#shadowlands mythic plus loot
lilac-lists · 1 year
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feb 22 - highlights
Caffeine -  きろあきやま Reflections - MisterWives It Takes Two - Fiji Blue You’re Too Close - Francis Karel goodnight n go - Ariana Grande Overdrive - Conan Gray Telepathy - BTS Your Side Of The Bed - Loote Mouse - Lee go do where do you go - flor
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clipterri · 2 years
Shadowlands mythic plus loot
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The list of available additional options: You improve your progress of the Shadowlands Keystone Explorer: Season four, Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season four and finally Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season Four meta-achievement.You can earn various gear with up to 281 item level that will increase the strength of your character and prepare him for harder challenges.Each completion of the mythic+ instance will increase your rating.Depending on the chosen key, you can unlock a weekly Great Vault with 291 item on Wednesday.
You will get the full run of Mythic+10 - as quickly as possible.
Mythic+ boost is a perfect way to obtain the rarest gear with up to 281 ilvl possible, and prepare your hero for a future raiding process. Mythic+ dungeons are completed by the group of highly experienced WoW boosters, members of top guilds with a high RIO rating. With our effective services that have already helped thousands of players, not a single problem will occur during a run. Mythic dungeons are considered to be one of the hardest challenges in the game. WoW mythic boost is a service that guarantees you a successful run of an instance without the necessity to deal with various problems. A full run on a chosen mythic+ dungeon brings you a huge amount of precious rare rewards. WoW Mythic+ boost is an effective method of completion of any available mythic+ dungeon in the game on any chosen mythic+ difficulty. Never write about any Orders/Gamelooting or real money in the game.Here you can Buy 10x Mythic plus Ten Dungeon Boost Carry Special Pack You only have to activate our booster briefly when you transfer your account. Do I have to remove it? (With account play) However, we ask you to reduce the communication to the necessary minimum so that the order can be completed as quickly as possible. Yes, as already mentioned, you have direct contact with our booster who is processing your order. Can I communicate with the booster that is playing my account? (With account play) We never communicate in the game (not even with you via a possibly existing second account). What happens if someone writes my account? (With account play)Īll of our players ignore all messages, whether from friends or other players. All of our orders are done manually by our boosters and no bots or similar programs are ever used in Gamelooting.
Are bots or other automated software used? (With account play) We play all boosts without additional software or similar changes that could lead to a penalty.
Do you play with mods or the like? (With account play) This minimizes the remaining risk to almost zero. We generally recommend changing the password of your account before and after the order. We never share data with third parties, just like our boosters don't. What happens to my data after the boost? (With account play)Īs a German company, we comply with all applicable laws regarding data protection and data storage. Since 2015 we have been able to do this with almost no penalties for tens of thousands of orders. However, we work with the best technical options, be it our own closed VPN network, as well as many other technical options to get the boost as safe as possible and to reduce the risk of an account penalty to a minimum. Nobody in this branch can guarantee 100% security, so there is always a residual risk. There has never been a case of punishment in our company's history since the beginning of 2015. Yes it is safe and you do not need to be afraid of punishments.
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mrcolin1212 · 3 years
WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.1: All information about Chains of Domination
The Murloc is out of the bag: At Blizzcon 2021, Blizzard announced the first major content patch for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Patch 9.1 is titled Chains of Domination and continues the story of the Shadowlands.
We have compiled all the information for you about the new patch 9.1 in advance.
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What comes with patch 9.1
Before we go into detail, here is an overview of all new content and features that will come to the Shadowlands with Patch 9.1:
· New wing and adjustments for Torghast
· Start of Season 2 for Mythic + and PvP
· New levels of fame
· 10 Player Raid : Sanctum of Dominion
· Mythical mega-dungeon : Tazavesh, the veiled market
· Flying in the Shadowlands
· New cosmetic pact armor
· New story campaign : The pacts strike back
· New area in the gullet : Korthia
· New skills for the soul bond
· New mounts and pets
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When will patch 9.1 be released?
