#ruh roh. peach time
saesyndrome · 3 months
speaking of the translation decisions in tokyopop peach girl are sooook odd to me. like sometimes they embellish to add a little humor but make the sentiment clearer to the audience BUT sometimes they add shit for NO REASON? and then i think there's a fundamental misunderstanding of toji's name. also removing honorifics and insisting on having everyone call him "kiley" (🤮🤮🤮) instead of okayasu really fucks up a lot about ryo's introduction. ALSO it removes the quirks everyone has when they address each other like momo usually uses a first name NEVER uses honorifics except for misao. sae and kairi call everyone -chan and -kun and ALWAYS call everyone by their first names (except toji). toji NEVER calls ANYONE by their first name EVER. and kairi makes fun of him for it towards the end of the first arc. not to MENTION that sae literally calls ryo "ryo-sama" but no one wants to talk about that -_- also the crazy shit with jigoro's name like no one is capable of understanding that shit for some reason. they literally keep calling him a jigolo and then have him say at one point "im not a jigolo" like come the fuck on
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yellowbunnydreams · 6 months
Bunny Ears (Part 7) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~Sorry for the very silly previous part, it was part of a headcannon me and friend had and it was too good to not write about. *Cue 'was that the bite of '87?!' Meme here*~
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090
Cw: CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM
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Half-way through the day, you were only half-way through your shift and you felt as if you could curl up and go to sleep then and there, but you knew you were in for a late night anyway since you still had to wait to be driven home. Henry had been taking you a lot more lately, but tonight he was going to his kid's recital and so you had to wait for Afton, although he was going to be working late in the parts and services room and so you would have to hang around and wait for him.
Looking at the drink in your hand, you went into the staff fridge and grabbed some more water, humming as you moved along the back corridors and kept out of the way of people. Nodding to people as you went past, it was a strangle quiet day at Freddy's. But apparently the local school had a big recital on that night so most kids were there, you almost wondered if William wouldn't be going to his daughter's.
Knocking on the door to parts and services, you peered in cautiously. "Are you decent this time William?" you jokingly called out and you heard his deep rumbling laugh in response.
"Depends on what you find decent, sweetheart." He felt the grin spreading across his face as your silence filled his ears, knowing that your cheeks were flushing and you were getting that slightly glazed look as he put the thought in your head.
"But if you mean am I wearing clothes and not shorts today, yes, yes I am very much decent." He chuckled, hearing you step into the room and letting the door close softly behind you. Appearing from behind a shelf with a bottle of water in your hand, smiling in that way that made his chest tight and his body ache to have you curled against him.
"I brought this for you, I figured you would probably be thirsty."
"Cheers sweetheart, I didn't realise the time honestly." He admitted, looking at his watch and smiling at the little bunny bracelet sat just beneath it, knowing you would see he was still wearing it too. Taking the bottle and unscrewing it, gulping down half the bottle in one breath before he gasped for air, feeling better for the cool water as he wiped his brow with his forearm. Not caring as it almost got on his shirt sleeve that had been rolled up as he focused on the animatronic hand in front of him again.
Frowning, you look at your own watch and then back at William, hands on your hips as you realise this was one of the rare times your head was above his whilst he was hunched over and working.
"Do you even eat whilst you're here William?" You asked, not noticing the slight pause as you said his name, turning and raising an eyebrow at you as he sat back in his seat, crossing his arms for a moment and assessing you before he leaned forwards to work again.
"You're spending too much time around Henry, he's being a bad influence." William scoffed, reaching for a fine tipped screwdriver from the bench and reaching into the mechanism he was tinkering with, slowly and carefully turning the pin-fine screw that he hoped would still be stable enough to support the connection he had put it in.
"Oh and you're a perfect influence?" You ask cheekily, smiling at him as you watched him work, leaning in to get a better look at what he was working on.
"Didn't you know I was a perfect school boy growing up? Would never do anything naughty, especially with an innocent young lady like yourself present." Chuckling as he finally managed to get the screw to the perfect tightness and was about to start tightening another nearby, placing down one screwdriver for another as you spoke up.
"What makes you think I'm so innocent William?" You'd stepped closer and almost whispered it against his ear, not close enough to be considered intimate, but your breath barely scraped his ear and he froze. It was your turn to break him as he felt every muscle tense in his body at your words, swallowing hard as a different kind of ache burned in his stomach instead. Clenching his fists and unclenching them as he slowly turned the swivel chair to face you.
His eyes that were usually such a silvery grey seemed almost charcoal under the light as he looked up at you, his expression totally serious despite there being a little sparkle inside them still. You watched his adams apple bob repeatedly, his hands clenching slightly as you stood before him and his eyes seemed to slowly trail up your body. Your stomach sank as you wondered if you had pushed your friendliness too far with him.
"I suppose I deserve that for making you so flustered all the time." He swallowed, averting his eyes from you as you felt guilty at his expression, shoulders sagging slightly and fingers intertwining together and keeping your eyes down on the floor. William ran his hands through his hair and sighed, his head tipped back slightly as he closed his eyes.
"You've got the worst of both us," he joked, opening his eyes and noticing your quizzical look as he tipped his head towards you. "you're caring like Henry and you've now developed my flir-....humour." he said, catching himself before he called it flirting. He was struggling, and he looked at his hands himself.
"I don't think either of them are bad things." You say softly, coming in close to him and nudging him with your shoulder playfully, your fingers brushing against his arm as he looked at you. "I like your...humour, William. I'm sorry I caught you off guard."
"Apology accepted sweetheart, I guess I just wasn't expecting it to come from you." he spoke softly, letting his hand come up and meet yours briefly like some forbidden touch. His ring catching the low light, making you feel ashamed all over again.
"Still friends?" You asked hopefully, your brow furrowed in concern as he gave you a sweet, lopsided smile.
"I wasn't aware we'd stopped."
It became part of your ritual during your shifts after that. For the next two weeks you brought William water and home-made packed lunches, claiming you'd made extra by mistake and it would only go to waste otherwise. Spending what time you could listening to him talking about his projects whilst you both ate, or him listening to you complain about working with the general public. The kids could be great, but the parents could be nightmares, and he fully understood where you were coming from.
But it was a Saturday once again, and the place heaved with children and grown-ups alike. You'd been running around on your feet all day and you were sure your hair was a mess, face an intense smile or locked in concentration unless something snapped you out of it.
A kid came running up to you, although they didn't scream for attention like some kids so you crouched down and spoke to them softly and evenly. "Are you lost kiddo?"
"No..." Their voice was very soft, clearly nervous that you had taken the time to speak to them rather than them being able to run off again. "You're miss spring-bonnie aren't you?"
You blinked at the question, your cheeks heating up as you were asked and tried to think about how to answer.
"Can you clarify what you mean buddy? Like.. how am I miss Spring-Bonnie?"
"You helped him when he fell over!" The kid beamed and suddenly you understood what they meant, chuckling as you nodded. They lit up as you answered and grinned at you leaning in and whispering to you conspiratorially in the loud way that only children could do. "Will you say hello to him for me?"
"Of course! I'm now going to see him, so I'll say hello then." Watching the kid running off and skipping happily as you headed through to the breakroom. Grabbing your lunches out and some sodas as you walked through the back-halls.
The route to parts and services was familiar now, and you knocked on the heavy door to let William know that you were coming in as you stepped through, his head barely turning as he focused intently on the endoskeleton sat between his knees. Shoulders clamped between his knees as he deftly worked on the wires in the head, you carefully stepped around him and placed his lunch down, opening the box and cracking the drink for him so that he could get straight to eating when he was done. Not having to wait long before you heard the creak of metal and a grunt from William as he hefted the metal skeleton onto a stand opposite where he was working.
"This looks great! Thanks for bringing me this, although I'm suspicious about how much you 'overcook'." He said playfully, his hand brushing your back as he raised an eyebrow at you, making you blush and look at your feet before you spotted a clean spot on the workbench, jumping up onto it and sitting facing him as he remained standing, stretching himself out slightly.
