuddered. The floor was suddenly very unstable beneath their feet. They both made a mad dash out, barely making it before the floor completely disintegrated. Perhaps that had been a trap. They would have to keep an eye out for other such designs.
The panel across from their original entrance was next. Just beyond it lay the gate the rune opened. Even before she placed the rune, they could hear more chattering creatures past a short drop-off into another chamber. Without waiting for him, she dashed ahead, eager to blow off some steam. By the time he caught up, she'd taken care of them all, then dashed up the stairs in search of more.
He shook his head. She could handle herself. It might do her some good to get the anger out. He noted a gate on the opposite end from the stairs, but without a rune to open it, all he could do was follow the knight back to the upper level.
He had barely left the staircase when he felt a sudden lightness at his hip. His sword was gone! He whipped around to see one of the gremlins tearing off with it. Annoyed, he decided to test something he'd been curious about since waking up again.
He pulled his left arm from its socket and threw it as hard as he could at the creature. It yipped and lost its grip on the sword, but his arm kept going. He groaned, but looked back just in time to see his arm heading straight back for the creature, streaking through the air like a boomerang. It hit the gremlin a second time, more than enough to take it out for good. He was quite pleased with himself!
He wasn't counting on his arm still having momentum when it made it back to him. His own arm backhanded him before clattering to the floor behind him. He was getting really tired of doing cool things and then immediately going back to being ungainly.
The knight reappeared around the corner, surveyed the scene, and couldn't suppress a hearty chuckle. She retrieved his sword from where it had fallen while he fumbled with getting his arm back into place. It was a little easier said than done.
"Uh... help?"
She snorted and held his sword out to him.
"I'll trade you."
She took his detached arm and gave him back the sword. Sheathing it one-handed was tricky, but he managed. After a brief moment surveying his shoulder and arm joints, she fitted them back into the proper places with a satisfying crack. He tested his limb out and made a mental note to never try that again.
"This leads back to the entryway and downstairs. I found the runes we need."
After a short trek through the halls, they were back at the three-way junction facing the final stained glass panel. She destroyed it, this time with a great deal less malice than before. The hall was once again crusted with sharp edges, which Dan helpfully cleared from their path.
She stopped him before he could step fully into the room at the end.
"If this one is booby trapped like the other one, I'm faster. I won't be long."
He retreated back to the junction to wait. Certainly enough, shortly after the sounds of combat faded, the building rumbled and shook. The knight came tearing back up the hall, narrowly throwing herself clear.
"Much easier that way, see?"
He chuckled and turned to continue down the center path once more. Back upstairs, she led him through the main chamber and into a side room. A ghostly organist banged away haphazardly at the keys. He was no musician, but he was pretty sure that wasn't how one played the organ.
The knight pulled a set of papers from her breastplate and offered them to the specter. He happily took them and placed them on the stand before him. After the first few chords, a side door opened, revealing yet another of the strange chalices.
Dan retrieved it and awaited the appearance of Canny Tim. However this time, he was met with another face.
"Ahh Fortesque! What's this I hear about that arch cad Zarok still being alive? Thought you killed the fella?"
Dan grimaced.
"Well, about that--"
"Never mind, you old war-horse, better show 'im what's what, eh? I expect Johnny Zombie's a bit more of a handful than you remember. How are you doing for weapons?"
Dan held his club out for the ghost to see, gesturing with his free hand to the mostly dull broadsword at his hip.
"Here, take my warhammer, it'll smash anything and it won't fall apart like a club. I only ever get to use it cracking walnuts around this place."
He started to refuse, worried he wouldn't be able to handle such a massive weapon.
"Nonsense, Fortesque, I won't take no for an answer. Knock a few heads for old Stanyer Iron Hewer, eh?"
With that, the spirit disappeared, leaving his massive warhammer behind. A bit doubtful, he did try to pick it up. It ended up lighter than he was expecting. He tucked it into place and prepared to continue. When they turned back around, the phantom of the organ had vanished.
At long last, they could open the final gate with the rune she had picked up. Down the hall were shards of glass jutting forth. But a path lay in the middle, just wide enough for a brazier on a pedestal. She scouted ahead and peeked around the corner.
"Aha! The beast's heart! We can set it alight and make killing him that much easier!"
She returned and they began the arduous task of pushing the stone monolith down the thin path between the crystals. It grated down the hall, sparks flying from the friction. Between the two of them, it was short work. At the end of the hall, a massive crystalline heart beat, floating serenely between a pair of statues. They redoubled their efforts and finally shoved the brazier into place beneath it. The heart beat faster in the heat before shattering into countless pieces.
Unlike the other corridors, this one didn't crumble beneath them. They checked over their weapons and armor and headed back up into the main chamber.
