#scribbs rambles
scribbsrambling · 8 months
Whisper was so uncharacteristically silly and happy in the Endless Summer special…
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…and I love it
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pocketscribbs · 7 months
I like tumblr, it’s so much nicer here
Everyone’s so chill, even Sonic fans
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dyad-tmesis · 11 months
The poll is finished! Now for the infodump
Fallout AU Infodump Pt. 1
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==Pt. 2 coming soon==
Jekyll was born and raised in the rural Scottish wasteland, bright eyed and intensely curious about the world around him. His talents in science were apparent from a young age and when a passing merchant mentioned an open vault that offered education to those that qualified the opportunity was quickly taken.
(Due to the fact that Fallout lore is primarily focused on the goings on in America and it’s themes around it being uniquely catered to its culture a lot of this will be my personal interpretations and hcs, it is subject to change)
Society in U.K. in the post nuclear apocalypse is somewhat intact, given its old but enduring infrastructure there’s a few settlements active in the area. London itself still remains as a city, albeit one with pockets of deadly radiation containing mutated rats, pigeons, insects, you name it. Due to the initial societal collapse at the end of the Great War and now the lack of fossil fuels the current culture of London has gone back in time to the Victorian era…with an apocalyptic twist of course. Streets lined with gas lamps now contain candles or certain glowing radioactive materials, markets now sell mutfruits, tatos, mole rat meat, you name it. But one of the important aspects of the city keeping it together is it’s open vault nestled in the upper class neighborhoods (a gift from the U.S. government to the British government) with its stable infrastructure, education, and resources. With something as valuable as this those who stepped foot in the vault were vetted before they could enter and those permitted to live there permanently even more-so.
Robert Hastie was a hard working wastelander, working his way to becoming a prolific merchant and eventually earning a place within a vault and starting a family. His son Lanyon was born and raised in the vault, living a quite literal sheltered life with privileges that those who lived outside could only dream of. He expected to coast through life as a doctor (a highly valued profession in such a place) and thinking that his classes would be a breeze. It was not. And that’s when he bumped into a rather roguishly handsome young man by the name of Henry Jekyll. Henry was granted temporary visitation in order to learn everything that he could about science with a hungry mind, utterly captivated by the well maintained prewar relic he was studying in.
In exchange for tutoring Lanyon Jekyll would hear many stories from him of what life was like the vault and even some information and stories he’s heard about what it was like before the war. Lanyon taught him how to speak in a proper British accent, how to dress well, how to use his charm, and they would grow closer and closer. A relationship like theirs was not meant to be in the vault, nor was it looked upon favorably in the city outside, so it was kept behind closed doors and lingering looks and late nights together…until it all came crashing down.
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maskeddiany · 1 year
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Wx78 doods to cope
The DS community fighting against UT's is literally like sending an anchovy against a whale but they will always be the swaggest enby in the Constant no matter what 😔🤚
I love Blooky too but this was the moment for WX to shine smh
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moralpuppet · 13 days
In your main verse, how do you envision Orel growing up? His family, his beliefs, stuff like that?
In your main verse, how do you envision Orel growing up? His family, his beliefs, stuff like that?
Okay so if I had to give some key notes this is going to be long and rambly, and feature talk of depression , death , terminal illness so please be careful going through ... starting from the end of the episode honor here you go ....
talking about Grandpa Puppington / goth Orel / I mention terminal illness and death here so please skip over if needed !
Orel by the end of the show is 13 . It's not ever OFFICIALLY announced but we know from season 1 his birthday is after Halloween and before Christmas . He never fully recovers from being shot and as they said in the last episode he continues to limp even in deleted scripts that follow episodes that never made it because of the shows cancellation .
We know that in unreleased scripts he loses his grandfather on Easter after Clay basically condemns Orel's Grandpa to Orel's bed as a death bed when Arthur Puppington ( Orel's Grandpa ) comes to Clay seeking reconciliation as he is terminal .