"No, really, I'm just shit at measuring whilst cooking." You lied slightly, whilst you weren't the best cook in the world, you were fairly good at estimating only how much would feed you. But you were happy to be cooking extras and that he seemed to be enjoying them.
Eating in silence for the most part, you were always surprised how quickly he ate. Like he was starving or simply that he was worried somebody might take his food from him if he didn't eat it then and there. Taking a swig of his soda, William smiled and placed his hand next to your thigh, making you think he was picking something off the bench next to you.
"Thank you, bunny." he spoke softly, closing the small gap between you and planting a kiss on your lips, leaving you breathless despite the briefness of it. Taking a second to comprehend what happened just as it took William a second to realise too.
"Did..Did you just kiss me?" You asked, blinking and reaching up to your lips and brushing them with your fingers as you watched William's face fall at the same time he looked relieved.
"I guess..I did, didn't I?" He asked, clarifying you were both on the same page. He rubbed his face and groaned into his hands, thinking about how you would react to him making an impulsive move.
"You stole my first kiss." You murmured, making William's head snap up, still covering his mouth with his hands and looking at your expression for any signs of joking, but when he saw none he groaned louder and ran his hands over his face again, one going into his hair and staying there.
"Shit, I am so, so sorry." Afton felt his heart pounding in his chest as he realised what he'd done, he'd taken your first kiss. You'd just looked so right sat on his workbench and bringing him lunches that were clearly made with love, and he'd acted impulsively as he thought that the time might never be as perfect as the peace the two of you had carved out in the workshop.
"Why are you sorry?" Your voice broke him out of his thought spiral, looking back up at you and adjusting his glasses, seeing you smiling at him in the way that made his chest tight and his stomach flutter nervously, so vulnerable and trusting.
"You're not mad?" Swallowing softly as you shook your head in reply, he took a careful step towards you again. His hand going back to where it had been whilst the other hovered over you shoulder, breathing deeply and raggedly as you saw the darkness that you had seen once before back in his eyes. Hungry, untamed as he met yours. "Then... Can I kiss you again?"
Instead of answering him, you placed your hand against his cheek, feeling the stubble beneath your fingertips and how he leaned his head into your hand slightly, shuffling forwards and your knees sitting either side of his hips as you leant up slightly. William smiled and placed his large hand on your cheek and kissed you back, tender and soft despite the fact his beard scratched slightly at your skin. Taking your breath away again as suddenly all those thoughts you had had where you thought he was handsome, or a million and one times you had stared at him and wondered how his hands felt against you felt justified.
Pulling back after a moment, William placed his forehead against yours, catching his breath and allowing you to as well. You suddenly broke out into a grin and giggled, remembering what the kid had said to you earlier, William raising an eyebrow in question.
"A kid called me 'Miss Spring-Bonnie' earlier, apparently they were psychic." William snorted a laugh out as well, pulling his forehead away and leaving his hand on your face, thumb stroking over your cheek and feeling how soft you were beneath him.
"Oh, you're all ready to be 'Miss Spring-Bonnie' are you, little bunny?" He teased, making your cheeks flush hot at the comment and he chuckled again, leaning in and taking another quick peck from your lips. "How about we seal that with a kiss before you go back to work?"
And you happily obliged as you pressed your lips to yours once again.
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ctzenjohnny · 4 years
tag game
thank you @gloomyyyseo for the tag, you da best
Relationships: none to speak on babey
Break-ups: once again, none to speak on lol
Kids: do I have them? No. Do I want them? Mostly no but if the right person comes along who knows
Siblings: I have a younger brother and a younger sister
Pets: I have a cat (Charles) a kitten (Gefre, pronounced Jeffrey), and a dog (Juno)
Surgeries: none, unless we count wisdom teeth removal
Tattoos: I don’t have any but I have some ideas floating around in my head I just need money lmfao
Countries I've been to: Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Turkish Cyprus, Germany, Switzerland, Morocco, Honduras, Canada, and I currently live in the US
Been in an airplane: yup
Been in an ambulance: nope
I sing karaoke: it’s not a habit like I don’t regularly do it but I have been before
Ice Skating: I’ve gone like twice in my life lol
Been on a cruise: nah, I feel like they’d smell weird idk why
Driven a motorcycle: nah, I’ve been on the back of one a couple of times though
Ridden a horse: not regularly but whenever I went to like a fair or whatever when I was a kid you best believe I was begging my mom to let me get on the ponies
Stayed at a hospital: nope
Favorite fruit or berry: omg where to start…. Strawberries have always been my fave, I love kiwi, mango, pineapple, lychee… I rlly Stan all fruit except for melons
Favorite color: green is the ult fave, but blue and yellow are the colors I wear the most
Last text: lol I sent “I’m abt to have to watch my siblings while my parents go to CA and I’m like ruh roh” to my friend
Coffee or tea: why not both
Favorite pie: peach cobbler babey
Cat or dogs: I think I prefer living with cats but I love both
Favorite time of the year: autumn 100%
Met a star: I met all time low when I was 15, if we’re talking like A list celebs I don’t think so
Flown a helicopter: lmfaooo no
Been on TV: yes haha I used to work on a farm and this network was doing a documentary on local chefs that sourced from our farm so I got to talk about working there
Broken my leg: nope but I have broken my arm
Seen a ghost: nah I don’t believe in them
Been sick in a taxi: no I have a stomach of steel
This was cute! I tag @nakamoto-l @chaersual and anyone else who wants to do it 💕
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
14x06 Bullet Point Rambles
“Nobody comes to the library anymore.” FALSE (Um, have you tried implementing a refreshed collection development policy or upgraded to an online catalog? No matter how people try, they always get your profession wrong on TV.)
It's Charlie and I love her, but oh this scene with her and Sam is so awkward. (Edit later: Sam with a fidget spinner is MY JAM)
Dean and Jack have a heart to heart....aw everyone tries to help Dean. “We can be hunting buddies,” Jack says cheerfully.
Charlie is different from “our Charlie” and I love it and it hurts me very much as well.
I love how this episode is shot. Bright and almost cartoonish. Beautiful.
And...Dean moves the cock (rooster statue) to the side as he and Jack awkwardly talk about sex. L. O. L.
We get a great montage of interviews about Harper, the librarian and love interest. It’s Marian the Librarian time, motherfuckers.
Aw Charlie had someone she was in love with in her world. Kara <3 ran a cupcake bakery. Smelled like peaches. It's love straight outta fanfic. (Ugh this story of her loss hurts.)
“Society all falls apart.” This is a deeply wounded Charlie.
“Eat up. Pie's important.” ACCURATE
Can we call it canon that Dean reads romance novels? I think so.
Oooooh yes Jack's swooping in to “save” the librarian from Dean. What a great and entertaining plan and a wonderful romance novel twist on good cop / bad cop.
Charlie and Sam continue to...bond? Communicate painfully? Charlie hates hunting – it ends in tears and death.
This is Charlie's last case??? She's going to go off and be a hermit (somewhere with good wifi). Please don't let this be her “I was this close to retirement” moment. They wouldn’t kill her again, RIGHT?
OH. MY. GOD. Jack just monster tested Harper and fake coughed “christo” (I love it.)
“When the goo fits.” Oh my god give me these sweet puns, Yockey, you magnolia blossom.
Oh my god WHO IS THAT CREEPY PERSON? This really reminds me of a Doctor Who monster of the week. (In the best way.)
“We could see the world in books...”
“I try to stay optimistic.” Jack confesses to Harper that he's having a hard time, in a very roundabout way. It’s a wonderful confession.
Jack's busy trying to have a romantic comedy, but the other librarian is...dead.
Ruh roh Dean just got...mega attacked by ???
Welp, it turns out that Harper's getting attacked by a crazy ex-dead ex-boyfriend wearing a letterman jacket. “Archie” is his name. G L O R I O U S.
Sam tries to convince Charlie not to run off and hide. “It's my life, Sam. Not hers and not yours.” What a wonderful, strong declaration. I love Charlie from anywhere and everywhere.
Boris, at the monster: What's Jeff Goldblum doing?”
