mmicroww · 4 years
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Ill-LOOM-ination 🌝 — Is it true? Things are not things Til they happen to you- — I spend (probably way too much) time wondering why things are the way things are things? Are things? And why?? My exploratory microscopy has helped give a little structure to this endless thought spiral, showing me repetitions of familiar formations I see on our average day-to-day human scale. The similarities point to some sort of universality, an innate-ness, a natural nature of things. A needle of truth in this crazy haystack world?? I’ve been chasing it ever since — This micro-view reminded me of another personal perspective expander, high atop a natural ridge in Southern Colorado where every 18.6 years the moon rise hovers in place for a few days between (pretty much the only) two surviving spires of rock remaining above the plateaus of the surrounding mesas. Why? How?? How did the ancients know? And why??Exactly!🤔 What else did our ancestors know that we have forgotten? #lostknowledge is cool yo — There’s a lot not to see 🔬🌀 #mystical #microscopy — Microscopic art © @mmicroww — #chimneyrock #lunarstandstill article via New York Times Old pic via Tulane.edu — #mmicroww #perspective #scaleinvariance #abstractphotography #abstract #worldview #mysteries of #nature #ancientknowledge #archeoastronomy #unknown #unseen #hiddenhistory #cycleoflife the #greatyear #kaliyuga is almost over y’all 🎉 #wecandoit #mondaymotivation for the #conscious -nist #thinkbig #lookdifferent https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jvGDDDJFt/?igshid=6y8pvaxz5ims
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mmicroww · 5 years
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Something about iimplosionn🌋 — A caldera (“cauldron” in Spanish) is a collapsed volcanic cone. After expelling its internal magmatic turbulence, it can no longer support its obtrusive outer shell, yielding to its underlying formation, creating space for life-giving water (intuition symbolically) to thrive. All parts of the cycle are necessary. The fire brings the water. — Above we see this repeat visually on a macro scale... Where else is it possible?🧠😉 #asabovesobelow #scaleinvariance — Microscopic art © @mmicroww — Caldera photos repost from @geomorphological_landscapes “KERID VOLCANIC CALDERA LAKE (Iceland). It is located in south Iceland. The caldera itself is approximately 55 m deep, 170 m wide, and 270 m across. Kerid's caldera is one of the three most recognizable volcanic craters because at approximately 3,000 years old. Kerid formed by a cone cone volcano which erupted and emptied its magma reserve. Once the magma was depleted, the weight of the cone collapsed into the empty magma chamber.” — #mmicroww #vision #thought #experiment #microscopic #mindscape #esoteric #exploration #openyourmind #expandyourmind #lookdifferent ! #sciart #psyart #nature #science #abstract #volcanic #caldera #geologyeverywhere #macro v #micro #geomorphic #motivational #multidisciplinary #microscopy https://www.instagram.com/p/B4c_G2hhqxA/?igshid=karakbykndyu
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mmicroww · 5 years
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Ariel shots of the Pyramids “Are” Complex ⛰💎🤔 — Situated between the hemispheres, this site is largely unexplored and ripe for analysis. Don’t wait>> Book your expedition today! — Microscopic art © @mmicroww — #mmicroww #birdseye #abstract #ancientsite #microscopic #worldview #questioneverything #macro v #micro #fractal everything #scaleinvariance #scienceart #sciart #abstractphotography #wonderoftheworld #wondermore #ariel #pyramid #complex #esoteric #mystical #microscopy #mind #motivation #yourbrainisareciever #lookdifferent https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zoFawJWlc/?igshid=q6pml2aqs33t
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mmicroww · 5 years
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⚡️UUPDATESS⚡️ all ova! Get a gander of the new logo + site re-vamp 🧛🏻‍♀️ ✨ 👉mmicroww.xyz👉 clickie in bio — Find out more about my process + motivations! Much more to come on the theories behind my work + factoids of the weird that inspires me! — Journey down the MMICROWW (w)hole🌀 — #mmicroww #rabbithole #mystical #microscopy #explore the #hidden #mysteries of the #universe with me #astral #adventure mm #eye #crow #lostknowledge #specieswithamnesia ! #esoteric #visionary #nature #sciart #psyart #asabovesobelow #macro v #micro #scaleinvariance #lookdifferent https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KzVW6pr-K/?igshid=tvlqvbskz7hd
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