#schuyler tate x reader
amberbeach · 2 years
"I thought I would never see you again."
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The team had just arrived in base, emotions high after their latest sucess, when Sky was told to report to Cruger. The four Rangers shared confused glances, wondering why Sky was the only one being called, although Sky was more concerned with the expression the cadet wore - sympathy.
At first Sky asked if the team's performance in the field wasn't satisfatory, believing that to be the reason he was called, but Cruger had an expression Sky had seen before when someone told him his father was killed.
"At thirteen hundred, a report came through. I believe you are familar with Y/N L/N?" Cruger already knew the answer. You and Sky were more than...familar. Your relationship wasn't against the rules, but it was known to be more akin to advice not to date coworkers given the day to day work at the PD.
Sky swallowed thickly, the hands behind his back formed fists as he awaited the dreaded news. "Yes, SIr."
"L/N was injured in the line of duty. Her partner called it in. Some crook they had been monitoring led them into a trap. The last update came in an hour ago, she was out of surgery." Cruger explained.
Sky felt his shoulders relax, though his worry didn't lessen. "Surgery?"
Cruger nodded. "She pulled through. Doctors want to keep her in for a few days for observation."
Sky nodded tightly, standing straighter. "Permission to visit, Sir."
"Permission granted." Cruger nodded. "Give her my regards. You're dismissed."
Sky thanked him before leaving the room, finding his team waiting outside. They followed when he hurriedly made his way down the hallway.
"What was all that about?" Z asked.
"I'll explain later." Sky brushed off, and Sydney knew there was only one reason why he was so anxious to rush off.
"It's Y/N, isn't it?"
Sky looked at her, nodding. "She was led into a trap. Right now, she is in the hospital. Cruger cleared me to go."
"Is she alright?" Bridge asked.
"I-I don't know yet." Sky replied. "I've got to go."
He walked ahead and the team didn't follow, the two newest members looking at Sydney for answers. "His girlfriend." Was all she said as she and Bridge started heading back the way they came.
"He has a girlfriend?" Z asked. "I didn't know that."
"Not a lot of people do." Bridge replied.
"Why didn't he say anything?" Z asked.
"Sky's not big on talking. Besides it's not against the rules or anything like that but it is frowned upon. Most of the time couples have had to choose between their jobs or their relationship if word gets around." Sydney responded. "I hope Cruger doesn't make them break up. They're so cute. Y/N makes Sky likeable."
Jack raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Bridge nodded in agreement with Sydney. "It's true. When she's around he's more likely to be nicer at least sixty percent of the time." The Green Ranger commented.
When Sky arrived at the hospital forty minutes later, you had just woken up, and were being checked over by a nurse when he entered the room. He strode over to you and you sent him a small smile, closing your eyes when he kissed your forehead.
"Is she okay?" He asked, looking at the nurse.
The nurse looked up from her clipboard, looking between you both with a smile before turning to Sky. "Everything looks good."
Sky sighed in relief, taking hold of your hand as the nurse left the room. "When I heard you were here I-I -" His gaze lowered to your joined hands, as he swallowed the lump in his throat, but you could see the emotion in his eyes. "I thought I would never see you again."
"A crook knocked me around pretty good, but I'll be fine. The observation is just a precaution." You spoke soflty, sending him a reassuring smile when he met your gaze.
"i don't know what I would do if I lost you too." His voice cracked at the end and you sent him a watery smile as tears formed in your eyes at the sight of his tears.
"What did I tell you yesterday?"
"I'm stuck with you." Sky chuckled, glancing down when a tear fell down his cheek.
"And I meant it." You tugged his hand, and Sky sat on the bed. "You can't get rid of me that easily."
Sky lifted his gaze from your joined hands. "I'll never want to get rid of you."
You smiled softly. "Good. If you did it would have been awkward."
Sky shook his head, a smile forming on his lips. "I'm supposed to be making you feel better."
"You are. Just by being here." You placed a hand on his cheek, running your thumb over his cheekbone, and Sky could see in your eyes that for a moment you had believed you would never see him again. "I love you."
"I love you too." He smiled, leaning in to kiss you tenderly.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders when you pulled away moments later, and Sky buried his head in the crook of your neck, closing his eyes as his arms carefully wrapped around your waist.
You were kept in for observation for a few days, and during that time Sky never left your bedside. And luck was on his side as the team weren't called out and when you both returned to the PD Cruger welcomed you back and, unlike those before you, didn't advise that you end your relationship. As you recovered Sky helped with your training, and as he watched you run ahead around the track, he was thankful that you weren't taken from him. Because he didn't see a world where he would survive the loss.
