#ryan m. pfeiffer
havesexwithghosts · 2 years
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Installation shots of “The Venusians” at Come Again in Berlin, pt. 2
The Venusians 9 Sept—22 Oct 2022
Artists: Jesse Bransford, Elijah Burgher, Oliver Coran, Keturah Cummings, Frank Haines, Sholem Krishtalka, Anwar Mahdi, David Anaya Maya, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens, Ryan M. Pfeiffer + Rebecca Walz, Timothy Wyllie
Organized by Berlin-based artists Elijah Burgher and carrick bell, The Venusians is presented by New Discretions, New York + Sean Horton (Presents), New York + Wester Exhibitions, Chicago.
Venus is thought by astrologers to influence those zones of human experience over which the planet’s namesake Goddess is sovereign: love, intimacy, attraction, beauty, pleasure, luxury and the good life. Alchemically, Venus corresponds to copper, which was used for mirrors in the ancient world for its high reflectiveness when polished. Indeed, the goddess is frequently depicted at her toilette, gazing at her reflection while tending her appearance. A mixture of self-care and vanity are amongst her attributes, as well then. The roman goddess and her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, are not the only goddesses of antiquity identified with the planet: Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte and other Queens of Heaven preceded them. The Sumerian goddess Inanna’s journey into the underworld was a mythic translation of a visible, celestial fact: periodically Venus goes retrograde and appears to be moving backwards in the sky. (Interestingly, Venus spins in an opposite direction to the other planets in our solar system, so it could be said she rotates in a retrograde manner.) Inanna’s descent is not only instructive in terms of the planet’s rich history of religious symbolism, but also implicates the negative valence of these goddesses’ principal attribute. Love is not only a matter of joy, romance and sex but also jealousy, infidelity, grief and even murderous rage.
In bringing together this sundry group of artists and dubbing them “Venusians,” we highlight certain threads that connect them and to which the goddess holds the reigns: sexuality, beauty and magick. Venusians, as we define them, draw out the electrical potentials of the sexual body. Elements of sex magick and other rituals, both self-invented and received, find the body unfurling as a tether between cosmic and terrestrial spheres, fellow humans, and non-human and natural participants. Some works represent these practices. Others actively function as elements of ongoing ritual, or are remnants of previously performed ritual acts. Beauty is paramount whether it is a matter of esoteric order, aesthetic expertise or reconceived through challenge or negation. In any case, those electrical potentials must be circulated through an object that conducts those energies to viewers, recasting them as candidates for seduction or religious conversion or taunting them as suspiciously disinterested anthropologists. Those are the stakes. Venusians seek connection that goes beyond mere discourse.
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pfeifferwalz · 5 months
Noli me Tangere
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Noli me Tangere: Selections from the Solve et Coagula series
This selection of collages, part of an ongoing project by Ryan M. Pfeiffer + Rebecca Walz under the title Solve et Coagula, derives from their ever-growing atlas of source material. As the title of this body of work suggests, the artists approach collage in terms of alchemy, a means of dissolving and coagulating images from Art History’s vast archive into new artworks—a synthesis of the elements from which they are built. 
In this series, Pfeiffer + Walz re-imagine Mary Magdalene and Christ’s narrative of loss and mourning by focusing on the desire that subtly pervades their story. Mary becomes an icon not only of ceremonial grief but empowered eroticism, her fleshly immanence contrasting with Christ’s transcendental nature. Individually, the collages cut together biblical scenes with fragments culled from Paleolithic sources to contemporary art. The ensuing tableaus are disjunct yet cinematic, unfolding into a resonant drama of longing, seduction, and intimacy—themes that are often abstracted or omitted entirely regarding the sourced iconography. One finds recurrent images of hands clasping one another, reaching across empty space to make contact, and leaving behind ghostly traces on walls they’ve touched. Fire and cut flowers collide with bloody flesh and crumbling landscapes. Bodies strike operatic poses, writhing in ecstasy or lying lifelessly, always suspended between anguish and elation for what the connection of touch threatens and promises.
Notions of touching and cutting inherent to the technique of collage are therefore reflected within the motifs of the series: one cuts out an admired painting of Mary, herself being cut off from touching Christ one last time; Anna Mendieta entombs herself into the sanguine earth and Apollo’s forbidden touch turns Daphne into a tree; Helen Frankenthaler caresses her canvas with fluid paint, a woman pleasures herself, and Forrest Bess cuts a hole into himself; doubting Thomas probes Christ’s cut, and Andre Breton touches a prehistoric cave drawing because he doubts its authenticity. The distinct treatment of these subjects coalesce under the resounding phrase noli me tangere.
1. Prophesy of the Pieta, collage on paper 2. Pink Steam, collage on paper 3. Sparagmos & Omophagia, collage on paper 4. Ablution & Sublimation, collage on paper 5. Like a leaf clings to the tree, collage on paper 6. Or which I cannot touch because they are too near, collage on paper 7. Noli me Tangere, collage on paper 8. The tomb that brought her impatience, collage on paper 9. Echo, collage on paper 10. Recapitulation of Mary Magdalene, collage on paper
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Season 1 Gilmore Girls References (Breakdown)
Yay! All the season 1 references have been posted. Before I start posting season 2, I wanted to post this little breakdown for your enjoyment :) It starts with some statistics and then below the cut is a list of all the specific references.
Overall amount of references in season 1: 605
Top 10 Most Common References: NSYNC (5), Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (5), Taylor Hanson (6), Leo Tolstoy (7), Lucky Spencer (7), Marcel Proust (7), PJ Harvey (7), The Bangles (8), The Donna Reed Show (8), William Shakespeare (10)
Which episodes had the most references: #1 is That Damn Donna Reed with 55 references. #2 is Christopher Returns with 44 references 
What characters made the most references (Only including characters/actors who were in the opening credits): Lorelai had the most with 237 references, Rory had second most with 118, and Lane had third most with 48.
First reference of the season: Jack Kerouac referenced by Lorelai 
Final reference of the season: Adolf Eichmann referenced by Michel 
  Movies/TV Shows/Episodes/Characters, Commercials, Cartoons/Cartoon Characters, Plays, Documentaries:
9 1/2 Weeks, Alex Stone, Alfalfa, An Affair To Remember, A Streetcar Named Desire, Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman, Avon Commercials, Bambi, Beethoven, Boogie Nights, Cabaret, Casablanca, Charlie's Angels, Charlie Brown cartoons, Christine, Cinderella, Citizen Kane, Daisy Duke, Damien Thorn, Dawson Leery, Donna Stone, Double Indemnity, Double Mint Commercials, Ethel Mertz, Everest, Felix Unger, Fiddler On The Roof, Footloose, Freaky Friday, Fred Mertz, Gaslight, General Hospital, G.I. Jane, Gone With The Wind, Grease, Hamlet, Heathers, Hee Haw, House On Haunted Hill, Ice Castles, I Love Lucy, Iron Chef, Ishtar, Jeff Stone, Joanie Loves Chachi, John Shaft, Lady And The Tramp, Life With Judy Garland: Me And My Shadows, Love Story, Lucky Spencer, Lucy Raises Chickens, Lucy Ricardo, Lucy Van Pelt, Macbeth,  Magnolia, Mary Stone, Mask, Midnight Express, Misery, Norman Bates, Officer Krupke, Oompa Loompas, Old Yeller, Oscar Madison, Out Of Africa, Patton, Pepe Le Pew, Peyton Place, Pink Ladies, Pinky Tuscadero, Ponyboy, Psycho, Queen Of Outer Space, Rapunzel, Richard III, Ricky Ricardo, Rocky Dennis, Romeo And Juliet, Rosemary's Baby, Sandy Olsson, Saved By The Bell, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Schroeder, Sesame Street, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Sex And The City, Sixteen Candles, Sleeping Beauty, Star Trek, Stanley Kowalski, Stella Kowalski, Stretch Cunningham, The Champ, The Comedy Of Errors, The Crucible, The Donna Reed Show, The Duke's Of Hazzard, The Fly, The Great Santini, The Little Match Girl, The Matrix, The Miracle Worker, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Outsiders, The Shining, The Sixth Sense, The View, The Waltons, The Way We Were, The Scarecrow, This Old House, V.I.P., Valley Of The Dolls, Vulcans, Wild Kingdom, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, Wheel Of Fortune, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, Working Girl, Yogi Bear, You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Bands, Songs, CDs:
98 Degrees, Air Supply, Apple Venus Volume 2, Backstreet Boys, Bee Gees, Black Sabbath, Blue Man Group, Blur, Bon Jovi, Boston, Bush, Duran Duran, Everlong, Foo Fighters, Fugazi, Grandaddy, Hanson, I'm Too Sexy, Joy Division, Jumpin' Jack Flash, Kraftwerk, Like A Virgin, Livin La Vida Loca, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Man I Feel Like A Woman, Metallica, Money Money, My Ding-A-Ling, NSYNC, On The Good Ship Lollipop, Pink Moon, Queen, Rancid, Sergeant Pepper, Shake Your Bon Bon, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Sister Sledge, Smoke On The Water, Steely Dan, Suppertime, Tambourine Man, The B-52s, The Bangles, The Beatles, The Best Of Blondie, The Cranberries, The Cure, The Offspring, The Sugarplastic, The Wallflowers, The Velvet Underground, Walk Like An Egyptian, XTC, Ya Got Trouble, Young Marble Giants
Books/Book Characters, Comic Books/Comic Book Characters, Comic Strips: 
A Mencken Chrestomathy, A Tale Of Two Cities, Anna Karenina, Belle Watling, Boo Radley, Carrie, David Copperfield, Dick Tracy, Dopey (One of the seven dwarfs) Goofus And Gallant, Great Expectations, Grinch, Hannibal Lecter, Hansel And Gretel, Harry Potter (book as well as character referenced), Huckleberry Finn, Little Dorrit, Madame Bovary, Moby Dick, Mommie Dearest, Moose Mason, Nancy Drew, Out Of Africa, Pinocchio, Swann's Way, The Amityville Horror, The Art Of Fiction, The Bell Jar, The Grapes Of Wrath, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The Lost Weekend, The Metamorphosis, The Portable Dorothy Parker, The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, The Witch Tree Symbol, There's A Certain Slant Of Light, Tuesdays With Morrie, War And Peace, Wonder Woman
Public Figures:
Adolf Eichmann, Alfred Hitchcock, Angelina Jolie, Anna Nicole Smith, Annie Oakley, Antonio Banderas, Arthur Miller, Artie Shaw, Barbara Hutton, Barbara Stanwyck, Barbra Streisand, Beck, Ben Jonson, Benito Mussolini, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Crudup, Bob Barker, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Catherine The Great, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Charles I, Charles Dickens, Charles Manson, Charlie Parker, Charlotte Bronte, Charlton Heston, Charo, Cher, Cheryl Ladd, Chris Penn, Christiane Amanpour, Christopher Marlowe, Chuck Berry, Claudine Longet, Cleopatra, Cokie Roberts, Courtney Love, Dalai Lama, Damon Albarn, Dante Alighieri, David Mamet, Donna Reed, Edith Wharton, Edna O'Brien, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Webber, Elle Macpherson, Elsa Klensch, Elvis, Emeril Lagasse, Emily Dickinson, Emily Post, Eminem, Emma Goldman, Errol Flynn, Fabio, Farrah Fawcett, Fawn Hall, Flo Jo, Francis Bacon, Frank Sinatra, Franz Kafka, Fred MacMurray, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Gene Hackman, Gene Wilder, George Clooney, George Sand, George W. Bush, Harry Houdini, Harvey Fierstein, Henny Youngman, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, Henry VIII, Herman Melville, Homer, Honore De Balzac, Howard Cosell, Hugh Grant, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Jaclyn Smith, James Dean, Jane Austen, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Tandy, Jim Carey, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hoffa, Joan Of Arc, Joan Rivers, Jocelyn Wildenstein, Joel Grey, John Cage, John Gardner, John Muir, John Paul II, John Webster, Johnny Cash, Johnny Depp, Joseph Merrick AKA Elephant Man, Judy Blume, Judy Garland, Julian Lennon, Justin Timberlake, Karen Blixen AKA Isak Dinesen, Kate Jackson, Kathy Bates, Kevin Bacon, Kreskin, Lee Harvey Oswald, Leo Tolstoy, Leopold and Loeb, Lewis Carroll, Linda McCartney, Liz Phair, Liza Minnelli, Lou Reed, M Night Shyamalan, Macy Gray, Madonna, Marcel Marceau, Marcel Proust, Margot Kidder, Marie Antoinette, Marie Curie, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Mark Wahlberg, Marlin Perkins, Martha Stewart, Martha Washington, Martin Luther, Mary Kay Letourneau, Maurice Chevalier, Melissa Rivers, Meryl Streep, Michael Crichton, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Miguel De Cervantes, Miss Manners, Mozart, Nancy Kerrigan, Nancy Walker, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Nico, Oliver North, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Levant, Pat Benatar, Paul McCartney, Peter III Of Russia, Peter Frampton, Philip Glass, PJ Harvey, Prince, Queen Elizabeth I, Regis, Richard Simmons, Rick James, Ricky Martin, Robert Duvall, Robert Redford, Robert Smith, Robin Leach, Rosie O'Donnell, Ru Paul, Ruth Gordon, Samuel Barber, Sarah Duchess Of York, Sean Lennon, Sean Penn, Shania Twain, Shelley Hack, Sigmund Freud, Squeaky Fromme, Stephen King, Steven Tyler, Susan Faludi, Susanna Hoffs, Tanya Roberts, Taylor Hanson, Theodore Kaczynski AKA The Unabomber, The Kennedy Family, Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Gummo Marx AKA The Marx Brothers, Venus and Serena Williams (The reference was "The Williams Sisters"),Thelonious Monk, Tiger Woods, Tito Puente, Tom Waits, Tony Randall, Tonya Harding, Vaclav Havel, Vanna White, Vivien Leigh, Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, William Shatner, Yoko Ono, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Camelot, Chernobyl Disaster, Cone Of Silence, Hindenburg Disaster, Iran-Contra Affair, Paul Bunyan, The Menendez Murders, Tribbles, Vulcan Death Grip, Whoville, Winchester Mystery House
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toobouquetland · 5 years
Hello! I would like to trade for either Hamilton, Wicked or Mean girls audio/Bootlegs. So if you wanna trade please contact me on my email: [email protected]
Here is my List!
