#rousey was no surprise but still
fireh0es · 1 year
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This just in: Edy Ganem is a transphobic POS
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south-of-heaven · 9 months
Hi, I hope you’re doing well! Can I please request a Ronda/reader where the reader is in the ring for a match (can be against whoever you want) when she gets blindsided and attacked by someone who had snuck up to the ring. Now up against her original opponent and her surprise attacker, Reader is putting up a good fight but it’s two against one and it’s not looking good for reader when suddenly Ronda’s music hits. Ronda makes sure her girl is ok before she and Reader take down her opponents?
Thank you as always!!
Protector || Ronda Rousey x Reader
Summary: Ronda comes to save you from Shotzi and Charlotte.
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You were in the middle of a fierce match against Shotzi, the crowd roaring in approval as you exchanged blows and high-impact moves. It was an intense battle, and you could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you fought for dominance in the ring.
But then, out of nowhere, the arena darkened. The crowd's cheers turned to gasps as Charlotte Flair's music blared through the speakers. The Queen, with her signature confidence, strutted down the ramp, her eyes fixed on you.
Before you could react, Charlotte was in the ring, and with a vicious clothesline, she sent you sprawling to the mat. The sudden attack had left you disoriented, and Shotzi wasted no time, joining Charlotte in a relentless assault.
You tried to fight back, to regain control of the situation, but it was a two-on-one beatdown, and there was only so much you could do. Shotzi and Charlotte were ruthless, delivering a barrage of kicks, strikes, and power moves that left you struggling to defend yourself.
As the vicious assault continued, your vision blurred, and you could feel the pain setting in. The crowd's cheers had turned to concerned murmurs, and it seemed like there was no way out.
Then, just when it felt like all hope was lost, a familiar tune filled the arena. The crowd erupted into cheers as Ronda's music hit, and the Baddest Woman on the Planet sprinted down the ramp at full speed.
With a burst of adrenaline, Ronda slid into the ring, her presence commanding attention. She immediately went to your side, checking on your well-being before turning her attention to Charlotte and Shotzi. The look of fury in Ronda's eyes was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.
Charlotte and Shotzi, realizing that they were now facing a two-on-two battle, hesitated for a moment. That hesitation was all Ronda needed. She launched herself at Charlotte, delivering a series of rapid-fire strikes that rocked the Queen.
You, still recovering, rallied alongside Ronda. Together, you and Ronda fought back with everything you had. It was an all-out war in the ring, the crowd's cheers reaching a deafening crescendo.
In the end, it was Ronda's signature armbar that forced Charlotte to tap out. The victory was hard-fought, but the sight of your girlfriend coming to your rescue and standing by your side in the ring was more than worth it.
As the two of you celebrated your triumph together, you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for Ronda. She was not only the Baddest Woman on the Planet, but she was also your protector and champion, willing to go to any lengths to keep you safe in and out of the ring.
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smartycvnt · 2 years
the opportunity of a lifetime
pairing: charlotte flair x liv morgan x rhea ripley x reader
summary: a barfight comes with an unexpected ending.
warnings: smut, four way (f/f/f/f), strap on, top rhea, switch liv, switch charlotte, bottom reader, oral (f receiving), a blow job
Being able to unwind was an important part of your work. A night out on the town was perfect. WWE had rented out a club for the night, allowing only their talent and a few big names who had come in for the premium event that night. Summer Slam was supposed to be the biggest party of the summer, but you were pretty sure that this was even bigger than that. It felt a little crazier than the WrestleMania after party in Dallas.
Currently, you were dancing alongside your new ally, Liv Morgan. You had saved her after her match against Ronda Rousey from Bayley and Charlotte. Charlotte had gone after Ronda, costing her the championship, and then teamed up with Bayley to beat on Liv, which was when you had run out to save her. It surprised a lot of people, considering you'd been a very heel-leaning character since NXT.
"Shots?" Liv mouthed. The music was way too loud to hear her, but you understood. You followed her from the dance floor to the bar, where it was a bit quieter. Drinks were free for the night, so you weren't surprised to see your colleagues indulging in a few. What had surprised you though was the sight of Rhea Ripley staring at you.
Everybody knew about Liv and Rhea's breakup, caused by Rhea's betrayal. Technically, Liv had called things off, making sure Rhea knew that she wasn't going to be played like that. You admired Liv for being able to take charge like that, it was impressive. You didn't know if you could have done the same, you had a tendency of just following someone else's lead.
"Thank you for tonight," Liv said as she handed you your shot. The two of you did a small cheers before throwing them back. Liv let out a scream as she set her empty glass down on the bar. You just grimaced and placed your glass next to yours.
"You're someone who deserves to be a long reigning champion. No matter what anyone else tries," you said honestly. Liv smiled warmly at you before jumping forward to press a kiss to your cheek. You were surprised by what she had done, but it was still a welcomed gesture. Much more welcome than the person who had pulled you away from Liv afterwards.
You had never fought against Rhea before, having been at NXT before her and then on Smackdown the entire time she was at Raw. Still, you knew from the grip strength of whoever was grabbing you and then the first punch to your back, it had to be Rhea. You turned around, confirming what you had thought, and lunged at her. She was bigger than you, but you were tipsy and now pissed. How dare she lay her hands on you like that.
"Enough!" Another voice, one that you did recognize immediately, yelled. Both you and Rhea were dragged out of the club backwards. There were eyes on the two of you from anyone who had caught onto what was going on. The fist holding your shirt and dragging you backwards didn't let go until both you and Rhea were standing in an alley behind the club.
"Do you think I won't kick your ass too when I'm done with her?" Rhea asked Charlotte, poking the taller blonde in the chest. Charlotte didn't react how you thought she would have, instead turning her attention over to you, completely ignoring Rhea.
"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked you. You nodded. It wasn't much compared to some of your matches. Rhea had only gotten a few hits in before Charlotte broke everything up, and none of the punches had hit you in the face. Charlotte gave you a pretty quick once over, making sure that you didn't have any visible bruises.
"Baby her like everyone else does. Of course she's got you wrapped around her fucking pinky too," Rhea grumbled. Charlotte turned towards her, about to say something when Liv spoke up.
"You are fucking ridiculous Rhea. You broke my heart, not the other way around. You cannot be mad that I made a friend at Smackdown when you drove me out of Raw. I don't care that you did what you thought you had to for a championship. I am happy where I am, whether that includes you or not," Liv said. That did the trick to shut Rhea up for a few moments. Liv walked over to you and caressed your cheek. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," you answered. Liv pressed a kiss to your cheek again, this time a little closer to your lips. Charlotte cleared her throat this time, actively holding Rhea against the wall so she couldn't try to attack you again. "Thanks for breaking that up."
"Oh please, she only did it to get in your pants," Rhea scoffed. Charlotte kicked at Rhea's shin, but it was too late. You stood there frozen with shock as Liv sauntered over to Charlotte.
"I don't blame you," Liv said as she looked at you. You felt a blush creep up onto your cheeks as the two blondes stared at you. Rhea rolled her eyes at this, breaking the moment once again. "Oh please, like I don't know what you think of Y/n already. You're just upset that you've been a bitch and probably blew your chance."
"I don't know, I bet that we could get Y/n to forgive Rhea for tonight," Charlotte said. She pulled you towards her, strong arms wrapping around your waist. Your breath hitched as you realized how close you were to Charlotte. She smirked down at you, leaning in ever so slightly to kiss you. You kissed back, moving the two of you back against Rhea. To your surprise, Rhea didn't push the two of you off of her, instead pulling Charlotte's hips back to grind against her.
"We should get out of this alley before someone comes to see what happened," Liv said. She seemed surprised to be the voice of reason. Rhea looked like she would have been fine staying there all night, but Charlotte was the first to move out of the alley. The four of you left together, not caring whether or not someone saw you. Liv spent the car ride in your lap, kissing and touching you to get familiar with your body.
Rhea had driven, keeping her eyes on the road as Liv touched you. You could see her trying not to sneak glances, unlike Charlotte, who was blatantly watching the two of you. The entire situation made your head spin a little bit, but you loved it. All three of these women seemed to be into you, and you definitely found each of them attractive. It had been difficult keeping your crush on Liv at bay while she had been your Smackdown Women's Champion.
"We're here so you two need to keep your hands to yourselves," Rhea grumbled. Charlotte took Liv's place next to you as your group made their way into the hotel. Liv and Rhea had to sneak in while Charlotte walked you in herself. People had seen the fight and knew that Charlotte was a little protective over you, so it wouldn't raise many questions. Even though the two of you hadn't been super close for over a year.
"Do you know how long I've wanted this?" Charlotte asked as she pressed a kiss to the side of your jaw. Just the notion of her being close enough to feel her breath against had goosebumps rising on your arms. Charlotte wrapped her arms around your waist in the elevator, holding you against her as she picked up where Liv had left off. You were definitely wet, beyond what you had been with anybody else this early on in a night. You could only hope that Rhea would be in a good enough mood to not tease you about your arousal.
"Took you two long enough," Rhea grumbled, seemingly no improvement to her mood. Liv shot her a glare, which caused Rhea to shrink back a little. Charlotte unlocked her suite, promising that there was more than enough room for everyone to stay the night if things came to that. Liv seemed excited about the idea of a sleepover, as if the four of you were all old friends catching up after a long time and not about to sleep with each other.
Inside the suite, Charlotte pulled Rhea off to the bathroom while Liv took you into the bedroom. The bed was huge, twice the size of the one that they had put you in for the night. It was fitting, such a large and luxurious bed for The Queen. Rhea would undoubtedly have something to say about this when she got in, not that you would be focused on Rhea when that time came.
"Charlotte and I did a number on you, didn't we?" Liv asked as she unbuttoned your pants. Your breath hitched when she looked up at you, fingers hooked into the waistband of your pants. You nodded in response, your throat suddenly becoming very dry. Liv chuckled a little as she pressed a kiss above where your pelvic bone would be. "Can I take these off and get a better look?"
"Yes, please do," you answered quickly. Liv did exactly as you had asked her to and pulled your pants down your legs. You sat back on the bed as she spread your legs open and hungrily licked her lips. Liv started to lean in before pausing.
"Do you mind?" Liv asked. You shook your head, and she smiled, grabbing your hands to hold her hair back. You hadn't expected that, but you couldn't dwell on that for very long before her tongue was in between your legs. Each lick was eager, as if she had genuinely been thinking about doing this for a long time.
You could remember the first time you had ever met Liv, way back when at the Performance Center. She had been so in her own world with a crowd that had nothing to do with your own. It had seemed unlikely then that you'd ever become friends, nevermind something like this. As your fingers tightened in her hair, you realized just how lucky you were that your paths eventually crossed on the main roster.
"I really want to see you cum Y/n. Do you think you can cum for me?" Liv asked as her fingers came up to replace her tongue. They rubbed gently, yet quickly over your clit. It was much faster than her tongue had been moving, and your body definitely took notice of the change in stimulation.
"Y-yes Liv, I can cum for you!" It wasn't quite a shout, but it was definitely louder than what you had intended it to be. You tried to cover your own mouth, but Liv moved your hand away from your face. She wanted to hear every noise that you made, no matter how loud or quiet. Liv wanted the full experience of being with you that night.
