#ru ja gun con
howlingday · 1 month
For jaune ruby concention cookie gun
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Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...Hah. Go ahead.
Jaune: Would you buy it?
Ruby: ...No. No, I would not buy a cookie gun. There's no point in wasting good cookies.
Jaune: Well, what if they're stale?
Ruby: What did I just say?
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novankenn · 5 months
Have you done any guns from the Ratchet and Clank games? Just the thought of Jaune getting the Mootator is hilarious. And although a Keyblade isn’t a gun, it can shoot.
A/N = I am REALLY SORRY this took so long to come out. I just couldn't come up with anything, BUT hopefully this works. Still not sure how good this one is... and again sorry for taking so long to put something out for you.
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 3" Ratchet & Clank - the Mootator
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON
Jaune: (Yanked off his feet by Tina and Jinx) HEY!
Pyrrha, Ruby and Emerald just look at each other, shrug their shoulders and move to follow. Catching up just as Jinx and Tina hauled Jaune up to the counter.
Jinx: SO, what cha got?
Tiny Tina: I don't see much of a stock on display.
????: Are they talking to us Clank?
Clank: Yes I believe so, though you might want to ask them what they want Ratchet.
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Jaune: I don't think any of this stuff is for sale.
Tina: They why do they have a booth?
Ratchet: Hi. Um... can I help you?
Pyrrha: We're looking for a gun for my partner, so we're checking out all the booths to see if we can find something that would suit him.
Ratchet: Ah, I see...
Jinx: So what cha got?
Clank: Well, we are really only here to use these facilities to repair our own gear.
Ruby: Then why do you have a booth?
Ratchet: Well, you see we're here on a layover between missions and just wanted to find a place to tweak our gear...
Clank: And this grey haired guy with glasses showed up handed us a permit and said we can work here...
Tiny Tina: (pouting) So you're not selling anything?
Ratchet: Not really...
Jinx: BUT some of this stuff is so cool looking!
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Ratchet: Yeah, thanks... but...
Clank: We could use some money, Ratchet.
Ratchet: But should we be selling super-weapons to a primitive planet's inhabitants?
Jaune / Pyrrha / Ruby / Emerald / Jinx / Tiny Tina: Excuse me?
Ratchet: Hehehehe, um... well...
Clank: (Hands Ratchet a slip of paper) I just checked our paperwork. This is a vendor's license... we can sell if we choose to.
Ratchet: Okay. So who is looking?
Jaune: Me.
Ratchet: Any idea about what you are looking for?
Jaune: Not...
Ruby / Jinx / Tiny Tina: Anything that he doesn't really need to aim!
Ratchet: Really? Okay... well maybe this would be good for you...
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Tiny Tina: That looks cool. What's it do?
Ratchet: This is the Mootator... it will turn your enemies into exploding cows.
Jaune / Pyrrha / Ruby / Emerald / Jinx / Tiny Tina: Say What?
Ratchet: Foes turned into cows, will wander towards their allies and then explode. The stronger or more powerful the foe, the bigger the explosion.
Jaune / Pyrrha / Ruby / Emerald / Jinx / Tiny Tina: ...
Clank: I don't...
Jaune / Pyrrha / Ruby / Emerald / Jinx / Tiny Tina: NORA?!?
Ratchet / Clank: Where the hell did you come from?
Nora: Exploding Cows... TAKE. MY. MONEY!
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Ratchet: Okay... here you go. It's all yours.
Jaune / Pyrrha / Ruby / Emerald / Jinx / Tiny Tina: ...
Nora turns about and skips off, cradling her recent purchase.
Jaune: Should we?
Pyrrha: Let Ren handle it.
Jaune: But...
Ruby: It's Ren's problem.
Tiny Tina: She seems happy.
Turn about to find the booth empty.
Tiny Tina: Huh? Where'd they go?
Jinx: Lunch?
Jaune: I still think we should...
Pyrrha / Ruby: Let Ren handle it.