Mean girls Audios:
September 2, 2018-Erika Henningsen as Cady Heron, Ashley De La Rosa as Regina George (Standby), Barrett Wilbert Weed as Janis Sarkisian, Grey Henson as Damian Hubbard, Tee Boyich as Gretchen Wieners (Standby), Jonalyn Saxer as Karen Smith (Understudy)
(Aug 7th) Jonalyn as Regina.
Zurin as Gretchen (additionally: Tee Boyich as Janis).
Zurin as Karen.
Devon as Gretchen (additionally: Tee Boyich as Cady, Jonalyn Saxer as Karen Smith).
8-11-18 (Becca Petersen U-S Regina George)
Ashley De La Rosa as Regina George september 2, 2018.
Hamilton Audios:
Julia K Harriman as Peggy/Maria/full audio.
​Ryan Vasquez (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Hamilton), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Julia K. Harriman (s/b Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O’Malley (King George), Desmond Newson (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Andrew Wojtal (Samuel Seabury), Daniel Ching (Charles Lee), Keenan D. Washington (u/s George Eacker), Dan Belnavis, Jeffery Duffy, Jennifer Geller, Afra Hines, Hope Endrenyi (u/s for Sabrina), Lauren Kias, Raven Thomas
Notes: Ryan Vasquez's third performance as Hamilton.
Candace Quarrels as Eliza full audio.
June 11, 2017
​Jin Ha (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Candace Quarrels (u/s Eliza Hamilton), Carl Clemons-Hopkins (u/s Aaron Burr), Karen Olivo (Angelica Schuyler), Colby Lewis (s/b George Washington), Jean Goodsend Floradin (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Jose Ramos (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Samantha Marie Ware (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Alexander Gemignani (King George III).
Master's Note: Jin Ha’s first as Hamilton and last show with the Chicago Company. Everyone does a great job, to have almost half the principals be covers. Jin is wonderful as Ham but I was most impressed by Carl who played Burr with ferocity and impatience. Occasional lyric flubs and Karen, while still amazing, sounds a little sick. I believe it's her first show back.
Christine Allado as Eliza/full audio.
Giles Terera as Aaron Burr, Cleve September as John Laurens, Jason Pennycooke as Lafayette, Tarinn Callender as Hercules Mulligan, Jamael Westman as Alexander Hamilton, Christine Allado as Eliza Hamilton, Obioma Ugoala as George Washington,  Miriam teak lee as Angelica Schuyler,  Courtney Mae Briggs as Peggy/Maria.
Julia K. Harriman as Angelica Schuyler
Hamilton - 1NT, Los Angeles, CA - October 13, 2017 - Token Goat's Master - ZIP - MP3 - Untracked
Cast: Ryan Vasquez (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Julia K. Harriman (s/b Angelica Schuyler),Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George), Desmond Nunn (swing Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds), Andrew Wojtal (Samuel Seabury), Daniel Ching (Charles Lee), Raymond Baynard (George Eacker), Jacob Guzman (swing)
Raven Thomas as Angelica/and Eliza!/ Full audio.
cast (?)
Hamchi Samantha Marie Ware as Eliza.
April 20, 2017  
​Miguel Cervantes (Hamilton), Daniel Breaker (Burr), Samantha Marie Ware (u/s Eliza), Jose Ramoz (Laurens/Phillip), Jonathan Kirkland (Washington), Chris De Sean Lee (Lafayette/Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Mulligan/Madison), Aubin Wise (u/s Peggy/Maria), Alexander Gemigani (King George).
16/6/2016 (Aubin Wise as Angelica)
cast (?)
Hamilton - 1NT, Los Angeles, CA - October 13, 2017
Cast: Ryan Vasquez (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Julia K. Harriman (s/b Angelica Schuyler),Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George), Desmond Nunn (swing Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds), Andrew Wojtal (Samuel Seabury), Daniel Ching (Charles Lee), Raymond Baynard (George Eacker), Jacob Guzman (swing)
Hamilton - West End - August 4, 2018 Matinee
Cast: Ash Hunter (alt. Alexander Hamilton), Giles Terera (Aaron Burr), Rachelle Ann Go (Eliza), Rachel John (Angelica), Obioma Ugoala (George Washington), Waylon Jacobs (u/s Lafayette/Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Mulligan/Madison),  Miriam-Teak Lee (u/s Peggy/Maria), Michael Jibson (King George)Jack Butterworth (u/s Laurens/Philip Hamilton),
Notes: Can be traded but must be gifted upon request.
Marsha Songcome as Eliza Hamilton West End audio from the 26-07-2018 matinee
Cast: Jamael Westman (Alexander Hamilton), Marsha Songcome (Eliza Schuyler standby, it’s also her last day), Miriam-Teak Lee (Angelica Schuyler understudy), Christine Allado (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Waylon Jacobs (Aaron Burr understudy), Cleve September (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jason Pennycooke (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Gabriel Mokake (George Washington understudy), Michael Jibson (King George III), Leslie Garcia Bowman (Charles Lee), Christopher Tendai (Samuel Seabury understudy).
Isa briones as Eliza Hamilton
HAMILTON — Boston, MA — 11/18/18 (M)   
Austin Scott (Alexander Hamilton), Isa Briones (u/s Eliza Hamilton), Nicholas Christopher (Aaron Burr), Stephanie Umoh (Angelica Schuyler), Paul Oakley Stovall (George Washington), Bryson Bruce (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Chaundre Hall-Broomfield (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Dorcas Leung (s/b Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Peter Matthew Smith (King George), Alexander Ferguson (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor)
Full audio of Denee benton as Eliza.
cast (?)
Erin Clemons as Eliza full audio.
Joseph Morales Alexander Hamilton, Shoba narayan as Eliza Hamilton (February 10, 2018 second National Tour)
Christine alledo as Eliza full audio cast (West end)
Jamael Westman as Alexander Hamilton, Rachelle Ann Go as Eliza Hamilton, Rachel john as Angelica. (West end)
Jon Rua as Hamilton and Carleigh as Eliza Hamilton
cast: Carleigh Bettiol as Eliza Hamilton (understudy). Jon Rua as Alexander Hamilton (understudy), Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelica Schuyler.
Wicked audios:
Lindsay Mendez, Derek klena, Katie rose clarke, Adam grupper, Randy Danson. (28/52013 Broadway)
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newsdurham · 4 years
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Maria Balatoni is the owner of Strudelicious, a local business that makes many flavours of traditional Viennese strudels in sweet and savoury options. The business is moved from Bowmanville to a new location in Newcastle and held its grand opening Feb. 14. February 14, 2020. Follow the link in our Bio for more coverage of this story and more local news, events, food and more. Ryan Pfeiffer/Torstar @pfeif #photography #photojournalism #nikon #nikond750 #durhamregion #claringtonthisweek #strudelicous #strudel #newcastle #cupcakes (at Strudelicious by A & M Catering Service) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-jx-VJy4g/?igshid=fgai5n14owjd
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Aug. 21, 2019: Obituaries
 Sadie Jarvis,  79
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Sadie Miller Jarvis, age 79, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, August 17, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing Center. She was born May 11, 1940 in Wilkes County to David Hampton and Laura Etta Barnes Miller. When able Sadie attended Baptist Home Baptist Church. She retired from Wilkes Glove after working for 35 years. Sadie was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William McKinley Jarvis; her previous husband, James Franklin Jennings; grandson, Cleon Shannon Jennings, four brothers, Issac Miller, Maynard Miller, Phonso Miller and Philo Miller; six sisters, Johnsie Anderson, Elsie Tremble, Mae Combs, Hattie Wolfe, Chessie Bowlin, and Mary Pardue.
           Surviving are her son, Steven Jennings and spouse Tasha of North Wilkesboro; daughters, Jean Hamblin and spouse Dennis, Norma Jennings all of Wilkesboro; two grandsons, three granddaughters; and nine great grandchildren; brother, Paul Miller and Mae of North Wilkesboro; and sister, Raydell Meeker of North Wilkesboro.
           Funeral service  was August 20,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Brady Hayworth and Rev. Phil Chapman officiating. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Eleisa Joyner, 62
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Mrs. Eleisa Proctor Joyner, age 62 of Ronda, passed away Saturday, August 17, 2019 at her home after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
           Funeral services   were August 19,   at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church with Rev. Dennis Murphy officiating and Mrs. Vicky Shew speaking. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
           Mrs. Joyner was born June 14, 1957 in Yadkin County to James Porter and Nancy Grette White Proctor. She was a member of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Ronda where she served as WMU Director, Children's Choir Pianist, Adult Choir Member and taught Sunday School. Mrs. Joyner retired from Lowes Companies.
           She was preceded in death by her parents.
           Mrs. Joyner is survived by her husband Darryl Joyner of the home, two daughters; Andrea Younger and husband Andrew of Ronda and Shannon Hall and husband Darrell of Thurmond, four grandchildren; Colton Hall, Callie Hall, Madyson Roten and Andrew (AJ) Roten, a sister; Judy Darnell and husband Bill of Elkin and a brother; Benny Proctor of Winston Salem.
           The family would like to give a special thank you to Wake Forest Baptist Health Hospice, Dr. Thomas Grote and Staff and Sara Wiles.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Pleasant Grove WMU, 3982 Clingman Road Ronda, NC 28670.
  Doretha  Blevins, 87
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Mrs. Doretha Miller Blevins, age 87 of Hays passed away Sunday, August 18, 2019 at her home.
           Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m.Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at Mountain View Baptist Church with Pastor Brian Blankenship and Rev. Julius Blevins officiating.  Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:30 PM prior to the service at the church
           Mrs. Blevins was born October 20, 1931 in Wilkes County to Dewey Hobert and Annie Mae Bryant Miller.  Doretha was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother and was loved by all who knew her. She was a member of Mountain View Baptist Church.
           In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; William Franklin Blevins, Sr., granddaughter; Angela Dawn Billings, one sister; Sue Miller Cook and two brothers; James D. Miller and Bobby Joe Miller.
           She is survived by a daughter; Anita Blevins Billings and husband James of Millers Creek and a son; William Franklin "Bill" Blevins, Jr. and wife Donna of Cary, four grandchildren; Jeremy Williams Billings and wife Samantha of Wilkesboro, Calla B. Godwin and husband Kevin of Benson, Ryan William Blevins and Nicholas Reid Blevins both of Cary, three great grandchildren; Madison Grace Billings and Eli Fisher Billings both of Wilkesboro and Colton Reed Godwin of Benson and one sister; Vicki Miller Nichols and husband Kerry of North Wilkesboro.
           A special thank you to Susan Jones and Jimita Foster for the care and love given to our mother and also to Wake Forest Baptist Care At-Home Hospice.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mountain View Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Lou Pendry, PO  Box 47, Hays, Eddis Griffin, 95
Mrs. Eddis Griffin, age 95 of Boomer passed away Sunday, August 18, 2019 at the Villages of Wilkes.
           Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 22, 2019 at Little Rock Baptist Church with Pastor Hal Greene, Rev. Robert Livingston and Mr. Barry Foster officiating.  Burial will be in the church cemetery.  The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 PM prior to the service at the church.
           Mrs. Griffin was born December 22, 1923 in Wilkes County to James Commodore and Daisy Adams Holder. She was a member of Little  Rock Baptist Church.
           In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Everette Eugene Griffin and three sisters; Shirley Bowman, Ola Byrd and Virginia Lowe, two brothers; Walter Adams and Rev. Earl Adams.
           She is survived by two sisters; Gladys  Lane and Grace Johnson and husband Bob all of Moravian Falls and several nieces and nephews.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Gideon's International South Camp, PO Box 323, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or Little Rock Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 248 Little Rock  Church Road, Boomer, NC 28606.
Joseph De Maio 91
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Family man, businessman and friend Joseph R. De Maio passed away following an extended illness on August 17 in hospice care at Wilkes Medical Center.  He was 91.
           Joe was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Nicholas De Maio and Vienna Russo De Maio.  He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Roxine Early De Maio.
           He was a graduate of Overbrook High School where he served as student body president, reading the morning Bible verse over the school intercom.  Later, while working a forty-hour week, he graduated with a bachelor of science degree in business from Temple University in only three years.  He was a member of the accounting honor society.
           De Maio Served in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany and Japan.
His various business positions included work at the acclaimed Antonelli School of Photography; his own publishing house, De Maio Associates; and award-winning sales position with Jostens Publishing, and instructor of business at Catawba Valley Community  College. While teaching college business courses full time, he earned a master's of business degree from Pfeiffer College.  
           He was a skilled photographer, an avid collector of postcards and an ardent fan of Fox News.  He could be counted on to be wherever his family needed him to be.
           Survivors include his daughter Lisa De Maio Brewer and son-in-law , Gregory Joseph Brewer, of North Wilkesboro; his son, Dr. Joseph David Nicholas De Maio and daughter-in-law, Dr. Sylvia De Maio of Atlanta, Georgia; and two grandsons, Joseph Zachary Brewer and David Bryan Brewer of North Wilkesboro.  
           The family wishes to thank his devoted caregiver, Sandy Hutchens as well as the staff and physicians of the ICU and the third floor units at Wilkes Medical Center for their skill and compassion.  
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Little Sisters of the Poor Holy Family Home at http://www.littlesistersoft
hepoorphiladelphia.org/donations/, or to the charity of the donor's choice.
`Visitation will be Wednesday, August 21 at 1:30 p.m. at Miller Funeral Service, followed by a service in the chapel there.  David Wiles will be speaking.  A private family burial with military rites will follow.
`Miller Funeral Service is serving the De Maio family.  
 Jay  Martin Sr, 67
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Mr. Jay Gregory "Rocky" Martin Sr, 67, of Millers Creek, passed away on Friday, August 16, 2019.
           Jay was born on Tuesday, October 30, 1951 in Wilkes County to Eugene B. Martin and Shirley May Braswell Martin.  
           Jay is preceded in death by his parents.
           Jay is survived by his son, Jay Gregory "Greg" Martin, Jr (Bridget); sisters, Linda Miles (Keith), Paula Smith and grandson, Briton Martin.
           A private graveside service will be held at a later date.
           In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to the Wilkes Humane Society, P.O. Box, 306 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Martin Family.
  Tracy Ballard, 55
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Mr. Tracy Ringo Ballard, 55, of Moravian Falls, passed away on Wednesday, August 14, 2019.
           Tracy was born on Thursday, March 12, 1964 in Wilkes County to Asberry Cornelius Ballard and Gertie Louise Burchette Ballard.  
           Tracy enjoyed motorcycles and drawing
           Tracy is preceded in death by his parents and brothers, Harvey, Bobby, Tommy and Pete Ballard
           Tracy is survived by his son, TraJen Ballard; daughters, Kala, Kara, and Kana Ballard; sisters, Peggy Griffin, Asalee Whisnant; brothers, Freddy Ballard (Jane), Roger Ballard (Cindy), 5 grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
           The family will conduct a Memorial Service at 3 p.m. on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at Highland Park.
