foxymoxynoona · 2 years
hey foxy. i was wondering if you could, like, put together a pic thread of Jungkook looks for each of your fic? like a thread of pics of Jungkook that you think represent/look the closest to what each of your fictional Jungkook looks like, like Meadow!Jungkook, Lowlander!Jungkook, Sugar Fairy!Jungkook, Sea of Indigo!Jungkook, Amended!Jungkook… obviously in Lowlander!jungkook’s case, you won’t find any pics of Jungkook wearing Viking-esque fits but maybe just, pics that you think just give off Lowlander!Jungkook, you know? does that make sense? 😅
BUT OF COURSE you have no obligation to do this at all because i know you won’t have the time anyway OR you just don’t want to and that’s ok 😅😅 just thought i would try asking!
OK I'm putting this beneath the cut because it's a lot of pictures. Honestly some of these stories I wrote a while ago so I'm trying to remember who I'd envisioned them...
Meadow Jungkook: starts with longer straight hair, wears dark colors, tattoos, piercings. Any of Jungkook's tough guy long haired looks would work for this, the bigger and less he looks like he cares, the better. Butter music video but pretend the purple hair is black and get rid of the smile LOL. There are lots of fan arts that work for this too. He cuts his hair shorter and then you can think of that concert peformance where he had the skeleton shirt and red sunglasses, can't find an official photo rgiht now...
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SEA OF INDIGO JK: Long enough for a ponytail (you will notice I have a bias here LOL) through shaggy. I think he always needs to look like a slightly overgrown puppy, a tough guy who doesn't actually look very tough in the face.
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SUGAR FAIRY JK: I can't remember if I ever really specified hair or anything but this is totally how I still think of him, just add on the bunny ears. It’s more accurate for the beginning of the story, maybe his style and physicality grow over the course of it. But he’ll always be this emo bug in my heart.
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AMENDED JK: You can see the remnants of his tough guy youth but he has to have his hair work-required short. Looks more clean cut and responsible but with a streak of hot guy arrogance. The "Will it Fit" Jimmy Fallon bit was highly inspiring.
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LOWLANDER JK: while I don't have any photos or art of him with the really longer hair I'd thought of, his longer hair with the undercut works well, or just his longer hair in general. He had a photoshoot that fit the vibe really well and I also actually commissioned art from Hellenysart as well.
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PENGUIN KOO: You didn't ask about him but I'll include him, it might surprise readers to know I've envisioned him as blond sweater Koo. Look at that grump!
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OK that's my image limit. Hope this is what you were looking for! And obviously everyone is free to envision whichever JK look they want in the stories :) sometimes I don't even get too specific (Like in Little Bean and Flux, where JK's look is roughyl accurate to whatever he actually had going on at the time.)
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
A Beautiful Beyond
NOTE: This is a short story sequel to A Sea of Indigo, which you can read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25881670/chapters/62890984
Summary: Years have passed since Jungkook came to Marigold, years since you kissed beneath the stars and confessed your love and bound yourself together. But now a new challenger has entered the ring, one which threatens to unbalance everything: your first baby! Good luck, kids.
Pitbull Hybrid Jeon Jungkook x Human Reader(Y/N) Words: 14,339
CW: not much, childbirth, domestic fluff, pregnancy, new parents, reference to prior miscarriage
Read on ao3 or below cut: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33741412
Jungkook sat in a scratchy chair in the far corner of the ballroom, next to a wide round table with his things on it. Correction, your things. Your conference bag, packed to the brim with pamphlets, samples of lotions and special shampoos and bandages and protein snacks, branded pens and water bottles and lollipops. Your messenger bag which he had carried all day, overstuffed with your own journals, loose notes, two books, phone charger, ginger candies, comfier flat shoes, socks, and enough snacks to constitute two meals, with a water bottle dangling from the strap by a carabiner. A stack of magazines and trade journals and news articles you’d collected from booths introducing health treatments, medical technologies, or new mental health services formed a stack beside the bags.  
Jungkook stretched in his chair and scratched his scalp and blinked around the room as if he’d just woken from a nap. He hadn’t, he would never fall asleep while you were wandering a crowded place like this and might need his help at any moment. But it was boring. So fucking boring. Though not the first conference he had traveled with you for, this particular time, his patience for a three days full of lectures and networking and chatty lunches was thin.
He watched you lean against a tall table, talking with two other women, both nurses who worked at other hybrid sanctuaries in Asia. So many people you knew had descended on Tokyo for this international conference. You had begged and pleaded to go after Jungkook said he didn’t think it was a good idea. You had sighed and fluttered your eyelashes and draped yourself around him and knit your fingers together and then kissed along his jaw and sucked on his ears. He flushed now, letting out an impatient huff at how impossible it was to say no to you when you did that. 
But he had his reasons! You turned and laughed at something one of the nurses said, your hand resting on top of the large round swell of your belly. He noticed the way you alternated leaning against the table and swaying, meaning either your hips or your feet were hurting. Your lower back must be too from standing all day; he saw your back arch outwards for a moment as you tried to stretch. You had cried just the other day because you couldn’t actually stretch your back the way you wanted, but if he pressed his knuckles along your spine it felt good. You needed that right now, he sensed it. He was always trying to sense the things you needed, watching you closely, trying to take care of you because he’d done this to you after all. He thought you still hadn’t been quite sure about a baby but you were doing this for him. 
And also for a nurse you were remarkably bad at taking care of yourself.
He decided without seeing them that you ankles were swollen enough and he needed to drag you out of there, so he gathered all your things and marched over, only to shy away from the pairs of eyes that all immediately shifted to him.
“Y/N, let’s go rest,” he mumbled at your shoulder.
“Just a few more minutes.”
“You said that two hours ago…”
“I know,” you said, turning and pressing your hand to his chest. “I’m sorry, I know you’re bored. Just a few more minutes, I swear.”
He sighed. But you smiled at him. And from here your ankles didn’t look too bad yet.
“Drink more water,” he said, handing you the water bottle you’d set on the table. He hauled your things back to the round table and dumped them down but didn’t sit this time. Instead he remained standing, so you could have the reminder that you had said you would go soon. 
He crossed his arms.
He paced. 
He leaned against the back of a chair when a few minutes bled into more. Two more people had joined you. And now he was getting hungry too, which he knew meant you were probably hungry too and too busy talking work stuff to realize it. Time to use his own powers of persuasion.
Once again he grabbed your bags up and approached, this time pressing up close against you back. You mindlessly lifted your fingers over your shoulder to touch his neck, a soft gesture that meant hi, I see you. He loved that gesture. He loved you, his infuriating woman who didn’t pay attention to your own limits.
“Y/N,” he whined quietly at the back of your head. The impatient huffs and whimpers were quiet, though probably not so quiet your colleagues couldn’t hear. He didn’t care right now. They’d think your whiny pup was dragging you away and though he hated that, it was the price he’d pay to get you upstairs to your room so you could put your feet up.
“Ok ok,” you said. To you colleagues, you explained, “My husband is telling me it’s time to go. I’ve dragged him around for three days now and I think we’ve hit the limit.”
“You need to rest,” he defended. My husband. The label flustered him as five pairs of eyes looked at him. He could read the surprise and curiosity on their faces. Husband? A hybrid? Nurse Y/N actually married a hybrid?
No, not actually. It wasn’t legal in Korea --or in most places, for that matter. But you had still had a ceremony last year when your grandparents had visited Marigold in the spring, donning traditional Korean clothing and standing underneath an arch on the dock Jungkook had built years ago. It was small and simple. His parents had come up for it too, to finally meet your grandparents. You had actually been calling him your husband to people for at least a year by that point, making a point of it after several unsurprising and hurtful assumptions about the nature of your relationship from outsiders. So you’d had your meaningful little ceremony, and he’d been more affected by it than he anticipated; he had not expected to be so touched when you legally changed your last name as your application for Korean citizenship was accepted, just one more way to connect you in a country that wouldn’t legally allow it.
You turned towards him, your belly pressing into his side as the others around the circle shook his hand and tried to hide any shock from their faces. Not only were you “married” to a hybrid, but of course they’d now wonder about that baby in your belly.
“Yes, it’s mine,” he said, though no one had asked. He knew they were wondering and he wanted them to know.
You immediately laughed and patted his chest, “Yes, it is, and you’re trying to make me take it easy, I know. So we’d better go. It’s been nice seeing you all; you’ve got my contact info. We fly home tomorrow but let’s keep in touch!” Your pat embarrassed him, or rather made him embarrassed by his own possessiveness of your. Human husbands probably didn’t announce that the baby in their (not legally) wife was theirs. But people didn’t doubt a human husband the way they would a hybrid not-real husband.
Your room was on a higher floor in the hotel. The silence of the elevator turned the noise of the conference into a tingly buzz still lingering in Jungkook’s ears, but by the time he closed the door of the hotel room, he could relax into the comfort of silence. Years ago, it had been the shift from a crowded arena during a fight to the quieter victor’s suite, where he’d get patched up, maybe given a girl to fuck, and then tossed into the kennels to collapse with the other exhausted survivors. Words couldn’t describe how much he preferred this routine: lining up your shoes by the door, listening to you putter around in the bathroom, then dragging you down onto the bed and pulling you feet into his lap. They were damp.
“You-- you don’t have to… do that,” you tried to protest, despite obviously just rinsing them off, either hopeful or accepting he was going to do this. Also part of the ritual. All it took was one good press of thumbs up the arch of your feet to make you moan and give up the fight. What you liked the most though was just the squeezing of your heels. He squeezed so hard he expected it to hurt but you just whined and sighed. The noises always went right to his dick. It didn’t take much from you to get him going and seeing you laid back against the pillows, belly rounded with his pup, feet twitching in his grip… well, it was enough. 
He wanted to rub your feet longer, but now his gaze kept sliding up to your belly until he couldn’t resist any longer. His hands followed, one flattening and tracing the curve.
“Baby is good,” you told him, answering his unasked question. He grinned as he stretched out beside you but a little lower, so his hand could continue to press. “Here,” you took his hand and pressed it low, where he could feel it, the irregular thump against his hand.
“Foot?” he asked.
“I sure hope so,” you snickered, “Or that baby is coming out with biceps as big as yours.” You squeezed his arm and he let you, amused at the way you so casually caressed each other's bodies. He kept his hand there, letting his son kick his palm.
“He’s strong,” he mused, only to flinch and quickly cover, “Do you think the baby will sleep now?”
