#safi x theron
meanbihexual · 1 year
May I Have This Dance?
Art by the amazing @birdy-the-artist
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Valorum Ballroom, Senate Tower, Coruscant, 3637 BBY, one month after the defeat of the Revanites on Yavin IV
Theron slid two fingers under his collar and tugged on the starched fabric, hoping that this time—unlike his previous attempts over the past half hour—the gesture would actually loosen the garment’s grip on his throat.
“It doesn’t work,” came a gruff voice from beside him, and Theron turned to see Aric Jorgan approaching, clad in his dark blue dress uniform, an impressive array of medals glinting across the left side of jacket. “I’ve tried every time I’m forced into one of these events, and I always leave feeling like I’ve been strangled by a vine snake.”
Theron sighed and dropped his hand.
“The Director owes me one for not faking my death to get out of this,” he muttered, and Jorgan chuckled.
“At least you didn’t get carted off at the crack of dawn by Saresh’s team of ‘Couturier Impresarios.’”
“Her what?” Theron didn’t often consider himself clueless, but he had to admit that he hadn’t even the slightest idea what that jumble of syllables meant.
“Stylists, apparently, though they were offended when I called them that. Showed up at 0600 hours this morning, almost fainted when Phila, Dorne, and Qiy said they were planning on wearing their dress uniforms, and then practically carried them off the ship to get them ready for tonight,” Jorgan answered, and Theron couldn’t help but notice the flash of terror in the man’s eyes as he spoke.
He didn’t blame him in the slightest.
“Phila commed me around lunch,” Jorgan continued, “said all the women from Yavin were there getting glammed up, willing or not. Except Grandmaster Shan—I guess she got out of it somehow.”
“I guess there are some perks to being the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order,” Theron said. Then, after a brief pause: “I bet Safi hated that.”
“I’ll be hearing about the indignities for weeks, if it makes you feel any better,” Jorgan commiserated.
Theron nodded absently, craning his neck for a better view of the entrance to the ballroom. At the top of a small flight of stairs the double doors were thrown open, having already admitted the substantial crowd that now milled around the floor, waiting for the official start of the ball, but the hallway that stretched beyond them stood vacant.
“You’d think they’d be here already, if they’ve been getting ready for 12 hours,” he said, his hand rising to fidget with his collar once more.
Jorgan raised an eyebrow in a strange expression Theron wasn’t able to interpret before it dissolved with a shrug.
“Saresh probably wants them to make a grand entrance, after all the work she had her people do.”
An agreement was on Theron’s lips when a flurry of movement near the entrance caught his attention. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd, vaguely aware that Jorgan was following him, as the voice of the Senate Herald rang across the room.
“Jedi Master Safiya Adraiel, Hero of Tython, Battlemaster of the Jedi Order,” he announced in his smooth, cultured tones, pitched to perfectly cut through the ambient sounds of the people below.
Theron looked up and forgot how to breathe.
Safi stood at the top of the staircase, perched on her toes like she wasn’t sure if she was going to descend or turn and run. Midnight blue silk fell to her feet in soft folds, topped by an intricately beaded bodice that shimmered in the light of the chandeliers. Her arms were encased in sheer fabric of the same shade as the rest of the dress, with her shoulders and the skin above her decolletage left bare. She wore her usual mask, but her hair was pinned in an elaborate coiffure with just a few curls left down to frame her face.
Theron knew he was staring but was powerless to do anything else; in all honesty, he was surprised that his mouth wasn’t hanging open. He’d known she was beautiful, of course, had known it since the moment he first laid eyes on her, but tonight…tonight, she was magical.
“Oh, you’ve got it bad,” he heard Jorgan mutter, but he couldn’t spare any attention for the comment or what it might have meant.
He might never have managed another coherent thought if Safi hadn’t moved then, wrapping one arm across her middle in a gesture that he recognized from sleepless nights spent sharing secrets and confessing insecurities. In an instant Theron was in motion, striding forward and breaking through the front line of the staring crowd, eyes never leaving her face, hand outstretched toward her.
Safi smiled, the small, shy gesture lighting up her face in a way that made Theron’s heart race, and lifted her skirts daintily with one hand before starting down the stairway. When she reached the bottom, she laid her hand in Theron’s, her lips parting in delighted surprise when he brought her hand to his lips and ghosted a soft kiss across the back of her knuckles. Before she had time to respond, he had tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and begun to escort her back to his previous position next to Jorgan as the herald began announcing the next arrival.
“Thanks for rescuing me,” Safi murmured in a low voice as they made their way across the floor. “Jedi aren’t normally announced like it. It caught me off guard.”
“Anytime,” Theron choked out, his voice hoarse, as if he had forgotten how to use the muscles that made speech possible. Then, because he couldn’t say nothing, “You look amazing.”
