unsuccesscr · 5 years
People who have equal but opposite chaos energy to Izuku: Monoma, Mei, Jirou, Ochako
People who have the exact same brand of chaos as Izuku, but at varying levels: Tetsutetsu, Tooru, Todoroki, Iida
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hcwks · 5 years
rrenao replied to your post:
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amplifyingtrace · 5 years
hcwks replied to your post
rrenao replied to your post
{!!!! ;w; I’m gonna cry you two are so sweet askdjhjss!
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Leia is being adopted into the internship squad 
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stcnebled-blog · 5 years
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quirks in the bianchi family + extended family
luciana bianchi, formerly luciana spada, alias jemma, is the mother of pietrina. her quirk, hypnosis, relies on the glowing silver color of her eyes. when she makes eye contact with someone for 2.5 seconds or more, they fall under a hypnotic spell. in this time, she can give them commands that they will follow or manipulate their memories ( implant new/false ones, remove previous ones, etc. ). the duration of the hypnosis depends on how long she made eye contact with a person, usually about 5 minutes. the longest hypnotic spell she has maintained was 60 minutes. her silver eye color is present in pietrina, though her daughter is unable to use the hypnosis quirk. her alias, jemma, is one that has been passed down from mother to daughter in her family for many generations. luciana was the 17th holder of the name, pietrina is the 18th.
ferro bianchi is pietrina’s father. he has a quirk that allows him to rearrange his molecular structure to that of any naturally occurring or synthesized metals, be they basic elements or alloys or anything, so long as he knows the composition, formula, and molecular arrangement of the metal like the back of his hand. pietrina’s quirk came primarily from him, with the added influence of ferro’s father’s mistress’s quirk that turned his body into diamonds.
that mistress’s daughter is kayo yaminari ( @rrenao ) who has the same quirk that turns him to diamonds. kayo and pietrina have met on only a few occasions and while they are unaware that they are related and have only met on opposing sides of the battle, have joked about the similarity of their quirks and which one might be superior.
ferro had a half sister born in japan named izanami itou. this half sister was the daughter of ferro’s mother and an unknown man she met in japan. izanami did not inherit any of the iron-manipulating quirks in the bianchi family line. her daughter, kitiara, did though, in the form of her needles quirk. pietrina only met izanami once briefly before her parents were killed, as ferro insisted on visiting her. at the time, kitiara wasn’t born yet, though izanami was pregnant with her. kitiara and pietrina only meet when the younger leaves the league of villains and runs into la famiglia. trina recognizes the name immediately and while she despises the fact that kit used to work with the league, she does implore petra to take her into the family, seeing it as a sort of salvation for the girl.
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quirkgifter · 5 years
@rrenao from [x]
 -------------    she grinned at his reaction, reaching out to give his shoulder a playful punch. he was only an inch taller than her, but it was nice to have someone who you can have eye contact with, on top of it all !
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            “ of course ! when i was a child, i wanted to be a marine biologist. life had a different path for me, but that doesn’t mean my love for that ever stopped ! but enough about me, i want to know ALL about you ! how’d you come to be, what are your motivations ? do you want to get lunch together ? “
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ingenxum · 5 years
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               Quick shout-out to my good friend @nitroqlycerin who made this graphic! You’re the best, sweetie QAQ
               I created this mess of a blog late March this year with literally no clue of how far I would go. No joke! I only relied on the anime and tidbits of the manga to roleplay as Tenya so really, I was a nervous wreck with no idea on how keep things IC! However, the longer that I’ve been here, the more I’ve become more comfortable with the rpc and everyone around! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for giving me and my portrayal of Tenya a chance!
MY DEKUSQUAD (Really, really good friends that I had the pleasure talking to ooc and would die for them)
@foxend / @galactiicsouls / @pretty-deku /  @truthevade / @hxlfsoul (& @vxfrxmentum) / @greenxhero / @createinfinity / @brokcnheroes (& @entangledheroes) / @museaddled / @briilliance / @hk-stain / @gravityfated / @keshimasu / @earjacks ( + all of your blogs ) / @siirensxng / @us-smash / @parhclia / @qrkstm / @quirkdysfunction / @mcnkeyfu / @wzrdchsn / @startravclled / @nebuliight / @cyberdrills / @leftfist / @nitroqlycerin ( + all of your blogs ) /  @hssaikai / @optiicxlvsr / @lxstxracle / @sightless-hero / @bakvhatsv
MY BAKUSQUAD (Nerds that I love and are hella chaotic. Not all are my mutuals but I’d still love to give them my thanks for giving me the chance to get to know them more!)
