#sasha imy come back to me
sashaslesbian · 3 months
using "sometimes you cant save the world but you can save a person. and its ok if that person is you" for my senior quote whosaskinus "sasha" lolomg you live forever with me
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jayantipuspa · 7 years
Getting TEDxperienced
Stop right there. This is not that trashy things about how I hate my life or how my love-hate relationship with my job goes.This is about one good day I had. 10th of June 2017.
I was at my declining phase of my life-curve. I thought it was the quarter life crisis, or just a lack motivated condition I had. When TEDxJakarta twitter account announced the upcoming TEDx event, I felt so excited and marked my calendar for registration. Fortunately, I got the invitation! And that was my 2nd TEDxperience I had. I was hoping that TEDx would help me to get a different insight of life, to have a view of non engineering things which are interesting too.
10th of June 2017 was such a ‘day’. Just got back from Medan for a business trip at 8.00 am, took a cab to Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, the venue, and I made it on time (with carrying my blue Jonsi, pink Handbag, and Bolu Meranti inside). A little tired because I woke up at 2 a.m., hit the cool train to Kualanamu (IT IS a cool train, indeed. It sounds ‘kampungan’ but the train is cool-both  literally and not literally :D), had a very quick sahur 5 minutes before Subh time. So, correction, pretty much tired.
That day was my first time visiting Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, if I was sober enough, I must have taking tons of pictures there because that building was quite historical and it’s near Pasar Baru which there are lots of good object to be captured. Lots of people, the start-up guys, outstanding people, and those who were hungry of knowledges ( I judge the by their appearance by the way, sorry but I judge a book by its cover). But after I had the networking sessions (– which was quite exhausting as an introvert for me, plus the bad condition I had), they are. They, the participants, are bunch of good and outstanding people. I am just a tiny dust in the air. Oh, they had that bingo game which required us to seek people who do not afraid of flying cockroach, have experienced an extreme hair transformation, or who had win gold medal and had a patent. That was quite helping me as an introvert who have some difficulties in starting a conversation to a stranger.
So, the TEDxperience began.
NIYATA was the theme of the event. Taken from Sanskrit, or ‘Nyata’ in Bahasa Indonesia. Niyata carries the meaning of being real, distinct, or true. Niyata evolves around the celebration of order, abides the notion that even nature most often works in alluring patterns, precipitated by the sum of many tiny-yet-meaningful and methodical inflections. (those sentences was taken fromTEDxJakarta website, sorry to disappoint, but I have no ability to write such a beautifully written and structured sentences with rich vocabularies like that).
And yeah, the session was divided in three.
1st : Ni | into, within
NIYATA was opened by Firly Savitri. She was carrying a box while she entered the stage. Firly is one of those who left their stable and comfort job for something more. (And I always admires those who have that kind of courage, I wish I have that too.) She is the founder of Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia. Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia is an organization that focusing on education, especially for children. It facilitates schools which has no sufficient instruments for teaching kids so they could experience some experiments and a fun way of learning things. For example, IMI has a mini planetarium which is portable so they can carry it with them all around this country, letting kids come in and feel the excitement of seeing planets, stars, the whole universe in it. And the box she carried to the stage, it was a lab in the box. It is a portable laboratory for children to have experiments. I remembered my boss told me to design a portable laboratory for my chemical cleaning projects, so we could carried our laboratory and its equipment all around this country, and we could also have a proper place to have samples analysis, it turns out IMI has initiated that idea. So, to Mbak Firly, and her courage and works, she is a good person, a great person.
The second. It was like an interview rather than a TED talk. But for this one, who doesn’t recognize this person. The iron lady behind the success of Indonesia’s legendary rock Band: Slank, Bunda Iffet. A manager and a mother, too. She explained her role not just a manager and a mother to Slank, but also a facilitator for Slank to get back in the way. To release themselves from drugs addiction. Bunda Iffet told us, she did not want to send off her kids to rehabilitation just like others do. She wanted to take care, not just Bimbim and Kaka, but all Slank members herself. She did her own way medication, not by pushing off and forcing her kids what to do and what not. And through 3 years of self-rehabilitation and her smooth-way of education from 1996 to 1999, she made it. Slank members stopped using drugs. Becoming a mother was never easy, and this, becoming a mother, a band manager, and a ‘healer’, she is a very strong lady.