“Thanks,” she said again, ducking her head slightly as a blush slowly rose to color her cheeks. “I feel a little out of place. I’m sure I’m nothing special compared to the people who attend these balls regularly.”
Theron stopped walking for a moment and used his free hand to tilt her chin up until he could see her face.
“You’re the most beautiful woman here tonight,” he whispered, his voice fierce and passionate despite its low volume.
Safi’s blush deepened, but her smile returned.
“I’ll let you have that one, but only because my wife isn’t here yet.” Jorgan’s voice made them both turn, and he inclined his head to Safi. “Master Safiya, it’s good to see you again.”
“And you, Captain Jorgan,” she responded warmly. “Phila should be announced soon, she was only a few places behind me.”
“That’s my cue, then,” he said, and with a brief nod of his head he started off in the direction of the entrance.
“You look very nice tonight, too,” Safi said, turning her attention back to Theron. She trailed her hand along the sleeve of his jacket, a formal affair in deep blue and gold that was remarkably similar in cut to his favorite red one. “I like the blue. We match.”
Theron was sure that this had not been left to chance—the jacket, along with the other pieces of his ensemble, had been delivered by courier that morning—but he only nodded in agreement. “Everyone will be jealous of our coordination when we dance.”
One eyebrow arched delicately above her mask.
“That’s quite a presumption you’re making, Agent Shan.” Her words rang with laughter, and Theron couldn’t suppress a grin when he answered.
“I could convince you, if you see any dark corners we can sneak away to…” He made a show of craning his neck to look around the ballroom as Safi giggled.
“Or you could just ask,” she remarked dryly, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the laughs that wound themselves around her words.
“There’s an idea,” Theron replied consideringly, as though Safi had said something brilliant rather than simply pointing out the obvious.
She shook her head, and Theron had the distinct suspicion that she was rolling her eyes behind her mask.
While they’d been speaking, the herald had announced the last of the guests, and now the opening strains of a Corellian Waltz floated from the orchestra at the far end of the room.
“Perfect timing.” Theron grinned and took Safi’s hand, executing a rather good imitation of one of the extravagant court bows used by Alderaanian nobility.
“May I have this dance?”
Safi’s smile shone like the stars when she answered.
“You may.”
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meanbihexual · 2 years
for the soft prompts, "kissing their lover’s knuckles"
Oh my god it's been 3 months since you asked this. I'm so sorry, I'm like a snail trying to escape from molasses. But I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you for the prompt! (Also, I wrote some of this from Theron's PoV and I'll probably post it later after I have time to clean it up because I think it's funny.)
Stupidity, or, How to Tell Your Jedi Girlfriend You Got into a Fistfight
Rating: E
Pairing: Theron Shan/Safiya Adraiel (f!Jedi Knight)
The light side of the Force did not breathe easily on Yavin IV. Centuries of darkness, of every centimeter of this jungle moon steeping in the hatred and madness of Vitiate and his most devoted, had transformed it into a gaping wound that oozed cold tendrils of dread into the very air that surrounded it. Even for a Jedi Master, experienced in both the ways of the dark side and the former Sith Emperor as Safi was, finding the light here was a long, slogging battle.
From the moment that Republic troops had landed in the section of jungle that had been selected to house their camp, it became apparent that something was going to have to be done about the ever-present darkness. Their side of the Coalition simply wasn’t used to this sort of energy, and after the first day planetside, when 38 fights, 162 instances of insubordination, and “a frankly ridiculous amount” of unprompted crying fits were reported, Grandmaster Satele charged the Jedi with doing whatever they were able to mitigate the effects on themselves and their comrades.
Which was why Safi now found herself, tired and stiff, sitting cross-legged on her camp bed and trying to shake off the aftereffects of several hours of largely fruitless meditation. Her attempts to soothe and sway the Force into something less oppressive hadn’t made much progress tonight, but she supposed that was only to be expected. Anything that was going to be easily influenced would already have been taken care of in the last few weeks, and what was left was going to take considerably more effort.
For now, though, there was no sense in continuing to throw herself at the problem; she had exhausted her mind this evening, and she needed to get out of her head, to exercise physical muscles instead of mental.
She was so drained that she didn’t even notice Theron’s approach until the security panel at the door of her tent chimed and he ducked under the flap, turning to secure it once more after he stepped through. Since their time on Rishi, when she had stopped fighting the attraction that had been growing between them since their first meeting, her awareness of him through the Force had grown quickly. If he was anywhere near his presence flamed across her senses like a supernova that she couldn’t ignore if she tried. That he had been able to surprise her at all was a testament to how thoroughly she had worn herself out.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she started, stretching her neck side to side as she spoke. “I need—” She broke off suddenly as Theron turned to her and she got her first real look at him. The beginnings of what would likely be a nasty bruise blossomed across his left jaw and cheekbone, and his lip on the same side was split and swollen. His jacket was off, draped over one arm, and the white shirt he wore was dirty and torn in several places. Splotches of blood stained the hem on the right side, Safi guessed due to his hand, which was wrapped in the fabric and pressed against his torso.