The final pane of stained glass bore the image of the demon himself. As they entered, the pane vibrated angrily. Without further warning, it shattered, the stained glass demon bursting forth with a shriek.
Dan charged in ahead of the knight, swinging viciously at the demon. It only took a few hits for him to realize nothing he did was even slowing the thing down. The demon leapt about, aiming to crush them beneath its talons.
The knight stayed well clear of the two of them, her axe stowed into a holster at her back. He wondered for a split second how she intended to help without a weapon. The demon took the opportunity to slam its fist into him, sending him flying across the room and into the wall.
The demon moved to the center of the room, charging an attack with its heart floating free of its chest. He drew the crossbow Canny Tim had given him, but before he could get fully to his feet and take aim, the knight stepped between him and the demon.
She took up a defensive stance. Her arms sparkled with a crackling blue energy, almost like lightning crawling towards her fingers. In the next moment, she let it fly. Twin beams of energy flew through the air towards the demon's heart, causing it a great deal of pain.
He managed to get back on his feet just in time to leap out of the way of a stream of glass shards the demon channeled from its heart. He was startled at the knight's ability to use magic, as it was incredibly uncommon among humans. But he didn't have much time to ruminate on it. Glass shards flew every which way, and he was hard pressed to hold the demon's attention so the knight could reposition.
She let him keep the thing's focus while she charged up another magical attack. The next time its heart came out, it froze Dan in a glass prison from his waist down. His weapon arm was trapped as well. Seeing this, she aimed one beam at the demon and the other at him. It hurt greatly, but it did free him, so he couldn't complain too much.
Between her magic and his crossbow bolts, the demon slowly began to weaken. Its attacks became more harried and frantic, even as it lost the strength to continue its assault. Seeing its tactics failing, it turned its attention to the knight instead. The jagged bits of glass streaked towards her. She raised a hand, creating some sort of barrier that stopped them just before they reached her. He took the opportunity to deal ever more damage to the cracking heart with Canny Tim's crossbow.
With these last few bolts, the heart shattered into pieces. The demon froze, cried out in anguish, and fell to the ground, where it too fell completely to pieces. Amid the pieces, an ornate key with a skull on it lay. He scooped it up and tucked it into his breastplate for safe keeping.
They breathed a collective sigh of relief. At last, they could leave the graveyard proper and take up the chase in earnest. The demon itself had given the. Their exit from the mausoleum, its empty pane leaving an opening from which they could carefully drop back into the graveyard below.
But before they could continue, Dan squared up to the knight properly. He didn't trust magic as far as he could throw it, especially after the mushroom incident. The entire court had done things they regretted that night...
"I have questions."
She nodded, her proud stance faltering under his scrutiny.
"I figured you might... What do you want to know?"
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You (Part 2)
Now you see me, now you don’t!
Part 1 | AO3
Felix Graham De Vanily was, in his own humble opinion, special. 
He was smart.
He was composed.
He knew exactly what to say and when, and he could make people see exactly what he wanted them to see.
He wasn’t his cousin, after all, almost identical looks aside. Adrien never knew when to speak up, or when it was better to stay quiet. Never knew how to hide his thoughts and keep his - utterly unrealistic, when it came to his father - hopes in check. And he might be smarter than Felix gave him credit for, but all that intelligence left him as soon as his friends were concerned.
That was what all his flaws boiled down to, really.
Adrien made the fatal, unforgiving mistake of caring too much. Always had.
(It was what Felix liked about him, deep down. Adrien was genuine, in everything he felt. Felix envied him for the ease with which he made friends.)
Felix wasn’t like Adrien at all. He was too smart to care for people - his mother aside - any more than he had to. Mundane distractions. Friends, crushes - all things that would only deter him from his path in life: high above the crowd, always the center of attention, yet unreachable. Playing everyone, but gone before anybody noticed.
It was a glorious but lonely road. No, scratch that. It was a lonely but glorious road. Much better.
He didn’t need anything or anyone.
He was the sole and solemn genius of the family.
He was a magician, who didn’t need any fancy jewelry to work miracles - just the right distraction and disguise.
He was-
Groaning Felix looked at the little bite marks on his finger. 
“Were you even listening?! Or did you just wait for an opportunity to stab me in the back?”
The black and white bundle of fur and betrayal on his lap meowed and swiped at his hand, now out of reach.
 “I knew you couldn’t be trusted.”, he grumbled and shoved the traitor off of his legs, but couldn’t help but smile when he smugly licked his nose - as if to say: I'd do it again. “I raised you too well. Now, where was I?”
He sighed.
“Ah, yes. I don’t care for anyone - please stop scratching that ear, honey, it’s not healed yet - because I'm just too smart for that. So it’s utterly impossible that I, Felix Graham de Vanily, am in love with Dupain-Cheng. Got it?”