“No, it slept the whole conference. I felt like I was stroking its head while we were down there,” you said, a contented smile on your face. He let out a sigh of relief that you hadn’t noticed his slip. 
Jungkook was certain you were carrying his son. It wasn’t that he preferred a son, but that was certainly going to be easier, seeing as he was a boy. He didn’t necessarily hope the baby was much like himself but he knew what it was like to be a little boy, and that had soothed some of his worries about fatherhood. Bitna was the only girl he’d grown up with and she wasn’t a very normal girl, so he’d be lost with a daughter. But he’d just sensed early on that the baby was a boy, and so hadn’t minded when you suggested not learning the baby’s sex until it was born because what did it matter?
It didn’t matter, in the grand scheme of things. It didn’t, Jungkook had assured you when he’d first started insisting it was a boy and you had broken down in tears. He’d never forget you sobbing with disappointment in him, “Are you really one of those traditionalist men who only cares about a son?” No! No, he wasn’t! He just happened to think a son would be easier and happened to believe this baby was a son! To soothe you, he’d enthusiastically agreed not to find out the baby’s sex, agreeing it didn’t matter, secretly knowing he was going to be right.
And it didn’t matter, in the grand scheme of things. It didn’t, Jungkook had reminded himself when the technicians didn’t disclose the baby’s sex. It wasn’t that he’d maybe wanted to know to reassure himself he wasn’t having a daughter, (moot, since his gut said it was a boy) but because he was just desperate to know anything at all. 
He stroked the spot on your belly the baby had been kicking. There was another hard kick that made you grunt, followed by a louder grunt.
“Oof, it’s moving.”
Jungkook dragged your flowy shirt up, watching the ridge of the baby’s back he could see as it shuffled and twisted inside. You could always feel when the baby moved like that. You could feel when the baby got hiccups or was sleeping. You could feel when the baby got startled by a loud sound around you or when it grew still listening to the soothing music Jungkook played at home every day while he painted. He knew you also had the aches and pains and cramps and heartburn and swollen ankles and back aches. 
But you got to experience this, the baby was already so real to you that he’d catch you mumbling to it sometimes, or tapping your fingers against your belly when the baby’s head or butt pressed against it in silent communication, or rocking in the glider you bought on recommendation from Taehyung and Yejin --who had just had their third and, according to Yejin, absolute final. 
Jungkook was on the outside of it. He went to almost every doctor’s appointment, trading shifts at the restaurant where he still worked to clear his schedule. He painted the nursery, he built the furniture, he took the best damn care of you he could. But he still had to wait to meet the baby in a way you didn’t, and he just wanted to know something about this baby, who was going to change your lives “in ways you can’t even imagine yet,” according to his mother. All he had to go on so far was that he thought the baby was a boy.
But he kept that to himself, tracing his finger over the bulge of a head or a butt pressed just above your belly button. Your fingers wound into his hair, scratching his scalp, sending goosebumps shooting across his arms. When he glanced at your face though, your eyes were closed, your expression peaceful for a brief moment.
“You’re tired, jagi,” he murmured and kissed your belly. 
“I won’t admit it.”
“Admit it,” he teased.
You didn’t even complain enough to him, he didn’t think. He wouldn’t have minded. Listening to you narrate every minor ache and pain could have given him a greater window into your experience. Listening was the part he could do.
“You don’t stop for anything,” he said. “But now you have to. We came to the conference. Now we’ll go home and you promised.”
“I know, I promised. We’ll go home and I’ll take it easy.”
He heard the extra something in your voice and knew not to push further. The sadness crept in, like it sometimes still did, even though this baby was healthy and growing well. The timing of the wedding and name change had also been an emotional reset. After two years of trying before you actually got pregnant, only for the first pregnancy to end in an early miscarriage, you’d both whispered doubts to each other in the dark whether a child could actually be in your future. Now you had a healthy growing baby in your belly but still there had been minor disagreements when you thought he coddled or he thought you pushed yourself too far. Would he have packed you up in bubble wrap for the whole pregnancy if he could, like you’d accused him of? Well… maybe.
But this you had agreed on. This conference was the last thing you would leave Marigold for. Now you would go home and be gentle with yourself and let him pamper you until the time came that Jungkook could finally meet his son.
You were still scratching his scalp as he murmured, “I love you.” It still felt bold to say it sometimes, but he was determined to say it every day. This baby would take being loved for granted, it would hear about it so much. No matter what happened, this baby would always know it had a father who loved him.
“I love you too,” you returned, rolling onto your side towards him.
“Yes, and I love you too,” Jungkook conceded.
“You didn’t mean me?” you pouted, a smile in your voice.
“I love you both,” Jungkook said and kissed you before settling on the pillows, your belly cradled between you.
Damn, he was ready to go home. This conference had been really fucking boring.
You sat on the living room sofa in the main house, staring at the ground, sulking. They’d called Jungkook. They might as well have called your dad, for all the gravity the call was made with and for all the pleading not to and for all the dread you had about the consequences. Jungkook was going to be unhappy with you. 
Sure enough, you could recognize his steps as the front door swung open, and his serious stare met you a moment later. You tried to return his stare, but then closed your eyes and slumped backwards on the couch, clasping your hands on top of your stomach. He sat beside you on the couch.
“She completely fainted,” Jimin tattled, appearing with a second cool cloth to drape across your forehead. The one Dale had given you was already around you neck, making you shirt uncomfortably wet. Eunju had lifted your feet onto the coffee table and brought you juice and crackers. 
“Hit the ground?” Jungkook asked, eyes wide with concern but brow somehow still lowered. 
You were the one to quickly say, “No, I barely fainted and Namjoon caught me--”
“I caught her,” Namjoon agreed, striding in. He set a glass of ice water on the table as well. “She smelled a little strange--”
“Probably just a sugar crash,” you quickly clarified. “Nothing more serious. You always smell people when they sugar crash. I just went a little too long before lunch. I was just about to stop and eat--”
“You said that like an hour ago, babe,” Maya called. Everyone was circling, bustling in and out of the room. You hated the coddling. You hated the attention. You hated that they had called Jungkook for something this trivial --you were a nurse! You knew it was just a small dizzy spell! 
Jungkook just studied your face for a moment, taking in all the information from these fucking snitches, before touching your shoulder and asking, “You want to rest here? Or should I take you home?”
“Take me home,” you quickly answered. “These mother hens are driving me crazy. I’m fine!”
“Well when our nurse is still working at thirty-eight weeks pregnant and faints, we get a little antsy,” Jimin scoffed. “Complain all you want!”
“How do you even remember the weeks? Do you have my due date penciled in--”
“We all do! It’s right on the calendar in the kitchen! When that baby comes and you stay home to recover, we can all finally let out a sigh of relief,” Maya teased. She stopped behind the couch and pressed her hands to your shoulders. 
“I’m pregnant, not made of rice paper. Women run marathons pregnant.”
“Not this woman,” Dale beamed at you. “So sorry you aren’t Superwoman this time, must be hard for your ego. Now Let Jungkook take you home, get some rest. And Y/N… You don’t have to wait until you’re literally pushing a baby out of your body. Take time off as soon as you need it.”
“I don’t. I just went a little too hard, that’s all,” you grumbled. You held your hand out for Jungkook to take, not amused when he adjusted the damp towels so they would come along for the ride. He helped you to the front door, and held you steady while you stepped into your flats --the big comfortable ugly ones that were the only thing that fit your larger feet right now. Once you were on the porch, he considered asking to carry you down, you could see the thought on his face. But apparently the scowl on your face worked, and he just helped you down and into the car.
It was a quiet ride home, though fortunately not a long one. You could smell the paint from the nursery, making it obvious how he’d spent his afternoon; as soon as you were deposited on the sofa, he ran to open the nursery windows and shut the door so it could air out without letting all the heat out of the house. He disappeared into the kitchen next, returning with an assortment of snacks to display before you on the coffee table a moment later. He brought you a blanket and a pillow and then pulled you feet onto his lap to roll the compression socks down.
“Don’t,” you complained because it felt like too much right now. He was being too sweet and he hadn’t scolded you yet, but you knew it was coming. you could see it on his face, held down by his furrowed eyebrows. “Just… say it and get it over with.”
“If you aren’t going to take care for your own sake, at least do it for the baby.”
You closed your eyes and looked away. That hurt more than you had expected. You felt a painful bubble in your chest at the words.
“I’m not endangering the baby,” you mumbled, gaze shifting to your hands in your lap. “I hate that you think that. You already think I’m a bad mother.”
“Huh?” The shift in his voice was immediate. “I don’t think that. I just meant…” He trailed off; you could feel his careful study. But the painful lump in your throat lingered and you knew if you looked at him you might cry.
“I’m not being reckless. My health is good. I’m taking breaks. I’m just not ready to stop working yet and sit around twiddling my thumbs--”
“You have to slow down.”
“If I slow down any more I’ll just be a potted plant!” you argued. “I didn’t forget to eat, I just wasn’t hungry yet because the heartburn has ruined my appetite. That’s normal! There’s no space for my stomach with the baby in there and it hasn’t dropped yet so--”
“So little meals, you said. You need snacks. You need to stop and rest.”
“I eat snacks but it just happened. I was just dizzy; I probably stood up too fast but everything is fine and I need you to stop acting like I’m just being selfish.”
“You should stop working and stay home and rest.”
“These are my last weeks to get to be Nurse Y/N before I’m just Mom,” you snapped. “Don’t take that away from me. I’m fine. Please trust that I love this baby too and I am not doing anything to endanger it. I knew you’d overreact; they shouldn’t have bothered calling you--”
You both lapsed into silence, staring in opposite directions. You were trying not to cry but the exhaustion and the frustration were building. 
“The only thing I can do to help the baby right now is take care of you,” he finally said. “You have to let me do that.”
“I am. But you have to trust me when I say I’m fine.”
“Fainting isn’t fine.”
“They exaggerated because they’re worried.” His sigh revealed what he thought of that answer. “I’m fine. I’ll eat more frequent small snacks and be fine. Please, just… please.” You didn’t know specifically what you were asking for. More trust. Less scolding. More compassion. Less guilt. 
Less guilt was really the thing you needed most. You had been prepared for the physical changes --more or less, anyway. As a nurse, you had taken care of plenty of pregnant women. Sure, going through them was a step beyond but still, you could identify symptoms and normal changes and causes for concern like a textbook. That was comforting.