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amberbeach · 3 years
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You jogged every morning and every night around the track. You wouldn't describe yourself as competitive, but the moment Sky suggested joining you, something changed.
Maybe it was the playful nudge on your arm as he said, "May the best person win."
Or the smirk on his lips that you knew well.
"This isn't a competition. You said you wanted to spend time together because we've been apart most of the week."
It was true. Sky was helping his team while you had your own assignments that had you all over the city.
But Sky Tate was competitive, and everything was a competition.
"Of course." He grinned, irking you further.
You rolled your eyes and jogged ahead, leaving a smirking Sky to follow. You were halfway around the track when Sky started jogging backward. "Race you."
You glared at him when he ran ahead, and although you usually let these things go, he knew exactly how to rile you up.
You sprinted after him, catching up on your second lap before he ran faster. A scowl formed on your lips when he shouted, "Whoever finishes the next lap wins."
You pushed yourself faster, and Sky grinned as he watches you dash by. It was rare for you both to have time together, and he felt mischievous that day, and you were falling for it.
Sky caught up to you, and you glared at the Blue Ranger when he ran beside you.
"L/N on the inside, but wait! What's this? Tate is picking up the pace," his voice got louder as he grew further ahead, "can he do it?" He crossed the line, and you rolled your eyes as you slowed to a jog, your glare softening as he laughed.
"Tate won! He did it! He -" You shook your head, pushing him and he laughed as he looked at the way you hair fell over your eyes.
"You're prettiest when you're training." He commented.
You rolled your eyes as you walked away, and Sky chuckled as he caught up to you. "Winner buys breakfast." You told him, as he took your hand.
After breakfast, you joined the team, and Sky took a seat on the sofa while you got a bottle of water.
"Hey, how did training go?" Sidney asked.
"She's fast but not fast enough to go against me." Sky unzipped his jacket, and you rolled your eyes as you headed to the door.
"I'm kidding!" He chuckled when you walked away. Sidney smiled when Sky followed you, jogging to catch up.
He put his arm around you, "You just need some more practice."
You swatted his chest, and he chuckled, holding up his hands. "Is that any way to treat your coach?"
You shook your head, fighting a smile when he placed his arm around you, bringing you closer. "I'm never training with you again.'
"Nothin' wrong with a little friendly competition, sweetheart."
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amberbeach · 5 years
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When you knew Sky Tate, he was rude and often made comments about you not being a good cadet just because you were a 'girly girl’ who liked to do her hair and her nails. But when you were in his room alone, he would read to you and play with your hair, telling you that he loved you. Only those moments weren’t enough to make you stay.
You broke up with him before he became an SPD Ranger. You were transferred from the base to a precinct across town, and he hadn’t seen you since.
Until now.
You were talking to Cruger when he saw you. When Sydney was assigned to his team in the beginning, he thought the universe was trying to mess with him since you were both so alike. Through her, he learned that he wasn’t a good boyfriend. Back then, the break up came as a shock, although he pretended he didn’t care when it happened. But he had changed a lot the past year.
He realized that he should have given you the credit you deserved. You were an incredible cadet. He shouldn’t have judged you like other people did and underestimated you.
Sky cleared his throat, and you turned around, looking at him in his Red Ranger jacket. You had kept tabs on him now and then and watched the news broadcasts of his team's arrests. He was a great Ranger that just needed to be taken down a peg or two.
“You wanted to talk, sir?” Sky stood with his hands behind his back.
You excused yourself, and Sky watched you leave, frowning.
“Cadet, Y/N will be returning here permanently and will be helping Kat,” Cruger spoke up, gaining Sky’s attention. “Will that be a problem?”
“No, sir, it will not.” Sky said.
The news of your break up had rocked the base. Although it was your break up that started the change in Sky’s perception, he grew as a person by himself and his team, but you had told him words that made him think about his behavior. When he realized that you were right all along, he wasn’t happy about it. He hadn’t been as supportive as he should have, made comments that were invalid and made you leave him. He was angry at himself for driving you away.
And all he wanted to do was apologize for how he treated you.
You were walking down the hallway when he left his meeting with Cruger. Sydney hugged you, and you smiled at her, looking at Sky.
“Hey.” He spoke up.
“Uh, hey.” You put your hands in your pockets awkwardly.
Sky looked at his team, “I’ll meet you there.”
Sydney hugged you before leaving with Bridge and Z.
“Who is she?” Z asked.