His cat, the little bastard, answered by knocking his pencil box over and started to chew on a pen. Felix narrowed his eyes.
“Oh? You dare doubt my word?”
With quick fingers he stole his cat's spoils and placed it out of his reach.
“Quite bold for a creature without opposable thumbs, hm?”
Insulted, the poor, thumbless pet retreated to his laptop and laid down on the keyboard - causing the screensaver to give way to the last opened tab. Which was Marinette's Instagram page.
Hurried to hide the proof of his interest - as if she might somehow appear in his room if he looked at her picture for too long - he shooed his pet away and closed the tab. Said pet meowed smugly and, upset about being chased away from two spots already, sat down on his pillow. Great.
“You did that on purpose!”, he accused his cat. “But that tab proves nothing. It was merely a passing interest in her admittedly wearable work. It has nothing to do with any confessions - faked confessions, or that she can apparently recognize me in disguise, or the very neutral fact that she is cute, by some people's - not my own! - standards.”
His cat blinked. And sneezed onto his pillow.
“Bless you. Now move, or I’ll use you instead of a bunny for that hat trick I’m working on.”
Sighing, Felix let himself fall backwards onto his bed, grabbing the fleeing cat and burying his face in the fluffy fur.
“Oh, to be a cat!”, he wailed into his involuntary comfort pillow. “With no troubles except how to best annoy his owner.”
 The poor animal hissed and escaped his grasp, saving himself from the bitter fate of a comfort pillow.
 “Run, you uncaring monster.”, Felix sighed, “Leave me to my worries. Which don’t include Marinette at all, by the way.”
He sat up and watched as the little traitor turned to sulk on his dresser.
“Stop looking at me like that. Even if I had a short bout of interest - possibly even infatuation! It’s already all but cured.”
He nodded to himself, ignoring that the disinterested cat had begun cleaning his leg instead of listening.
“School's closed, after all!”, he hummed, scrolling through the news on his phone. “And social contacts are to be reduced to the bare minimum. So I’m not going to see her again before this passing interest has... well, passed.”
As if in response to his words, his laptop started to ring and the monitor lit up with the picture of blue, blue eyes and a smile that could melt the stars off of the sky. Not that he paid attention to such things.
“Oh no, no, no!”, he panted as he fell out of his bed and stumbled towards the computer. “Incoming Skype call?! Oh, come on!”
The ringtone repeated itself and Felix jumped.
“What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?”
Panicking, he looked at his pet.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?!”
The addressed party blinked. And went back to licking his nuts.
“Argh! I am surrounded by incompetence!”
Taking a deep breath, Felix straightened his vest and cravat - just because he was staying at home for the foreseeable future didn’t mean that he would dress any less professionally.
“Who needs your advice anyway. I can do this.”
He straightened his back and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.
“I am Felix Graham de Vanily, the best actor in all of France and the United Kingdom, not in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I can totally answer a Skype call.”
Before he could think again, he pressed the green button.
“Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng!”, he greeted overly enthusiastic. “We meet again.”
“If you can call it that.”, Marinette laughed with the voice of a goddamn angel. She was wearing a white, polka-dotted pajama top, was illuminated by early-noon sunlight falling through some sort of window in the ceiling, and her hair – was – down.
If this was some sort of cosmic test, it wasn’t fair.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your virtual company?”, he said quickly, trying not to think too much about how her hair looked even softer than the fur of a certain cat. Then, for good measure, he added: “Miss me already?”
Marinette disappeared  for a moment, before returning with a sizable stack of papers.
“As much as I could do without my favorite pain in the neck, we have a school assignment to do. You know, since school is closed?”
She leaned in and he held his breath.
“Did you even notice? I haven’t seen you last Friday.”
What was he supposed to answer to that? Oh, I noticed alright! It kept me from embarrassing myself by avoiding you, because my brain got all mushy ever since you fake-confessed to me pretending to be my cousin?
Ha! Fat chance.
“Aw, worried for me?”, he improvised, as usual, by being sarcastic. “Let me soothe your concern for your favorite pain in the neck: I merely got tired of cosplaying Adrien. I'm a very busy man, you see?”
She rolled her eyes and somehow managed to make it look cute.
“Of course you are. Well, hopefully not too busy for a presentation on marine biology, due next week.”
He blinked.
“Excuse me?”
“You know, the one Adrien and I are supposed to do?”
Felix Had Questions. For example:
“How was I supposed to know that?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t hack into Adriens E-mail account. I saw you present homework that you couldn’t have known about if Madame Mendeleiev hadn’t emailed you, as Adrien.”
She raised an eyebrow, in a way that could almost be described as playful.
“Plus, you seem the type to do that.”