WUT why did Harper let her creepy boyfriend into the library? Oh no. OH NO.
“He has to eat flesh to maintain his body. Stupid magic.” She comes from a long line of necromancers! I’d wondered when she said she was the last of her family in town. Oh my lord I love this wonderful story surprise.
Archie, the high school boyfriend, starts to stalk Jack. Thank GOD Dean finds Jack and they plot their attack in whispers.
“Every relationship has its stuff.”
Dean counsels the zombie about love. “You have to eat people to stay together? Is that romantic? Huh?”
Sam tries to draw parallels with Charlie and the Fly guy. I love that we're seeing the Moska mourning their dead as Sam talks to Charlie about found family. That's quite beautiful.
Oh my lord there's a crazy necromancer on the loose, obsessed with Jack, and a letter addressed to Lebanon. Oh dear.
“You're gonna make mistakes, but it's how you handle yourself when you make those mistakes.” I love this Jack and Dean bonding time.
And Jack collapses in blood. Of COURSE because the rest of the episode was a wondrous confection. 
I loved this episode and have now married it. 
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yellowbunnydreams · 6 months
Bunny Ears (Part 5) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~Hello, hello hello! I hope you're all enjoying this little more fluffy story so far. Some of your tags kill me when I see reblogs and I appreciate them so much! Also I am so sorry that this one is exceptionally long!~
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090
Cw: CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine (more to be added). Faz-Fuck TM
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True to William Afton's word, you were placed on office duty for at least a week before you could return to normal work. Henry had even drive you to the local pharmacy after work and loaded your bike up onto the back of his car, buying you a soft wrist compress and some painkillers despite your protests and insisting that you would be being driven to and from work by either him or William for the duration of your 'light duties'. There were no ifs or buts allowed from either of them, Henry once caught you trying to walk to work and you had spent an hour in his office listening to him lecture you on why it was such a bad idea. You could have sworn that he nearly cried several times during it.
You had decided to try your luck walking in again today, knowing that the pair would be looking for your Freddy's uniform and your bike, you decided to place a thin jacket over the top to mask it, hair tied up and a hoodie beneath the jacket, hood pulled up as if you weren't sweating in the heat. Twirling your wrist back and forth as you tried to avoid it locking up with the compressive bandage on, you were lost in your own thoughts as you walked. It was sufficiently early in the morning that you were sure that neither of them would spot you even if they happened to be driving out.
Suddenly you heard a voice calling your name, and of course like a fool you stopped and turned your head. Spotting a car that you hadn't heard cruise up besides you and come to stop, blinking as you took in the black colour muscle car that you probably didn't know much about if your life depended on it before your eyes fell onto the owner who had climbed out of the door. Paling as you watched William Afton lean against the door with his arms crossed across his chest.
"M-Mr. Afton, you look...nice..this morning." You complimented, which he truly did, although it wasn't his usual colours that he wore to work. Still wearing his black slacks, he wore a Spring Bonnie shade of yellow shirt, the sleeves rolled up and a purple tie on. Pushing his glasses up his nose, he scowled although you could see some amusement in his eyes.
"That shit works on Henry, not me. So, it's a little early for a walk isn't it?" He almost growled your name at the end, making you feel slightly weak at the knees and your stomach sink as you began to realise how much trouble you were about to be in with the taller, older man. Opening your mouth as if to speak before he raised a large hand, finger up to shush you.
"Get in the fucking car, don't make me chase you cause I will assure you, you will get your cardio for the month in if that's the case." Staring into your soul, scuffing your shoes on the pavement as you reluctantly moved to the passenger side, William turned to watch you, your fingers on the door handle before you looked back at him, offering him a sheepish smile.
"Don't you mean get in the faz-fucking car, sir?" You could see his lips quirk at the corners and the joke clearly hit somewhere to make him amused, but he remained otherwise serious as he began to stride round to your side, brushing against your back as he opened the door for you and gestured for you to get in.
"No, I mean get in the fucking car young lady, I'm already thinking on how to punish you for making me do this shit." The thought of him punishing you made you shiver and blush, realising that you imagined his large calloused hands on you for a brief moment and feeling incredibly embarrassed. Not that you hadn't been thinking about the glimpse of him shirtless that you had gotten a few days before.
He climbed into his side with a practised ease, cracking his neck slightly and sighing as he put the car into gear, pulling off and heading towards Freddy's. You sunk into your seat as you heard him mutter to himself.
"Henry is not going to let me live this one down." Sounding slightly bitter about it, you raised and eyebrow and looked at him quizzically.
"What is Mr. Emily not going to let you live down?"
"He... I told him you were probably going to try some shit like this this morning, and he told me to lighten up, that you wouldn't after the lecture he gave you about being safe." He groaned, one hand on his thigh and the other on the steering wheel as his eyes darted about the roads, purposely avoiding yours. "He's going to call it my fucking 'dad sense' or some shit and call me old."
"Well sir, you are like...five years older than me?" You guessed, being a bit generous to try and win him over a bit more, causing the man to snort and look at you, pointing at his greying temples with his free hand.
"Does this look like five years to you? If so, wow your future is looking bleak. More like ten and even that is depressing enough." William sighed, running a hand through his hair and concentrating on the roads again. Cranking up the radio so that the rest of your drive would be in silence.
Arriving at Freddy's, William got out first and opened your door for you, hovering a few steps behind as he escorted you into the building where it seemed eerily quiet. You were there a lot earlier than usual and most of the staff hadn't arrived yet for morning duties. But walking through the empty halls with William, you didn't feel unsafe or uneasy doing so. Though you felt your stomach twisting into knots as you approached the offices together, knowing that Henry would be disappointed in you before you even saw his face, you tried to remain positive that whatever the two of them could come up with for the day couldn't be that bad.
"Morning Mr. Emily." You chirped, making the man sat at his desk smile as William unlocked his office behind you. Watching him run a hand through his curly hair and leaning back, eyes bright as always despite the early start.
"Morning miss..." Your name trailed off as he looked at you, suddenly squinting before his eyes widened, conflicted between a frown and a smile as he looked between you and William.
"Don't say it Henry." William warned, not needing to turn around to know what was about to be said by his business partner. Although you watched Henry almost bouncing excitedly at his desk.
"You totally used your dad sense! God you're so old William." He teased, making the taller man sigh and tip his head back in frustration.
"Henry, you're older than me." He retorted, opening his office door finally and stepping inside, flicking on the lights and scowling slightly as he rubbed at his face, disturbing his glasses and messing with his hair again before he ran his fingers through it and fixed it again.
"So, you're still a dad!" Making William sigh in annoyance as he looked at you, almost pleading for the happiness of his friend to dispel for just one moment to give him peace. Raising an eyebrow and gesturing to you to step into his office, your name sounding too pretty from him as he spoke again.
"You can spend the day with me sweetheart, I figure being bored to death by the more technical side of this job might be a better punishment than a lecture." Afton shrugged, making you look between the excitedly bouncing Henry and the calmer of the pair, and quietly choosing to be in for a chance of peace rather than seeing Henry tear up again as he lectured you again like you were his daughter.
"See you later Mr. Emily." You smiled, waving to him and stepping into William's office and hearing the door close behind you, William stepping around you with his fingers brushing your back to let you know where he was whilst he moved.
Compared to the explosion of children's drawings, family photos and colour that made up Henry Emily's office, William Afton's was much more organised in its own chaotic fashion. The main wall had a large pin board hung up on it, with neatly organised and spaced mechanical and electric diagrams for various animatronics and projects pinned up on seemingly colour coded pins that only he knew the order of. Two photo frames hung up too, one with William and a young blonde girl in a tiny turtleneck and cardigan, holding a toy Spring-Bonnie, the edge of the photo clearly cut as a mystery hand floated on the girl's shoulder, opposite to William. The other was a slightly younger Afton and Henry, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders and each holding the head of their animatronic suit under their arms, you could vaguely make out a building that said 'Fredbear's Family Diner' in the background.