Orel comes home to Arthur every night and tells him about his day , getting a new perspective on lessons , as we know , Orel usually mistakenly gets wrong/misguided by . Arthur is essentially a grounding perspective and helps Orel become a little more wary of what he trusts .
Orel at this time seems , at least in the scripts , to have not forgiven Clay but he's still caring about Clay , at least still showing that he has some respect and generally loves him as his father still . He prays to God for Clay and Arthur to reconcile in hopes that it would stop Clay from "getting any sadder " I quote he says " he can't afford to get any sadder " . Of course that never happens and they never reconcile .
After Orel loses Arthur , he becomes a Christian Goth for a while sort of not denouncing his faith but not fully committing to it either. He is essentially lost and he's in this state of grief for a few weeks until Reverend Putty can't stand seeing him like this anymore and snaps him out of it .
That's it for unreleased stuff really ... Here's where headcannons come into it .
Relationship to faith after Goth Orel tm ! Found family
Things don't necessarily go back to normal but Orel is now finding that returning back to focusing on his faith is actually helping him with the grief and loss . As my good friends @ rvrend and @ dollene have built up he comes to Reverend Putty more and more , finding that the good reverend is more like a father figure to him than Clay but not quite making that leap because of the views he was raised on that he must honour his biological father . Noellene too is far more motherly than Bloberta . She is more emotional unlike the emotionally withdrawn Bloberta .
Orel also is a far better brother to Shapey and Block , teaching them to do stop motion animation too and helping them get schooling by teaching them at home so they could enroll in a public school .
Eventually , in his late teens to early adulthood ,Orel finds an interest in architecture of religious buildings , something he could sculpt out of clay and design in other ways like he used in his stop-motion videos / my friend scribbs actually suggested this one . And of course all the while he and Christina are still very much sweethearts.
His relationship to Clay and Bloberta become estranged but he still invites them to important gatherings, probably had to kick Clay out of his and Christina's family home for being a violent drunk a few times . Clay and Bloberta are still stuck together ! Block and Shapey become a fireman and a police officer ! Orel and Christina of course get married and have a family of their own like in cannon.
Lastly , I will say Doughy , Orel always wanted to stay in touch and still be his best friend but I quite like the fan headcannon by the fandom that Doughy is incredibly jealous of Christina due to actually having a crush on Orel since childhood and maybe sadly he pushes Orel away .
Orel always keeps his faith .
OKAY so that was a lot but if you ever want to ask any more questions or for me to elaborate on anything let me know !
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emotiondriven · 2 years
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I want to make an OC for once, is that normal? ^^This is her faceclaim I have icons and everything but she doesn’t have a (complete) world or a (complete) personality She doesn’t have a name. Like, literally, I purposefully didn’t give her a name. The closest one she gets its “Nanashi” which means “Nameless” in Japanese, because the one who named her didn’t really want to put any thought into her name. She gets a better name with friends, I promise-- after all, the one who named her is an artist that accidentally brought her, a drawing, to life, and doesn’t care about her whatsoever.... at first >:) Maybe I’ll RP as her someday... if I get my butt into gear and get Eleanor on her feet again
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mweheh-scribbles · 4 years
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Canon can pry this ship from my cold, dead hands
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scribblrhob · 6 years
So what the hell am I up to are you wondering
or not. Maybe not. But I’ll write this in case you are.
I’m applying for my dream college at the moment. I decided just over a couple of weeks ago that “why am I procrastinating this like last year just because I’m a chicken when I could just do it now” and went to start right away. It’s been exciting so far and it feels like I might even stand a good chance at getting in, hopefully. The problem is, the process will be slow and complicated, I need to find eligible scholarships which...I’ve never gone on a hunt for grants ever before and it’s so frustrating and hard, though I feel like it shouldn’t for me because this is what people my age are supposed to be able fix on their own and that in itself causes a lot of stress too...papers to be written for the applications of the grants plus the college... There have been things that got in the way for more “fun drawing” such as stuff for COCO and the AU’s, even though I really really want to continue. I’m sorry, those of you who are still waiting for answers to asks. Sorry to everyone in general that I’m so inactive atm. I’ll try to be really productive so that I can get some more spare time to catch up on the fun.