He scoffed and crossed his arms, as if it would hide his racing heartbeat.
“First of all: No, I am not breaking into my cousins account. I may like to prank him - or rather everyone, really - but that goes a little far. Secondly, that Lila girl was only too eager to do homework with Adrien-Me, so I could keep up with every assignment once I could get her hands off of me.”
“I thought a magician never revealed his tricks?”
True. But he had wanted to see if she would get jealous. Which she didn’t. Which was expected and totally fine by him. He didn’t care anyways.
Lucky for him, Marinette wanted to tease him more than an answer.
“Well, I hope your work ethic is better when it comes to presentations. I'll send you the materials!”
A click later, his laptop alerted him of One New Email, containing no less than twenty-two pages of material. He raised his eyebrows.
“Not to crush your little illusion of me as a hard-working student, but that looks like awfully tedious work. What makes you think I would voluntarily do homework meant for Prince Charming?”
The sassy little smirk she'd shown him during their battles of wit last week returned.
“You mean, aside from the fact that, once school is open again and Adrien is back, your little trick with pretending to be him will be revealed? And that I’m your best chance not to be chased out of town by a very angry Chloé Bourgeois? Not to start with Alya, Rose and Juleka, who still haven’t forgiven you for that stunt you pulled the last time you were here.”
Sound argument, he had to give her that.
“Pah!”, he said, just for the sake of irritating her. “So what? It’s not like it was my idea to move to Paris anyway!”
That was at least partially true. His mother had insisted to come back to France, mostly because she wanted to keep an eye on Gabriel. But he hadn’t been against it either.
It wasn’t like he had friends in London anyway, and in Paris it at least didn’t get boring, with all these butterflies and superheroes. Plus, he wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he had missed Adrien. That boy could use a little family - once Felix was done pretending to be him. 
Marinette hummed and tapped her chin impatiently.
“Well, then see it as the prize you promised me after our little insult-match at the Trocadero.”
“Wait, wait, wait!”, he held up his hands. “I already settled that score, didn’t I? You confessed to me, remember?”
“I practiced confessing to Adrien with you, you mean.”, she reminded him with a raised eyebrow – Ouch, by the way – before leaning back in her pink chair. “And that was because you talked me into it. I never told you what I wanted, did I?”
Well, fuck. Not that the prospect of working with Marinette was that unpleasant, but in his current state of emotional confusion, it would only be detrimental. He needed an out, an excuse!
“Why would you want to work with me anyways? I would have thought you'd jump at the chance to do something with Prince Adrien of Dreamland. Why settle for the pain in the neck?”
Marinette sighed.
“Adrien is still recovering from his flu, and given the current, ah, global situation, I thought it would be better to put his health first. Besides, you're my favorite pain in the neck.”
“I'm flattered, darling”, he said, trying not to sound like it was as true as it was, “but-“
“Oh my gosh!”, Marinette interrupted him with a shout, and suddenly her eyes dominated the entire screen, as if she were mere millimeters away from her own computer. “Felix! What is that?!”
“Huh?”, he made, eloquent as usual. He turned around, just in time to see his traitorous cat jump from the dresser right onto his lap. Apparently, now that Felix had someone else to talk to, the little bastard felt neglected. 
“You mean him?”, he asked, turning back to the screen with the cat in his lap. An inhuman squeal came from the other side of the line and Marinette sacked back into her chair, which spun around its axis, like, three times in a single second.
“Felix Graham de Vanily!”, she said with all but glowing eyes. “Show – me – the cat!”
Since her voice made absolutely clear that it had been an order and Felix had always had a strong survival instinct, he obediently held up the little monster. Who let out a plaintive little “Mow”, but otherwise submitted to his fate.
“Oh my gosh!”, Marinette repeated, “He's adorable!”
“You think?”, Felix said dumbly, at a loss for how to react to this sudden change in situation.
“I do! I do! What's his name?”
“Uh...”, Felix thought, debating whether a lie would save his reputation. “Uhm...”
“Don’t tell me you named him Felix Junior!” She turned towards the cat in false exasperation. “Did he name you Felix Junior?!”
The cat that was most certainly not named Felix Junior meowed in his feline confusion.
“No, of course not!”, Felix snapped back, sinking into the chair as if it might have mercy and swallow him.
“Then what's his name? What, for God’s sake, is this pretty little kitty called?!”
What had his life turned into?
“'dini.”, he mumbled, hiding his face behind the cat.
“What? Speak louder!”, Marinette demanded, and so he accepted his fate.
“Houdini!”, he groaned in embarrassment. “I named him Houdini, alright? I was eleven!”
For a moment, the line went quiet. Then, inevitably, Marinette burst out in laughter.
“For real? I can’t believe it!”
