#she may seem nice but she is dsngerous as fuck in actuality
keep-on-trying · 13 days
Arlecchino is confirmed to be cursed and we know hilichurls are cursed humans. Caterpie had similar cursed arms and legs. Not saying they have same curse but it seems to be implied it's similar. Considering her real name, Peruere, is eeringly similar to Perinheri from the latest book, I think Arlecchino's ties to Khaenri'ah are possible.
What is still left to be explained is, why does she glitch so much in her idles (as per the update trailer), what's up with the girl who looks like her dead friend Clevrie's child look, and how does Freminet fit into all this. He said he knew the previous Knave. And we know how the switch happened now. Was Freminet conveniently away at the time? Do Lyney and Lynette get adopted to the orphanage shortly afterwards?
I hope we learn these next week.
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