@ecntrc / @oneshockyboi / @eighthilles / @doltage / @krakenfeast / @negazed / @altaindustries / @headtrick / @explodetonate / @craneguard / @obev ( & @mtlmncr ) /  @bcdtouch ( + 3 of your other blogs ) / @exposensei ( + 3 of your other blogs ) /  @quirkthief / @aiibheis ( & @mockri ) / @quirkgifter / @herohalf / @katsubi ( + 3 of your other blogs ) / @blstys ( + a hella ton of your blogs ) / @ofiignition
THE IIDA FAMILY (Other Tenya blogs that absolutely gave me inspiration to be a unique Tenya myself!!! I do hope we all have twin verse for one another!!!!)
@coffeehouserp (& @loved-by-sunny) / @leftoverquirks / @enginekick / @tnyas / @ingenium-tenya-iida / @plethorangels / @earncst / 
U.A ACADEMY STUDENTS AND TEACHERS (Other BNHA blogs that I adore and love seeing in my dash!!!) 
@garbageboys-thesequel / @minisodapop / @plethora-of-souls / @cofstars / @b-nnyhero / @shintsohi / @multidivision /  @midorihero / @herosname / @sappines /  @equalstrength / @quirkless-wonder / @hero-hopeful / @gxlitxr / @aidonneus / @stxicherxics / @rxd-riot / @cupids-flight / @heartscfhope / @scarlera / @iinko / @reposhillo / @heroiizuku / @floatsaver / @tenacityblitz / @blazinghct / @paradis-smash / @anivoicehero / @manicvoice / @oneheir /  @virullcnt / @warraigoe / @msclr / @bandanagiggle /  @arachnitect / @galaxythixf / @twistxdvillxin / @bokuno-zuko  / @organgrxnder  / @meusinvidia / @sickbrn / @anisotropy-kotetsu / @icynhot / @rrenao / @lovestricken-assassin / @bloodsrule / @indigomindjacker / @silver-strings-of-fate / @uravxty / @round--face / @dad-for-one / @breakreason / @gravitisms / @icyht / @koru-kogeru / @bringsevil / @haltquirk / @sumashiing / @dusthold / @heavenfalled / @creatiism / @nitrosweet / @explcsvon / @inanthesis / @mindlesspurplegaze / @quamxmulti / @wintersbeauty-temper / @beyondheroic / @blocdstained / @urxyuu / @bcku-no-boys / @disinfectxd / @hiighspec / @glycerinsweet / @defeatedshounen / @crcmatixn / @defrostiing / @hahwks / @aciidspit / @equiivoco ( & @autoriita) / @monarcid / @ukubi / @endurcandsurvive / @frozen-shattered / @disintcgratc / @lemirion / @verumaeternus / @gingerpoltergeist / @iindustria / @himicopy / @tcpsytxrvy / @instantcopycat / @crimsxn-cinder / @glamie / @madefate / @knifckiss / @needlxd / @quirkcanceling / @phasedbe  / @v4n1shed / @nothispcwn / @sakusi / @quirkfrop / @quirk-ish / @austempered / @scarfsensei / @calvitre / @nanashimurc / @shiagraki / @disintegratinghope / @dekuiruyo / @fiverot / @fragxr / @tobisforum / @endeclin / @kaerumizu / @carrionfeigned / @obliterus / @strcngered / @centrisc / @c-rystallize / @multi-quirked / @kyorada / @yuugxn / @sword-babes / @heroaid / @coldtempered / @asortofsensation / @eijirot / @heroicriot / @maskedmuses / @rhythmfuzzed / @zerurabity / @katsukashinu / @shake-things-up / @ice-aflame / @iceiceflameon / @aimcs / @gravitynull / @removesquirks / @soulignitxd / @unladylikc / @mxleured / @amplifyingtrace / @demoniiacas / @presentcockatoomic / @kiripiima / @grandthftauto / @quailxlies / @fleshinfactuated / @aquirkyvillain / @grvtygrl / @mightqvirk / @blessedquirk / @inventii / @icyhotbastrd / @imitationpersonne / @veroxins / @quirkiisms / @crexturxe / @knifestabbed / @dckv / @dimensionalprinter / @hinokatsu / @bxnnycasebrokxr / @flowtion / @unsanctixned / @ofquirkss / @uravitix / @true-heroes / @frccd / @herodrivcn / @darkgospel / @uiirusu / @drawnqvirk / @oddquirk / @turnsofate / @aaniima / @fatesforged / @yellmade / @mxgunet / @kyousei / @urabitea / @united-smash / @spiraltricks / @smashkick / @gigantifications / @diistortcd / @travellingsound / @symbolicpeace / @graviums / @stitchfaced / @quirkladen / @offragrance
ASPIRING CITIZENS ( Friends I made from my Kanji blog that I would like to give a good shout out for the continuing support! Do hope we get to roleplay again soon! Some are outside of BNHA blogs that I absolutely adore as well!!!!)  
