#shappic jegulus
starchaserwrites · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic / march 19: thumb / word count: 431 a vey self-indulgent fem!jegulus microfic
James is about to finish the deep cleaning she has put off enough times, the only thing left to do is to organise the contents of her wardrobe. Hoodies, jeans, dresses, skirts, hats, jackets and jewellery are just some of the items she piles on the bed to sort and organise. That's when, as she pulls out a blue denim jacket she hasn't worn in what appears to be a lifetime, she notices the seemingly innocent yellowish-coloured paper peeking out of one of the inner pockets. 
Undoing the three folds of the paper, she finds herself once again facing the elegant traces that would recognise anywhere.
“I wish we had more time, I’ll be thinking of you today. x”
James traces every word with her thumb and the memories hit her so abruptly that she slowly bends down to sit on the floor with the sound of the sea flooding her memories.
It was on one of their first dates when, after getting inebriated by the sound of Regulus' laughter who giggled for hours at her "ridiculous comments" of every painting in the museum, that they, unwilling to part ways, agreed on going to watch the sunset by the sea to see if any of the paintings could capture its essence. They came to the conclusion that some were close enough, but not accurate at all. 
So after multiple, "we should go now" with zero effect, they spent the night in the back of James' SUV sitting by the sea and sharing whispered conversations so as not to interrupt the insistent roar of the waves.
As dawn begins to break, James promptly takes Regulus to her apartment so she can get some rest and take a shower before her morning class. The beautiful silver eyed girl in front of her slips her hands under James’ jacket to pull her into a lingering goodbye kiss. Too dazzled by the kiss, James doesn't notice the moment she slips the note in her pocket.
Oh, and James wishes she could go back to her life from a few minutes ago when she didn't know about the note. Note that inevitably makes her think of the cold stare of her most beloved ex-girlfriend at the moment she put an end to their relationship. A note that makes her think of her girl running away from their sunset to chase a sunrise. Sunrise that has a first and last name.
And yes, James also wishes they had had more time, and will definitely be thinking of her today as she has been doing for months now. 
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