#sasah waybright
thecrusadercomrade · 3 years
From what we've seen of the Wartwoodians and Newtopians, I think the Earth townies are going to be at least decent characters and the ones seen in the intro suggests they'll actually factor into the plot:
-Archaeology girl: Works at the museum in the intro, which may have hints about Amphibian-Human relations in the past or Dr. P's whereabouts
- Blue haired girl: I've seen people speculate that she's a scientist because of the coat but the scrabbly patches gives me the impression she's actually a librarian which is of course important considering a library was where the book that contained information on the box was found.
- Anne's parents: Obvious
- Engineer girls: Could be the ones to repair Frobo, the finale made a point of showing they brought his body with them to Earth.
-Old Man: Could either be a running gag about how he looks like HP or is connected to Dr. P, would be interesting if he confirmed the theory that Amphibians have humans counterparts on Earth/vice versa.
-Agents: Probably the recurring antagonists for the first half of the season, maybe they have secret information about Amphibians on Earth in the past or know of Dr P. They could also team up with Anne and the Amphibians in the second half of the season to help deal with the invasion.
I hope they'll end up useful, but I honestly just don't have any interest in them. I'd rather spend precious screentime on Sasha and Marcy and Andrias in Amphibia over developing new characters, which I generally think is a very bad idea in the last season of the show. Introducing a bunch of new characters now makes me worried about whether or not we'll have enough time to resolve already established plot threads in a satisfying way.
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