She stood hurriedly, crossing the short distance between them in a few quick steps. Standing before him, her hand came up to his face, fingers hovering just centimeters over his bruised skin.
“What happened?” she asked, concern and dismay winding through her words.
Theron lifted his uninjured hand and rubbed it across the back of his neck, looking distinctly sheepish as he spoke.
“I got in a fight.”
“A fight?” Safi echoed, raising a brow in disbelief and drawing back slightly. She moved to cross her arms, changed her mind halfway through, and motioned to the bed instead.
“Sit down. I’ll get the med kit, and you can tell me what happened while I patch you up.”
She could hear the change in her voice, the tone that had morphed from caring to something much less sympathetic after his admission, but she was at a loss to do anything about it. Of all the explanations he could have offered, a fight was the last thing she had expected. What could have possessed him…but maybe she was being unfair. It was possible it had been completely legitimate, she reasoned as she moved to the locker on the back wall of the tent, opening it and removing a small med kit. She should give him a chance to explain.
Returning to the bed and sitting down in front of him, she opened the case, removing a small tube of kolto gel and breaking the seal. Squeezing a dollop onto two fingers, she began to gently dab the medicine onto his bruised face.
“So?” she prompted as she worked.
Theron sighed, and her faint hopes for a reasonable explanation evaporated as she watched his face contort with embarrassment.
“Please tell me it wasn’t with an Imperial,” Safi continued when he remained silent for another moment.
He started to shake his head before seeming to remember that she needed him to stay still.
“No,” he said instead. “A Republic soldier.”
Safi squeezed out more kolto and moved from his cheek to his split lip. Theron hissed as the kolto made contact with the open wound and she winced.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized, trying to keep her touch as gentle as possible. “I know it stings.”
Theron reached out and laid his good hand on her knee.
“It’s okay,” he assured her, self-deprecation heavy in his voice. “My fault for getting in a fight, not yours.”
“Can’t argue with that,” she answered, a tiny smile flitting across her face. “I’m done with your face. Let’s see that hand.”
Theron unwound the hem of shirt from around his fingers and held his hand out to Safi, who took it in her own and examined it closely. The middle knuckles of all four fingers were split and sluggishly oozing blood; the shirt seemed to have slowed but not stopped the bleeding. Bruises spread both up and down from the wounds, and his pointer finger sat crookedly in a way that she was sure meant it was broken.
“I thought you SIS agents would know how to throw a punch without hurting yourself,” she mused, rummaging through the med kit for cleaning solution and bandages.
“I know how to punch,” Theron huffed. He muttered a colorful string of curses under his breath as Safi began the arduous process of cleaning dirt and other grit from his knuckles before continuing. “How was I supposed to know that bastard had a durasteel plate in his cheek?”
Safi hmmed noncommittally, not looking up from her task.
“So why were you fighting with this durasteel-cheeked soldier in the first place?” she asked.
“He was running his mouth outside the mess tent for anyone to hear. I told him to go back to the barracks, sober up before he said something that got him in trouble. He didn’t like my suggestion and took a swing at me, so I returned the favor.”
“What was he saying?” she asked, moving on from cleaning to applying kolto. “Sorry,” she interjected again as the kolto made first contact with his fingers.
The hand that still rested on Safi’s knee gave a quick squeeze of reassurance as Theron answered.
“Nothing worth repeating. He’ll think twice about doing it again, though—I stopped to talk to his commanding officer of the way here. He’ll be on waste disposal duty on the Dauntless for the next month.”
Safi felt like she was missing something. She had seen Theron in action, knew how easy it would have been for him to disable the drunk soldier without harming him and leave the discipline to his commanding officer.
“Were you not wearing your bracers?” she asked, knowing the answer already as she stared pointedly at the pieces encircling his wrists.
When he didn’t answer her eyes flicked up his face. His cheeks were flushed and he looked distinctly uncomfortable.
“I…” he started, trailed off, and didn’t say anything more.
Safi kept pressing. “Or could you not have evaded him until someone arrived to help you subdue him? I’ve seen how quickly soldiers gather for things like that.” Her hands remained busy as she spoke, finishing up with the kolto and moving on to splint the broken finger. She made quick work of that, her hands gentle but sure, and began to wind a bandage around all of the injured fingers.
The two of them were quiet for a long moment. The silence seemed to drag on and Safi felt her jaw tighten and her shoulders stiffen as she wondered whether he didn’t know the answer to her question or if he just didn’t want to explain. A lifetime of practice had her inhaling a slow breath through her nose, visualizing her frustration fluttering away on the air as she released it from her lungs.
As she secured the end of the bandage, another thought occurred to her. “Or—”
She only got out a single syllable before Theron finally spoke, the words exploding from his lips as if he had just lost a heated battle to keep them inside.