Blizzard has not yet been able to give us an exact date. Patch 9.0.5 is currently still on the test server and will probably make it to the live server in a few weeks. Only then can Patch 9.1 be applied to the PTR. We suspect that a release of Patch 9.1 from April is conceivable.
Story: United against the jailer
After you've made the pacts stronger through your heroic deeds and joined one of the four factions, it's time to form an alliance. Together all the pacts go down the throat to find the jailer.
But first you have to find out what his plan is. The jailer himself has of course not been idle either, so that he will oppose you newly won subordinates and slaves. What we already know: He's looking for something special in the ruins of the mysterious city of Korthia.
We don't yet know exactly what that is, but Hazzikostas told in an interview that we will find out in the course of the update what the jailer is really up to. 
The story for all four pacts is largely similar or evens the same thanks to the merger. However, there should be some pact-specific sections again, so that it is worth replaying the story with another pact. In the course of the story you will not only go to Korthia and thus into the gullet, but you will also have to visit some well-known places again.
New area: Korthia, City of Secrets
The city itself was once a place of the godlike first ones and bears the title "City of Secrets". Now it's just an abandoned ruin. In search of a way to fulfill his dark plans, the jailer throws this ruin into the throat to look for an answer to his problem.
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Of course, neither the pacts nor you miss the chance and also pay a visit with Patch 9.1 to the city, which provides you with new quests and other activities.
This is where our friend Ve'Nari comes in again, who, according to Ely Cannon, plays an important role in the new area. After all, it has taken a rather neutral position so far and provides you with information about the gullet and its ruler. In Chains of Domination we should learn more about her and her position within the broker group.
There will also be new rewards in the Maw in the form of two mounts and two pets that you can collect. We can also use all of our mounts in the Maw from patch 9.1. But supposedly we can't fly in the gullet.
Raid: Sanctum of Dominion
After we were able to explore Nathria Castle to the last corner and Count Denathrius is already all green and blue from the beating orgies, a new raid with ten bosses finally comes with patch 9.1.
The Sanctum of Domination is the center of the power that the jailer has over the throat. It is located in Torghast, the Tower of the Damned, which you already know from your weekly soul ash collection campaigns. Instead of a single corridor, however, you are now exploring a whole sanctum and can finally take revenge on Tarragrue, who otherwise always chases you through the corridors when you have died too often.
We will also meet the banshee queen Sylvannas Windrunner in the sanctum. Apparently she will become the final boss of the raid. We should also be able to meet and fight the Lich Kel'thuzad in the raid. Nekrolord members had already dealt with the old acquaintance in their pact campaign.
As usual, the raid will not open right at the start of patch 9.1, but only about a week later. It will probably be the case again that the mythical level of difficulty, as well as the entry via dungeon finder, will only be handed in bit by bit.
Mega dungeon: Tazavesh
You already know mega dungeons from previous WoW expansions such as Mechagon in Battle for Azeroth. These instances can only be played on mythical difficulty level at the beginning and play a bit like a five-player raid. They are larger than the classic instance (hence the term "mega") and usually accommodate a few bosses with exciting and nasty mechanics.
There will be a total of eight bosses in the mega-dungeon who want to get your hands on you. As already said, the dungeon is initially only playable on the mythical level of difficulty. Traditionally, the next big patch - 9.2 - will be expanded to include the levels of difficulty heroic, normal and mythical-plus.
While the first area of ​​the mega-dungeon includes the intermediary bazaar, in which we will fight against various intermediary cartels, the second area is structured like a heist, in which we have to get back an important artifact. On your raid you fight against all kinds of different opponents. Among other things, a dragon in a pirate costume wants to make a fire under your bum: 
Again there are different pets and a mount, as well as different weapons to get hold of.
Flying in WoW Shadowlands
We already knew that the reputation grind would be gone. We didn't expect that to unlock flies in WoW Shadowlands you just need the conclusion of the story campaign.