@vacuousfool / @johnny-writes / @karismatickitty / @garudynekunai/ @heartsmused / @heartshredded / @snarksuke / @electricea / @oaganau / @bloodsplatteredmoon / @museatory / @glitchwalking / @lovegraced / @arseneiic / @kosmichorror / @tricksterfinale / @nexarerum / @atlasfollowed / @dadadaemons / @jokaito / @pseudogaiety / @pvssydolled / @girlycorpse / @apexqueen / @aemiliiu / @shuffledworlds / @little-dxvil / @anarmyofme / @lunaetis / @heartsled / @raitcningu / @isoscelesnightmare  / @shogied / @sakuraari / @becomedeviant / @vagasbonds / @liersymphcny / @theirsun / @tanteimei /  @lamovreux  / @galixiac / @theirsalvation / @saiichii / @volleytruth / @timidplum / @coronabane / @cheriiaki / @fatewept / @qsnki / @gottamuseemall / @symfoa / @gungambled / @altarfated / @sleuthingtime / @aliwept / @crownrisen / @cryptiiv / @narrationis / @vortship / @cheshism / @bleachblondbeefcake / @ohireath / @youngesper / @purepestilence / @myentropy / @multiipl / @faegrifted / @multiarcanas / @nvrcmplt / @darkchose / @absoluteneed
I didn't mentioned all of my 600+ followers but rest assured that I love and cherish each and everyone of you all! Thank you guys a bunch!!!!
PART 1 (You're here!) [PART 2 || Announcements ] [PART 3 || Giveaway ]
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zachtlcw · 5 years
rrenao replied to your post:
i think i may have said it before (or maybe not, who knows, my memory is shot) but ADOPT REIKO KURONO SHE NEEDS IT SKDKSRGKSRHKK
// It’s official. He has adopted her in the bnha universe. She’s his kid now. He’ll take amazing care of her u _ u
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quirkbleed-blog · 5 years
@rrenao liked this post for a starter!
“Shiozaki...” It’s a little hard to start conversation with the pious student, mostly because he had a catholic goth phase, and their ‘crown of thorns’ sent him into a series of remembrances involving Mary Shelly and severely misguided youth. Which is almost the best kind of youth, other than, you know, guided youth. Or, mis-misguided youth. Something along those lines.
“While I am as enthused as you are, and I love the confidence, can you tone down the damnation a little bit? High school is exciting, but not that exciting. Also, you know my rules about language in the classroom.”
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xcrematedx · 5 years
Out of nowhere, a ring of cyan flames springs up around Yue, stretching ten feet tall and rapidly raising the ambient heat to the level of standing in an oven. A figure steps through the flames, scarred and hunched over lazily, dancing blue lights glinting off the staples lining their grotesque grin. Deadened blue eyes drink in the woman’s expression, a predatory glint stirring deep within their cold gaze.
“Do I need to introduce myself, or do you already know what’s in store, Yue Hagakure?”
