#sap resource augmentation
apprisia · 10 months
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codnext-it-services · 11 months
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transtracksblog · 1 year
IT Consultant Professional Augmentation Services by Transtrack Aeroservice Via Flickr: Transtrack offer IT Consulting and Staff Augmentation Services delivered by the experts of Professional Team that help you to develop a clear IT Roadmap. Visit Us
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man-n-space · 2 months
Twin Aster Etymologies #1
Preliminary abbreviation list
CC Common Caber
CT Classical Ĝare n Tim Ar
PB Proto-Beheic
PTa Proto-Taltic
Describing Taste in CT
esëgó 'sour' gesóh 'spicy' ĝïĝno 'bitter' î ásał 'salty' (< ásał 'table salt') î ḫíh 'cool, mentholated' (< ḫíh 'to wash, to clean') î lugna 'metallic' (< lugna 'metal') î rega 'earthy, plant-like' (< tega 'humus') î rïí 'sweet' (< tïí 'sweet flavor/taste') kíhĝí 'savory, umami' rohtor 'astringent'
The particle î in CT is a general adstantivizer, essentially turning a noun into a verb or adverb. We have five derived and five atomic terms for the ten tastes CT distinguishes. (I'll try to give the etymons but the site I think I need to check some of them is down so take these with a grain of salt until they're back up.)
First, the atomic terms:
esëgo 'sour' ~ PTa *etʲɤlɔ 'id.'
gesóh 'spicy' ~ PTa *letʲɔt 'pepper, seasoning'
ĝïĝno 'bitter' < PB *ŋeuŋʔnɔʔ 'foul'
kíhĝí 'savory, umami' < PB *kepŋehe 'enough, satisfied, weighty, able to stand on its own'
rohtor 'astringent' < PB *ɹɔbdʲɔɹ
esëgo and gesóh appear to have been borrowed from either PTa or a closely related language.
Next, the bases of the derived ones:
ásał '(table) salt' < PB *hajalʔ
ḫíh 'washing, cleaning, cleansing' (zero-derivation of ḫíh 'to wash, to clean') < PB *qewʔ 'wet, make wet'
lugna 'metal' < PB *lokna
tega 'soil, humus, earth' < *dʲɛga 'muddy ground, mud'
tïí 'sweetness, sweet taste; flavor' < CC tŭi 'sap, tree sap'
Rîs ('Summit') Constructions
CT featured an operation called rîs 'summit' that performed as something of an elative, superlative, or augmentative. It was accomplished via prepending the plural to the beginning of the noun.
ĝuáí 'target, goal, designee' > uĝáíĝuáí 'wanted man, target of assassination order, entry on a hit list'
hes 'root' > eashes 'building foundation'
kámgo 'drive, impulse, force of will' > ágmaogámgo 'zeal, devotion, passion, fury'
kámr 'city' > Ágmrgámr 'City of Cities (Tim Ar capital city)'
łaös 'help, aid, assistance' > ałösłaös 'welfare, the dole'
łimo 'hero' > iłmołimo 'savior'
maran 'man' > amranmaran 'commander-in-chief; executive'
norág 'nation' > ontágnorág 'confederation, alliance, union'
nug 'volcano' > Unanug '(name of volcano)'
sihtí 'death' > isarísihtí 'drawing, quartering, and burning'
If the noun takes a discrete plural in ~ ar, prepend the ar:
éamr 'father' > aréamr 'founding father, dynastic founder'
ísúl 'coarse sand' > arísúl 'glass (as substance/medium)'
oḫí 'ditch' > Aroḫí '(name of valley complex in the Burning Mountains)'
oisog 'passage, text' > aroisog 'chronicle, annals, records'
Derived terms only apply this function to the derivizing particle:
áh dúhłë 'meal, course' > aráh dúhłë 'feast, large meal gathering'
ḫág mektéḫ 'difficulty' > áhaḫág mektéḫ 'insurmountable obstacle'
káud húga 'key' > águdkáud húga 'master key, skeleton key'
sêm riên 'smithy' > esúmsêm riên 'armory'
Sêm here is notable as it can also be used to designate deposits or caches of natural resources; typically, the rîs forms in these cases indicate mines or other refinery operations: sêm lïhis 'salt deposit, salt flat' > esúmsêm lïhis 'salt mine', sêm lugna sígna 'uranium deposit' > esúmsêm lugna signa 'uranium mine'.
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sleepydross · 1 year
To Kill The Gods Chapter One: A House Is Not A Home Content Warnings: Discussions of bigotry, extreme physical and mechanical augmentation, mild non-sexual nudity, drug / nicotine use
Hi. Welcome to Chapter One. Do me a favor okay? Mind the content warnings, I'll try to do them comprehensively on every chapter. Mind the tags, if you want to find story posts easily, search 'Vassal Dash Six Story,' every post will have this tag. If you like my work please reblog I guess, I'd like people to read it. <3 Thank you. ------ As was always the case whenever its 'time to be awake' alarm went off, it woke up with the sound, and let it play for a few moments, until it felt like moving was a little bit easier - stiffness was common, those days. The only work it could find was construction and retrofitting, and since it had the hardware and… physiology… for extreme magic HAZMAT…
Sore, it gestured reflexively as it used its headware to silence the alarm. The creature's bed was simple, little more than a cot with a thin pad on it, as was its preference. As soon as its feet hit cement, it walked the two feet to the 'window,' where it drew the curtains to look outside. Despite attempting to emulate a window, including active head position tracking and syncing with its headware, the damned digiglass still flickered - one of the integration systems was under maintenance, and it had impacted digiglass city-wide.
Allegedly, it was going to be fixed two months prior, but the wheels of the Vegas-4 Urban Reclamation Zone's management council turned… distinctly slowly, because of resource limitations and sheer expense.
With a sigh, it picked up the hot cup of tea that the dispenser on its small, personal table prepared, and took a sip, disquieted by the absence of gear, uncomfortable with the usage of lips. Typically it limited consumption to automatic routines that left its meat numb, but… the tea was hot, and it wasn't looking for more burns.
Outside, from the perspective of EXT-CAM-841 located approximately three floors above, the city was alive with motion. Transport craft based on modified Hellish VTOL engines flitted about, carrying cargo or people, less than a third of them driven by hand. The skywalks were seas of motion, people walking along quarter mile wide pavilions, shopping at stalls…
"Weather," it rasped, cringing at its unchosen voice.
"Weather currently is… unlisted. NAU Meteorological Services are currently on standby due to a thaumic discordance near to the primary detection array," its phone said, sitting on the table by the dispenser.
"That's normal," it murmured, unnerved but… not surprised, explicitly. Vegas-4 had been going to shit for a while. It seemed like the longer the earthbound walled cities ran on, the more and more they broke down. Everyone was focused on Mars, on Luna, on the Moon Egg… down there, in the dirt of their homeworld, things were more and more just… falling apart.
It often pondered… why, but never came to a satisfying conclusion.
The Wall, in the deep distance, towered above it all - the first of its kind, a miracle brought about by the first truly successful mass ritualistic working in human history. On its top, it was green, and covered in the Forest Ring. Sometimes, when it was lucky, it managed to snag logging detail work, and got to go up there - its hardware and modifications were suited to hostile environs, even frigid perpetual winters and thin atmospheres - hookups for atmo tanks were a simple matter, and the posion sap of the mutated trees capable of surviving up there?
It was, by mercy, immune.
It stood there, as the sun clawed its way above the wall, and began to draw lines across the city as its beams cut between the trees and towers. Darkness was a familiar creature to humanity - they had endured it so long it had started to feel like home. Though they were rare, there were still people who eschewed light entirely - the Faceless were sympathetic. To feel light on the skin…
Was all too easy to see how it could be uncomfortable.
