#sal posts about twewy series
gramoturtle · 10 months
Wings: Reapers, Pig Noise and Soul Pulvis
While playing around with ideas for my AU, I came across some interesting similarities between Reaper Wings and Soul Pulvis Wings.
We've seen both in the TWEWY and in the Animation that Minamimoto has had quite interesting wings. He has multiple pairs of wings. They can shatter or can gain a purple Taboo haze depending on the media. They're messed up in some way.
Even though Minamimoto isn't a Reaper in NEO, could our Chaotic Math Man have a new type of messed up wings as he continues to absorb dangerous birds?
Let's dive into that and see where that leads.
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Shibuya Reaper Wings
First, let's take a look at a couple of Reaper Wings. We see some variations with the Shibuya Reapers.
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Since they are similar to bat wings, I'm going to try and use the same terminology where I can.
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Generally speaking, we have the Arm leading up to a central point called the Wrist where the Thumb(s) and Fingers can extend from. One outer Finger forms the outside edge of the wing and then multiple inner Fingers extend out from the Wrist and along the Arm. The Reaper wings also have a smaller extrusion right by the Thumb too, which can either be a second Thumb or another Finger. The Fingers extending downwards are connected by an Arc, which connects back to the Arm.
Coco's wings are smaller and more curvy while Kariya's are larger and sharper. Uzuki's are even larger, very rigid, and the inner Fingers don't all extend out from the Wrist, but along the Arm.
For the extra piece by the big Thumb, I'm leaning towards it being another Thumb, for theory crafting reasons way below. But if sticking with bat terminology, it would be another Finger I think.
Shinjuku Reapers
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We kinda get to see Shinjuku Reaper Wings. I did some Level Correction to see some of their wings better. (Mourn the variety. It's hoodies only in Shibuya, if you're not good enough, or something.)
Anyways, they generally follow Kariya's wing style.
Pig Noise
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In TWEWY, Pig Butoh (along with Polka and Tango, blue and red colour palette swaps) have Reaper like wings. In NEO, we have Pig Mambo (light) and Pig Bolero (dark). It's a little hard to tell but they appear to have the same wing shape as they do in TWEWY, just that they curl around in front. The overlap might make it look like it creates a "gap" like the wings like for the Pig Mambo (light).
Both the Reaper and Pig wings have a connecting Arc across the Fingers. However, the Pig Noise has an extra piece where the Arm connects to the body, not like the little Thumb or extra Finger by the big Thumb for Reaper Wings, and there is a circular cut or hole removed from the Thumb.
But in general, we can see that Reapers and Pig Noise have a similar structure to their wings.
Now let's get theory crafting!
Soul Pulvis
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So how are Soul Pulvis wings and Reaper wings related?
I stumbled on this by trying to make a Reaper Wing look a little more like a Soul Pulvis wing, and then made a Soul Pulvis wing look a little like a Reaper Wing. Added an additional step, modified the other stages and I got something like this:
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With that, we can see that the Soul Pulvis has a similar wing structure to the Reaper Wings:
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The fully connected inner Fingers in the Reaper Wing gets separated from the Wrist. One Finger moves down to where it would connect to the body, kinda like the Pig Noise or maybe like Uzuki's Wings. A star "eye" symbol appears in the gap between the Arm, outer Finger and Arc. The Arm and Thumb have shrunk. The second Thumb or other Finger by the old big Thumb has grown and now is curving in the opposite direction, away from the Thumb. We could say that the central Star Eye is part of the Fingers or is an entirely new thing.
So what does this mean?
Well, if we were able to see Minamimoto's Reaper wings during NEO (say if, an Angel could still see them), I think they could be at various stages of the above transformation. Maybe they would not reach the same design as the Soul Pulvis wings, but I think they would at least have gotten influenced by his bird snacking.
But that's not all.
There is something else that is similar to the Soul Pulvis and is linked to some Minamimoto:
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The open floating eyes that Felidae Cantus, Minamimoto from NEO's Another Day's Noise form, has. And it can be hard to tell, but there are Soul Pulvis flying circling around the fight, in addition to the mathematical formulas.
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Keeping the Soul Pulvis and the open floating eyes that Felidae Cantus has in mind, we can see similarities. Let's do another transformation to make it clearer:
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Most of the transformation occurs on the side closest to the body. There is a question of how the body side of the wing either grows another Finger or if the innermost Finger strengthens its attachment back to the other inner Fingers. But really they're not that different. And there are some similarities to the Reaper wings too. The tips of the Fingers are closer to the pointy Reaper wing spikes instead of the Soul Pulvis curves.