           In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to St. Jude Children's Hospital 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Ballard Family.
 Don Hayes, 87
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Don Hayes, 87, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, August 13, at Westwood Hills Nursing. He was born November 23, 1931, to Clarence and Emma Lenora Walker Hayes. He was a printer, genealogist, and car enthusiast, and served in the North Carolina National Guard. He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers, Blake Hayes, Hoover Hayes, Willard Hayes, identical twin, John Hayes and infant brother, Clarence Loyd Hayes; two sisters, Willa Jean Gambill, and Nora Ann Royal, and long-time companion Gayle Atkinson.
                       He is survived by a sister, Nancy Miller; son, Clarence Hayes, and wife Vicky; daughter, Beth Cook, and husband Tommy; grandchildren, Emma Pruitt (Chancey Yonce), Logan Pruitt (Amber Gentry), Brandon Cook, and Lindsey Church (Brandon); four great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews, and Joseph Atkinson and Family.
           Mr. Hayes started his printing career delivering newspapers for Carter-Hubbard Publishing. He continued working for many years at the Journal-Patriot running a linotype side by side with his twin brother, John. In the late 1960's, he started Hayes Printing in the basement of his home. He attended Forsyth Tech, where he learned about offset printing. He later built a building beside his home, where he expanded his business and began making rubber stamps. As business continued to grow, he partnered with his brother, Hoover Hayes, and bought a building in North Wilkesboro. In 1966, friend Ivey Moore came to see Don at the paper office and told him they needed to start a genealogy society. The two, along with Ernest Tedder, formed the Wilkes Genealogical Society. After retiring from Hayes Printing, Mr. Hayes owned and operated the Thunderbird Barn, where he sold vintage Thunderbird parts and used cars. He was a member of various Thunderbird clubs and loved driving Betsey, his 1960 T-Bird.
           Funeral service was August 17,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Glenn Batts officiating. Burial  followed in Old Bethany Church.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery, PO Box 759, Moravian  Falls, NC 28654. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Lona Mae Bullis, age 73
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Lona Mae Bullis, age 73, of Boomer, passed away Monday, August 12, 2019 at her home. Mrs. Bullis was born July 29, 1946 in Wilkes County to Asa Colin and Sylvia Marie Goforth Wolfe. Lona was a member of the  Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witness in Wilkesboro. She loved planting flowers and spending time with her family. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert Lee Bullis; brother, David Colin Wolfe; and half sister, Hazel West Wingler.
Surviving are her daughters, Sylvia Mayfield and spouse Michael of Boomer, Cherie Roten and spouse Sammy Glascoe of Thomasville;  grandchildren, Harley Hahn, Destiny Mayfield, Isabelle Mayfield, Rebecca Lambert, Robert Woodie, Jr.; and brother, Floyd Daniel "Butch" Wolfe and spouse Nancy of Boomer; and three great grandchildren.
Graveside service will be held 3:00 p.m. Friday, August 16, 2019 at Bullis Tabernacle Cemetery with Elder Karl Kristy officiating. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Thursday night. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Michael Clay Church age 67
Mr. Michael Clay Church age 67 of Millers Creek passed away Sunday, August 11, 2019 at his home.
Memorial services will be held 2:00 PM Saturday, August 24, 2019 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Steve Laws and Rev. Shane Pardue officiating. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:30 prior to the service at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Church was born August 26, 1951 in Forsyth County to Clay Edward and Lucille Hall Church. He was a member of Millers Creek Baptist Church. Mike loved the Blue Ridge Parkway. He was an avid hiker and hunter and loved being part of the outdoors.
He was preceded in death by his father and grandparents; V.M & Celester Church and Robert and Nannie Hall.
Mr. Church is survived by a daughter; Falon Church Speaks and husband Clay of Statesville, his mother; Lucille Hall Church of Millers Creek, a sister; SuAnn Church Shepherd and husband Jerry of Millers Creek, two grandchildren; Harper McKinley Speaks and Hattie Marie Speaks, a niece; JordAnne Shepherd Belcher and husband Jeb and a nephew; Zachary Church Shepherd and wife; Crystal.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Greater Vision Baptist Church c/o Greg and Vicky Harris PO Box 309 Millers Creek, NC 28651.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Tracy Dawn Foster Gilbert, age 30
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Tracy Dawn Foster Gilbert, age 30, of Jonesville, passed away Saturday, August 10, 2019 at Old Vineyard Center in Winston Salem. She was born December 11, 1988 in Wilkes County to Chris James and Donna Dillard Foster. Tracy was of the Baptist Faith. She loved spending time with her dogs and enjoyed fishing. She was preceded in death by a sister, Melissa Carrigan.
Surviving are her husband, Cody Gilbert of North Wilkesboro; her father, Chris Foster and spouse Jean of North Wilkesboro; her mother, Donna Pennington of North Wilkesboro; her grandmother; brothers, Aaron Taylor of Hays, Robert Landrum of Wilkesboro; sister, Mary Chapman and spouse Richard of Maryland; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
Memorial service will be held 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 18, 2019 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Keith Foster officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Wilkes, PO Box 306, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Alton (Bo) Rayvon Pearson, age 71
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Alton (Bo) Rayvon Pearson, age 71, of Boomer, passed away Monday, August 5, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson. Alton was born March 5, 1948 in Wilkes County to Elisha Robert and Colene Jolly Pearson. He was a member of Boomer Advent Christian Church. He loved fishing and old antique cars, Mr. Pearson was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Robert Pearson; sisters, Paula Sue Parsons and Margie May Bradley; and brother, Joe Robert Pearson.
Surviving are his wife, Lilly Triplett Pearson; son, Dennis Ray Pearson of Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Amanda Colene Pearson, Raven Clarae Pearson, Amber Cheyenne Pearson, Colton Ray Pearson and Dallas Clayton Pearson; great grandchildren, Jameson Lee Andrew Parish, Kimberlynn Lori Pearson and Lillian Ray Brittain; and sisters, Francis Blackburn and Lucy Clanton.
Memorial service will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, August 17, 2019 at Boomer Advent Christian Church with Rev. David Jones officiating. Memorials may be made to Woltz Hospice Home, 945 Zephyr Road, Dobson, NC 27017. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to  www.millerfuneralservice.com
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compneuropapers · 7 years
Interesting Papers for Week 10, 2017
Reverse Replay of Hippocampal Place Cells Is Uniquely Modulated by Changing Reward. Ambrose, R. E., Pfeiffer, B. E., & Foster, D. J. (2016). Neuron, 91(5), 1124–1136.
Prefrontal Cortex Networks Shift from External to Internal Modes during Learning. Brincat, S. L., & Miller, E. K. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience, 36(37), 9739–9754.
Temporal asymmetries in auditory coding and perception reflect multi-layered nonlinearities. Deneux, T., Kempf, A., Daret, A., Ponsot, E., & Bathellier, B. (2016). Nature Communications, 7, 12682.
Dopaminergic inputs in the dentate gyrus direct the choice of memory encoding. Du, H., Deng, W., Aimone, J. B., Ge, M., Parylak, S., Walch, K., … Mu, Y. (2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(37), E5501-10.
Neostriatal GABAergic Interneurons Mediate Cholinergic Inhibition of Spiny Projection Neurons. Faust, T. W., Assous, M., Tepper, J. M., & Koós, T. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36), 9505–9511.
The Second Spiking Threshold: Dynamics of Laminar Network Spiking in the Visual Cortex. Forsberg, L. E., Bonde, L. H., Harvey, M. A., & Roland, P. E. (2016). Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 10, 65.
Bats perceptually weight prey cues across sensory systems when hunting in noise. Gomes, D. G. E., Page, R. A., Geipel, I., Taylor, R. C., Ryan, M. J., & Halfwerk, W. (2016). Science, 353(6305), 1277–1280.
Synaptic mechanisms of pattern completion in the hippocampal CA3 network. Guzman, S. J., Schlögl, A., Frotscher, M., & Jonas, P. (2016). Science, 353(6304), 1117–1123.
Observational learning computations in neurons of the human anterior cingulate cortex. Hill, M. R., Boorman, E. D., & Fried, I. (2016). Nature Communications, 7, 12722.
Efficient sensory cortical coding optimizes pursuit eye movements. Liu, B., Macellaio, M. V., & Osborne, L. C. (2016). Nature Communications, 7, 12759.
Awake hippocampal reactivations project onto orthogonal neuronal assemblies. Malvache, A., Reichinnek, S., Villette, V., Haimerl, C., & Cossart, R. (2016). Science, 353(6305), 1280–1283.
Reading Out Olfactory Receptors: Feedforward Circuits Detect Odors in Mixtures without Demixing. Mathis, A., Rokni, D., Kapoor, V., Bethge, M., & Murthy, V. N. (2016). Neuron, 91(5), 1110–1123.
Inhibitory Gating of Basolateral Amygdala Inputs to the Prefrontal Cortex. McGarry, L. M., & Carter, A. G. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36), 9391–9406.
Structural Plasticity Denoises Responses and Improves Learning Speed. Spiess, R., George, R., Cook, M., & Diehl, P. U. (2016). Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10, 93.
Locus coeruleus and dopaminergic consolidation of everyday memory. Takeuchi, T., Duszkiewicz, A. J., Sonneborn, A., Spooner, P. A., Yamasaki, M., Watanabe, M., … Morris, R. G. M. (2016). Nature, 537(7620), 357–362.
A dynamic code for economic object valuation in prefrontal cortex neurons. Tsutsui, K.-I., Grabenhorst, F., Kobayashi, S., & Schultz, W. (2016). Nature Communications, 7, 12554.
Identification of an elaborate complex mediating postsynaptic inhibition. Uezu, A., Kanak, D. J., Bradshaw, T. W. A., Soderblom, E. J., Catavero, C. M., Burette, A. C., … Soderling, S. H. (2016). Science, 353(6304), 1123–1129.
Dopamine Activation Preserves Visual Motion Perception Despite Noise Interference of Human V5/MT. Yousif, N., Fu, R. Z., Abou-El-Ela Bourquin, B., Bhrugubanda, V., Schultz, S. R., & Seemungal, B. M. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36), 9303–9312.
Dopamine Manipulation Affects Response Vigor Independently of Opportunity Cost. Zenon, A., Devesse, S., & Olivier, E. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience, 36(37), 9516–9525.
Nicotine regulates activity of lateral habenula neurons via presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms. Zuo, W., Xiao, C., Gao, M., Hopf, F. W., Krnjević, K., McIntosh, J. M., … Ye, J.-H. (2016). Scientific Reports, 6, 32937.
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stevefoxe · 7 years
Everything I Read in 2016
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For the third year in a row, I logged every novel, short story collection, poetry compilation, graphic novel, and collected edition of monthly comics I read, excluding individual monthly comics (on which I continued to fall catastrophically behind) and anything I read (and reread, and reread again) for my day job. My only big change? A lot of these books were read on my iPad Mini. And a good number were for my gay book club (you can guess which ones). 
If you don’t yet keep track of your reading, you should start in 2017. It’s your best bet for hitting a reading goal, and for folks like me who read a ton, it’s a nice way to recall books that otherwise departed your memory.
For the tl;dr crowd, here are my Top 13 for the year, in the order in which I read them:
On Writing, Stephen King
Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
The Girls, Emma Cline
I Am a Hero Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, Kengo Hanazawa
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Hero: Book Two, David Rubín
Night Sky With Exit Wounds, Ocean Vuong
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders (I read an ARC)
A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli
Habitat, Simon Roy
Prez Vol. 1, Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Domo Stanton
Bones of the Coast, edited by Shannon Campbell, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques
(New X-Men Omnibus was a re-read, or it would be up here.)
The rest is below the jump!
I don’t really feel like dumping on anything this year. I definitely got burnt out on comic anthologies, and I hated A Little Life, but the good outweighs the bad. Below is the full list, divided by month, followed by a few statistics and an evaluation of my 2016 reading goals as established last January. 
[A note on comics: I feel guilty that I’ve left off colorists and inkers, as they contribute so much to a book, but I defaulted to cover credits while logging my reading and don’t have most of these books on-hand to fix it now.]
