deyenzzz · 2 months
Everyone in the world makes a new friend, I had one and he made an impact on my life. I called him " Bop" because i like bibimbap. He taught me many new things and a new place, where I can go if I feel sad. He's there if I have a problem, but when he's the problem, he's big enough to handle it himself. But why is that, my world stops when I'm with him, even if we're not doing anything, it's like our world is still fun, maybe he's the best character I've ever met.
His humor is funny and he also has common sense, he is fun to be with because he looks like a clown. He is family oriented and a sporty person, sometimes he is annoying because instead of helping me, he will make fun of me first so we end up fighting. We are both grade 12 students and academic achievers so I can't deny that I have a crush on him, he is good at playing billiards so sometimes I teach him. Once I told him my favorite food so that's why, every time he visits me he brings my favorite food, he is also close to my brother because they are both crazy.
His brown eyes, raised eyelashes, a pointed nose and just the right height. Her clothes smelled good and her nails were also clean. One time he cooked adobo chicken and made me taste it, the taste of laurel leaves, the saltiness of the soy sauce is just right, and the chicken is soft and juicy, he just needs to add pineapple chunks to make it the best Adobong Manok, I've ever tasted. I don't know if he is happy to be with him but is that it? My negative thoughts disappear when he is with me.
He was the best thing, sometimes I used to say hurtful words to him but he wouldn't let me. Sometimes when I have difficulty with a lesson, he will do his best to explain it was clear to me, even if he himself was confused. I know that we are still young and there are many people we will meet and be with, so now I am grateful to him because he helped me how to be happy alone, how to handle the self when you yourself are the ally of yourself.
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deyenzzz · 6 months
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Fearful to fearless
Grow with learning
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deyenzzz · 8 months
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