If the floating Eyes are not something separate, they could be Soul Pulvis wings that separated from their body.
This is why if we continue to use the same wing structure terminology, the Soul Pulvis and the floating Eyes that the extra bit near the Thumb, might be a second Thumb. Although, it could be that for Reaper-like wings that it would be a Finger, even though it's pointing in a different direction and isn't connected by an Arc.
So what does all of this mean?
Super theory crafting time! Let's consider everything so far:
Reaper Wings and Pig Noise Wings share similar wing structures.
Minamimoto in TWEWY and the Animation can have 2 additional pairs of wings compared to regular Reapers.
We've seen from TWEWY and the Animation that his (totally 100% normal) six wings can get messed up by shattering (TWEWY) or get a purple Taboo haze surround them (Animation). The Animation makes it clear that the haze is Taboo haze, which he gains once he gets very Taboo-ified.
Minamimoto has been consuming Soul Pulvis in NEO, so it may mess up his wings again.
There is a possible transformation from a Reaper Wing to a Soul Pulvis Wing.
Felidae Cantus has Soul Pulvis circling around their fight.
Soul Pulvis wings are very similar to the floating open Eyes that Felidae Cantus has.
Therefore, it is possible that our mainline NEO Minamimoto has messed up wings by absorbing the Soul Pulvis, and if Another Day Minamimoto is an even further Soul Pulvis infused Minamimoto - and if those floating Eyes are not something separate or a transformed/part of a Soul Pulvis - there is a possibility that the floating Eyes are his wings.
Now there are only 3 in the fight, which is not 2 or 6. But this is a different Minamimoto. Maybe his wing growth is in progress. Maybe he's learning and can't convert all his Wings into Eyes. Maybe he wants the fight to be fair(-ish). I dunno! But let's consider a Minamimoto who grew so skilled that he could turn his wings...Into weapons!
Anyways this was mostly an exercise in seeing how I could potentially mess up Minamimoto's Reaper wings and this is where it got me. If there is cool fan media of this or someone makes cool stuff based on this, feel free to send it my way cause I'd love to see it!
(Master Post of TWEWY Series Analysis)
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sixtyfourk · 7 years
Questions for the Blogger!
I’ve been tagged by @darlingvagary for this; thanks so much!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20  blogs you would like to get to know better.
1. Nicknames: Most people call me by my real name, but my parents call me Lu or Louie (comes from Peter in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe calling Lucy ‘Poor old Lu,’ and they’d call me that when I cried as a baby.)
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Erm... Leo I think? I don’t really do star signs, so I’m not sure about this.
4. Height: Actually I’m not really sure? Somewhere between 5′6′’ and 5′10′’ so let’s go with 5′8′’, I suppose.
5. Time: 2:06 EST
6. Birthday: Aug. 19
7. Favourite bands: Midnight Oil, Wild Ones, Icon for Hire, My Bloody Valentine, The Choir, Backsliders, Sal Paradise (the Australian Christian one, not the Minneapolis one).
8. Favourite solo artists: Aaron Sprinkle, Steve Taylor, Sufjan Stevens.
9. Song stuck in my head:”Flower of the Plateau,” a vocaloid song sung by Miku and written by mothy.
10. Last movie I watched: Half of ”City of God” for school, and I don’t think that I can watch the rest... it’s full of every kind of thing that I’m sensitive to. I guess that I’ll have to finish it in order to pass the class, though... *sigh*
11. Last show I watched: I’m not sure... it might have been Voltron? It’s not my favourite, but the whole family watches it together, and I can’t really skip out on it when everyone else is watching.
12. When did I create my blog: I’m not actually sure; I think that it was at the end of 2015? I didn’t really use it much until the middle of 2016, though.
13. What do I post/reblog: Mostly FMA stuff right now; lots of Kimblee and Envy stuff because I’m obsessed. My own fanfiction, and occasional horrible art. I’ll also post Astro Boy, OHSHC, Ace Attorney, TWEWY and some other stuff on occasion.
