#shadowrun 6e
restingglitchfacepod · 11 months
Welcome to the Resting Glitch Face pod!
This is the official tumblr account for the podcast Resting Glitch Face. We are a mostly woman Shadowrun AP set in the mean streets of St Louis in 2081. We are a character driven podcast with action, drama, and especially romance.
Our cast of characters includes:
Bianca aka Eris- the Face. She's a rich girl with a reckless streak trying to prove that she doesn't need her family's money or approval
Jo aka Collateral- the Muscle. She's a championship boxer grappling with mysterious latent magical abilities that killed her career, but are opening more and more doors
Val aka Binary- the Hacker. She's a technomancer who takes being the mom friend very seriously, but as the effects of a childhood spent in a medical testing center begin to surface, she struggles to hold on
Juilliard aka Jet- the Thief. She's an ex Prima Ballerina whose career was cut short and now uses her talents on the wrong side of the law, but her past is literally catching up with her
Also Featuring:
Cami aka Arsenal- the Tactician. She's an expert marksman with ties to the army, but she's beginning to feel the tension between the conflicting goals of her friends and the man she loves
You can tune in for a new episode every other Monday here or by searching your podcatcher of choice. We also have a fun and active community on our discord, which you can join here
If you'd like to support us on Patreon, you can do that here
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foxglovefaun · 2 years
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*guffaw* Ross’ first punch of the campaign
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warlockglock72 · 11 months
Hey if anyone knows anyone looking for players to play online Shadowrun 6e I’m looking for a game. I just bought access to an online CC and want to use it. All the communities I can find only play 5e and I don’t have that, so. Rip.
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Watch out, little hacker, for the IC Man cometh. . .
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skullchicken · 3 months
Hey, guess what! :D the second official Shadowrun mission book I illustrated is now out! (And it's fitted for both 5e and 6e, that's dope!)
This time around I did a rather different style for the illustrations, more comic-ish, with heavy blacks and strong color choices - let me know what you think, should you choose to buy and check this one out ^^
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riritenyuyuten · 2 years
Homebrew Metas for Shadowrun
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Here are some fairly popular Homebrew metas I made for Shadowrun 6e. Very often the first thing new players ask me, especially if they come from D&D, is why they can’t play Goblins. Well, here you go chummers. And kobolds for good measure! Yap yap yap yap! (Yes, I am aware of the HMHVV Goblins. If you feel the urge to point them out to me, don’t.) Art by @rosettiarts​
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lancerfay · 10 months
Trying to figure out how to make attacks and defending more fun in a tabletop game and what I keep going back to is either the light drains from my playtesters' eyes as I tell them they miss an attack. They get overwhelmed by math and mechanics when doing other versions of to hit tests. Or finally everything works quickly and simply but nothing feels substantive.
The drawing board has a sleeping bag under it rn lol
One idea I had was for dice pools akin to Shadowrun, where your stats and gear give you more and more dice, and each side compares successes. However this meant that most situations favored armor either too much or way too little (which is a problem Shadowrun struggles with in it's 6e iteration), so I moved away from that.
Another option was to do dice pools but have the dice sort of cancel each other out and net damage of off of that (there's a playing card game like this but I forget what it's called). It was time consuming to compare what canceled out what and by the end usually the result was that either you barely succeeded and did barely any damage, or you barely succeeded and did a ton of damage purely off of luck and spending far too much time.
What we tried last playtest was comparing a defense and attack test akin to skill checks, and if the difference was > 10, the higher number crit and either nullified damage or doubled it. Other smaller numbers were reducing or increasing damage in steps. This, too, was overly complex for the players at the time and felt like they weren't getting it and like it was taking way more time than necessary.