That was written in a bit of a messy manner, please excuse me, just headin’ to bed. But that’s what I wanted to say and I hope you understand.
I’d also like to add a big big thank you for over 1000 followers!! I’d really like to draw something extra for that, at some point. I welcome all of you who just started following me, I’m really glad you like my silly stuff.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Ooooh okay! For the ask thing, 41 and 33!
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
The One and Only Rule:
Any and all advice should be ignored if it doesn’t work for you. You know yourself better than anyone else. Try different things out until you find some things that work for you and run with them.
Things that have worked for me (that you might want to try out/discard):
The boring bits like layout and punctuation – unless you are going to remove every capital letter in a fic for some important reason, please don’t. Readability is very important. Punctuation exists for a very logical reason.
Beat – language has rhythm and beat. I have a background in poetry so I’m aware of this and read all my lines try to make sure they flow well (when I’m not already fifteen minutes late for work, that is). It is most obvious at the ends of my fics as they will beat to an end, often with a short one to three-word last line. This also explains all the weird structure in my fic. I am a fan of short and concise and often have one-word paragraphs. This may kick me in the butt if I ever try to go professional (beyond what I already write for work), but I feel it communicates quite well.
Don’t use the same word twice too close together – When you use the same word twice or more it messes with the beat. The words echo off each other and distract from the communication of the scene or action. Unless you want to emphasize that scene or action and match it to the beat. And yes, I have repeated those words on purpose. They actually kind of work in this situation. But the situation can change. And if you get the words off beat, you can end up with a poor situation. (Note: The first and third ‘situation’ are what I’m talking about). Yes, this proves why I’m a poor teacher.
Every word should, in theory, have a reason to be on the page - reread everything and kill off any word that isn’t necessary. Kill off extra ‘that’s and watch your ‘had’s – ‘that’ is a word that is often unnecessary. ‘Had’ can inadvertently mess with your tense and create passive voice. Look out for chaining ‘and’s, there should be no more than one per sentence unless unavoidable due to lists.
When writing action, write short and sharp. When writing calm, write slow and easy. This relates to beat and rhythm. You want your reader’s heart rate to increase to excite them or make them nervous, so increase the beat. The reverse is true for calm scenes – you will often here me ramble on about scenery when I have Virgil on a beach feeling the breeze, but hardly any description in an action scene, only movement.
One way to do this is to move your description to the verbs.
Virgil slammed down the chunk of concrete.
Virgil lowered the chunk of concrete.
The entire description of his action is contained in the verb. This is also why I don’t like wasting verbs by using things like ‘said’, ‘walked’, ‘put’, etc. They are empty verbs and lost opportunities to add colour to the prose. I prefer ‘screamed’, ‘whispered’, ‘grumbled’ or ‘shouted’ to ‘said’; ‘stomped’, ‘slunk’, ‘skipped’, ‘traipsed’ or ‘trotted’ to ‘walked’; ‘threw’, ‘chucked’, ‘dropped’, ‘plonked down’, ‘slid into place’ to ‘put. English has the largest vocabulary on the planet, use it.
The adverb thing – there is a lot of raving about adverbs being bad. I still haven’t entirely worked out how bad they are, but I’m a strong believer that if it sounds good and communicates clearly, then it is doing what it needs to do.
Tenses and POV – I prefer to stick with one at a time (though admittedly this isn’t the only way of writing, I just prefer it). I find it very disconcerting to be reading from inside one character’s head and then suddenly bounce to another’s mid-paragraph, or in some cases, mid-sentence. I like to stay in Virgil ‘s head for one section of fic, then break before skipping to Gordon’s. The reason for this is that looking through Virgil’s eyes comes with a very different world view to looking through Gordon’s eyes. For example, Virgil looking at the sea through an artist’s eye sees the ocean very differently to how Gordon would see it through his scientific background. Gordon might know the species of seaweed that has been washed up on the shore. Virgil might just see it as brown sea detritus. This leads to different phrasing and description. Also, each character thinks in its own way. I write Gordon much more colloquially than I would write Eos, for example. I could ramble on this bit for hours, but I’ll just say that there are a lot of reasons for watching points of view and what you do with them.
