#screaming into my sweater nbd
ofcruelheart · 3 months
closed to @acridtongue / eunha & janus / executioners hq
In a corner of headquarters, a space devoid of other executioners yet brimming with the palpable, anxious energy that permeates the air, Janus finds Eunha. It's evident that the enforcer is pulsing with a frenetic energy, perhaps slightly more intense than Janus's own, though he would not presume the difference to be vast. With this awareness, he tempers his own anxiety, strangely, finding an uncanny lightness and fullness in his chest from witnessing the enforcer's determination to proceed with the plan. Despite the shadows of the night, he harbors hope.
"Eunha." He offers a strained semblance of a smile, briefly clasping Eunha's forearm. His movements feel awkward, disjointed, his jaw aching from clenching. Yet, he can't help but regard Eunha with a sense of wonder. "I believe you've made quite an impression on those still wavering. You were... impressive."
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Hi, for headcanon sunday, could you please write another friends to lovers smut headcanon with Tom Hardy, including Tom Hardy gives lots of praises? (When it comes to praises, you write them so so good 😍)
Thank you! There was actually less praise than I originally intended to put, but I got really into the idea the other anon gave me to be able to write another friends-to-lovers for Tom 🔥 Hope you like it!
Headcanon Sunday has started! Send me your ideas, I’ll be writing all day!
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You didn’t know why you were so scared about Tom pretending to be your boyfriend during a family dinner
It was a previously thought-out plan
A plan he suggested and outlined at length
But what you didn’t expect was for him to be so… comfortable at the entire function
Particularly with the soft touches necessary to sell the ruse
He kept his hand on your lower back or over your thigh most of the time
And you weren’t expecting how it would make you feel
You were distracted the entire night
And then once you got on his car so he could drive you home, you were too lost in your own thoughts to realize that he was behaving much of the same way
Once his car stopped in front of your place, however, you realized neither of you had spoken a single word to each other once you left the party
“Is everything okay?” You frowned, worried about him, but he only nodded and gave you a soft smile
“Yeah, let me accompany you to your door.”
That felt you even more confused because as much as Tom had always been a gentleman to you, he’d never done such a thing before
When you reached the door, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, hands deep in his pockets as he seemed to try to find the right words to say something
“Tom?” You asked softly, not wanting to interrupt his thinking, but once your eyes met, all of the oxygen that you held inside of your chest suddenly was nowhere to be found
“I want to try something.”
That was all he told you before covering your nape with his huge palm and pulling you to meet his lips, kissing you slowly but deeply
You couldn’t believe what was happening
It took you a while to wrap your arms around him and fully reciprocate the kiss, burying your fingers in his strands while your other hand went under his sweater to caress his back
Once you both parted, he met your eyes to say, “I don’t want to be friends anymore.”
Although technically harsh words, you knew what he meant
So you just unlocked the door and pulled him to your living room, shoving him on the couch before climbing on his lap
“It’s okay,” you whispered, rubbing yourself against him as he groaned, fingers instinctively exploring under the skirt of your dress to find your ass and grab it
“Let’s bury our friendship tonight.”
“I’ve dreamed about this so many times,” he admitted once you managed to grab a hold of his dick and lower yourself on it.
“Every night after I left you home I’d get in bed and get off to the thought of you.”
You’d gasp and moan at his revelations as he kept exploring your body with his hands, pressing kisses here and there when he wasn’t ordering you to scream for him
“You feel even better than I imagined… so much better… perfect little pussy, I’m never gonna leave it.”
I’d cockwarm him for the rest of my life, nbd 😏
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
Ahhh its my fave anon!!!! Thankies!!
the outdoors
overcast: do you think you’re an overachiever? what do you your friends think?
Tbh I can’t deny it. At academia at least, I defo do better than the average. It’s nbd though.clouds: is there anything someone has ever said to instantly make you sad?
Oh boy so many fucking things where to even start. Every comment ever that just confirms what my anxiety and self hatred says to me. Also people saying things that show you they obviously don’t trust you or whatever. It’s hard to explain some of them tbh. But yeah, it happens a lot where even just a single word can make my heart sink.gray skies: what calms you down?
Okay I have some very unhealthy coping mechanisms and they do. But also talking to my friends, scrolling mindlessly through tumblr and listening to music too.thunderstorm: how do you prefer to resolve tension in your life?
Get that shit out in the open bc lifes too short. I’d rather have to start the uncomfortable conversation and just get it over with than just live with a fuckton of tension.wind chill: what makes you feel cold inside?
