historyinfullcolor · 5 years
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Apollo 11, Saturn V Launch Vehicle Rollout
“One wonder to me was that no Saturn V Rocket ever blew up.” - Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Command Module pilot
In preparation for the Apollo 11 mission launch, the 363-foot-tall, 6,400 pound Saturn V Launch Vehicle is literally rolled out to the Launch Pad.  
Super chilled LOX and LH2 fuels powered the Saturn V.  The material was difficult to manufacture, store and transport.  But had an extremely efficient ratio of propellant weight to firing power.  
The fuel would cause all 30 stories of the missile to wheeze and groan like a living “monster”.  The cryogenic tanks caused dew to freeze on the rocket’s skin; falling like snow during launch.  
The Saturn V had 6 million parts.  A week before launch, a leak was discovered. The leak was traced to a manifold.  It would take four days to replace the manifold, canceling the launch date.  A tech carefully tightened a nut, fixing the problem.
The Saturn V was good to go for the Apollo 11 mission launch on July 16, 1969.
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