Ultimately communication is the key – you are trying to get a scene and evoke a certain kind of emotion from your reader. If you can communicate that, you have succeeded. How do you know you’ve done it? Get someone you trust to read through it. Even better, get a beta reader with a nasty red pen to read through it and scribble all over it (if you are ready and feel strong enough to take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism with possible suggestions to fix any problems). Ultimately, it is your fic and you have final say, but I find it very important to get someone to at least look at it with fresh eyes, particularly if I’ve been staring at it too long and the pictures in my head leave me too biased to see clearly. Also, great when you get to the point where Virgil, big tough guy, is bawling his eyes out and I’m going ‘how the hell did that happen?’ Did he have enough motivation to end up that way? Have I thrown him out of character? Omigod ::tears hair out:: What is happening? Scribbs and Veggie help!!!!!! What have I done?! Yeah, a reader often helps to sooth the nutzoid writer.
Which leads onto this – outside the writing of the work itself, find a good group of friends to share it with. All creativity is best shared. It makes for a better experience. It also opens you to learning and encouragement. If you land in a shitty group of people who mess with your mojo and crush your spirit, get another group of friends. You don’t need crap.
Be willing to interact with the group in a positive and open manner and share your experiences. Comment on other people’s work and generally be kind. You often reap what you sow. Not always, but it is generally good to be nice anyway. Different writers have different experience and confidence levels. Writers groups should be a safe environment where everyone feels confident that they can put their work out to the group and receive encouragement. Never give unasked for criticism and if you are asked for your honest opinion, always state it in private and couched with a lot of reassurance and positivity.
Be open to learning, but remember the One and Only Rule at the top of this page. Take what works for you, and ignore the rest. That is actually a good general life rule – I used it when I had my babies – the advice you get the moment you announce you are pregnant is insane – the one and only rule works well in that situation.
Be always aware that you will never have learnt everything. You will always be learning new stuff and that makes it fun.
Umm, I rambled a bit, er, sorry ::hides:: Also, I’ve probably forgotten several things.
Oh, another question ::takes a deep breath and dives in::
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
I used to do it a lot more years ago in other fandoms. Usually only in barely prose closer to poetry when I was feeling dramatic.
I’ve only done it once in this fandom. Poor Gordy. I’m sorry. But there was fix it fic! Thank goodness for the Scribbs :D
Oooh, look, I answered that in less than 2000 words ::headesk::
(I’m ridiculous, I’m sorry)
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scribbsrambling · 7 months
I crack up every time I see an archie post about the Chaotix
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I’ve never read it but the snippets I’ve seen of these goofs always make my day
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This is the type of nonsense that makes the Chaotix one of my favorite teams. In addition to being competent detectives and absolute forces in battle, their personalities create comedic beats that come so naturally and they seem like such a fun team to write
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pocketscribbs · 3 months
I've always wondered, what made you start to ship Tangle and Espio in the first place? It's cute but what's the reasoning?
Saved this question for Valentine’s Day, grab a seat folks, bc it’s a bit of a story.
So, rewind back to the summer of 2023. I was writing down potential comic ideas, specifically unlikely characters interactions (think IDW Sonic 2022 Annual).
TMOSTH had recently dropped at that time, Espio having a prominent role in it, so naturally I wanted to write him interact with my favorite character.
Tangle’s the kind of character who’s seems to have a fun dynamic with just about everyone, but up until that point, I didn’t have more than a basic understanding of Espio’s character. My understanding of his at the time was that he was just a calmer, ninja version of Knuckles. Then Tmosth happened and he was becoming my one of my favs.