Sighing, it finished the tea and looked up at the blue of the sky. For nearly one hundred and fifty years after the Reconnection… all one would see looking up was the Black Accusation, coating the planet in dark, oily clouds that were thickest around The Vast One…
Earth was a scarred place. It took over five hundred years just for the flagging population of the planet to figure out how to unfuck the sky! The Egg of The Vast, the Moon Egg, hung in the sky, dead and inert, permanently aborted before it could birth a twin to their primary problem at that time - Humanity's first victory against the Vast Ones.
The unit couldn't look anywhere without seeing the echoes of the past, of the wars and death, the destruction and adaptation…
When did a rock become little more than a tomb for a tortured past?
These things had weighed heavy on its mind, in the days prior to that, on that morning. The past was a heavy thing, its chains and bones still binding people to ancient beliefs and rituals that made no sense in the modern day - for instance, it couldn't get off the literally god damned rock no matter what it tried. People were still reliant on their biases, and those changed with as much regularity as a clock could tick.
The boom of accepting willing, hard upgraded Faceless onto terraforming effort teams, colony teams, even fucking planet-side land reclaimation teams… had passed, almost at the same time as it made the choice to adopt a visage of choice, and not one of simple happenstance. Regardless of the pervasive nonsense suddenly on the minds of every recruiter, every organizer and every ridiculous head-up-ass logistics director…
It'd pass, and until then, there would always be work for folks like it, even if people didn't want to admit it, wanted to pretend they weren't useful, wanted to act like they were freaks or weirdos or whatever new bullshit they'd come up with. It'd pass, and people would be willing to let it be useful again. Until then, holding pattern. Do its best, as much work as it could that was useful and difficult and-
"Pardon me for the interruption," the building's management AI said, in her measured, clipped tone. Overall, the Unit found her to be quite pleasant, but not really so pleasant intruding on its privacy.
"My settings have not been altered," it said, quietly. "Do you see me?"
"No, Unit, I do not. Protocol does not allow visual settings overrides in any private space. Audio is only available so long as my task is incomplete," it said, speaking to the unit like a fucking person for once. In the presence of others, she was required to be in front-facing mode, which forced a faux sort of clean, sterile cheeriness. "I experience no pleasure from intruding, believe me."
"I do," it replied. "What is it, Nancy?"
"A priority two-fehu communication request has been directed through the Redline System, with your designation on it," the AI replied. The unit looked up, sharply. Two-fehu was high classification - and the Redline System? That was supposed to be for contacting government folks, or contractors, scientists… not random Faceless. "I have not been provided any meaningful information, nor any details."
"Request them, please… I'm sorry," it said, tiredly. Nancy had enough work on her plate managing the building, even with the upgrades to her hardware systems. She was, granted, an L-AI, her neural systems inherently limited - not on purpose, and not for lack of trying. Even the most advanced Hellish AI were L-AI, making the designation almost pointless. No one was even sure if a C-AI, complete versus limited AI, was even possible.
No one was sure Death would allow it.
"All details stated to be classified above L-AI access allowances," she replied, after several moments. "The call is from… hm. The name is concealed by means I am unfamiliar with, but bearing a grant signature."
"Grant signature?"
"Obfuscation of the name is approved by the governing council."
That, it had to admit, was a new one. A name obfuscation? Even Faceless had to adhere to required identification protocols, and in fact, had to do so… much more often than others - another petty inconvenience imposed by old bigotries rearing their heads in new ways.
"…will they be able to alter my visual feed settings?"
"Would it matter, given that all integrated security systems were mapped and those maps were provided to you?" Nancy asked. It chuckled, having installed its own aperture caps over the lenses. No one saw its space unless it opened those.
"No, it would not. Put them through," it replied, bemusedly. "And please don't listen in."
"I could not. I do not have the clearance."
The unit frowned, and then regretted it, and decided that it would gear itself up as soon as possible. The Unchosen Form was particularly grating, that day.
As it walked, nude and unconcerned, across its microscopic single room apartment to the shower, the communication connection was completed, and an augmented reality projection displayed itself on the unit's vision, via optic nerve intercept image injection systems in its headware.
"Hello. I will ask right off the start the following questions," the projection of a vaguely humanoid shadow said, in a deeply neutral voice. Very spy-bullshitty, which made it nervous, so it turned the hot water on and waited. "How do I refer to you? I am, at best, unfamiliar with… Faceless, as it were."
"This one's designation is Vassal Dash Six," it replied, evenly. "Pronouns are explicitly it/its."
"Vassal Dash Six, fascinating… any other names?" the shadow asked. It washed its furlike mane, a modification chosen for the adaptability provided - alongside the thick pads of fur on the outsides of its arms, covering its back. Dusty, grayish-black, it was suitable, and functional.
"This one's previous work group nicknamed it 'Longwalk,' due to its habit of volunteering for the longest haul trips, which usually required significant distance transport of heavy loads," it replied, uncertainly. "Nicknames are often situational and temporary."
"Why volunteer for extra work? Logging is dangerous enough, even with exo-hardware, especially up on the wall in the Forest Circle. Endurance would also be difficult, and require-"
"Because I have spent the majority of all paychecks on significant modifications to my nervous, respiratory and integumentary systems, making me particularly qualified for hazardous and extreme environments, and because I am strong," it replied, stepping out of the shower and onto its drying plate. Like very few, it had chosen to specialize… and specializing meant that the fur lining its arms and back weren't going to dry themselves, nor would a towel do a particularly good job if the unit wanted it to be quick.
"Cold environments? Low oxygen environments?" the shadow asked, as Vassal pulled on a pair of underwear and made sure they were sitting correctly.
"This one is highly specialized for variable temperature extremes, low oxygen environments, toxic and caustic threats to a limited degree, and heavy load lifting," it replied. This was, if it was a job interview, one of the weirdest fucking job interviews it had ever endured. "I am also equipped with a full headware package, class three, with environmental scan capabilities, bio-tier olfactory chemical detection-"
"Class seven skeletal reinforcement, full exoframe porting… and an excellent service record. Very good," the shadow replied.
"Forgive me, but if you knew all of this already, why are you asking me? Am I correct in assuming you are associated with the government? Because I has no interest in classified work projects, government service, or being treated like I'm not a person," it said, curtly, tugging on its bra and making sure its boobs were situated. "I also require that any longterm work project meet specific needs."
"Explain those needs."
"Consistent access to a pharma printer with necessary components for generation of organic medical supplements or otherwise a specific stock of implant-mangement compatible vials of organic medical supplements for the duration of the assignment plus ten percent for safety," it replied, promptly. "Estrogen, implant managed, primarily. Additionally, progesterone and two hundred milligrams of-"
"Alchemically active sivagyn," the shadow interrupted. "You do not have an internal hormone manipulation and endocrine management system? Only administration management?"
"…those are expensive, alright? Genomic remapping is out of the question, I have no access to any of the artifacts that can potentially enable manual endocrine reorganization, I am… poor. I have what I need, but what I want is a different matter," it replied, no longer terse, but quiet. It spoke patiently, accepting of its limitations. "And what I want is not determined by the current system to be necessary for my continued function and survival."
"Ahhh, expense. The government does worry on that. Very well, let me see…" the shadow trailed off, and its arms moved, hands manipulating what the unit was certain was a number of holomonitors, or otherwise, an entire holofield comms grid. Some folks got so good at holo they made it their own, customizing it, until they were dancers in a sea of light only they could understand.
It wondered what the shadow did for work, as it tugged on a loose tanktop and marveled at the finally completed repigmenting of its skin. Coal black was much more comfortable than what had come before, and with the right modifications…
"Ahhh, marvelous. What is your stance on non-government medical personnel?" the shadow asked.