Behind the two of you, Rhea and Charlotte were standing by the entryway, just watching. There was a jealous fire in Rhea's eyes at watching Liv enjoying herself so much with someone else, one that Charlotte caught onto quickly. The reminder of playing nice or getting the hell out was still fresh in Rhea's mind. She had agreed to play nicely, and Charlotte had gifted her with a strap on to use for the night.
By the time that the haze of your orgasm had worn off, Charlotte was grinding herself against Rhea. Liv looked between the two of them and then over at you. It was obvious that you were aroused by the little show in front of you. Liv hummed as she walked over to Rhea and Charlotte, placing herself in front of Charlotte and pushing her fingers into the taller blonde's mouth.
Both you and Rhea shared a look of surprise, not having expected things to move like that so quickly. Charlotte sucked you off of Liv's fingers before moving past Liv to where you were laying. She motioned for you to scoot up the bed, and you did. Rhea and Liv were making out heavily behind you, Rhea practically ripping Liv's clothes off in a haste to undress her.
"You can watch them if you want, but I'll be a lot nicer to you if you pay attention to me instead," Charlotte told you. It was a warning or a promise of sorts, that she would be good to you if you gave her everything that you could. "Do you think you can do that for me?"
"Absolutely." You were still breathless from Liv, and Charlotte wasted no time with you. She got you out of your shirt, now laying naked in bed. You were the first one completely naked, Rhea having not yet shed her sports bra or the boxer brief style underwear she was wearing. You took a moment to watch as Rhea rolled a condom onto the tip of the dildo and down to the base.
"Hey, stay right here. I promise you'll have a chance if you want it," Charlotte said as she rested her head on your stomach. You glanced down at her to see her tracing little patterns along your side just under your ribcage. "If you really want me to, I can go get a toy too for you, but I was planning on using something a little more special."
"I just want you," you said confidently. Charlotte smirked at that and slowly sank down between your legs. You weren't sure how you would ever be able to focus on anything with Liv sounding like she was being fucked within an inch of her life. A part of you couldn't imagine ever being that rough with someone, but another part of you was intrigued. Surely Rhea knew what Liv liked, and Liv would put up with it unless she was into it. Would Rhea be like that with you, or would she take it slower with you? Would Rhea even want to touch you at all?
Every thought left your brain the second that Charlotte's fingers entered you. You were soaking wet, practically dripping down her hand as she started with a slow pace. Charlotte was moving slowly to prolong her time with you. Every movement was careful and precise, as if she was following a careful plan. It was obvious that she had done this before with someone else, but you doubted she was the kind to kiss and tell.
"Do you like that baby?" Charlotte asked. Her voice was soft and praising, unlike what you were used to hearing in the ring. You started to nod your head when she bit the inside of your thigh, really sinking her teeth in. "Use your words."
"Yes," you answered. Charlotte kissed over the bite mark to soothe it several times. You didn't understand how everything she did seemed to keep your body teetering on the edge. When Liv's loud moans and screams of pleasure stopped, you hadn't even noticed. It wasn't until Charlotte moaned into your legs that you even noticed Rhea had moved over to where Charlotte was.
"Don't worry about her," Charlotte reassured you. You nodded and closed your eyes again, relishing in the feeling of Charlotte's fingers inside of you and the slow licks of her tongue. Rhea couldn't have been fucking Charlotte how she was fucking Liv. You could feel Charlotte rocking with the thrusts. It had added a little more force to the movements of her fingers and the licks of her tongue, pushing you over the edge.
"Yeah, fuck yeah," Rhea grunted as she fucked into Charlotte. "You're getting so fucking tight. When she's done, you're gonna suck it clean Y/n. You've had it too easy all night, time you put in the work."
You didn't find yourself even wanting to argue against Rhea on that one. Liv had taken great care of you, as had Charlotte, so Rhea did have a point. You had just enough time to recover from your orgasm before Rhea was moving over Charlotte to pin your head to the headboard of the bed. Rhea placed her hands on the top of it as you took the dildo into your mouth.
"Not too rough," Liv warned as she watched Rhea's hips start to thrust. Rhea rolled her eyes as she pushed her hips all the way forward. Your eyes were watering a little, but you could handle it. There was no way you'd bitch out on Rhea anyways. If Rhea wanted to see how much you could take, you'd make sure that she left the room impressed. Several times Rhea had the toy almost all the way down your throat before she finally called it quits.
"I'm out of here," Rhea said as she tossed the harness off. Liv was sitting on the desk in one of Charlotte's shirts while Charlotte laid next to you, still completely bare. Neither woman moved to say goodbye to Rhea, but you offered her a weak smile and wave. For a moment, you saw the hardened look on Rhea's face soften a little, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared. And with that, Rhea redressed herself and took her leave.
Liv came over to the bed, putting the oversized flannel she had worn around her waist onto your body. Charlotte brought you a pair of shorts to sleep in and you quickly found yourself completely out on the bed. You didn't know what to expect in the morning, but you were certain that you'd be enjoying your tenure on Smackdown a little more than you had before, no matter what happened.
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
My Highlights from Royal Rumble 2024
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So it's people throwing season again, soon to be sign pointing season
The Royal Rumble remains perhaps the secondmost highlight of WWE's calendar, mainly as it sets the wheels for Wrestlemania. This one however has a stacked amount of names but an air of distaste given the lawsuit against Vince McMahon, allegations which are horrid and egregious and would justify anyone who sought not to watch the show in response to it.
Still, the PPV was something to check out...albeit not through paid transaction, so let's talk about the positives of the show
Spoilers for the PPV
The Pre-Show is worthless save for Paul Heyman who always delivers on the promo
Pat McAfee always feels happy to show up at least
Nice to hear Naomi get a pop again
Even though it failed in the end, Kairi's hold-on was pretty cool
Showing the top 3 active wrestler's times was a nice bit of information too
Big ass wings from Zelina
Shotzi got a bigger tank this time
Oh Truth...
Bayley was very much the right call to win too
They at least explained why the count wasn't made during the stack, even if it's bull
Oh Hey Logan Paul actually has some decent gear...
Putting the Usos to start the Men's Rumble is a clever move
Andrade's extra headpiece for his mask was cool
Reminder that technically since nobody entered in place of Rey Mysterio last year and that Cody left over the top rope that he technically won last year's Royal Rumble
Kaiser with the casual sidestep as Lashley brawled with AOP next to him
GUNTHER, that is all
Truth trying to tag in XD Then doing the Cena 5 moves of doom
Gotta hand it to him Dom sold the hell out of being thrown over
SAMI, would've been a great surprise winner
'Sami Zayn used to have a windpipe'
The mini match of Cody and Punk started well, kinda showing that really they could've had a Mania match and left the rumble winner a surprise because they got too obsessed with each other
Eh, I didn't have as good a time as I'd hoped I'm afraid. A lot of dead space or things not clicking; the US title and UNI title matches were forgettable, the former's finish was awful. Jordynne showing up was a surprise spoiled already but even then it happened last year with Mickie anyway, not much novelty there, plus she eliminated nobody and was felled in a minute against Belair, classic WWE-ism of 'oh this is a top person for you? Well they're not as good as our non-champion'. Pat eliminating himself was a waste of time, and as much as Jade had a good showing like, Nia? Really? We've seen many pick up Nia Jax let's be serious here. Also neither Jimmy or Jey eliminated each other, what was the point of them as the first two? GUNTHER deserved better than being eliminated by Cody yet again and Drew and Punk literally did the same thing before they were eliminated.
I suppose it'd be enjoyable if you were a WWE-only who believes everything commentary says, even when they contradicted themselves on the night when Waller and Theory referenced Luger/Hart's win and then later Cole went 'no rumble has had 2 winners'. But even then the men's rumble was woefully obvious, Cody winning back to back just feels uninspired too, they're literally trying to run it back after dropping the ball last time - except, with no WWE championship anymore Cody can't really finish the story of winning the title his father was robbed of winning now can he? It's just, not surprising, and that's been the theme of this entire event because you saw most of it coming a mile off; Jade, Naomi, Jordynne, Andrade, Cody/Punk final two, Solo interferes in Roman's match, Logan Paul wins beat cheap means it's just meh, the only genuine surprise was Sami coming back and he barely lasted. Also I gotta say that WWE's method of lying to media to try and put people off the scent; 'Ronda Rousey isn't returning in the rumble' (not this year ofc), 'oh Punk talks fell apart he won't return at Survivor Series', 'Cody's not finishing the story this year', it isn't a misdirect it's just fucking lying. And man Punk's credibility continues to drop when he talks about how great it is in the company that he accused of making him mentally ill and then doing a Pedigree in the ring, bad enough that Cody does one as a face after he kept teasing it as a symbol of a heel turn in AEW and then left before he did.
On the plus side at least, Bayley deserved that win.
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theuntitledblog · 2 years
WWE Clash at the Castle (2022) - REVIEW
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Clash at the Castle represents WWE's first stadium based event since SummerSlam (1992) and their first general PPV since One Night Only (1997) which I was lucky to be in attendance. I very nearly bought tickets for the event itself however there were a few factors that ultimately persuaded me to watch the event from the comfort of my own home. Clash at the Castle doesn't sound as tantalizing a prospect or carry the prestigious weight of a SummerSlam, but there's still nothing quite like a WWE Stadium event and then there's the card itself to consider.
The card isn't overly stacked with just seven matches but each of them has enough heat to keep the audience invested in their respective stories and stakes. There are a few notable admissions such as AJ Styles, Bobby Lashley, Karrion Kross (sort of), Kevin Owens, Ronda Rousey and even the newly crowned Women's Tag Team Champions. I personally feel that there was room for a couple more but on the flip side a few of them had the potential to be Match of the Night.
Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre has long been overdue since their Survivor Series 2020 encounter and should've been the main event at WrestleMania. Reigns/McIntyre is the centre piece of Clash at the Castle rightly so but there is definitely appetite for change and the timing feels right for McIntyre to be propelled back to the top.
Bayley, Io Sky and Dakota Kai have injected much needed momentum into the women's division but the pairing of Asuka and Alexa Bliss has never quite worked for me with Bliss in particular lacking direction with her character at the moment. WWE Creative have done a great job building the 6 person tag team matches while Seth Rollins vs. Matt Riddle has show stealer written all over it.
The show itself was well paced and didn't feel too long with each match given the time to develop into something special. Not every match quite managed to be a five star classic but there were no duds either. The post-match segment following the Main Event with Tyson Fury felt very odd and I find it strange that the show didn't go off the air since there wasn't anything meaningful in that segment.
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MATCH 1: Bianca Belair, Asuka & Alexa Bliss vs. Bayley, Io Sky & Dakota Kai
This was the right match to open the show with and it didn't disappoint. Coming off the back of a surprising defeat in the Women's Tag Title tournament, this is the perfect opportunity to propel this new trio who also receive a new name. The match itself was a good opener with a good showing from all participants. The heel Bayley at odds and trying to play down the pro-Bayley chants of the British crowd was amusing to see. The result for me was of no surprise and made sense in the grand scheme of things to give the returning and well balanced trio of Bayley, Sky and Kai some momentum. Sure it's another loss for Asuka & Bliss but Bianca Belair has been on fire this year and this result sets up the inevitable clash with Bayley down the road.