I don’t remember how I initially came up with the story idea, but it’s since then been scrapped bc I don’t have time to draw it all, but the story I had in mind was that Tangle wanted to train with Espio after seeing the Chaotix helping Jewel with some missing person cases at the Restoration.
As I tried to plan out little bits of their training session, I started to feel like they’d really get along well and be a fun duo. And then a split second thought occurred: “Lol what if I shipped them?” So I started to play with that concept, and what I got I thought was genuinely really sweet.
It only got better as I learned more about Espio. Like how he’s a pretty awkward with hugs, and while he can be reassuring and wise, his serious behaviors will sometimes be unintentionally comedic, he tries to be the levelheaded one, but he’s still a Chaotix, can’t deny he is also silly XD.
I thought he and Tangle balanced really well. Flash-forward to now, and Tangle and Espio are my two favorite characters, my rarepair, but more importantly just a duo I’d love to see in the comics💜🩶
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scribbs-musing · 3 years
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Life is quite entirely kicking my absolute ass right now so please enjoy my dumb boy's face.
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jeweledstone · 5 years
Random ChalkZone related ramblings
Aight, so I’ve got something I need to talk about. When I first joined this fandom I didn’t actually start watching the show yet. Yeah I know, I’m a “fake fan” and all that talk, but that ain’t the point.
The point is when I first looked through the tag for this show and saw Skrawl, I thought to myself, “oh, he baby, my son, he’s a smol child. 10/10”. And then when I actually saw clips of the show, let’s just say I did NOT expect him to have such a deep voice (he still my son tho).
The reason I’m bringing this up is cause I’m thinking about changing some stuff related to one of my oc’s relationship with this boi, cause with this new knowledge, the whole “father-son relationship” seems kinda creepy. For now, Skrawl and Scribbs are just sorta partners in crime I guess (maybe some slight shipping idk). But yeah, that’s all I have to say at the moment. Goodbye for now! :)
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Tried to figure out how this would work out, and ended up writing a mini-chapter to make it happen, I think this would take place somewhere after chapter 8 but before chapter 11, might end up throwing it in the fic if I end up finding space for it. Story was written on desktop so I don't think to formatting/colors/readmore work on mobile and I apologize in advance for that.
2,000 worded story that kind of takes place in the Alternate fic implied RexCop (and ConstructionCop I guess, cause like Rex is Emmet)
Emmet wakes up on the couch, which he has become pretty accustomed to since Rex moved in. But at least this time he is plesently surprised to find Rex had managed to grab a blanket before passing out on the bottom of the double decker couch.
He gently takes off the blanket and folds it into a nice little square, smiling as he notices that Rex had actually taken the little teddy bear Lucy had won for Emmet a couple of days ago to bed with him. He places the bear on top of the blanket and starts to get read for the day.
Hey Rex are you awake yet?
Emmet hears some sort of mumble from Rex and sighs, as he starts choosing an outfit for the day.
Rex you gotta wake up, you have an early shift today at the precinct.
No you have an early shift today at the precinct.
No I- Rex you sound less blue than usual, wait am I allowed to say that. Is that breaking the Frank Grimes rule. Have we takes about the Frank Grimes rule yet, I feel like that was brought up in chapter 9.
But Rex is already back to sleep, leaving Emmet's mind alone to wander as he contemplates the current timeline of this fic.
As his mind wanders off that topic, he begins to think about what exactly happened last night. Rex got back late from some important police mission, invited the cops over and showed off his cool bar tending skills by making cool drinks for them. And then Rex convinced Emmet to try a drink, it was just a bunch of fruit juices thrown together with a shot of vodka, but it tasted pretty good. But Emmet, much like Rex, was a super late get weight, and got tipsy off of one shot and started rambling on about obscure Mario speedrun facts. He’s pretty sure he made Rex super embarrassed, so that was fun. Emmets figures he fell asleep not to long after that, missing out on whatever Rex and the Cops talked about, but they just have stayed up pretty late since it felt like Rex was only now falling asleep.
Emmet sighed as he pulled on the police uniform, I guess I can show up to work for him, I’ll just do it until he bothers to wake up. I mean we kind of both passed the physical together, and technically the letter of recommendation was written for me not him, so I work there as much as he does.