Sulking, Felix turned away from the screen, but immediately Marinette stopped.
“No, no, no! Bring Houdini back! I love his name, okay? Give him back!”
“You're not telling anybody of him, got it?”, he hissed, cheeks as red as Ladybug's suit. Marinette snickered. 
“Of course, I promise. Houdini will be our little secret, alright? Now bring him back!”
Satisfied, Felix turned the chair back towards the laptop and placed Houdini on the desk. The curious thing didn’t hesitate to lounge onto his keyboard and examined the camera, much to Marinette’s delight.
“Oh lord, he's so cute!”
Felix sighed and leaned back.
“Believe me, he knows.”
“He looks just like you!”
At that, Felix spluttered and jumped up again.
Internally already setting up the equation: “Marinette thinks Houdini is cute, and Marinette thinks Houdini looks like Felix, then Marinette thinks Felix is cute?” he was about two seconds from fainting.
“He's got a little tie, see?”, Marinette giggled on, ignorant of the thought-spiral she'd sent him into. “Just like you!”
Oh. She meant the patterns of his fur, which admittedly looked a little like he was wearing a tie. Of course.
“Who's the most adorable thing in Paris? You are!”, Marinette continued with her shameless adoration of that undeserving little brat, who currently Mow-ed happily at the screen. Pah!
“Just so you know, he bites people for fun.”, Felix badmouthed his own pet, absolutely not because he was jealous. “You can’t trust him. He'll act sweet, but as soon as you're not looking he's got your fingers between his sharp little fangs!”
“Eh, I can handle it.”, Marinette shrugged and immediately went back to admiring Houdini. “You're a good kitty, aren’t you? The best, the best! Yes, you are!”
“No, he's not!”, Felix insisted through clenched teeth. “He's moody and arrogant! Nobody likes him, that's why I took him in! He thinks it’s fun to hurt people, he holds grudges forever and he's incredibly annoying when he's bored!”
Wait, was he still talking about the cat?
“You just like him because he looks all cute and innocent, but if you knew him, you'd never even want to be in the same room as him.”
Marinette had gone quiet on the other side, and Houdini narrowed his eyes at him in betrayal. Then she shrugged.
“If you don’t want him anymore, I'll take him in.”
She would have to pry the little shit out of his cold, dead hands!
“Did you not listen to a word I said?” he asked, trying not to let on that he didn’t actually dislike Houdini.
Marinette smiled.
“Sure. But I still think he's a good kitty.”
“But why?”
She hummed, pushing her stack of papers aside so she could put her elbows on the desk. Resting her chin on her hand, she looked up in him.
“Most cats are. You just got to give them a chance to come out of their shell.”
“But... But he's mean!”
“Maybe he's just lonely. Maybe he needs some friends, and then he'll learn to be nicer. I can wait.”
He was not blushing!
“Why would you want to? There's lots of better cats, you could just pick one of them right away.”
“Yeah, well, I want Houdini. All cats deserve a chance. Even the meaner ones.”
She smiled down at the black and white loaf that purred on his keyboard.
“In my experience, peop- cats only show their best sides if you give them a chance to open up. If you're too quick to brush them aside as hopeless, or mean, you might miss out on the most wonderful personalities underneath. And I think Houdini is one of those.”
And then, because the universe just wanted to see him fall, she winked at him. Jesus Christ!
“Anyway, I'll give you some time to read through the material I sent you. Message me once you’re done, we've got a lot of work ahead. Bye!”
Before he could realize what she had said, the window blanked and closed on him. Disappointed that his fan had vanished, Houdini meowed and returned once again to Felix' lap.
“Bye.”, Felix stammered belatedly. What had just... How could she go around just saying things like that? And then hang up?!
“Ugh, Houdini!”, he lamented. “Look what I have become!”
Reduced to a beetred, stammering, weird-cat-metaphor-using fool!
The cat gave a smug “Mrow” and headbutted him in the chin, but Felix didn’t have it in him to complain.
“Fine,” he sighed in defeat, “you win. So what if I like her?”
Houdini purred.
“You do too, don’t you? Bet you'd bite her anyway.”
He purred on, unperturbed.
“Knew it.”
He sighed once again.
“She's right, though. You are a good kitty. Deep down.”
Houdini meowed and licked his finger, just where he'd bitten him earlier.
“Well, now you're just sucking up to me! Two-faced little demon. Mwah!”
He pressed a small kiss to the top of his furry head, then rolled the chair closer to the desk and opened his emails.
“Alright, then.”, he tried to motivate himself, “let's show Marinette what a good kitty- what a good person we are and do our homework.”
At that, Houdini promptly stood up and jumped onto the bed, leaving him alone with twenty-two pages of reading material.