WINNERS - Bayley, Io Sky & Dakota Kai via pinfall
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MATCH 2: Intercontinental Championship Match - Gunther (c) vs. Sheamus
This was a match I was anticipating as I felt could offer up something special and I was not proven wrong. I've been a fan of Gunther since his NXT UK Imperium days and I think WWE have done very well with him since his elevation to the main roster. This is the sort of match I was expecting and Sheamus was the perfect choice as both are well matched and their styles compatible. The match itself was physical and brutal; it told a great story, it didn't overstay its welcome and it had the right result. The crowd was rightfully behind this and gave Sheamus a deserved standing ovation. For me this stole the show.
WINNER - Gunther (c) via pinfall
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MATCH 3: Smackdown Women's Championship Match - Liv Morgan (c) vs. Shayner Bazler
I feel a little bit sorry for Liv Morgan because as much as she is a tryer and a hard worker, she doesn't quite convince as women's champion as much as she does as underdog chaser. Shayner Bazler on the other hand has long been underserved on the main roster with a misjudged debut at Elimination Chamber that fizzled out after WrestleMania 36. That Bazler hasn't been elevated to a major star on the roster and hasn't had the big PPV matches with the likes of Rousey, Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks is criminal. Sadly this match won't do anything to improve that but it is one that makes Morgan look stronger and more convincing as champion. It's a decent enough match but the crowd never felt to be truly invested and the whole thing felt a little flat. That in itself is disappointing as both delivered enough to warrant more of a reaction.
WINNER - Liv Morgan (c) via pinfall
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MATCH 4: Edge & Rey Mysterio (with Dominik Mysterio) vs. The Judgment Day (with Rhea Ripley)
This match might've generated more interest for me had the Judgment Day been booked as a greater threat. Going into this we have seen both Edge and the Mysterios pick up wins against the Judgement Day and even here they lose again. For a faction that had so much initial promise when Edge, Priest and Ripley were members, this feels like a missed opportunity although not on the same level as Retribution. The match itself here was good with all participants on fine form with enough thrills and moments to keep the audience fully invested. The twist of Dominik's turn against Edge and his father was perfectly timed and gave it a belated lift. But for me the result should've gone the other way.
WINNERS - Edge and Rey Mysterio via pinfall
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MATCH 5: Seth 'Freaking' Rollins vs. Matt Riddle
This match had a long standing and excellent build up with a long personal rivalry involved. Featuring one of the best standing wrestlers of WWE in Seth Rollins against the up and coming Matt Riddle who has enjoyed a tremendous run with Randy Orton; this match perhaps more than all the others has Match of the Night written all over it. It didn't disappoint in the slightest with both competitors made to look strong and tell a story in the ring that was in tune with their long standing rivalry. Rollins' Elton John ring gear made me laugh out loud but after selflessly putting over Cody Rhodes 3 times in a row in 3 outstanding matches, Rollins deserved the win here. Both men came out looking great, it's position on the card felt more than justified and is definitely one of the best matches of the night.
WINNER - Seth 'Freaking' Rollins via pinfall
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MAIN EVENT: Undisputed Universal Championship Match - Roman Reigns (c) vs. Drew McIntyre
This is the match the whole event was built around and it delivered everything a classic main event needed except one thing ... the right result. I'm not dissing Roman Reigns, I think his run since he debuted the Tribal Chief gimmick has been outstanding. He's delivered quality match after match and his 2 year reign is both credible and destined for legendary status. But if you're going to pass the torch to someone else then I can't think of anyone more deserving and an event more suitable to do so than for Drew McIntyre. The crowd would've loved it, the match deserved it, Tyson Fury's knock out of Austin Theory's cash in was genius so I cannot understand why you wouldn't drop at least one of the belts to McIntyre. The result unfortunately undermines the legacy of the event with a program that didn't offer up much in the way of truly great twists or surprises. Reigns is a great champion and McIntyre doesn't come off looking weak. But the result sadly makes Clash at the Castle feel like a filler event even if the matches in general were of general excellent quality.
WINNER - Roman Reigns (c) via pinfall.
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how to riott
i said i was gonna write a lil ruliv something so i am delivering. not my best work but i think its solid. & yes this was based off shotzi & livs twitter fight
summary: shotzi attacks liv, which results in a special someone returning
word count: 1.6k
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liv's entrance started to play. liv took a quick breath and proceeded to walk from the gorilla and in from of the crowd. it had been 13 days since clash of the castle, since liv had beat shayna fucking baszler and retained her smackdown women's championship.
liv was on top of the moon. the fight with shayna was hard and shayna almost got one on her but she beat shayna clean.
she wasn't exactly 100%, her arm that ronda had injured was still causing her problems, especially after the with shayna, it was wrapped up this week but that was never going to stop her from showing up every week.
as liv said many times before, she loved this title more than anything in her life and more than anyone in the women's division, they will have to kill her in order to win the title from her.
liv high-fived fans on the way to her ring. once she reached the ropes she sat between them and waved at the crowd.
this feeling never got old. liv lived off the crowd, even if some of the crowd booed, it was weird and unexpected at first but it was nothing new in her career. she embraced each and every single reaction.
liv slipped out of the ropes and rose the smackdown women's championship above her head and kissed it.
she paused for a moment and looked all around the arena, these were her favorite times, where she can just pause for a moment and take everything in.
the smell, the shining lights, the crowd, the goosebumps that always appeared when she was inside the ring.
she glanced at the time keepers area and motioned for a mic.
she whispered a quick thank you and returned to the middle of the ring.
"76 days, seventy six total days as your smackdown women's champion." liv started, the crowd erupted.
ever since triple h took over creative, he'd given a lot of people more freedom with promos, including herself. the material vince gave to her wasn't bad, liv just felt like the authenticity wasn't there for her, but she still delivered everything that was handed to her as well as she could.
"i wasn't lying when i said you'd have to try and kill me to take the championship away from me." liv chuckled softly.
"in 76 days i have beaten ronda rousey not just once, but twice. i survived three arm bars in one night, i beat shayna baszler. clean. might i add. now i may not be 100% but all i'm asking is... who's next?" liv paused shrugging her shoulders
"who is going to be the next woman to stand up to me and give me a damn good fight?" livs body faces the entrance, waiting.
a few more seconds go by before liv goes to speak, music hits.
the crowd erupts as shotzi makes her way to the ring.
liv isn't surprised but she's highly amused.
"well well well, if it isn't the champion who not only tapped out to ronda rousey but cries everytime she doesn't get her way," shotzi said with a laugh as she got halfway down the ramp.
liv rolled her eyes and scoffed.
ever since their little fight on twitter everyone begged to see the feud between the two. hell, liv was excited for this feud, she knew it was bound to happen but had no clue when, i guess now is that time.
"please, shotzi get over yourself, that happened two months ago. besides it doesn't matter anyways because i am still your smackdown women's champion." liv smiled brightly and rose her championship.
"you want ME to get over myself? i should be telling you that." shotzi made her way up the stairs and into the ring.
"you're little underdog title reign is over and it's time for you to go back to fighting in tag teams... oh wait, everyone who has to team with you ends up leaving you or getting fired." shotzi made a fake cry sound.
"i see why you cry all the time, it makes sense because all you have is that little title, everyone left you. sarah left you. rhea left you.. am i missing someone?" shotzi paused.
liv felt her anger building up. she swore steam was coming out of her ears.
"OH! that's right, ruby... riott? soho...? you know her. the other bitch who had green hair and tattoos. you got her fired now she's gone and wasting her time doing who the hell knows." shotzi chuckled to herself. she wanted to make liv pissed. she wanted to make her snap.
liv was surprised shotzi mentioned ruby's aew name but her anger outweighed everything.
everyone knew mentioning any of the riott squad memeber was a sensitive topic for liv. ruby and sarah were her mentors all throughout the start of the riott squad, so for them to not be there with liv during her championship run was super bittersweet for the champion, she was happy ruby was in aew, and that sarah wanted to focus on being a mom.
"keep her name out of your mouth, or else." liv got close to shotzi.
"what's wrong champ? gonna cry? wouldn't be the first time." shotzi rolled her eyes and got even closer to liv.
liv went to walk away and shoved shotzi with her shoulder. shotzi then grabbed the back of livs head pulling her down and on to the mat, hard.
liv groaned as shotzi kept attacking her, shotzi repeatedly attacked livs ribs causing liv to gasp, she might have a broken ribs after this beating.
shotzi wasn't stopping either, she continued to beat liv down. liv got a little defense in, punched connecting with shotzi. they weren't hard punches because of the less than 100% arm, shotzi countered the punched and went to work on the arm.
before liv went unconscious shotzi stepped away from her.
"come on champ, get up." shotzi screamed.
liv was in the corner of the ring, she couldn't really stand but she got to her knees, shotzi striked a hard kick to liv's chin.
the kick knocked her out cold.
everything went dark for liv. she gripped her abdomen, her body was in pain and on fire.
all of a sudden the crowd got louder, liv felt the weight of the mat change, like there was another person in the ring. she heard a thud, she could barely open her eyes but all she could see was shotzi on the ground and heavily tattooed legs on top of her striking hard punch.
she knew those tattooed legs automatically.
ruby fucking soho.
she was confused.
liv knew ruby was unhappy in aew and she knew that her contract was coming to an end. they always talked about ruby returning, it was more of a possibility since hunter was in charge now, but last liv heard was ruby's contract ended 3 months from now.
ruby continued to beat down shotzi, once she had enough she kicked shotzi out of the ring and ran over to check on liv, grabbing her title as well.
"livvy, hey, you alright?" ruby said worriedly, she moved liv's blonde hair out of her face. liv looked up at her, ruby's hair was back to green, liv smiled happily, causing her to wince and grab her ribs.
"i'm okay, in pain but that's nothing new. i would be in a lot more pain if it wasn't for you rue, but what the hell are you doing here?" livs brows furrowe and then wincing again as she tried to move.
"i'll answer that when we get out of here. c'mon, lets go," ruby stood up and offered liv her hand.
liv graciously grab ruby's hand and stood up, ruby wrapped her arm around livs waist to keep her balanced.
"oh, and here," ruby whispered handing liv her championship, liv softly chuckled and grabbed the title from her.
once they were out of the ring, backstage and alone, liv embraced ruby in a tight hug.
"we're alone, now explain rue," liv said looking up at ruby as she sat down untying her boots.
"well long story short, i got out of my contact early, i requested my release a week or two ago. hunter apparently heard and called me literally 4 days ago, wondering if i wanted to resign and join you. i instantly took up the offer and boom i am here now." ruby smiled glacing at the blonde haired girl sitting down taking off her boots.
"wow. you're really here." liv said breathless. she just couldn't believe that ruby was really back and at a wwe show.
"wait-" liv stood up.
she moved closer to ruby touched her face and messed up ruby's green hair.
"okay so this isn't a dream." liv took a breath stood back, causing ruby to laugh.
"no livvy, this isn't a dream. i'm actually back. the riott squad is back and better than ever." ruby smiled again.
livs heart jumped at the sight of ruby's smile. she missed seeing ruby's smile up close like this.
"welcome back rue, i missed seeing you everyday, you're gonna be amazing." liv said and hugged ruby again, tighter than the first hug.