The rest was fairly standard, except for the pile of animatronic parts and tools that laid scattered amongst the paperwork on his desk, all dark colours, including curiously a couch that was pushed up against one wall. The leather cracked and worn, a pillow set up on one of the arms and a faded blanket folded neatly over the back.
'Does he sleep in his office?' You thought as you looked at it, brow furrowing before you took a seat opposite Afton, trying to see what he was up to even if you didn't understand.
"So, you're a dad Mr. Afton?" You asked, breaking the silence and hearing a 'hmm' coming from the man before he looked up, brow furrowed in concentration and clearly having not heard your question. You gestured to the picture on the wall with the girl, smiling softly as you looked between it and him.
"Oh, yes! That's my little girl, Vanessa." He said, a bit of pride creeping into his voice as you noticed his left thumb moving against his ring finger, a lump forming in your throat as you noticed the glint of a gold wedding band on the finger. Of course he was married, what woman wouldn't want to marry somebody like him? Business owner, good looking, good with kids.
"She looks adorable." You commented, tearing your eyes away from his hand back to the picture, trying to spot which of his features she might have inherited.
"Yeah, probably haven't been the best dad to her but I try." Glancing back down at his paperwork and clearing his throat, he wondered why he opened up to you so easily. But he supposed he knew somewhat where he stood with you, you were easily flustered by him but you had genuine care about him and Henry it seemed. His thumb continued to twirl the ring on his finger absently, eyes unfocused as he wondered if he should mention his soon-to-be-ex wife to you, but decided against it.
William looked up at you again and offered a warm smile, adjusting his glasses on his nose before running a large hand through his hair again. Something he often did when he was somewhat nervous, although he wasn't entirely sure why he felt that way around you. Taking a moment when you looked away from him again to admire the way your eyes looked, their rich vibrant colour, the way your eyelashes fluttered as you breathed slowly and deeply. He swore at himself internally as he swallowed, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he realised what he was thinking about you.
"Oh, before I forget, I collected these for you to look through." He chuckled, snapping him and you out of the reverie each of you had fallen into, opening a desk drawer and pulling out a stack of papers, some crinkled around the edges and messy, making you raise an eyebrow as you gingerly took them, pausing as you saw your name written in childish crayon on the top one.
Your fingers brushed the crayon markings like they were some ancient script that you had to be careful with. Flicking onto the next one, and the one after, your heart melted as you spotted a pattern to them.
'The day --- saved Spring Bonnie'
'--- Helping Spring Bonnie!'
'--- and Spring Bonnie'
The childish spellings and writing made your name incredibly hard to read on most of them, but you felt your eyes welling up as you carefully leafed through each sheet of paper and spent time looking at childish drawings of you and Spring Bonnie holding hands, or trying to help him up. There weren't many in the pile, but enough to make your lip quiver and your eyes feel hot and prickle with tears.
"I've got some too, children keep giving them to Henry or me and asking if we know Spring Bonnie or you and can we 'please give them to them?'. I thought you might like to know that you and Spring Bonnie are officially considered the best of friends by the kids." He smiled warmly as he noticed how you stared at the drawings with such emotion. William felt his fingers twitching as he wanted to reach out and comfort you, but he remained professional as he didn't know how you would feel about that.
"Thank you sir, this is-"
"William, you can call me William when we're alone." He interrupted, smiling lopsidedly as you glanced up at him, your cheeks burning up slightly as he gave you that sweet, warm smile that made the edges of his eyes crinkle slightly and of course, the idea that you could address him so informally made the butterflies reappear in your stomach.
"Then thank you, William, may I keep one?" You asked, taking care to say his name rather than addressing him as your boss. His smile grew a little as he heard you saying his name for the first time, his own chest tightening at the sound and he nodded his head, gesturing to the stack in your hands.
"Please, take as many as you want sweetheart. I'll grab us some coffee whilst we work."
Standing from his desk, he towered over you, his hand hovering near to your still lightly bruised shoulder before he thought better of it, heading for the door and turning the handle, pulling it so that it would open.
But it didn't.
Trying again, the door rattled and shook, but refused to budge. Frowning, William braced himself with his other hand against the frame and yanked, worried about breaking the door but no matter what he tried to do it to it, it wasn't budging. Eyes widening as he realised that you were trapped together, pressing his ear to the door and listening hard, he could faintly hear the sounds of the pizzeria filling with screaming kids and music already.
"Well....Fuck." He sighed.
Both of you had tried the door for twenty minutes before William picked up the phone and pressed it to his ear, dialling quickly and hearing the thing ring a few times before a familiar voice answered him in it's usual cheery tone.
"Henry! Thank fuck, me and -"
"William, what have we said about swearing on property?" Henry chuckled as he stood in the end of the employee hallway, listening to the phone call and making sure to keep quiet enough so that William wouldn't suspect where he was, glancing out into the dining room.
"Faz-fuck that, you stupid bonnie-bitch! Me and," he said your name in the angriest tone you had ever heard on him, and even though you knew it wasn't directed at you, it made your stomach turn and body shake with anxiety at what was about to happen. "are trapped in my office, the door's stuck! Come fucking help us, or I swear to god Emily, I will force you into one of the working animatronics."
Henry couldn't help but grin at William's threats, knowing that he was really pissed if he was calling him by his last name, but Henry also knew that nothing was really meant by it. Looking out into the hall, he could see everything was running smoothly and that the staff were handling it all well despite being one down for the day.
"I'll be right there Afton, I'm just sorting something out and I'll be there in a moment." Feigning concern as he hung up on the larger man, straightening his tie and clipping his phone to his belt, turning it off so it wouldn't ring again as he headed back out into the diner, greeting parents and kids with vigour as he went.
William slammed the phone down and groaned, taking his glasses off and rubbing his face with his hands, elbows on his desk as you tried not to panic at the idea of being trapped in such a small space for potnetially the rest of the day. Your leg bouncing and heel tapping the floor as you brought your fingers to your mouth, ready to bite at your nails as you avoided looking at the handsome man opposite you. Seeing him with his hair messed up made you want to run your fingers through it and return it to normal for him, but you knew he was a married man and that you couldn't do such a thing to him.
"Good job we have a bathroom and a mini-fridge in here." He laughed, somewhat bitterly as he knew Henry would find some distraction that meant he wasn't going to be there as soon as they both wanted.
You felt your eyes prickling again, and your hands trembled as you realised that you were stuck. Sniffling lightly and trying to hide your concern and fear from William as you sat in the uncomfortable chair opposite him. The large man noticed however and he looked up, frowning as he heard the sound and feeling his heart melting as he noticed you trying not to cry infront of him. Standing up, he made his way around his desk and crouched infront of you, wincing slightly as his knees popped lightly at the movement but turning your chair so that you could see him and he could see your bowed head properly.
"Hey hey! Sweetheart, bunny, why are you crying? Is being in the same room as me for a while really that awful?" He teased slightly, trying to get you to smile, you choked out a laugh as you wiped at your eyes, trying to get them to stop watering.
"N-No, it's your terrible sense of humour I'm worried about." You giggled, trying to be funny and seeing William chuckle at your attempt. He looked strange without his glasses, but decidedly still very handsome as he grinned up at you before pretending to be hurt, placing his hand over his heart and making a shocked mock expression.
"Well, I promise not to ask for your ID whilst we're together if that makes you feel better?" Making you laugh more and nod, he felt his heart hammering as he realised how vulnerable you looked, how fragile and breakable compared to himself and it made him ache to comfort you even more.
"Can I touch you sweetheart?" He asked, hands hovering as he waited before you nodded slowly, wondering what he was going to do. Carefully, he placed his hands on your ribs under your arms, picking you up as he stood and your arms instinctually wrapping around his neck, legs hanging over his hips as he carried you. It was only a few paces to the couch in the corner, but those moments together set your heart into overtime and you couldn't help but get a smell of his cologne. Something earthy and spicy, and the faint scent of motor oil and sweat like it was engrained into his skin.