“He was  talking about you, okay?” He let go of her knee to run his good hand over his face, cursed as he pressed too hard against his bruises, and dropped it again with a sigh. “He was talking about you, and I just…lost control.”
Safi stared at him blankly, still cradling his hand in hers, processing his confession.
It neither surprised nor bothered her that some of the coalition would have less than kind things to say about her. She was a very public, prominent face of a small group that had asked them to lay down their arms and work with their sworn enemies—enemies who, in many cases, weren’t just philosophically different. No, most of the men and women in this camp had lost family, friends, homes, and more to the Empire, and she knew the same was true in reverse. It was only natural that some people would take that stress out on her, and her mind skipped over that information with barely any consideration.
What did surprise her, though, what had her thoughts swirling and crashing like the waves on Manaan during a hurricane, was the fact that Theron had gotten into a fight to…what? Defend her honor? Her first instinct was to tell him it wasn’t necessary—this certainly wasn’t the first time someone had made disparaging remarks about her, and it wasn’t likely to be the last—but she couldn’t deny that something inside her softened at the idea of him standing up for her. That didn’t change the fact that brawling was not something she approved of, and frankly she was still shocked that Theron had lost his cool like that.
He had remained quiet while she took in what he had said, and she noticed now that he looked miserable. Aside from his injuries, he held his mouth in a tight line, his eyes were downcast with what looked like guilt—and she suddenly realized how stupid she was being.
“Theron,” his name poured from her lips, soft and smooth as shadowsilk, and his eyes flicked up to meet hers with surprise. Clearly, whatever he had been expecting her response to be, it wasn’t this.
Safi tried to continue, to put into words the storm of affection and concern inside of her, but nothing came out. How could she tell him all at once that she was both frustrated and undone by him, worried about and irritated with him, overcome with tenderness and disbelief and something else, something soft and warm and utterly terrifying that she no name for?
She couldn’t, so instead she raised his injured hand to her lips and ghosted a gentle kiss across his bandaged knuckles. Immediately his face softened, one side of his mouth tilting up into that little half smile that made her insides melt.
“It was stupid, huh?” he said laughingly, shifting so that he could pull her against his side.
“Very stupid, yes,” she agreed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Next time, just start with the shit duty.”
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meanbihexual · 2 years
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Tagged by @starknstarwars like 2 weeks ago, but I finally remembered that it was Sunday on the correct day!
No pressure tagging @sithwarblade, @walk-ng-d-saster, @lovelyladyl, and @davidoodles
From the Safi/Theron Regency AU I'm currently working on:
“Do you know Colonel Darok?” he inquired as he led her along the gravel path that led away from the terrace, lined on either side with riotous blooms of pink and purple hydrangeas.
“We were introduced while I was in town, at…” she trailed off for a moment, a tiny frown crossing her features as she tried to recall their initial acquaintance. “The Jensyn ball, perhaps, though I cannot be certain.”
“And what do you think of him?”
“I truly do not know him well enough to form an opinion,” she answered honestly. “I can tell you that he was not included on Lady Parr’s list of Gentlemen to Avoid at All Costs,” she continued, both humor and capital letters evident in her tone, “so he seems to be acceptable in the eyes of the ton.”
Theron raised an eyebrow, a small smile quirking one corner of his mouth as he asked, “She has a list?”
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meanbihexual · 2 years
👀Chasing the Sun
Chasing the Sun is my long Safi/Theron fic, which starts pre-SoR and goes until I decided that I didn't like canon anymore and took it massively AU. It's currently undergoing lots of rewrites because I've made about 50 different AU decisions and I keep changing my mind about how they all work together.
It's a lot of missing moments, extra exposition, and fixing some of the things that don't make sense from Forged Alliances all the way through Ziost, and then when it gets to KOTFE it goes off the rails and I just start doing other things with the plot, but the main focus is Safi and Theron's relationship and how it progresses. Very much a romance story with a backdrop of galaxy saving and other shenanigans.
It also is the foundation for my unified canon AU, in which all 8 of my main class OCs found the Alliance but do things differently than the KOTFE story. (Safi is the Commander, everyone else + Theron and Lana are on a sort of council thing, they engage in galactic chicanery and drama.)
Have a glimpse of the ridiculous level of romance that's typical throughout this thing (although I will say this scene in particular is at the high end of the spectrum even for this fic):
“Safiya,” he murmured softly, wrapping his fingers around her wrist and moving her hand from his cheek to his lips so he could press a kiss against the center of her palm. Safi’s eyes darkened with surprise and pleasure—he almost never called her by her full name unless he was annoyed with her, but the tenor of his voice left no doubt that annoyance was the farthest thing from his mind.
“Theron,” she whispered, her voice trembling slightly with emotion.