"now let's go get some dessert from catering! liv said putting her title around her shoulder and grabbing ruby's hand and dragging ruby behind her.
the riott squad was back and liv was on top of the world. ruby had never seen liv like this, so happy and ecstatic. her smile was infectious. ruby couldn't stop smiling.
"by the way, you make that title look so good." ruby said as they approached catering. liv blushed.
"thank you rue, but now i think it's time for you to get some gold around your waist. maybe it's time to teach CONTROL how to riott."
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webseriesviral · 8 months
Ronda Rousey fights at burlesque wrestling show in first non-WWE match Ronda Rousey is still involve... #movie quote #movies #movie line #movie line #movie scenes #cinema #movie stills #film quotes #film edit #vintage #movie scenes #love quotes #life quotes #positive quotes #vintage #retro #quote #quotes #sayings #cinematography
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blueskyerising · 1 year
Fantasy Booking WrestleMania 39 & the 4/3/23 Monday Night RAW
Before we get to Part II of how I’d book the Fall of the Bloodline, I thought it’d be appropriate to touch over on how my version of WrestleMania 39 and the post-Mania Raw would go down like, since I only briefly mentioned the main event. It won’t be a complete wholesale change of the two nights, but the changes made will hopefully make sense.
A lot of the changes will be more evident on the post-Mania RAW, which notoriously got a 0.63 rating on Cagematch and was plagued by being changed wholesale by Vince McMahon. Again, my version of things
Night 1
- John Cena def. Austin Theory to win the US Championship: this result would set up something for Cena on the post-WM Raw (which I’ll discuss later) and push Theory into accepting the open challenge for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship that I mentioned in Part I of the Fall of the Bloodline booking.
- Street Profits def. Viking Raiders, Alpha Academy, & Ricochet/Braun Strowman: basically plays out the same as it did in real life.
- Seth F. Rollins def. Logan Paul: ditto with this match, though Seth gets the win after he does the tree of woe Stomp.
- Damage CTRL def. Becky Lynch, Lita, & Trish Stratus: The heels win here largely due to Becky accidentally hitting Trish, leading to her getting pinned. No heel turn from Trish just yet.
- We get a backstage segment with the Usos and Paul Heyman. Jimmy and Jey want to take care of the Sami & KO “problem” on their own and refuse to let Heyman or Solo Sikoa accompany them for a match.
- Dominik Mysterio def. Rey Mysterio: I love the idea of Dom winning this match, just so he can have something to brag about over his dad. Some cheating and interference from Damian Priest is how that happens. Then, after the match, Dom & Priest look to continue beating down Rey, but Bad Bunny steps in to stop the attack. 
- Rhea Ripley def. Charlotte Flair to win the SmackDown Women’s Championship: the actual match was one of my favorites of the weekend so it just pretty much stays as-is, untouched in the fantasy booking.
- Pat McAfee def. The Miz short and sweet. No changes.
- Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens def. The Usos to become the Undisputed Tag Team Champions: Again, this plays out the same way as it did in real life.
Night 2
- Brock Lesnar def. Omos: Remains the same.
- Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez win the Women’s Tag Team Showcase: Liv ends up getting the win after she counters an attempted Ronda Rousey armbar into a surprise crucifix pin.
- Backstage, Roman Reigns & Paul Heyman are with Solo Sikoa, having tasked him to accompany his Tribal Chief for the main event later. It’s briefly mentioned that the Usos haven’t arrived at the arena yet in the wake of their loss last night.
- Gunther def. Sheamus & Drew McIntyre to retain Intercontinental Championship: Another of my favorite matches in the actual WrestleMania 39, so you can’t really change things.
- Bianca Belair def. Asuka to retain Raw Women’s Championship: I was strongly tempted to change the result here, but the story about the young contortionist from Bianca’s entrance having lost her mother the day before would make things seem like bad optics if Bianca lost. That said, I’d still have Bianca win here, but in a way to help set up a rematch. She never hits the K.O.D. successfully on Asuka, and the win comes after Bianca reverses the Asuka Lock into a pinfall win.
- Instead of the whole Miz/Snoop Dogg/Shane McMahon fiasco. We instead get LA Knight appearing and talking about how he’s mad that WWE would dare have an LA WrestleMania without LA Knight. Bobby Lashley shows up and we get an impromptu match that Lashley wins.
- Finn Balor def. Edge in Hell in a Cell: It’s hard to book around an injury that happens during the match -- in this case, Finn Balor suffering a rather painful injury after a wrongly-placed ladder shot in the real match. That said, the finish here would see Damian Priest sneak in the cell as one of the “medics” as he helps Finn get the big victory.
- Cody Rhodes def. Roman Reigns: I went into great detail about how this match goes down in Part I of the Fall of the Bloodline booking, which you can read here.
RAW after WrestleMania (April 3rd)
Hour One
- The show opens with Triple H’s address, announcing that the WWE Draft will be coming next month. He then introduces the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Cody Rhodes. The new champ cuts a promo about how he finished the story and how he wants to proudly represent WWE as its new top champion. That’s why he’s holding an open challenge tonight to see if anyone can beat him. It’s answered by Austin Theory and that’s your main event.
- Match 1: Asuka vs. Mia Yim: Just a fun opener match to re-establish Asuka as a threat after her Mania loss. She wins, but it’s not the end of her night yet...
- In the Bloodline’s locker room, we see Paul Heyman talking to the Usos and Solo Sikoa. This is where we first hear Roman Reigns has gone on a bit of a sabbatical and has essentially left Heyman in “charge”. Heyman says that while the weekend for the Bloodline was a nightmare, the Tribal Chief isn’t angry about it. He tells the Usos and Solo that they just need to take care of some things real soon.
- Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens bask in the celebrations of the RAW after Mania crowd cheering them on after their big championship win. Chad Gable & Otis interrupt, which Sami & KO see as a sign that they want a fight, so we get ourselves a match...
- Match 2: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens vs. Alpha Academy: Sami & KO get the victory in a great 10 minute match, as this and Asuka/Mia Yim take advantage of hour one of RAW being commercial free. During the match, we see the Usos watching from the crowd, clearly not done with Sami & KO just yet...
Hour Two
- New U.S. Champion John Cena enters the ring and discusses how he taught Austin Theory a little bit of respect at WrestleMania and that he’s ready to take on all comers as the U.S. Champ. Enter Bron Breakker, who accepts Cena’s challenge. It should be noted that Bron is showing some heel tendencies here, which will continue on NXT the next night, when he attacks Carmelo Hayes. As for Raw...
- Match 3: Bron Breakker def. John Cena to win the U.S. Championship: I know what you’re thinking. A sudden title change seems too abrupt, but newly-turned Bron taking the U.S. Title with a dominant showing, then parlaying that into continuing his feud with Carmelo Hayes before graduating to the main roster proper would make for fun stuff.
- Match 4: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez vs. Carmella & Chelsea Green: the first of four women’s tag team contenders qualifiers. Liv & Raquel win, setting up a match with the winner of one of the other two women’s tag matches on SmackDown.
- Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair addresses the crowd about her hard fought title retention at WrestleMania. She says she’s ready for a new challenge, but that’s when Asuka catches her by surprise and sprays her with the green mist! It’s clear that Asuka is far from done w/ Bianca and this leads to a rematch for the Raw Women’s Title at Backlash.
- Becky Lynch and Lita are being interviewed backstage as they try to brush over the little miscommunication between Becky and Trish Stratus at WrestleMania. They talk about how they’re ready to face whoever wins the women’s tag team contender’s tournament, as Trish just walks off without saying a word.
- Match 5: Damage CTRL vs. Shotzi & Natalya: The second of the four women’s tag team contenders matches. Dakota & IYO Sky win this one.
Hour Three
- Seth Rollins is out in the ring to celebrate his win over Logan Paul. He talks about how he’s the best wrestler there is and that Logan Paul now knows how it feels to be on the business end of a Stomp. That’s when he’s interrupted by Grayson Waller from NXT. Waller takes exceptions to Seth’s bragging and notes that Logan Paul was a personal friend of his. We get a tense staredown, but Waller backs off, stating that he’ll fight Rollins on his time. Seth ends the segment by getting the fans to serenade Waller with his favorite song in the entire world. Waller leaves in a huff, plugging his ears to drown out the fans singing Seth’s theme.
- Match 6: Damien Priest vs. Rey Mysterio: Rey wins with a 619, but after the match, Dominik Mysterio gets into Bad Bunny’s face at ringside, sparking an altercation. Judgment Day get the upperhand, as Priest chokeslams Bad Bunny through the announce table.
- It’s announced after this that at Backlash, Dominik & Priest will fight Rey Mysterio & Bad Bunny in a special tag team match.
- The whole Bobby Lashley/Bronson Reed/Mustafa Ali segment happens here, which leads us to...
- Match 7: Bobby Lashley vs. Mustafa Ali: Lashley wins this match, obviously. But after the match, Bronson Reed blindsides Lashley and beats him down for a bit before Lashley fights back. Bronson manages to avoid a Spear and cooly backs up the ramp, simply laughing and clearly not thinking much of his new foe.
- The Miz complains about how his weekend turned out at WrestleMania. He’s sick of the surprises, and that’s when he’s interrupted by a returning Randy Orton. He flattens Miz with an RKO. 
- Main Event: Cody Rhodes def. Austin Theory to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Standard TV main event with Theory looking to make a name for himself after the biggest loss of his career at Mania night 1. Goes about 15-20 minutes (plus commercial break) w/ Cody retaining via Cross Rhodes. RAW concludes with Cody celebrating, as we can see Solo Sikoa watching the match backstage, flanked by Paul Heyman.
And that’s basically my version of WrestleMania 39 and the RAW After Mania to set up how things go down in the Fall of the Bloodline. Part II of that fantasy booking will be coming soon.
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crispyturtlepainter · 2 years
Logan Paul uploads to his social networks the video of the spot against the table in WWE Crown Jewel 2022
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Logan Paul uploads to his social networks the video of the spot against the table in WWE Crown Jewel 2022: Despite being injured in the fight, Logan Paul gave a great fight and was encouraged to make risky moves. Logan Paul was injured during his match at WWE Crown Jewel.
