#she SHOULD be on anti anxiety medication lmaooooo
beskad · 17 days
Bruh my coworker gets to work at 6am. The earliest we're supposed to be here is 7. What is she on I swear to god
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
I’m really, really sorry to hear about all that Vi - I really wish I could sympathise and say the perfect words that need to be said, but I don’t know how
I mean like, even if I identify as non-binary I’m amab so I don’t ever get periods, and I’ve also never experienced withdrawals myself so I don’t know what that’s like and I definitely don’t know what it’s like to have a friend just not your friend anymore ((without first arguing or falling out with them that is))
And even though she is a good person like you’ve said and she hasn’t done anything to directly hurt you, she’s just having a hard time herself: that doesn’t make it hurt any less, and that just frickin sucks not be able to do anything to take the pain away. Especially when your someone with autism, as these kinda things can hurt like 100x worse - which is basically the equivalent of throwing salt in the wound, except the wound is in your heart and the salt is bleach or something stupid like that
I hope that all makes sense? I’m gonna continue anyway in hopes that it does-
I also think that, granted you can do and it doesn’t cause any negative affects ((idk cause I’m not a doctor)), you should maybe try and take your med again? Even if just slowly to get your body back used to it, that might help to ease the withdrawal symptoms - still, I recommend either using your own knowledge or someone else who knows about stuff like that as I am most certainly not a medical professional
I would however say that, you should probably definitely get some more bc ((was it bc? Idk, just The anti-cramp-pain-reliever-thingy that you mentioned))
And I know that phone calls, well, they fucking suck - I mean I find regular phone calls stressful and I’ve been doing all of my counsellor calls over the phone for like the past year or so, so I definitely can understand your pain and worries when it comes to them - but in the end I think you kinda need to weight things up: because if you think about it, in the short term things aren’t gonna be fun ((anxiety inducing phone calls + horrific cramps)), but in the long run wouldn’t it be better? Cause you’d have your medicine to help with the pain, and you won’t have to deal with constant thought of “oh shit I’ve ran out of medicine I’m probably gonna have to call to get a new prescription soon” following you around
Idk, just a suggestion - but in the end you know you, and you should just do what’s best for you and there’s only one you: isn’t like a phone where you can get a new one every couple month or whatever depending on your contract
I feel like that was a horrific analogy but I’m just full of them today it would seem
Regardless, I hope your doing alright and I’m sorry I haven’t sent you much messages these past couple days
You also don’t have to reply to this publicly, as I know that, as you’ve said, you’ve seen this and that’s honestly all I could ask for
love you Vi, and I hope things get better for you that way you can start feeling better as you most certainly do not deserve this kinda pain 💙
((or any pain at all really, but unfortunately what is life without pain?))
- 🦋
it's okay, thank you, just you being so kind helps 🥺
and yeah being autistic definitely doesn't help in this situation cause i tend to attach myself to people, and she was someone that i was/am veryyyy emotionally attached too so it hurts lol and now i'm like kinda lost without her bc i definitely looked at her like an older sister so now that she's not there i just don't really know what to do but yes i took some tide pods to the heart lmaooooo
and im back on them now! i didn't purposely stop taking them, i was just so distracted and emotional that it completely slipped my mind (i had them refilled and forgot to take them out of the bag, and i take a couple everyday so it's easy to not realize i'm missing one) but i'm back on them now 💕💕💕
and yeah calling probably would be the best idea in the long run, but i just keep putting it off lol i know that i really need to though and it's probably a good idea
thank you for being so kind anon, sorry it took me so long to reply. i love you too, thank you 🥺🥺🥺
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