Almost whimpering as he had placed you down on the couch, grabbing the blanket from off of the back of the couch and wrapping it around your shoulders gently. Wandering off and dragging over an old TV on a wheeled stand, placing a tape into the VCR player and wandering off again, bringing back two sodas as the screen flickered to life and quietly began playing a cartoon of Freddy and friends, happy bouncy music clearly made for kids in the background.
Sitting besides you, Afton offered you a soda and helped crack it open for you, making you mumble thanks as you sipped at it, the high sugar soothing your nerves although it didn't stop your mind thinking about how his large hands hand felt against you.
"I figured we might as well watch something whilst we wait, things like this used to help me when I had panic attacks." He explained in a low soft voice, making you look up at him curiously, not sure you could see the giant man who was always so refined and poised with most people having panic attacks. But he grabbed the pillow and laid it across his lap, avoiding your eyes as you swore you saw a little blush on his cheeks in the flickering colourful lights. "You can lay down if you want, you can still say no, I'm not acting as your boss at the moment." Giving you a reassuring smile before he turned back to the screen.
Both of you playing the waiting game and thinking of the other without a word more between you.
Henry finally managed to pry the door open, the pizzeria finally closed down and allowing him to escape back to the offices. The noise startling William awake slightly, although the weight on his lap made sure he didn't move too much. Henry grinned widely as he saw the scene before him, your head on Afton's lap and William's fingers tangled into your hair as if he had fallen asleep soothing you. He couldn't remember when he'd started it, or even when you had fallen asleep, but groggily he looked up and spotted Henry looking at the pair of you, grinning like a fool as William tried to quickly and efficiently extract himself from you without disturbing your peaceful sleep.
"So, I think you've certainly become more people oriented recently William." Henry teased as the man grabbed his glasses and rubbed at his face, hair messy and eyes still puffy with sleep.
"Shut the fuck up Henry, one word of this and I'll end you." He hissed, making Henry throw up his hands in mock surrender. Still grinning madly as William turned to look at you again, hoping that Henry didn't see the soft smile that crossed his face before he padded over to wake you up and let Henry take you home.
He didn't trust himself not to do something stupid if he was left alone with you. Something stupid like develop feelings.
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yellowbunnydreams · 6 months
Bunny Ears (Part 13) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~POV: You finish your paper and have it reviewed only to recieve 30+ comments on it dragging it through the dirt and lighting it on fire. Edit; Finished and submitted, flipped off my computer~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090 @aponia-yue @likoplays @dilflover-3 @oak-leafs @phd-in-fuckery @weirdoartist21 @nicolezghostz @fauine
Sorry if I missed you on the tag-list!
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM. Cringe scenes ft. Henry.
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The knocking at your door on your day off stirred you from your sleep. Groggily heading towards the door and opening it whilst rubbing sleep from your eyes with the heel of your hand. The knocks were too light for William, and you weren't expecting any packages, so there was some trepidation as you answered.
Blinking against the bright light, you were surprised to see the petite and lithe figure of Sarah Emily on your step. Blonde hair tied up neatly into a ponytail and wearing jeans with a white t-shirt, looking like a casual woman around your age unless you looked closely and could see the crinkles around her eyes from years of smiling.
"H-Hey! Um...Hi Sarah." You said after a moment of confusion, looking down at yourself and realising that you were wearing William's hoodie again and some shorts. Blushing at the fact this was the second time you had answered the door to somebody you knew whilst dressed in such a state.
"Well good-morning sleephead! I thought I would stop by and come see you." She laughed, giggling more as you gestured for her to come inside and shut the door behind her. Padding into your kitchen and taking out two mugs from the draining board next to your sink, turning on the kettle and finding your instant coffee and tea.
"Tea, coffee?"
"Coffee, milky with two sugars please." Sarah replied, amused at seeing you still somewhat out of it and wearing Afton's hoodie. She recognised it from the similar one Henry had, tucked away back in his closet somewhere in case he wanted to wear it one day. Not that he, nor Afton wore those kinds of things often anymore since the opening of Freddy's.
"So um...how have you been?" You asked, waking up a bit more as you grabbed milk from the fridge, making coffee for Sarah and yourself as you placed them on the counter. Leaning against the cool lino and feeling your attention wandering as you realised that Sarah had a slightly mischievous look on her face. "And I'm guessing this isn't entirely a 'I was in the neighbourhood' call."
"Good good, Charlie's been a little terror recently, but she's sweet otherwise. And you caught me! I wanted to know if you wanted a girly day out, and then, we go on that double-date I mentioned last time?" She asked, making you choke on your coffee slightly, nose burning as the action nearly made it come up through your nose. Coughing to gather yourself, you found yourself looking at your hand and the mug.
"I don't think I've ever...had a girly day? But I'd like the date later!" Sarah raised an eyebrow before she looked incredulous, her slender hand resting over her heart as she looked at you.
"You've never...NEVER... had a girly day out?"
"Get some pants on and get in the fucking car, we are rectifying this, now!" She exclaimed, downing her coffee and making you do the same, wincing as the heat slid down your throat before you half-ran to your room. Throwing on some deodorant, a subtle body-spray and some somewhat clean jeans and a t-shirt over your underwear. Dragging a brush through your hair and huffing as you almost tripped over yourself trying to pull on your socks and boots. Sarah standing by the door and your door keys dangling from her fingers, grin plastered on her face as you grabbed them from her.
"Why did we need to rush again?"
"Oh, no reason, but it was quite funny to watch." She laughed as you locked the front door, laughing harder as you gave her a stern look. Heading to her car and climbing inside, sighing as you rested your head against the seat and closed your eyes briefly.
"William! How're you doing buddy?" Henry called as he opened the office door, making William jump slightly as he was disturbed from his intense concentration on some of the blue-prints in front of him. Pushing his glasses back up his nose, he sighed and looked towards the smaller man. Noticing how his hair was loose and wild despite his professional appearance.
"You only call me 'buddy' when you need something Henry, what is it this time?" Henry placed a hand over his heart and pouted, dramatically leaning against the door frame and sinking against it like he'd just been shot before he stumbled into the office.
"You wound me! I don't do that! You are my buddy!" William scoffed and rolled his eyes at his dramatic business partner before looking back down at the plans in his hand. Scribbling on a separate piece of paper to note some measurements and calculations whilst he heard Henry lean against the desk. Almost hearing the smile in his voice as he spoke again.
"Anyway, me and Sarah are going on a date tonight and we were wondering if you and your little girlfriend would like to join us and make it a double date?" William sighed and set the papers down on his desk, looking over his glasses to see Henry's wild grin. Afton sucked on the inside of his cheek before replying, going to pick up the paperwork on his desk once more.
"Absolutely not, the last time you attempted something like this Henry, Sarah practically bit Clara's head off and you got so pissed you walked half an hour down the high-way before we found you."
"That was college! And secondly, you'll let your girlfriend down if you don't show!"
"I'm sure she also said no to this stupid idea."
"Actually, Sarah's gone to her house and they're having a little trip to get all dolled up for this date tonight." Henry smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as William dropped the papers and rubbed his hands over his face. Groaning loudly and leaning back in the chair, making it creak under his weight.
"You mean to tell me that Sarah, your wife, has kidnapped my girlfriend and is playing dress-up with her?" Running his hands through his hair whilst glaring at Henry, who nodded with the same, stupid grin plastered on his face. Afton groaned again and put his head in his hands.
"Fine, you sick bastard, I'll come. Just leave the address on my desk and tell me what time to be there."
"Don't forget to bring a condom William, I'm sure that afterwards you'll-"
"HENRY, DON'T BE A FUCKING PERVERT." Henry cackled at his friend's outburst, holding his hands up in defence, laughing harder as William reached into the drawer and chucked balled up paper at the man as he retreated. Leaving William to hide his face in his hands and groan in frustration, wishing his friend had at least asked him before kidnapping you via his wife.
"What about this one?" Sarah asked you, showing you a swatch of an eyeshadow on the back of her hand and you hummed in thought as you looked at it. Shaking your head after a moment. "Oh come on," she groaned your name slightly as she put back the little tester tub. "you have to like something I show you!"