“That’s Y/N. She left not long before you got here. She and Sky used to be a thing.” Sydney explained.
You closed your eyes, hearing every word, laughing softly. Sky apologized for his team, and you shook your head.
“It’s fine. What did you need?” You asked.
“Well, I, um…I just wanted to say sorry for everything that happened between us. You were right; I was rude and arrogant. And I apologize.” He said.
“It’s in the past now.” You touched his arm briefly. “Besides…it wasn’t all bad. We had some good times.”
Sky smiled. “We did…do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?” He asked.
“Hmm.” You tapped your cheek thoughtfully, making him smile. “Sure. Why not?”
Sky grinned. “Great! Say…tomorrow at eight-thirty?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
Sky’s communicator beeped, and you smiled when he was about to apologize. “It’s fine. You better go, Red Ranger.”
Sky kissed your cheek, and you watched as his team ran down the hallway with him.
This time around, you knew that things would be better. Sky was a different person, and he no longer thought of you as a lesser. You were just Y/N. A talented cadet that had risen the ranks like no one had ever seen.
Sky looked back at you while you stood at the entrance of the base. He led the morph, and you grinned, cupping your hands by your lips. “Looking good, Red!”
Sky looked at you before running off with his team. You smiled, shaking your head as you went inside.
Yeah, this time, things would be different. You could feel it.
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amberbeach · 5 years
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Dating the Blue Ranger was like having a target on your back. Or so Sky thought and wasn’t putting to chance. You were feisty, smart, and could easily stare down a bad guy. But would that work when you had to defend yourself? Sky didn’t think so.
He was a protective boyfriend. Some would say overly protective, but you knew it stemmed from losing his father. He wasn’t willing to lose you too.
So when he gave you a pistol, you fought him on it but agreed in the end, knowing he meant well. But as you stood in a cage while criminals talked about what to do to draw the Ranger's attention, you wished he had the time to teach you to use it.
When they released you from the cage, you devised a plan to escape.
“Call your boyfriend.” One of them ordered.
“No.” You immediately said. “If you’re going to kill me, kill me. But I’m not letting you hurt him, uglies.”
“Uglies?” The trio echoed.
“If I’m going to die, I’m gonna die honest.” You shrugged.
You reached for your gun that was strapped to your thigh, hidden by your dress. “Now, I don’t know how to use this -”
“You have a gun that you don’t know how to use?” One of them asked.
“I was supposed to learn, but morons like you take up a lot of his time!” You aimed and were about to shoot a foot when tentacles grabbed the gun and pulled you against one of the criminals. You groaned, perking up when the SPD arrived.
“Let her go!” Sky pointed to the octopus looking alien that held you.
“Glad you could join us!”
You were used as a shield to prevent getting hurt, and Sky quickly tried to think; the fear in your eyes at the fighting happening around you kept making his brain lose track. He ran and jumped on the aliens back, hitting him over the head. You screamed when he fell and hugged Sky when he was back on his feet.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“You really need to teach me how to shoot.” You said.
Sky agreed while moving you to a safer place before rejoining the fight. He approached you when it was over, his blue gear disappearing while you stepped out of your hiding place. Sky hugged you tightly and kept his arm around your shoulders as he led you out the warehouse, the team asking you questions about your first hostage experience.
You reported to Cruger when you entered the base before following Sky after he told Sydney that you couldn’t help with her nails since you had something to do.
You looked at the shooting range and then at Sky. “You know, you’ll get called away as soon as we start, right?”
Sky shook his head. “Just pick up the gun. 'Cause right now, all I plan on doing is taking care of you.”
You frowned, “You do take care of me. Today was just a blip. It probably won’t happen again. Besides, you can’t control the future.”
“Maybe not. But I can get you to shoot a perfect shot so…” He stood behind you, guiding your arms as he instructed you on how to hold the gun.
“This is why I stick to computers.” You spoke up.
Sky kissed your head. “Just shoot.”
You shot at the target and closed your eyes, continuing to shoot.
Sky brought the target closer and looked at you. “Did you shoot with your eyes closed or somethin’?”
You nodded, and he chuckled, raising his eyebrows briefly, smiling at you.
“Seriously?” He shook his head and replaced the target before getting you back into the proper stance. “Eyes open this time.”
You took three shots, gasping when you saw you managed to hit the arm. Sky’s communicator beeped, and you frowned as you checked your watch. “Ten minutes. That’s a new record.” It seemed that you were lucky to have five minutes together lately.
Sky kissed you tenderly before heading to the door, pointing to the target. “Don’t shoot until I get back! ”
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