#save me freaky ghost yaoi… save me
sulfur-killingz · 1 month
i finally rewatched mp100 after 5(?!) years… Matsugami nation i have come to serve
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So apparently Ikuhara's working on a new project... Fuck, I am so fucking ready. My small intestine is so fucking ready to accept Mr. Ikuhara's new sexy white-hot load of fucking bullshit
Unless it was just the After the Revolution manga thing, that is. Which I just read. It was... okay?
The first chapter... it wasn't quite a Random Events plot, just an... events plot. Things just happened. The whole thing was kind of like that- it was like, "hey, remember this thing from the show??" "yeah, what about it?" "oh, nothing *about* it, just... do you remember??? (:" Touga and Sa-seaweed hair argued about something with a forced dichotomy neither of them really had any reason to care about but they were both given basic opposing points of view on so they could come into conflict. Whatever.
The second chapter was probably the best. It had the most coherent plot, the best balance of supernatural elements/Utena literally being plot ex machina where it could actually have been all just a dream and Juri just projecting Ruka's face onto a woman who looks somewhat like him because of her current problems and her past issues... oh, and the story was actually good, with character developments and revelations and shit. It feels like something that was covered already during either the show or the manga in a more vague/confusing way- Juri hated Ruka for taking her lesbo crush away from her, but really she was projecting her bitterness onto his ghost/her hallucination of him while suppressing the memory of him drowning to save her. Him complimenting her fencing skills and generally being a good dude might have been unique to this version fleshing him out somewhat, I don't fucking remember... but whatever, it was good enough that I dgaf it;s fine i guess
Third chapter though? FUCKING DISGUSTING. Kozue, your attraction to Miki isn't the problem, but for fucks sake he is NOT INTO YOU. NO MEANS NO, KOZUE REEEEE And yet... he's apparently, somehow, expected to reciprocate her feelings, and him not wanting to get in on her freaky incest bullshit makes him responsible for putting her in a coma, and he has to face up to his aaaaactions. Oh, and she has a generic abusive husband from nowhere that barely does anything but something to advance the victim plot. What?? The chapter ends on a weird ambiguous note where their relationship is "evolving", because even in Ikuharaland explicitly saying a guy should submit to his sister's incest boner is just a step too far... oh, but saying he's allowed to say no and she should maybe vaguely consider backing the fuck off and getting over herself is a bit more of a step too far, I guess. So they have to move towards it but can't ever actually reach it, and just fucking stopping isn't an option.
Putting this right next to a Juri chapter makes it real interesting. Both involve characters lusting after someone who is just categorically not interested in them, but the way they're played off couldn't be any more different. Juri has very, very much not gotten over her lesbo crush on a straight girl and hateboner for her heterosexual boyfriend, but at the very least she keeps this shit to herself and doesn't try to force whatshername to love her (I mean she might have, briefly, in the series, that might have been the plot of an episode at some point, I don't remember; point is generally she doesn't). But Kozue, meanwhile... it's not even that she doesn't learn when Miki tells her off, her learning to back off isn't even on the table. Instead it's he who needs to learn to get over his not being into incest, and if he it's entirely reasonable to blame him for her drama queening herself into a coma. Which leads to this situation where he needs to cwonsider hew feewwingsss~~~, we're not saying he has to give in to unwanted incest sex but we won't get off his dick about what she wants and literally the only way to fufill that is to give in, but we're not actually saying he has to do something so terrible so somehow it's okay.
Interesting isn't it, that when the "target" is a female must maturity and a hands-off approach be required but when it's a male the very concept of him having his own say in things inverts on itself so hard it becomes a black hole and it's the "attacker"'s feelings that must always be considered. reee something something gynocentricism reeeee
I remember one time I found someone theorising that Miki is the one who killed Jozue in the movie (I forget what happened in the movie but I guess Kozue fucking died or whatever) but people were all just like "oh he would never do that~~" Kozue's sexual creeper tendencies were even more pronounced in the movie. These fuckers will go on and on bout muh battered wife syndrome but a guy snapping and killing a female abuser, even by accident, is beyond consideration. ree
... Oh, I found the teasers for Ikuhara's new thing. What's that more reused imagery (specifically from Penguindrum)? Hey guys, remember how Yurikuma was full of pointless callbacks to Utena and Pengindrum imagery for no reason besides "remember when I did something" wanking and that fucking killed it? This one's dead on arrival! I love it! Just fuck me up, daddy Ikuharaaaaaaa! ... Wait, is this a fucking yaoi? http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2018/05/17-1/enigmatic-tv-anime-sarazanmai-reveals-main-character-designs That's... new for him... They have women's names tho. Is this going to be about how male oppression is actually female oppression in disguise and women are always the victims via allegory? I don't even
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