"I'm sorry Sarah, I'm just not...I don't really even do my own make-up. I wear mascara and some lip gloss occasionally, I don't do..this." You gestured to the large make-up counter that you were both at. Glancing over the bold and bright colours that Sarah seemed to favour, brow knitting together as you picked up a container and opened it, looking at the dark green shade inside before closing it and putting it back.
"Maybe we're doing this in the wrong order!" Sarah clapped her hands together before grabbing one of yours, dragging you behind her and almost tripping over your feet with the force the small woman was surprisingly able to move you with. You supposed that she was a mom, so perhaps it was from having to move a reluctant child...or Henry. You could also see Henry having to be dragged away from stores a few times by his wife.
She pulled you into a boutique in the mall, blinking as you adjusted to the new lighting inside and looked around. Spotting plenty of dresses lining the walls and making you groan. You couldn't remember the last time you'd found a dress you would even consider wearing, let alone wearing one, and they all seemed so formal, you'd hoped that you could get away with a nice top and some cleaner jeans for the date. Sarah seemingly had other ideas as she began browsing the racks.
Under encouragement, and a few teasing words, from Sarah, you began looking too. Hands idly flipping through the dresses and cringing as some of the material felt awful under your fingers, others just a plain ugly colour that you wouldn't be caught dead in.
"Can I help you find something?" The voice made you jump and you turned to see an elegantly dressed shop assistant standing near to you, heart pounding in your chest as you looked back at the dresses for a second, brow furrowed and a soft sigh escaping your lips as your shoulders slumped.
"I um..I'm going on a double date tonight and apparently I have to wear a dress..so..yeah. Just trying to find something I like honestly." You say, speaking quietly as your fingers scanned through the materials before the woman cleared her throat again, grabbing your attention once more.
"Well, what colour does your date usually wear?" They asked, making you pause only for a moment before you answered.
"Well, I'm guess you're newly together, so matching might be a little much. But I can suggest some colours that work well and we'll figure out style from there." She smiled, making you give a polite smile back as she gestured towards another part of the store. Practised eyes scanning through the dresses and flickering back to you before her hands darted out to pick out a few dresses before taking you back to the dressing rooms, where Sarah was already admiring herself in a dark green dress that hugged her figure perfectly, a long slit up her leg and showing it off.
The assistant handed you the dresses and shooed you into a dressing room, pursing your lips together before you obeyed. Hoping that there would be at least one thing you liked amongst the pile.
Sarah carefully brushed your eyelids with a careful precision that you were unsure you would have ever been able to manage. Feeling what felt almost like a brush-pen moving against your lid and out before you heard the click of a lid closing. Her slender hand grabbing your chin gently before you heard another lip pop, your eyes closed as you let the older woman manoeuvre you and do your make-up as she saw fit.
You jumped slightly as you felt a cool wetness against your lips, making the woman tut disapprovingly as she tightened her grip slightly and coated your lips, letting go of you as she spoke. "Press your lips together for me dear." Following her instructions and feeling some of the stickiness dissipate before your eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly as you glanced up at her.
"Go on, check yourself out little lady!" She squealed, helping you to stand up in the tiny kitten heels she had somehow convinced you to wear as well. Focusing intently on walking as you walked up to the mirror that Sarah had placed on the floor so that you could get a better look at yourself.
Your hair had been set loosely around your shoulders, styled to perfection and looking glossy, healthy. You were surprised by how lovely the dress looked, a soft purple chiffon with translucent sleeves and a 'v' shaped neckline, allowing the swell of your breasts to be visible as well as the dip of your collarbones. The middle wrapping tight to your body to show off your waist before the skirt flowed down, coming to your knees and floating slightly like something you saw in fancy prom movies. It looked almost a similar shade to purple that you were sure you had seen William wearing before. And Sarah had masterfully applied winged eye-liner to your eyes, darkening your lashes with mascara and the faint shimmer of nude coloured eyeshadows could faintly be made out. Your lips glossy and tasting like almonds.
Stepping behind you, Sarah's blonde hair was tied up into a classicly braided updo, two curled strands framing her face as you noticed she had similar make-up to how you had it. The dark green dress from earlier looking stunning on her as she placed her hands on your shoulders, smiling brightly.
"You look gorgeous, dear."
"I feel like I'm a little girl playing dress-up." You sighed, smoothing your hands down your dress carefully and frowning slightly, making her tut as she took your hands, bringing them up and smoothing over your knuckles with her thumbs.
"You don't look like it. William is going to not know what hit him when he sees you." She smiled, making you blush and smile back, nodding your head as you allowed her to guide you through the house and out to the waiting taxi. She'd driven her car back home and gotten a taxi back to yours, calling for one to pick you up and take you out to the restaurant that apparently William and Henry were waiting at.
You shifted nervously in your seat, watching the streets blur past before Sarah gently nudged your bag towards you, smiling as you opened it and took out a little bottle of perfume. The only expensive one you owned, it was your signature one for more 'formal' occasions, and it seemed like as good a time as any to use it. Carefully applying it to your pulse points, the smell comforting and exciting as you put away the bottle. Sarah applying her own perfume and touching up her gloss a bit as the ride seemed all too short and all too long at the same time.
You made out Henry's car parked up, frowning as you noticed you didn't spot William's, stomach sinking as you climbed out of the taxi whilst Sarah paid before she linked arms with you.
"I told Henry to pick up William, they're both at the table and waiting for us." She reassured, noticing your worried expression with a comforting squeeze of your hand. Heels clicking against the concrete as you both headed inside.
It was far more formal than any place you'd been before. And your silly plastic bracelet felt out of place in there. You felt out of place in there. Waiters in white shirts and black pants ran about with towels over their arms, the walls wood panelled and the floor a beautiful, rich patterned marble tile. Your heart pounded in your chest as you allowed Sarah to drag you along.
Henry spotted the pair of you and gestured for William that you had arrived. Watching the pair of them squeeze out of the booth as you approached, your breath catching in your throat slightly.
Henry had his hair loose, revealing all it's fluffy, curled glory that was still cropped somewhat close to his head. Clearly freshly shaven and dressed in a dark green suit that matched Sarah's dress, crisp white shirt and a black tie, he looked ecstatic that he had matched his wife, seeing him tear up slightly as he caught sight of her.
But you lost your breath with William. Dressed head to toe in black. he had put on tailored black pants that seemed to highlight how long his legs were, as well as how strong they looked. Sleeves rolled up on the black shirt, tight across his broad chest in a way that made you afraid he would pop buttons if he flexed in the wrong way. His greying hair slicked back and his eyes slightly wide behind his glasses as he drank you in. You smiled as he raised his hand and you spotted the bracelet still on his arm, feeling comforted that he had continued to wear it despite the more formal setting.
His jaw fluttered slightly as he watched you approach. Wearing one of his favourite colours and the slight way you wobbled when you walked as you clearly tried to get used to moving in heels. He found himself feeling relief that you had worn the bracelet too, but his heart was pounding too fast in his chest as he took you in. You were a picture of beauty, and he reached out his hand as you came closer, taking your softer hand in his before he half-bowed to plant a kiss onto the back of your hand. Breathing deeply as he smelled your perfume and feeling his body aching with want.
"You look gorgeous, bunny. I should perhaps let Sarah have you more often." The teasing tone in his voice evident for the second part as you giggled, blushing and feeling the heat rising in your cheeks as he kept ahold of your hand.
"I-I don't think I need anymore make-up or dresses. But you look really nice." You swallowed, trying to change the subject back onto him. Seeing his cheeks heat up despite the stubble across his face. A lopsided grin being given to you as he gently guided you into the booth, still holding your hand as you settled in, his thumb running over your knuckles adoringly.
Henry called your name and you glanced at him, seeing his eyes still watering as he looked between you and your held hand. "You look great. I hope this isn't too short notice or strange, but I wanted to take Sarah on a date and then it occurred to me, I should invite you guys along too!" Chuckling and sniffling as he tried to not be too emotional as William remained close to you. Sarah rolled her eyes slightly, but the smile on her face told you that she wasn't really annoyed, kissing Henry's cheek before she picked up a menu to glance over.