What you had not been prepared for was the guilt. The fears. The mental and emotional worries that plagued your dreams and your waking both. The bigger you got, the more the world revolved around the baby growing in your belly, but you couldn’t help the small voice in your head crying but what about me? Don’t I still matter? You had made plenty of adjustments and sacrifices as needed to make sure the baby was happy and healthy and growing in there --you’d eliminated certain foods and coffees, just to be safe; you went to bed on time; you napped; you didn’t go visit your grandparents because of the risk of Zika; and so on and so on. Yes, you felt sad about those sacrifices sometimes. Wasn’t that allowed? Or did that mean you were already a terrible mother? You had plenty of people ask why you were still working this late in your pregnancy but it was because you could! You were healthy! The pregnancy was going well this time! And soon you would be home with the new baby for at least six months, maybe longer, and what would that even look like for you? You had been miserable when not working before. Who would you be when you were nothing but this baby’s mother for a while, possibly a long while? Could you be happy like that? Were you already failing for being worried about such selfish things, for still thinking about a career and a life that didn’t revolve solely around your child? Was it because Jungkook had wanted to have a baby more than you had? Were you doomed to be an unloving, terrible mother from the start because he was the one who’d wanted this first, and this was just proof of that? But you did want this baby! You had agreed to this, to the heartbreak of trying again after that first loss, because you wanted this too! Couldn’t you want both?
“Y/N,” he said, hand sliding across your back. You turned into his shoulder and finally couldn’t withhold the tears any longer. They streamed onto his shirt, soaking the fabric as you sobbed. He held you, but the position was awkward with your belly taking up so much space in between. He wound up dragging you onto his lap, tangling your bodies together the way puppies did, piling on each other to comfort or be comforted.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry. I know everything is harder for you right now. I can’t make anything easier. I’m just trying to take care of you. You work so hard all the time and I just want you to know that it’s ok for growing a baby to be enough.”
It wasn’t like him to stream out words like that; he must feel really bad and that soothed you too, reminding you that he didn’t know what the fuck they were doing either. 
“I don’t think I’m very good at being pregnant,” you admitted, pressing your face to his neck. 
“You are growing a healthy baby so you are very good at being pregnant. You are just not good at slowing down.”
“I don’t want to slow down,” you argued. “I listen to my body; I stop when I have to. But when I feel fine… Everything is changing and I’m trying not to complain or fuss but--”
“Complain to me, jagi! I’m your mate!”
“Yeah, but…”
He pressed his nose to your temple, rubbing, then nipped your nose and said gently, “I want to hear. I want to know. I don’t know anything. I can learn from you.”
“I don’t know anything either, Jungkook. I mean, I know about gestation and healthy baby size and pregnancy food needs. But I don’t know how to… how to become a mother, at least not a good one.”
“You’re a good mother already.”
“I’m not. I can’t be. I love this baby and I want this baby but everyone is saying I need to stop working, stop going places, stop doing things. Everything needs to be about the baby. So am I supposed to just stop existing except as a mother? I don’t know how to blend those things! And I want to work, I need to work, because I’m good at it but I’m not good at a having a baby like this and then at least if I fail as a mother, maybe I can make the baby proud as a nurse.”
This said, you leaned heavily against his shoulder again, a hollow ache where the words were no longer bricked up inside you.
After a while, Jungkook sighed, “I don’t know anything about it either. You know a lot about babies and I don’t know anything. But I think we’re going to be a happy family. I know it. We’ll do our best and love each other and I think that’s enough. All I ever wanted was to know my parents loved me.”
“I don’t know if my parents loved me,” you admitted, “I guess they did. But I don’t think they liked me very much.”
“I think we’ll like our baby.”
“I think so too,” you readily agreed. “It’s just that… everything is about to change. I’m so excited to meet this baby but I’m so fucking scared of getting this baby out,” you admitted with a small laugh. “And then… then what?”
He let out a deep breath and admitted, “I didn’t know you were scared about it too.”
“Of course I’m scared about it. You are?”
“You just act so… confident about everything. You take such good care of me and you remember everything and you’ve worked so hard on the nursery. You wanted this baby so bad, you were ready. I mean, I want it too! It’s just that the closer we get, the more I worry, am I really ready? What if I lose myself? I just become someone’s mom, nothing more… what if that’s not enough for me?”
“You will always be more than that,” he corrected. “Our baby has a busy mother. That’s ok. We said that. When you want to go back to work, if we need someone home with the baby still, I can do it. Why does it have to be the mom who stays home?” You had said that, as you’d imagined the many different ways your future could look. You didn’t know if Jungkook had been serious about that, about his willingness to stay home. You didn’t think you could bear the guilt of leaving your baby home, failing as a mother like that --you were supposed to want to stay home, weren’t you? And maybe you would want that! And maybe he wouldn’t want to! You couldn’t say because you just didn’t know what to expect!
“How can you say you’re scared when you sound so certain about everything?” you sighed enviously.
“I know we will figure it out. I can do anything with you in my corner and I’m in your corner so… we’ll be good.”
“Really? A boxing reference?”
You felt his smile as he kissed your jaw and shifted on the couch so he could drag the blanket over you both.
“Yes,” he said. “I know more about boxing than about babies but I will work harder at this than anything in my life. Together we’ll make it work. Not everything will change.”
“Are you going to say we’ll still have each other?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. His fingers were softly stroking your jaw. “I worry about things too. You’ll love the baby and forget about me…”
“I won’t,” you gasped, leaning away and staring into his face. “You’re my love, my mate, my partner. The baby won’t replace you!” He did not actually look too worried about it though.
“A little bit in the beginning. Taehyung talks to me about it. But I know you love me and you need me and it’s like that for me and we are two strong people, we can handle a baby,” he grinned. “A baby is little. We can win.” It made you smile, even laugh a little.
“Yeah, what’s one small baby against us, huh?” You leaned back against his shoulder and clung to his faith in you as a mother, his confidence you could figure this out. You wanted to be as certain, but you were still scared. What if you were wildly inept? What if the baby didn’t like you, or you struggled to love it, or you grew bitter about the career sacrifices that would have to happen to make sure the child came first as it deserved? What if you didn’t like being home with it? What if --as you had once feared-- mothering just wasn’t a thing that came naturally to you? Anytime you had hinted at that fear with Yejin or Helene or your grandmother, they’d laughed: you are full of love; you don’t have to be exactly like any other mother, but you are going to be a wonderful mother to your own wonderful baby because you have been a healing mother to so many people already. 
“You’re going to be such a wonderful father, Jungkook. You are strong and soft and wonderful in all the right ways.”
“Everything I know I learned from you,” he prodded. 
“That’s not true, but thank you.” You kissed the warm side of his neck. “Now what can you tell me to make me feel better about the pain of childbirth?”
“You are the strongest woman I know--”
“No no, that doesn’t work.”
“Drugs,” he said. “Lots of drugs. Epidural, yeah? Yeah.”
“We’ll see, I don’t know… I just don’t know anything, Jungkook.”
“You know a lot, Y/N. You just care a lot too.”
“I do care a lot.”
“I know. So it’s ok.” He rubbed his nose against yours and nipped again, kissed down your cheek and nipped your jaw. It was crazy how used to this form of comfort you had become over the years; you craved it when you were stressed or upset. You let your head fall back so he could nip along your neck. The mental image came again, of Jungkook nuzzling and cuddling your baby like this, you draped around them. It was the thought that had finally changed your mind on having a baby, too, the certainty that Jungkook was going to be a very, very good father, and that you would do your best to keep up. 
You sighed, going limp in his arms, until he finally ran his nose up to your ear.
“Sleepy jagiya,” he murmured. 
“I’ll carry you to bed?”
“Mm-hm, ok,” you conceded, knowing he took great pride in still lifting you with the additional weight. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you to the bedroom. “Wait, are you almost finished with the nursery? I want to see.”
“Later. Rest first. The nursery will still be there.”
“But you’re working so hard on it--”
“You are working even harder,” he argued. “Now you need to rest.”
“Do you think that tone will work with our child?”
“I sure hope so.”
“Me too,” you laughed, and let it work with you now, especially since he let you pull him down to the bed to nap with him. Tangled in his arms and legs, you felt better. Almost like you could do this, at least if you had him by your side, and all your friends who had overreacted today because they cared. Maybe, if you tried really hard, this could all be enough for the baby.
“Everyone just wants to be loved,” you whispered to yourself.
“You overflow with love,” Jungkook whispered back. “It’s not a concern.” He sounded so serious about it, so certain. It was the last reassurance you needed to curl up on your side, pillow stuffed between your knees to cushion your joints, and fall asleep.
Damn. Damn he had been an idiot. Jungkook sat in the chair beside your  hospital bed, the plastic tub with your baby inside boxing him in, and stared at the wall. 
Damn, he had gotten everything so very wrong.
He was in shock. He knew that. He remembered the feeling of getting dragged from a fire and tossed into a cold pool, the way your skin tingled and your lungs burned and your eyes ached to close for a while, the way you were sweaty and cold at the same time. 
Had it all really happened? Really?
He glanced at the bassinet and couldn’t believe it was a real baby inside. He ought to be holding it but it was asleep and he didn’t want to disturb it, even though you had begged him to hold it while you slept, afraid it would feel cold and lonely. Your faith in him had been astonishing; seeing how much strength you took from him was incredible and he felt completely insufficient for it. What good had he been? No good, not good for a single fucking thing!
Sure, he’d held your arm as you paced through your contractions. He’d held your hips and pushed into your lower back as you had used the baby crib he’d built to help you sway through the worst of the pain. It had made him sick to see you in pain but he’d bitten that back and done his best to walk you through every survival method he knew.
Sure, he’d maintained his calm as he drove you to the hospital, and held your hand through checking in, and only snapped a little when the nurses were taking too long getting you into a room. He’d been calm and thorough about attending to your every need, desperate to do anything when it seemed like his options to help you were limited. This is normal, the nurse had assured you. Just a few hours and then you’ll have your baby.
But the hours dragged on. And on. And on. Your pain broke him, froze him, re-animated him. The nurses didn’t like him, he knew that, because he didn’t have any patience for their glacial pace when you needed something. He didn’t like how they could be chatting and laughing and happy while checking your’s and the baby’s vitals, not when you would curl forward, trying to escape the contractions. Pain was inescapable, and having to watch you go through it… it was too much. He had not been prepared for how terrible it would be. He’d been so focused on the baby and taking care of you throughout your pregnancy that he hadn’t worried enough about this part. He’d trusted too much the idea that women did this all the time. It had left him unprepared for the gut-wrenching agony of watching you suffer.
