People dancing a sardana in la Bisbal de l'Empordà's town square, Catalonia. Video by Amics de la Sardana Terranostra.
This is sardana, a type of music and dance from Catalonia often considered Catalonia's national dance.
The music for the sardanes is always played by a cobla, a specific music ensamble consisting of 11 musicians playing 12 instruments with a predominance of wind instruments.
There are many songs of the sardana genre, all of which share the same beat. For this reason, the same handful of dance steps can be used for all songs. The dance is easy on purpose, so that everyone can join. It consists of two basic steps called the “short step” and the “long step”, and it’s always danced in circle holding hands.
The circle represents friendship, harmony, fraternity and solidarity among everyone who joins to hold hands.
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People dancing sardanes in Northern Catalonia. Photos from the article “Sardane, une ronde fraternelle en Pays Catalan” by Béatrice Bantegny on Visit PO.
In the late 19th century, authorities (government and religious) condemned the sardana for being immoral because it meant that men and women who aren’t relatives were holding hands, but it was too popular to control it. During Franco’s fascist dictatorship of Spain (1939-1978), some sardana songs were banned because they were considered too Catalan (one of the pillars of Spanish fascism was/is Catalanophobia, the dictatorship wanted to exterminate the Catalan language, culture, and identity and impose the Spanish one instead).
But sardanes kept being danced through all of it and nowadays you can still find that a cobla plays in most towns during its local festivities, and everyone can join and dance. Though in most of Catalonia this dance is now associated with elderly people, in the Comarques Gironines it's particularly beloved. In the Empordà area, you can often find it in summer evenings.
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arf5506 · 8 months
Ballant sardanes...
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krakencatala · 2 years
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Eiiii CatThulhians!!! ¿Teniu ganes de festa? Jo també, i ja estic practicant per a ballar la mil•lenària sardana de l'alcalde a la vila d'Amer que espero que aquest any es pugui celebrar amb normalitat i moltes ganes. Molta força a totes les festes Majors de totes les viles catThulhianes!! #geganters #gegantsdamer #festamajor #festesmajors #collagegantera #sardanes #sardanadelalcalde #amer #viladamer @ajuntamentamer @cumiamer https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg7hd6mtbPh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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le-journal-catalan · 29 days
Fête de Pasquettes : sardanes et chasse aux œufs
Fidèles aux traditions, le Centre Culturel Catalan et la ville de Pollestres perpétuent, chaque année, cette occasion de se réunir et de célébrer nos racines. La fête de Pasquettes, chère aux Pollestrencs, est célébrée le dimanche après Pâques, notamment cette année, le dimanche 7 avril. On y célèbre le Printemps, l’arrivée des beaux jours, les couleurs envahissant nos paysages, le plaisir d’être…
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tinovalduvieco · 1 year
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52è Concert de Nadal .Organizat per l’ Agrupació Sardanista de Calella al aSala Mozart de Calella.Amb la Cobla Montgrins ,Colla Mans Amigues.
Calella.Maresme 18-12-2022
©Tino Valduvieco
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danielgarciaperis · 2 years
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#Sardanes amb la @coblacossetania #FestaMajor #FMGelida22 #Gelida #Penedès (at Gelida, Alt Penedès, Catalunya) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChnM5HVLDBv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilblogdelbasilico · 2 years
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Tornano le sardane davanti alla Cattedrale! Con tanto di signora che raccoglie offerte (la pela és la pela) e ti mette l'adesivo al grido di: "Dis is for ghiu" 💜. #sardanesalacatedral #sardanes #AvingudaDeLaCatedral #musica #moseca #thisisforyou (at Barcelona Cathedral) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdk4z20oTuV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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retrogeographie · 5 months
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Port-Barcarès, les Totems et la résidence "la Sardane"
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ehcahache · 11 months
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Oscar loving Cacaolat hits me in the heart 😭
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minglana · 1 year
honestly one of the most surreal and fulfilling experiences ive had was probably when i was in solsona and this group was dancing sardanes (it wasnt festa major or any important holiday) and they just told me to join in. to which i told them that i didnt know how to dance them and they told me to just follow x person and i'd be fine
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find-the-path · 2 years
Oc-tober Day 8 - Wonder - Branniar
"Ai, alae!"
It is an understatement, surely, and Branniar is dimly aware of Sardan grinning like a loon beside him. He doesn't care right now though, not with the whole of Evendim laid out before them like a painting of a land out of legend, from the fog rolling off the distant northern reaches of Emyn Uial to Annúminas glittering like a jewel in the sun. He steps forward tentatively, the weather-worn stone of the Colossus firm beneath his feet. The view from the bluffs over Men Erain is nothing to this.
"Here," Sardan grips his arm and pulls him, step light and uncaring of the drop, over to the edge of the star-tipped crown Elendil bears. They sit, feet dangling over the High King's stern brow, and look out. "There is much that needs repair here, but it is hale enough to hold a few men."
High above, the sun climbs ever higher in the sky and the mists over the lake begin to burn away. Far below, the miniture figure of Cudhaer tinkers with the old siege engine. In the distance, beyond Emyn Uial, Branniar can see the Blue Mountains rise like a towering wall, a sentinel to watch over this hidden land of theirs. A wind stirs the trees on the far shore.