The Amazing World of Gumball: Fairy Tale Trouble, Megan Brennan, Katy Farina, Jeremy Lawson
Adventure Time: Masked Mayhem, Kate Leth, Bridget Underwood, Drew Green, Vaughn Pinpin, Meredith McClaren
Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland, Kim Newman, Maura McHugh, Tyler Crook
On Writing, Stephen King
Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016, edited by John Joseph Adams & Joe Hill
The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, Kai Ashante Wilson
Planet Hulk, Sam Humphries & Marc Laming
Future Imperfect, Peter David & Greg Land
Hail Hydra, Rick Remender & Roland Boschi
House of M, Dennis Hopeless & Marco Failla
Marvel Zombies, Si Spurrier & Kev Walker
Old Man Logan, Brian Michael Bendis & Andrea Sorrentino
The Girls, Emma Cline
The Gilded Razor, Sam Lansky
Civil War, Charles Soule & Leinil Francis Yu
New X-Men Omnibus, Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Phil Jimenez, Ethan Van Sciver, Igor Kordey, Marc Silvestri, Keron Grant, Chris Bachalo, John Paul Leon, Bill Sienkiewicz, Leinil Francis Yu
The Eye of the Cat, Elejandro Jodorowsky & Moebius
All the Birds in the Sky, Charlie Jane Anders
Beyond Anthology, edited by Sfé Monster & Taneka Scott
A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara
Balloon Pop Outlaw Black, Patricia Lockwood
 I Am a Hero Vol. 1, Kengo Hanazawa
The Nameless City Vol. 1, Faith Erin Hicks
Ody-C Vol. 1, Matt Fraction & Christian Ward
Lovecraft Country, Matt Ruff
Husk, Rachel Autumn Deering
New World: An Anthology of Sci-Fi & Fantasy, edited by C. Spike Trotman
Chainmail Bikini: An Anthology of Women Gamers, edited by Hazel Newlevant
Broken Frontier, edited by Frederik Hautain & Tyler Chin-Tanner
Love in All Forms: The Big Book of Growing Up Queer, edited by Serafina Dwyer
Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1, Grant Morrison & Yanick Paquette
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Hero: Book Two, David Rubín
The Girl With All the Gifts, M. R. Carey
Regular Show: Noir Means Noir, Buddy, Rachel Connor, Robert Luckett, Wook Jin Clark
Night Air, Ben Sears
Revenger: Children of the Damned, Charles Forsman
Magic for Beginners, Kelly Link
Dark Engine Vol. 1, Ryan Burton & John Bivens
Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird, Brandon Seifert, Karl Moline, Filipe Andrade
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt, Aimee Bender
Every Heart a Doorway, Seanan McGuire
Mr. Splitfoot, Samantha Hunt
Fire Shut Up in My Bones, Charles M. Blow
Revival Vol. 1, Tim Seeley & Mike Norton
The Fireman, Joe Hill
Colder: Toss the Bones, Paul Tobin & Juan Ferreyra
The Fly: Outbreak, Brandon Seifert & Menton3
Faker, Mike Carey & Jock
What If? Infinity, Joshua Williamson, Mike Henderson, Riley Rossmo, Mike Norton, Jason Copeland, Goran Sudžuka
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool, Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Jacopo Camagni
Outcast Vol. 3, Robert Kirkman & Paul Azaceta
Lady Killer Vol. 1, Joelle Jones & Jamie S. Rich
The Fiction, Curt Pires & David Rubín
The Amazing World of Gumball Vol. 2, Frank Gibson, Tyson Hesse, Paulina Ganucheau
Arcadia, Alex Paknadel & Eric Scott Pfeiffer
Black Market, Frank J. Barbiere & Victor Santos
Dream Thief Vol. 2, Jai Nitz, Greg Smallwood, Todd Galusha
Contest of Champions Vol.1, Al Ewing & Paco Medina
The Infinity Gauntlet, Dustin Weaver & Gerry Duggan
The Amulet, Michael McDowell
The Dark Half, Stephen King
The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Steve Moncuse & Art Adams
Steven Universe: Too Cool for School, Ian Jones-Quartey, Jeremy Sorese, Asia Kendrick-Horton, Rachel Dukes, Josceline Fenton
Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare, overseen by Loren Bouchard
Bob’s Burgers: Well Done, overseen by Loren Bouchard
Zombie, Joyce Carol Oates
Kare-Kare Komiks, Andrew Drilon
Night Sky With Exit Wounds, Ocean Vuong
The Witcher: House of Glass, Paul Tobin & Joe Querio
X-Men: No More Humans, Mike Carey & Salvador Larroca
Cold Moon Over Babylon, Michael McDowell
Black Hand Comics, Wes Craig
Disappearance at Devil’s Rock, Paul Tremblay
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: The Devil’s Wings, John Arcudi, Mike Mignola, Lawrence Campbell, Joe Querio, Tyler Crook
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: Flesh & Stone, John Arcudi, Mike Mignola, James Harren
Abe Sapien: Sacred Places, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Sebastian Fiumara, Max Fiumara
Abe Sapien: A Darkness So Great, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Sebastian Fuimara, Max Fiumara
Hellboy & the B.P.R.D. 1952, Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Alex Maleev
Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster!, Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Tonči Zonjić
Green River Killer: A True Detective Story, Jeff Jensen & Jonathan Case
The Witcher: Fox Children, Paul Tobin & Joe Querio
Children of the Night, John Blackburn
Frankenstein Underground, Mike Mignola & Ben Stenbeck
My Best Friend’s Exorcism, Grady Hendrix
The Well, Jack Cady
Angel Catbird Vol. 1, Margaret Atwood & Johnnie Christmas
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders
Fellside, M. R. Carey
The Twilight Children, Gilbert Hernandez & Darwyn Cooke
Veil, Greg Rucka & Toni Fejzula
Negative Space, Ryan K. Lindsey & Owen Geini
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 1, Alex De Campi, Chris Peterson, Simon Fraser
Bitch Planet Vol. 1, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine De Landro, Robert Wilson IV
Ody-C Vol. 2, Matt Fraction & Christian Ward
Tampa, Alissa Nutting
Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror, compiled by Stephen Jones
The Missing, Sarah Langan
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 2, Alex De Campi, Federica Manfredi, Gary Erskine
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 3, Alex De Campi, R.M. Guera, Chris Peterson
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 4, Alex De Campi, Mulele Jarvis, John Lucas
Audition, Ryu Murakami
Mr. Arashi’s Amazing Freak Show, Suehiro Maruo
In the Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami
Ghosts, Raina Telgemeier
Anya’s Ghost, Vera Brosgol
One Week in the Library, W. Maxwell Prince & John Amor
A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli
The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter
I Am a Hero Vol. 2, Kengo Hanazawa
The Beauty Vol. 1, Jeremy Haun & Jason A. Hurley
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo Vol. 1, Drew Weing
Gerald’s Game, Stephen King
Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman
Invisible Republic Vol. 1, Gabriel Hardman & Corinne Bechko
Roche Limit Vol. 1, Michael Moreci & Vic Malhorta
What Belongs to You, Garth Greenwell
Roche Limit Vol. 2, Michael Moreci & Kyle Charles
Roche Limit Vol. 3, Michael Moreci & Kyle Charles
One-Punch Man Vol. 9, ONE & Yusuke Murata
One-Punch Man Vol. 10, ONE & Yusuke Murata
Habitat, Simon Roy
Beowulf, Santiago García & David Rubín
The Oath, edited by Audrey Redpath
Star Wars: Tales From the Far, Far Away, Michael Moreci, Tim Daniel, Ryan Cady, Phillip Sevy, etc.
Prelude to Bruise, Saeed Jones
Grief is the Thing With Feathers, Max Porter
Tomie Deluxe Edition, Junji Ito
Krampus!, Brian Jones & Dean Kotz
Fantasy Sports Vol. 2, Sam Bosma
The Beauty Vol. 2, Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley, Mike Huddleston, Brett Weldele, Stephen Green
Prez Vol. 1, Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Domo Stanton
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe, Ryan Q. North & Erica Henderson
Love is Love, edited by Marc Andreyko
Joe Golem Vol. 1, Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Patric Reynolds
Baltimore: Cult of the Red King, Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Peter Bergting
Abe Sapien: The Burning Fire, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Max Fiumara, Sebastian Fiumara, Tyler Crook
Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire, Neil Gaiman & Shane Oakley
Bones of the Coast, edited by Shannon Campbell, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques
140 Books (up from 128 in 2015 and 87 in 2014)
39 Novels or short story collections (down from 43 in 2015 and 44 in 2014)
98 Graphic novels/collected editions of comics (up from 84 in 2015 and a measly 42 in 2014)
3 Books of poetry (triple the 2015 and 2014 counts!)
About 35 Books written or edited by female authors (up from 20 in 2015 and 16 in 2014; note that I’m only counting writers and editors, not artists, and I’m counting books, not unique authors)
Roughly 19 books by (known-to-be) non-white authors (down from 30 last year but up from 9 in 2014...but both this year and last were inflated by multiple entries from manga creators)
...and at least 16 books written or edited by queer and trans authors. 
So...any suggestions for 2017?
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Logan to John Wick 2: Here are 2017's most anticipated Hollywood films
When talking about the most anticipated Hollywood movies of 2017, one has to start with Keanu Reeves-starrer John Wick: Chapter 2. The action-thriller directed by Chad Stahelski is a sequel to the 2014 runaway hit. Legendary hitman John Wick played by Reeves is forced out of retirement and sent on a mission to Rome. Well, after watching the trailer, all we can say is, it's good to see you again! The film releases on February 10.
Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling-starrer sci-fi film Blade Runner 2049 is high on the anticipation list. While Ford reprises his role as Rick Deckard, the film also retains its original writer Hampton Fancher. This American neo-noir science-fiction film is set to hit the screens on October 6.
2017 is the year of sequel fatigue as far as Hollywood is concerned. From Star Wars Episode VIII that aims for a Christmas release to Johnny Depp reprising his role as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean V and finally, The Fate of The Furious, Fresh installments of hit franchisees are bound to keep you entertained all through the year.
INDIA TODAY EXCLUSIVE: Passengers stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt on In Da Club
Huge Jackman is likely to set the screen on fire with his third and final solo superhero Wolverine act in Logan releasing on the 3rd of March. The film takes inspiration from Old Man Logan by Mark Miller and Steve McNiven which follows Logan (who is past his prime), undertake one final adventure in a post-apocalyptic future.
We also have Marvel Studios productions like Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming all raking up the curiosity.
Director Danny Boyle's T2 (the sequel to Trainspotting) is a British black comedy crime drama releasing on January 27 and it sure looks promising. Coming 20 years after the 1996 original, the film has retained its entire original cast. Infact, Boyle wanted the cast to age naturally and hence waited all along to make a sequel. Based on the novel Porno, the wait sure seems totally worth it!
War films always make it to the list of the most eagerly awaited films and Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk is this year's favourite in that category. Based on the true event of Dunkirk evacuation during the second world war, the film recreates Operation Dynamo and is scheduled to release on the 21st of July.
Tom Hanks and Emma Watson join hands in the science-fiction thriller called The Circle. The film is based on Dave Eggers' 2013 best-selling novel of the same name. Since no big studios or financiers agreed to back the project initially, Tom Hanks decided to co-produce this film that hits screens on April 28.
If the trailer is anything to to go by, then M. Night Shyamalan's Split is a sure-shot winner this year. Split is a psychological horror thriller starring James McAvoy and Anya Taylor-Joy in the lead. Scheduled for a January 20 release this year, this film is bound to catch your attention with the protagonist having at least 23 personalities in a single body.
One movie to watch out for this year is definitely Jennifer Lawrence-starrer Red Sparrow. Directed by Francis Lawrence, the story revolves around a Russian spy who falls in love with a CIA officer and considers becoming a double agent. The film is likely to have a November 2017 release.
Last but not the least, Murder On The Orient Express with an ensemble cast including Penelope Cruz, Michelle Pfeiffer and Johnny Depp, to name a few, is one mystery film that you cannot afford to miss. Scheduled for a November 22 release, the film is based on the 1934 novel of the same name by Agatha Christie.
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Watch Bad Boys for Life (2020) FuLL Movie Drive.mp4
Bad Boys for Life (2020)Trailer: Welcome to Miami- Bad Boys for Life [HD]
Typical of Michael Bay, there are predictable, derivative and thus boring scenes in this movie, but the Cinematography is beautiful, it is Stylish, Glamorous, with some great humor especially on the side of Martin Lawrence, and some of the action scenes (not all, just some) are pretty good. Entertaining enough to watch.
SYNOPSIS: Marcus and Mike are forced to confront new threats, career changes, and midlife crises as they join the newly created elite team AMMO of the Miami police department to take down the ruthless Armando Armas, the vicious leader of a Miami drug cartel.
CAST: Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Paola Nuñez, Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, Charles Melton, Kate del Castillo, Nicky Jam, Joe Pantoliano, Theresa Randle, Jacob Scipio, Michael Bay, DJ Khaled, Jay Dubb, Happy Anderson, Bianca Bethune, Dennis Greene, Lisa Ann Hadley, Gissette E. Valentin, Rose Bianco, Edelia Merida, Jasmin Lawrence, Shacai O'Neal, Carlos Guerrero, Massi Furlan, Chick Bernhard, Jennifer Badger, Jeff J.J. Authors, Keith Wheeler, Brandi Cohen, Jay Amor, Yessenia Hernandez, Anthony Molinari, Ivo Nandi, David Shae, Eduardo Rosario, Rory Markham, Brad Sanders, Damien Butler, Bilall Fallah, Norma Alvarez, Adil El Arbi, Christina Christensen, Nahima Bicelis, Erroll Castrillo, Kial Butler, Sharon Pfeiffer, Porshia C. Joseph, Ellison Kendrick, Davis Aguila, Athena Akers, Adrian De Armas, Laura Ault, Misty Autery, James William Ballard, Austin Bollinger, Mario 'Vocol' Booker, Thomas Brag, Troy Brenna, Sergio Briones, Landon Brooks, Ruben E.A. Brown, Lauren Buglioli, Ricardo Burgos, Matthew Byrge, Santos Caraballo, Matthew Carter, Joe Crosson, Ellen Marguerite Cullivan, LeBron Daniel, José Alfredo Fernandez, Darin Ferraro, Fred Galle, John Gettier, Joseph Giambrone, Derrick Gilbert, Jenin Gonzalez, Wil Gonzalez, Steve Heinz, Elvia Hill, Cal Johnson, Julia Kay, Melissa Kennemore, Tony Kim, D.L. Lewis, Josue Louis-Charles, Hans Marrero, Ryan L. Price, Diezel Ramos, Scott Rapp, Ashae Reagan, Felicia M. Reyes, Manuel Rivera, Luis Saldias, London Seabreeze, Pedro Tavarez Jr., Robert Tinsley, Emily Towles, Joseph Velez, Maria Z. Wilson, Jamil C. Winston
GENRE: Thriller, Action, Crime
PRODUCTION: Columbia Pictures, Platinum Dunes, 2.0 Entertainment, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Overbrook Entertainment
KEYWORD: detective, police, sequel, police officer, police detective, buddy comedy, buddy film, action hero,
RATING: 7.3/10 by 5051 users
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localdstvinstaller · 6 years
Tumblr media
From Tim Burton’s iconic Batman to the baseball-bat swinging Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, DC Comics superheroes and their villainous counterparts have been lighting up the box office since the 50s. With the launch of the M-Net Movies DC Heroes pop-up channel for DStv Premium subscribers, which is also available to stream on DStv Now, we’ve ranked every live-action DC comic movie ever!*
30. Stamp Day for Superman (1954)
Superman takes time from fighting crime to promote war stamps, used to fund the fight against the Axis powers of World War II. So it’s not the worst movie on this list, but it’s not actually a movie either - just something designed to be shown in cinemas.
29. The Return of Swamp Thing (1989)
This movie had about as much budget as the Joker has sanity. With that in mind, it does a respectable job. But only with that in mind - otherwise, this is just an awful low-budget monstrosity.
28. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
Everyone had lost interest in making another Superman. But they were contracted to make one, so we got a fourth movie starring the man of steel. Its most memorable moment is how bad the special effects of the finale are. Yikes.
27. Catwoman (2004)
The first Batman character to get their own movie (other than Bats), there was a lot of hope for Catwoman’s maiden outing. Alas, very little is right here. It opted to invent its own story for the character, but just made a mess of everything. Not even Halle Berry could save it.
26. Batman & Robin (1997)
This movie shouldn’t be ranked so low. It’s funny and has some entertaining villains. But you know what? The entire thing was motivated to sell action figures. Seriously. Even the director apologised for it.