Suddenly that feeling, the one that was wonderfully new yet old and familiar, swelled up inside of Theron, and though for a split second he felt so terrified that he might be sick, he had no chance of stopping the words before they fell from his mouth, somber and joyful all at once.
“I love you,” he said, and for a moment he couldn’t believe he’d actually said it; never before, in his entire life, had he uttered those words to anyone, but as nerve-wracking as it was to hear them hanging in the air between he and Safi, he couldn’t bring himself to regret saying them.
“I love you, too,” Safi’s smile was blinding when she answered, and Theron realized that just as he had never said those words, they had never been said to him either, but it seemed very right that Safi was the first to give him the joy of hearing them.
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meanbihexual · 2 years
You must tell me about "jacket earbuds now"!
@storyknitter also asked about this one, so this is for both of you!
I'm assuming the "now" was a typo of new, because I went over this whole thing and I cannot figure out what now might have meant.
This was actually a draft of a tumblr prompt that eventually got expanded to a chapter of a fic on AO3 (which anyone who's interested can read here) but never got moved to my finished folder. Oops.
Anyway, here's a fun quote from the draft (that did make it into the final version, but there's nothing good that got cut):
“Maybe we both need a babysitter,” he amended, untangling his fingers from hers and sliding his hand up her arm, frowning as he felt a shiver course through her. “But at least I know how to dress for the weather.”
Safi snorted. “Tell me that the next time we’re on Tattooine, Agent ‘I can’t possibly go without my jacket’ Shan.”
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meanbihexual · 6 years
Important OTP Questions, #6, 8, & 14, for both of your OTPs
6) Who takesphotos of the other while they sleep?
Safi/Theron: Inever really pictured either of them as doing this, but then I started thinkingabout it, and I think they both do, but with different intents. Safi does it soshe can hold it up later and say, “Look, Theron, you really can go five minuteswithout getting into trouble!” Theron took one or two to put on his datapad sohe can look at them when he has to be away from her for a long time, but they’reencrypted and hidden and encrypted again because he will never admit to it.
Phila/Jorgan: Phila. She’s the picture type, alwaystrying to get Jorgan to smile so she can grab one of the two of them together,and of course he always gives in, but he has to grump a little first. And shedoesn’t really mind that, but when he’s sleeping he looks so peaceful andcontent and she can capture that moment without him trying to hide it, and whatAric doesn’t know about her picture collection won’t embarrass him.
8) Who likesto wear the other’s sweatshirts?
Both my girlsfor this one. Safi is always stealing The Jacket, and Jorgan wouldn’t fit intoone of Phila’s shirts if he tried, so she gets to be all cute in his way toobig clothes and he’s just out of luck.
14) Whostarts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm aroundtheir waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Hand holding:
Honestly, I think it’s about equal forboth couples.
Butt grabbing:
Safi for sure. She never would havedone so to anyone before Theron, but, I mean, have you seen his ass? Girl neverstood a chance.
Aric“I’m watching your back and everything else” Jorgan
Arm around the waist:
Theron, and it’s definitely notbecause that makes it easy to slide his fingers under her shirt and distracther without being ridiculously obvious.
Phila. Jorgan’s quite a bit tallerthan she is, so it’s usually the easiest place.
Fingers in the belt loops:
Pretty much whoever is sitting whilethe other is standing. (Seriously, I think I’ve written something where everysingle person in this ask has done this.)
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meanbihexual · 2 years
Started playing Star Wars again, remembered I love my OCs, wrote for the first time in like a year and a half. I know probably no one remembers anything about any of my OCs, so if you care for a refresh, one is coming soon.
In the meantime, have a short, not edited, written at 2 in the morning Safi x Theron fluff piece, which will eventually become part of Theron Says on AO3, a series of dribbles based on shit Theron says when you randomly click on him in game.
"Should I Say it Like a Spy?" below the cut (if I remembered how to use the hellsite correctly.)
Theron's whisper woke her in an instant, whether due to their attunement through the force or years spent sleeping in or near combat zones she couldn't be sure. Probably both. It was still dark; although the eyes she inherited from her human father barely worked, she could at least discern light sources, and none were present now. Her internal clock told her it was late enough to be called early, and her body protested that it had not had enough sleep. 
"I think we're surrounded." Her husband lay behind her, his chest against her back, one arm wrapped around her torso, keeping her close against him. His lips brushed her ear, tickling slightly, and she wished his words were of a different sort altogether--but there was no time for that now. 
Without even trying she could sense that he was right about their situation; force signatures blazed like suns all around them, blinding in the force-sight that came to life as soon as she woke. She knew what that meant, had expected it, to be completely honest, but that didn't mean she was ready. 
I wanted more time, she thought, even as her muscles tensed slightly where she lay, almost unconsciously readying for what was to come. She turned her head slightly, just enough that Theron would be able to easily hear her reply. 
