sirluxninstars · 2 months
Codigo livecodelab:
background black noStroke fill yellow ambientLight ballDetail 100 scale .2 rotate 0, time, 1 rotate 0, 0.3, 0.6 ball 5
fill gray move -1, 0.1,-5 ball 0.6
fill brown move 4, 3, -2 ball .8
fill green move 3, -2, 2 ball 1
fill red move 5,-6, -9 ball 2
fill lightsalmon move 1,-10, -8 ball 3
fill saddlebrown move -9, 3, 2 ball 2
fill mediumslateblue move -5, 5, -6 ball 2
fill dodgerblue move -2,8, -2 ball 2
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wrathiincarnate · 1 year
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you are saddlebrown#8B4513 Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
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colorpictionary · 2 years
Colori X11
La lista dei colori X11 ordinata per 'colore' (puoi anche ordinare alfabeticamente).
bianco #FFFFFF   white
avorio #FFFFF0   ivory
crema di menta #F5FFFA   mintcream
giallo chiaro #FFFFE0   lightyellow
azzurro #F0FFFF   azure
neve #FFFAFA   snow
melata #F0FFF0   honeydew
bianco floreale #FFFAF0   floralwhite
bianco fantasma #F8F8FF   ghostwhite
ciano chiaro #E0FFFF   lightcyan
blu alice #F0F8FF   aliceblue
granturco #FFF8DC   cornsilk
conchiglia #FFF5EE   seashell
ciambella di limone #FFFACD   lemonchiffon
giallo solidago chiaro #FAFAD2   lightgoldenrodyellow
vecchio merletto #FDF5E6   oldlace
bianco fumo #F5F5F5   whitesmoke
lavanda rosata #FFF0F5   lavenderblush
beige #F5F5DC   beige
lino #FAF0E6   linen
frullato di papaya #FFEFD5   papayawhip
bianco antico #FAEBD7   antiquewhite
mandorla pelata #FFEBCD   bleachedalmond
rosa nella nebbia #FFE4E1   mistyrose
lavanda #E6E6FA   lavender
biscotto #FFE4C4   bisque
mocassino #FFE4B5   mocassin
solidago chiaro #EEE8AA   palegoldenrod
giallo #FFFF00   yellow
bianco navajo #FFDEAD   navajowhite
turchese chiaro (x11) #AFEEEE   paleturquoise
khaki #F0E68C   khaki
grano #F5DEB3   wheat
pesca scuro #FFDAB9   peachpuff
acquamarina #7FFFD4   aquamarine
gainsboro #DCDCDC   gainsboro
verde pallido #98FB98   palegreen
giallo verde #ADFF2F   greenyellow
blu polvere #B0E0E6   powderblue
grigio chiaro #D3D3D3   lightgray
verde chiaro #90EE90   lightgreen
blu chiaro #ADD8E6   lightblue
rosa #FFC0CB   pink
chartreuse #80FF00   chartreuse
oro #FFD700   gold
cardo #D8BFD8   thistle
rosa chiaro #FFB6C1   lightpink
verde prato #7CFC00   lawngreen
blu acciaio chiaro #B0C4DE   lightsteelblue
ciano #00FFFF   cyan / aqua
blu cielo chiaro (x11) #87CEFA   lightskyblue
argento #C0C0C0   silver
blu cielo #87CEEB   skyblue
grigio (x11) #BEBEBE   gray
burlywood #DEB887   burlywood
turchese #40E0D0   turquoise
verde primavera #00FF80   springgreen
tanno / catrame #D2B48C   tan
verde primavera medio (x11) #00FA9A   mediumspringgreen
prugna #DDA0DD   plum
acquamarina medio #66CDAA   mediumaquamarine
verde giallo #9ACD32   yellowgreen
kaki scuro #BDB76B   darkkhaki
turchese medio (x11) #48D1CC   mediumturquoise
salmone chiaro #FFA07A   lightsalmon
marrone sabbia #F4A460   sandybrown
verde mare scuro #8FBC8F   darkseagreen
verde #00FF00   lime
grigio scuro (x11) #A9A9A9   darkgray
arancione #FFA500   orange
salmone scuro #E9967A   darksalmon
solidago #DAA520   goldenrod
violetto (x11) #EE82EE   violet
turchese scuro (x11) #00CED1   darkturquoise
verde lime #32CD32   limegreen
marrone rosato #BC8F8F   rosybrown
salmone #FA8072   salmon
corallo chiaro #F08080   lightcoral
ceruleo #00C0FF   deepskyblue
arancione scuro #FF8C00   darkorange
corallo #FF7F50   coral
verde mare medio #3CB371   mediumseagreen
fiordaliso #6495ED   cornflowerblue
blu cadetto #5F9EA0   cadetblue
orchidea #DA70D6   orchid
rosa caldo #FF69B4   hotpink
verde mare chiaro #20B2AA   lightseagreen
peru / marrone chiaro #CD853F   peru
rosso violetto chiaro (x11) #DB7093   palevioletred
grigio ardesia chiaro #778899   lightslategray
solidago scuro #B8860B   darkgoldenrod
pomodoro #FF6347   tomato
viola medio #9370DB   mediumpurple