25. Steel (1997)
Back in 1997 nobody wanted to make comic book movies, not unless it was Batman. Steel, already a B-list DC character, got a low-budget straight-to-video movie. It doesn’t help that Shaq, who plays Steel, is not as good at acting as he is at basketball…
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24. Jonah Hex (2010)
If comic book movies teach us anything, it’s that actors should stick to the genre. It worked for Ryan Reynolds, Chris Evans and Ben Affleck. Ditto for Josh Brolin, who has portrayed three comic book characters. But even though he was a cool Jonah Hex, the movie not so much…
23. Green Lantern (2011)
Some comic characters are relatively simple and easy to put into a movie. Green Lantern is not, yet this movie wanted to make things even more confusing. Even Ryan Reynolds started making fun of it in his other films.
22. Superman and the Mole Men (1951)
It’s the 1950s, things are still in black and white, and Superman has the time to work out squabbles between frightened small-town people and underground creatures with big eyebrows. Most memorable as the first Superman movie and perhaps the first-ever true superhero movie.
21. Batman: The Movie (1966)
Back in its day, this was a big hit. But it’s really a case of “you had to be there”. Shot after the success of Season 1 of Adam West’s Batman, it’s a whole movie of WHAM! BANG! POW! and 60s pin-up girls gyrating with the dark knight to surf music. No, we’re not making any of this up.
20. Superman III (1983)
Superman III would have been forgotten today, were it not for three things: the Superman vs Superman fight, Richard Pryor’s non-stop jokes, and that scary android woman created by Lex Luthor’s supercomputer. Oh, and Superman dumping a frozen lake on a chemical fire. Ah, the 80s.
19. Supergirl (1984)
Superman’s cousin comes to Earth to retrieve a powerful artefact, while a wannabe witch uses it to amplify her powers. The result is a weird tale that stumbles and jumps through plot holes, but it’s still entertaining. Fun fact: Supergirl actress Helen Slater later played Superman’s biological mom in Smallville.
18. Suicide Squad (2016)
It is overstuffed, convoluted and had some nondescript bad guys that nobody can remember. Too much icing on too little cake. On the other hand, the main cast of characters are really cool and the soundtrack rocked, so it has a place in some fans’ hearts.
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17. Swamp Thing (1982)
It’s the DC movie you’ve never heard of - and the DC character you’ve never heard of. This quirky comedy would have been lost to time, were it not a campy cult masterpiece directed by Wes Craven long before he created Freddy Krueger.
16. Batman Returns (1992)
Tim Burton’s second Batman film is a little overproduced and lacks that raw shine of the original. But Michelle Pfeiffer is still the best Catwoman to appear in a movie and Danny DeVito is the perfect Penguin. Yet leave it to Christopher Walken to play a villain with no mask and no powers, yet still be the meanest thing in Gotham.
15. Batman Forever (1995)
Joel Schumacher’s first go at the Batman world is a clear hat-tip to the 60s era of the character. It was more fun and camp, and who doesn’t like George Clooney’s smirking Bruce Wayne, or Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones as Riddler and Two-Face? But it was a little too much at times...
14. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
The hopes were really high for this film and it was never going to please everyone. Lex Luthor’s inane and complicated plan sucks a lot of wind from its sails. On the other hand, the Batman combat scene not only saves the movie but shows why Ben Affleck is great as the character.
13. Watchmen (2009)
There are very few graphic novels more revered and complex than this epic - and director Zack Snyder tries to fit every bit of it into his film. Yet even after cutting a major sub-plot, Watchmen is still a long and dense experience. It’s got its fans, but like the comic, is the antithesis of superheroes. That’s not for everyone.
12. Justice League (2017)
Justice League isn’t perfect and its biggest problem is an overly generic bad guy that nobody cares to remember. But the team works well together, the fight with Superman is epic, Jason Momoa was born to play Aquaman, and we definitely want to see more of The Flash.
11. Superman II (1980)
The sequel to the original Superman movie was mired with problems, from losing its director and design consultant to being filmed right on the heels of the first film. But it holds up well, not least because Terence Stamp’s General Zod gives us every reason to remember why we need superheroes.
10. Superman Returns (2006)
Lex Luthor proves why he is as dangerous as any villain with superpowers, while the darker tone helps create a Superman persona that fits better with the 21st Century.
9. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
It gets a little tiring to hear how old and beaten Batman is and maybe Tom Hardy’s Bane does too good a job, overshadowing just about every other character in this movie. But as a conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, this was a classy send-off for Gotham’s saviour.
8. Man of Steel (2013)
Not only do we finally, after many years, get a new Superman movie, but some inspired genius casts Michael Shannon as the evil General Zod. It’s been too long and we’re happy Krypton’s son is back!
7. Constantine (2005)
At the time it was not a hit. But the first movie adaptation of the Hellblazer comics has since gathered a big cult following. Today it can claim a lot of fans because it’s actually really good. Hey, Keanu, where’s our sequel?
6. Batman Begins (2005)
Since 1989’s Batman, there have been other superhero movies that made their mark on the genre. Then Christopher Nolan shows up, hires Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, and turns comic book movies into crime thrillers. Brilliant.
5. Wonder Woman (2017)
A slightly weak third act doesn’t hurt the appeal of the Amazonian superhero in her first major movie outing. Let’s face it - nobody is panicking anymore about what might happen to Superman. Wonder Woman can take care of things.  
4. Superman (1978)
There had been a few superhero movies before 1978’s Superman. But this set the stage: big effects, great hero, amazing soundtrack - and Gene Hackman deserves more credit for his mean Lex Luthor.
3. Batman (1989)
Tim Burton unleashes his quirky style in grand form, creating the superhero movie that still influences the genre today. Then there’s Jack Nicholson’s Joker, Michael Keaton’s dry wit and the original soundtrack by Prince. Enough said!
2. V for Vendetta (2005)
This dark tale of a near future under a totalitarian state is already a gritty and powerful movie. But Hugo Weaving as the antihero V just takes it to another level. On top of that, this is an experience with real purpose and a serious message underneath. Remember, remember, the fifth of November...
1. The Dark Knight (2008)
Why so serious? Heath Ledger’s Joker is just entirely in his own league. And not just him - everything in this movie fires on all cylinders. The greatest DC movie? No. This is the greatest comic book movie in history.
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brastrangled · 6 years
Fuck, marry, kill: Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Catwoman / Batgirl ,Wonder Woman, Supergirl / Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern / Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America / Spiderman, Vision, Black Panther / Storm, Jean Grey, Shadowcat / Magneto, Beast, Cyclops (I'M SORRY FOR SPAMMING YOU WITH SO MUCH CHOICES! I THINK I WENT A BIT TOO FAR HERE LOL)
Oh no don't be sorry I love this!
1.F: Poison Ivy because I'm pretty sure my tiny self was madly in love with her and attracted to her in Batman & Robin.M: Catwoman because that's my kind of woman. Michelle Pfeiffer version tho. She's the best one.Kiss: Harley because I can't kill my girl.
2.F: Batgirl because I have a thing for redheads.M: Wonder Woman. Hands down. She is a dream come true.Kiss: Supergirl cause I would feel bad killing her.
3.F: The Flash because yeaaaaaa boy. Can we include Iris in this because that's my dream woman and I have stopped watching the show but they'll always be my OTP so having a threesome with them would be magical.M: Superman because I have always loved my man Clark.K: Green Lantern because that was a terrible movie and Ryan Reynolds only makes sense as Deadpool.
4.F: Hulk. Oh my God I have no idea why I'm putting him here but here y'go. Can he take me on a piggy back ride instead??M: Captain America because I love my Stevie to pieces.K: Iron Man cause I can't stand Tony anymore.
5.F: Spidey I guess? Preferably Garfield's Spidey cause Tom's Spidey is too cute and too underage. 😂M: Black Panther. I will gladly become queen of Wakanda and thrive there. Nakia as our other wife too cause she bae.K: Vision. He bores me. JARVIS forever.
6.F: Jean Grey I guess? I'm not a big X-Men fan tho but she's hot. At least the Sophie Turner reboot is.M: Storm. Whattawoman.K: Shadowcat cause I have no idea who that is tbh.
7. I'm so sorry I don't follow X-Men like at all so I don't feel confident in this.F: Magneto I suppose. Fassbender is pretty attractive...M: Beast I guess? I mean I like Disney's Beast...K: Cyclops I guess? I have no memory of him in the times I've tried to watch the movies.
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rickrosset · 7 years
My Year of Media 2016
Nothing says that you have your finger on the pulse of everything like posting a list of all the movies and TV shows you watched, podcasts you listened to, books you read and concerts you attended in 2016 nearly 10 months after the year ended. And yet, here I go. This wholly unnecessary list was inspired by acclaimed filmmaker Steven Soderbergh’s http://extension765.com/soderblogh/30-seen-read-2016.
1/1 - The Asphalt Jungle (1950); Fargo Season 2, Episodes 9 & 10
1/2 - For Your Consideration (2006); HBO Boxing: Crawford vs. Jean
1/3 - Legend (2015); HBO Boxing: Jennings vs. Ortiz; Indie Film Hustle Podcast Episode 31 with Linda Seger
1/4 - Mr. Robot Season 1, Episode 1; The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugatz Podcast Episode 1/4
1/5 - Making a Murderer Episode 1; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 44 with Cousin Sal
1/6 - Master of None Season 1, Episode 1
1/7 - Nathan for You Season 2, Episode 8
1/8 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 46 with Chuck Klosterman
1/9 - Being Evel (2015); Nathan for You Season 2, Episodes 6 & 7
1/10 - The Revenant (2015)
1/12 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 48 with Cousin Sal
1/15 - The Dan Le Batard Show with Strugatz Podcast Episode 1/13  
1/16 - Cliffhanger (1993); Nathan for You Season 2, Episode 3; The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugatz Podcast Episodes 1/14 & 1/15
1/17 - Mad Max: Fury Road (2015); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 50 with House, JackO & Bill’s Dad; Madam Secretary Season 2, Episode 12
1/18 - Things to Come (1936); HBO Boxing: Krusher Kovalev vs. Jean 1; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 49 with Malcolm Gladwell; Indie Film Hustle Podcast Episode 37 with Scott McMahon; Rusillo & Kanell Podcast 1/15
1/21 - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 52 with Wesley Morris; Workaholics Season 7, Episode 1
1/22 - Workaholics Season 7, Episode 2
1/23 - Beetlejuice (1988); Wonder Boys (2000); The Office Season 7, Episode 16
1/24 - The Martian (2015); A Day in the Death of Donny B (short); Mike Tyson Mysteries Season 2, Episode 10
1/25 - Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Season 7, Episode 2
1/26 - Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 55 with Cousin Sal
1/27 - Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 56 with Charles Barkley
1/28 - Highly Questionable Podcast Episode 1/28
1/29 - The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugatz Podcast 1/29
1/30 - HBO Boxing: Krusher Kovalev vs. Pascal 2; Real Sports Season 22, Episode 1; Workaholics Season 7, Episode 3
1/31 - Whitney Cummings: I'm Your Girlfriend; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 57 with House
2/1 - Cartel Land (2015)
2/3 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 59 with Cousin Sal; Around the Horn Podcast 2/3
2/5 - The Best of Rusillo & Kanel Podcast 2/3
2/6 - Heat (1995)
2/7 - Dial M for Murder (1954); American Crime Story: People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 1; NFL Matchup 2/7; Super Bowl 50
2/9 - Hannibal Buress: Comedy Camisado; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 60 with House & Michael Rapaport
2/10 - American Crime Story: People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 2
2/12 - The Dan LeBatard Show with Stugatz Podcast 2/9
2/13 - The Magnificent Yankee (1950); Around the Horn Podcasts 2/10 & 2/11
2/15 - Vinyl Season 1, Episode 1
2/16 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 1; The Dan LeBatard Show with Stugatz Podcast 2/12
2/18 - Hooper (1978); American Crime Story: People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 3
2/19 - Elementary Season 4, Episode 13; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 65 with Robert Smigel & Jack-o 
2/20 - Patton (1970); Stories from the Influencer Economy Podcast Episodes 5 & 6
2/21 - Workaholics Season 6, Episodes 5 & 6; Stories from the Influencer Economy Podcast Episodes 30 & 31; Fantasy Focus Baseball Episodes 1/28 & 2/3
2/22 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 2
2/23 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 66 with House & Alan Sepiwall
2/25 - American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 4  
2/26 - The Dan LeBatard Show with Stugatz Episode 2/24
2/27 - Workaholics Season 6, Episode 7, The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 67 with Cousin Sal, Wesley Morris & Robert Mays
2/28 - Judgement at Nuremberg (1961); Tom Jones (1963); 123 Film Easy Podcast Masterclass with Editor Cindy Mollo
2/29 - Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 2/16
3/1 - Breaking Away (1979); Around the Horn Podcast 2/29
3/2 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 71 with Bryan Curtis
3/4 - Workaholics Season 6, Episode 8; Fangraphs Fantasy Baseball Podcast aka The Sleeper and the Bust Episode 315, Highly Questionable Podcast 3/3
3/5 - Young Frankenstein (1974); HBO Boxing: Terence Crawford vs. Lundy; American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson Episode 5; Real Sports Episode Season 22, Episode 2
3/6 - House (1977); HBO Boxing: Ortiz vs. Thompson; The Sleeper and the Bust Episode 311
3/7 - How to Make Money Selling Drugs (2012); Last a Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 4
3/8 - The Sleeper and the Bust Episode 308
3/9 - Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 3/7
3/10 - American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson Episode 6; The Sleeper and the Bust Episode 309
3/12 - Workaholics Season 6, Episode 9; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 73 with Dan Wetzel & Bill’s Dad
3/13 - Changing (1971, short); Booked for Safekeeping (short); The Rainbow Pass (short); Seinfeld Season 4, Episode 10; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 75 with Jon Favreau & Dan Pfeiffer
3/14 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3 Episode 5;  The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 74 with House & Greg Cosell
3/15 - The Hammer (2007); Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 3/10
3/16 - American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson Episode 7
3/18 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 76 with Chuck Klosterman & Jonathan Abrams
3/19 - 25th Hour (2002); The Decline of Western Civilization II: the Metal Years (1988); No Way Out (1950); The Fight Game with Jim Lampley Season 5, Episode 1; Workaholics Season 6, Episode 10; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 77 with Jim Lampley
3/20 - What’s the Point Podcast Episode .35; Stories from the Influencer Economy Podcast Episode 83; Indie Film Hustle Podcast Episode 055
3/21 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 6
3/22 - Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 3/18
3/23 - Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 3/15
3/25 - The King of Comedy (1982); The Uninvited (1944); Real Sports Episode Season 22, Episode 3
3/26 - Tommy Boy (1995); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 80 with Mike Tollin; American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson Episode 8  
3/27 - A Man Escaped (1956); The Art of Organized Noize (2016); Legacy on the Line: From Bradley to Pacquiao; HBO Boxing: Ward vs. Barrera; Just Suppose (1948, short)
3/28 - Game of Thrones Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Rose Chatterton
3/30 - The Driver (1978); Fantasy Focus Podcast 3/28; Around the Horn Podcast 3/29
3/31 - Around the Horn Podcast 3/30; Fantasy Focus Podcast 3/29
4/1 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 84 with Keith Olbermann
4/2 - Cries and Whispers (1972); Bad Santa (2003); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 82 with House, Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan
4/3 - Midnight Special (2016); HBO Boxing: Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya
4/4 - Louie Season 1, Episode 11; HBO Boxing: Pacquiao vs. Hatton
4/5 - American Crime Story: the People vs. O.J. Simpson Episode 9; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Bradford Young ASC
4/6 - Last Week Tonight Season 3, Episode 7, The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 87 with and Chuck Klosterman & David Shoemaker
4/7 - 123 Film Easy Podcast with Jenny Beavan, Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 4/6
4/9 - Un Chien Andalou (short); American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson Episode 10; Under the Lights: Pacquiao vs. Bradley (2016)
4/10 - Vice Season 4, Episode 5; The Simmons Podcast Episode 88 with Willie Geist and JackO; Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 4/8; What’s the Point Podcast Episode.38 with David Rushkoff; Stories From the Influencer Economy Episode 83 with David Nihill; Stories From the Influencer Economy Episode 22 with Brian Koppleman
4/11 - Galveston (book); Around the Horn Podcast 4/11
4/12 - The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz Podcast 4/11
4/13 - Last Week with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 8; Around the Horn Podcast 4/12; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Mark Mangini
4/14 - Shoot Like Scorsese (book); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 89 with House
4/15 - Around the Horn Podcast 4/14; Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 4/14
4/16 - The Bottle and the Throttle (1968, short); Keeping up Appearances Season 3, Episode 6; The Fight Game with Jim Lampley Season 5, Episode 2
4/17 - The Dropout (1962, short); Face Off with Max Kellerman: Canelo/Khan; The Your Name Here Story (short)
4/20 - Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL (2009); Around the Horn Podcast 4/20
4/21 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 92 with Louis C.K.