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(Jo­sé Gol­dem­berg, pro­fes­sor emé­ri­to da USP, O Estado de S. Paulo, 17) A nos­sa ci­vi­li­za­ção te­ve iní­cio cer­ca de 6 mil anos atrás, no Ori­en­te Mé­dio, nu­ma re­gião que é ho­je o Ira­que. Os pri­mei­ros po­vos que vi­vi­am na­que­la re­gião, os su­mé­ri­os, ba­bilô­ni­os e as­sí­ri­os, ti­ve­ram de en­fren­tar gran­des obs­tá­cu­los na­tu­rais, en­tre os quais as chei­as vi­o­len­tas e ir­re­gu­la­res dos Ri­os Ti­gre e Eu­fra­tes. Pa­ra so­lu­ci­o­nar es­ses pro­ble­mas, ti­ve­ram de cons­truir di­ques e bar­ra­gens, re­ser­va­tó­ri­os e ca­nais de dre­na­gem de pân­ta­nos e ir­ri­ga­ção que mu­da­ram a fa­ce da re­gião e o meio am­bi­en­te. Fo­ram es­sas gran­des obras que pos­si­bi­li­ta­ram uma agri­cul­tu­ra pro­du­ti­va que le­vou à cri­a­ção de ci­da­des e im­pé­ri­os. Sem elas, no cli­ma se­co e de­sér­ti­co do Ori­en­te Mé­dio, não ha­ve­ria lí­ri­os nos cam­pos que tan­to im­pres­si­o­na­ram Je­sus há 2 mil anos, co­mo se po­de ver no Ser­mão da Mon­ta­nha em Je­ru­sa­lém, se­gun­do Ma­teus. Sem as obras re­a­li­za­das, pro­va­vel­men­te não ha­ve­ria lí­ri­os no Ori­en­te Mé­dio. De­sen­vol­vi­men­to exi­ge a re­a­li­za­ção de obras e im­pac­tos que po­dem ser pre­da­tó­ri­os e mo­di­fi­cam a na­tu­re­za. Pre­ser­va­ção am­bi­en­tal exi­ge a ma­nu­ten­ção da na­tu­re­za. Por es­sas ra­zões, con­ci­li­ar de­sen­vol­vi­men­to – es­sen­ci­al pa­ra o bem-es­tar das po­pu­la­ções – com a pre­ser­va­ção am­bi­en­tal exi­ge com­pro­mis­sos. Es­ta­be­le­cer os li­mi­tes dos im­pac­tos acei­tá­veis é o gran­de pro­ble­ma: se fo­rem mui­to li­be­rais, po­dem pro­vo­car da­nos ir­re­ver­sí­veis ao meio am­bi­en­te. Se fo­rem mui­to exi­gen­tes, po­dem in­vi­a­bi­li­zar as pró­pri­as obras. Es­se é o di­le­ma que en­fren­ta­mos ho­je e so­lu­ci­o­ná-lo se tor­na ca­da vez mais ur­gen­te, por­que a ação do ho­mem so­bre a na­tu­re­za – no seu con­jun­to de mais de 7 bi­lhões de pes­so­as – atin­giu um ní­vel com­pa­rá­vel à ação das for­ças ge­o­ló­gi­cas na­tu­rais (chu­vas, ven­tos, ma­res, erup­ções vul­câ­ni­cas e ou­tras). No ca­so da po­lui­ção lo­cal, es­tes com­pro­mis­sos fo­ram ba­si­ca­men­te es­ta­be­le­ci­dos com a le­gis­la­ção am­bi­en­tal ado­ta­da na In­gla­ter­ra em 1953 – que re­sul­tou na des­po­lui­ção do Rio Tâ­mi­sa –, de­pois ado­ta­da em su­as li­nhas ge­rais no mun­do to­do, in­clu­si­ve no Bra­sil. Nos paí­ses em de­sen­vol­vi­men­to, sua im­ple­men­ta­ção dei­xa mui­to a de­se­jar por­que têm fal­ta­do re­cur­sos pa­ra cum­prir a le­gis­la­ção. O exem­plo mais fla­gran­te é o ca­so do sa­ne­a­men­to bá­si­co (co­le­ta do li­xo e a dis­po­si­ção de es­go­tos re­si­den­ci­ais e seu tra­ta­men­to). Qua­se me­ta­de da po­pu­la­ção bra­si­lei­ra não tem aces­so a ele. A Baía de Gu­a­na­ba­ra, no Rio de Ja­nei­ro, con­ti­nua po­luí­da, bem co­mo o Rio Pi­nhei­ros, em São Pau­lo. A co­le­ta, re­ci­cla­gem e dis­po­si­ção do li­xo ur­ba­no es­tão pro­gre­din­do no Es­ta­do de São Pau­lo, mas exis­tem ain­da mi­lha­res de li­xões a céu aber­to no País. Ou­tros pro­ble­mas ocor­rem na cons­tru­ção de usi­nas hi­dre­lé­tri­cas. Os re­ser­va­tó­ri­os ne­ces­sá­ri­os pa­ra que elas con­ti­nu­em pro­du­zin­do ener­gia