#sanna marin foolish
simply-ivanka · 4 months
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cksmart-world · 4 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
January 1, 2020
Utah Sen. Mike Lee is an expert on the U.S. Constitution, if he does say so himself. Mike Lee has always promoted American values, like low taxes for corporate job creators, guns in schools, religious freedom, and freeing up public lands. He's what Sarah Palin calls a real American. But little did we know that Mike Lee is also a real hero. The Utah senator is playing a critical role behind the scenes to get President Donald Trump acquitted in his upcoming impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, according to Politico. Isn't that cool. Just because he will serve as an “impartial” juror doesn't mean... well, who cares what it means. When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry, Lee began regularly talking strategy with the president and White House counsel. Lee has helped advise Trump and his team on how not only to exonerate the president, but also how to put those stinkin' Democrats on trial. “We’re going to embarrass the heck out of the Democratic Party...” Lee said. “The president’s going to win, and win in a big way.” That's not exactly what the founders outlined in the Constitution, but Mike Lee, is, after all, an expert and a patriot. At least that's what he said. Gotta keep the democracy strong, right Mike?
Here in America, we like to work. We like to work long hours so we can realize the American Dream as seen on TV in shows like, “How I Met Your Mother,” where no one worries about health insurance or college tuition. We like to work extra hard because the spending power of the average wage earner has been stuck since 1970, according to a recent Pew Research Center report. And that's not the whole story. According to Fortune magazine, the 400 richest people in the U.S — the top 0.00025% — have tripled their share of wealth since 1987, while the 150 million Americans in the bottom 60% have seen a decline from a 5.7% to a 2.1%. But take heart, you can always move to Finland. There, Sanna Marin, the 34-year-old prime minister, has a different idea: “A four-day work week with a six-hour workdays. Why couldn’t it be the next step?,” she said. “I believe people deserve to spend more time with their families, loved ones, hobbies and other aspects of life.” Finns already are rated as the happiest people in the world. They all have inexpensive healthcare and education. And they're always skiing and singing. But who wants to live in a place where you only get to work 24 hours a week. Sure, we're not rated in the top 10 happiest countries  (we're 17th), but so what. Happiness isn't everything.
1 – Don't forget Melania's birthday again this year.
2 – Fire that idiot Mick Mulvaney.
3 – Increase golfing from one day out of every five to two of five.
4 – Keep telling white people I'm building a wall even though it ain't really happening.
5 – Convince Rocket Man to sign a nuclear treaty and I'll build hotels in North Korea.
6 – Tell Mitch he's toast if he doesn't shred Joe and Hunter Biden.
7 – Have Ivanka fix the China Trade War— she's good at making money off those guys.
8 – Get my face on Time magazine and blackmail those bastards who give out the Nobel Prize. I deserve it more than Obama — more than anyone, goddamnit.
9 – Give Vladdy the very first membership to the new Trump Resort in Crimea. He'll love it.
10 – And find a way to start a war with Iran to get impeachment out of the news and spur my poll numbers for November.
Here in the Beehive State we love a good Ponzi scheme. That's no lie — Utah is numero uno when it comes to these confidence games, where folks can get screwed out of their entire life savings. Some Monday morning quarterbacks say it's because we are so trusting. People often use the word “trusting” instead of “sucker” because it's more polite. And Utahns are polite people — mostly. Was it P.T. Barnum, who said, “There's a sucker born every minute.” Or was it Greg Hughes? Well, it's not important. What is important is that nice, hard-working folks in Utah keep getting suckered into these deals that seem much too good to be true: “Look, Sister Smith, here's the deal. You re-mortgage your house, give me all the money and then I'll give you back twice as much.” Of course, there's nothing in The Bible about Ponzi schemes — Thou shalt not play thou neighbor for a fool. Although, “Thou shalt not steal,” comes dangerously close. It is fraud, after all. Still, Brother Young does seem like such a nice, sincere man. And he always comes to church with his cute family. And an investment in these gas-powered flashlights sounds like a sure bet. What could possibly go wrong?
Post Script — Well, that's it for another year here at Smart Bomb, where the staff has made a bunch of foolish New Year's resolutions, so you don't have to. It's been one helluva decade, too, where a lot of good stuff happened — we just can't think of anything at the moment. And frankly, it's best forgotten. But we're now into a new decade and hope springs eternal. With the year 2020, Numerology must be on our side. According to numerology.com, 2020 is a very special year of perfect vision and accomplishment. “In 2020, the code of peace, 20/20 vision, and responsibility will help you create real results and security...” How 'bout them apples? Wilson and the band are more into astrology and karma, but even they have to admit 2020 does have a ring to it. And if we all put our heads together and think good thoughts, who knows, anything is possible: global warming could be halted; Republicans could pull their heads out; and the Utes could win a championship — OK, maybe that's a little too hopeful.
All right, Wilson, put down the champagne and take us into the new decade: When the moon is in the Seventh House / And Jupiter aligns with Mars / Then peace will guide the planets / And love will steer the stars / This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius / Age of Aquarius / Aquarius / Harmony and understanding / Sympathy and trust abounding / No more falsehoods or derisions / Golden living dreams of visions / Mystic crystal revelation / And the mind's true liberation / Aquarius / Aquarius...
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