"There's no getting out of it this time, is there?" 
She felt Theron shake his head. "No hope," he answered shortly, his arm tightening around her for a brief moment. 
Safi shifted, found his lips with her own. "I love you," she murmured against him, and then the attack came. 
They were on her like the manka cats of Tython, leaping and yowling with a wildness that no longer surprised her. 
"No kissing!" she heard a triumphant voice cry, followed by two higher pitched echoes of the same sentiment, as all three of her children landed on the bed, trampling their parents and each other as they fought for prime position on the pillows. 
Sora, their eldest, won that battle, using her feet and elbows to wedge herself between Safi and Theron. It was she who had declared their affection over, firmly entrenched in the age that found any romantic display, in her own words, "grosser than womp rats." 
With a brief burst of telekinetic energy, Safi hit the switch that controlled the lights, flooding the room with a warm glow. While her force sight and Theron's implants allowed them to see perfectly well in the dark, their children could not, and Safi knew from experience that keeping them in the dark was only asking for an accidental injury.
"Help!" came Theron's strangled cry, and Safi looked over to see the twins, Cleo and Callum, each hanging off one side of their father's neck. Callum was closest to her, so Safi sat up and grabbed him, pulling him onto her lap. Cradling him close to her, she leaned down and kissed his face, rapidly planting tiny kisses across his cheeks and forehead. 
"Mama!" He shrieked with laughter, wriggling in her arms. "I'm a Jedi Knight, you can't kiss me while I battle." 
Next to them, Theron had managed to pry Cleo off his neck and had placed her over his shoulder, where she hung upside down, giggling wildly. 
"Your Mama is a Jedi, and I've kissed her while she battled plenty of times," he informed their son. 
Callum looked suspicious. 
"Did she hit you with her lightsaber?" he asked seriously, looking cross when both of his parents began to laugh. 
"If anyone tries to kiss me while I'm busy fighting, I'll kick them and then tell Aunt Lana," Sora declared firmly. "She can hit them with her lightsaber."
"A wonderful plan," Safi assured her, just as Cleo decided she'd had enough of dangling from Theron's shoulder. Twisting out of his hold, she let herself fall to the bed, then jumped to her feet once more. 
"Mandalorian attack!" she yelled, launching herself at her father once more. Safi had just enough time to let out a short laugh at the shocked look on his face before Cleo's siblings heeded her call; Sora rolled to the side, her hands snaking out to find the ticklish spot on her mother's side. Safi shrieked and jolted away from her, and Callum used her moment of distraction to push away, standing in the middle of the bed and letting out what Safi could only assume was his version of a Mandalorian war cry. (He sounded more like a distressed baby rancor than anything, but she wasn't going to tell him that.)
Sora was trying to tickle her again, so Safi turned her attention to her daughter, grabbing her and turning her sideways before gently leaning back against her, trapping Sora between her back and the headboard. 
Sora giggled uncontrollably as Safi said, "One down, and I have a fluffy new pillow, too!" 
While Safi had dealt with Sora, Theron had maneuvered Cleo back over his shoulder, where he held her with one hand, using the other to wrestle with Callum. 
"One down, one more to go," Theron grunted. There was a bit more tussling, but Theron finally got Callum down onto the bed, pinning him under his calf as the boy laughed and squirmed. 
"Got you!" Theron exclaimed, then looked over at Safi. "Should I say it like a spy?" he asked, then continued without waiting for an answer. "Target eliminated." 
Safi smiled at him. "Winners get a kiss before breakfast," she sang playfully, leaning over to close the short distance between them.
Their chaste kiss was met with a chorus of shrieks and groans from their children, and they broke apart laughing.
"Come on, you lot," Safi said, throwing back the covers and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. "Let's go get breakfast." 
Sora, Cleo, and Callum cheered and scrambled from the bed, racing ahead of their parents out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen. 
Safi extended her hand to Theron, pulling him up to stand beside her as she heard Cleo once more yell, "Mandalorian attack!" followed by the sounds of at least two small bodies hitting the floor. 
"Remind me not to leave Cleo alone with Shae anymore," Theron sighed as they left their bedroom. "Or we're never going to sleep past 5 again." 
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meanbihexual · 6 years
Theron Says
A series of drabbles based around Theron Shan's in-game comments.
Chapter Two: What Could Go Wrong?
Takes place on Rakata Prime just before the Legacy of the Rakata Flashpoint.
Read on AO3
“Please tell me we’re not stuck out here on your piece of shit speeder.”
Safi bites her lip, ignoring the laughing tones of Theron’s voice as she tries once more to get the speeder to start. 
“It’s not a piece of—it works just fine, usually, it just needs patience,” she finally snaps, pressing the ignition button a little more vigorously than is strictly necessary.
“That thing is older than both of us put together,” Theron retorts, nudging the squat frame with the toe of his boot. “What is it, the bullfrog model?” 
