#same with periods though I think bonded fae just go feral when their afab partners leak
ghouljams ยท 6 months
Oh dear lord, my love Ghouls are you Clio jersey?????
Womb tattoos have different meanings for each drawing, the tree like is literally a family meaning, bringer of life and blood of ancestors. I'm giggling and imagine Price literally marking witch as his future baby momma.... Oh sweet heaving... (Can't blame this man, if I was him I would turn into a carpet just for this goodness)....
But there is a trick on this tatto womb in particular, bcs of the branch and name it would turn into a Suffering (?) one. Each ovulation getting witch itching and moody without prices presence or touch. Even worse if he could smell them....
(sorry your drable has, once again, broken me into a primitive stage)
Thanks for the wonderful writing and as always, may you land only knows abundance.
I don't know who that is! So I am just Ghoul!! I absolutely adore womb tattoos I think they're so cute.
Unfortunately Price's mark is temporary. He's hijacking Witch's magic and re-writing it a little to work for him, and it's a painted spell so it will fade with wear. This is where I get to talk about Witch's magic and the way it interacts with Price. Witch's magic is heavy, it's the collective weight of generations of magic, which makes it extremely powerful but she often needs to use ingredients/tools to prop it up. She's still growing into her magic, so to speak. Doing too many things with her magic in one spell means more struts, more pillars to bear the load, so for her period she usually only focuses on 1 thing: keeping her magic/blood undetectable. Which leaves her with little room to manage symptoms and a little bit of a magical hangover.
Price knows magic, he is magic, and he's strong, stronger than Witch. So he acts as Atlas, holding up the world for her. He hardly feels the burden of it. He takes the magic she's worked on herself and tells it, "If you do these things (stop cramps, regulate emotions/hormones, just make Witch feel better) then I will carry your weight, look here's my name, burden me." And to a certain extent Witch's magic(the great line of witches that made her) said, "Alright but if you're signing on to be the rungs on Witch's ladder we expect you to stick around, we expect you to help carry this magic into the next generation."
So I think it absolutely struck Price when he saw the actual branches, the sigils and the signature on the dotted line of his deal, that Witch is going to be the mother of his children. It's all spelled out there in the magic wrapping around her, in the tattoo on her stomach, "John Price" added to the family tree.
And even though the mark fades with her period, you're right. She gets a little itchy the next time she's ovulating, her magic knocking on Price's door like "Hellooooo, you said you'd carry this burden so get to it, chop chop." Which really just leaves Witch a mess unable to think about anything proper and dripping while she tries to work. She has to take a week off. It doesn't help that as soon as Price smells her he gets a little.... off his head. He really tries to be a gentleman, but when Witch presses a little too close she gets bent over the nearest surface so Price can do his job.
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