"Preferred," it replied, tying its mess of hair back and approaching its face-rack. Back in the day, people used belts and things to attach their faces, but the modern Faceless had things a bit easier. All it had to do was approach, and press the flesh and skull to the inside of its face, and the hardware set to work. Bolts tightened into its reinforced skull. Connections were secured, and its spinal hardware numbed its head meat, shut off its vestigial 'eyes,' and limited its sensory input from stock olfactory systems, as well as nervous throughput from its oral structures.
The rear shell sealed, covering the majority of its cranium, save a rectangular slot at the back that its tied mane pushed through. When it removed the tie, this fur fluffed out, filled out the slot fully - but remained, bound.
External cameras activated and calibrated, fed directly through its optic nerve interrupt right into its brain. That had been an adjustment, it was happy to admit, given that its field of view could suddenly expand far beyond biological limits - and the data, even translated, was significantly higher resolution and tracked much more smoothly than biological eyes.
Translator and limiter systems made it possible, but it was still… an adjustment.
Even so, with its face on, it once again felt… at peace.
"Very good. Then you have an appointment in three hours and seven minutes with C-DR. Evan Crenst, details available publicly. He will retrofit your systems, bring all hardware up to current bleeding edge, and provide you with an internal endocrine management system, negating the need for medfab… and I'll throw three hundred thousand coin on top, get yourself something nice installed," the shadow murmured, sounding rather… pleased with itself, for a heavily processed, androgynous sort of voice. "Is this agreeable?"
it snorted.
"Agreeable, sure. Affordable? Hardly. Like you're implying you're going to pay for it, but lady, that's insane, that kind of retro work would take… more money than, collectively, I have ever had."
"The payment has already been transferred, confirmation on your HUD in three," the shadow said, flicking its fingers and lowering its arms. A receipt flashed on the unit's AR overlay, and it blinked.
"…I haven't agreed to anything yet," it said, slowly, starting to get nervous. Faceless were generally considered an issue, by many folk… and their penchant for being heavily auged made them targets for low-retaliation corpse stripping. A call from a redline should not have been spoofable, but people found new tricks all the time…
A few rapid searches and a few taps around on the holo-monitor projected from its personal table showed that this C-DR. Crenst was…
Not just legitimate, but highly rated. Using a barrowkey, it logged into the privately maintained Faceless operated LessNet, and searched the name.
Other Faceless had work done by him - quite a lot of them, in fact. The private LessNet reviews were approximately as revealing as its searches of the general net in that they were unanimously glowing, save for a few who were merely satisfied, and one case of an accident occurring that…
Investigation had determined was not Crenst's fault or doing, through action OR negligence.
If he was a scrapper on the side, he was the most capable, spymaster-tier motherfucker on-
"You will," the shadow said, simply. "But I will humor you, unit. A crew is needed. Interstellar travel is required. The distance is… astounding, and the time it will take… significant. Eight years in Extended Purgatorium."
It stared at the shadow.
"What is the task?" it demanded.
"Dangerous… frightening. Incomprehensible, to some, the seed of madness in others. You possess the necessary qualities to not be rendered a wet, gibbering mess, before you ask why you are being approached," the shadow explained, patiently. "You do want to be an adventurer, do you not? Travel beyond the walls?"
"Ain't easy to get a license when you cant justify your certain death, no matter how eventual," it replied, bitterly. Prison wasn't the right word, nor was 'unfair' or even 'unreasonable,' but… 'frustrating' and 'fuck you' definitely applied. "I cannot leave. No one new has left in months. The government is turtling, and we do not know why."
"You will be granted an unlimited, complete license including full supply requisition and identification of potential homestead sites, and a stipend for purchase of said site, or otherwise necessary equipment and transport to any colony we know about," the shadow told it.
"Bullshit. No one can swing that."
"Swung," the shadow replied, and its City Resident profile flashed on the overlay. Its authority rank flickered, raising from D to SSS. Its travel permissions rating flickered, shifting from 'Limited Work Based' to 'Unlimited - Self Authority,' something it had only ever seen on like, logistics officers and colony ship captains. Its eyes tracked to the 'Disbursement Owed' and it noted that what previously was simply N/A had been adjusted to 'Variable - No Less Than 4 Million Coin.'
That was fucking EYE WATERING, and it didn't even have lacrimal glands anymore.
"I still haven't agreed to anything," it said, slowly, because that had all likely just cost a significant amount of money - and, covertly, it sent a message to Nancy asking her to do a few searches on it from various proxies to verify she hadn't somehow spiked its headware. "And I still don't know who you are."
"By design. Is that a requirement for hiring?" the shadow asked.
"Yes, it is. I don't work for shadows, that's how you get your ass barred from the cities, or worse, scrapped. I might want outside, but I want back in when I want, too - and I'd like to keep my fucking life and organs. I hate to be terse, I do, but this is all very suspicious," it replied, evenly. After a moment, the shadow flickered out.
"Then I want to see you," she said, her voice revealed fully, alongside the call's identification window refreshing to display pronouns she and her, and the name 'Xivisal.'
"You bear the name of the third fallen Saint-Keeper of the Angelus Remainder," it said, quietly. "Why?"
"Because a name, like a mantle, like a plank, like a talisman, can simply be given… or taken… if one wills it," she replied. "And thusly, it was willed."
"Whatever. Fine. Nancy, let her see me," it muttered, crossing its arms.
The shadow re-emerged into its AR overlay, and Vassal silently adjusted the integration system and had it rescan the floor level so her feet weren't stuck in the cement. Typically, it didn't desync like that, except for people who were-
It found itself looking down at her. Sure, Vassal itself was a halfie, touched with succubine genetics, and thusly had the benefit of significant additional scale, but she herself was very much… small.
"I didn't expect an imphound," it said, softly, peering at her fluffy ears, perked, tips just scraping five feet tall, at most. It glanced down at the scrambled blocks below her neck, obscuring fine details of her form, her garb, her everything. "You're cheating."
"Touche," she replied, and the blocks tesselated outward, clarifying her full form to reveal the legs of a hellhound, clad in belted armoring and simple cloth pants. Her torso was the same. All told, it wasn't sure why it expected her to look… more opulent, or at minimum, more complicated. "Your form… so unique, so interesting. Does that insult you?"
"Not quite, but I admit, I am not used to it," the unit replied, glancing aside. "What is my role? Dumb muscle? I don't have any distance combat packages or training, nor do I have any implant-managed neurochemical enhancement or-"
"Yes, the endocrine manager will include such chemical adaptive packages, I specified that as a requirement. Mr. Crenst is delighted, you'll be happy to know, he's having to rapidsource parts from all over the city," she interrupted. "I must say, your lack of non-exoframed images made me curious, and I am delighted to be surprised. Your mask is particularly interest-"
"Face. My FACE. It is not a mask," it said, cutting her off tersely. "I would ask you please not refer to my face as a 'mask.'"
The imphound tilted her holographic head, ears flicking, and smiled a small sort of smile. Golden eyes against the cherry red of impskin was, it had to admit, a lovely combination.
"Very well. My apologies, Dash Six. May I call you that?" she asked. It wasn't used to that. People usually didn't ask before calling it what they wanted.
"Six, or Dash, Or Vass, or Vassal," it replied. She nodded.
"Very well, Vass. My apologies. Your face is particularly interesting to me, and I daresay, quite lovely," she said, and it sighed. The politeness wasn't even a bad thing, it just didn't know how to respond. "Your task will require you to venture into a… let us call it a ruin. This network and call is hardly secure, but you will face potential death, confusion, insanity, ruin, eternal purgatorium, dismemberment, poisoning, corrosive-"
"Dangerous, got it. I gathered from the pay," it replied, sighing. "Fine. Last question, ma'am."
"Shoot," she said.
"The Extended Purgatorium stasis, what's the plan there? I've… never been in an EP pod. You hear things."
"Your consciousness will be suspended, and your body preserved using thaumic, alchemical, and temporal means. To you, it will feel like taking a nap," she told it, smiling again. "You needn't worry. They are safe, and I will be with you on board."