I mean, the weather! Besides that idk, I’m not really sure how to interpret this? If it means like, emotionless and even indifferent to the pain of others, then I’d say thinking too much about the shit the human race does and the general injustice of life.
droplets: to you, is physical closeness more or less important than frequent communication?
I mean, I crave physical closeness but to me frequent communication usually keeps my anxiety at bay and makes me really happy in general tbh, so I’d say that’s more important to me.
puddle: what is your emotional outlet? why?
My personal blog. It’s literal life saver some days since I can say everything I want and not feel bad for dumping it on anyone.
morning fog: do you prefer waking up early or sleeping in? I prefer the longer days that come with waking up early but as someone that can’t remember the last time they had 8 hours sleep, I’d say I prefer sleeping in!
drizzle: what is something you would like to know more about / explore?
Omg everything!!!!! I just love information lmao. I’m particularly interested in diseases and psychology and conspiracy theories but seriously I love to hear what everything has to say about anything
the indoors
fairy lights: what makes your eyes light up?
Just little things like messages from friends or even just getting tagged in shitty memes lmao. I just like it when people remember I exist. Anything bigger than that is a bonus.
coffee shop: where is your favorite place to be?
I don’t know anymore. I honestly don’t. I had a favourite place near home, but it was out of a list of very limited places. There’s not really any place I can go and feel at peace or anything anymore. I mean, there are places I’ve visited that I want to go back to, like brugge or amsterdam, but idk its not the same.
windowpane: what music do you listen to the most?
It varies so much depending on my mood from chill indie or alternative stuff to cheesy pop to what is essentially people just screaming.teabag: do you prefer tea or coffee? how do you take it?
I can’t remember it’s been so long since I had either lmaocandlelight: what is your favorite scent? why?
Petrol and car fumes lmfao. It’s just a smell I grew up with tbh bc I spent so much time at car shows and race tracks etc.
throw pillows: what is your favorite type of relationship? do you have one like that?
Hoo boi, the kind I don’t have lmfao go figure
cozy: have you ever been in love? describe the feeling.
I haven’t honestly even dated much, but I do love so deeply I surprise myself so who knows lmao. Wouldn’t say I know the feeling well enough to describe it though.
bustle: do you enjoy being busy? why or why not?
If I’m busy doing things I love with no deadlines then sure, I’m a big fan. But if I’m busy out of necessity I really hate it and get low key stressed.
succulents: do you like taking care or things, people, and animals? which one do you enjoy the most/least? why?
Sure! It can be rewarding and I’m almost always happy to do it! Though I mean I don’t know, I find animals easier to take care of, I never really know what to do with people. But I don’t prefer one or the other, theyre just different.
chatter: what are your favorite things to talk about? with whom? why?
I love to talk about deep shit tbh, miss me with that small talk. Tell me about your life and your childhood and your dreams and space and life and death. I love that shit.
your body
baggy sweater: what keeps you warm? 
Absolutely nothing lmao
daze: do you meditate? why or why not?
Nope, I haven’t got time for any of that
damp: do you cry often? what makes you cry?
I low key tear up at tv shows and films all the time lmao, but actually crying doesn’t happen much. Sometimes I feel like I need to but I’ve forgotten how to.
umbrella: what makes you feel safe?
Knowing I could kick the shit out of someone if they tried anything lmfaoooo! Nah idk tbh, I rarely feel very safe I’m just used to it now.
gleam: what makes you feel the best about yourself?
The only thing I have that I ever do right is doing well academically so ig that
yawn: who takes care of you when you’re sick? who do you take care of when they’re sick? 
I take care of myself lmao I aint gonna go complaining. Though a few of my close friends are very good to me when my depression acts up. And I’ll take care of anyone that asks for or I can see needs help.
hum: besides music, what is your favorite sound?
I love thunderstorms so much!!! Also the lil pap pap pap when a pet is coming to greet you.
brush: do you enjoy having your hair played with? what about massages?
Hell yes and hell yes.
fuzzy socks: do you prefer warm or cold weather? why?
Warm weather by a mile!! I’m not built for the cold and I probably won’t feel warm enough again till May.
gloves: do you like working with your hands? why/how?
Yeah defo, I’m that one annoying person who always has to be fiddling with something (that sounds so wrong lmao). Idk why, I just,,, I like to do it, it helps me concentrate and I like building up a picture of things without even looking at them
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