Emmet looks down at the name tag on his uniform, labeled Rex, and runs his hand over it. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to go out and be Rex for a few hours, but he knows Rex is already kind of on thin ice with Bad Cop since Rex does really like to break laws, and since Rex was almost as bad at making a move as he was (it only took Emmet five years to get a girlfriend) he didn’t want Rex to lose his chance at getting potential boyfriend.
Emmet puts the name tag back down, thinking about how happy Rex was to get that lil name tag, how Rex really appreciated having something to call his own, even it was small like that. If this encounter is taking place before chapter 10 Emmet is also thinking about he hopes no one notices that he’s wearing a name tag that says Rex on it. .
Emmet is at the precinct in no time, covering his face as he walks in and towards Bad Cop’s office. Since Rex works directly under Bad Cop. For various reasons.
Emmet let’s out a sigh of relief as he sees the Cops aren’t here yet, and goes to the back of the room to start a pot of coffee.
Emmet has three cups poured out, and almost spills all of them as he gets startled by the door opening behind him.
Emmet had lot out a noise that sort of sounded like squeak after being startled, and he was happy that Rex was still to asleep to berate him for letting out that noise.
Emmet hopes the Cops would ignore the squeak and turns around, smiling to see Scribble Cop.
“Good morning, you guys are here a little late.”
“Well you know traffic this time of day.”
“Oh yeah, I always try to get to the shuttle at least an hour or two early.”
“Is Dangervest not-”
“Oh he’s-” wait shiz can I say he’s asleep on the job that will look bad, I can’t make him look bad, well he makes me look bad in front of Lucy. But I’m supposed to be better than him, that sounds bad, I’m supposed to be nicer than him, that still sounds bad but not as bad, oh hey I need to say something, what’s a good lie, “Rex is wanting me to help me around the office today, he felt bad that I did a lot of the work for the physical and then he got all the credit.”
Emmet thinks Scribble Cop is giving him a skeptical look over him saying he did a lot of the work for the physical, so he chimes in, “like thar super cool punch that broke the giant robot apart that was me, and I did the really cool jump up the rock wall.”
“I didn’t realize you were that athletic.”
“I took weight lifting in highschool, and sort of kept up with it after I got out,” and then, to prove his point, he goes over and lifts Scribble Cop up like he’s a bag of flour, “see I'm pretty strong.”
Emmet looks down at Scribble to see him blushing pretty hard, and Emmet realizes that maybe picking people up bridal style isn’t something that’s normally done. Well he does it with his friends, but his friends aren’t like good for basing societal guidelines on.
Shortly after Emmet had picked up Scribble, Bad Cop switches and demands to be out down, and Emmet quickly complies, gently placing him on the grounf.
“Sorry if I crossed any boundaries there, Officer Boss Sir.” Emmet wasn’t particularly good at remembering people’s titles, so he just says all possible titles at once hoping one is right.
“Its no problem,” Emmet wonders if Bad Cop is blushing, he’s pretty good at keeping a straight face, so it’s hard to tell. But Emmet does notice he sounds a little tired, “but we got work to get to Brickowski,” Bad Cop walks over and pushes some reports to Emmet.
Emmet squints at the papers for a moment, before finally conceding, “the print is to small for me to read these,” (see previous unpublished chapter where Rex & Emmet failed their eye exam because as a kid they would be dared to see how long they could stare at the sun, and caused permanent eye damage).
Scribble Cop switches back after Emmet says this, being reminded of something, “oh that’s right, we picked you two up a little something,” and Scribble takes out some cool 80’s shades that has a metal frame and an orange tint to the glass, “they should be your prescription.”
Emmet timidly puts them on, and is now shocked at how clear things were, “these are awesome, oh man Rex is gonna love this when he-” wait don’t say he’s asleep dumb head, “gets to wear them later.” Wow I’m a really good at avoiding the truth, Rex would be so impressed if he wasn’t sleeping in right now.