4/23 - Z (1969); HBO Boxing: Golovkin vs. Wade; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 9; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 93 with Chuck Klosterman, Wesley Morris & House
4/24 - Real Sports Season 22 Episode 4; 24/7 with Canelo/Kahn: Part 1; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Wes Ball; The Goldbergs Season 3, Episode 19; Film Forum Podcasts with The Coen Brothers
4/25 - Triple 9 (2016); The Big Lebowski (1998); Boxing News Podcast Episode 128; The Sleeper and the Bust Podcast Episode 336
4/26 - Glengarry Glen Ross (play); Around the Horn Podcast 4/25
4/27 - 123 Film East Podcast with Blye Pagon Faust
4/28 - Fantasy Focus Podcast 4/27
4/29 - 123 Film Easy with Ellen Pfirrmann
5/1 - Soylent Green (1973); 2016 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Indiction Ceremony; 24/7: Canelo vs. Kahn Episode 2; Saturday Night Live Season 41, Episode 2 
5/2 - 123 Film Easy Podcast with Lesli Linka Glatter 
5/3 - Flight of the Conchords Season 1, Episode 1; Silicon Valley Season 3, Episode 2; Stories From the Influencer Economy Episode 87 with Hrishikesh Hirway 
5/4 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 95 with Chris Sacca 
5/5 - Woman in the Dunes (1964); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 96 with Michael Rapaport 
5/6 - The Big Short (2015)
5/7 - God Told Me To (1976); Inside Amy Schumer Season 4, Episode 2 
5/8 - Chariots of Fire (1981); Six Men Getting Sick (short); The Alphabet (short) 
5/9 - Stories From the Influencer Economy Episode 88 with Seth Godin 
5/10 - Around the Horn Podcast 5/9; Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 5/6 
5/11 - Around the Horn Podcast 5/10 
5/12 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 10
5/13 - 123 Film Easy Podcast with Padraic McKinley; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 98 with Craig Kilborn 
5/14 - The Art of Smart Football (book); The Fight Game with Jim Lampley Season 5, Episode 3, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 11
5/15 - Waking Up with Sam Harris Podcast “Behind the Gun”, “Final Thoughts on Chomsky” and “Through the Eyes of a Cult”; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Sam Painter; The Ringer NFL Podcast Episode 2 
5/16 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 12; The Sleeper and the Bust Podcast Episode 344 
5/17 - Bullseye with Jesse Thorn Podcast with Chuck Klosterman 
5/18 - Indie Film Hustle Podcast Episode 073 
5/19 - Around the Horn Podcast 5/18; Fantasy Focus Baseball Podcast 5/18 
5/20 - Rollerball (1975); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 100 with House & Jack O; Stories from the Influencer Economy Episode 76 with Chris Yeh 
5/21 - HBO Boxing: Canelo vs. Khan; Review Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4; The Best of the Dan LeBatard Show Podcast 5/17 
5/22 - Magnificent Seven (1960); Keeping Up Appearances Season 4, Episode 5 
5/23 - Review Season 1, Episode 5 
5/24 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 13; Review Season 1, Episode 6; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Jeremy Woolsey 
5/27 - Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast 5/26/16; Stories from the Influencer Economy Episode 89; Around the Horn Podcast 5/26 
5/28 - Review Season 1, Episode 7; NBA Playoffs: Golden State vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Game 6; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 103 with House; 123 Film Easy Podcast with Michael Shaw; The Herd with Colin Cowherd Best of Podcast 5/5/16 
5/29 - Book of Eli (2010); Sports Reporters Season 5/29; Boxing News Podcast Episode 129 
5/30 - Zero Dark Thirty (2012); Review Season 1, Episode 8; American Cinematographer Podcasts with Edward Lachman ASC, Fred Murphy ASC 
5/31 - Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast 5/30/16
6/1 - American Cinematographer Podcast with Sean Bobbitt, BSC 
6/2 - The Best of The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugatz Podcast 5/31; Around the Horn Podcasts 5/31 & 6/1
6/3 - Governor’s Ball Music Festival featuring Father John Misty, Beck, Bloc Party & The Strokes; Meet the Filmmaker Podcasts with David Fincher & Jesse Eisenberg “The Social Network”; Joel & Ethan Coen “True Grit”; The Ringer NBA Podcast Episode 9; Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast 6-2-16 
6/4 - Seinfeld Season 8, Episode 19; Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston II; Around the Horn Podcast 6/3 
6/5 - The Seven-Ups (1973); The Sports Reporters Season 6/5
6/6 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 14; Meet the Filmmaker Podcast with James Gray “Two Lovers” 
6/8 - The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugatz Podcast 6/7 
6/9 - Review Season 1, Episode 9; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 6/8; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 104 with Malcolm Gladwell 
6/10 - Silicon Valley Season 3 Episodes 3 & 4, Key & Peele Season 3, Episode 6 & Season 4, Episode 10 
6/11 - The French Connection (1971); Free Will (book); HBO Boxing: Lomachenko vs. Martinez; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 105 with Joel Solomon, Brendan Lynch & Pat Barker 
6/12 - Everest (2015); Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014); Fantastic Lies (2016); Vice Season 4, Episode 15; Silicon Valley Season 3, Episode 5 
6/13 - Last Week with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 15; Seinfeld Season 5, Episode 8 
6/14 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones 6/13; Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast 6-13-16 
6/15 - Silicon Valley Season 3, Episode 6; KCRW’s The Business Podcast, Episodes with Terence Winter, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu & Richard Linklater; The Sleeper and the Bust Episode 355 
6/16 - Silicon Valley Season 3, Episode 7; The Sleeper and the Bust Episode 356; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with George Miller 
6/17 - Silicon Valley Season 3, Episode 8; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Seth Meyers & Adam McKay Episodes 
6/18 - Ace in the Hole (1951); After Dark, My Sweet (book); KCRW’S The Business Podcast with Louis C.K.; What’s the Point Podcast Episode .50 
6/19 - The Nice Guys (2016); The No Film School Podcast Episode “How a Cinematographer Production Designer Collaborate to Set a Look” 
6/20 - HBO Boxing: Vargas vs. Salido; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 16; KCRW’s The Business Podcasts with Scott Alexander & Larry Karaszewski, Tim Miller & Simon Kinberg Episodes; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 106 with Jimmy Butler, Stories From Influencer Economy Podcast Book Launch Talk Episode 
6/21 - Ballers Season 1, Episode 1 
6/22 - The Best of The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 6/20/16; The No Film School Podcast: Indie Film Weekly 6.9.16 
6/23 - KCRW’s The Business Podcast with John Landgraf 
6/24 - The Best of the Right Time with Bomani Jones 6/23/16; The Sleeper & the Bust Episode 357; Indie Film Hustle Podcast Episode 080 
6/25 - Trojan War (2015); Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 1; Showtime Boxing: Thurman vs. Porter; Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel Season 22, Episode 5; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 107 with House & Kevin Clark 
6/26 - Neon Demon (2016); Black Panther #1 (comic book); The Right Time with Bomani Jones 6/24/16, Hours 1 & 2; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Benicio Del Toro; Any Given Wednesday Extra 01 with Charles Barkley; NFL Live with Will Arnett; The Sleeper & the Bust Podcast Episode 358 
6/27 - KCRW’s The Business Podcast Episodes with Tom McCarthy, James Ponsoldt & Jason Segel
6/28 - Spotlight (2015); The Right Time with Bomani Jones 6/27/16 
6/30 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 2; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 19
7/1 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 6/29/16
7/2 - After Dark, My Sweet (1990), Whiskey Tango Foxtrot; Penny Dreadful Season 1, Episode 1; Nathan For You Season 3, Episode 3
7/3 - The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened? (2015); All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records (2015); Showtime Boxing: Joshua vs. Breazeale; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 108 with House; KCRW’s The Business Podcast “Orson Welles’s Last Movie” 
7/4 - Midnight Cowboy (1969); Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016); Silicon Valley Season 3, Episodes 9 & 10 7/6 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones 7/5/16 
7/7 - FiveThirtyEight Elections Podcast “The FBI Weighs In” 7/5/16; Planet Money Podcast #575 
7/8 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 109 with House; Planet Money Podcast #709 
7/9 - The Conversation (1974); Paths of Glory (1957); Planet Money Podcast Episode #710; 
7/10 - Terence Crawford: My Fight; Keeping Up Appearances Season 5, Episode 2; Planet Money Podcast Episode #463; The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 7/8/16 
7/12 - Around the Horn Podcast 7/11/16; Stories From the Influencer Economy Podcast with guest Brent Bushnell 
7/13 - Cheap Seats Boxing Show Podcast Episode 182; The Sleeper and the Bust Podcast Episode 364 
7/14 - Don’t Blink - Robert Frank (2015); Smokin’ Aces (2006); The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 7/12/16; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast Episodes with J.C. Chandor & Oscar Isaacs, Colin Hanks; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Norman Lear 
7/15 - The No Film School Podcast: Documentary Cinematography Tips; The Ringer MLB Show Podcast Episodes 5 & 9 
7/16 - Dillinger is Dead (1969); Doc & Darryl (2016); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 110 with Wesley Morris & Bill’s Dad; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 7/15/16 
7/17 - The Naked Spur (1953); Nostradamus and the Queen (short); The Planet Money Podcasts #712 & #711; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Noah Hawley; What’s the Point Podcast Episodes .54.1, .54.2; How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 110 
7/18 - What’s the Point Podcast Episodes .54.3, .54.4, .54.5 
7/19 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 7/18/16 
7/20 - Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 1; KCRW’s The Treatment with Richard Dreyfuss; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 111 with JackO; The Planet Money Podcast #689 
7/21 - The Stepford Wives (1975), Around the Horn Podcast 7/20/16 
7/22 - Medium Cool (1969); Louis CK (live comedy show); HBO Boxing: Crawford vs. Gamboa 
7/23 - Joy Ride (2001); Dating Do’s and Don’t’s (short), Summer of ‘63 (short); How Did This Get Made Podcast Episodes 85 & 108; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 113 with Cousin Sal, Brendan Lynch & JackO; The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast Episodes 7/21/16 & 7/22/16
7/24 - Black Mass (2015); Signifying Rapper (book); Stranger Things Season 1, Episode 1; What’s the Point Podcast Episode.54.6 
7/25 - Whiskey, Words & a Shovel II (book); Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 18;The Sleeper and the Bust Podcast Episode 367 
7/26 - No More Excuses (1968); Keep Off the Grass (short); Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 2; Stranger Things Season 1, Episode 2; The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 7/25/16; Planet Money Podcast Episodes 699 & 713 
7/27 - Stranger Things Season 1, Episode 3 
7/30 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 5; Stranger Things Season 1, Episodes 4-8 
7/31 - Scarecrow (1973); We Work Again (short); The Night Of Episode 1; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 114 with House and JackO; KCRW’s The Business with James Schamus; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 7/29/16
8/1 - How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 132
8/2 - John Oliver Season 3, Episode 19
8/3 - Revisionist History Podcast Episode “Hallelujah” 
8/4 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 8/2/16 
8/5 - How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 64 
8/6 - Jim: The James Foley Story (2016); Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 3; Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 6; Decker Season 4, Episode 3 
8/7 - Everybody Wants Some!! (2016); Red Oaks Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2; How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episodes 19 & 45; The Writer’s Room Podcast Episode 1 
8/8 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 20 
8/11 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 7 
8/13 - NYSF: SD: SUV Season 3, Episodes 1 & 2; The Carmichael Show Season 1, Episode 1, Superstore Season 1, Episode 1, The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 116 with Chris Ryan, Travon Free & Joel Solomon, Sarah Tiana & Pat Barker; Bullseye Podcast with Danny McBride & Miroslav Vituous 
8/14 - Stunts (1977); Fargo Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2; Sports Reporters 8/14/16; Bullseye Podcast Episodes with Chuck Klosterman & W. Kamau Bell, John Oliver & Larry Whitmore 
8/15 - Fargo Season 1, Episode 3 
8/16 - Fargo Season 1, Episode 4; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 8/15/16 
8/17 - KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Jerrod Carmichael 
8/18 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 8 
8/20 - Tootsie (1982); Fargo Season 1, Episodes 5 & 6; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 117 with James Andrew Miller 
8/21 - Fargo Season 1, Episodes 7 & 8; How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 112; The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 8/19/16; Around the Horn Podcast 8/16/16 
8/22 - Planet Money Podcast “We Buy Oil” 
8/25 - Planet Money Podcast “The Price of Oil" 
8/26 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 118 with Malcolm Gladwell 
8/27 - Sanctum (2011); Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 4; Seinfeld Season 9, Episode 1 
8/28 - Fargo Season 1, Episodes 9 & 10; Drunk History Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 118 with Michael Rapaport; Planet Money Podcast “How Fracking Changed the World” & “How Oil Got Into Everything” 
8/29 - Planet Money Podcast “Imagine a World Without Oil” 
8/30 - Party Down Season 1, Episode 1; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Joe Weisberg & Joel Fields 
8/31 - KCRW's The Business Podcast with Robert Smigel; Channel 33's "The Press Box" with Terry McDonell
9/1 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3 Episode 80?; KCRW’s The Business with with Todd & Glenn Kessler & Daniel Zelman; Russillo and Kanel Podcast 9/1/16 
9/2 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 160 with Tony Kornheiser; Filmspotting Podcast Episode 600 with Chuck Klosterman; Planet Money Podcast Episode 721; Waking Up with Sam Harris Podcast Episode 42
9/3 - The Triumph Election Special Episode 2; CFB: Houston Cougars vs. Oklahoma Sooners ; Planet Money Podcast #532; KCRW’s The Treatment with Owen Gleiberman; KCRW’s The Business with Louis C.K. 