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The internet celebrity, Logan Paul, posted on his official Twitter account the selfie video he recorded. So when he made the spot against the commentators' table by throwing himself. So from one of the ring studs towards Roman Reigns in the main event of WWE Crown Jewel 2022 . Once again, Logan Paul surprised locals and strangers with his performance on the ring in what was his third match for WWE. So At WrestleMania with The Miz and at SummerSlam against Miz himself there had been two participations. So that gave the youtuber something to talk about, but Also this fight against Reigns broke the mold with Paul. Not only was he up to the task, but he got along very well with the public, made him part of the fight and even dared to make risky spots even for a veteran fighter. So such as the Buckshot Lariat and the movement in question in his video. A Splash from a ring upright towards the rinside and fall on the commentators table. With the more than satisfactory presentations, we will Also have to wait for Logan Paul for the following great Premium Live Events of the company. Royal Rumble and WrestleMania, but Paul will still be in WWE's plans to build more fights and now add to his brother. Jake Paul. Don't forget to visit Solowrestling, the website with all WWE news. Follow us on social networks, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram. Remember that the next WWE PPV is WWE Survivor Series and in Solowrestling you will be up to date with all the related news. For More Information Visit These Articles: - Full NJPW x Stardom Historic X-Over card confirmed - Josh Alexander formally asked Ken Shamrock to wear the Ankle Lock - The WWE board would be very happy with the Crown Jewel matches - WWE RAW Halloween Special in English October 31, 2022 Live results - Alexa Bliss and Asuka win the Women’s Tag Team Titles on WWE RAW - William Regal talks about his meeting with MJF – Wrestling WWE - William Regal talks about his meeting with MJF – Wrestling WWE - Shinsuke Nakamura will fight on January 1 at NOAH - Shayna Baszler reveals why she doesn’t betray Ronda Rousey Read the full article
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rickygoldman34 · 2 years
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Next is Ronda Rousey vs Natalya for the Smackdown womens title. Nice back and forth action begins this match Natalya then took it to Ronda even applying an ankle lock that Rousey got out of. Natalya showing she still has it surprising everyone here. Ronda did turn the action around for a little while but both women brawl and jockey for position as she applied an arm bar but Ronda fights out and hooks on the sharp shooter that Natalya escapes from she then hooks on a arm bar of her own but Natalya sends Ronda out of the ring and then hooks on a sharp shooter of her own on the ring apron but Ronda fights out and sends Natalya into the ring post. Natalya back in and back on Ronda with another sharp shooter but Ronda gets her into an ankle lock. Ronda then applies final arm bar,makes Natalya tap and retains but here comes Liv Morgan,she cashes in and is the NEW Smackdown womens champion.
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And now yes it's the MAIN EVENT! It is Riddle vs Seth'Freakin'Rollins vs Omos vs Sami Zayn vs Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre vs Madcap in a Money In The Bank ladder match. Before the match started Adam Pearce came out and said theres an 8th man and it's Theory. All men went after Omos but he just put down everyone he grabs a ladder and then Drew hits the Claymore sending him out the ring,Drew then climbs the ladder but Sheamus stops him. Theory climbs the ladder but Drew takes him out then Drew and Sheamus fight. Rollins back in but not for long. Sami and Madcap in and they fight. Moss up the ladder but Riddle comes in to stop him. Omos back in and choke slams Theory he then climbs the ladder but Drew and Moss push him off. Everyone then buries Omos under many,many ladders. Seth,Zayn,Sheamus and Theory are on the ladders in the ring,Moss stops Theory and then he power bombs Zayn onto a ladder. Drew back up and almost had the briefcase but Sheamus took him down. Riddle now back in and hits a hang man DDT on a ladder rung on Sheamus he then hits floating bro from the top of the same ladder. Omos is back up but no one can take him down. Brogue kick,then helluva kick to Omos we then see a curb stomp from Seth onto the ring apron and then all the other 7 men send him crashing through announce table. Now a brawl is on. Butch comes out to help Sheamus but he gets hit with a Claymore by Drew. Moss up ladder but Rollins pulls him down and hits a curb stomp. Riddle back up and hits an RKO from off the ladder on Seth. Riddle climbs the ladder again but Theory knocks him down,takes down the briefcase and is Mr.Money In The Bank 2022.
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I thought this was a good PPV and I give it 5.5 stars out of 10.
Dont forget to add me on Facebook Ricky J Pate,follow me on Twitter @ricktherock30,go and check out WWA world wrestling alliance on Facebook and go to my YouTube channel and like and SUBSCRIBE for month long SHOUT outs.
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Ricky Goldman out.
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ariyadaivaris · 5 years
GOD its hard to be excited about mania having a womens main event when rousey’s there, both women’s rosters have been thoroughly shunted aside in favor of three women, this is a move ENTIRELY favoring white women, the other option for the main event was s*th v l*snar because kofi’s getting fucked over (MYSTERIOUS), like, just. god DAMN there are a MILLION angles you can look at this and every angle its like a kaleidoscope, a new exciting image of Horse Shit with EVERY turn 
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south-of-heaven · 9 months
Hi, can I please request a part two to Self Defense with Shayna Baszler/reader/Rhonda Rousey where reader finds herself in a sticky situation and utilizes some of the self defense techniques that her parters taught her. Shayna and Rhonda witness everything and are so proud of their girl?
Thank you very much as always!
Teachers || Shayna Baszler x Reader x Ronda Rousey
Summary: You utilise some of the self defence techniques Shayna and Ronda taught you.
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The night had been enjoyable. You had gone out to dinner with Shayna and Ronda, your partners who had taken it upon themselves to teach you some basic self-defence moves a few weeks prior. It had started as a fun idea, but now you found yourself appreciating the skills they had imparted.
As you stepped outside the restaurant, the cool night air felt refreshing against your skin. The street was dimly lit, and the city's nightlife buzzed around you. Unbeknownst to you, danger lurked nearby.
Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you, and before you could react, a man grabbed your arm, attempting to pull you towards him. Your heart raced, and your instincts kicked in. You remembered what Shayna and Ronda had taught you.
Swiftly and with precision, you got one of your arms loose. With all the force you could muster, you slammed your elbow into his face. The element of surprise worked in your favour, and he staggered back, clutching his nose in pain.
Shayna and Ronda, who had been inside settling the bill, saw the entire scene unfold through the restaurant's window. They rushed out, their faces etched with concern. However, as they saw you standing there, unharmed and confident, their expressions shifted from worry to pride.
"You alright, babe?" Shayna asked, her voice a mix of worry and admiration.
You nodded, still a bit shaken but feeling an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks to you guys."
Ronda clapped you on the back, a proud grin spreading across her face. "That's our girl! You did great!"
You can't help but chuckle at Ronda's enthusiastic attitude. The way she would see the good in any and every situation.
As the would-be attacker retreated, clearly reevaluating his choices, you felt a sense of empowerment wash over you. You knew that, thanks to Shayna and Ronda's guidance, you had the skills to protect yourself. It was a reminder that in a world where danger could lurk around any corner, you were not defenseless.
Together, you walked back to the restaurant, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. Shayna and Ronda kept reassuring you and praising your quick thinking. They may have started as your teachers, but in that moment, they also became your heroes.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
WWE Money in the Bank 2022 - Quickfire Review
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So it's that time of the year again, Ladder Climbing Season
One of WWE's Big 5 PPVs (I'm not calling it that premium live event shtick) is in the books, so let's see how it went!
Spoilers for the PPV
Kick Off
A congrats to Rosenburg for getting engaged
WWE are definitely trying to keep Cody in people's minds, but honestly 'peak of my career'? This is the dude who was ROH and NWA world champion
Of course they talked up Logan Paul as well. I mean, I get it he's an influencer, but it's only short term stuff. Paul can be a good wrestler, but he has to make sure he doesn't make the same mistakes as Ronda Rousey has, and that includes believing he can be a babyface
One Whole Hour of Kick-off and 0 Matches, absolute bull
Main Card
Even as a heel Becky gets that pop, dunno what the headset was but the green and gold was great, she almost looked like a Psycho Ranger
Liv getting a pop close to Becky, Alexa and Asuka was great
Is Raquel's gimmick that she has a back?
I remember that MITB and I can tell you that pop from the crowd was not for Alexa, people were heartbroken that Becky got slighted again
Camera cuts really need to simmer
0 Love for Lacey
Shotzi has had a bit of messy match which is a shame
There has been some really nasty landings in this match
Happy to see Liv win, her rebounding back from the ladder was a clever spot, and Becky freaking out makes sense because she's 3 for 3 for being the last woman kicked off the ladder. The match was scrappy, but decent.
Not a good day for accuracy between the WMITB and Theory overshooting his dive
The match got better the more it went in, it started as a pseudo-squash, threatened to get boring with Theory using rest holds but finished strong
Did Carmella raid Charlotte's feather closet?
Match was fine as it was, nobody thought Carmella had a chance but they didn't squash her and they didn't overstay their welcome, Carmella's post-match should've been a sneaky misdirect but didn't quite land
That Lily credit card ad thing was abysmal...
Burgundy was nice on the Profits
See unifying the Tag Titles was a good idea on paper, but WWE's delivery has been poor given the complete lack of depth in the tag division, by no fault of the wrestlers
Ford also can easily be a great singles competitor
This tag match is sponsored by smacking people in the mouth
Great final third, but now what? The Usos don't really have any more babyface teams to face again for like another month
Oh the raised shoulder, so this will continue the feud
Bray? Or is that just Spooky Edge?
WWE do NFTs? Yeah I'm not surprised
That was a mild pop for Ronda, but at least props for the pride colours
Sharpshooter is devastating to the back, Pat
This match is sponsored by calling each other 'Bitch'
I've often criticized Ronda's inexperience and lack of charisma, but this is the best I've seen her look in a long time. The Shawn Michaels pose during the Sharpshooter was a smart spot
The match was decent, like Belair nobody gave Nattie a chance, but at the least it didn't overstay its welcome, mainly operating in Ronda's wheelhouse
Morgan cashing in though was the bigger pop. I dislike though that they had her immediately get caught into the ankle lock, Ronda was perfectly set up for an Oblivion, should've been that then pin rather than a rollup
But still, very glad to see Liv FINALLY get gold, I fear it won't last long because well...Ronda...and it's mostly a babyface version of Bliss' cash in at 2018, but still, Liv finally gets the W
Urgh, Ronda doing the Hogan at Mania 4, just let Liv have her moment!
This is a surprisingly tame abomination that Seth is wearing
Pretty dumb of Shamu not to use his fighter boys to have an edge in this match
Okay but why? It makes 0 sense
Sami hiding behind the turnbuckle post was great
Pat this ladder has held the Big Show and Mark Henry I think it'd be fine
JEEZ that recoil
Ladder Floating Bro was a great spot
Missed chance to have Omos erupt from the pile of ladders like Godzilla
There's Butch, finally realising wrestling maths
I hate the finish in layers. For one it completely renders the whole qualifying process redundant (they even had a mobile raffle thing which had fans ask who would win MITB hours before announcing Theory in the match, meaning tons of fans wasted their money), for second it's just 2019 when Brock won the MITB, for third 3 of these guys shouldn't have really been in the match: Theory for obvious reasons, Drew because he has Clash at the Castle and Riddle because he lost a title match which bans him from challenging Reigns again and for fourth, because it's Vince McMahon's fingerprints all over this, the man's 'stepping down' is completely meaningless in terms of booking
I know Theory is considered one for the future, despite losing at mania to Pat which does make all these veteran wrestlers look like losers, and he may do really well with the briefcase, but he doesn't resonate with me at all and to finish the PPV like that was quite underwhelming. Which is a shame because the match was good, and I really REALLY wanted Sami to be given his dues, there was story in him being the MITB winner
Overall this was a fine PPV. It had some twists, some good but not all, and everyone worked hard. I can't say it's my favourite piece of wrestling I've seen this week though, such is the risk with WWE's newfound PPV approach of attempting to overdeliver on weak builds. It at least sets up for more, but you can't help feeling that there could have been more.
