#ruri-iro kujaku
kaisermeister · 4 years
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excuse me Studio Pierrot ?
what the FUCK is that ???
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hayabusanonamae · 7 years
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2/2 Tag Team of Shinigami and Zanpakutou
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Here are some more little shinigami/zanpakuto interactions that have been accumulating in my brain for a while:
For Ichigo, spending quality time with Tensa and Zangetsu usually happens after sunset up in his room, when his family members are less likely to walk in on them. The three of them settle into his bed together and just talk. The more time they spend around each other the more comfortable they get with each other, until he starts to look forward to the times he can spare to spend with them more and more.
Sode no Shirayuki likes to read to Rukia. She knows it relaxes her to be able to just sit back and listen. She lets Rukia lay her head in her lap, and slowly strokes her hair while she reads.
Zabimaru is a little more rowdy. Saru and Hebi tease Renji relentlessly, and have a habit of manifesting by themselves if they think he hasn’t been paying them enough attention. But in truth, they’re very tuned in to his emotions. They’re there to put their arms around him when he feels down, and to talk some sense into him when he’s frustrated.
Senbonzakura is another one that usually manifests himself without being called. Because if he doesn’t, Byakuya will forget to eat, to sleep, to take care of himself. Zakura has been known to take the pen out of Byakuya’s hand, throw it across the room, and climb into his lap to get the attention he wants. But he can get away with it. He’s the only one Byakuya can’t say no to, the only one he can’t lie to. And he knows it.
Hyorinmaru is quiet and deferential. Only comes around when Hitsugaya wants him around. But he’s, like, the most faithful, supportive, and gentle companion anyone could ever wish for. He’s very touchy about it though. It’s how he shows affection. He likes to cuddle. Not that Hitsugaya minds, of course.
Suzumebachi keeps Soi Fon company while she works, flitting around her head or sitting on her shoulder, playing with her hair. She sings in her ear and distracts her from all the things that weigh on her. She kisses her cheek and wipes her tears away when she cries, and then tells her (dirty) jokes until she smiles again.
Hisagi and Kazeshini, on the other hand, are a good example of a pair that aren’t exactly on the best of terms. Kazeshini represents everything Hisagi hates about himself. They don’t talk much. But they have their moments. Quiet hugs in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep, where he apologizes endlessly for keeping Kazeshini locked away so much of the time, for not being able to face the dark parts of himself, for being such a shitty partner. Kazeshini forgives him every time.
Yumichika and Ruri-iro Kujaku also aren’t the friendliest pair. Ruri’iro Kujaku takes every possible opportunity to remind Yumichika that he’ll never achieve his full potential if he keeps hiding his true powers from everyone. Yumichika keeps trying to pretend that it doesn’t bother him. But the truth is that Ruri’iro Kujaku just isn’t the zanpakuto that he wanted it to be, and both of them know it.
Ikkaku and Hozukimaru are tight, though. Like, laying all over each other, finishing each other’s sentences, playing games against each other, spontaneous hideously off-key duets together tight.
By the time Kenpachi finally met Nozarashi, he was really in a bad place, so their early interactions Aren’t Great. Nozarashi is very blunt, and speaks a lot of truths that Kenpachi knows, but doesn’t want to admit. But over time, they get used to each other. Being around Nozarashi is what keeps Kenpachi grounded. Nozarashi is always there exactly when he needs him, and that thought is reassuring.
Oomaeda and Gegetsuburi destress together, laze around and eat good food together. They don’t really talk much, but then again they don’t really need to. It’s enough just to be chilling in the same room for them, really.
Haineko lives up to her name by acting like a cat pretty much all the time, too. Sometimes she’s content to just lay her head on Rangiku’s shoulder and rest there for hours. Sometimes she’ll demand that Rangiku drop everything and pay attention to her, seemingly at random. She likes it when Rangiku takes her on walks outside, especially in the forest.
Kyoraku spoils the two halves of Katen Kyokotsu rotten. He’ll give them whatever they want whenever they want it, no questions asked. He knows that it’s better to just do what they say than to start an argument, especially since they’re more keyed into what he needs than he is, sometimes. He trusts them.
Kira is in a physical, emotional, and mental state of ‘complete and total wreck’ at pretty much any given time. His relationship with Wabisuke is tenuous a lot of the time. When things are really bad, being around Wabisuke can make it worse. But when things are good, he tries to make time for him as often as he can. Wabisuke always has his best interests at heart, of course, and does all he can to gently push Kira in the right direction, like encouraging him to reach out for help if he needs it.
Feel like it’s worth noting, that even as much thought as I’ve put into all this (oof), there are a few I can’t quite seem to pin down. Most notably Mayuri’s relationship to Ashisogi Jizo. Like, it’s canon that he experiments on his zanpakuto. ??? That’s not cool, Mayuri??? Also Genryusai and Ryujin Jakka (how do you forge a positive relationship with a huge column of incindiary fire) and Unohana and Minazuki (how do you change your whole personality the way she did and still maintain a good relationship with your sword through that? How do you force them into a completely new role that doesn’t suit them, out of the blue like that???)
In conclusion, everyone’s relationship with their zanpakuto spirit is unique, and I think it’s very fascinating. I think it lends a lot of insight into a character to imagine how they interact with their zanpakuto. Also it’s a pretty fun little creative experiment, not gonna lie!
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So I'm playing Brave Souls mobile and did a few character summons, and I got these two rare beans back to back and I am a happy boi
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And Ruri-iro Kujaku is like.... Super rare and that makes me like.... Even more happy
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allanimemag · 7 years
Best Bleach Zanpakuto
#Bleach Anime Challenge Day 4 ~ Which Zanpakuto in Bleach is your favourite? #AnimeChallenge
Once again this was a challenge for me to answer. There are just so many to choose from and to limit yourself to picking just a single one.
A few honorable mentions would be:
Sode no Shirayuki (Rukia)
Benihime (Urahara)
Kazeshini (Hisagi)
However the below list is my top Zanpakuto, once again no particular order.
Hyōrinmaru – Toshiro Hitsugaya
The most powerful of the ice zanpakuto with…
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