- - -
Ladybug, crashing through Felix' window: Felix Graham de Vanily!
Felix: Ladybug?!
Ladybug: I have it on good authority that you own a good kitty! It is crucial for the safety of Paris that I pet him right this instant!
Felix, remembering her right hook: ... sure?
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Fan (Chapter 6)
Warnings - Smut, A character is consently used for sex, mentions of dead animals, blackmailing for sex
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A week had went by with no incident.
That was until Jieun woke Y/N and Hongjoong up, demanding they both go to the living room where the TV was ending some informicals and beginning the morning entertainment news.
Another scandal for the girl group Bloom?!
A comeback without Aya?!
Is Y/N dating a bad boy creep?! Is she going solo?!
Is Sanghee leaving due to group conflicts?!
It's currently 7am, I'm your host, Sooyeon, and osn this early morning edition of Koreab-
Jieun shuts the TV off, Hongjoong and Y/N hanging their heads in shame.
"Why is KoreabooTV all over our asses right now?"
"All we did was go to get snacks that night, that is it Ms. Jieun," Hongjoong was ready to get on his knees and apologize, he felt like it was his fault, "we didn't do anything else except go to the store and come back."
"Do you want us to go there and request the tapes? What do you want us to do? What do you want me to say? 'Yeah, we went out a week to go get snacks and instead we decided to fuck in the park.'" Y/N bit back, angry annoyance on his face, tears threatening to fall on her cheeks, "I'm supposed to-- we're supposed to put our lives on hold because of some stalker that the cops can't find?! That's completely and utter fucking bullshit."
Y/N stormed off to her temporary room, leaving Jieun and Hongjoong in the living room alone, "I promi-"
"I believe you. I have a favor to ask you."
"Bigger than having a cute idol in my room?" Hongjoong joked.
"I know from your mother that you're very capable in computers, I'd like to see if you could hack into this guy's account, find his IP address, anything that could help us figure out how he is," Jieun pulled out her wallet, taking out a random amount of cash, "Here."
Hongjoong took the cash, stunned at the money the manager gave him before leaving the room. Taking out his phone and filling the empty pocket with the money, he went to his bedroom, accidentally walking in on Y/N changing, her pajamas thrown on the floor in a messy pile.
"Sorry- Oh shi- I apolog-"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
Hongjoong shook his head, wondering why Y/N asked him such a question.
"Are your curtains closed?"
"Do you want to fuck me?"
Y/N stepped up to Hongjoong, taking her bra off to join her pajamas on the floor, "I'm stressed out, deeply annoyed and frustrated in every sense of the word. If you say no, I'll just go take a shower and we can forget about this."
"And if I say yes?"
"You get to lock that door, shove my panties in my mouth, put a condom on yout cock, and fuck me doggy style on that bed."
Hongjoong took a moment before kissing Y/N, pushing her against the wall, her nails clawing into his biceps. He licked her neck, stopping at her ear.
"Fuck, Hongjoong," Y/N pulled on his belt loops, rubing her barely covered clit on his jeans, his hands helping move her hips, "bed now please."
Hongjoong and Y/N danced to the bed, Hongjoong peeling off the lace panties of Y/N as she reached in her purse for a foil package, his lips connecting with her pussy, licking up the juices that started gathering.
"You taste amazing, baby," Hongjoong kept lapping up at Y/N's core, bringing her closer to him, "I could eat you for the rest of my life, holy fuck."
Y/N leaned up, her face hot from the pleasure, Hongjoong pulling away from her and wiping his face. Grabbing the condom from Y/N, he took out his pants, rolling the rubber onto his cock. Hongjoong also reached for Y/N's panties, shoving them in her mouth before sliding into her with ease.
"You look so beautiful like that," Hongjoong started humping Y/N, his thrusts sharp and precise, Y/N's wild moans muffled by the homemade ball gag.
Hongjoong bent down, growling in Y/N's ear as he kept up his thrusts at a wild pace, "forget about all of the stress, you don't deserve it, just let it all go."
Y/N opened her mouth to let out a silent scream, the balled-up panties falling from her lips, "Ho-Hongjoong, your cock is so good. Harder please."
Hongjoong had an evil smile on his face, arching Y/N's back to hit that one special spot and fucking her harder, "like that, baby?"
"Yes, fucking yes."
"Such a dirty slut, just using me for your own pleasure," Hongjoong pulled out, denying Y/N the beginning of her orgasm, "flip over, knees to your chest."
"Yes, sir," Hongjoong's cock throbbed at the nickname, Y/N turning over and presenting herself to her temporary lover.
"Using me," Hongjoong pushed into Y/N again, picking up back the same tempo he had before, "trying to fuck me before your friends wake up, before my mom sees us. Before that dumb bitch manager of yours find you with my cock buried in your slick, warm pussy."