And then things got worse. The baby wasn’t moving. Your water had broken too long ago and you were starting to get a fever and the baby was being stubborn. Oh no, he’s going to be like me, Jungkook had fretted, long past rational thought at this point. He’d stood dumbly by as the nurses and doctor and you had discussed, as they’d tried to ask him his opinion, as he’d only nodded and motioned to whatever you said without understanding what was happening because internally he was panicking and this time you couldn’t soothe him through it.
Sure, he’d walked behind the gurney as they’d carted you down to surgery. He’d put on the gown and mask and papery hat and stood by your head, where the nurses nudged him. He’d held your hand, unable to look away from the exhaustion and fear on your face as they raised a curtain to perform the surgery out of your view. Surgery. Real surgery. He’d seen into your body as the doctors lifted a baby out of you.  You had cried as the baby screamed and he just stared, too slow and unresponsive to even cut the cord. He had expected to immediately recognize the baby’s scream, but it was just a noise, not even a very concerning one at the moment. He’d watched you nuzzle the baby under your chin, a swollen, red, angry baby that looked nothing like he’d imagined other than the dark hair like his own. He’d even touched your face to reassure you, pulled your gown back into place where it had been knocked around in the chaos; but even that had been wrong, you’d been trying to unsnap it so you could hold the baby against the warm skin of your chest. You already knew what to do with your upset child. The baby had drawn his attention less than the long line of stitches being sewn into your lower belly; you would have a big scar, a reminder of what he’d watched you endure.
Things were blurry after that. You were drugged in a way that scared him, but your attention was so focused on the baby that his fear didn’t matter right now much anyway. You were taken to a recovery room, the baby was looked at, everyone was said to be healthy and fine. Jungkook had called some people, his parents, your grandparents, Jimin. He hadn’t been able to tell them much except that everything was apparently fine, confused when they asked if he was all right and if you had named the baby yet.
The baby twitched in its cubby. He peeked down, but the baby settled back to sleep so he didn’t touch it. When he leaned back in his chair, he read the card on the side again: Baby Girl Jeon, DOB 2-24.
A girl! Even the baby had turned out different than his expectations for what “becoming parents” would go like. A girl…
He stared at the wall and wished he could fall asleep but knew it wouldn’t come. He felt like he’d been through the worst fight of his career. He felt like he’d been through a war. In reality, he felt nothing, just sat there shocked about it all and wondering how he could be so useless and how his expectations had been so fucking wrong.
He must have drifted off again without realizing it, because noise in the room woke him. He was embarrassed to find he’d failed even as a guard; two nurses were helping you sit up while a third finished changing the baby’s tiny diaper. This kept happening. He was trying his best to stay awake, so he could be on hand to get anything you needed --ice, water, applejuice, more blankets, more pillows, move the pillows, turn on the TV, turn off the TV. The pain from your incision definitely was worse the next day, and they took your catheter out but you needed help walking to the bathroom. You were slow and fragile-seeming and it terrified him, and so he wanted to be always on hand to help you.
But once again he’d fallen asleep in that uncomfortable chair, tricked into it by his own tired brain. 
Quickly he sat up, leaning close on the edge of the bed, but you didn’t seem upset with him about sleeping. You scratched his jaw and smiled at him, then held your arms out as the nurse lowered the baby into them. Whatever pain or lingering trauma you must have from giving birth in that manner, you seemed utterly distracted from it whenever the baby was near.
“Isn’t she perfect?” you whispered. He watched you stroke the baby’s downy black ears, still paperthin and folded up, just barely poking out of the shock of dark hair. The baby looked up at you with dark eyes beneath a heavy brow; very much like the baby pictures Jungkook’s mother had texted you to compare earlier this morning. He worried the baby might have his nose too, and how would that look on a little girl? 
“Well I think she is,” you cooed, making him realize he hadn’t answered yet.
“She’s small,” he said. No, that wasn’t good enough. “She…”
“Are you disappointed?”
“I know you wanted a boy,” you said. He didn’t have to see your face to hear the threat of tears.
“No,” he said quickly. “I’m not disappointed. I’m just… surprised.” He leaned down on the bed beside you, watching the baby, trying to feel that connection he had hoped would come immediately. Even seeing his own image reflected back at him in tiny ways didn’t make him look at this infant and know anything more about it than he had when it was still tucked away in your stomach. Logically he knew the baby would grow and get more personality and someday be walking and talking like Taehyung’s kids but… He realized you were watching him stare at the baby, so he added, “I don’t know anything about little girls.”
“You don’t know what a little boy would have been like either,” you argued, the same argument you’d had while pregnant. “A girl could still like cars and fighting and--”
“I don’t want anyone to like fighting.”
“--And a boy might have liked dolls and tea parties.”
“I know that,” he insisted. “It’s not important, Y/N. I’m not disappointed.”
“You can’t be disappointed. She’s perfect.” You hooked your finger into a tiny fist. The baby smacked its lips and wriggled in its blanket, curling closer to your chest and nodding off. Apparently eating and a diaper change had been too much excitement and worn it out. 
“I’m not disappointed,” he insisted again. “Are you?”
“No. What? Why would I be disappointed?”
“Ears. Tail.”
“Yes, my daughter is a hybrid, so? So is my mate”
Jungkook nodded but secretly didn’t believe you. You were drugged and tired and not thinking about it because you couldn’t actually be that oblivious. With a human mother, the baby would qualify for human citizenship, but with hybrid features, it would face the same barriers Jungkook did. Even though you had spent your life working with hybrids, you could still move fluidly between the worlds. You didn’t understand. He had hoped his child would be spared this; some mixed children didn’t even have the ears of their hybrid parent, apparently the most dominant of hybrid features. He had hoped his child would just be a boy copy of you. That would have been the best, easiest future. This child… he just didn’t know how he was possibly supposed to protect it. He’d barely managed to protect you for the last nine months.
“I know I don’t know what it’s like to be a hybrid,” you said, once again making Jungkook suspect you had secret mind-reading abilities. “And I wouldn’t wish any struggles on my own child. But I’ve spent my life trying to make this world a better place for hybrids, and now I’ll keep fighting that fight to make it a better place for our daughter. We’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy and healthy. She’s beautiful and I wouldn’t change a thing about her, certainly not to make her look less like my handsome mate.”
He pressed his face to your arm, only to be stunned when you added, “Please don’t scent me though until you’re willing to scent her too.”
“You haven’t yet.”
“She’s so small,” he defended.
“Ok. But usually hybrids scent their babies right away--”
“You aren’t a hybrid, don’t lecture me.”
You went silent. He cringed. You nodded and he could feel the weight of your swallow, the way you bit back tears.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, pressing his forehead to your arm. But you had said not to scent you, so he didn’t. He should scent the baby instead but he’d said the truth. It was so small. A boy baby would have been bigger, right? Sturdier? The boy baby he’d seen in his head was bigger.
He wasn’t soothed by your answer, “I know.” It felt like there was a but in there. But… you aren’t being the partner I need. But… you aren’t being a good father. But… you don’t belong here in this human hospital. But… it’s your fault I had to go through all this pain. But… it’s your fault our baby has dog ears and a dog tail and will never look just like every other little girl. 
“Can I get you anything?” he asked. It was lame, a lame attempt to still be useful to you.
“My stitches are hurting pretty bad,” you admitted. “Can you ask the nurse when I can have more pain medicine?” 
That he could do. He rose swiftly and headed for the door, but paused and looked back. He watched you stroke the little head one more time and kiss it, then gently tug a yellow hat down over the tiny head. He heard your sniffle from the door. You thought he hated the baby. He didn’t hate it! He just didn’t know it!
Fuck. He was failing. He’d been a father for less than forty-eight hours and already he was failing.
In his panic, he forgot about the medication. He blanked on it completely, he got distracted by his own frustrations, and he left the hospital to go for a jog to clear his mind. He’d come back a new man, he would! He psyched himself up about all the things he’d do better when he got back from his jog. He’d change diapers! He’d have the nurse show him again how to swaddle! He’d start writing down your medication times so he could keep it up when you went home and there wasn’t another nurse there doing it for you-- fuck, your medication!
He turned and jogged back to the hospital, determined for a better round two.
The hospital had not let you stay long. Three days didn’t feel like long enough, and Jungkook had tried to argue with the doctor about it, but you already knew the lines the doctor responded with. You were healthy and your sutures were healing nicely. The baby was healthy and even eating nicely. You were a nurse, living in a sanctuary with other medical staff nearby. Jungkook was even suddenly being more helpful! He hadn’t scented you daughter yet, but he was changing diapers now, doing his best to swaddle the baby in a blanket, and even watched over her closely when you slept. You would wake that final day and night to see him staring down at the baby, or even reaching out a finger to touch her little cheek, and while it wasn’t scenting, it looked more like acceptance.
So there was no reason to stay longer in the hospital other than your own fear over the reality that you and Jungkook were actually parents now, parents with a baby to take care of, with the added complication that you were recovering from more of a surgery than you had expected. Of course you had known there was a risk of Cesarean. You had wanted to avoid it, to avoid the additional healing process. But by the time the doctor decided it was time, you’d had no fight left in you and had known it was the right call, for your baby’s safety and your own. 
But it didn’t mean you were ready to look at the steri-strips and long scar any more than you had to right now. Your saggy tummy, your painfully swollen breasts and aching nipples and the constant sense you were peeing yourself, none of mattered right now because your body had worked hard and deserved some love and patience. The birth already felt like a dream, except for that damn incision. Besides, you had a beautiful baby who needed you right now.
All of you. Mi-Cha never didn’t need you. If Mi-cha wasn’t on you in some way, she was screaming. Awake? Needs to be held against your heart or tucked under your chin. Asleep? Needs to be held against your heart or tucked under your chin. She might allow you to lay down in bed with her and sleep with Mi-Cha curled up in your armpit, but you were terrified of rolling over and crushing her, which meant Jungkook had to sit there and supervise. 
Poor Jungkook. Poor yourself too, sure, you were exhausted beyond all exhaustion, but at least there was something sweet about the baby clinging so desperately to you. Jungkook tried to be present and helpful and give you a break and it only ever led to screaming, and those little newborn shrieks inevitably led to you bursting into your own frantic tears. Every time he offered to take the baby so you could try to sleep, you could see him bracing himself for the unfailing shrieks. You certainly couldn’t fall asleep like that, but you could shower or quickly eat something or at least change your clothes. Maybe your hygiene wasn’t the best but hey, newborn babies loved the scent of their mama, right?