14. Last thing I googled: My time zone (I’m a loser who doesn’t even know that without the internet telling me).
15. Do I have any other blogs: Nope! I’m thinking about making a sideblog at some point, but nothing currently.
16. Do I get asks: Not usually; I don’t know too many people so I don’t get them often. (If anyone ever wants to ask me about my Kimblee headcanons about almost anything, though, then please by all means ask me, because I almost always want to talk about him!).
17. Why I chose my url: When I was 13, I spent the summer programming the Commodore 64, the computer that set my dad on the career path to becoming a programmer. I came to really appreciate the computer and these days I try to share how cool it and its sixty-four kilobytes of RAM really are whenever I can. It’s been my screen name on other sites before, so I was glad to see that some guy my dad’s age hadn’t taken the url yet! 
18. Following: 143
19. Followers: 45
20. Average hours of sleep: probably 6 per night? I need more though... I’m dead almost every school day. XD
21. Lucky number: I don’t have one, but 64 is a special number to me.
22. Instruments: Piano/keyboards, voice, drums, and I can struggle along with a ukulele or guitar.
23. What am I wearing: A black dress and leggings and a jean jacket.
24. Dream job: Video game music composer! Or a video game music analyst. The very best job would be making my own video game on my own, but I’d need to get better at art and programming to do that. I’d also like to be a mum someday, but I’ll just have to settle for babysitting other people’s kids right now...
25. Dream trip: I’ve always wanted to visit Shibuya ever since playing The World Ends With You. I’d also like to visit Australia and see some of the places that Midnight Oil sang about, and maybe visit the Netherlands or Ukraine and try to find some distant relatives of mine.
26. Favourite food: Um... really unhealthy stuff. Basically anything that a picky eight-year-old would eat, I will also eat, and everything else, I will not. I do have a few more “grown-up” foods that I like, but I mostly prefer the stuff that you’d find on a kids’ menu.
27. Nationality: Canadian, but my family all came over from Europe within the last few generations, so I have quite a bit of Ukrainian, Dutch, Norwegian and Finnish influence in my life thanks to my great-grandparents and grandparents.
28. Favourite song right now: Tricky... let’s say “Crazy Comets,” written by Rob Hubbard for the C-64. I have a ton of songs that I’m listening to right now, though, so it’s hard to choose.
29. Last book read: I think that it was “The Black Cauldron,” part of the Chronicles of Prydain series written by Lloyd Alexander.
30. Fictional Universe You’d want to join (top three): I think that I’d like to live in the Rune Factory universe, maybe. Other than that, I’m not sure... maybe just one of my own made-up universes.
I guess that I really do have to tag somebody... okay, here goes:
@distant-glory @shocotate @xmissmichix @just-a-strange-gal
Just do it if you want to, guys :)
Thanks for reading through my wall of text, guys!
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gramoturtle · 9 months
N/TWEWY: Joshua’s Mother & Father
In NEO, Joshua’s introduction follows a similar structure to how it does in TWEWY in English, so I was curious if it was the same in Japanese.  
They turned out to be similar, the only difference is how Joshua refers to his parents. And in the animation, Joshua doesn't get time to bring up his parents.
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The name’s Yoshiya Kiryu. But Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too - Seeing as how you’re my dear, dear partner.
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Heh. The name’s Yoshiya Kiryu. But Mother and Father call me “Joshua”. I suppose you can call me “Joshua,” too.
Joshua's introduction is pretty much the same. If it's not just how Joshua likes to introduce himself, then it seems like a callback to how he introduced himself in TWEWY.
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僕は 桐生 義弥(キリュウ ヨシャ) I'm Kiryu Yoshiya パパとママは僕のことをヨシュアと呼ぶんだ Papa and Mama call me Joshua 君もヨシュアって呼んでいいよ You can call me Joshua too 大事な僕のパートナーだからね since you're my important partner
Already compared to the English version, Joshua refers to his parents in an interesting way, and in a different order. The use of パパとママ, “Papa and Mama”, sounds about how you would expect in English. It's one way for children to refer to their parents, like saying "daddy and mummy".
Similar in English, it's not likely to hear daddy and mummy from someone who's older.
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僕は I'm 桐生 義弥(キリュウ ヨシャ)  Kiryu Yoshiya ヨシュアって呼んでくれていいよ You can call me Joshua うちの両親もそう呼ぶんだ My parents call me that too
In NEO, Joshua says うちの両親, “my parents”, instead of パパとママ, “Papa and Mama”. Using 両親 (parents) is the usual way to refer to your parents.
