yoiflowergrams · 6 years
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💐flower delivery for @roseus-jaeger💐
who has been on the vwc for what feels like forever alongside me, thank you. i wish you nothing but the best
- anon
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maydei · 6 years
roseus-jaeger replied to your photo “Title: Fated Pairing: Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuuri) Word...”
how do you make such nice looking covers?
I use Photoshop! On my Mac I had the full Adobe suite and used CS5, but on my new PC I only went for Elements, but it serves me just as well. I’ve been making basic graphics since I was probably, like, eleven or something? So for a more basic banner like this, I generally find a stock photo I really enjoy, then play with brushes and fonts. 
For this, I used a stock photo from pexels and adjusted the colors to my liking, then the butterfly brush from Photoshop, which comes with the program and isn’t custom, though I do have custom brushes (butterflies are a consistent motif from OG Loveless), then applied a gradient to the brush to give it that crazy stripe-y appearance. I also used a custom font from dafont, which is basically my crack site. I hoard fonts. Seriously, oh my god, I never use pre-loaded fonts on literally anything I make. Always custom. They have so much more character.
(If you get into graphics making, try to always make sure you’re using open-sourced images that are ok for editing under Creative Commons licenses. Don’t steal people’s professional photography when there are other viable alternatives out there.)
My graphics usually tend to be simple, horizontal cuts with spacing in between and an eye-catching font. I sometimes do banners for friends upon request, like the one I did for @exile-wrath Black Swan AU, @farashasilver ‘s  Vegas AU, and several for @lucycamui for her fics Hasetsu Nights, BMSCV, a promotional pic for Missed Connections, and several others yet to come. ;)
All the stuff I do is really basic aside from that. Magic selection wand tool and copy+paste, color adjustment, free transform. I never really have any sort of idea for what I’m doing before I start. For Fatum ad Momentum, I just made mishmashes of screencaps that were relevant to the scenes that chapter corresponded to (my favorite of which was for Stars). 
But that’s really it! Nothing that can’t be learned from watching a 20-minute tutorial on Youtube on the functions of Photoshop, tbh. I don’t do anything too complicated, and for Fated, once I made the template, I just edited the text box for each chapter and saved it as an entire fuckton of .jpg files in a folder for me to use later. 
ps, this is illegal mom advice, but if you don’t have photoshop there’s usually torrents available. but i didn’t tell you this, oh no. I just endorse the free program GIMP instead as a viable alternative.
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dewa-chan · 7 years
roseus-jaeger respondeu seu post: Viktor Nikiforov Shimeji DL
what format of Victor’s birthday though? it is the numbers added up or what?
month/day, not added. just the two numbers together
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domokunrainbowkinz · 7 years
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Victor is frozen in Yuuri's gaze, not sure if he should speak or not. “As I thought, you're awake,” Yuuri's gait is oddly graceful as he makes his way to the chair beside the bed and sits. His arms are crossed as he says, “Do you mind if I have a chat with you?” Victor has to grip Makkachin's paw to make sure they don't do anything aggressive. Then, replies, “Sure, from what I heard in the hallway, we have a lot to talk about.”
@roseus-jaeger ok, so “together, we stand” made me REALLY glad I decided to stalk the “enemies to lovers” tag on AO3 or else I would’ve missed this gem! AMAZING WORLDBUILDING (so much detail put into it i’m in awe) AND ALSO A TRASH DAD YOU KNOW I’M A SLUT FOR TRASH DADS blease give yuuri and victor the happiness they deserve ;_; rose, you’re an awesome person on the discord chat and I always love talking to you! i’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to reading the latest update yet because of Who I Am As A Person, but please accept this lil doodle as an apology :’) (I also drew victor here) anyways pls give this fic some love <3 <3
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rinmatsuoka · 7 years
roseus-jaeger replied to your post “my goal is to try and follow between 160-170 blogs by the end of the...”
mfw I follow 2,600 blogs without thought
i think I just died a little
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yuurikatsukii · 8 years
I almost got kicked out of the public library because i couldn't hold back some of my inhuman screeches I made during the episode. Help me, the plot twist killed me. I am deceased.
I was at work and thank god the store was empty because I would have gotten fired lmao
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miyakuli · 8 years
The fact someone gave you hate for crediting an artist, and with permission, confuses the hell out of me. Isn't it common sense to credit the respectful people in charge of their creations? Btw, I love your blog.
I think they were accusing me to have ulterior motives by posting with permission, like getting the merit instead of the artists?? That is totally stupid since people know I’m not the artist at all and I never put myself forward, in contrary I try to highlight artists instead....
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