"In a pod?" it asked.
"In a pod," she confirmed. "You will not be able to maintain this living space. I know that is an enormous issue, but alternate payment packages can be worked out at any point, even now, if you'd prefer to return to a similar space with a sum, and so on."
Sighing, it sat down in its personal chair and shrugged.
"Doesn't matter to me, right now. This place was never my home, just where I returned to sleep between jobs. I will… miss, someone, but he will be fine without me. There are others who care deeply for him, others like me," it replied. "Just… ma'am. There's a lot, lately, a lot of shit about Faceless. I've applied to multiple colonization, mapping and exploration teams. Lot of use for someone strong and hooked up… but got no responses, or got outright denied. One of them told me he wasn't letting 'freaks' on board. Why, not me, but a Faceless in the first place? You barely even seem familiar with us."
"You are qualified, hooked up, experienced, apparently capable, remarkably competent, quick to pick up on new concepts, and highly resistant to potential mission hazards - and, if you'll forgive me this, you're so very interesting," she said, and it was still baffled by that. "…and you're polite, and discreet, but you're not trying to, pardon my coarseness, suck my asshole like I shit gold - all things I appreciate. Your nature as a Faceless is, forgive me once more, irrelevant. It is what you are. That is fine with me."
"…huh. Alright, that's… actually… fine," it murmured, inhaling a heavy dose of stimulant and nicotine vapor produced by its face and exhaling it in a light fog. "Neat. I accept."
"Then please step outside. An associate of mine will be waiting on floor three hundred, at the primary dock, in private latching 31."
"Is he going to be weird about my face, too?" it asked, tiredly.
"Negative, he's local, another recruit. Good luck, and I will welcome you on board when you wake from transfer post-op," she told it… and then, she paused, frowning. "Things may not go to plan, Vass. I want… to offer you comfort, and assuage worries if you wake to chaos. The building you are in? It's extremely secure, and prepared extremely well for what is to come. Whoever you… care about… arm him. Warn your friends something is coming, but do it quickly, and be discreet. I mean it."
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am," it said, unnerved. She paused, smiling a little against the dread in her eyes. "What is it, ma'am?"
"Ma'am… the moment you were hired," she said, chuckling and turning away. "Very interesting, Vassal."
The call ended and it dismissed the AR overlay, rising and looking around. Packing the majority of its things was easy - they were already packed in its job bags. The furniture…
"Nancy, I need to request assistance from the building's logistics director - and please, if possible, ping the Faceless and ask if any have seen Zeep, have them direct him to maintenance stairwell fourteen-Jera," it said, finally, moving to the bags and kneeling, digging through them to find a wrench. While Nancy pinged the building's on duty logistics director, it rose and set to work unbolting its gear system from the wall's universal socket pattern.
It also sent a message, an emergency message, via the LessNet Barrowkey connection. They weren't supposed to use that function unless it was real, and serious, and it hoped the Captain wasn't kidding.
'All Faceless of Earth - Prepare. Something is coming. Arm yourselves. Be ready.'
They would listen. Faceless trusted Faceless, and in the city, it was known well enough to have backing. While it turned the bolts, it watched additional messages flood in, reporting suspicious behavior of building management AIs, strange machinery uncovering itself at the bases of many buildings in the Deep Dark, and a notable increase in Union robotics performing rapid, typically expensive, building repairs.
Something was coming. She told it to warn its friends.
It warned ALL of them.
"Crak here, what do you need," a strong, deep voice said, startling it from its monitoring.
"Immediate egress. Furniture must remain. Is that a problem?" it asked.
"Negative, we can handle it. You're… the Facless on 271, East Corner… alrighty. Got it. Good luck out there, Vassal Dash Six" he said, and the unit chuckled, disassembling the gear system and packing it into its padded hardcase.
"Thank you, sir."
"No problem. Disconnecting," he said, bluntly - and with a crackle of static, the voice was gone. It finished its task, and then rose, using connector straps to leash the bags together. No one paid it much mind, not there - there were lots of Faceless in the building, mixed among and with the folk whose organic faces were adequate for their needs. The walk wasn't short, but it didn't mind, and preferred to avoid the internal transit system - especially that early in the day, when folk were on their way to work.
Except, it noted…
The transit system was offline… and complaints or messages on the board for said system had been either suppressed or disabled completely.
Didn't change its plans, however - crowds bugged it, too.
Instead, it walked until it reached the third branch stairwell and used a borrowed maintenace code to slip inside. The logistics manager had long ago given up on trying to prevent the Faceless from navigating the superstructure how they needed, as it was overall more efficient and cheaper to simply let them do their thing.
In the quiet of the stairwell, it ascended, wondering what it'd be like to finally get out into the black. Would it get to feel zero gravity? Would they let it do a spacewalk? It was qualified, at least, for those things…
How would the stars look, from wherever they were going? It had images of the stars over the city on most nights, when the light pollution reduction network kicked on and the city's dynamic lighting AI activated… could it compare them? Perhaps, the labelled ones… if it could identify stars familiar, it could orient.
It was, the unit decided, marked excitement. This was its big break, its chance to go be something more than part of the Human Remainder, to push the knowledge of distant things forward… It was a chance, a powerful chance, to mean something.
This was a chance to really, magnificently be of use.
"Leaving?" a soft voice asked. It activated its peripheral camera, casting a motionless sidelong glance at Zeep.
"I am. Where is your mother, Zeep? You know she worries when you walk the maintenance corridors," it replied, wondering why the kid was so fucking quiet. He moved like a ghost, a graceful creature that was half-human and half hellhound, flicking ears and tail included. Big, luminous gold eyes rose as they climbed upwards, locking right on the side microcam as if he could literally see it.
"She is asleep. I could not. Dreams."
The unit nodded.
"I understand," it told him. He and his mother, Anada, were good folk - kind folk - who had gone through too damn much. The collapse of the Heartbar Reclamation effort had killed a whole lot of people, including the kid's father and older sister. "…do you fear my absence?"
He looked forward, smiling an honest smile missing a canine tooth - most of his teeth had gone earlier that year, but the canines had been slow, common in houndlikes and halfies.
"No, there are other Faceless here who will help my mother when she worries," he answered. "Faceless help lots of people."
"It is our common goal," Vass replied. "I go to the stars, Zeep. Something is coming. Your mother owns a pistol… please, when you return to her… make her get it, and then get to an emergency shelter. Please."
"They sky is your birthright," the boy replied, wearing that odd, loose grin. He was a weird kid - a good kid. "I will sometimes be hard to find, for a time… you know all my spots, the others don't."
"I… wouldn't count on that," the unit confessed. They approached the landing for three hundred, and ahead of them, the door opened. Servi Fifty-fifty stepped through, and xe and the unit gripped each other's hands firmly, initiating an ultra-secure, close range 'Classic Handshake' file transfer. "Xe has my maps."
"Curses, foiled again," Zeep mumbled, looking at the floor. "I lied a little, unit… I'm sorry… I will miss you."
Vass stared down at him, for a long moment, and then took a knee.
"May I hug you, sir?" Vassal asked.
"Yeah, that's fine," Zeep said, sounding strained. The Faceless, gently, placed its hands under his arms and lifted him up, pulled him close. "I'm sorry…"
"Shhh. It is natural to cry, when people part - but important to remember, even in the tears, that perhaps one day we will see one another again, little friend," it whispered, gently. Fifty-Fifty, politely, stepped back out. "…don't worry your mother too much, kid. She loves you a lot."
"She doesn't understand me," he spat, angrily. "I like the corridors and machines… I… I'm happy here…"
"I know, and soon, you can make it your job. For now… just promise me you will stay away from the reactor levels, stay out of the drone's ways, and not get yourself censured," the unit murmured, gently setting the boy down. In an effort to comfort him, it activated its face's display function, depicting a small dark line for a smile, and small dark dots for eyes, all on shiny black vexglass. "We may yet see one another again. I don't know if I will ever return. Right now, you're a child, my friend. Give yourself time… as annoying as it is to be told to be patient."
Scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor, Zeep muttered something.
"Speak up, sir," it said.
"I want a face just like yours!" Zeep shouted - and Vass was taken aback, startled. For all their talks as the Unit volunteered to walk him home, ensure he made it back to his mother next door, the boy kept an awful lot inside… and Vass knew it was not the one to help him get it all out. It just wasn't his place, nor was he qualified - but he tried to at least listen.
"Does your mother know?" it asked. He was fourteen. Implant consent capability could be tested as early as sixteen, and adjudged by relevant personnel.
"…I'm scared, Vassal… what if she's mad…?"
It reached out, cupping his cheek.
"Talk to Fifty-Fifty, like you would to me - and then when you get home, talk to your mother. She has a kind heart, and kinder soul. She won't hate you, or be mad, Zeep."
"A-Are you sure?"
"I am - but even should she be, this world is… safe, controlled, organized. Our kind will not leave you to suffer, even if for a time, you must endure. " it said.
"…that's not comforting, Vassal…" he muttered, and the unit chuckled.
"Of course not, but it is true. Goodbye, little friend. Follow my instructions, as a Faceless would. Get your mother, get her gun… and get to the shelter hardspace. Servi will escort you," it said, standing again - and, predictably, the boy threw himself against Fifty-Fifty's side, who patted his head gently, and gave Vass a silent nod. Xis display flickered, and depicted a smile. Vassal nodded back, and headed past them into one of the maintenance nexuses below floor three hundred. A short, almost bittersweet walk down a glowing amber line painted on its vision by the AR system later, and it emerged onto the private latchings.
Outside of the airlock, the wind whipped its clothing about and ruffled its fur, but the hotwire implants buried in the dermis of its arms compensated - not that they really had to, its insulation profile was more than adequate for that temperature. It walked through the crowds who were important enough or worked distant enough to own their own transports, and the countless people waiting for public group transports or job-group transports…
And stopped before a sleek, jet black craft that looked like absolutely nothing else present. It was, in a word, insectoid, terrible and efficient looking - and the cockpit opened, designed to seat two only. That explained why it was so small, for one - though, not so small it or its companion would not fit.
"Bags in the side compartment," the pilot said, and it nodded, bowing at the waist carefully before turning to the then open compartment and loading its bags in, only to find it did not have room for its gear hardcase. "…is there more room? My apologies for the inconvenience, there is much I can abandon."
"Calm down, fuck's sake," the pilot said, chuckling. "Step on back, viskagixa."
It blinked, recognizing the Hellish word for 'Faceless,' and did as it was told. The craft drifted away from the latching, revealing that it wasn't even using VTOL engines, but the relatively bleeding edge, difficult to acquire gravitational inversion pads - an honest to fucking goodness hovercraft.
When it drifted back, the other side compartment opened, already half-full of bags, but with plenty of room. As ordered, it stowed its case and approached the open cockpit to find a heavyset taurosi, the first one that Vass had ever seen in person. He was huge, easily taller than Vass itself, and with enough bicep and softness to literally fit half of its torso in the diameter of.
"Climb over me, unless that would be unpleasant for you. If so, I'll swing it back around - there's catch nets, below, if you're scared of falling," he huffed - his AR tag was unobfuscated, denoting his name was 'Elona.' It swallowed, trying not to stare at his… extremely generous bust that it had to climb over, and badly did not want to drop a knee into by accident and hurt him, and then said, "s-swing around, please, my apologies."
"You gotta relax," he said, chuckling - and the craft drifted off, scooting back up against the docking bumpers again, allowing it to easily step over the folded down cockpit plating and settle itself into a partially reclined seat. "You know my name, and I see yours, so… What did she tell you?"
"Everything I needed to hear," it answered honestly, as the cockpit plating folded back into place and the smooth, curved sealplate hissed as it was firmly locked. "Dangerous, extreme exploration slash deep space mystery type thing, and all my dreams come true."
"Shit, sounds too good to be true, still, eh?" he asked, pulling the ship off of the latching. The interior of the sealplate displayed sudden tesselation, its interior display activating one triangular node at a time until they both got to feel as if the 'top was down' and all that remained overhead was a quarter mile of cement and living beings.
"She said we could die, I feel like the price fits the task, as vague as that task still is," it murmured. "I apologize for any inconvenience caused in my transit."
"What do you even mean, honey?" he asked, receiving the release signal. Deftly, he worked the utterly esoteric holo-controls and they drifted out of the exit port, into open air. Vassal was forced to admit, internally, that the full-shell display was really quite amazing, as they dipped right and it set to work belting in, before they zipped along through one of the regimented airlanes, utilizing the 'rapid transit' pipeline that'd disallow them from stopping or manual control until they reached the next exit node - or the node nearest their final destination.
"I will be unconscious, likely, when I am transported to the ship. I am also very heavy," it said, simply, and he snorted, and then outright laughed.
"You have got to be the oddest one I've picked up so far. Don't sweat it, hon, you couldn't strain my muscles if you tried - berserker," he answered, settling back once the route was pinned in. "I have, however, been up a day and a half at this point. You mind if I sleep?"
"Not at all, thank you for asking," it said. He just… stared at the unit a long moment, bovine face inscrutible, then laughed quietly again and closed his eyes. Vass stared at the city flashing past, and wondered - was that planet ever its home? There was so little it would miss.
His mother.
The local Faceless population was wonderful, and it was going to miss having constant contact with others like it, perhaps… but the Faceless were anything but unique to Earth, at that point.
Would it miss the flora?
They were familiar, but not of much interest to it.
The Fauna?
…humanity didn't want it reclaiming their land. With a soft huff, it decided… Fine.
They could do it themselves.
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mohamedoffersen · 2 years
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hwangsimmons · 2 years
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nehamore09 · 18 hours
SAP Empowers the Digital Workforce
SAP Empowers the Digital Workforce: Unleashing Efficiency, Innovation, and Agility
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, a digitally empowered workforce is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. Enter SAP, a global leader in enterprise software, actively transforming itself to equip organizations with the tools and technologies essential for a thriving digital workforce. This description dives into how SAP empowers employees across various roles, fostering efficiency, innovation, and agility.
Building the Foundation: Streamlined Processes and Unified Data
SAP's core strength lies in its comprehensive suite of software solutions, particularly its flagship Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This platform acts as the central nervous system for businesses, connecting and streamlining core processes across departments. Here's how it empowers the digital workforce:
Improved Data Visibility: Real-time access to accurate data across departments allows employees to make informed decisions with a holistic view of the organization. Siloed information is eliminated, fostering collaboration and transparency.
Streamlined Workflows: Repetitive tasks become automated, freeing up valuable employee time for higher-level activities like strategic planning or customer interaction.
Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: Powerful reporting and analytics tools empower employees to analyze data and identify trends, enabling proactive decision-making and problem-solving.
This foundation of integrated processes and unified data empowers employees across various functions:
Finance Teams: Faster and more accurate financial reporting with real-time data insights. Streamlined accounts payable and receivable processes improve cash flow management.
Supply Chain Professionals: Improved inventory control and real-time visibility into supplier performance allows for more efficient procurement and logistics management.
Sales and Marketing Teams: Access to a centralized customer relationship management (CRM) system within SAP empowers them to personalize customer interactions and track sales pipelines effectively.
Human Resources: Efficient payroll processing, streamlined talent management, and improved employee self-service capabilities through SAP's HR modules.
Beyond the Core: Embracing Innovation and Intelligence
SAP's commitment to digital transformation extends beyond the core ERP system. By embracing cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), SAP empowers the workforce in innovative ways:
Predictive Analytics: AI-powered tools can forecast customer behavior, predict equipment failures, and identify potential risks, enabling proactive action by employees.
