#she got taught to walk with a cane bc australia does have p good healthcare for the visually impaired
majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Just thinking. Trying to maybe write later...
#Okay so in a decent amount of fic the writers make it that Makoto can read braille#and at the end of the day its a completely understandable little detail#but it always makes me 🤔#because being blind doesn't mean you'd automatically learn to read braille...#my aunty has this thing called stargardts disease which is genetic and she was diagnosed over 20 years agao#and has been legally blind for god probably 18 years#and she's still never learnt to read braille#she got taught to walk with a cane bc australia does have p good healthcare for the visually impaired#she even did a touch typing course back before she got put on the disability pension and was still working#i think they might have even given her a book of braille bc i vaguely remember touching it#but she never learnt#so im just not really sure makoto wpuld have learnt to sufficiently read in braille in the short period she had#theres no reason for Lee to know how to read it either so I imagine in 1988 it would be difficult#i mean Lee could have known someone who came and taught her a bit but idk#i think logically she probably just couldnt read in braille#had the tojo clan not upended her life with Lee and depending if she regained vision anytime soon#she might have learned but i think a lot of people who had vision and then lost it as an adult dontnecessarily#act the same as someone who was born with it or lost it very very young#case in point: my aunty#so yeah one of those things thats genuinely not really an issue#im just a mental case that THINKS and reads into things#and goes Hmm 🤔#lmao#apparently she says she reads in braille in the game which i dont remember but ?#tbh that just reads as the writers not actually properly thinking about how short a time she would have had to learn it tbh#like she might have been learning bit by bit but i highly doubt she was fluid with it#idk these games are bad with disability lmao#Aoki is a prime example just bc he got a lung transplant doesnt mean he would suddenly be fuckin able bodied like ????
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