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butterflyiisms · 5 years
@rrenao speaking of pain, Dabi thread when? :gun:
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unsuccesscr · 5 years
It’s also important that y’all know that, while Izuku killing Yue isn’t canon to the main timeline (bc, you know, he doesn’t completely Lose His Shit);
He does absolutely still hunt Yue down after Tooru’s death and still absolutely hands her ass to her, he just then turns her over to the police. And also makes it very extremely clear that even if she escapes he’ll just hunt her down again because he, and I quote;
“Will do anything to make sure you rot in here like you deserve”
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hcwks · 5 years
rrenao replied to your post:
Natsumi’s here to smooch his cheek!! She loves him very much too!!
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And of course he blushes!! And stays quiet for a moment!! But oh wow what is that??? Here’s a surprise smooch on the cheek from him!!! Bet you didn’t expect that!!
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amplifyingtrace · 5 years
rrenao replied to your post: hcwks replied to your post JOIN THE SQUAD ...
natsumi is gonna mom the hell out of her get ready for an adoption SKTJKTHK
{That is so cute?? asjshjhsgh!! 
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stcnebled-blog · 5 years
the bianchi family tree is made up primarily of villains bc:
luciana “jemma” bianchi: mafia boss
the 16 generations of “jemma” prior to luciana: all villains
ferro bianchi: mafia godfather
peitrina bianchi: villain
kitiara itou: villain
kayo yaminari: drug dealer and villain and basically everything terrible
basically this whole family is mafia or some loose cannon villain and izanami itou was the only fucking hero and that’s why she was basically shunned by the family 
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xcrematedx · 5 years
@rrenao for fuyumi
This was bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. All this for stepping between the old man? After all the agony had subsided and they’d managed to patch themself up and get up and walking, they’d finally become aware of enough beyond their own pain to realize that they couldn’t fucking see. A quick exploration of their face with their fingers had shown them the sensation of something thicker than blood dribbling down their cheekbones, and a distinct hollowness where their eyes should have been. It was in that moment they were at least grateful they couldn’t see the grisly sight, else they probably would have lost the rare meal still settled in their stomach. The best they could do was tear off a strip of their tattered shirt and wrap it around their head to spare anyone else the horrific experience. That and grope around for a long enough stick. Granted it wasn’t an actual cane, and the only thing they knew to do with it was whack random things and hope it didn’t piss someone off. Guess this was their life now. At least they survived, right? That was better than anyone would have expected.
That had been...shit, maybe a week ago? It was hard to tell without being able to sense daylight, and the winter weather was too chilly for them to sense any warmth on their face from the sun. And after the initial shock- their eyesight hadn’t been great in the first place but it turned out that little bit of ability made a world of difference- they’d come upon a new problem. What now? They hardly could go back to their old job. They couldn’t tattoo people they couldn’t see. And they’d heard the news report well enough. So their father had told the police he’d found a suicide note, huh? Fucking bastard. Knowing him he’d probably thrown enough money around to make it official, the evil prick. So they were going a little nuts trying to find something to work toward. They’d put aside their pride pretty quickly and resorted to panhandling. Turns out the sight of them apparently caused enough pity for them to have saved up enough for about the cheapest guitar any self respecting music store could offer. Playing for tips was a start, right? Hell, maybe someone high up would take note and they’d become the next big thing. Now wouldn’t that just be a slap in the face to the flaming bastard?
Problem was, well, they were having a pretty hard time finding their way to a place where they could purchase said ticket to something resembling an income. And nobody seemed all that willing to give them directions. Pitiful when holding a sign, terrifying when wielding a branch they’d picked up off the ground. That’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth. Still, if living in that war zone of a house had taught them anything, its that being stubborn as all hell was how you survived. So, for the thousandth time, when their branch whacked what felt like a pair of shoes, they spouted that same old line they’d said who knew how many times, as monotone and nonthreatening as could be.
“Do you know where I can find a music store, please.”
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unsuccesscr · 5 years
Deku doesn’t really shit talk certain heroes in particular, but he does tear down the system that they support; and quite publicly shows his distaste for attitude problems. 
Whether it be heroes that insist on working alone because “teaming up makes you weak”, heroes who abuse their power, or heroes that won’t do certain work because it’s “below their pay grade”. He will not hesitate to rip someone a new asshole just because they’re also a hero. If you’re being a dick he’ll tell you as much straight to your face.
The exception is Endeavor. He’ll shit talk Endeavor specifically.
Anyway, my point is that in combination with their shared views and the fact that she’s Tooru’s mentor; Deku stans Lady Hydra
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