It was no way to live though. It couldn’t last. After only three days of this, you were nearing a breakdown and you knew it and couldn’t see an end in sight. Jungkook’s parents wouldn’t be here until the end of the following week and they wouldn’t be wizards with a baby. Maya and Ana had both come by, called by you to check the baby and make sure you weren’t missing something wrong because you felt incompetent over how much your daughter cried. It wasn’t like Mi-Cha always just stopped immediately crying as soon as you held her, once she got going about your betrayal for setting her down, or because you failed to anticipate whatever she wanted but couldn’t communicate yet. She was fussy and demanding and beautiful but you felt like your little family was already failing. 
So on day three, it was back to the pediatrician for a second visit for another verification that nothing was wrong. Nope. Mi-Cha was gaining weight at a good clip. She responded properly to stimuli and didn’t react to any presses on her tummy or head or tail. Gas was suggested and you were given drops to coax into her and told to keep trying, sometimes babies just took time to settle into a routine. 
But at home it continued. Jungkook offered to help less, knowing it didn’t do any good, and probably because he was exhausted having his own child scream at him and reject him. It was particularly problematic since you were more convinced by the day that Jungkook hated the baby anyway. It wasn’t a boy. It looked like him. It had puppy ears and a tail and just wasn’t what he meant when he said he wanted a baby. Frankly, his rejection hurt you too, after you worked so long and hard to make this baby. It drove a wedge between you. It had only been four days but it felt like a week had passed and you couldn’t help but feel like your lives had been ruined.
“Mi-Cha,” you sang, badly because you were exhausted and had no energy or mental stamina to carry a tune. “Mi-cha, Mi-cha, sweetest lovely Mi-Cha, take a little nap so your mommy can do it too.” You cradled the baby in the crook of your elbow as you tried to unwrap a granola bar because heaven forbid you put Mi-Cha down for a moment. Your hands were shaking at your daughter’s angry shouts regardless, but you thought if you could just eat something you would get a second wind. Or, well, a fiftieth wind. A hundredth wind?
Jungkook watched you from the doorway, reading all of these things, but not sure how to help. His feelings of helplessness had only grown since coming home, watching you get dragged further under the demands of a newborn. You were both exhausted, but he knew you were carrying more of the weight right now and he didn’t know what to do. Belatedly, he realized he could at least open the fucking granola bar for you and dove forward. But Mi-Cha was already angry she’d been held wrong for too long, so by the time he handed the granola bar over, you were crying quietly beneath Mi-Cha’s wail. He held the granola bar up, trying to give you an encouraging smile and knowing he failed.
At that moment, your phone buzzed itself off the kitchen counter and landed perfectly on his foot. He cursed and grabbed it. His mother. Well, he could at least take care of that. He showed you the caller ID and wasn’t surprised by the way your expression sank. But he quickly grabbed the phone away and left the room, answering, making clear to you he would deal with it. His mother had been calling daily, trying to be helpful but adding stress already, even though she and Appa weren’t coming to visit until the end of next week.
“Eomeoni, hello,” he greeted, making sure she could hear the baby in the background before he closed himself into the bedroom. 
“Mi-Cha has strong lungs,” she mused.
“She has strong everything,” he sighed. “Strong lungs, strong demands, strong complaints.”
He could hear the amusement in her voice as she said, “Yes, yes, a new baby is difficult. You were hard for us, too, so hard. It takes me back. You sounded just like that. Do all babies sound like it? I don’t think so, I think I know she’s mine by her cry.” He slumped on the edge of the bed, closing his eyes. It was sweet that his parents were so excited about Mi-Cha. While he felt like there would always be a pebble in the shoe of their relationship, their instant love and adoration for the granddaughter they hadn’t even met yet had felt like a new layer of healing over old wounds. But right now, his mother’s sympathy didn’t solve the problem and he was so tired he could barely follow her.
“... so every day after lunch your father would come home from work early and take you so I could sleep for a few hours, and then he’d do it again at midnight. It was odd hours but you just wouldn’t accept anything else; even as a new baby, you had an idea of how the house was going to go!” It was interesting to hear that, seeing as his own memories of childhood didn’t recall his parents being pushovers to his whims. 
But something else caught him, and he asked, “Did Appa have any special tricks? Mi-Cha won’t let go of Y/N. She wants nothing to do with me. I know a mother is the most important but--”
“Appa!” she called, her voice loud through the phone as she forgot to pull away. Jungkook flinched. “Appa! Talk to your son, he wants to know a father thing. I don’t know what you did to Gukka so he’d be quiet with you when he was a-- yes, talk to him.”
The phone changed hands and Jungkook rubbed his forehead as Appa greeted him, asked about the baby, asked about you, and only then said, “Yes, ok, what is the question?”
“Eomeoni says when I was baby, you would take me so she could sleep. Y/N needs to sleep but Mi-Cha just screams all the time. How did you do it?”
“Oh, well, I… I didn’t do anything remarkable,” he said, sounding confused by it. “You were a good baby. We’d just do our thing, father and son.” Jungkook physically cringed, it hurt his stomach; he realized he hadn’t eaten in a while either. He needed to make something better for you both to eat than granola bars and cold noodles. 
“I don’t have a son,” he said, sharper than he would have meant on a normal day.
“Yeah, we didn’t use our dongles!” Appa laughed, loud and easy and relaxed. “What’s different? You can tell me. I kept you and your eomma scented well enough. I’d bundle you up in a little sash against my chest, and off we’d go!”
“Go where?” Jungkook asked, brow lowering. 
“Oh, we just walked. We walked and walked, it was nice,” Appa said. “We watched the leaves change and we’d walk to get fresh bread or rice cakes from the shops. You’d cook with me or sometimes we’d watch TV together if it rained…”
That was the thing. That was the thing Jungkook hadn’t tried yet. He’d been waiting until things felt better, until he felt a connection with Mi-Cha, until he felt like she wanted him to be near her, but now Appa had him wondering if he’d gotten the most obvious thing wrong. 
“I have to go, Appa,” he abruptly said. “Thank you. Tell Eomma thank you.” He hung up before anything else could delay and hoped his parents would understand.
He hurried to the nursery, where he could hear you mumbling to Mi-Cha through the closed door. You looked over from the window where you swayed with Mi-Cha under your chin when he flung the door open, and it struck him again how tired his poor love looked. 
“Go sleep, jagiya,” he said, striding forward. You gave him a crooked smile, certain he was joking. But he was determined to give it a solid effort and pressed his face to your neck.
“Shh, jagiya, I’ll scent her in a moment. Let her smell me on you first,” he murmured, nipping his way along your neck, rubbing his nose and chin. Even just that eased the tension in his shoulders he’d started to grow used to again; touching you so closely soothed him, like he too was a needy little baby unwillingly separated from warm, soft, wonderful you. Maybe you felt the same; you sighed and lifted your chin, the saddest little whimper coming from you he’d ever heard. He wrapped his arms around you, embracing Mi-Cha in between, something that usually made her cry but right now she stayed silent.
Because he could, he kissed your chin and your nose and your mouth, a real kiss, the first real one since Mi-Cha had been born. 
“We’ll try this,” he murmured. “Maybe it will work.”
“What will work?”
“I’ll take better care of my girls,” he said. Vague, but you didn’t protest as he dragged his mouth down the other side of your neck, and along your shoulders, and then lower, to the soft little head cradled against your chest. 
“You too, Mi-Cha,” he said gently, brushing his nose as carefully as could be against the back of her head. She smelled like fresh laundry and newness and warmth and some extra thing that was uniquely her, though tied to himself and you. He could recognize this baby anywhere already, he knew that; he could pick her clothing out of a pile, no problem; he could find her no matter how far she wandered once she was mobile.
But now he added his scent directly to her, strong, so there’d be no question about the slight thread of relation. He pressed it to the back of her head and her little shoulder and her arm and leg and her back. You twisted her the other way and he worked his way back up, even peppered little kisses against her face and hair because she wasn’t crying about him being so close. He felt affection blossom in his chest. She wasn’t asleep, but she just lay there quietly under this, as if it was something she wasn’t sure of but understood had to happen. Her wispy hair stuck out funny around her little ears, which had already gained some shape but now looked more like little cat ears. They’d grow fast, he knew, and soon flop like his had in his baby pictures. And probably someday, maybe after puberty, they’d grow a little more, get some more shape to them, and no one would ever cut or tear them. No one would ever touch her little tail, which suddenly brushed against his hand.
“Was that a wag?!” you gasped, noticing it too. “It can’t be! That milestone isn’t until like a month.”
“I don’t know if it was that,” he admitted, but grinned because he’d instantly thought so too, just a little tap like that. “Still, it means she’s strong… Let me try…” Your eyes went wide. You both held your breaths as Jungkook lifted Mi-Cha out of your hold and instead tucked her under his own chin. 
“Shhhh. Hello, Mi-Cha,” he said quietly. He froze, worried the rumble of his voice in his chest would set her off, but she didn’t make a peep.
“She’s still awake,” you said. “But…”
“But she’s not crying.”
“It worked!” you squealed. You pressed your hand to Mi-Cha’s back, adding your own soothing, “There you go, sweet girl. Appa has you now. See? You’re safe and happy with Appa.”
“Y/N,” he whispered. “Go.”
“Go sleep! I’ve got her.”
“Oh my god.” You stared at him, like this hadn’t even occurred to you. “Oh my god!” You pressed your hand to your mouth, then kissed them each on the cheek, then fled the room, shuffling as quickly as you could so recently after giving birth. It was almost enough to make him laugh; he could hear the weight with which you hit the bed in their bedroom, like you’d jumped onto it so nothing could pull you back. He hoped you hadn’t actually done that; your incision was still healing!
Mi-Cha stayed quiet beneath his chin. He could feel the tiniest flutter of her breath against his collarbone. But she was only wearing a diaper, freshly changed; you hadn’t dressed her yet and he worried Mi-Cha would be cold in these final days of February, even though the house was warm.
“Ok, princess pup,” he murmured, “You need clothes. Let’s see… let’s see…” He heard the tiniest chirp and bounced over to the small mirror so he could see her reflection. Her eyes were open, looking curiously around, like she was surprised by her own acceptance of this new situation. 