Scribble smiles after Emmet says this, and Emmet turns his attention back to the know readable reports, something about a kid trying to commit arson, Emmet feels that is strangely familiar but can’t place his claw hand on exactly why.
“So what do we need to Officer Boss Sir, punch this adolescent into obediance?” Emmet still isn’t quite sure what a police man’s job is, but Rex seemed keen on implying there would be a lot of punching involved in the job, and Emmet still having not learned his lesson from the King Kong incident (self explanatory), is still blindly trusted him.
“Oh heavens no, we just need to sit down with them, tell them the dangers of fire, and contact their parents."
”Okay so the report suggests the kid is going to be hitting up the chain super convenient store that I go to regularly with Rex at 1AM, we should be able to get there in like ten minutes.“
”Why do you go there regularly?“
"Oh me and Rex get bored late at night a lot and just goof around there, you know punt the baby dolls over the aisles, try to figure out what figures are in various blind bags, petty theffffff felt, we buy putty and the felt, that’s what I was going to say, we buy putty and felt to make some of those asmr videos,” Emmet let’s out a nervous laugh, relieved to see Scribble Cop was totally believing that statement and not realizing Rex commits petty theft to fight against the corporate megabrand and their harmful anti-union tactics, “well we should get out to the city if we want to apprehend this kid,” and Emmet starts walking to the door, and looks back to see Bad Cop writing down some things in the ‘Probable Crimes that Rex Dangervest has Comitted’ document, and let’s out a groan, knowing Rex was gonna be pissed Bad was now onto their petty theft at local Walm*rts.
Emmet and Bad Cop make it to the Super Chain Convenient Store in 16 minutes, it would’ve been a 10 minute drive but they stopped get breakfast first.
Everyone gets out of the car and heads to the front of the store. Emmet is fiddling with his sunglasses, as he eats his power burrito he had gotten. It doesn’t taste particularly good, but he knows it’s important to Rex to keep their body in shape and he’s trying to respect that. But he looks over to the chocolate drizzled croissant Scribbs is eating, and starts really regretting his decision to get the sad excuse of a burrito. He suddenly gets the great idea to do something Rex would later yell at him for. He turns to Scribble and asks, “mind if I grab a bite of that?”
“Oh sure buddy,” Scribble Cop starts to move his hand to break off a piece of the breakfast item for Emmet, but Emmet being Emmet had already leaned over, less than an inch from Scribble Cop’s face, and takes a bite, and then leans back, enjoying the delightful taste sensation, completely unaware of that the officer next to him was frozen in some sort of shock.
Eventually Bad Cop gets tired of this and switches in, pushing the rest of the croissant over to Emmet, Emmet asks why, and Bad Cop mumbles something about losing his appetite. Emmet doesn’t question that at all happily finishes the rest of it, and has a really cute little smile as he cheerfully follows Bad Cop into the store.
“The kid should already be in the store-” Bad Cop stops talking when a voice over by the registers is heard.
“Yeah Im going to go use this stuff to commit arson!” The voice is a little to happy about this, and sure does sound familiar to Emmet- he squints over and low and behold it’s Unikitty, with a some lighter fluid and and a whole lot of matches
“We got the perp,” Bad Cop starts to head to register and Emmet does a little jog behind him.
“Wait I thought you said it was a kid?”
“That’s what people have been reporting.”
“Bruh, Unikitty is an adult, I think, when I lived with her she paid taxes and stuff.”
“If she is an adult will need to change our approach here, ending with her arrest-”
“Oh haha I’m just joshing with you, that’s what the kids say right, joshing? But uh, Unikitty is totally a kid, she has to be, she lives with her dad right now and like does kid things.”
“You know her father?”
“Well I think he might be like an adoptive father, but yeah I met him, kind of boring by the rules sort of guy. He’s also just like a floating brick. I don’t know how that works, have you ever been the Unikingdom, all the people there are kind of… Weird.”
