#rosita ends up taking their phones after they keep asking buster to bring them pizza
hoperays-song · 1 year
Story Time with Big Sis Ash
Ash, at a sleepover with Johnny and Meena: Spanish is my first language. Like, the only thing I’m grateful to my bio parents for is teaching me Spanish. 
Meena and Johnny, also bilingual: *nodding along*
Ash:  But when I got to that age where in school where we had to take a foreign language and I found out that I could take Spanish class in school... all of a sudden, “yo no habla español”.
Meena, who signed up to take ASL while being fluent: *giggling and giving Ash a thumbs up*
Johnny, slightly irritated he couldn’t do that with Hindi: *rolling his eyes*
 Ash, pointing to Meena: Right!? I wanted to get that easy A! But my grammar was trash so, and I never understood the imperfecto, so... C+’s  all around if you know what I’m saying.
Johnny, who’s been struggling to understand Ash’s Spanish for months: Oh that makes so much more sense.
Meena: I know, right?!
Ash: I really need to teach you two slang. Anyway! But Lance used to make fun of me for this like “Ash, how do you get C+’s in Spanish if you speak Spanish?” And I’d be like “Oh. Oh no Lance. How the fuck do you fail English, huh, when you speak English? Pendejo.” 
Meena: You tell him Ash! He was قلة الادب.
Johnny:  And a झटका देना!
Ash, proud of her siblings’ reactions: Yeah, no fans of Lance in this house, none. Now, who wants to prank call Buster?
Translations (Please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m still learning):
yo no habla español - I do not speak Spanish (Spanish)
imperfecto - Imperfect (Spanish)
Pendejo - Stupid (Spanish)
قلة الادب - Rude (Arabic)
झटका देना - Jerk (Hindi)
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