“Damn, you’re cute when you aren’t screaming,” he grinned because damn, he looked pretty cool holding a baby like this. 
It was tricky picking out new clothes for her without risking his grip on her. He wound up sliding her down to nestle in the crook of his arm, and while she refused to let you hold her like this, she deemed it acceptable with Jungkook. The drawers in the closet were full of baby things in all soft hues, though a few fun outfits in darker colors, mostly his friends poking fun of his own fashion style. He picked a cozy green knit sleeper and talked to her as he dressed her, since he had to put her down. She fussed about it, so he moved quickly, tucking in her little feet and little hands, careful that her tail curled comfortably up the back. Eomma had already said she was looking forward to doing all the clothing alterations when she arrived, so Mi-Cha could proudly show off her little tail. 
“You look like a little green bean,” he admitted, lifting her quickly so he could shuffle a swaddle sack into place and tuck her into it. He started to pull a hat on but she fussed enough he left it off. But he still worried her head would get cold, so he found a bigger hat, one that dwarfed her little head when he pulled it down, but she accepted that. “So cozy, so cute,” he narrated, snuggling her back down into his arms. “We won’t go far today for our first adventure. Just to the kitchen to get some food and then back here. We can sit in the comfy chair and watch the flowers grow,” he suggested. “Eomma isn’t far, she’s just sleeping…”
Even after he had eaten carefully around her and returned to ease into the nursery chair, Mi-Cha still hadn’t cried. He worried she’d be getting hungry, but instead her eyelids started to droop as he settled down with her, draping a blanket over them both. She curled up against his chest, little mouth opening and closing a few times in the tiniest yawn. His heart briefly stopped when her little covered hand pressed against his chest and she closed her eyes and dozed right off.
“I see,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry, Mi-Cha. You surprised me in every way. But I made you wait while I sorted my shit out and that’s not right. I’m your appa, it’s my job to make sure you are loved and safe even when you surprise me.” He hunched over to kiss her little nose and stroked her cheek. She looked asleep, her breathing a bit heavier, but he still assured her, “You are loved and safe and I don’t know anything about you yet other than that you’re mine, and that’s enough for now.” He hesitated, then grinned, “And I think you are maybe stubborn too.”
Jungkook had nowhere else to be and nothing else to do that was more important than rocking his daughter, holding her close while she slept, and letting his mate finally get some sleep before you murdered someone.
You woke slowly from you nap and stretched, mindful of the C-section scar out of habit though several months after surgery you were feeling pretty good. Your shirt had hiked up while you slept and you glanced down at the smile on your lower belly --that was how Jungkook had described it between kisses along the curve of it a week or so ago and the comparison had lingered. Not that you’d had any doubt, but a new scar was nothing unattractive to Jungkook, once he’d had a few good visits with his therapist to work through the trauma of childbirth. You had not realized ahead of time how upsetting that would be for him, but it explained too the first rough few days in which he’d kept his distance from the small baby whose birth had caused your pain, blinding him briefly to the much greater joy Mi-Cha brought.
You felt bad not to have anticipated that. But how could you have predicted the pain, the fear, the exhilaration, the euphoric joy of holding your fresh little newborn against your chest? Even thinking about it now, as you often did, made your fingers itch to grab those little thighs, brush back the little fluff of hair, or stroke along your daughter’s tail like you’d formed a habit of. Tail! You had known of course that your daughter could have some level of hybrid chimera. You hadn’t expected it to be strange to you after how much time you’d spent with hybrids and that was the only thing you’d predicted correctly: it didn’t seem unusual to you at all. Every centimeter of that baby was beloved and precious and perfect. You spent hours going over every bit of your baby, relishing in every dimple, every downy patch of hair, every little blink and hiccup and murmur. 
Fears that you would have a baby and not know what to do with it? Absolutely the truth, you still couldn’t believe you had a baby, and it still felt like you were living hour to hour trying to keep Mi-Cha fed, bathed, and entertained.
Fear that you would have a baby and not love it? Absolutely unfounded. Even once the baby was an impossible being in your arms, no longer a series of flickers and thuds within your belly, you’d loved her. Even when that tiny baby had pushed you to the brink of collapse, when you and Jungkook had cried together in shared frustration, even when Mi-Cha had ruined not one but two of your shirts with diaper explosions, even then your love had been unshakeable. Maybe not your nerves or patience, but your love.
Now the quiet house was disorienting, even though you knew it was nothing to be worried about. Jungkook took her out for a walk just about every day at this time, so you could have a rest before Jungkook would head out to the restaurant for his evening shift if he had one. You didn’t know how long he’d be gone or when he’d return so you sent him a quick text letting him know you were awake. 
[JK<3]: on my way how’s mi-cha doing? I miss her [Y/N]: very funny
You cut up an apple and wandered outside so you could watch Jungkook arrive. Sometimes they biked and sometimes they drove in a cart if you were going along but today he’d walked. With your apple slices cupped in your hand, you stood on the wooden front porch and watched him come down the road, a flowery sunbrella shielding himself and the baby from the spring sunshine. He was flushed and sweaty from the walk by the time he stepped up and Mi-Cha’s head turned side to side from where Jungkook had her wedged in the front carrier; she could obviously sense you.
“My sweet baby,” you cooed, leaning down into view and stroking her hair where the headband with the big black bow didn’t cover it. The bow matched the little romper she had on, black and red polka dots with an all-black diaper cover. She looked like a little ladybug and it was definitely not what you had put her in but Jungkook, you had learned, found a lot of enjoyment in carefully choosing Mi-Cha’s outfits for their walks. He liked her in matchy-sets, whereas you really just put on whatever was clean and within reach --because it usually didn’t stay clean for long. She’d developed pretty bad acid reflux, which meant she spit up a lot and preferred to be upright and held, none of which her daddy minded at all. He’d proclaim “Time for a wardrobe change” every time he hauled her off to clean her up.
“Where were you too off to today?” you asked as Jungkook brushed past you to toss the diaper bag down just inside the door. You always smiled to see it, because Seokjin had tried to buy him a sleek black leather “dad-bag” that even you had expected him to love, and Jungkook had gone off about how dads didn’t need separate bags and who cared if this one had yellow and green pastel polka dots, and if anyone had a problem with it they could fucking fight him. 
“Mr. Moon,” he answered. You helped him untie and unbutton and untwist to pull Mi-Cha out of the carrier and took a moment to cradle Mi-Cha to your chest and kiss and nuzzle her face. Even though no scent really got applied, Mi-Cha loved it, and Jungkook had assured you there was a little of your smell that transferred. Mi-Cha gurgled and kneaded her fingers against your shirt, her little tail thump-thumping against your arm. 
“How’s he doing?” you finally answered. Jungkook gave you a look that said enough. His health had continued to deteriorate; Alya had earned her nursing license just in time to become his full-time caretaker. You knew the end was going to be incredibly difficult for Jungkook, who’d taken to Mr. Moon like a long-lost grandson so long ago. You were glad he still spent his afternoons there with Mi-Cha so often. 
The sudden kiss surprised you from the sad thought, and you leaned into it, smiling as his fingers brushed your arm.
“Hm,” you hummed. “Hello.” His bashful smile melted your heart as he made to turn away, but you leaned forward for one more kiss. You had been working on this lately, making a point of physical affection with each other. Mi-Cha had dominated both of your attentions for almost three months now and that wasn’t going to stop any time soon, but you both had admitted that you missed each other. So you had agreed to kiss more, touch more, without reason or explanation.  “I love you,” you murmured, brushing your nose against his jaw.
“I love you too,” came the reply, still music to your ears. Mi-Cha chirped and squeaked, and immediately both parents looked down at her. 
“It was a good walk,” Jungkook said, brushing Mi-Cha’s ear with his finger. “She smiles a lot at other people. I think she’ll be bright like you.”
“Bright,” you repeated. “Such a cute way to say that. But you’re forgetting how moody she gets when she doesn’t get what she wants, or if there’s too much noise, or--”
“Her ears are sensitive.”
“Ya, I know about her ears,” you teased. “Come on, you should drink some water. She’s probably about ready to eat too, unless she had a bottle.”
“She had a bottle,” he confirmed. 
“Ah, what a good girl you were for daddy today,” you cooed, swaying and bouncing her as you walked inside. “Are you going to be so good for mommy tonight?”
“I’m not working tonight.”
“Oh. I forgot--”
“That’s ok. I wrote it down.”
“I’m sure you did. The days sort of run together right now…”
He gave you a sympathetic touch on the shoulder, knowing how doubly exhausting that was, and assured you, “It’s ok. We’ll have a nice night in… unless you want to go out?” You had gone to dinner at Hoseok’s and his fiance’s place the night before though, and eaten an early dinner at the main house the night before that. It turned out, maternity leave was only as lonely and isolating as you let it be here. You had feared your social support would evaporate once Jungkook’s parents went home after two weeks but you only had to lift your phone or step out your door to find a Sanctuary’s worth of family eager to help.
Mi-Cha’s little mouth pressed against your collarbone, little tongue lapping at your skin. For most babies, that meant hunger, a rooting response meant as a gentle, early threat. But Mi-Cha liked to make things a little complicated by having a second behavior that was similar but not identical to rooting. Her little mouth latching onto something that was very clearly not a nipple for this adorable and maybe odd child meant she was sleepy. 
“Ah, she’s worn out,” Jungkook sighed, stepping close and touching her back as well as yours. “She was very busy at Mr. Moon’s…”
“Doing what? Is she finally painting?”
He snickered and corrected, “Looking, listening, fussing, holding onto pencils and paintbrushes we put in her hand.”
“Trying to make her a little protegee?” 
He looked serious as he answered, “No, no. We’ll see if she likes painting. She doesn’t have to like painting.” Mi-Cha sucked a little harder, then pulled off and let out a warning fuss.
“All right, sweet one,” you apologized. “Let’s check your diaper and then to sleep.”
“I just changed her, I think she’s fine,” Jungkook insisted, leaning down to sniff her diaper. It was more a gesture than anything though; he could always tell the second she was wet or poopy, even from across the house. At first you had envied him this immediate recognition, but there had been enough really bad diapers that had left Jungkook looking pretty green that now you thought your human sense of smell was maybe not such a bad thing. 
