#she’s a little too Isabella reminiscent for me I know it’s a controversial topic but I just can’t unsee it
cattapz037 · 4 months
I have seen so many Wish rewrites and fan animations along with comments that normally say “Petition for fans to rewrite/reanimate the movie” and honestly just saying it isn’t actually gonna make that happen.
If fans want other fans who are more skilled in animation and writing to redo the movie they need people to ACTUALLY start working on that, like get people together, get people to commit. And if anyone’s worried about copyright laws they’re not that hard to bypass if you know how to traverse them correctly, all you have to do is change ONE thing and it won’t be copyright. Need to change the title? Easy change it to something like “Wishes” or one suggested name in a comment on a fan animation was “Wish Granted”. Also character design can be changed, for the names you can change one letter or the pronunciation. Personally I’d love to work on something like this if it actually became a thing, I’m not very skilled in animation but I would definitely contribute to writing and/or give feedback and ideas
Point being if you want something done you actually need to put in the work so it can be accomplished
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