Y/N started to clench around Hongjoong, covering her mouth to muffle the sinful noises. Hongjoong moved Y/N's legs to rest on his shoulders, the new angle giving him a deeper thrust, Y/N letting go as she felt Hongjoong continously hit that one spot that drove her crazy.
Hongjoong came into the condom, Y/N's eyes closed as he rested his head against her forehead, catching his breath, "if you want to put your legs down, you can."
"I'm too tired."
"This situation has drained you that bad, huh?" Hongjoong left a kiss on her shoulder.
"You try being stalked by an insane fan and see how you like it," Y/N pushed Hongjoong off of her, pulling off his shirt to wipe her thighs clean, "I owe you a new one."
"Maybe I could sell it on eBay, became a millionaire," Hongjoong joked, throwing the shirt into the hamper, a perfect shoot that left Y/N impressed.
"Not bad, Hongjoong. Can you hand me a shirt now?"
Hongjoong walked to Y/N's suitcase, pulling out a cream colored off-the-shoulder shirt and a black sports bra, unaware of the red light on his laptop, "I don't think my mom would like if your nipples were showing."
"Points for thinking ahead and bonus points for not making one of those 'your nipples are only for me to see' jokes."
"I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind," Hongjoong watched Y/N put on her top, standing up to wiggle back into the shorts she was wearing before their romp, "if you need to de-stress, you know where I am."
Y/N had a half-smile appear on her face, looking down to see Hongjoong's flacid cock.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Later that day, everyone was in the house or backyard, just doing their own thing. The mailman had dropped off that day's mail, a letter addressed to Hongjoong.
"Hongie! You have mail," his mother yelled to upstairs.
Y/N and Hongjoong walked into the kitchen together, Haeun handing him the envelope and reading it, Y/N peeking over his shoulder and being awful touchy for someone who just wanted a quick fuck.
You always love to break my heart, Y/N, don't you?
Fucking that Hongjoong guy, moaning his name when it should be mine. You should be crying out Milton in the throes of passion.
I've seen the video, tell Hongjoong and Haeun to beef up their security, a wifi name 8Makes and the password 1Team is so fucking stupid. Maybe don't make it your so called "group's" tagline.
How's that Sanghee fansite, by the way? I heard she's in talks to leave the group. That's two members done two to go. When Y/N is free of all of those patheic waste of talent and space, she'd be the best soloist there is.
To this Hongjoong guy, watch your back because I'm not letting you take Y/N from me. You really don't think I'd set your friend's photo studio on fire? That I wouldn't hurt every single one of you? Mingi is a patheic double bias cheating scumbag, San has to use you to help him and you....
I know how you were when you were younger. Taking upskirt photos of girls, trying to blackmail them, sex for their photos. How would Y/N fe-
Oh, wait. She used you for sex. That's all you are to her, a human dildo attached to a body.
I'd watch your back and steer clear of that studio. That is unless of course you like the smell of dead animals.
Be careful who you fuck with.
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skz-candy · 5 years
finding her again
"Hey, Jisung," Candy said, making him look up from his phone. She was trying on clothes she'd ordered online, and he was the only one in the dorm so he got to witness the first time she put them on.
His breath hitched as she came toward him, a full gown on. He wasn't sure when she'd have a logical reason to wear it, but he never wanted her to take it off. She looked gorgeous, absolutely beautiful, obviously breath-taking.
"Does it look that bad?" Candy frowned, drawing Jisung from his thoughts.
"It looks beautiful. You look beautiful," he said, smiling widely as her cheeks grew pink.
"I'm not sure why I got it, I'll never wear it," Candy shrugged. "I don't even look that beautiful, you know?"
"What do you mean? You absolutely look beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Thanks, Jisung," she smiled, lifting the dress slightly as she walked back to her room.
Jisung spun around again in the chair, the studio spinning around him. He couldn't stop looking at the picture. She did look beautiful, just like he'd said almost two years ago. She always looked beautiful. He wanted to tell her in person.
Jisung stopped the chair, quickly Googling the time difference. It was nine in the morning for her. It would take him almost 14 hours to get there. He'd be there after all her obviously extravagant birthday plans, but still on her birthday. He didn't have to debate it.
He was going to L.A.
October 3, 2019 - 10:05 pm
Jisung could feel his phone vibrate over and over again in his pocket. He knew he needed to answer it, but his mind was more focused on finding Candy. His mind was always focused on her.
He didn't have security with him, or any of the staff. He didn't even know where she lived. He knew his best shot would be to text her, call her, and pray she would acknowledge the fact he was in her hometown or just acknowledge him in general.