Together you went to the nursery. Despite Jungkook just spending the whole afternoon with Mi-Cha, you could sense his eagerness to still hold her. You felt the same way, desperate to keep that soft, warm little body close after your arms had been empty for that same time; you’d felt the emptiness even in sleep. Even now when you napped, you would sometimes startle awake, reaching for a baby you had dreamed was falling, only to realize no baby was there, and you wouldn’t have left Mi-Cha in a dangerous place to begin with.
So you motioned Jungkook to the glider, then curled up on his lap with Mi-Cha tucked in with you. The deep sigh from Jungkook left no secret how happy he was to have both his girls close. Both his girls. You melted every time you heard him say that. How silly of him to have doubted he could figure out a baby girl, as he’d admitted to you. Those fears hadn’t completely left him, but you knew and he tried to believe you that he’d figure out any other “daughter demands” just like he had changing a daughter’s diaper. He even had a little song he sang to Mi-Cha when he did it! Front to back, just like that; wipe wipe wipe, hush don’t gripe; clean the way, tummy to tail, and then put-a-new-diaper-on-quick-before-you-pee-on-me-again. 
Jungkook was right about one thing regarding Mi-Cha: her emotions were bright and loud and she didn’t hide them. She felt safe and comfortable and loved, you were certain that was why she was so forthright with her happiness, her impatience, and her tiny baby rage that sometimes poked out. Mostly though she was happy, and it showed in the steady little flick of that tail and the curve of her mouth into a sleepy smile as she chomped down on the pacifier Jungkook had finally been convinced would not doom her teeth for life before they’d even grown in. 
“She’s so perfect,” you sighed, an infinite refrain. “I think she’s even prettier now that we get to sleep sometimes.” Jungkook rocked you slowly and brushed his finger against Mi-Cha’s thigh, making her twitch and kick and curl closer to your chest, as if seeking protection. “Let her sleep,” you jokingly scolded.
“Ah, it’s boring when she sleeps, I think…”
“I know,” you admitted. “At least you got to see her all afternoon, I was just asleep and now she’s going to sleep.” Your low voices didn’t seem to bother your daughter at all; she was used to this, after all, being cradled by both her parents as she dozed off. Jungkook’s mother thought they were crazy to let the bedtime routine be so long and drawn out and maybe you’d regret it eventually, but right now, just holding her as she fell asleep was so perfect.
“You were up with her at four-thirty in the morning,” Jungkook pointed out. “After she was already up at one.”
“Yeah… someday when she’s all grown up, we should wake her up as much as she wakes us up.”
“She won’t think we’re as cute as we think she is,” Jungkook pointed out.
“That’s sort of the point of revenge.”
He chuckled and turned the glider slowly so you could see out the window, angled so Mi-Cha’s face stayed in the shadows. Sitting in this glider, watching the flowers erupt from their winter slumber during the early weeks home with Mi-Cha had been magical and surreal. You would never think of early spring the same way again. It would now always remind you of those early days of parenthood with Jungkook by your side. 
“I hope the flowers are still beautiful for her 100 Day celebration,” you mused. Jungkook’s parents would be back again next week and your grandparents were flying in to meet her for the very first time --later than they had hoped, after you grandfather had been too sick to travel after contracting some disease at the site of their latest sanctuary project. He’d pulled through fine but it had scared you; the party would be emotional for many reasons.
“You are stressed about it,” Jungkook observed. “I know. But it doesn’t matter. No one will notice the flowers because they will just notice Mi-Cha. And no one will care if the party isn’t perfect because it will be just because we’re together.”
“When did you get so wise?” you teased.
“I’m a father now, I’m supposed to be wise.” At your glare, he grinned, “I know you. I know you want to do things to show you care but she knows. I know. Everyone knows.”
“That’s rich coming from the man who gets her dressed for the runway just for a walk down the street,” you teased.
“She likes it,” he defended, carefully reaching around to gently pull the bow off their sleeping baby’s head so she could rest more comfortably. “I don’t like this one as much, I think it’s scratchy, but I think that’s why she likes it.”
“Do you think her ears are still dry?” you frowned, leaning in to look.
“I put the lotion on.”
“I know you did… maybe we should try an oil instead… they look good though. Maybe she just likes the bow,” you conceded. It amused you, thinking about Jungkook trying on different bows and hats and headbands for your infant daughter who couldn’t even sit up on her own. And then nodding as if she’d made her preference known. And then building an outfit around her choice. “You’re so cute, Jungkook.”
“I’m… whatever. I’m just-- it’s just whatever. I don’t mind bows, if that’s what she likes. Or whatever else she likes.”
“You’re not worried she’s going to be into fighting anymore?”
Jungkook tossed the bow over to the basket and answered, “Someday when the time is right, I’ll teach her just enough to make sure she never has to actually fight. Just enough to make someone stop if they’re bothering her. Just in case she’s like you and attracts trouble.”
“I don’t!” you defended. He grinned and kissed you breathless. “Unless you mean that you’re trouble. I sure attracted you.”
“It’s not a very good joke…”
“You’re a turd.”
“Don’t let our daughter hear that,” he playfully growled. “She has sensitive ears.”
You laughed and pressed your nose to his, your arms full of your daughter who’d melted into a warm little pile of mush when she’d fallen asleep, your heart full of love for both of these people.
“Is it as good as you dreamed after all?” you asked.
Jungkook’s furrowed brow could be felt against yours as he insisted, “You’re the dreamer, not me. I never can dream as good as things with you will be. I can’t dream good enough. Everything in our lives is… beyond.”
“Yeah,” you agreed before stealing one more kiss. “Everything in our lives is beyond.”
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
if you were to rank all your Jungkooks from your masterlist based on the Horny level what would it be like??? i kind of want to know who you think holds the ‘Supreme Horndog™’ title is 😂
- Sugar Fairy JK --the story even starts because he can't be controlled 🤣 and you would be mistaken if you think they're done having children after the twins
- Meadow JK --strong sex drive, finds his mate irresistable, gets turned on by her not always at the best moment...
- Little Bean/Flux JK --does not always make the best boyfriend choices because he gets so excited about sex
- Lowlander JK --strong sex drive, although I think he's actually pretty in control of it but uses it as a vehicle for expression affection before he learns how to use his big boy words, tries to make himself seem more sex-oriented than he is to appear manly
- Lone Blue Egg JK --even though so much of his story revolves around porn/cam girls/a particular sex act, it's pretty clearly just a focus point for a longing for intimacy
- Amended JK --loves sex but specifically with his lady, has no problem setting that aside when the time isn't right
- Sea of Indigo JK --obviously comes around on sex but at this point really undervalued sex as part of intimacy until he learned how loving it could be
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Sea of Indigo JK - will you teach your little girl some basic self-defense moves when she grows up, or do you want to just keep her far away from anything physical like that? Related question: will you someday want to tell her about your fighting past….or do you just want to leave that all behind and only be known to her as her loving Appa the artist, builder, etc?
I want to keep her away from fighting but confidence and discipline and self defense are important. It terrifies me to think of her being in a situation where she'd need it but I can't let her be in danger because I was scared. I know I can't be with her every minute of every day. I don't want her picking fights but I don't want her to ever feel helpless. But I don't know how to find the right balance yet so she doesn't think she can just fight... I think it will depend on how her personality is as she gets older.
I will tell her about the fighting though. It shames me but it's my past and it's part of the history of hybrids. But not until she's old enough to understand... it's complicated to be a changed person and it does scare me she'll look at my different or be ashamed of me. I won't blame her but I hope she can be proud of me too for who I am today and maybe it can help her be wise about the choices she makes in her own life as she gets older. -Sea of Indigo Jungkook
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
sea of indigo!ivy, is jungkook’s mother still weird towards you? what’s her deal anyway? and is jungkook aware of this?
No no we're doing much better now. It took some time. I think she had to work through some of her own stuff and it wasn't even about me, and I mean I guess I had to work through some stuff too after I cut my own parents off. But I think Mi-Cha was a really good bonding moment for us, she's been a fantastic grandmother and not nearly as pushy as I was afraid of! Jungkook has no problem weighing in too if things get tense but it's rare nowadays. I'm so grateful my daughter will grow up with this much family. -Sea of Indigo Ivy
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
I’m pretty sure this has been answered in the book but because I know I will just end up rereading the whole story again and I don’t have the time for that rn 😂😂
My question is for Sea of indigo Jk and I’m curious when is the exact moment or when he came into realization that he realllly liked our main girl.
There are two times I can think of but uh, the first one I didn't think about yet. I came back and she was putting laundry on the line and she just seemed important right then. I felt drawn to her even though the moment wasn't important or anything. She just looked... special to me.
The moment I think for real though is when we had the fight after she'd squared off with those assholes in town. They'd been harassing Alya? She was so stupid and thought too much of herself and acted like she could just have a fistfight if she needed to and she can't but as angry as I was at her I also felt this thing that I didn't even know how to describe at the time. I cared about her in a way I had never cared about anyone, and I knew to expect she would be stupid babout this. I knew her. Ah it still feels weird to put it into words... I just knew she was someone special and that it wasn't even about thinking those things about her during my rut... I didn't have the words for it then but now I would know my own thoughts: doesn't she know I love her? doesn't she know how important she is to me?
-- Sea of Indigo Jungkook
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
wait a second... i’m really curious as to how each of your characters keeps themselves groomed?? like i know in the beginning LB!JK was a little wild bc he wasn’t expecting the action and i kinda wanna know if that’s changed bc he’s expecting it/wants to impress Sasha?
idk why but i just really wanna know for every JK and love interest (including Sugar Fairy and A Sea of Indigo)
Hmmm this is going to require some thought...
I’m assuming you mean in the fun-zone
Also this is how I envision characters but obviously you do you when you’re reading! My goal is a raaaaange of bush  😁 but I’d love to know what others envision! Body hair is a such a personal thing, i’m always curious to know what other people find sexy
Sugar Fairy Pippa: slight trim to keep it trimmed, shaves when heat is approaching to keep things clean, gives that the fuck up once the babies are born JK: keeps it trimmed short Sea of Indigo JK: used to just let it grow, now trims if he thinks they’ll get frisky Y/N : whatever you want! ;) Lowlander Mishka: wild except for when JK shaved her... we’ll see what she does in Orlais... JK: wild unless there’s a request and then he doesn’t mind “trimming for a cause” Little Bean JK: used to only trim if he’s worried about pubes showing in an outfit in which case he’d shave, now he mostly just trims but would shave if requested Sasha: sometimes trims short, sometimes let’s it go, occasionally shaves but usually only to a stripe or triangle Amended JK: keeps things very short and trimmed Isabella: used to shave, gave that up when she wasn’t getting action anyway, still shaved when she’d go out drinking JUST IN CASE Meadow JK: EDIT I’ve been convinced, keeps things shaved to make it look bigger (previously I said he keeps it trimmed but not too short) Bronwen: was taught to keep herself completely bare “because that’s what her alpha would like” but has “let herself go” in the past couple of weeks
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
i find it fascinating how your jungkooks react to their newborns!