Torghast: New wing and less frustration
The Tower of the Damned is also being redesigned. With patch 9.1 there should not only be a new wing with new opponents, the previous experience in the tower should also change and be less frustrating. The current situation is that you can either manage a wing at a certain level and receive soul ash and runic mason memories as a reward, or fail and start another attempt with empty hands.
With Chains of Domination there will no longer be a hard death limit, as is currently the case. Rather, your reward scales with how well you finish you’re run in Torghast. So you get better loot if you make a perfect run and don't die a single time than if you die twenty times.
And to top it all off: If you unlock flies in the Shadowlands, you will even receive a new flight mount, or rather four new flight mounts, as a reward, because each pact gets its own flying mount.
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edgydadsong · 3 years
I thought I deleted this account?
Hello from 2021! The last update I ever made on this account was waaaay back in March of 2018. Almost three years ago! I thought I had deleted this account funny enough. It’s what I usually do when I tire of things online. I just delete it. But, I have not apparently.
 It’s fun to go back and read what my mindset was at the time. I hated Legion? Wow! And here I thought I enjoyed it. No apparently I hated Legion a lot for out of all things: The plentiful Loot drops! Boooy how the tables have turned since then. Because in Shadowlands, there ain’t shit all when it comes to loot. Or more specifically, the loot drop rates suck! Oh no no, there’s still World Quests, and such. The problem now is nothing worth your time drops from it. The biggest waste of time in my opinion is Torghast. A never-ending tower of time waste in which your objective is to beat the boss, and get Soul Ash, a resource used in creating Legendaries! Blizzard keeps pushing that it was inspired by Roguelike games. The problem there is that they forgot a core thing when it comes to those games: Loot progression.. or at the very least any progression at all. Torghast is unfortunately a great idea, but with zero meat on the bones. It’s essentially what Expedition Islands were in BFA. Great idea, no fucking reward or means to do it other than Resource farming... ugh! They never learn.
I stand by my March 2018 post. I was right about a lot of things even then. Shadowlands only saving grace is that it’s not Battle For Azeroth. I wish I had written about BFA on here. Because it was a god awful expansion I did very little in beyond unlocking Allied Races, and leveling them. That is all I did in BFA! There was zero fucking reason to do anything else in that expansion. They killed LFR in my opinion, which funny enough was the only thing keeping me logging on each week back in Legion. Oh it ain’t like that anymore. Not even in Shadowlands.
The big gripe going on with Shadowlands is as I said lack of loot drops. Even the hardcore M+ guys aren’t happy with it. So what’s Blizzard’s response: VALOR!!! Yes Valor is back on the menu come 9.0.5. And no one is happy about it. Now me, having suggested this in the past, I’m not very excited for it either. But that’s only because I don’t do Mythic Plus dungeons. The Valor incentive doesn’t entice me enough to bother. It’s an idea I suggested back in BFA, because I was drawing inspiration from the Wrath days when you’d farm Heroics for Valor points and bought your upgrades from Venders with it. It was great for me. Old Vets like Totalbiscuit hated it.
There’s more to the Valor in Mythic+ than I would wish to talk about because again, I don’t do the content to begin with. I would like to see a stronger incentive behind it though. If you want players like me to go bother with those Mythics, you need to offer a little more to get us to endure the rejection process of doing the content in the first place. Because they fail to see that the heart of Mythic+ is the barrier to Entry provided by the community itself. You’re only ivl 190? Get fucked kid. Go waste someone elses time! Yeah, no thank you sir.
Perhaps Blizzard recognizes this issue though. 
So what else has happened since 2018? Oh yeah there’s a world wide Pandemic. My mother passed away back in 2019. I’m jobless and living off an elderly relative.  I’m 44 years old now. I hate everything. Music sucks. Rock is dead. Zoomers are killing us Boomers by licking doorknobs. Donald Trump tried to do a coup with his legion of brainrotted followers. They attacked the Capitol on the 6th of January. 
Your God is dead. And no one cares. If there is a hell. I’ll see you there ~ Ronald Reagan
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