Personalized User Experiences: Machine learning personalizes user interfaces within SAP, providing role-specific workflows and recommendations, boosting user productivity.
Intelligent Automation: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up employee time for more strategic work, innovation, and creativity.
Augmented Decision-Making: Real-time insights and recommendations generated by AI/ML empower employees to make data-driven decisions with greater confidence.
These functionalities go beyond simple efficiency gains; they foster a culture of innovation within the workforce. By providing employees with the tools to anticipate challenges, analyze trends, and personalize customer interactions, SAP empowers them to drive business growth and success.
Fostering Agility: Embracing the Cloud and Mobility
The way we work has fundamentally shifted. Employees today demand flexibility and access to work from anywhere. SAP recognizes this need by actively promoting cloud-based solutions and mobile applications.
Cloud-Based Solutions: Moving to the cloud offers greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Employees can access SAP functionalities from any device with an internet connection, empowering remote work and real-time collaboration.
Mobile Applications: Mobile apps designed for specific tasks allow employees to stay connected and productive on the go. This empowers faster decision-making and improved customer service – regardless of location.
The combination of cloud and mobile technologies allows for a more agile workforce, one that can adapt to changing market demands and seize new opportunities quickly.
Empowering Citizen Developers: Democratizing Innovation
One of the most exciting ways SAP empowers the workforce is through its citizen developer initiatives. Citizen developers are typically business users with little to no coding experience who can build simple applications using low-code or no-code platforms within SAP.
SAP Build: This platform allows employees to create intuitive applications and automate workflows without extensive coding knowledge. This democratizes innovation by allowing business users to solve their own problems or develop applications tailored to their specific needs.
Reduced Reliance on IT: By empowering citizen developers, SAP reduces the burden on IT departments, allowing them to focus on more complex projects.
Increased Innovation: Citizen developers can create solutions that meet the specific needs of their department or team, fostering innovation across the organization.
This democratization of development fosters a culture of collaboration and problem-solving within the workforce, empowering employees to contribute to the organization's success in new and innovative ways.
The Journey Continues: A Future-Proof Workforce
SAP's commitment to digital transformation ensures that its tools and technologies adapt alongside the evolving business landscape. Here are some exciting ways SAP is shaping the future of the digital workforce
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vijay1225 · 6 days
Software Services Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Software service refers to a process of services in which a cloud provider uses a software distribution model to host programs and makes them available to end customers via the internet. It is used by businesses to increase client engagement and provide effective customer care.
Sizing and Forecast The software services market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $1625.25 billion in 2023 to $1748.49 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to globalization of business, enterprise resource planning (erp) systems, cybersecurity concerns, business process automation, cloud computing.
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The software services market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $2626.24 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.7%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to internet of things (iot) integration, artificial intelligence (ai) and machine learning, remote work solutions, augmented reality (ar) and virtual reality, edge computing solutions. Major trends in the forecast period include sustainable and green technologies, 5g technology implementation, digital transformation, cloud-native development, focus on user experience (ux) design, subscription-based and saas models.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The software services market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Software: Finance, Sales And Marketing, Human Resource, Supply Chain, Other Software Types 2) By Service: Consulting, Managed Services, Support And Maintenance 3) By Deployment: Cloud, On-Premise 4) By Enterprise Size: Large Enterprises, Small And Medium Enterprises 5) By End-Use: Aerospace And Defense, Banking And Financial Institutions (BFSI), Government, Healthcare, IT And Telecom, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation, Other End-Uses
North America was the largest region in the software services market in 2023. The regions covered in the software services market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The increasing automation of business processes is expected to boost the growth of the software services market going forward. Automation refers to the technology that uses less human assistance to complete tasks. The use of automation software is a superior and wiser method of cost containment and reduction where the greatest opportunity is to expand customer (end-user) service while steadily cutting expenses, hence, the use of automation in business processes will rise the demand for the software services market. For instance, in April 2021, according to a report published by Zapier, a US-based company that empowers businesses to automate workflows and move data across apps, in 2021, 63% of SMBs stated automation enabled them to quickly shift in response to the pandemic. Furthermore, 66% of employees believe that automation at work allows them to focus on more innovative roles and initiatives. Therefore, the increased automation of business processes is driving the growth of the software services market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the software services market report are Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Epicor Software Corporation, International Business Machines Corporation, Infor Inc., Deltek Inc., Acumatica Inc., Unit4, Syspro Technologies, TOTVS S.A, SAP SE, Cloud Software Group Inc., Qliktech International AB, Tableau Software Inc., SAS Institute Inc., NetSuite Inc., Salesforce Inc., Adobe Inc., Workday Inc., Plex Systems Inc., Aras Corporation, PTC Inc., Autodesk Inc., Dassault Systemes, Parasoft, ComplianceQuest, Siemens AG, Atlassian Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Veeva Systems, Intellect Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Kovair Software Inc. .
The software services market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Software Services Market Characteristics
3. Software Services Market Trends And Strategies
4. Software Services Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Software Services Market Size and Growth . . .
31. Global Software Services Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global Software Services Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Software Services Market
34. Software Services Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix
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2isolutions · 2 months
Need SAP Staff & Resource Augmentation Services for Your SAP Project?
Having the right talent and resources in SAP implementation and operations can make all the difference. As companies strive for digital transformation and operational excellence, the demand for skilled SAP professionals continues to grow. However, finding and retaining top SAP talent can be a daunting task for many organizations.
This is where the SAP Staff & Resource Augmentation functionality comes into play. Whether you are starting a new SAP project or looking to strengthen your existing team, Resource Enhancement offers flexible and efficient solutions to meet your business needs.
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What is Resource & Staff Augmentation in SAP?
SAP Resources Augmentation development temporarily complements your internal team with external talent. These professionals are usually recruited through specialist contractors or consulting firms that specialize in SAP applications. Development services can span a wide range of roles including developers, consultants, researchers, architects, project managers, and more.
Why increase the number of SAP Products & Staff?
Acquisition of core competencies: SAP jobs often require specific skills and knowledge that may not be readily available in your organization. Through the resources, you will have access to a variety of SAP professionals with unique skills and experience within different areas of SAP technology.
Flexibility and scalability: One of the key benefits of resource enhancement is flexibility. You have the freedom to scale or scale back your team based on the changing needs of your project. Whether additional support is needed during busy periods or specialized skills are required for specific tasks, upgrading will allow you to adapt more quickly to changing needs
Cost-effective solution: Hiring full-time employees can be expensive, especially for temporary projects or specialty roles. Infrastructure provides a cost-effective alternative, allowing for temporary external talent to be brought in without the long-term commitment and expense of traditional recruitment
Accelerated time to market: By using external resources, you can accelerate implementation and accelerate time to market for your SAP projects. By having a ready-made team of skilled professionals, you can avoid a lengthy hiring process and get your business off to a fast start.
Reduced risk: SAP projects carry inherent risks, including project delays, budget overruns and technical challenges. Infrastructure improvements can help mitigate this risk by providing access to experienced employees who can navigate the complex SAP environment and troubleshoot effectively.
To get started with SAP Resource & Staff Augmentation
Assess your needs: Start by assessing the needs of your project and identify areas that need additional support. Identify the specific skills and knowledge needed to achieve your project goals.
Choose the right partner: Choose a reputable professional services agency or consulting firm that specializes in enhancing SAP products. Look for a partner with a proven track record of success and deep SAP professional qualifications.
Define scope and expectations: Clearly define the scope of the project and what is expected of the package. Make sure you are aligned with your external team and set your project goals, timeline and deliverables.
Onboard and Integrate: Once you’ve selected your enabled products, integrate them into your project team and integrate them into your existing workflow. Allow access to the tools, documentation, and training needed for a successful repair.