ASI!jungkook doesn’t feel that instant connection to his own newborn baby girl and even struggles to look at her and waits for weeks to finally scent her because looking at her triggers the trauma from having witnessed his wife being cut open to get their baby out, but meadow!jungkook doesn’t seem to have a problem with bonding with his own daughter right away after he witnessed the same thing done to his own mate. it’s so fascinating to me. i wonder why that is?
is it because meadow!jungkook is an alpha, so his alpha instinct to protect overrides the trauma of seeing his mate under the knife like that? or is it simply because meadow!jungkook is older than ASI!jungkook, so there’s a difference of maturity between their ways of embracing fatherhood? am i rambling nonsense now 😭 or it’s simply because ASI!jungkook had these expectations of how things would go down during the birth of their baby but none of them went down as he’d expected and coupled with the fact that he’d expected a baby boy? meanwhile meadow!jungkook had no expectations?
it’s even more fascinating to me when you think about how the pregnancy wasn’t planned in meadow and meadow!jungkook was all sweaty about fatherhood at first for a bit during the pregnancy, meanwhile ASI!jungkook wanted a baby and the pregnancy was very much planned.
sorry for the pointless rambling dhdkgdks i just love how your characters are different from one another!! both are jungkook but both are DIFFERENT men!!!
You know, I hadn't even been thinking about wanting to necessarily demonstrate different reactions, I just wrote what felt accurate to me for those characters. I think Sea of Indigo JK has a little more co-dependency on Y/N, so he feels that medical trauma more personally. Meadow JK I think has a slightly more mature view of En's strength and of their baby. I think to there is a little bit of blame displacement: it's actually relatively common for men to struggle with their babies after their partner has a traumatic birth, which is in a way caused by or due to the baby, whereas Mira's traumatic birth wasn't Mira's fault, it was teh fault of the shoot out. And it happened so suddenly, in such strange circumstances, maybe he would have struggled more if the whole thing hadn't happened in that haze of fearing that En and Mira could both die. Similarly, struggling because things didn't go as planned around birth is also really common, even for a baby you desperately want.
So yeah I don't think these differences are pointless at all! Since you've called it out, I like that I managed to support the idea that expectations don't necessarily influence outcome, and that parenthood can be such a shocking identity shift, it's not really possible to predict how that transition will be for someone!
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
where can i read sea of indigo and fairy?
Hello friend!
Sea of Indigo: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25881670/chapters/62890984 "Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here."
Sugar Fairy:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25882588/chapters/62893486 "Bunny Hybrid Jungkook is at that age... he needs a mate, and it's making life miserable for everyone in the family. The obvious solution is to bring home a girl. The obvious problem is that while it's love at first site for Pippa when he walks into the adoption tent, Jungkook is far more into the sexy cat to her right. Will there ever be peace in the family again?"
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Prepare for word vomit, hehhe. Sorry in advance.
Foxyyyyyy you broke my brain with peguin koo ahhhhhhhh. It was weird but not bad but like definitely weird.
I mean I thought I was weirdly creative but I think You’ve had me beat (not a bad thing at all)
I want More 👉🏽👈🏽🥺
Also, I did something. I decided to try sea of indigo again…. It was tough and apparently the only way I can read second person pov is if I read it like I’m Joe from the series ‘You’ which yeah 😂… but I didn’t really connect with the story much… I didn’t like the way they relationship developed because of the power dynamics… it kept on feeling wrong, but yeah that’s more of a me thing-. I was totally with Helen’s first assessment. I didn’t finish it and I doubt I’d ever try Y/N again. But please I’m not saying the story is bad, it just wasn’t one I could properly connect to. Amended (read everything thrice now) still remains my favourite and sugar fairy and flux and yknow everything else hehe.
Other than that its very great writing as always and I would love the opportunity to tour your brain because wow I’m in awe.
Thank you lots for sharing your writing with us 
HEY , I didn't know if you meant to send this in under your SN so I went ahead and redid it as anon just to be safe 💜 ETA: Or maybe you didn’t mean to be anon, the popcorn emoji confused me as I have a popcorn-anon but it sounds like you aren’t them! OOPS
I'm flattered you gave it a try! Like I've said before though, totally fine that it's not your cup of tea. I never expect everyone to like all the stories I write. I did add Sea of Indigo to my queue to do an OC version at some point, just not sure when that'll be simply because there's so much new stuff I want to write, haha.
For writing these stories, it's been fun to let my brain loosen up more. Writing under a pseudonym so I can explore things I wouldn't normally has been really freeing! Actually when I first started posting, I swore I wouldn't get attached to positive feedback and would truly let myself write whatever I wanted. It's harder to hold to that completely now that I have so many fun people I talk to and want to entertain, but I'm trying my best to still let 'er rip. Because like you with Sea of Indigo, it's totally fine if not everything I put out is beloved by everyone! Penguin Koo is definitely one I can some people being like 🤔🤨 about but that's ok! I'm having fun writing and at least a few of you are enjoying it so onwards we'll go!
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
“A beautiful beyond” was, indeed, beautiful 😭😭❤️ A really good extra epilogue on the first story I read of yours on my kindle. I have so many memories, like going to school but I didn’t need to do anything for a few hours so I just read this story. Kept me such a good company😭❤️
This little sneak peak into their domestic life was sooo cute and comforting, a well deserved happy ending ❤️
Just a side note: “your painfully swollen breasts and aching nipples and the constant sense you were peeing yourself”
that’s- that’s how it actually feels? Very encouraging, I’m definitely not freaking out about childbirth more than I was already doing😰😰😰
The experience of women is so varied and wild. I had a really hard time after my first birth but recovery was physically easier after the second one. But I remembered going to a nursing class in the hospital after my first, and I'd waddled my puffy aching body slowly down to the room for it. And there was a woman who gave birth around the same time as me, SITTING CROSS-LEGGED IN HER CHAIR. To be clear, I perched on the edge of my seat, arms bracing my weight on the arm rest, trying to keep my nether-regions hovering as much as I could. And this woman looked like she was ready for a yoga retreat. It was wild.
But hey! The newborn keeps you just sleep deprived enough that your brain struggles to form memories and the oxytocin paints over the pain and recovery and then you forget it and are ready to do it again in two years 🤣 It can't be that bad, right? Or no one would ever have more than one kid!
Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! It sounds like a lot of us had nostalgia stirred up about that time period. i didn't think any of us could possibly form positive memories in deep-pandemic but look at us, we did it!
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
I reread the sea of indigo baby short today and dad jk is so cute. From the baby bag, to the outfits and bows just 🥺🥺🥺 -🛸
OK time to answer asks about the new short story which has now left early access. I'm SO glad you enjoyed it! It felt criminally easy and fluffy to write but I def wanted to still get some dad anxiety and mom anxiety in there. Baby pit owns my heart
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
I agree with that anon. Sea of Indigo was the shit!!!! I think it’s the first story of yours I found? Though that might’ve been Sugar Fairy?? Either way, I definitely miss the moody pitt.
It's so soft to me when people tell me what story got them towards my writing. And I love hearing from people who loved that story so much!
I always worry that Sea of Indigo poorly prepares anyone for my other writing, because it's a pretty soft, non-smutty story compared to me others 😅😅 These recent stories have definitely been so trauma heavy but some of the things I'm looking at for my next round will be a little lighter again...and also not so frigging long...
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
i just wanted to say sea of indigo is one of the best stories i’ve EVER read. everything about it was just so enticing and great. it was so well written and i loved how easily we could slip into y/n. the scenery, the characters, the bonds, everything was so detailed and well written that it felt like you were really there haha. i even cried at the parts where y/n felt so alone cause we as readers could relate ya know? idk but i just wanted to say how amazing it was, i was so sad when i finished but so happy at the same time because i got read such a great story. i can’t put into words how amazing it was!! have a good day!!
🥺 Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it --and I hope you enjoy the short story I'll be posting for it tomorrow on ao3! It feels like a fever dream I wrote that story during but I'm really honored and flattered when I hear from anyone who enjoyed it so much! 💗
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
I got your message 🛸 about the Sea of Indigo short and I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I won't share your comment yet since it has some spoilers in it but I'll hold on for when that story is wildly available so everyone can squeal together 💗
This is my first short story that gets early access through Patreon. For everyone else, it'll be available on September 7th. My hope is to get a short story written each month, and September's short story was voted there as the Pediatric Nurse Tae x Single Mom from the big survey winners I did early in August. The first winner continued to be Sea of Indigo - JK and Y/N have a baby, so that was the story I wrote for August!
Here are the story deets though since I realize I didn't really announce here on tumblr the winner of the surveys has been written and put into early access:
A Beautiful Beyond, available on ao3 September 7th (I may also cross-post on Tumblr since it's short? we'll see)
Summary: Years have passed since Jungkook came to Marigold, years since you kissed beneath the stars and confessed your love and bound yourself together. But now a new challenger has entered the ring, one which threatens to unbalance everything: your first baby! Good luck, kids.
CW: not much, some references to prior miscarriage, some details about childbirth
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
I just spent the last two days rereading A Sea Of Indigo. I’m on chapter 46 rn so I’m almost done!
I’m happy to know this story can still shock me, aggravate me (grumpy, stubborn jk) but also warm my heart to read how these two fell in love again😭😭
I was wondering....... I remember you had posted the list of your chapters for sugar fairy. How you had planned each chapter. I was wondering if you did the same thing for Sea Of Indigo? And if you did, is it possible if I can see it (jk puppy dog eyes) 🥺 I just find it so interesting how this story was set up. Lol I’m a curious little bean 😉
Anything for you! This one is not as exciting to read I don’t think though some of it’s funny. With this one, I wrote it so quickly and the emotions were easy to keep track of, it was more events and plot points I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget. But it’s still pretty simplified; the ones for my current chapters are a damn mess, lol
Also you’ll Y/N is ivy in here... that was the name I used for this character while writing/planning��
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Honestly reading this list makes me feel like this:
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I totally forgot he got glasses? Like jesus I don’t remember my own story at all LOL
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