blu dodger #1E90FF   dodgerblue
grigio ardesia #708090   slategray
verde olivastro #6B8E23   olivedrab
blu acciaio #4682B4   steelblue
cioccolato #D2691E   chocolate
blu ardesia medio #7B68EE   mediumslateblue
orchidea medio (x11) #BA55D3   mediumorchid
rosso indiano #CD5C5C   indianred
oliva #808000   olive
verde mare #2E8B57   seagreen
ciano scuro #008B8B   darkcyan
blu reale #4169E1   royalblue
foresta #228B22   forestgreen
grigio sporco #696969   dimgray
blu ardesia #6A5ACD   slateblue
rosso arancio #FF4500   orangered
anatra #008080   teal
verde oliva scuro #556B2F   darkolivegreen
terra di siena #A0522D   sienna
orchidea scuro (x11) #9932CC   darkorchid
rosa profondo #FF1493   deeppink
marrone (x11) #B03060   maroon
blu violetto (x11) #8A2BE2   blueviolet
sella #8B4513   saddlebrown
viola #A020F0   purple
magenta #FF00FF   magenta / fuchsia
grigio ardesia scuro #2F4F4F   darkslategray
porpora di rebecca #663399   rebeccapurple
blu ardesia scuro #483D8B   darkslateblue
rosso violaceo (x11) #C71585   mediumvioletred
marrone #A52A2A   brown
verde scuro #006400   darkgreen
cremisi #DC143C   crimson
rosso mattone #B22222   firebrick
rosso #FF0000   red
violetto scuro (x11) #9400D3   darkviolet
magenta scuro #8B008B   darkmagenta
blu mezzanotte #191970   midnightblue
rosso scuro #8B0000   darkred
indaco #4B0082   indigo
blu #0000FF   blue
blu medio #0000CD   mediumblue
blu scuro #00008B   darkblue
blu marina #000080   navy
nero #000000   black
0 notes
linusblanket · 4 years
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아이폰을 지금껏 써오면서 한번도 안써본 케이스가 바로 이 새들브라운 가죽케이스+_+ 이번 폰에서는 케이스를 가능한 많이 안사야지 했던 마음이 흔들리고 있다 #하지만좋아 #caseiphone #caseiphone11pro #saddlebrown (일렉트로마트 (Electromart)에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Vp2PsgUWF/?igshid=1dhfb7uj1yjr3
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kwartscreations · 4 years
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A few new not yet released colours. 😊 Still have much more to make. 😶 #handmadewatercolors #handmadewatercolours #handmade #paint #colour #watercolors #watercolours #art #artist #aquarelle #stoneblue #orientalblue #porcelainblue #autumngreen #saddlebrown #chartreuse #umber #seinna #ultramarine #zincwhite #normandyblue #chromegreen https://www.instagram.com/p/B5QECUjHFgY/?igshid=cg9j89spj4g4
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drivingbenzes · 7 years
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Mercedes-Benz CLS 550 (Instagram @mboakville)
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kolorzz · 2 years
Gradazioni di Marrone
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Nella lista X11 ci sono 17 gradazioni di marrone.
#A52A2A   marrone brown
#BC8F8F   marrone rosato rosybrown
#A0522D   terra di siena sienna
#8B4513   sella saddlebrown
#D2691E   cioccolato chocolate
#F4A460   marrone sabbia chiaro sandybrown
#CD853F   peru / marrone chiaro peru
#FFE4C4   biscotto bisque
#DEB887   burlywood burlywood
#D2B48C   tanno / catrame tan
#FFDEAD   bianco navajo navajowhite
#FFEBCD   mandorla pelata blanchedalmond
#F5DEB3   grano wheat
#B8860B   solidago scuro darkgoldenrod
#DAA520   solidago goldenrod
#FFF8DC   granturco cornsilk
#B03060   bordeaux maroon
0 notes
windscattered · 3 years
Color Quiz
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you are saddlebrown #8B4513 Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
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themanofgloom · 4 years
TAGGED BY: @rxdhairxdsirxns​
TAGGING: @lonely-lycan​, @thoseofonen​, @mcladi​, and anybody else who’d like to do this!!
you are saddlebrown #8B4513
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Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
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wovensentinel · 4 years
what color are you?
you are saddlebrown (#8B4513)
Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down.
Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.
Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
tagged by: @masquer
tagging: @beyond-use @acerbicaccoster @heartgriefed @atlas-the-hollow @palevurm @eusyram
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colorpictionary · 2 years
Colori X11
La lista dei colori X11 ordinata alfabeticamente, secondol il nome inglese (puoi anche ordinare per 'colore').
blu alice #F0F8FF   aliceblue
bianco antico #FAEBD7   antiquewhite
acquamarina #7FFFD4   aquamarine
azzurro #F0FFFF   azure
beige #F5F5DC   beige
biscotto #FFE4C4   bisque
nero #000000   black
mandorla pelata #FFEBCD   bleachedalmond
blu #0000FF   blue
blu violetto (x11) #8A2BE2   blueviolet
marrone #A52A2A   brown
burlywood #DEB887   burlywood
blu cadetto #5F9EA0   cadetblue
chartreuse #80FF00   chartreuse
cioccolato #D2691E   chocolate
corallo #FF7F50   coral
fiordaliso #6495ED   cornflowerblue
granturco #FFF8DC   cornsilk
cremisi #DC143C   crimson
ciano #00FFFF   cyan / aqua
blu scuro #00008B   darkblue
ciano scuro #008B8B   darkcyan
solidago scuro #B8860B   darkgoldenrod
grigio scuro (x11) #A9A9A9   darkgray
verde scuro #006400   darkgreen
kaki scuro #BDB76B   darkkhaki
magenta scuro #8B008B   darkmagenta
verde oliva scuro #556B2F   darkolivegreen
arancione scuro #FF8C00   darkorange
orchidea scuro (x11) #9932CC   darkorchid
rosso scuro #8B0000   darkred
salmone scuro #E9967A   darksalmon
verde mare scuro #8FBC8F   darkseagreen
blu ardesia scuro #483D8B   darkslateblue
grigio ardesia scuro #2F4F4F   darkslategray
turchese scuro (x11) #00CED1   darkturquoise
violetto scuro (x11) #9400D3   darkviolet
rosa profondo #FF1493   deeppink
ceruleo #00C0FF   deepskyblue
grigio sporco #696969   dimgray
blu dodger #1E90FF   dodgerblue
rosso mattone #B22222   firebrick
bianco floreale #FFFAF0   floralwhite
foresta #228B22   forestgreen
gainsboro #DCDCDC   gainsboro
bianco fantasma #F8F8FF   ghostwhite
oro #FFD700   gold
solidago #DAA520   goldenrod
grigio (x11) #BEBEBE   gray
giallo verde #ADFF2F   greenyellow
melata #F0FFF0   honeydew
rosa caldo #FF69B4   hotpink
rosso indiano #CD5C5C   indianred
indaco #4B0082   indigo
avorio #FFFFF0   ivory
khaki #F0E68C   khaki
lavanda #E6E6FA   lavender
lavanda rosata #FFF0F5   lavenderblush
verde prato #7CFC00   lawngreen
ciambella di limone #FFFACD   lemonchiffon
blu chiaro #ADD8E6   lightblue
corallo chiaro #F08080   lightcoral
ciano chiaro #E0FFFF   lightcyan
giallo solidago chiaro #FAFAD2   lightgoldenrodyellow
grigio chiaro #D3D3D3   lightgray
verde chiaro #90EE90   lightgreen
rosa chiaro #FFB6C1   lightpink
salmone chiaro #FFA07A   lightsalmon
verde mare chiaro #20B2AA   lightseagreen
blu cielo chiaro (x11) #87CEFA   lightskyblue
grigio ardesia chiaro #778899   lightslategray
blu acciaio chiaro #B0C4DE   lightsteelblue
giallo chiaro #FFFFE0   lightyellow
verde #00FF00   lime
verde lime #32CD32   limegreen
lino #FAF0E6   linen
magenta #FF00FF   magenta / fuchsia
marrone (x11) #B03060   maroon
acquamarina medio #66CDAA   mediumaquamarine
blu medio #0000CD   mediumblue
orchidea medio (x11) #BA55D3   mediumorchid
viola medio #9370DB   mediumpurple
verde mare medio #3CB371   mediumseagreen
blu ardesia medio #7B68EE   mediumslateblue
verde primavera medio (x11) #00FA9A   mediumspringgreen
turchese medio (x11) #48D1CC   mediumturquoise
rosso violaceo (x11) #C71585   mediumvioletred
blu mezzanotte #191970   midnightblue
crema di menta #F5FFFA   mintcream
rosa nella nebbia #FFE4E1   mistyrose
mocassino #FFE4B5   mocassin
bianco navajo #FFDEAD   navajowhite
blu marina #000080   navy
vecchio merletto #FDF5E6   oldlace
oliva #808000   olive
verde olivastro #6B8E23   olivedrab
arancione #FFA500   orange
rosso arancio #FF4500   orangered
orchidea #DA70D6   orchid