Match Results and Predictions
Liv Morgan def. Becky Lynch, Asuka, Alexa Bliss, Raquel Gonzalez, Lacey Evans & Shotzi for the Women's Money in the Bank Briefcase Bobby Lashley def. Theory (c) [Submission via Hurt Lock] - NEW CHAMPION!! Bianca Belair (c) def. Carmella [Pinfall via KOD] The Usos (c) def. Street Profits [Pinfall on Ford via 1-D] Ronda Rousey (c) def. Natalya [Submission via Armbar] CASH IN: Liv Morgan def. Ronda Rousey (c) [Pinfall via Roll-up] - NEW CHAMPION!! Theory def. Drew McIntyre, Seth 'Freakin' Rollins, Sheamus, Riddle, Omos, Sami Zayn & Madcap Moss for the Money in the Bank Briefcase
4 notes · View notes
shannygoatgruff · 4 years
Grown & SeXY - Chapter 2
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Header made by the talented @flowers-in-your-hayr​
For @youbloodymadgenius​​ for your 400 Followers Writing Challenge.  Congrats on your success!
Genre:  Romance/Comedy
Pairing:  Modern Ivar x Mature OC
Warning: Language/mild angst/Sexual content
Rating: M
Summary: A relationship between Generations X & Y will help this XX & XY learn a lot about themselves, each other, and love.  Cougar/cub relationships aren’t always just about a midlife crisis and arm candy.
A/N:  I got the concept for this story from a conversation I was having with @youbloodymadgenius​​.  I hope I do it justice.  This story is for you!
Chapter 2
Biiiiiitch!  Where have you been?  I’ve been IMing you but you been ducking me like I’m the IRS. Shit, I’m surprised we talking now - you mad at me or something?  Did somebody tell you that they heard some shit about you from me?  Because they were fucking lying. I wouldn’t do that. You know I don’t like all that gossip shit and I'm not one to put all people's business out on Front Street, like that.
So, girl, I need to holler at you about something right quick. What the hell is up with the non-disclosure agreement I sent you? Cause I damn sure didn’t get a signed copy back in my mailbox. Now, maybe I’m the slow bitch in the class, but it seems to me that there are a few more people in on our private meeting than just us, like we had previously discussed. 
Now, I’m not saying that you said something, but I know I sure as hell didn’t. So, if I was over here keeping my sexy ass mouth shut  (cause that how a bitch do) and you haven't said shit either, then who the fuck else is talking? You know, I bet it was probably those same bitches that were running around saying that they heard that I was talking shit about you. I tell you, people today ain't about shit. Well, fuck them.
Just so you know, I didn't call you to try to check you or anything. I called to try to catch you up on this grown and sexy shit cause bitch you are hella behind. Okay...I told you about how Marisol was at the club and met this fine ass little young boy at the bar, who turned out to be her high school BFF’s little brother, right? Did I tell you about how Marisol’s son and King Ding-A-Ling hate each other or how they met up at a party at his daddy’s house? Shit bitch, what do you know? I feel like I’m starting this shit all over at the beginning, again! Seriously hooker, keep up because before I can get into this shit, I have to set the scene. 
So, you need all the dirt on Ivar’s family so moving forward you know what the fuck I’m talking about when I just start dropping shit on you like Pearl Harbor.  Believe me, hon-ty when I tell you, these motherfuckers got some Telenovela, Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal type shit with them. 
Alright now, let me start with his parents. You ever see a really attractive man and you figure, his daddy must have been cute when he was younger? Well, that’s Ivar’s daddy, Mr. Ragnar Lothbrok – or as I like to call him, Dick Daddy Yo.  
Now, child, Dick Daddy is fine as a motherfucker. And, I’m not talking regular run-of-the-mill attractive for a man in his late 50s – early 60s, who was probably knocking down everything back in the day, type of fine, either. No Queen - I’m talking, this motherfucker could get it TODAY, immediately, right now, if he asked for it. Shit, bitch, quiet as kept, he wouldn’t even have to ask. All he would have to do is set those baby blue eyes in my direction, and I would hand him the drawers.
So, back in the day, when they still lived in Norway, Dick Daddy married this total dime piece named Lagertha. When I tell you she was a bad bitch, I mean she was a Bad Bitch!  Shit, she still bad to this day thirty-some years later.  She was built, blond and beautiful, plus that bitch could box. I don’t know what kind of thug shit they taught her over there in the old country where they came from, but this broad was like Ronda Rousey out there in those Kattegat streets.  
Anyhoo, when Lagertha and Ragnar got married, she found out that Ragnar had that Super D and she knew she wasn't going to be able to keep all that good dick to herself because he liked to sling it all over town. So she told him to go do his dirt, but he better brings his fine ass home to her every night. Of course, he was all like, cool, he could have a dime piece at home and get cutty on the side…alright, bet!  
Well, honey, next thing you know, he gets hooked up with this fatal attraction type, funny looking broad named, Aslaug. Girl, Aslaug gets dickmatized and follows Ragnar around like a puppy, and the next thing you know he had to figure out how to bring a whole ass side-chick home to his dime piece wife. He must of came back with some shit like, “Baby, you know that girl Aslaug can cook and she’ll do that thing that you don’t like to do…you know cause she a freak…so really, it’s a win-win for us both.”  
So, I figure dude’s dick must have been dipped in platinum, because Lagertha was like, “Whatever, Dick Daddy,” cause the next thing you know all three of them are living together and these two bitches were sister-wives.  
Chile! But, here’s where the shit gets juicy!  Ooh, girl! The whole time Ragnar was out there in them streets, Lagertha’s sexy ass was knocking over his brother, Rollo, and word around the campfire is, one of them kids ain’t really Ragnar’s…biiiiiitttttttch! I can't make this shit up!
So anyway, by the time all those damn babies came all 50/11 of them moved here to that big blue house at the end of Greenwich, you know the one with the big ass fence front and the nice pool? The one that the young people always have all the parties at...yeah, that one well, that’s where they still live.  
Now onto the kids. Honey, Ragnar has five maybe six kids that he’s claiming. I'm sure it's more out there, but I'm telling you about the ones I know about. First, you got the two he has with Lagertha; that’s Bjorn, and Gyda (that’s if don’t think Bjorn is Rollo’s son).  But what the hell, I’ll take “Let’s Pretend That Bjorn Is Ragnar’s Kid” for $200, Alex…  
So, Bjorn is the oldest of all of the kids. And what can I say about BJ?  BJ is fucking…girl, he’s just fucking. He’s fucking any and everything. That man. Jesus jumped up.  He’s about 6’3”, 250lbs, muscular, blond, these piercing blue eyes. This smile…strong jawline. He has these hands, right? These hands that you know could just grip you right up under your ass cheeks and hold you up against a wall, and these arms…gurl, make me want to faint like a white woman! Hmm.  
BJ reminds me of Ragnar. Hell, all those kids remind me of him in some way, but Bjorn oozes sex like Ragnar. I don’t know what it is, but watch your uterus around him. If you stand too close to BJ, your pussy is liable to jump in his back pocket and you won’t even notice that it’s gone.  
BJ has a shit-ton of kids though and has been married like 150 times. I don’t know what it is, but he finds these blonde women, fucks them, marries them, has 20 babies with, and then gets divorced. He’s a shitty husband, but I bet you he’s a fire ass lay. 
Then there’s Gyda, we call her Da-Da. She’s just beautiful. Whew. She got those looks from both of her parents.  It is honestly painful to look at her. She’s the charming side of Ragnar. The side that’ll have you naked and buying her ass a house and a car before the waiter finishes taking your order on the first date.  It’s a good thing she’s a nice person because if she was an evil bitch, there’s no telling what she would be up to. She’s another tall one, with blonde hair and blue eyes. But, she’s built like her mother. This bitch looks like she needs to be holding a fundraiser where she’s wearing clear heels, in a strip club, called Twerking For Jesus or some shit.
Now, if those two gorgeous kids weren’t enough to make everyone else in the world jealous of how good the D and the seed were from Ragnar, he had to go and spread it around some more with that weird bitch, Aslaug. They have four boys; Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar. I don’t know how those boys ended up being so fine because Aslaug’s ass is not what I would call attractive. But, they got Ragnar’s genes and miracles never cease to amaze me.  
All, but one, of them can get it any day.    
Let’s start with Ubbe. It’s a long story, I don’t remember the particulars, but he’s known around the way as, Weebae. I can’t remember if it’s because he was small when as a baby, or because he used to cry all the damn time.  But, whatever the case, if you hear a motherfucker asking for Weebae, they talking about Ubbe. Anyway, Wee is Ragnar’s twin. That child looks like Ragnar just spit him out on the street, only I don’t know where in the fuck he got his personality, cause Ragnar ain’t that fucking nice and Aslaug is a fucking cunt.  
Have you ever met somebody that’s so damn nice, that they seem like a bitch ass?  Like they are just softer than a motherfucker? Somebody that constantly lets people run over the top of him all the damn time and you just want to be like, yo you’s a giant whore! Well, that’s Wee. If he wasn’t so damn sexy, I would be like you soft, brah…get your punk ass away from me. But seeing as how fine he is, I’m like…bring your sensitive ass over here and let me make it all better, with your sexy self. Cause, you know, Mama loves the sensitive ones.
Who’s next? Oh, yeah, the next one is Hvitserk. I know it’s a fucked up name, but no one calls him that. They call him Boobie. Why do you ask? Because Boobie loves titties. I swear that boy was trying to get everybody to breastfeed him since he was born. The bigger a woman's boobs, the more Boobie is into her. But he's such a freaking cutie pie! He doesn’t look like Ragnar to me, but he reminds me of him in that way where as long as he can fuck and eat, he doesn’t give a fuck about much else. He’s the type that never has the same job or girlfriend for too long. He just goes with the flow and stays around until he gets bored.  
Now Boobie favors Ragnar but not as much as some of the other kids.  He’s got this cute baby face, with this sandy blonde hair and these pretty green eyes, like Aslaug.  When you see him, you just want to pinch his cheeks on his face and his ass.  And because he seems like such a little lost puppy, you just want to take him home, and take care of him…maybe tie him up to your bed and ride his ass like he’s Budweiser Clysdale in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, too.     
Then there’s Sigurd…oh, Siggy. I call him, Brother Useless. He got all of Aslaug’s genes. It must be hard to look like Sigurd when you are born into that family. To be below average looking when you have extraordinarily attractive siblings, how does one go one with life?  By being a giant dick, that’s how.  Siggy fucking sucks donkey balls. He irks my fucking life. Siggy and I have history, outside of this little tale, and believe me he’s a dick in those stories, too.  
Anyway, he looks just like his mama with facial hair.  It’s really quite unfortunate. He reminds me of one of those Muppets off of the Dark Crystal. When I first found out that he was one of Ragnar’s sons, my first response was, I know you fucking lying! They should have just thrown the whole damn child away. See, Ragnar, that’s what happens when you go slumming with a funny looking chick…you get a funny looking kid with a fucked up personality.  God don't like ugly...
But He redeemed your good name with Lil' Man. Oh, my sweet Ivar.  This boy looks nothing like either of his parents but is the total embodiment of his father. Ivar is sexy. No, let me rephrase that for the bitches in the back...I said, IVAR IS SEXY. Bitch, I don’t know if there is even a word to describe the level of attractiveness this little bastard has. I don’t know if it’s that life-altering smile, or the dark hair and pale blue eyes. Shit, it could be that intense stare he has or those arms…or it could be that chest or maybe it’s that ass that you just want to bite and those lips that make you just want to sit on his face. Whatever it is about him, that boy makes you tingle in the most unladylike of places.  