With a bird's eye view, Evendim looks as wild, untamed, and ancient as it had sixty-odd years before, when Calenglad had led them through Parth Aduial and to its shining shores. He breaths in, then out once more. Clean, crisp northern air floods his lungs, and he smiless.
"How fare the northern estates?" Sardan breaks a silence grown long, and Branniar draws himself back from his contemplation of the view. The young man elaborates, "The lighthouse and Barad Tharsír trouble us often, and it has been some days since we heard from Tinnudir."
"We have kept a handle on them," Branniar answers bluntly, "But little beyond that. Orchalwë led a sortie up yesterday and I hear they found some victory on the slopes of Tham Ornen. Even as often as we drive them out, there is little chance we will hold it for long."
The wind of distant trees reaches them at last, ruffling their hair and stirring cloaks, and Sardan swears softly when his hair loosens itself from its knot and falls into his face. The tie falls, almost slowly, from his shoulder off the crowned Colossus altogether, and the two watch it drift with the wind until they lose sight of it. Sardan curses once more, heartfelt, and Branniar chuckles.
"We shall find you another, I have no doubt." In the meantime, Sardan tugs his hood up to tame his hair.
The sun reaches its zenith overhead and begins its long descent, but the pair do not stir for an hour more. Even then, they are reluctant to depart this elevated world, but Evendim is not safe yet, and there is work to be done.
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This song has become very popular in Catalonia. I hadn't translated it before because its lyrics are full of jokes and colloquialisms so it's difficult to translate, but I really wanted to share it.
The Tyets is a Catalan band that makes trap and reggaeton-ish music, but in this song they've incorporated a cobla (traditional ensemble of sardanes, considered the national music/dance of Catalonia) to their urban song. You can hear the characteristic instruments and beat of the sardana in the chorus.
It's quite common among Catalan pop and rock bands to use traditional instruments (mostly the gralla/dolçaina) and some traditional forms of singing (mostly cant valencià d'estil), but sardanes had so far been left out of this because they're often negatively stereotyped as old-fashioned and its popularity among elderly people made it unappealing to the younger generations. However, turns out the familiarity of these sounds still rings close to our hearts, and people (regardless of age) can't help it but to dance when they hear it!
The translation is under the cut.
The lyrics are light-hearted and use a lot of colloquialisms and slang, they joke about gossiping. The title (coti x coti) would be translated to "gossip 4 gossip", but using a slang word for "gossip".
No ho puc evitar, ja no sé com fer-ho
M'ha arribat a les mans, un coti ben salsero
Que ha mogut tot el mercat, no me'l puc treure del cap
Si vols aquest secret, doncs per tres l'has de canviar.
I can't help it, I don't know how to keep it anymore
A very juicy gossip has reached my hands
It has shaken all the market, I can't get it out of my head
If you want this secret, you'll have to exchange it for three others.
No en vull saber res
Intento no creuar-te la mirada
No em crec històries inventades
De tu ja no em puc creure res.
I don't want to know anything about it.
I try not to make eye contact with you
I don't believe made up stories
I can't believe anything you say anymore.
Ahir em vaig trobar l'Aleix i em va dir que tenia cotis
Posseïa info, tenia bones refes
No sabia perquè, però s'ajuntaven les notis
El mercat está palmant i tu estàs holding
Yesterday I ran into Aleix and he told me that he had gossip
That he owned info, he had good references
He didn't know why, but news were stocking up
The market is croaking and you're holding.
Tira la manta, peli de terror
No vulguis correr a la sort del traïdor
I esque et miro davant de la platja i em dius que no, que no
Throw the blanket, horror movie
You better not want to run a traitor's end
And I look at you in front of the beach and you tell me no, no.
Que no ho pots evitar, ja no saps com fer-ho
T'ha arribat a les mans, un coti ben salsero
Que ha mogut tot el mercat, no te'l pots treure del cap
Si vols aquest secret, per tres l'hauràs de canviar
That you can't help it, you don't know how to keep doing it
A very juicy gossip has reached you
Which has shaken all the market, you can't get it out of your head
If you want this secret, you'll have to exchange it for three others.
Repeat chorus.
Hurray! (Note: sardana dances end by all the dancers holding their hands to the middle and shouting "visca!" together)
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arf5506 · 8 months
Si, quan ho veus des de fora sembla que tot és igual i aborrit, i que és la cosa més fàcil del mon, però entra a la rotllana. Atreveix-t'hi.
Que si llargs, que si curts, que si ara saltat, que si ara no, que si mitja rotllana va en una direcció different... I tot això mentre aguantes les mans a l'aire tot sovint a diferents alçades i sues com un bacó.
Dit això, les sardanes son increïbles i sempre en ballaria un altra.
A més a més, poc es parla de la dificultat de deixar el cabàs o la bossa al centre de la rotllana quan aquesta ja està formada. Normalment intento fer punteria... A qui més li passa alguna cosa semblant?
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madel-man · 9 months
Sardanes a les Places
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tinovalduvieco · 1 year
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52è Concert de Nadal Organizat per l’ Agrupació Sardanista de Calella amb la Cobla Montgrins i Direcció Musical Jordi Molina .Participació de la Colla Mans Amigues,Jordi Feliu i Cesc Corominas.
Calella.Maresme 18.12.2022
©Tino Valduvieco
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comarquesonline · 1 year
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