"Thank you for inviting me, I really appreciate it. And I hope that it's as fun for all of us." You smile, seeing Henry's lip quiver at your words. Nodding his head before he looked at the menu, trying to distract himself.
William brought your hand to his lips again, giving your hand a squeeze as you leaned in and gave his knuckles as kiss in return. Smelling his warm, spiced cologne as you got closer, making you feel dizzy as you turned your attention to the menu. Still holding onto him as you browsed the options.
It was going to be a long night, but you felt a little more confident to face it with William by your side.
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yellowbunnydreams · 5 months
Bunny Ears (Part 17) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090 @aponia-yue @likoplays @dilflover-3 @oak-leafs @phd-in-fuckery @weirdoartist21 @nicolezghostz @fauine
Sorry if I missed you on the tag-list!
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM. Cringe scenes ft. Henry.
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The ringing phone turned your peaceful sleep into a groan and soft 'thwump' as you rolled out of bed, swearing as you picked yourself up out of bed and padded through to your phone. Rubbing at your eyes as you took a moment to yawn before glancing at the clock on the wall that you'd finally gotten round to mounting. It wasn't too early you supposed, but you wanted to sleep in on one of your days off at least.
You heard your name being chuckled through the phone, the gravelly voice sending shivers down your spine as you woke up a little more. Rubbing at your face as you tried to listen to the familiar voice.
"Good morning, bunny. It sounds like I woke you up." His own voice was deep in a way you hadn't heard before, making you smile as your finger twisted the phone cord idly whilst you talked, making an approving hum.
"You sound pretty tired yourself this morning, Will." Making him chuckle and you could faintly hear the rustle of cloth in the background as it took him a moment to answer.
"Well I did just wake up myself. I haven't even left my bed yet." Your cheeks flooding with heat at the image that flashed in your mind of William. Laid in bed and sprawled out, holding the phone to his ear and talking to you in his half-asleep voice. The thought made you wish you had a mobile so that you could say the same thing back to him. "I'm shirtless too, if that helps your little daydream." Practically hearing the smirk in his voice.
"I-I wasn't- I... You..." It was too early to have your boyfriend fluster you in such a way, hearing him chuckling as you stumbled over your words and hearing the rustle of cloth that you now assumed was his comforter being moved as he shifted in the bed. Wondering what colour it was. You could totally see him rocking black satin sheets somehow.
"Sorry bunny, I couldn't resist. You sound so adorable all sleepy and flustered like this. I'm now far more tempted to make these calls a regular thing." The thought made your knees weak and suddenly you were all to eager for the mornings if he followed through with it. Giggling as you bit your lip and tightened your grip on your phone cord.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, Afton." Hearing his chuckle before he made a little noise that you tried to imagine was him stretching, letting out a satisfied sigh afterwards as if to confirm your theory. Wondering if he understood that he kept finding new ways to surprise you and make you even more smitten with him, if you had the same effect on him despite not being as experienced in the whole 'dating' thing.
"Oh I'd say worse if I wanted to do that, honey." A slight scratching sound making you think he'd run his hand over his beard, perhaps wiping the sleep from his face just like you were doing. "Anyway, I wanted to call and ask if you wanted to go out together today? Henry texted me last night that him and Sarah are going to a new mall that opened and apparently she's eager to spend some more 'girl time' together."
It was sweet to you that Henry's wife clearly thought to highly of you, your cheeks flushed and looking at the clock, nodding to yourself despite the fact that he couldn't see you. Freeing your hand from the cord and touching your hair, wondering if you should shower that morning before you went out and deciding that it was probably for the best.
"Sure, I'd love that William. Are you up for socialising today?" Teasing him as you heard a slight grunt and shifting cloth again, a low hum before he answered you in that deep gravel that made your knees weak and body ache.
"Got at least one thing to sort before I'm acceptable to be out in public, but I'll always make exceptions to 'no socialising' if I get to spend more time with you sweetheart." You giggled at his affectionate use of nicknames for you, wondering if he would only ever use your name if you were in trouble or in a professional setting. Chewing on your lip as he yawned down the phone, building the image of him in your mind during the call. "Oh, and I want to ask something."
"Sure Will, what is it?"
"Can you not wear my hoodie today? Not that I don't love seeing you in it, I just...have a present to give you and now seems like a good time. But it requires you to be jacketless." He explained, voice somewhat sheepish as you smiled into the phone. Raising an eyebrow as you tried to figure out what it was that he was going to give you.
"You don't have to get me anything Will." Speaking softly and hearing him chuckle as he spoke again, speaking lowly as he stretched again on the other side.
"No, I know. But what else am I supposed to do with this money I've saved aside from treat you, my beautiful girlfriend?" Making you blush as you shrugged your shoulders and thought for a moment before speaking again.
"Pay off your mortgage? Pay off your car? Spoil Vanessa rotten?" Hearing that chuckle become more awake as you talked, making you smile wider as you heard what sounded like him turning over in bed.
"Baby-girl, bunny, I own my own house and my own car. I already spoil her rotten, so what if I want to spoil the other girl in my life too?"
"Owning your own home and car is probably the sexiest thing I've ever heard." You joke, pulling your phone away from your ear as William laughed loudly into the landline, making you beam with pride that you'd made him laugh like that.
Sarah and Henry had picked you up a few hours later, dressed in a black skirt and a baggy t-shirt from a metal band you'd forgotten you even purchased a few years ago. Deciding to apply a little lip-gloss and mascara, as well as some eyeliner like how Sarah had showed you, although yours wasn't perhaps as skilled as hers had been. The pack of used make-up wipes and the slightly red skin around your eyes from the what felt like hundreds of attempts attested to your practise however.
"You look like the kind of girl we would have tried to set Will up with in college." Sarah laughed when she saw you, making you blush as you'd climbed into the car.
"Is that a good thing?"
"Absolutely. He's going to faint when he sees you." Henry confirmed, grinning at you before heading out. The drive had been a little long, but when you finally arrived, you found yourself scanning the lot to try and spot William's car.
Walking just behind the couple as you all headed inside, scanning the bright banners that advertised the grand-opening and the sales going on inside because of it. Smiling as you saw Sarah practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of a bargain, Henry staring at his pager for a moment before waving his hand to get you to follow him. Sarah linking arms with you and letting him lead as Henry looked at the mall map and tried to figure out where to go, presumably from a text from William.
"He's in the food court, wanted to get coffee and some food before we spend hours in here." Henry laughed, making Sarah roll her eyes and scoff at the thought, looking around at how busy it was since it was the opening week of the mall.
"We're going to miss out on the best sales!"
"Babe, I love you, my darling wife, but they are aware that a lot of people would be coming so probably over-stocked a lot of the shops." He explained, looking at her with a gentle smile, receiving one back from his wife before he moved off.
It was pretty quick to spot William in the food court, sat at a table, one leg brought up to rest on his knee, leaning back into the chair did little to hide his tall stature and he was broader than most of the chairs were seemingly designed for. A purple bag sat on the floor besides him as he drummed his fingers idly against the metal table, expression a slight frown as he waited.
You couldn't help but blink and admire him in a lighter colour pair of jeans and another tight t-shirt, black with some design that had faded but you could recognise as some punk bank you'd vaguely heard of. He looked good. His glasses perched on the end of his nose as he reached up to adjust them, seemingly lost in his own little world and failing to notice your approach.
Grinning widely, you broke away from the group and ran up to him. Throwing your arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug as he grunted from the slight impact, his arms wrapping around you and one hand landing on your thigh just because of the fact he was sitting whilst you ran at him. Hearing laughter behind you, you assumed his expression was mildly confused. Taking a second to register who was holding onto him before he turned his head and let his stubble scratch across your cheek and planting a kiss along your neck. Pulling you tighter to him and his large hand pressing into your back and his other one moved from your thigh.