So then, in English Joshua refers to his parents the same way by using "Mother and Father", but in Japanese it changes from an unusual way to a normal way. In their own ways, Joshua's introduction changes from being odd in some way to being more normal.
Extra Musings
For me, it's interesting that he brings up his parents when he introduces himself, and then says he's the Composer.
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You may not know this, but I'm Shibuya's Composer.
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僕は渋谷のコンポーザーを務めてる I'm serving as Shibuya's Composer
(Aside: "serve", like a job or a role. Previous discussion about that is over here.)
Is how Joshua introduces himself just a thing he does? Is family important to him? How much impact do his parents (related or otherwise) have on him? Are they still around? Is it just a quirk left over "from before"? Whatever that means.
How important are names to him?
Maybe it's a neat callback to his OG introduction. But it caught my curiosity.
Master Post of EN/JP Comparisons
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gramoturtle · 10 months
TWEWY Series Analysis/Theory Crafting Master Post
I have a master post for translations (included below) but I don't have one for other analysis posts that I've done. So here is a master post gathering everything here, including translations.
I do a lot of, uh, extra theory crafting and playing with ideas on my art blog, so those posts aren't going to be here unless they also contain something more concrete. If really going off on theory crafting interests you, then check out the #higher plane experimentation and the #neo higher plane experimentation tags on my art blog. For my main blog, I'm going to start tagging any analysis posts with something like #sal posts about twewy series. If I've missed a post that you think should be included, let me know!
Last updated: 2023-07-22: NEO Reaper, Pig and Soul Pulvis Wing Analysis
< Main Game >
Guesswork on the full and separated White, Red and Blue Noise Feathers. [20-11-04]
An Ask & Collection of Composer forms from TWEWY & Animation: I wonder if Joshua is supposed to be naked in Angel Composer form but we can't see it or we turn into dust. [23-04-03]
< Translations >
Localization: Prince’s F This [22-02-08]
< Demo >
NEO Demo Analysis on Inversion: Artistic piece but also notes things that already have inverted themes. [21-07-19]
< Main Game >
Edited in the vanishing colours for each NEO intro day and finding a pattern: A reversed rainbow + grey. [22-02-10]
Wings: Reaper, Pig and Soul Pulvis, and a possible connection between them [23-07-22]
< Translations >
Issue: W2 Uzuki (not) mentioning the Composer and why Rindo doesn’t react [21-11-04]
Difference: Coco totez (not) told Uzuki she’s resurrected Minamimoto [21-12-28]
Difference: Censoring of God [22-01-06]
Difference: Coco: Summary of EN vs JP [22-01-15]
Overall: TWEWY, Animation, NEO
< Translations >
Master Post of EN vs JP translations. I'll try to keep the translations here updated, but the master post should always be the most up to date!
Shibuya’s Composer Introductions, implying it’s a role [21-11-25]
Issue: “Acting Composer” and Erasure/Destruction from 3 yrs ago [21-11-27]
Differences/potential issues: The Higher Plane, a higher plane and a Higher Plane [21-10-26]
Coco’s Dissonance Noise vs Tsugumi’s Dissonance Term [22-01-31]
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gramoturtle · 2 years
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Added in the vanishing intro colour for each day.
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gramoturtle · 2 years
NEO/TWEWY EN/JP Comparisons
A Master Post for my English vs Japanese comparisons for TWEWY and NEO.
Tagging them as #twewy en jp differences and #ntwewy en jp differences but might come up with a better tag later. If links don't work please let me know!
Master post for any TWEWY Series analysis posts.
Last updated: 2023/07/30 - differences with Joshua referring to his parents in EN and JP.
Prince's F This [22-02-08]
W2 Uzuki (not) mentioning the Composer, why Rindo doesn't react [21-11-04]
Coco totez (not) told Uzuki she's resurrected Minamimoto [21-12-28]
Censoring of God [22-01-06]
Coco: Summary of EN vs JP [22-01-15]
(Short dive in a reblog) How Fret addresses Minamimoto [2023-07-26]
Shibuya's Composer Introductions, implying it's a role [21-11-25]
Differences in how Joshua refers to his parents [23-07-30]
"Acting Composer" and Erasure/Destruction from 3 yrs ago [21-11-27]
The Higher Plane, a higher plane and a Higher Plane [21-10-26]
Coco's Dissonance Noise vs Tsugumi's Dissonance Term [22-01-31]
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