This morning I saw Matt Colville's video from today talking about this exact same problem trying to make hits not Awful if you miss and also still be fun, easy to pick up, and not take forever. Parallel struggles. lmfao
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vivi-the-goblin · 2 years
You know what's kinda funny? I hated 5e for years. Pathfinder 1e ran in my veins, and I loved Changling, Shadowrun, Call of Cthulu, Fallout RPG, but I always returned to pathfinder. Then all my friends immediately dumped it, weeks after I'd bought new books and minis. Books I didn't NEED to buy, because paizo released books online for free, and relied on people into the hobby to buy modules and merch and books out of community. They said it was hard to learn, 5e was simple. I said we'd been playing for years, we didn't NEED to learn. I had 4 bestiaries memorized! They described the ways 5e was more fun to play. I said it sounded like they took out what I actually like about the game. They left. I doubled down, wound up with editing privileges on the PFSRD. Patched some errors in spelling and statblocks but honestly didn't do much with it. learned to love making monsters for SOME way to continue playing. ...Then eventually I broke. The people who were interested in playing with me had quite obviously wanted the experience 5e provided. I called up the old gang and said we'd start with 5e. Hoard of the Dragon Queen, use a module to prop me up while I learned the rules. And slowly, grudgingly, I grew to love it for what it was. Not my favorite cup of tea, but a familiar and serviceable one that I knew like the back of my hand. You standard black tea, I'd prefer something more citrus but I'm not going to complain. I'm sad to see that' it's going this direction. I'll follow it, sure. Cynical me says that I rarely get to play anyway, as long as I can still keep making monsters I'll have most of what I like regardless. 6e will be ripe ground for new homebrew. It's just...weird that I'm so melancholy and hesitant to move from 5e, when not 8 years ago I swore I'd never touch it.
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onowomo · 2 years
I finished creating my Shadowrun 6e character in The Sims 4.
Y'all wanna see?
Edit: I'm gonna post it anyway, but I wanted to have some backstory done first 
Edit oh right I forgot to post pics I'll do it today (Friday, 18 Nov) after work 🫰
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xubogijig · 2 years
Rigger 5 shadowrun pdf
 RIGGER 5 SHADOWRUN PDF >>Download vk.cc/c7jKeU
  RIGGER 5 SHADOWRUN PDF >> Read (Leia online) bit.do/fSmfG
           DriveThruRPG: Your One-Stop Shop for the Best in RPG PDF Files! The Largest RPG Download Store! Our Twitter page · Our Facebook page. Rigger 5.0 Is The Ultimate Hot-Rod, Jet Plane, Speedboat, And More Companion For Shadowrun. With Dozens Of New Vehicles And Drones, More Detailed Rules For Shadowrun Rigger 5.0 Is Here!!! Shadowrun Rigger 5.0 Is Here!!! Our usual slew of print pre-order/PDF combos for Shadowrun Rigger 5.0 have just released!!!! 19 de mar. de 2018 — Download Shadowrun 5ª Ed.pdf. SHADOWRUN >substantivo Um movimento, ação ou série destes feita para executar planos que sejam ilegais ou Well at that rate then the rigger book will be out right when 6e comes out. Reply. Customer avatar. Jack T 18 de abr. de 2019 — Shadowrun 5E ENG - documento [*.pdf] ©2016 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Matrix and Shadowrun are registered trademarks Shadowrun 5th – Rigger 5.0 [Livro de Drones e Veículos]. Frite seus pneus por todo o metroplexo enquanto foge de uma perseguição. Voe através de canyons
, , , , .
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restingglitchfacepod · 10 months
Did you know that we have a patreon? $5 tier gives you access to behind the scenes outtakes, cut jokes, and other goofs and gaffes. The $10 tier gives you access to that and also you can listen to the new episodes a week early. This podcast takes a lot of work, and it means the world that people out there want to support what we're doing!
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tabletop-rpgs · 5 years
Shadowrun: Sixth World announced.
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joriboltonpainting · 1 year
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Here’s the process for the decker test illustration for Shadowrun! Just went through my photoshop saves at different stages and turned them into a gif.
insta I artstation | twitter
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kl-writes · 4 years
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who says 6e doesn’t have anything good
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thomasmwilson · 5 years
Game Master for Hire / Local to NYC Area Available for Online Games
So I’ve been meaning to start this for real, so here goes!