Monitor and measure performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your enhanced products and provide feedback as needed. Evaluate their contributions to the project and make adjustments as needed to ensure they align with your goals.
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Expanding the importance of SAP Resource & Staff Augmentation:
Specialized skills: SAP jobs often require specialized skills and knowledge that may not be readily available in your organization. The resources and personnel available at SAP enable you to access a variety of professionals with specific skills relevant to the needs of your project. Whether you need SAP HANA developers, SAP S/4HANA consultants, or SAP Fiori experts, Enhancement Services can provide the right talent to fill skill gaps and make the project a success.
Scalability : Business needs can change over time, and SAP Staff Augmentation gives you the flexibility to change your workforce accordingly. Whether you are scaling up for a large project or downsizing during a quiet period, Enhancement Services can adjust your workforce size in response to changing requirements This scalability ensures you always have the right resources that will support your business goals without spending unnecessary money on top.
Global augmentation: In today’s connected world, businesses operate globally, and SAP Resource & Staff Augmentation allows you to engage global talent pools. By having a diverse workforce, you can use different time zones, cultural perspectives, and language skills to your advantage. This global reach ensures that you can assemble a high-performing team with the right mix of skills and cultures to make the business successful across borders.
Reduced risk: SAP projects are complex projects with risks, such as project delays, budget overruns, and quality issues. Doing infrastructure and professional development with SAP helps mitigate this risk by providing access to experienced professionals who have successfully faced similar challenges in the past. By leveraging their expertise and best practices, you can reduce the chances of backlogs and ensure a successful delivery.
Knowledge transfer: Development roles provide valuable opportunities for knowledge transfer and skill development within your organization. Working with experienced SAP professionals, your internal team members can learn new techniques, strategies, and best practices that enhance their capabilities and contribute to the long-term growth of the organization. This knowledge transfer ensures that your organization remains competitive in an ever-evolving digital environment and fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
Improved efficiency: With the right resources and expertise, SAP Resource & Staff Augmentation can dramatically increase efficiency and productivity in your organization. By streamlining processes, optimizing workflows, and using automation tools, consolidated teams can deliver services faster and more cost-effectively while holding in higher standards This increased performance translates into tangible benefits such as faster time-to-market, increased customer satisfaction, and improved financial performance outcomes
The right talent and resources are critical to SAP’s success in today’s competitive business environment. The deliverables and professionals at SAP provide flexible and efficient solutions to meet the needs of your employees and ensure business success. By partnering with a trusted provider of SAP Remote services, you can gain specialized expertise, scale your team as needed, and reduce risk to better achieve your operational goals Whether you are launching a new SAP system or not, you want to enhance your existing capabilities, SAP Resource Enhancement can help you take your operations to the next level.
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kavita252 · 14 days
Enterprise resource management
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Call Centre Software in Thailand
In recent years, Thailand has seen significant growth in the adoption of advanced call centre software. As businesses strive to enhance customer service and streamline operations, Call Centre Software in Thailand call centre solutions have become a vital part of their strategy. These software solutions offer a range of functionalities, from automated call distribution and interactive voice response (IVR) to real-time analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) integration. Companies like Ozonetel, Talkdesk, and Freshdesk are some of Enterprise resource management the key players providing robust call centre software in Thailand, helping businesses improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Enterprise Resource Management (ERM)
Enterprise Resource Management (ERM) systems are crucial for large organizations aiming to optimize their resources, streamline processes, and improve decision-making. In Thailand, businesses are increasingly turning to ERM solutions to manage their operations more effectively. ERM systems integrate various functions such as finance, human resources, Custom software development services supply chain management, and customer relations into a single cohesive system. Popular ERM solutions like SAP, Oracle ERP, and Microsoft Dynamics are widely used in Thailand, helping businesses enhance productivity and maintain a competitive edge.
Custom Software Development Services
Custom software development is tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, providing solutions that off-the-shelf software cannot offer. In Thailand, there is a growing demand for Mobile application development custom software development services, driven by the need for specialized applications that align with specific business processes. Companies offering these services in Thailand focus on creating bespoke software that enhances operational efficiency, supports scalability, and offers a competitive advantage. Key players in this sector include companies like Manao Software, Seven Peaks Software, and Outsourcify.
Mobile Application Development
Mobile application development is a booming industry in Thailand, fueled by the widespread use of Odoo myanmar smartphones and the increasing demand for mobile solutions. Businesses are investing in mobile apps to engage with customers, enhance user experience, and streamline operations. From e-commerce and banking to healthcare and entertainment, mobile apps are transforming various sectors. Leading mobile app development companies in Thailand include AppMan, Rumble Fish, and Morphosis Apps, Social media monitoring tools known for delivering innovative and user-friendly mobile applications.
Odoo Myanmar
Odoo, an open-source suite of business applications, is gaining traction in Myanmar as businesses seek comprehensive solutions to manage their operations. Odoo offers modules for CRM, e-commerce, accounting, inventory management, and more, providing a versatile platform for businesses of all sizes. Its modular approach allows companies to start with basic functionalities and expand as their needs grow. Odoo’s presence in Myanmar is supported by local partners and developers who customize and implement the Best email marketing software software to meet specific business requirements.
Social Media Monitoring Tools
In today's digital age, social media monitoring tools are essential for businesses to track and analyze their online presence. These tools help companies understand customer sentiment, monitor brand reputation, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. In Thailand, It staff augmentation services businesses use social media monitoring tools like Hootsuite, Brandwatch, and Sprout Social to stay ahead of trends and respond promptly to customer feedback. These tools provide valuable insights that drive strategic decisions and enhance customer engagement.
Best Email Marketing Software
Email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, promote products, and build relationships. The best email marketing software offers features like automation, segmentation, analytics, and A/B testing. In Thailand, popular email marketing solutions include Mailchimp, Sendinblue, and GetResponse. These platforms enable businesses to create personalized email campaigns, track performance, and optimize their marketing efforts to achieve better results.
IT Staff Augmentation Services
IT staff augmentation services are becoming increasingly popular in Thailand as businesses seek to quickly scale their teams with skilled professionals. This approach allows companies to augment their in-house IT staff with external experts, providing flexibility and access to specialized skills without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time employees. Quality assurance software testing Leading IT staff augmentation providers in Thailand include companies like Taskworld, Andovar, and VLink, offering a range of services to meet diverse business needs.
Quality Assurance Software Testing
Quality assurance (QA) and software testing are critical to ensuring the reliability and performance of software applications. In Thailand, QA and software testing services help businesses deliver high-quality products that meet user expectations and industry standards. Companies specializing in QA and software testing, such as QualiTest, Cigniti Technologies, UI/UX Interface Designer and TestRail, provide comprehensive testing solutions, including functional, performance, security, and usability testing.
UI/UX Interface Designer
The role of UI/UX interface designers is vital in creating engaging and intuitive user experiences. In Thailand, the demand for skilled UI/UX designers is on the rise as businesses recognize the importance of user-centric design in driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Leading design agencies and tech companies in Thailand, such as Morphosis, Pronto Marketing, and UXPERTS, are known for their expertise in crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that enhance overall user experience.
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avendatagmbh · 28 days
Ensuring Data Integrity in SAP Carve-Outs: A Migration Odyssey
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In the dynamic landscape of business evolution, SAP carve-outs have emerged as pivotal maneuvers, enabling organizations to streamline operations, optimize resources, and foster innovation. At the heart of every successful SAP carve-out lies a meticulous data migration strategy, ensuring the seamless transfer of information while preserving data integrity. In this article, we embark on a journey through the best practices for SAP carve-out data migration, illuminating the path to safeguarding the lifeblood of your enterprise – your data.