9/4 - The Mets vs. The Nationals (live); Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 5 
9/5 - I Was A Teenage Zombie (1987); New York Yankees vs. Toronto Blue Jays; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Jean-Jacques Annaud; Indie Film Weekly Podcast 8/25/16 
9/6 - Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 6 
9/7 - Party Down Season 1, Episode 2; KCRW’s The Treatment with Kenneth Turan 
9/8 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 9 
9/9 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones 9/7/16 
9/10 - CFB: Arkansas Razorbacks  vs. TCU Horned Frogs; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 122 with Cousin Sal & Episode 123 with House, Rembert Browne & Bill’s Dad 
9/11 - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001); Atlanta Season 1, Episode 1; The Sports Reporters 9/11/16; HBO Boxing: Golovkin vs. Brook; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Baltasar Kormakur 
9/12 - KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast Episodes with Ryan Coogler, GQ’s Mark Anthony Green  
9/15 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 152 with Cousin Sal 
9/16 - Planet Money Podcast #724 
9/17 - Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002); Traveling the Stars: Action Bronson and Friends Watch Ancient Aliens; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 125 with Mike Lombardi & House 
9/18 - It Happened One Night (1934); Vice Principals Season 1, Episodes 7 & 8 
9/19 - Vice Principals Season 1, Episode 9; Planet Money Podcast #723 
9/22 - Stories of the Influencer Economy Podcast Episode 93 with Kevin Kelly 
9/23 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones 9/23/16; Around the Horn 9/22/16 
9/24 - KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Trevor Pryce 
9/25 - The Warriors (1979); Any Given Wednesday Season 1; Episode 11 
9/26 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 127 with Mike Lombardi, House and Chris Vernon 
9/27 - How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 120 
9/29 - Planet Money Podcast Episode #726; Around the Horn Podcast 9/28 
9/30 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 128 with Cousin Sal
10/1 - Stonehearst Asylum (2014); CFB: Florida State Seminoles vs North Carolina Tar Heels; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 128 with Cousin Sal; Planet Money Podcast #725 
10/2 - Electric Boogaloo: The Wild Untold Story of Canon Films (2014); Bull Season 1, Episode 2; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 129 with Mike Lombardi, House & JackO; KCRW’s The Business Marc Guggenheim & Tara Butters, Rod Blackhurst & Brian McGinn
10/3 - Westworld Season 1, Episode 1; KCRW’s The Spinoff “Creativity Abounds in Fall TV…” 
10/4 - Stories of the Influencer Economy Episode 96 with Jenny Blake 
10/5 - Cults, Conspiracies, & Secret Societies (book); Around the Horn Podcast 10/4/2016 
10/6 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 130 with Cousin Sal 
10/7 - The Fight Game Season 5, Episode 5; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 131 with Mike Lombardi & House; The Best of The Dan Le Batard Show Podcast 10/5/16; Planet Money Podcast #727 & #521 
10/8 - CFB: Texas Longhorns vs. Oklahoma Sooners
10/9 - Roman Holiday (1953); Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975); Westworld Season 1, Episode 2; Planet Money Podcast #728 
10/10 - Nothing More Than Murder (book); Superstore Season 2, Episode 1; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Mike O'Malley; Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast 10-10-16; The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz 10/10/16 
10/11 - The Ryno Lab Podcast Episode 95 with Max Joseph 
10/12 - KCRW’s The Treatment with Michael Weatherly; Around the Horn Podcast 10/11/16 
10/14 - Around the Horn Podcast 10/13/16 
10/15 - CFB: Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Wisconsin Badgers, Ole Miss Rebels vs. Arkansas Razorbacks; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 133 with Mike Lombardi and House 
10/16 - The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976); Bull Season 1, Episode 3; Westworld Season 1, Episode 2; Sports Reporters 10/16/16; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Steven Bochco; Indie Film Hustle Podcast Episode 088; KCRW’s The Treatment with Tyler the Creator  
10/17 - Eastern Promises (2007); Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 26; The Indie Film Weekly Podcast 9.22.16; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Ice Cube; Planet Money Podcast #573 
10/18 - Bull Season 1, Episode 4; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 134 with Cousin Sal; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 10/17/16 
10/19 - War Room (1992); What’s the Point Podcast Episode 0.65; The Indie Film Weekly Podcast Episode “Friction is Where the Good Stuff Comes”; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Jack Riccobono & Chris Eyre 
10/20 - How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 106 
10/21 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 14 
10/22 - E.T.: the Extras Terrestrial (1982); Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 13; Planet Money Podcast #731; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz Podcast 10/21/16; Ringer University Podcast Episode 9 
10/23 - Groundhog Day (1993); How I Met Your Mother Season 2, Episode 3; How I Built This Podcast with Vice’s Suroosh Alvi; What’s the Point Podcast Episode .64; Planet Money Podcast #730 
10/24 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 27; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Rebecca Hall; Planet Money Podcast #566 
10/25 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 136 with Cousin Sal 
10/26 - What’s the Point Podcast Episode .66 
10/27 - The Best of Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz 10/25/16 
10/28 - Planet Money Podcast #387; Around the Horn Podcast 10/27/16 
10/29 - CFB: Florida State Seminoles vs. Clemson Tigers; Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 15; How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 137; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz Podcast 10/28/16; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 137 with Mike Lombardi, House and Robert Mays 
10/30 - Westworld Season 1, Episode 4; KCRW’s The Business with Thomas Kail and Sterling K. Brown; Ringer University Podcast Episode 12; Planet Money Podcast #732 
10/31 - KCRW's The Business Podcast with Adam Irving
11/1 - Westworld Season 1, Episode 5
11/2 - Around the Horn Podcast 10/31/16
11/3 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 138 with Cousin Sal & Mike Lombardi  
11/4 - Questioning Darwin (2014); Planet Money Podcast #413; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 139 with JackO, Kevin O'Connor and House 
11/5 - CFB: Oklahoma State Cowboys vs. Kansas State Wildcats, Florida Gators vs. Arkansas Razorbacks; Real Sports Season 22, Episode 10; Planet Money Podcasts #671 and #555 
11/6 - My Fight: Kovalev vs. Ward; Planet Money Podcast 733; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz 11/3/16; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Pablo Azato, Jonas Cuaron, and Gael Garcia Bernal 
11/7 - The Golden Years (short, 1960); Westworld Season 1, Episode 6; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Jeff Nichols 
11/8 - The Candidate (1972); Between the World and Me (book); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 140 with Cousin Sal 
11/9 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 16, The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 11/8/16 
11/10 - Red (play) 
11/11 - Any Given Wednesday Season 1, Episode 17; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 141 with Mike Lombardi, House and JackO; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 11/9/16; The Ryno Lab Podcast Episode 98 with Jon Levy; Planet Money Podcast #627 & 734 
11/12 - Roger & Me (1989); Primary (1960); CFB: WVU Mountaineers vs. Texas Longhorns; How I Built This Podcast: L.A. Reid; Make Me Smarter Football Podcast 11/8/16; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Sid Mashburn 
11/13 - A Perfect Candidate (1996); Westworld (1973); Westworld Season 1, Episode 7; Revisionist History Podcast “My Little Hundred Million”; KCRW’s The Business with Barry Jenkins and Adele Rolanski 
11/15 - HBO Boxing: Luis Ortiz vs. Malik Scott; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show 11/14/16 
11/16 - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 3, Episode 30 
11/17 - How I Built This Podcast: Jim Koch; Make Me Smarter Football Podcast 11/15/16 
11/18 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 144 with Mike Lombardi, House and Bryan Curtis 
11/19 - Hell or High Water (2016); The Fight Game Season 5, Episode 6, State of Play: Happiness (Season 1, Episode 2); The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 11/17/16; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz Podcast 11/18/16; Waking Up with Sam Harris Podcast #51 
11/20 - Paper Moon (1973); Deadpool (2016); The Ipcress File (1965); Search Party Season 1, Episode 1; KCRW’s The Business with Doug Mackenzie 
11/21 - Planet Money Podcast #736 
11/22 - Westworld Season 1, Episode 8 
11/23 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 145 with Cousin Sal and House 
11/24 - God’s Country (1985); Shot Heard ‘Round the World (2001); NFL Football: The Vikings vs. The Lions; The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Season 2, Episode 48; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 11/22/16; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Ben Younger 
11/25 - Nocturnal Animals (2016); To Tell The Truth: The Strategy of Truth (2016); The Battle of Midway (short, 1942); South Park Season 20, Episode 8: Make Me Smarter Football Podcast 11/22/16; Planet Money Podcast #737 and #468 
11/26 - Sisters (2015); KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Noah Oppenheim; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show Podcast with Stugotz 11/21/16; Planet Money Podcast #694 and #696 
11/27 - Arrival (2016); Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015); Planet Money Podcasts #608, #252, #253 
11/28 - Westworld Season 1, Episode 9, Real Sports Season 22, Episode 11 
11/29 - Seinfeld Season 9, Episode 17; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 146 with Cousin Sal 
11/30 - Planet Money Podcast #552
12/1 - The Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 11/30/16
12/2 - Planet Money Podcasts #510 and #528 
12/3 - Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (2016); CFB: PSU Nittany Lions vs. Wisconsin Badgers; The Late Late Show Show with James Corden Season 2, Episode 103; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 148 with Mike Lombardi, House, Robert Mays and Danny Kelly 
12/4 - Keanu (2016); Westworld Season 1, Episode 10; Comedy Central All Star Non-Denominational Christmas Special (2014); Planet Money Podcast #417 and #526; How I Built This with Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger; The Best of Dan Le Batard Show Podcast with Stugotz 11/28/16 (Hours 1 and 2); KCRW’s The Business with Harvey Fierstein
12/5 - The Trials of Ted Haggard (2009); Terror at the Mall (2014)
12/6 - De Palma (2015); Planet Money Podcast #534 
12/7 - Planet Money #738 
12/8 - Make Me Smarter Football Podcast 12/6/16 
12/9 - Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016)
12/10 - HBO Boxing: Terence Crawford vs. John Molina Jr.; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 151 with Mike Lombardi, House and Bill’s Dad 
12/11 - Bobby Fischer Against the World (2011); Sports Reporters 12/11/16; The Right Time with Bomani Jones 12/19/16; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Dustin Hoffman; Planet Money Podcasts #579, #650 and #598 
12/12 - The Film Programme Podcast 11/11/15 
12/13 - Bull Season 1, Episode 7; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 152 with Cousin Sal; Around the Horn Podcast 12/12/16 
12/14 - The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 153 with Gucci Mane; The Film Programme Podcast 11/2/16 
12/15 - KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Abbi Jacobson and Illana Glazer 
12/16 - Make Me Smarter Football Podcast 12/13/16 
12/17 - This is Our Youth (play); The Fight Game with Jim Lampley Season 5, Episode 7; Jimmy Kimmel Live Season 14, Episode 224; KCRW’s The Business with Garth Davis; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 154 with Mike Lombardi, House and Mallory Rubin 
12/18 - Onibaba (1964); True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016); Sports Reporters 12/18/16; Around the Horn Podcast 12/16/16; Planet Money Podcasts #740, #741, #742 
12/19 - Planet Money Podcast #606 
12/20 - Moonlight (2016); La La Land (2016); Street Kings (2008); OJ: Made in America: Part One; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 155 with Cousin Sal 
12/21 - Death Watch (1980); OJ: Made in America: Part Two; How Did This Get Made? Podcast Episode 151; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz Podcast 12/20/16; Planet Money Podcast #288, #363, #685; Make Me Smarter Football Podcast 12/20/16 
12/22 - Manchester by the Sea (2016); Bull Season 1, Episode 9; KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast with Kenneth Lonergan; Planet Money Podcast #664; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 156 with House 
12/23 - The Caretaker (play); Seinfeld Season 3, Episode 12; KCRW’s The Business Podcast: Best of Film and Television 2016 and 2015; The Best of Right Time with Bomani Jones Podcast 12/21/16; Planet Money Podcast #743 and #648; What’s the Point Podcast .72 
12/24 - Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016); Charlie Wilson’s War (2007); NFL: Houston Texans vs. Cincinnati Bengals; The Best of the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz Podcast 12/22/16 
12/25 - The Lobster (2015); Passengers (2016); NFL: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver Broncos 
12/26 - Boxing: Marciano vs. Louis; KCRW’s The Business Podcast with Brian Grazer; Planet Money Podcasts #500 and #466 
12/27 - 13th (2016); Atlanta Season 1, Episode 2; KCRW’s The Treatment with Taika Waititi 
12/28 - Fences (2016); The End of Malice 
12/29 - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016); The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 157 with Cousin Sal 
12/30 - Hacksaw Ridge (2016); CFB: Orange Bowl: Florida State Seminoles vs. Michigan Wolverines; The Bill Simmons Podcast Episode 158 with House; Planet Money Podcast #744; Rex Sike’s Movie Beat Podcast with Deborah Patz  
12/31 - Zootopia (2016); The Man Who Saved Ben-Hur (2015); CFB: Fiesta Bowl: Clemson Tigers vs. Ohio State Buckeyes; The Fight Game with Jim Lampley Season 5, Episode 8; Planet Money Podcasts #745 and #430
0 notes
rapchieuphimak · 7 years
Mùa Thu Này Nên Xem Phim Gì?