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Third TED talk Jakarta was my favorite of all NIYATA Talks. I have already heard her name so much times because she was that amazing. The 15 years old girl named Faye Simanjuntak. She was one of those amazing girls, like, Malala Yousfazai. No, I would not like to compare Malala to Faye, because this is the one and only Faye. Back then years ago, she was told by their parents that she was so lucky because she could get anything she wanted, a proper life, and a happy family. But, she didn’t believe, and like, she was just ordinary. And so that her parents took her to an orphanage to see those who have no parents and live with limitations. She realized that she was, that lucky. She asked her mother, “We have to help them, you have the money. I want to help them. Mom, what we are gonna do?”. But her mother said, “You know how”. And by that statement, she had a plan.  She told all her friends and people she knew, “Instead of giving me a birthday gift, please give me some money for charity. I will git it to the orphanage”. And voila, she gathered 96 million on her birthday to be given to the orphanage. And as the time goes by, she met a person who eventually is a child trafficking victim. Not just that – but also a victim of sex-trafficking. Could you imagine a kid was being kidnapped, and forced to be a part of prostitution business? That story triggered Faye. So Faye found Rumah Faye, an NGO which fights in child trafficking issue, at the age of eleven. I keep asking until now, what did I do when I was eleven? Moreover, what have I done until today? This Faye girl, have an intense communication with the victims and build strategies to prevent. Today, Rumah Faye has one rehabilitation center at Batam, as the major gate of child trafficking to other countries. Prevent. Rescue. Rehabilitate. Are things Faye and her fellas at Rumah Faye do ( I could actually write a long story about Faye and this issue but see if I had time) . Faye, is one of a kind. And plus, I admired her parents’ way to their little girl.
2nd : Ya | implore, attain
Fourth. Anindya Krisna. I have never see a ballet performance – live, before. The talk was opened by a ballet performance by on girl named Sasha, Anindya’s student. Anindya was one of a person who consistently did ballet since she was a kid. Many people do ballet when they were kids, but they didn’t continue learning. Anindya chose to continue. She chose to be a professional ballerina. Not an ordinary profession in Indonesia, actually. And not many people think that a ballerina is an actual profession that people could be paid. To be a ballerina, Anindya had a chance to learn ballet at a Ballet Academy in Russia (if I’m not mistaken), and she continue to join a Ballet company in Phillippines. FYI, there is no ballet company in Indonesia. As a ballerina in ballet company, she had to practice everyday and also, getting paid monthly just like a corporate slave like meh. Her love of ballet and teaching, made her went back to Indonesia and teach ballet here. She has a dream, to build a Ballet company in Indonesia. Anindya is one of those who be brave, to choose a not ordinary profession, to follow her passion.
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Dian Ara’s
The fifth talk was brought by a woman, again. The Jane of all trades, Dian Ara. I saw her as an innocent lady, who said that her whole life is such a soap opera story. She told us her whole life story from she was born until the day she stood in the front of TEDx’s participants. She has been through things. She was born with a parents, who decided to hand their child to the grandmother because Dian’s parents could have support the kid’s life financially. So, Dian lived happily with her grandmother until the day her grandmother’s died. And so after that she had to live with her parents, she had a not easy life. Dian almost stopped her education because her parents had no money to continue her study to Senior High School. Her mother once told , “As a girl, you don’t need to get higher education because you’re gonna end up becoming a housewife”. And she actually had a scholarship at one of the best high school in Surabaya but her parents did not allowed her. She ended up continue her study in one of high school in Mojokerto. Financially limited, she finally finished her High School. She got married and after years of marriage she to end the marriage. She was jobless, and had only less than 1 million Rupiahs in her account, but she decided to go to Bandung and starting a new life. Through thick and thin, she learned about coding, about game by autodidact way. So here she is, a game designer. But the way she told her story, I was laughing at all times because she delivered it in a funny and innocent way. I mean, look, this is a sad story but I couldn’t burst into tears. Dian is a strong woman, she is a though one.