nos pe­río­dos se­cos do ano po­dem inun­dar gran­des áre­as, o que im­pac­ta po­pu­la­ções e o meio am­bi­en­te lo­cal. Sem elas, con­tu­do, as ci­da­des fi­ca­ri­am no es­cu­ro. Es­te é tal­vez o me­lhor exem­plo dos con­fli­tos en­tre de­sen­vol­vi­men­to e a pre­ser­va­ção do meio am­bi­en­te e que não po­de ser so­lu­ci­o­na­do sem ar­bi­trar en­tre os in­te­res­ses dos afe­ta­dos e os dos que são be­ne­fi­ci­a­dos pe­los em­pre­en­di­men­tos. O no­vo pro­ble­ma que sur­giu nas úl­ti­mas dé­ca­das é o do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal: a tem­pe­ra­tu­ra mé­dia do pla­ne­ta já au­men­tou mais de um grau cen­tí­gra­do des­de 1850 e con­ti­nua au­men­tan­do em ra­zão da quei­ma de com­bus­tí­veis fós­seis, que tem co­mo re­sul­ta­do a pro­du­ção dos ga­ses res­pon­sá­veis pe­lo aque­ci­men­to (glo­bal), co­mo dió­xi­do de car­bo­no, que são lan­ça­dos na at­mos­fe­ra, e o des­ma­ta­men­to. As con­sequên­ci­as des­te aque­ci­men­to po­de­rão ser de­vas­ta­do­ras e te­mos, por­tan­to, du­as al­ter­na­ti­vas: ou nos adap­ta­mos a um mun­do mais quen­te ou to­ma­mos me­di­das pre­ven­ti­vas pa­ra evi­tar que ele se aque­ça. O que fa­zer, en­tão? Ata­car os pro­ble­mas da po­lui­ção lo­cal que es­tão nos afli­gin­do ago­ra ou con­cen­trar no­vos es­for­ços em ten­tar re­du­zir as con­sequên­ci­as fu­tu­ras do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal? Es­te é um fal­so di­le­ma, que foi dis­cu­ti­do des­de 1992, quan­do foi ado­ta­da a Con­ven­ção do Cli­ma no Rio de Ja­nei­ro: é ain­da pos­sí­vel evi­tar o aque­ci­men­to glo­bal to­man­do me­di­das de pre­cau­ção, is­to é, evi­tan­do au­men­tar as emis­sões de ga­ses de efei­to es­tu­fa e to­man­do me­di­das pa­ra re­du­zi-las? Ou é tar­de de­mais e pre­ci­sa­mos ado­tar me­di­das pa­ra nos adap­tar­mos a um mun­do mais quen­te? Exem­plo de adap­ta­ção se­ria cons­truir di­ques pa­ra nos pro­te­ger do au­men­to do ní­vel do mar, co­mo fez a Ho­lan­da no pas­sa­do. A te­se do­mi­nan­te, até ago­ra, foi a de ado­tar me­di­das de pre­cau­ção e dei­xar me­di­das de adap­ta­ção pa­ra o fu­tu­ro. Pa­ra evi­tar es­tes con­fli­tos e não fa­zer na­da são in­ven­ta­das te­o­ri­as cons­pi­ra­tó­ri­as de to­do ti­po e até ten­ta­ti­vas de ne­gar as ba­ses ci­en­tí­fi­cas do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal, que são bem es­ta­be­le­ci­das. O “ruí­do” cri­a­do pe­los as­sim cha­ma­dos “ne­ga­ci­o­nis­tas” – in­cluin­do al­guns bra­si­lei­ros mal in­for­ma­dos – é adi­ar a ado­ção de me­di­das re­la­ti­va­men­te sim­ples pa­ra en­fren­tar os pro­ble­mas, en­tres eles o de re­du­zir o des­ma­ta­men­to da Amazô­nia, que é a prin­ci­pal fon­te de emis­sões do Bra­sil. As ações ne­ces­sá­ri­as pa­ra tal, so­bre­tu­do a fis­ca­li­za­ção, são de bai­xo cus­to, co­mo já foi de­mons­tra­do pe­la re­du­ção do des­ma­ta­men­to a par­tir de 2005. Por­tan­to, en­fren­tar o pro­ble­ma do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal não exi­ge ain­da gran­des obras, mas po­lí­ti­cas pú­bli­cas (e le­gis­la­ção re­sul­tan­te) que ori­en­tem o de­sen­vol­vi­men­to na di­re­ção cor­re­ta, in­cluin­do a ado­ção de ener­gi­as re­no­vá­veis e a so­lar em subs­ti­tui­ção à ener­gia ge­ra­da quei­man­do com­bus­tí­veis fós­seis. Já a so­lu­ção dos pro­ble­mas de po­lui­ção lo­cal, co­mo sa­ne­a­men­to bá­si­co, exi­ge gran­des obras de en­ge­nha­ria e en­ga­ja­men­to di­re­to de au­to­ri­da­des lo­cais (pre­fei­tos e go­ver­na­do­res). É ne­les que é pre­ci­so in­ves­tir ago­ra, en­quan­to as po­lí­ti­cas pú­bli­cas sur­tem efei­tos pa­ra o fu­tu­ro. Não há o que es­co­lher. Am­bas ações são ne­ces­sá­ri­as.  
