bishnoseo · 6 months
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For many bloggers the term ‘guest posting’ instantly causes the hackles to rise. Perhaps you’re one of them? To you ‘guest posting’ is all about dodgy companies spamming your inbox with endless requests to provide a ‘high quality guest post’ in return for a backlink… usually on a topic that has nothing to do with what you normally blog about… Almost certainly it won’t be ‘high quality’, the link will be to some dodgy company and the fee (if there is one) will be low. While these scammers might call this practice ‘guest posting’. This is not guest posting. This is the old black hat SEO tactic of paying for links… and that’s not at all what guest posting is all about. So what exactly is guest posting? Guest posting is, quite simply, where a blogger writes a blog post for another blogger’s site. This kind of guest posting is totally legitimate and has many positive benefits: to both the guest and the host.
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