#scrunching hours
ajournalingtrex · 2 years
uh so do you ever realize that you’re like really not over someone ??? not in like a first love kinda way just in like a
“we almost dated last year and then it made my friend upset because we found out you a little bit played both of us and i had to reject you if i wanted to keep talking to my friend. and that was probably for the better bc i got really depressed and su!c!dal last year and that would’ve been a bad mix in a relationship. and so we stopped talking for a while and then as the year went on we got a little bit friendlier with each other to the point where we said goodbye at graduation. and i realized independently yesterday that i never totally stomped out my feelings for you, but in an effort to try to preserve momentum (and also not knowing where i stand with said friend bc her and i haven’t talked since graduation and i’m not sure if she’s still in it on our friendship) i mentally swore off dating or even the thought of dating this year because any time i try i either fuck up or it turns into a Situation and i really just can’t do that when i have so far to rebuild. but this morning you added me to your public snap and now i’m scrolling through your photos and rethinking everything”
kinda way. y’know?
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God I hope they haven't bleached Chris's hair for the new comeback.
His hair is hanging on by a mere thread as it is- idk if it can handle any more bleach and perming bruhh.
Someone pls teach him the curly girl method so his hair can breathe man omg.
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fisheito · 5 months
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He gets a little ..Dark Mode every other event
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morhath · 1 month
yeah I love painting my nails my favorite part is how it takes half the day and they're uh [checks notes] always slightly tacky to the touch no matter how long you wait
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
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Used this awesome Picrew to do femme!Ineffable Husbands, they're literally so pretty
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dawnthread · 11 months
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my sorry not-usually-caffeinated ass got thoroughly baja blasted, which is why i'm awake at 2:30 in the morning, but at least i got some knitting progress out of it!
my prediction was right, i got all the way to the end with the gold wool! i actually had to frog the last row and redo it in the silver silk, because using the silk for only the bind-off and not the support row under it looked like proper ass, but i think i'm still gonna have enough to do the bind-off in! only time will tell who's gonna win this round of yarn chicken, i guess ;P
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
I love when ygo artists give kaiba's turtleneck puffy little princess sleeves it really amps up the bastard child prince energy
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philhoffman · 8 months
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*wayne grayson scream*
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: December 9
"Allies or Enemies" by the Crane Wives
#song of the day#today class we will be discussing a tale of human suffering#so I mentioned yesterday how 'Slow Ride' by Foghat was the song of the day because of how the first ninety seconds were continuous-looping#alright yeah so now imagine me sitting shotgun as we drive half an hour to the movie theater#(to see Godzilla Minus One. it was bitchin I do very very recommend)#and the boys are discussing the latest construction along our highway#which has been a topic of great consideration for me actually#--I had a thought about erosion patterns and groundworks the other day and I went on a whole research spiral#downloaded some guy's doctoral research and all. we know how the research spirals go--#anyway this is a topic I would have loved to weigh in on!#but instead every mental width of band I had was dedicated to my subconscious' dogged insistence#that the assonance and emphasis and rhythm of 'are we allies or enemies' and 'slow ride / take it easy' were similar enough#that I should be able to find a way to match them up to one another's backings#so the boys were like 'Alexis what do you think of those pylons' and I was trying so so so hard to answer#(I think they're moving the I-95 interchange ramps entirely and adding a new lane over--y'all can't see me point. it's over there though)#I was trying so hard to answer but it was like a little cartoon man trying to climb up a rockslide#except the man is my answer about the bridges for the interstate ramps#and all the comically round rocks ponking off his forehead were different ways a person might be able to scrunch and/or stretch syllables#to fit the choruses of these two songs over one another. 'are we slow ride guitar sounds death of mee'#anyway yeah! I've got all these little focusing tricks painstakingly cultivated over three decades of ADD and living with little siblings#and now we know they can all every single one be absolutely obliterated by the lightest application of a single classic Foghat song
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
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Shoutout to more of my Ritsu headcanons, aka being SUPER jumpy from anticipation, and death spot being the place just below his underarms (also knee pits which will definitely be drawn later) :]
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monfrere · 2 months
i fear if i touch my layout in any way i'll restart my habit of it changing every 3 days and become unrecognizable, but this pic of mikey is so cute that i'm tempted to.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
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beelzzzebub · 5 months
i feel as if my brain is coated in the same skin that covers boiled milk as it cools. the insides simmer softly, surface burbling and stretching like a deflated balloon. the film on my brain sits between my eyes, and i can feel a roiling within my skull, stretching out through my eyebrows as i furrow them in seething discontent.
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flinxypie · 5 months
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I just don’t think you’re putting an effort into our relationship anymore- I know you’re keysmashing with other people! It’s over between us!
You’re just spam to me now, Persephone! 😢
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