Now, when Ivar was born, something was wrong with him and he needed an operation. He was fine afterward, but Aslaug’s dramatical ass was acting like he was on his damn death bed and treated him like he was Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable. So, naturally, he grew up spoiled as shit. So now, this child don’t know how to do shit. He thinks everybody supposed to hand him everything, just because he’s cute.  
Honey, short of my number and panties, he gonna have to work for everything else like everybody else.  But see, you can’t tell fine, muscular, spoiled ass, motherfuckers, with beautiful eyes, killer smiles, nice hair, and that smell good all the fucking time that they’re not special. Oh, no, because they will try to prove you wrong. At least he finished college and doesn’t have any kids. But if his ass would get a job…Sorry, I’m skipping ahead.  
Okay, so you have the background on the family.  Now check out how this shit went down...
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Being in the Lothbrok house brought back a ton of memories for Soli. She had spent a good part of her adolescence there with her best friend, Gyda.  The two of them had countless sleepovers, movie marathons, and of course their love of all the teenage heartthrobs of the 80s and 90s. Teen Bop, Tiger Beat, and 17 Magazines fed their obsessions for Kirk Cameron, Corey Haim, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, and Mario Lopez. I was always a Joey Lawerence girl myself, but that’s neither here nor there.
That was until that one time the two of them got into this huge fight over who was going to marry Justin Timberlake. But then Bjorn told them that he thought Ryan Philippe was the same person and the girls realized that they did look a lot alike. So, Soli took JT and Gyda took Ryan, and they all lived happily ever after.  
As she accepted the glass of champagne from the tray, Soli looked around the hallway leading out to the patio. It was amazing how different the house looked now. Since the remodel nothing was where she had remembered. The living room used to be to the left of the hallway, and there had been a large formal dining room to the right. They also used to have a huge kitchen right behind the dining room and then the family room sat just behind there, with the entrance to the back yard. It was always a good-sized house, but the way it was cut up, with these weird doorways and walls in the most awkward of places, it always felt cramped, especially with so many people living there.  
But this? The open concept floor plan, no walls to obstruct the view...spacious, huge windows, lots of sunlight...it was gorgeous! Lothbrok Designs, LLC did one hell of a job. Everything from the floor plan to the decor was beautiful. Maybe Soli could get them to hook her up discount and do some work around her house.
“Hey there! I thought I saw you,” Gyda smiled walking over to Marisol with her arms out. “Oh Sonni, you look so good! I still can’t get over how you haven’t aged a bit. And girl, that body!”  
Soli spun around in a circle to give her friend the full view. Even she had to admit, the off the shoulder, floral printed, Boho, maxi-dress looked damn good on her. Especially the way the soft pink color played with the beautiful warm tones in her toffee-colored skin. And honey, she was rocking this split that came all the up the front of the dress to the bodice, that would have been showing all of the church's business if it wasn't for that little white chiffon underdress thing. Honey...forty where? She was a banger and she knew it. “Well, you know forty is new twenty. I didn’t get to do my twenties right because I had Mani, but now I'm single and I'm ready to mingle! And you, Diva…”
“Well, thanks. You know...I get it from my Mama." Gyda did a little shimmy and laughed. "Thank you so much for coming. It’s so good to have you back in town. I know my parents are excited to see you again.” She looked around the room and waved at a guest who was walking by, “Everyone was excited that you said you were coming.”  
Everyone? Why did Gyda say it like that? Soli was excited to catch up with the family, too, but damn. Soli knew that little cutie Ivar was going to be there, but that was nothing. A little innocent eye flirting at the bar a couple of weeks ago didn't mean anything. She hadn't seen or thought of that boy since. And she wasn't thinking about him today...well, not that much, anyway.
“Da-Da,” A gorgeous older blond man came up to Gyda and placed a soft kiss on the side of her head, before turning his attention to Soli. “No, you can’t be…Marisol Peña? The young lady I saw as much as my daughter growing up?” Ragnar walked over to Soli and wrapped her in a warm hug.
Soli chuckled and shook her head when she felt his hands linger at her waist a second longer than they should have. “Oh, Mr. Lothbrok,” Soli she patted him lightly on the chest taking a half step back to take in that beautiful smile, “Oh, it’s been too long. You still look good.” She smiled, feeling his hands slowly move down her side to now rest on her hips.
“And you still are as beautiful as ever,” he said leaning in toward her to talk to her. He had always had this strange way articulating certain words and sometimes he would get uncomfortably close when he would talk to people. Gyda used to get embarrassed because her father would get all up on her friends when he spoke to them, but Marisol always thought it was kind of sexy the way he would breathe on her when he talked.  
She felt herself being hypnotized momentarily by all that sexy, but she quickly regained her senses. “Mr. Lothbrok,” she tutted keeping a careful eye on him as he slowly walked around her in a circle with a sly grin on his face, “I see you're still as smooth as ever.” 
It was fluid the way Ragnar brushed his face next to Soli’s ear to whisper in his sexy accent, making the tendrils of hair tickle her neck, “Ragnar.”  
"Ragnar," she giggled. He was still a DILF, even after all these years.
“Ragnar?”  A feminine voice called causing everyone to turn toward a tall strawberry-blonde in flowing green empire dress standing at the patio door, “Come, lunch is ready and we will have cake.” For as tall and thin as she was the dress did nothing for her. A hottie like Lagertha could have pulled it off, but not her. Although, the navy blue and dark green embroidery did accentuate the red in her hair and her green eyes.    
Soli’s eyes widened as she turned to Gyda, devastated. “Is that Aslaug?” she whispered.  As they all began walking through the house toward the backyard she found herself laughing at the expression on Gyda's face. “Bitch, shut up.” Oh, they had so much to catch up on. 
Judging by how good Aslaug looked, she had had some work done. She was still funny looking, but she looked a whole hell of a lot better than she did when Soli knew her.  
Time seemed to fly by for Soli as she sat in backyard eating, laughing, and drinking with her childhood friend. She had forgotten how much she missed Gyda. But being with her and the family, it felt like they never missed a beat.  She even sat at the table reserved for Ragnar's kids and had no problem catching up with each one of them. Oh, the gossip she found out about sitting there.
For example, Weebae was married to BJ's ex-wife, Torvi, who left BJ with four children and is now having a baby with Bae. And you know the crazy thing is all of them are still talking like nothing ever happened? Or how about this, apparently something happened between Siggy and Ivar - no one is talking about what it is yet, but the two of them don't talk. They can be sitting at the same table and won't utter two words to each other. And did you know that none of the brothers knew why Soli and Gyda fell out all those years ago? I know, but that ain’t my place to say, so done tucked that one way down deep in my bra, honey. All I know is I could write a whole other story about this damn family’s shenanigans alone!  
“Man, I wish I could remember that!” Siggy laughed throwing his napkin on his plate.  “I would have loved to see the look on Bae’s face!” He gently nudged his brother’s arm as he continued to make fun of him.  
Ubbe shook his head and lowered his eyes as the stain of blush colored his cheeks, “I can’t believe that was you,” he said to Soli, “I remember running through the house naked, but I never remembered why.”  
Soli smiled around her glass of wine, trying her best to ignore the incredibly attractive younger man sitting next to her. "I remember why. I remember that little birthmark on your ass, too."
Gyda laughed putting the last of her spoonful of cake in her mouth. “Oooh, Beege, do you remember that time we were playing Van Damme and you ended up in the emergency room?” 
Bjorn rolled his eyes and tried to cover his brow with his hand, “Of course I remember!  How could I forget?” He started rubbing his inner thigh at the memory.  He looked around the table at all of his brothers’ faces who were rapted with excitement, smiles already plastered on their faces, dying to hear the story.  “So, I might have been about 13, Da-Da and Soli might have been around 11 or so. Anyway, we used to always watch Daddy's Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. I was obsessed - he was a total bad-ass to me. We had no business watching them because they were rated R and too violent for us to be watching, but we didn't care. And after the movies, we always would play Van Damme and act out our own scenes but do all the karate moves we just saw.”
“But, he always thought he automatically got to be Van Damme because he was a boy, and he always tried to make me the stupid female sidekick. I wanted to be the badass female Van Damme, ya know?" Soli said rolling her eyes.
“Wait, where was Da-Da?”  Ubbe asked.
“I always wanted to be the bad guy,” Gyda shrugged, “What? It was fun.”  
"Yeah, we used to whip her ass, "Soli laughed, “So, this one day BJ and I got in this big argument about who should get to be Van Damme in our reenactment. Of course, he thought he should be because he’s a boy, and I said that I should be because I could do the split. You remember the splits he used to do, right?” She looked around the table and watched everyone nod.
That is, all except one, “No…he’s the guy with that show on HULU now, right?” Ivar asked, turning in his chair so that his outstretch leg brushed Soli’s shin under the table. “He used to do action movies?”
Rolling her eyes at the absurdity of the question, Soli reached into her small clutch bag and pulled out her phone. “I keep forgetting you’re a child. Of course, you don’t know anything about Jean-Claude Van Damme.  When were you born, like 6 months ago?” She quickly found a picture of the Van Damme split online and handed her phone to Ivar. 
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“So, in the movie Double Impact, he did the split when he had his legs on these chairs and his pelvis was suspended between them…I knew I could do it. I had been taking gymnastics since I was six. But BJ, thought because he was a boy he was naturally superior.”
“Oh God, Beege…what happened?” Hvitserk asked popping open another beer.
“The chairs moved, man.” Bjorn said sadly, “Daddy had to take me to the hospital.  My nuts twisted; sprained my dick.” He tried to hold back his laugh but listening to how funny his brothers found his childhood misfortune made Bjorn laugh, too. “Never played Van Damme again.”
“And you never bet against me again, that’s for sure.” Soli felt Ivar’s hand brush against the side of hers and when she turned to face him he was handing back her phone. She noticed that when he leaned over toward her that the first two buttons of his classic white button-down shirt were undone, exposing his thick neck, and collarbone to her. Would it be rude if she tried to get a peek down his shirt? She didn't think so. What was rude was him smelling like a clean ocean breeze or wearing that damn white shirt against his tanned skin. 
Ivar put the phone in her open palm and closed his hand around hers. The hint of a smile started with one corner of his mouth and as his tongue darted out of his mouth and started worrying the bottom corner of the lip. 
“So, um…you can do that split, huh?” There it was. That come sit on my face smile. She had to watch out for this little bastard.
“Yep and  I can do it on a handstand,” she whispered back, and winked at him, pursing her lips to keep herself from smiling. God, this kid was so damn cute, but she shouldn't be flirting with him, even if it was who she was by nature. He was too young. It was too wrong. He was too sexy. She hadn’t had sex in a very long time.  This was tricky. She knew the family.  He had muscles. “Close your mouth there, Baby Ivey.” She patted his shoulder feeling the striations under her fingertips. That was another thing, she had to stop touching him!
“Hey Mom,” Soli’s son, Mani walked over to the table she was sitting at wearing a nice pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. She had made him promise to drop by for a minute, just to say hi to some of her childhood friends before he went to a party of his own. The things he did for that woman.  
“There’s my Baby Boy!” Soli said, standing up. “Mani, I want you to meet my second family when I was growing up. This was my best friend, Gyda, and her brothers Bjorn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar.” She gestured her hand to each person as she said their names. “Everyone, this is my son, Miguel.”  
Ivar smiled and stood up, offering his hand to shake, “I remember you from school. Cartoon Boy, right?”