When you see a little frog, what will you do? Some will scream, some will take a broom and getting rid of it, and some will think what kind of species it is. Mirza Kusrini is one of the person who had big curiosity in amphibian and reptiles. She was a herpetology. Her curiosity of those creatures makes her a researcher. In the sixth talk, she told us a story about amphibians and reptils in Indonesia, and she has gone inside out Indonesian forests just to seek new species. She has the dream to make Indonesia’s Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians, and gather all the datas. With the tropical forests, Indonesia is one of countries with lots of species.  Bu Mirza’s story reminded us to follow our passion, to feed our curiosity, and never feel enough.
3rd : Ta | womb, warrior
Seventh, The Coral Oracle. The love of this lady to the deep blue ocean brought her here. Kak Intan Suci Nurhati, was explaining about her love to the coral deep inside the sea. And told us that, it is not only beautiful to be seen, it also contained history. She described the underwater as a library. We never knew that corals are actually like a book telling us history about climate change through the years. Kak Intan started telling us not about the coral, but El Nino and La Nina. The phenomenon of of hot and cold wind movements results extreme drought in one area and floodings in another. And this phenomenon could be analyzed by studying coral. If one coral, with certain shape and structure, is drilled and we took a sample of it, we could analyzed the material and certain material describing temperatures and we could learn about El Nino and La Nina. We could be able to identify the timeline and the trending data of temperature change which could be a direction for us to know the historical data of climate change. I mean, I know Indonesia has the best underwater view, but eventually it is not just a view, but also a precious historical site we should protect. Kak Intan really made me to apply for a diving license (Loh?). But she, is one of person who dive deep to feed her soul to know things, to reveal history.
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Adi Kusrini’s
I have already visited the speaker’s stand outside the TED talks hall before this last speaker’s talk. I really wanted to scream “Bu, kita satu almamater loh tapi saya anak teknik hehe”, because I was that proud and she was so brilliant. Ibu Adi Utarini opened the talk by playing a classical tune using piano. It reminded me of my first day of college, when Prof. Wahyudi greeted us by playing piano as we entered the dense jungle where our dreams are made. She is one of the faculty member at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada who focuses on tropical disease and build a way to eliminate Dengue Fever virus by injecting bacteria in Aedes Aegepty’s eggs. It is actually not a brand new method, but not many people knows it. The mosquitos from the eggs will not be able to spread the dengue fever because of the bacteria. The interesting thing about these eggs, these eggs will hatch and grow. If normal female mosquito gets married the bacteria contained male mosquito, the eggs will not hatch. But if normal male mosquito gets married the bacteria contained female mosquito, the eggs will hatch and contain bacterias so they could not spread dengue virus. Ibu Adi has a project which now focusing in Yogyakarta. She gave mosquitos eggs to some areas in Yogyakarta so that the Dengue Fever problem in that area could be eliminated. And that have been proven, there was a significant decline of dengue fever victims in the area where the mosquitos were spread. As the success of the project, many regions in Yogyakarta wants the eggs. It funny when we heard the way to kill the disease is by spreading mosquitos, but these are special mosquitos. This might be one of the solution of eliminating Dengue Fever. Bravo to Ibu Adi!
Seeing TEDxJakarta : Niyata was one of my productive weekend activity. I had that positive vibes and I think I should do this often. It was almost maghrib and I have to catch Ojek to my next destination to meet my Teknik Kimia 2010 fellas in Kuningan. Meeting people and hearing their story was enlightening me. But also exhausting, hehe. So that 10th of June 2017 was one of the happy day. The happiest day after Bangkok days I guess. Looking forward to another happiness moment to be shared.
Bekasi, June 17th 2017 – K
(by the way, happy 1st anniversary to Kelola Cerita!)
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