“I don’t know. It was just one the Order had lying around. I’m not exactly a speeder expert, if you must know.” Another desperate push on the ignition. 
He can’t stop his smile; she’s as close to frustrated as he’s ever seen her, and it makes her more relatable, more like the woman who let him kiss her in a cantina to cause a distraction than the aloof Jedi she’s been so often lately.
“Let me take a look,” he says, and he’s surprised when she moves out of his way without protest. She’s normally very protective of this hunk of junk, like it’s a top of the line custom swoop bike rather than the ancient, barely functional vehicle that it is. 
He knows enough about speeders that he can typically fix any basic issues, but as he removes the access panel to check the engine it becomes very clear that whatever is going on here is far from basic. Safi’s lucky that her speeder just won’t start, because frankly Theron is surprised that it hasn’t exploded yet.
Unfortunately, it’s also their only means of transportation right now. The Revanite presence around the ancient temple had been too heavy for them to land where they’d initially planned, so they’d set the shuttle down at a safe distance and relied on speeders for the remainder of the approach. Of course, Safi’s had broken down on them after their group had split into three, trying to make themselves less of a target.
Theron briefly considers their options. He could call Lana, have her or Jakarro come and pick them up, or send someone from Safi’s crew back to get them after they arrive. Those plans are quickly dismissed; both would take too long, and if they’re going to capture Arkhous and Darok today, he and Safi have to make it to the rendezvous point on time. Not to mention he really does not want to try to squeeze three people onto one speeder.
Damn it. He’s going to have to fix the speeder as best he can and hope it doesn’t kill them before they reach their destination.
“What could go wrong?” he asks himself as he takes off his jacket and sets it to the side. Even if he’s going to be taken out because of Safi’s ridiculous attachment to this menace, there’s no sense in getting grease on the cuffs. 
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meanbihexual · 6 years
Theron Says
A series of drabbles based on Theron Shan’s in-game comments, and Safi’s (often inappropriate) responses.
Chapter One: You know we’ve got stuff to do, right?
Safi had always been a morning person. Perhaps it had something to do with being raised in a Jedi enclave, where she was expected to rise before dawn and meditate as the sun peeked above the horizon, but whatever the reason, her enjoyment of that time of day had never waned. Her lover, on the other hand, would sleep well past lunch time if he was given any say in the matter--interestingly, he attributed his preference to being raised by a Jedi, who expected him to rise before dawn for meditation--but, being a central figure of the Alliance, which operated mostly on normal hours and not his skewed schedule, Theron rarely got that chance.
When awoken early, he required at least two cups of caf before he was fit for decent conversation--he communicated mostly in growls and grunts until then--as well as a few minutes of staring grumpily into space. Not that she would ever use the word grumpy to his face; he would get offended, and insist it was something much cooler, like brooding, and then Safi would laugh and Theron would get grumpier, which would launch a vicious circle that probably wouldn't be resolved for hours. There was, of course, one other reliable way to wake him up, but starting the morning with lovemaking usually meant showing up to their first meeting late, disheveled, and unprepared, so she tried to save that for days when they weren't quite so busy.
When he had started spending his nights in her quarters, and finally, officially, moved in after Lana told him she was tired of seeing him do the walk of shame every morning, Safi had devised a morning routine that satisfied both of them, even on the busiest of days. She awoke before him, meditated, and then settled onto the couch with her datapad to review the day’s schedule. Shortly thereafter, a rapturous Seetoo would arrive with caf for Theron and tea for Safi, just in time for Theron’s implants to alert him that it was time to wake up.
Which was right about now, Safi mused, and smiled as she felt Theron stir to consciousness through their bond. She continued to peruse the information on the screen in front of her as she listened to the sounds of him—quite literally—dragging himself from the bed, then shuffling across the room, down the stairs, until he stood beside her.
“Morning,” he rasped, dropping a kiss on the top of her head before he plopped down beside her, wrapping one arm around her shoulders while reaching for his caf with the opposite hand.
Safi turned her face up to him and pressed her lips to the stubble along his jawline. “Good morning.” She settled herself against him, drawing up her legs and resting her head on his shoulder. Knowing that was all she would get out of him for a while, Safi took a sip of her tea and turned her attention back to her schedule. As usual, it seemed that the day was scheduled down to the last nanosecond; Lana was nothing if not efficient, and had somehow managed to squeeze—Safi did a quick mental count—twenty-eight separate meetings into the time before dinner. Stars, it was going to be a long day.
Which, as much as Safi liked routine, was the real reason that she stuck to this morning tradition; she likely wouldn’t catch more than a glimpse of Theron for hours, and that was only if she was lucky and neither one of them got called away to deal with a crisis. So she guarded these small moments together fiercely, even if they were spent in half-awake silence, and used the memory of them to strengthen her through interminable meetings and lonely nights alike.