solidago chiaro #EEE8AA   palegoldenrod
verde pallido #98FB98   palegreen
turchese chiaro (x11) #AFEEEE   paleturquoise
rosso violetto chiaro (x11) #DB7093   palevioletred
frullato di papaya #FFEFD5   papayawhip
pesca scuro #FFDAB9   peachpuff
peru / marrone chiaro #CD853F   peru
rosa #FFC0CB   pink
prugna #DDA0DD   plum
blu polvere #B0E0E6   powderblue
viola #A020F0   purple
porpora di rebecca #663399   rebeccapurple
rosso #FF0000   red
marrone rosato #BC8F8F   rosybrown
blu reale #4169E1   royalblue
sella #8B4513   saddlebrown
salmone #FA8072   salmon
marrone sabbia #F4A460   sandybrown
verde mare #2E8B57   seagreen
conchiglia #FFF5EE   seashell
terra di siena #A0522D   sienna
argento #C0C0C0   silver
blu cielo #87CEEB   skyblue
blu ardesia #6A5ACD   slateblue
grigio ardesia #708090   slategray
neve #FFFAFA   snow
verde primavera #00FF80   springgreen
blu acciaio #4682B4   steelblue
tanno / catrame #D2B48C   tan
anatra #008080   teal
cardo #D8BFD8   thistle
pomodoro #FF6347   tomato
turchese #40E0D0   turquoise
violetto (x11) #EE82EE   violet
grano #F5DEB3   wheat
bianco #FFFFFF   white
bianco fumo #F5F5F5   whitesmoke
giallo #FFFF00   yellow
verde giallo #9ACD32   yellowgreen
0 notes
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you are saddlebrown #8B4513
Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
stolen from: myself tagging: @asterobellis​, @soughtbirthright (it’s not letting me tag you for some reason?)
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cobblernkolachi · 3 years
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Cobbler & kolachi presents the saddle brown tassel loafers for men, embellished with black calfskin leather. The perfection in the art of handmade shoes. . #cobblernkolachi #brown #saddlebrown #handmade #loafers #tasselloafer #finestquality #leathershoes #shoeaddictions #outfit #dapperman #classy #learther #craft #karachi #lahore #islamabad #pakistanweddings #karachiweddings #desginershoes #weddingseason #tuxedo #shoegamestrong #cobblernkolachi #okpakistan #thegentlemensclub #hellopakistanmagazine #zamzama . . https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPFQnJabenGAXHc9eWtU7Q . https://www.facebook.com/cobblernkolachi/ . Visit our outlet --> Shop#3, Plot#6-3, Zamzama, Phase V, DHA, Karachi. Call us at -->02138920904 / 0300-0071355 Website : http://www.cobblernkolachi.com (at Zam Zama, Karachi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVk0r2B9nq/?igshid=yfvbdeliyxm1
0 notes
kwartscreations · 4 years
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A few new not yet released colours. 😊 Still have much more to make. 😶 #handmadewatercolors #handmadewatercolours #handmade #paint #colour #watercolors #watercolours #art #artist #aquarelle #stoneblue #orientalblue #porcelainblue #autumngreen #saddlebrown #chartreuse #umber #seinna #ultramarine #zincwhite #normandyblue #chromegreen https://www.instagram.com/p/B5QECUjHFgY/?igshid=12jc5ekss318t
0 notes
casesdelight · 6 years
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👉👉Pencil Case for Apple iPad 👈👈 Cases Delight 💁Premium Handmade Genuine Leather case ⭐️ . 🆓📦✈️🌏 . 🔝 Genuine Premium Cowhide Leather Cases from TETDED® Shop now 🛍👉👉 www.casesdelight.com 🙋Link in bio 🔗 . . . #mobile #phone #tetded #casesdelight #cases_delight #freeshipping #leathercase #leathercover #cowhide #technology #tech #2018 #apple #ipadpro105 #ipadpro129 #applepencil #ipadpro97 #ipad97 #applepencilcase#pencilband#saddlebrown #appleipad #ipad #ipadpro #ipadaccessories #tablet #fashion
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mrkjn · 6 years
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#iphone8plus #saddlebrown
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