He started walking. He wasn't sure if he was going in the right direction. He pulled up her Instagram and looked for the places she tagged, but came up empty handed. He needed a better plan than wondering the streets after dark and right now he didn't have any. He sucked it up and opened up her contact.
Jisung: Hey! I wanna send you something in the mail! Can you reply with that, please?
Jisung waited for it to deliver, then walked around some more. There wasn't much he could do until she replied except for ignore the boys and walk, so he strolled through the city of Los Angeles. He thought it was beautiful for as big as it was. Lights and people and cars and music and so many things happening at once. He was in awe. He could see the appeal, he could understand why Candy would want to come back here. He stopped outside of a Starbucks after sitting for a while when his phone vibrate.
Candy: uhhh, okay. i'm home so i'll just share my location with you!
Jisung nearly fainted. She would respond for him to send something, but not when Seungmin was begging for forgiveness, when Felix couldn't stop crying, when Changbin was angry she might not comeback, when they all missed her so much. He shook off the shock. His eyes were peeled for a taxi now, and he would be there shortly.
His stomach kept flipping the whole drive. Would she answer the door? Was he just going to knock? Did he call her? Text her? Leave a note? He honestly didn't think he would get this far. He leaned forward, pressing his face to the back of the seat in front of him.
"Are you okay back there, kid?" The cab driver glanced at him in the mirror, shooting him a smile. Jisung leaned back and returned it.
"Yes," Jisung lied. He most certainly was not okay. His palms were growing sweaty. His eyes stared at the back of the seat with no focus. He couldn't stop the way his leg bobbed slighty. He was a mess. His mind was racing a million miles a minute. What if she really didn't want to come back? What if there was nothing he could say or -
"Here we are," the man said. "Cash or credit?" Jisung realized the taxi was stopped. He was outside her house. He would, possibly, see her soon.
"Credit," Jisung handed him the card, a card he very seldomly used and he felt his heart rip at the swipe of money going out. When he got the card back and stepped outside, he realized that sixty dollar taxi ride was worth it. Seeing her, even if she was mad, was worth it. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket.
Jisung: Your package is on your front porch. Open the door?
He felt weirdly shy. He had no idea what she would do or say or think, if she would talk to him. He didn't even want to approach the door, but he had already texted her. The nervousness returned as he heard muffled talking behind the door as he approached. He was silent as he saw the door begin to open and the living room come into view. He looked away from the scenery to the person who opened the door, but didn't have much time to proceess anything before he was wrapped in a hug.
"I just- you- what-" Candy mumbled as she held him tightly. His arms almost immediately wrapped around her, pulling her as close as possible.
"Candy, what was it?" Cameron came up, stopping as soon as he saw Jisung and Candy hugging.
"Mom! Dad! Jisung is here!" He yelled, running back in the house. Candy looked up at Jisung, crying slightly.
"Aren't you happy to see me?" Jisung whispered, whiping her tears away. "Don't do that, okay?"
"I'm so happy to see you!" Candy smiled, pressing her face against his chest once more. She pulled away and wiped her own eyes before looking behind her. "Do you wanna go see everyone?"
"I saw your post and flew here. That's all," Jisung said for what felt like the millionth time. She rolled over on her bed to look at him, their faces incches apart. "I had to," he mumbled.
"I didn't think any one would come after me," Candy confessed. "A lot of the comments on my posts were saying don't come back. I know you guys texted and called as much as you could, but I still didn't feel wanted. Then you just showed up and everything made sense again." Candy paused, sitting up. Jisung did as well, letting her slide closer to him. "I was with Luna yesterday and she said that no matter what I did, a big part of me was still in Korea. She said she'd move there with me in a heartbeat, that she'd love to get to know you all, that she'd always be a home away from home for me."
"You don't have to come back if you aren't ready," Jisung held her a little tighter.
"I..I'm sorry Jisung," Candy started crying, making him shift more to conceal her. "I'm so sorry, Jisung. So, so, so sorry."
"Shh, shh. You don't need to apologize. I under-"
"You don't. You don't understand," Candy pulled away, taking Jisung's hands into hers. "I ran from you when you were so vulnerable with me. I shouldn't have done that. I should have responded better."
"Don't worry about that, it's been months."
"I know you have thought about it. You thought it was your fault I left, right?" Candy raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, we all thought that."
"Jisung, since when have you ever been as vulnerable with the boys as you've been with me?" Candy dropped his hands to take his face in her hands. "Jisung, you are one of my best friends. My hero, my cuddle buddy, my therapist, my goofy dance partner, my midnight snacker, my rap teacher. I don't ever want to lose you."
"You would never-"
"Do you ever stop talking?" Candy laughed, running a hand through his hair.
"Sorry, he mumbled."
"I don't know what this means exactly, but I don't want anyone else to be by my side. I want you, Jisung."
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