She needed those memories several hours later, about halfway through the afternoon and barely five minutes into meeting number seventeen.
“No,” she stated flatly, staring at Dr. Oggurobb across his lab. “Absolutely not.”
“But, Commander,” the Hutt began again, spreading his hands before his corpulent form in a pleading gesture, “the potential scientific advancements—”
Safi desperately wanted to rub away the headache that was rapidly forming behind her eyes, but she resisted, just barely, as she cut him off.
“I’m sorry, Doctor, but you cannot use Seetoo or Toovee as test subjects. Even if I had no other objections, which you can rest assured that I do, the Alliance is not in a position to acquire more protocol droids. So unless you want to take over their current duties…” she let her statement trail off as she gave a brief shrug of her shoulders.
Dr. Oggurobb huffed loudly but acquiesced with a dramatic wave of his hand. “Fine, fine, I shall endeavor to find other suitable lines of inquiry for my research. Now, if you will excuse me, I must return to creation.”
“Good luck, Doctor,” Safi said tightly, but the Hutt was already turning his back to her, clearly put out with what he had in the past termed her “lack of scientific insight.”
She made it out of the lab before her hand came to her forehead, fingers pressing against her brow in a futile effort to relieve the throbbing there. At least her next appointment wasn’t likely to be quite that ridiculous…and, it dawned on her suddenly, this one had been scheduled for half an hour. Lana must not have known the exact nature of the doctor’s request, or she never would have allotted so much time, but since she had…
Safi pulled out her datapad, quickly swiped through information until she found what she was looking for. Stowing it away again, she made her way down the hallway, attempting to look as busy and unapproachable as possible. It wasn’t a look she often tried to adopt, and she wasn’t exactly sure that she was pulling it off, but no one stopped her as she strode past, so she counted it as a success.
She made it to the small, rarely used side hall with, if her admittedly haphazard calculations were correct, a few moments to spare. Now, as long as nothing in the galaxy had exploded in the last hour or so, all she had to do was wait—and not even that long, she thought to herself in a congratulatorily fashion, as she caught sight of a familiar red jacket moving across the opening where her hallway opened into a larger corridor.
As quick as a vine-snake, Safi’s arm shot out and grabbed onto Theron’s, catching him off-balance and pulling him into the shadows with her. She felt his muscles tense under her hand, anticipated the move he was about to make and dodged backwards just in time to avoid the blow that he pulled at the last minute when he realized who it was that had a hold on him.
“What the—? Hell, Safi, you could have said something,” he snapped as he glared down at her. “I could have hurt you.”
“I’m a Jedi, remember? I have great reflexes.” She smiled at him mischievously; normally, he was the one coaxing her away to a dark corner, and she was quite enjoying the reversal of their usual roles.
Theron didn’t seem as amused. “Still—“
Safi cut him off with a kiss, pressing herself tightly to his chest. After a moment, she pulled back just far enough to whisper against his lips. “I missed you.” That seemed to be enough for him to forgive her; his hands came to rest on her hips, squeezing lightly as Safi kissed her along his jawline and down the side of his neck.
He sounded both amused and aroused when he said, “You know we’ve got stuff to do, right?” and she smiled against his skin at the sound of it.
“More important than this?” she murmured, letting one of her hands drift downwards until it settled against the curve of his backside. She knew the answer even as she asked the question—both of them could be completing necessary tasks for the Alliance instead of grabbing at one another in a dark hallway like hormonal teenagers—but she also couldn’t bring herself to feel too guilty for taking less than a quarter hour for the two of them.
Apparently, Theron couldn’t conjure up any more guilt than Safi, because his answer was to twist his hand in her hair and gently pull her head back so that he could look into her eyes.
“Absolutely not.” His voice was low and heated and as serious as a promise, and everything in Safi melted as his lips met hers in a searing kiss. They were both struggling to breathe evenly when he pulled back, and he rested his forehead against hers for a moment. “If we had more time…”
Safi gave an answering sigh. “I know,” she agreed, holding the position for another few seconds before drawing away.
“Tonight,” Theron promised, relinquishing his hold on her and taking his own step back.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Safi said, smiling softly for a moment before her expression changed to a grimace. “I’m going to need it after eleven more meetings.”
Theron laughed. “You’d better get going before Lana comes looking for you, then.”
“You just don’t want to get yelled at if she finds us where we’re not supposed to be,” Safi accused.
“Guilty as charged.” Theron leaned forward, placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Go on, before she comes to put the fear of the Sith into me.”
Safi went, but not before sneaking in one more less-than-appropriate grab, which earned her a laugh that followed her out into the main hall. She smiled as she walked away, her earlier headache completely forgotten.
“You’re in a good mood,” Lana remarked when Safi entered her office a few minutes later, still smiling. “I take it your meeting with Dr. Oggurobb went well?”
Safi just grinned wider. “You could say that.”
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