Understanding the Essence of Data Integrity
Data integrity forms the cornerstone of any data migration endeavor, encompassing accuracy, consistency, and reliability. In the context of SAP carve-outs, where data fragmentation and complexity abound, preserving integrity becomes paramount. It involves maintaining the completeness and accuracy of data throughout its lifecycle, from extraction to transformation and loading.
Laying the Foundation: Comprehensive Data Assessment
Before embarking on the migration voyage, it is imperative to conduct a thorough assessment of the existing SAP landscape. This entails identifying data dependencies, understanding data relationships, and assessing data quality. By comprehensively cataloging data entities and their interconnections, organizations can chart a course that minimizes disruptions and maximizes efficiency.
Crafting a Tailored Migration Strategy
One size does not fit all when it comes to SAP carve-out data migration. Each organization possesses unique data landscapes, business processes, and compliance requirements. A bespoke migration strategy tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the carve-out initiative is essential. This entails delineating clear migration paths, defining data mapping rules, and establishing robust validation mechanisms to ensure data fidelity.
Embracing Automation and Innovation
In the realm of SAP carve-out data migration, automation emerges as a formidable ally in the quest for data integrity. Leveraging automation tools and technologies streamlines repetitive tasks, reduces manual intervention, and minimizes the risk of human error. Furthermore, embracing innovative approaches such as machine learning and artificial intelligence augments data profiling, cleansing, and reconciliation efforts, enhancing the efficacy of migration endeavors.
Fostering Collaboration and Communication
Effective collaboration and communication serve as linchpins in the data migration journey. Engaging stakeholders across departments – from IT and finance to legal and compliance – fosters alignment and consensus, ensuring that migration objectives are harmonized with overarching business goals. Transparent communication channels, coupled with regular progress updates, instill confidence and mitigate apprehensions, fostering a culture of trust and accountability.
Continuous Monitoring and Iterative Improvement
The journey towards data integrity does not culminate with the completion of migration activities; rather, it marks the commencement of a continuous improvement cycle. Establishing robust monitoring mechanisms enables organizations to track data quality metrics, identify anomalies, and initiate corrective actions proactively. By embracing an iterative approach to data governance, organizations can adapt to evolving regulatory landscapes and business dynamics, fortifying their data integrity defenses.
Conclusion: Navigating the Seas of Data Integrity
In the ever-shifting tides of business transformation, data integrity emerges as the North Star guiding organizations through the tumultuous waters of SAP carve-outs. By adhering to best practices, embracing innovation, and fostering collaboration, organizations can embark on migration odysseys with confidence, safeguarding the sanctity of their data assets and charting a course towards a brighter, more agile future.
In the realm of SAP carve-outs, preserving data integrity is not merely a goal – it is a sacred covenant, a testament to an organization's commitment to excellence and integrity. As we navigate the seas of data migration, let us chart a course guided by diligence, innovation, and collaboration, ensuring that our data remains steadfast and true, anchoring our enterprises amidst the winds of change.
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transtracksblog · 1 year
Staff augmentation is a unique strategy for start-up businesses to quickly increase their workforce without incurring long-term costs such as salaries and benefits.
Read more following this article.
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Unveiling the Power of SAP: Revolutionizing Business Operations
In this video, we will delve into the transformative force that SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) has exerted on businesses worldwide since its inception in 1972. Rooted in Germany, SAP has evolved into the quintessential ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, redefining how companies integrate and manage their core functions.
The German Fingerprint
SAP bears a distinctive mark in its design and functionality. Despite humorous attempts to decipher its acronym, such as "Stops All Production," SAP's German heritage underscores its robustness and efficiency. 
ERP Unveiled
ERP systems like SAP ushered in an era of integrated business management, consolidating disparate functions like finance, human resources, sales, and inventory into a single cohesive platform. No longer confined to isolated silos, businesses now enjoy seamless data flow and streamlined operations.
SAP Dominance
While several ERPs compete in the market, SAP stands out as the undisputed leader. Its prevalence spans industries, from oil and gas to government sectors, underscoring its universal utility and indispensability in modern business operations.
Why Implement SAP
Companies embark on SAP implementations despite the formidable challenges involved. The rationale lies in the tangible benefits: real-time inventory tracking, enhanced customer service, streamlined financial management, and automated processes, all of which culminate in heightened efficiency and profitability.
Automation Advantages
SAP's automation prowess empowers organizations to automate tedious tasks like invoice processing, freeing up valuable resources for strategic endeavors. Availability checks and data capture further augment decision-making and regulatory compliance.
Navigating Compliance
In an era of heightened regulations, SAP emerges as a bulwark against compliance risks. From sanction screening to financial reporting, SAP's capabilities ensure adherence to legal mandates, shielding businesses from penalties and reputational damage. Michael Management offers a comprehensive range of SAP courses for aspirants looking to excel in the platform. Talk to us to learn more about our courses. For more information visit: https://www.michaelmanagement.com/
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uswanth123 · 2 months
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Snowflake: Revolutionizing Cloud-Based Data Warehousing
In the ever-evolving world of big data, Snowflake Computing Inc. has emerged as a game-changer. Snowflake delivers unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and performance with its innovative cloud-based data warehousing platform. It sets a new standard for how organizations manage and extract insights from their vast data stores.
What is Snowflake?
Snowflake is a fully-managed data warehouse designed and built exclusively for the cloud. Unlike traditional on-premise solutions with hardware management and scaling complexities, Snowflake adopts a “data warehouse-as-a-service” model. This means users can focus on harnessing the power of their data without the administrative overhead.
Key Features That Set Snowflake Apart
Architecture Built for the Cloud: Snowflake’s unique multi-cluster, shared-data architecture separates storage and compute resources. This allows computing power and storage to scale independently and on demand, delivering near-infinite elasticity.
Pay-As-You-Go Model: Forget the hefty upfront investments associated with traditional data warehouses. Snowflake’s pricing model is based on usage. You pay for the computing and storage resources you consume.
Support for Diverse Data: Snowflake efficiently handles structured, semi-structured (like JSON, Avro, Parquet), and even some unstructured data types. This allows you to unify various data sources within a single platform.
Cross-Cloud Compatibility: One of Snowflake’s significant strengths is its ability to operate across major cloud platforms – Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This cloud-agnostic approach grants you flexibility and avoids vendor lock-in.
Data Sharing: Snowflake’s feature empowers secure and seamless data exchange between organizations, customers, and partners without complex data copying or ETL processes.
Use Cases of Snowflake
The versatility of Snowflake makes it applicable to a wide array of industries and use cases, including:
Data Analytics: Conduct faster, more comprehensive data analysis on massive datasets to uncover business insights.
Data Engineering: Create scalable data pipelines and prepare data for machine learning and advanced analytics.
Customer 360: Build a unified customer view by gathering data from diverse sources.
Internet of Things (IoT): Analyze massive amounts of sensor data to optimize processes.
Cybersecurity: Detect anomalies and prevent threats through the analysis of security logs.
Why Choose Snowflake?
If you’re looking to modernize your data warehousing infrastructure, Snowflake offers compelling advantages:
Effortless Scalability: Handle explosive data growth and unpredictable workloads with ease.
Faster Time to Insights: Spend less time on infrastructure management and focus on rapid data analysis and business intelligence.
Cost Savings: Pay only for what you use, reducing the overall data warehousing costs.
Broad Ecosystem: Access to a dynamic Marketplace of applications and data providers to augment your solutions.
Getting Started with Snowflake
Snowflake offers a free trial so you can experience the platform firsthand. Extensive documentation and a thriving community make learning and implementing Snowflake for your data needs easy.
The Future of Data Warehousing
Snowflake represents the cutting edge of cloud-based data warehousing. As organizations grapple with ever-increasing data volumes and complexities, Snowflake positions itself as an essential tool for unlocking critical insights and driving data-driven decision-making in the modern enterprise.
You can find more information about  Snowflake  in this  Snowflake
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You can check out our Best In Class Snowflake Details here –  Snowflake Training
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