Mùa thu hàng năm là thời điểm các rạp chiếu phim ngập tràn những bộ phim với chất lượng nghệ thuật cao được ngắm cho các cuộc đua giải thưởng như Cannes hoặc Oscar, và mùa thu 2017 chắc chắn không phải là ngoại lệ.
Bên cạnh những bộ phim được làm ra để thỏa mãn giới hàn lâm, vẫn có những phim hành động bom tấn, kinh dị công chiếu trong thời điểm này, điều này tạo ra sự đa dạng và khán giả có nhiều cơ hội để chọn lựa khi tới rạp chiếu bóng hơn các mùa khác trong năm. Mùa thu năm nay sẽ mang đến cho khán giả những bộ phim chuyển thể từ các tác phẩm văn học nổi tiếng, các phần phim của những vũ trụ điện ảnh và thậm chí là những bộ phim chính kịch, nhạc kịch. Dưới đây là danh sách các bộ phim mà chắc chắn khán giả không thể bỏ lỡ trong mùa thu năm nay:
IT (Chú Hề Ma Quái, công chiếu ngày 8 tháng 9)
Năm 2017 có vẻ như là năm của các nhà văn Stepphen King khi các tác phẩm của ông liên tiếp được chuyển thể và đưa lên màn ảnh rộng. Cũng giống như The Dark Tower (Tòa Tháp Bóng Đêm) IT được thai nghén và phát triển trong rất nhiều năm và trải qua nhiều sự thay đổi lớn (vị trí đạo diễn của bộ phim thay đổi từ Cary Fukunaga của Beasts of No Nation sang đạo diễn phim Mama – Andy Muschietti). IT sẽ là diễn biến nửa đầu của cuốn tiểu thuyết cùng tên, bộ phim sẽ tập trung vào thời thơ ấu của nhóm bạn rẻ - “The Loser Club”- cùng nhau phát hiện ra và bị đe dọa bởi thực thể ma quái tồn tại hàng nghìn năm đang sống lại ở thị trấn.
MOTHER! (Công chiếu ngày 15 tháng 9)
Đến thời điểm này có lẽ Mother là dự án phim im hơi lặng tiếng nhất dù chỉ còn chưa đầy 1 tháng nữa là tới ngày công chiếu. Bộ phim được đạo diễn và biên kịch bởi Darren Aronofsky vẫn chưa tung ra bất kỳ thông tiun nào về nội dung chính hoặc có một động thái quảng bá nào. Nứ diễn viên đạt giải Oscar 2014 Jenifer Lawrence và nam tài tử Javier Bardem sẽ là ngôi sao của bộ phim, vai diễn của họ sẽ là cặp vợ chồng/tình nhân bị làm phiền bởi sự xuất hiện của những người khách không mời (Ed Harris và Michelle Pfeiffer thủ vai), mọi diễn biến sau đó xảy ra theo chiều hướng xấu đi, rất nhanh. Hiện tại tất cả những thành viên của đoàn làm phim không một ai tiết lộ thêm bất cứ điều gì về dự án, có lẽ họ muốn tạo hiệu ứng bất ngờ cho khán giả.
KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE (Mật Vụ KingsMan: Tổ Chức Hoàng Kim công chiếu ngày 22 tháng 9)
Nối tiếp những diễn biến trong phần 1, Golden Circle sẽ là cuộc phiêu lưu của chàng điệp viên lém lỉnh Eggsy (Taron Egerton’s Gary thủ vai) sẽ cùng hợp tác với những “đồng nghiệp” thành viên của tổ chức thân cận với Kingsman – The Statesmen – tổ chức điệp viên bí mật của Mỹ. Cùng nhau họ sẽ tham gia một cuộc chiến để chống lại tổ chức Golden Circle và ngăn chặn âm mưu làm bá chủ thế giới của tổ chức này. Tham gia vào dàn diễn viên lần này có rất nhiều gương mặt nổi tiếng như Channing Tatum, Halle Bery và Pedro Pascal, họ sẽ thủ vai những điệp viên của tổ chức Statesmen. Trong khi đó Colin Firth cũng sẽ quay trở lại với cai diễn Harry Hart.
THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE (Công chiếu ngày 22 tháng 9)
Sau thành công của một loạt phim trong thương hiệu phim LEGO, mùa thu này hãng Warner Bros sẽ tiếp tục ra mắt bộ phim hoạt hình LeGo Ninjago Movie, bộ phim được đạo diễn bởi Charlie Bean (từng đạo diễn Robot Boy, Tron: Uprising). Đến nay, vẫn chưa rõ liệu bộ phim có liên kết nào với các bộ phim LEGO được ra mắt trước đó hay không hay chỉ đơn giản là một trong những bộ phim thuộc vũ trụ hoạt hình LEGO. LEGO Ninjago Movie không phải là phiên bản màn ảnh rộng của TV series Masters of Spinjitzu mặc dù cả 2 bộ phim cùng xuất hiện các nhân vật chung.
BATTLE OF THE SEXES (Công chiếu ngày 22 tháng 9)
Battle of the Sexes  là bộ phim chính kịch/lịch sử/ tiểu sử, phim khắc họa lại trận Tennis huyền thoại diễn ra trong năm 1973 giữa Billie Jean King (Stone) – Đương kim vô địch và là Tay vợt Chuyên Nghiệp số 1 Thế Giới – và Bobby Riggs (Carell) – tay vợt cựu số một thế giới, từng vô địch rất nhiều mùa giải Wimbledon. Battle of Sexes khắc họa lại nỗ lực và quá trình tìm lại vinh quang của cựu vận động viên Tennis. Bộ phim quy tụ một giàn diễn viên hùng hậu được giới chuyên môn đánh giá cao về kỹ năng diễn xuất như Alan Cumming, Elisabeth Shue, Sarah Silverman và Andrea Riseborough. Bên cạnh đó Battle of Sexes cũng có sự góp mặt của nữ diễn viên giành tượng vàng Oscar danh giá năm 2017 – Emma Stone, kịch bản của phim cũng được sáng tạo bởi biên kịch từng đoạt giải Oscar – Simon Beaufoy. Battle of Sexes được nhận định sẽ là một trong những đối thủ nặng ký trong cuộc đua tranh xuất đề cử cho giải Phim Xuất Sắc Nhất tại lễ trao giải Oscar năm sau.
AMERICAN MADE (Barry Seal: Lách Luật Kiểu Mỹ, công chiếu ngày 29 tháng 9)
American Made là bộ phim đánh dấu hợp tác của siêu sao Tom Cruise và đạo diễn Doug Liman sau bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng Edge of Tomorrow (sau American Made bộ đôi này cũng sẽ tiếp tục hợp tác trong phần 2 của The Edge of Tomorrow  với tiêu đề là : Live Die Repeat and Repeat). Bộ phim thuộc thể loại phim hài đen, cốt truyện được lấy cảm hứng và dựa trên một sự kiện có thật xảy ra trong những năm 1980 tại Mỹ, sự kiện tưởng rằng chỉ có trong tiểu thuyết nhưng khiến nền chính trị Mỹ trao đảo trong suốt một thời gian dài.
BLADE RUNNER 2049 (Tội Phạm Nhân Bản 2049, công chiếu ngày 6 tháng 10)
Blade Runner 2049 với sự góp mặt của Ryan Gosling trong vai chính  - K, trong một lần tình cờ anh đã khám phá ra những  bí mật động trời bị chôn vùi và quên lãng có thể thay đổi cả thế giới mà anh đang tồn tại, sau đó anh phải đi tìm kiếm người đàn ông mất tích bấy lâu nay tên Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford thủ vai) để tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ. Bộ phim là phần hậu truyện của Blade Runner, ngoài 2 ngôi sao trong 2 vai nam chính, Blade Runner 2049 còn có sự tham gia của một loạt các diễn viên tài năng như Robin Wright, Dave Bautista, Jared Leto và Mackenzie Davis (người đã từng làm việc chung với đạo diễn của bộ phim trong The Martian). Hiện nay, khán giả vẫn chưa biết nhiều thêm về thông tin phim vì nhà sản xuất và các diễn viên vẫn chưa tiết lộ thêm nhiều thông tin.
MARSHALL (Công chiếu ngày 13 tháng 10)
Marshall là một tác phẩm của đạo diễn Reginald Hudlin, nội dung bộ phim xoay quanh những biến cố trong cuộc đời Marshall, chủ yếu là vào lúc anh bị sao nhãng và không tập trung vào những vụ án quan trọng và danh tiếng của sự nghiệp của anh, mặt khác anh vẫn muốn duy trì vị trí luật sư của mình tại NAACP. Dàn diễn viên của phim bao gồm 2 diễn viên của bộ phim bom tấn chuyển thể từ truyện cổ tích Beauty and the Beast - Josh Gad và Dan Steven, nữ diễn viên của series đình đám Empire - Jussie Smollett, ngoi sao của American Crime Story - Sterling K.Brown và Kate Hudson. Kịch bản của bộ phim được giao cho bộ đôi biên kịch Michael Koshoff - người nổi tiếng với bộ phim the Blcak Panther Party hồi những năm 1970s - và con trai của ông, Jacob Kaskoff.
THE SNOWMAN (Người Tuyết, Công chiếu ngày 20 tháng 10)
The Snowman là bộ phim trinh thám, hình sự giật gân hứa hẹn trong mùa Hollowween năm nay, bộ phim là cuộc hành trình của Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender thủ vai) - một đặc vụ điều tra xuất sắc, điều tra một vụ án nguy hiểm nhằm tìm ra danh tính của tên tội phạm giết người hàng loạt đang đe dọa tới mạng sống của nhiều người, như tiêu đề của bộ phim đã gợi ý, tên giết người này chỉ ra tay sát hại các nạn nhân của mình vào mùa đông (việc này đã kéo dài trong nhiều năm). Nữ diễn viên nguời Thụy Sỹ Rebecca Ferguson (từng xuất hiện trong Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation) trong vai người đồng nghiệp non nớt và ít kinh nghiệm của Harry, dàn diễn viên phụ của phim là những cái tên quen thuộc đối với khán giả như Charlotte Gainsbourg, James D’Arcy, J.K. Simmons, Chloë Sevigny và Val Kilmer.
SUBURBICON (Công chiếu ngày 27 tháng 10)
Suburbicon lấy bối cảnh một khu làng hẻo lánh trong những năm 50 của thế kỷ trước, tại đây mọi việc đều diễn ra trong yên bình, không xảy ra bất cứ vụ phạm tội hay xung đột tôn giáo nào. Tuy nhiên mọi thứ thay đổi một cách nhanh chóng khi Gardner Lodge (Damon thủ vai) - một người chồng, người công nhân thuộc tầng lớp trung lưu - và gia đình của anh không may gặp phải một thảm kịch, từ đây mọi bí mật đen tối xung quanh Gardner Lodge dần dần được phơi bầy cùng với toàn bộ những gì đang diễn ra trong cộng đồng của ngôi làng bé nhỏ nay. Bộ phim được các nhà phê bình nhận đình là có phần giống với Fargo - bộ phim đã từng đạt giải Oscar cho phim xuất sắc nhất.
THOR: RAGNAROK (Ngày công chiếu mùng 3 tháng 1)
Đúng như tiêu đề của bộ phim, Thor: Ragnorok sẽ là cuộc chiến sống còn để bảo vệ Asgard trước sự tàn lụi giống như nội dung các câu truyện của thần thoại Bắc Âu. Lần này thần sấm Thor sẽ cùng hợp lực với người khổng lồ xanh Hulk để đánh bại Hela (Cate Blanchett thủ vai) , nữ thần của sự chết chóc và địa ngục. Loki (Tom Hiddleson) sẽ trở lại và cùng sát cánh với người anh nuôi của mình để tìm cách thoát khỏi sự diệt vong, bộ phim cũng có sự góp mặt của tân binh Tessa Thompson (từng tham gia phim Creed) trong vai nữ binh sỹ Valkyrie, ngôi sao của Star Trek - Karl Urban trong vai vệ binh của Asgard - Skurge và Jeff Goldblum trong vai The Grandmaster - anh trai của the Collector - chủ của đấu trường nơi mà Thor và Hulk vô tình gặp lại nhau trong một trận đánh kể từ sau Avengers: Age of Ultron.
MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (Án Mạn Trên Tàu Tốc Hành Phương Đông, công chiếu ngày 10 tháng 11)
Murder on The Orient Express là bộ phim với sự tham gia của một dàn diễn viên toàn những ngôi sao hạng A như Daisy Ridley, Michelle Pfeiffer, Willem Dafoe, Dame Judi Dench, Penélope Cruz, Josh Gad, Hamilton‘s Leslie Odom Jr. và nhiều diễn viên khác trong vai những hành khách du ngoạn trên con tàu. Tại đây một vụ án mạng nghiêm trọng đã xảy ra và ngài Poirot phải bắt tay vào xử lý vụ án, tìm ra chân tướng của kẻ thủ ác. Đạo diễn Branagh đã thổi vào bộ phim một luồng không khí cổ điển, bí hiểm nhưng cũng không kém phần giật gân và kịch tính giống như các tác phẩm trước đây của ông như : Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Cinderella và các tác phẩm chuyển thể từ kịch của Shakepeare.  Với một dàn diễn viên hạng A, và một đạo diễn danh tiếng, bộ phim hứa hẹn sẽ tạo ra trào lưu tại tất cả các rạp chiếu bóng trên thế giới.
JUSTICE LEAGUE (Liên Minh Công Lý, công chiếu ngày 17 tháng 11)
Tháng 11 này, chúng ta sẽ được chứng kiến nhóm siêu anh hùng vô cùng nổi tiếng bao gồm Batman/Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman/Diana Prince (Gal Gadot), Flash (Erza Miller), Aquaman (Jason Mom0a) và Cyborg (Ray Fisher), cùng tập hợp để bảo vệ trái đất trước sự xâm lăng của đội quân parademon và Steppen Wolf. Bộ phim cũng đánh dấu sự trở lại của Superman sau khi nhân vật này hy sinh mạng sống để tiêu diệt Doomsday ở đoạn cuối phim Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Bộ phim hứa hẹn sẽ tạo ra một cơn chấn động giống như Avengers đã từng gây ra hồi năm 2012.
  Xem thêm tại: Rapchieuphim
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pfeifferwalz · 3 years
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End of Opalia
Ryan M Pfeiffer + Rebecca Walz
Charcoal, sanguine oil-lead & color pencil on paper
52” x 38”
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