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howlingday · 4 months
ru ja gun con au: Jaune, don't ask me how I got it but I need you to put it on your wrist!!
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Okay, so based on the minimal research I did, the Chaquetrix is a Ben-10 fanbase device, created by TrixTheAlien, and whose sole purpose is to... "generate the most breedable version of the selected alien species to repopulate, fulfilling the Omnitrix original purpose of preserving all species." Judging by the fan-art, it either turns the user into this "most breedable version" OR it creates a sort of harem-style sex-slave of the alien. That said, here's my response...
Jaune: What?! Why?!
Ruby: Jaune, what's going on? What's that thing on your wrist?
Jaune: What thi... (Chaquetrix attached)
Ruby: Jaune?
Jaune: Ruby... Get help.
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howlingday · 2 months
Jaune… stop being a pussy and get inside an Armored Core!
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Jaune: Why does everyone keep forgetting I get motion sickness really easily? Like, the last time I was in any kind of airship, I couldn't leave the bed, and then I woke up covered in some kind of sticky goo. You remember that, right? You were there, Ruby!
Ruby: O-Oh... Yeah... Totally...
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howlingday · 2 months
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Ruby jaune at gun convention.
Behold the age changing ray hidden in a cigar. ,* shows it works by aging Jaune into rusted knight*
Jaune: Change me back! Change me back!
Ruby: Hang on, Jaune! I gotcha! (Uses cigar)
Jaune: (Little kid) Wuby! Not dis young~!
Ruby: One sec! (Pulls out scroll) Heehee~! (Taking pictures)
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howlingday · 3 months
Ru-Ja-Gun-Con Au: I got some weapons for you. Take a look*Pulls out Pulse Pistols from Overwatch* These fire quickly and self reload. They are great close to mid range. I would not recommend them at long range. They even have speical arm peices to be stored in.
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I see your not sold. Did I mention they come with tight pants that really show the butt well. Get all the ladies with that.
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So want to negotiate prices?
Jaune: I don't know. Selling pants with a gun sounds like a bad idea. What do you think, Ruby?
Jaune: ...Ruby?
Ruby: (Staring at the pants)
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howlingday · 3 months
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For ruby jaune gun convention the solar scorcher its a solar powered laser gun. Got light you got ammo as ruby's eyes make there own light she could have endless ammo
Ruby: I don't think that's how my eyes work.