Mani’s posture stiffened and his warm brown eyes hardened almost instantly, “I don’t remember Jock Strap.” Mani had hated Ivar since they were in high school. Even as a teenager he thought Ivar Raganarsson was a dick. He was an entitled asshole who thought the world owed him something. He had walked around that school like he was the shit and because Mani was younger, smaller and didn’t play sports, Ivar just fucking sucked toward him. He never bullied him, but he always acted like Mani was beneath him.  
Well, fuck Ivar and his big ass beaver teeth smile…got on his fucking nerves. Mani turned his attention to the rest of the table. “It was nice to meet all of you, but I have another engagement. I just stopped by to drop something off to my mom.” 
“Excuse me,” Soli said getting up from the table. She was ready to punch Mani in the throat. She had specifically told him that when he came to the house not to say anything insulting to Ivar. And if she had to listen to one more minute of how much Mani hated Ivar she was going to scream. Since she told him about that first time seeing him at the bar all she had heard was how much of an asshole Ivar had been in high school and how he stole the lead in the school play Mani’s sophomore year. Did she care? Not at all. Mani was 22 years old now and he was still holding a grudge about something that happened when he was 15.  
She walked back into the house with her son following him to the front door. The fake she was forcing was hurting her face. “What the fuck was that, Mani?”
“You see him with that Fuck Boy Ricky hairstyle? I swear Mom, he’s a total Dickbag.” Mani rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, “And you're friends with his people? That's a whole new level of douchery, even for you, Mom.”  
“Oh my, God…I’m not. Not right now.” She got on her tiptoes to kiss her son on the cheek. “Have fun tonight. I love you.”
“I’m telling you, watch that fucktard.”
"Get out," Soli pushed her son out of the door and sighed. This was reason number 4,037 why she never dated. Mani hated and had something to say about everyone. Not saying that she wanted to date Ivar or anything, but just saying that Mani had a problem with every male that she was even friendly with. It was hopeless. Her ex-husband was going to be the last man she’d ever have sex with.  Oh, the humanity of it all...
Soli walked back to the family table with a fresh glass of wine and sat back with a smile as she watched the siblings pose for their family photos.  The pictures were going to be gorgeous - they were a beautiful family. There were so many photos being taken, too. There were poses of Ragnar, both his wives, all of his children, and grandchildren. Even the photos of the divisions of the families were beautiful. But the most captivating thing to Soli was that Ivar was the photographer.  
He was so patient and genuinely seemed to be having a good time doing it.  He was a natural. He laughed as he directed his family and smiled a huge, smile with every picture he took. He was engaging and extremely creative. Looking at him, she would have never have guessed he had an artistic side to him. When Soli realized that she had a full-blown smile on her face watching Ivar and not the family she shook her head and grabbed her phone for a distraction. 
Taking a sip of wine, she checked her text messages and almost choked. There as only one missed message and it was from a number that she didn't recognize. He must have called himself on her phone to get her number. 
She couldn't stop the big ass smile from spreading across her face as she read:
‘Splits and handstands?  I💓 gymnastics! ~ Baby Ivey’
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So, girl, that’s what happened with that. Don’t worry, we are about to get into the good shit, I promise. I'm telling this story honey and bitch I'm building suspense.  
I'll talk to you later girl. And next time, I ping you, answer your girl. Don’t be screening me like I’m that dude at the club that you trying to get rid of.  
Chapter 1
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daleisgreat · 4 years
Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper
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A few months ago I covered the DVD set WWE released chronicling the ‘unseen’ matches of “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Today I continue that trend covering those lines of DVD collections with 2019’s Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper (trailer). Like with WWE’s other ‘unreleased’ line of home videos, all the matches and segments featured in here have never been released on video before. With WWE already releasing a comprehensive three-disc DVD set to Piper with 2006’s Born to Controversy, that means we are getting a collection full of deep cuts here. This two disc DVD is compiled similarly to the Randy Savage set where we get original, newly recorded interviews intersperse with the archival content. The interviews are from Piper mega-fan, “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey which are mixed in with archived home video interviews with Piper for added context. There are six sets of Rousey interviews, and they are sporadically inserted throughout the collection which also features 19 matches, nine promos and 12 editions of Piper’s legendary interview show, Piper’s Pit. WWE has established that Rousey is essentially the endorsed successor to carry on the Piper legacy, with Ronda paying homage to “The Hot Rod” by rocking her version of Piper’s entrance attire and carrying on his nickname. With that in mind, having Ronda being the featured new set of interviews to draw from seems like a fitting choice to commemorate Piper’s career here and are nice ways to mix up this collection.
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Ronda’s interviews are insightful on how she drew on Roddy for inspiration on MMA needing an antagonist, and how excited she was to finally meet him. I presumed she maintained a close relationship with Piper, and was surprised to learn in Rousey’s interviews here that she only met him once early in her MMA career when she got the blessing from Roddy to use his nickname and then a second time when she appeared on Pipers podcast, which was just a month shy of his death in July of 2015. Rousey went on to say one of her biggest regrets is not having a close relationship with him. There is a nice variety of the nine Piper interviews/promos included. There is a handful of the vintage Rock ‘n Wrestling era promos where Piper bellows out promos in front of a blue screen backdrop. A nice nostalgic bonus is a few vintage commercials where Piper maniacally shouts at you to purchase the latest WWE action figures. There are a few standout go-home PPV interviews here where Piper is on fire and by the end of them he got me just as fired up as Virgil for his upcoming WrestleMania match against Ted Dibiase, and on top of that is an especially intense promo with Bret Hart leading up to their WrestleMania VIII battle. There are three Roddy promos from his late 90’s WCW days, with a bewildering rant from a cell in Alcatrez and Hulk Hogan provoking Piper to cut loose on him and Bishoff in front of his son, Colt, standing out the most. These WCW promos have boisterous crowds capturing the high times WCW was riding at that time in the ‘Monday Night Wars.’
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It is no surprise that Piper’s rougher, brawling style will not warrant many five star classics, but a fair amount of his 19 matches here have crowds eating up the chaos Piper is delivering. I have only seen a handful of Piper’s early NWA work before, so seeing a few more of his NWA matches unearthed for this set was a treat, and his match against Jay Youngblood is a smashmouth brawl that goes to a time limit draw, and I loved seeing Piper tag with Ole Anderson against Mike Davis and Buddy Landell. There are a lot of the big arena house show matches here that were previously televised only in local markets, and like a lot of those matches in other sets, usually feature good action until a hokey finish. That is the case here with a killer clash against Paul Orndorff in 1985 fresh into their rivalry, with the crowd going bokers for them until a double countout finish. Just as riveting is Piper’s match in this set against Rick Rude where the crowd is losing it throughout, but a lot of tomfoolery I will not even begin to explain transpires and is the catalyst for one of the strangest DQ finishes I have seen.
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Piper teaming with Eddie and Blue-tista, looking like gold! Piper feuding with the nWo had the crowd on its feet! There are two matches on here against Mr. Perfect worth going out of your way to see. I know Mr. Fuji was an accomplished wrestler in the 70s, but never seen him in a match until this set where he is pummeled for a couple minutes against Piper until his fellow managers run in for the save. A lot of the latter matches in the back half of Getting Rowdy are quick TV matches with wonky finishes unfortunately, but for what it is worth, still draw rabid crowd reactions. There are two Nitro bouts included against Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in 1998, but both bouts have several nWo run-ins that result in both matches being thrown out. I forgot about Piper’s brief 2003 run with Sean ‘O Haire, so it was nice to see those two again when Piper had a short encounter with Rikishi. The last match is an awesome impromptu bout against The Miz for $5000 of The Miz’s money, with Alex Reilly (remember him!?) as guest referee in 2011. I have zero recollection of this match, and even at a couple minutes long it was an absolute delight!
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Getting Rowdy was jacked with 24 installments of Piper’s Pit, but WWE had quite a few more to draw upon from the vault with 12 more here. Some of the early ones in this collection that were a riot were where both Jimmy Hart and the Brooklyn Brawler ruthlessly provoke Roddy to giving them a a well-earned beatdown. There are a bunch in the second half of this set when Piper would periodically show up on RAW and SmackDown for a special Piper’s Pit. Two that really got me were one with John Cena where Piper does a tremendous job at needling Cena into living up to his then-current t-shirt slogan, ‘Rise Above Hate’ and another where Roddy moderates AJ Lee attempting to get back into Daniel Bryan’s good graces after costing him his WrestleMania match against Sheamus. I enjoyed this collection more than I anticipated. As I mentioned earlier, Piper was not known for his epic wrestling abilities, so I was not letdown from the wide range of match quality from the 19 matches in the set. There are a few matches that are hidden gems in here for what it is worth, but the real reason everyone should check out Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper, is for the many unreleased promos and Piper’s Pit interviews. While he may not have been a five star wrestler, Piper was easily a five star entertainer, and that is readily apparent from beginning to end in this collection.
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Those Piper action figure commercials are iconic, and this set is full of iconic promos I have never seen before where the Hot Rod made Virgil look like a million bucks! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania III: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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crispyturtlepainter · 2 years
Emma's first statements after her return to WWE
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Emma's first statements after her return to WWE: The most recent episode of WWE SmackDown (see coverage and results Friday Night SmackDown October 28, 2022) will go down in history as the night that marked Emma's return to the Company to face The Champion, Ronda Rousey.
Emma's first statements after her return to WWE:
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Last night on SmackDown we could see great movements of the WWE women's division because in the open challenge in which he put his Presea into play, 'Rowdy' Ronda Rousey showed heel attitudes inside and outside the ring, which makes it official that her stage as a babyface fighter is over and gives us hints of what we can expect with his reign in the Blue Mark. Beyond that, what really makes last night's show go down in history is emma's return also known as Tenille Dashwood, to World Wrestling Entertainment, because his music exploded surprisingly while waiting to meet the challenging surprise to the Round Championship:
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Emma has her sights set on the SmackDown Women's Championship: Although Emma failed to become Sovereign on the night of her return to WWE, the truth is that that goal still stands. This was revealed in an interview that was conducted later that same night in which he assured that after his fight with Ronda understood what she must do to become the owner of the Presea: "I can't express how good it feels to be back. I've waited five years for this night, five years to make sure I'm never forgotten again. And now, I know exactly what I have to do to be the Champion. The talented Australian fighter appeared in WWE for the first time in 2011;. From there she would have a remarkable career in NXT that looked quite promising, however. Thank you for sharing your time and enjoying this passion with WWE WRESTLING. The best wrestling and wrestling information, interviews, videos, coverage and live monitoring. Do not forget that you can directly access all WWE news and of next PPV WWE CROWN JEWEL that will take place on November 5. For More Information Visit These Articles: - William Regal talks about his meeting with MJF – Wrestling WWE - William Regal talks about his meeting with MJF – Wrestling WWE - Shinsuke Nakamura will fight on January 1 at NOAH - Shayna Baszler reveals why she doesn’t betray Ronda Rousey - AEW announces tournament for a title opportunity – WWE Wrestling - Mike Tyson will return to All Elite Wrestling – WWE Wrestling - Two new title matches added to WWE Crown Jewel - WWE Crown Jewel card for November 5 - Spoilers for the WWE SmackDown show on November 4  Read the full article
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