"Well hello to you too, bunny." He laughed into your neck, making you shudder as the hot air brushed your skin. Planting a soft kiss to the top of his head before pulling back to grin at him.
"I couldn't help it, I wanted to hug you." Playfully pouting at him, watching the lopsided smile grow before he planted a firm kiss on your lip, humming into it and licking his lips when he pulled away, the slightly sheen on your gloss visible on his lips and making you giggle.
"Well I'm never going to say no to that now, am I? And I approve of that cherry flavour, I quite like cherry." William grinned as he went in for another kiss, waving off Henry as he wolf whistled whilst taking a seat at the table.
"Get a room love-birds!" He teased, earning a smack on the arm from his wife as you parted from William's lips again, both smiling as he ran his hand up and down your back soothingly. Finally seeing what you were wearing and pausing, blinking and eyes widening as he saw you in the skirt, boots and metal t-shirt. Seemingly processing what was before him as Sarah laughed.
"Told you he'd break a bit." William seemed to snap out of the comment, shooting a sideways scowl before smiling at you again, taking a barely perceptible shuddering breath. Resuming the path of his hand on your back and making you feel relaxed under his touch.
Reaching down, he brought up the bag with a smile, waggling it in front of you and kicking out a chair for you to sit on. Making you raise an eyebrow curiously before you opened it. Glancing at the matching bracelets that both of you constantly wore with a smile before untying the little ribbon at the top of the bag. Brow furrowed in concentration as you undid it and looked inside. Gently taking out the material inside and thumbs brushing over it. Something faintly spicy hitting your senses before you let the material unfold, revealing a large hoodie that would surely look baggy on Afton even. Black with a zip down the front, eyes widening as you realised there was a little embroidered part in black thread over the breast. A little leaping bunny, looking closer at it as you saw a speck of purple. Grinning wider as you realised it was wearing a tiny purple bow-tie.
"Thank you Will, I love it!" Throwing your arms around him and his arms came up automatically to wrap around you this time, holding you close and planting a kiss on your cheek as he laughed slightly at the second over the top hug you'd put him through for the day.
"You're more than welcome, bunny. I know it's subtle, but I thought you'd get a kick out of it." He whispered to you, planting another kiss and taking a deep breath, squeezing you slightly before he let you go. Allowing you to slip the massive sleeves on and shrug it onto your shoulders, the size absolutely drowning you as you felt the soft material against your skin. Realising that the spicy smell was his cologne that he always wore, you came to the conclusion that either he'd drowned it in the stuff, or that he'd secretly been wearing it for a few days to get the scent there. Either one made you incredibly happy and made your chest tighten and flutter.
"Good job you got a zippered one Wills, she might look she might have nothing else on otherwise!" Henry laughed, earning an eyeroll from Sarah as she all but dragged him up to go and get coffee and some food since that was what you'd gone there for. Leaving William to take your hand and stroke his thumb over the knuckles before planting a kiss there, your cheeks flushing as he raked his gaze across your body before meeting your curious eyes.
"Oh, trust me. She's already been occupying my thoughts with such delicious ideas today." Whispering it as Henry was clearly intended not to hear it. Making you shudder and feel your thighs press together slightly as he held your gaze hungrily, placing a conversely chaste kiss against your knuckles again.
Henry and William had gone off to look at some of the stores that took their interest, and you and Sarah had split off. Chatting together idly and Sarah making you laugh and blush as you talked about various things together, her teasing you about breaking your boyfriend with your outfit. You hadn't been in many stores. more following Sarah until your eyes drifted to a dark store-front, brow furrowing as you tried to figure out why the windows were darkened with minimal branding on it, but the door was propped open to welcome people inside.
Sarah noticed your gaze with a wicked grin, practically sprinting and dragging you behind her to go inside despite your protests that you weren't sure it was even open. Blinking as you adjusted to the low light inside and felt your cheeks heating up as you realised that it was a discreet lingerie store. Eyes flickering over racks of lace and satin, cheeks burning as you tried to avoid looking anywhere in particular but feeling yourself curiously looking at certain pieces.
"Don't tell me you've never been in a lingerie store before?" Sarah teased as she noticed your burning cheeks, your eyes widening as she seemed to say it all too loudly over the quiet music playing in the store.
Shaking your head slowly and making the older woman squeal in delight that she got to introduce you to another new thing, taking your arm and walking you through the racks. Grinning widely as she thumbed through the racks and occasionally glancing at you. "So, do you have any big dates planned with William?" Her voice sing-song as she pried and clearly fished for a reason for you to remain in the store for a bit longer.
"I-I mean, I'm going to his house on Friday?" You stammered out, making Sarah pause and raise an eyebrow at you. Checking you were serious before her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, suddenly squealing happily and seizing you by the arms, jumping up and down slightly, catching you off guard.
"Girl! Dear! He didn't even invite his ex-wife around his house until they were engaged. Even then it took her suggesting it for a month before he reluctantly agreed. Did he ask you?"
"Oh my god, he's probably cooking for you too then! I bet it's going to be such a cute date!!" The blonde squealed in excitement and made you feel a little self-conscious as other patrons of the store threw questioning glances your way before returning to their own browsing. Planting a kiss on your cheek before she looked about conspicuously, taking you to some back corner away from the most prying eyes and speaking quietly to you. "Have you thought about..you know?"
"About what Sarah, there have been a lot of thoughts recently." Crossing your arms over your chest, fiddling with the sleeves to help calm your nerves, William's cologne helping to relax you despite your nervousness.
"Have you thought about...Well, no delicate way to put this...Whether you want to have sex with him?"
You were sure your cheeks couldn't get any hotter, but somehow you were proven wrong as they increased in temperature again. Shoulders tensing as your mind froze and then began to race. Feeling embarrassed that Sarah had asked you so blunty, but then you supposed that this was the same woman who had told you your boyfriend was a player in college in a restaurant bathroom whilst reapplying her lipgloss.
"I um...Maybe? A-A few times maybe...I mean...That's normal, right?"
"Of course it's natural sweetie. But, I was thinking you probably want to feel sexy and cute for that time, so why don't we shop for something for you and you can wear it when the time feels right? Men love this shit, and it can make you feel like a million dollars too." She suggested, returning to her normal, calming voice once she saw how nervous you were. Nodding your head slowly and playing with the sleeves more on your hoodie, letting Sarah gently take your arm and guide you around to look at various styles.
She talked lowly and slowly for you, whispering to you about the pros and cons of each style and material and after a few minutes of her patiently walking you through everything, you felt glad you had a friend who seemed to know about all these sorts of things. Relaxing a little more as she talked you through the various bits and pieces that you were clueless about.
Eventually, something caught your eye and your fingers reached out to brush the delicate chiffon fabric. Picking up the hanger and fingers moving over the lace cups, the slight strap that went down the front. It looked almost like a see-through slip, and Sarah hummed over your shoulder as you looked over the item.
"That's a baby-doll set. They're super comfy and breezy, plus they offer a little more cover than some types, whilst still being revealing." She explained lowly, making you nod in understanding as you bit your lip. Chewing it slightly as you admired the sheer black fabric, the details on the cups forming flowers and leaves. A small vine-like design moving from between the cups and forming a sort of halter-neck strap alongside the two shoulder straps. You guessed it had something to do with lines and how people tended to let their eyes move over a person.
"I-I think I like this one." Blushing as Sarah nodded and squeezed your arm lightly, leading you towards the cashiers with a few selections of her own, after she made sure you had the right size for yourself. Letting you pay for it and beaming with pride as you took the bag, the discreet branding of it meaning you didn't quite feel a burning guilt that everybody would know where you'd been.
"Let's go find something pretty to put over the top of it now. We've got some time before the boys come back after all." Sarah giggled, taking your arm and leading you again. "And I think you chose well. William, from what Henry has said, is a man of...tastes."
You raised an eyebrow at her, but she refused to elaborate, only grinning at you wickedly and focusing on her hunt for an appropriate shop for her purposes, woman on a mission as she tried to guide you through the art of feeling sexy for yourself.
Suddenly, you couldn't wait for Friday. Even more than you had been before.
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