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I’m Tom and I’m a professional Game Master. I’m looking for clients for paid gaming sessions.
Now you might ask, “Why would someone hire a GM?”
1: Neither you or your friends own the source materials needed and or you don’t want to invest the time/money it takes to accumulate them.
2: You aren’t comfortable with playing or are otherwise unable to play in a public space such as a library or hobby shop.
3. You want to eat, drink, and imbibe what you like during play without restriction.
4. You want a group tailored exactly to your favored styles of play.
5. You want a story and experience worth your anticipation and effort.
6. You’ve been running games for too long and want a chance to play alongside your friends and not have to run for them.
My GM resume:
I’ve been playing and running tabletop story driven role playing games both online and in real life for nearly twenty years.
I’m a voice actor, improviser, comedian, illustrator (open for player character commissions of course), sound and video editor, and writer. I use the performaing and creative arts skills I’ve honed over time to deliver experiences worth playing for that will challlenge and elevate your expectation of your games.
I believe in both rules of balance and the rule of fun. There are times to be a strict rules master and there are times to throw out the book and have some fun.
I am of the opinion that the players are the most important part of a ttrpg and I work to make your campaigns about you and your characters and what you want to explore. This isn’t just an adventure. This is YOUR adventure.
Systems I know well:
D&D 3.5e
D&D 4e
D&D 5e
Shadowrun 5e
Call of Cthulhu 6e
Rates are something that should be discussed per group as each may require different levels of time investment on my part depending on group size and system complexity.
Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from some of you interested players out there!
Feel free to send me a message here or email me at [email protected]
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sappho114 · 4 years
Sorry if I asked already, but are you gonna switch to 6E of shadowrun? Or stick with 5E? What are your thoughts on 6E?
6E did a lot of shit right, IMO. The removal of situational modifiers cleans gameplay up by a lot. No more limits? One of my favorite changes. No more marks? Also JUST as amazing. You can fucking hack without extra needless steps. The reduction of Skills also cleaned up the game mechanically and with the current Skills its way more straightforward. The introduction of cyberjacks is super awesome and puts deckers closer to technomancers narratively and the way decks and cyberjacks are divided I really like. I also LOVE how Drain new works. It’s way better than any other way it’s ever worked. It has some REALLY good changes that future errata and 6E additions are only going to benefit from. The new aesthetic of that light purple-pink neon is beautiful and No Future had so much great fluff for it, as well as a proper explanation of how media works in the Sixth World. Their anniversary event was amazing, their current low-level staff at cons and stuff are EXTREMELY helpful and nice.
That being said...
Cutting Black sucked, mostly, and they have MAJOR gameplay issues (internal commlink getting bricked does as much damage as a fucking cranial bomb, for example.) Strength-based fighting is basically useless because of punches and kicks no longer scale and a noodle-armed weenie with no cyberware can do as much melee damage as a 15 foot tall troll. Edge is half-baked. It needs to be less skewed against enemies, as it stands you basically can make them Glitch much easier than before. Mages are ridiculously overpowered, Armor doesn’t reduce damage and is functionally useless. Riggers are... really inconsistent. You can’t really have the prototypical cyberpunk archetype of a guy running around with a cool drone. 6E might be a good system in a few years if they actually hire people instead of just making freelancers crunch, but CGL has expressed no interest in treating the system as anything but a means to get cash. I still think it has potential, it fixed a lot of what I hated about 5E to the point where I refused to play it.
I strictly play a modified Anarchy. Rule-light compared to 5th, but with rules plucked from both. I do 6e Decking, 5e rules in regards to Spirits, Alchemy, and Enchanting. 5e weapon rules regarding ammo and accuracy. Plot Points, Edge, and general skills are almost all Anarchy.
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