Bad Cop nods in agreement at that statement, and they move on from that topic eventually making it to Unikitty and the concerned sale clerk, who upon seeing the officers quickly books it to the nearest door.
Bad Cop doesn’t really pay attention to that, and just let’s out a loud cough causing Unikitty to turn around, suddenly go into her aggressive form upon seeing Bad Cop. But then she turns and see’s Emmet and instantly calms down.
“Emmet you’re a cop now, does Lucy know you’re promoting the status quo of our biased and unfair society?”
“Yeah she knows and she’s kind of pissed at me for it, but we aren’t here to talk about my rocky relationship right now, we’re here cause there’s been reports of you trying to commit arson around the city.”
“Oh yeah, Rex told me commit arson.”
“Oh, uh Rex is this nice guy I met before at the Game Center, and we hung out for a little bit and we were just talking and he said, 'trans people can do anything,’ I was like 'I wanna do arson!’ and he was like, 'trans people can and should commit arson,’ and to prove his point we went around town trying to commit arson, but like we couldn’t find any place that would help us commit arson that night, so we didn’t end up doing anything, but I was bored today so I was gonna go burn some things!”
Emmet sees Bad Cop pull out his, 'Probable Crimes Rex Dangervest has Committed,’ and groans, but turns his focus back to Unikitty.
“Unikitty, that’s bad, fire can hurt people.”
“But I’m on fire like all pthe time, it doesn’t hurt me!”
“You’re a magical creature Unikitty, most of us aren’t as unique as you, and when we catch fire it hurts a lot, please don’t set things on fire.”
“Also we’re gonna have to call Richard about this.”
“No what, he’s gonna be all upset that I’m in trouble with the police again.”
“You were trying to break the law, you’re lucky to be getting off this easy.”
“Well is Rex gonna get in trouble for this.”
“Ohhhh he is, as soon as he wakes up I’m going to-”
Emmet winces after he says this, looking back as Bad Cop, who he thinks is smirking at him.
“Ah, so Dangervest has been sleeping on the job.”
“No, I mean yes, sorry Officer Boss Sir, I don’t think he fell asleep until I woke up this morning-” Emmet realizes he’s talking with Unikitty right in front of him. Unikitty, who doesn’t know about the whole situation yet, “have I mentioned that Rex is my roommate.”
“Oh my gosh you guys are roommates! Are you dating?”
“What no he’s like my brother maybe, also he wants to date the Cops over there anyways,” Emmet panics after saying this and switches topics, “hey this is about you and not listening to Rex, he’s a bad influence on people-”
Oh so you think I’m a bad influence?
Oh so you’re awake? Why were you letting Unikitty commit crimes?
Cause screw the police.
Hey that’s what you’re trying to do here, not me.
Oh by the way thanks for saying I have a crush on them, like right in front of their face.
Dude I’m pretty sure they already know, neither of us have been subtle.
What do you mean us-
Emmet snaps back into reality to see Bad Cop had taken Unikitty to the side as was calling up her father figure.
He felt a little relieved, at least no one was in serious trouble at the moment.
Oh hey Scribbs let me eat his croissant this morning that was really nice.
He did?
Yeah he offered it to me, and I just leaned in right next to him, like really close I might have brushed against his face, and took a bite, and then I guess he wasn’t feeling well cause his face turned bright red and he couldn’t finish eating, and he let me have the rest.
Emmet you dumb pile of bricks, he thought you were flirting with him
“Brickowski were heading back to the station,” Bad Cop said, signalling for him to follow.
“Coming Officer Boss Sir,” and Emmet jogs behind next to Unikitty as Rex tries to explain to Emmet that you can't just finish another man's croissant.
22 notes · View notes
scribbles97 · 5 years
Scribbs is rewatching TAG series 1 - 3... prepare for incoming ramblings
13 notes · View notes
scribbsrambling · 4 months
Something I realized that is totally unrelated to the thing I was drawing when I realized it:
Lanolin(officially): comic
Barry: visual novel
Trip: console game
Chaos Sonic: tv show
Ariem: mobile game
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