Jaune: Have you tried?
Ruby: Well, no, but I don't think my eyes really count as a light source.
Jaune: Are you sure? They seem pretty like moonlight to me.
Ruby: ...What?
Jaune: I mean, they're shiny like the moon! Haha, oh, uh, is it hot in here, or...
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howlingday · 9 days
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Ra-ja-gun-con au.
What you think sir?
Jaune: It, uh... looks... good? What do you think, Ruby?
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...Ruby?
Ruby: (Deep inhale)
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howlingday · 3 months
Ra-Ja-Gun-Con Au: Ever get tired of short jokes or wish their was a way out due the other women flauting well I present the Crystal Flashlight.(Crystal Flashlight from gravity falls) To show how it works you need to flip the Crystal on the front so the flat side is againist lens. Pink shinks likes so *shinks beowolf into size on a plushie* and blue meets grow *grows sandwich into the size of a pizza* so what you think?
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Before you ask Yes it does work on boobs and genital. A lot people have asked about that today. So get that out of the way. So what you interested?
Jaune: This seems like a gross abuse of scientific study- RUBY!
Ruby: (About to use on cookie batch) What?
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howlingday · 1 year
Naw Jaune wouldn't get a rifle. He would get a revolver and if being specific Vash's gun in trigun stampede.
That thing is more club or tonfa than gun. At least the caliber is easier, plus if he wants to save bullets, no one is gonna expect a hard blunt hit to the face. Especially aura enhanced
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Ruby: Okay, Jaune; just like I told you!
Jaune: Uh, Ruby? This thing feels like I'm holding a brick. Are you sure I'm safe?
Ruby: Just keep your grip firm and your eyes open. You should be fine!
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howlingday · 2 months
Not sure if you have done this one yet, but I am sure anyone who has any taste in weaponry would find this piece a collector's dream.
While not necessarily a gun, I am sure anyone who is anyone would have heard a special engineer who made this thing famous.
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Fully upgraded if Jaune has enough money to afford the nods for this baby.
Jaune: How about this thing?
Ruby: "This thing"? Jaune, it's a plasma cutter! It uses concentrated plasma beams to sever low-density metal at a molecular level!
Jaune: Sheesh, when did you become an engineer?
Ruby: Let me ask you this, Jaune; can you afford it?
Jaune: ...So, uh, what else have we got around here?
Ruby: That's what I thought.
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howlingday · 3 months
(For Ru-Ja-Gun-Con)
Ruby is sick getting sick of Jaune constantly getting new weapon people instead of a simple gun. It got to the point where she brought Prof. Goodwitch with her, Jaune, Pyra, and Pyrrha to the con just to keep them on track. While chaperoning the group they end up at the same stand and while she’s able to keep Jaune from acquiring another Blade; Glynda ends up gaining one herself, much to Ruby’s growing frustration.
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Ruby: Professor Goodwitch, why? You were supposed to be the responsible one...
Goodwitch: It never hurts to have additional support, Ms. Rose.
Brighid: Your professor is right, Miss Rose. You should listen to her.
Goodwitch: Thank you, Brighid.
Brighid: Of course, Professor Goodwitch.
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howlingday · 5 months
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Someone has to do it ruby jaune gun conventiom the machine gun bra from austin powers
Jaune: Uh... Ruby?
Ruby: YEah, Jaune?
Jaune: ...Nevermind.
Ruby: What? What were you gonna ask me?
Jaune: Forget about it, Ruby!
Ruby: Fine. Guess everything's all groovy, right?
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howlingday · 3 months
Ruby jaune gun convention
The dino shot from dinosaur king load cards pull trigger you summon dinosaur pull again dinosaur do super powered attack like trex spits out flaming sword for example. You know you want to shoot dinosaurs at people
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Jaune: Wait, wouldn't that mean I'd have to have cards to shoot load into the gun first?
Ruby: And what kind of dinosaurs should we expect to come out, anyways?
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howlingday · 4 months
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For ruby jaune gun con why not automatic bow and arrow?
Ruby: Believe it or not, this was actually the first dual ranged combination weapon.
Jaune: Really?
Ruby: Probably.
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