#romaeus aine
moonlit-grove · 2 years
Thinking about how Romeo chose his own surname when he became king of Orr... and he chooses a "sylvari" name, which his siblings then take as their own surnames...
For Cactus Blossom it's Aine... for Lilac of the Deep its Sorcha...
And both names have similar meanings...
I need to find ones for the other ships...
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moonlit-grove · 1 year
Hiya, I want to offer you Reza Afsali/Reza II of Orr (he/him, bisexual) for the character match up since I've already told you a little about him. He's a descendant of Orrian royalty and a scholar in the Durmand Priory. As for his personality, he's a prankster and was the Priory's local troublemaker (he was Sieran's partner in crime), though he became much more responsible later. He's a talented scholar, a polyglot, but still a fun loving guy.
slides romeo over.
Royals of Orr. Bond over Reza teaching him about Orr.
okay okay but I actually think, past that, he'd be good friends with Basu. She's also in the priory and is pretty lenient with tricks and pranks. She loses track of time REAL BAD though so it'll be years since he's seen her but she doesn't even realize. But she'd adore talking about anything and everything, especially if they do it in Orrian or any other language. She is too a polyglot after all.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
have 8, 24, 42, and 45 for romeo if you’d like! :D @kerra-and-company
8. Weapon of Choice
Hmm… I’d have to say it’s his staff? It uses the monsoon model and allows him many ways to protect as well as fight. And if he needs to, he can give a good wallop with it.
24. Fave Season
Autumn, absolutely. He loves the nip in the air and how the leaves change color. Bonus that Ylva is extra cuddly in autumn too.
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character has done?
(Thinking emote) Hm… When he was young he did a lot of dumb things… He tries not to anymore, but I think the top… Hmm… Probably the time he cried because he thought Canach opening a club meant he wasn’t gonna be his dad anymore.
45. Theme song/playlist
Okay so one of the BIG MAIN BOI songs is Wolves Cry Out. Especially for the lyric ‘Sometimes the last in line, are the ones who last in time’
hmmmg i need to make a playlist for the lad
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
⭐⭐⭐ ( one for Vie, one for Romeo, one for whoever you want 😘)
Vie and Elianora worked together a bit during their years in Whispers. Elianora would often tutor Vie about politics before her missions in DR.
Romeo and Anwen may have met a few times while he was studying in the Priory. She would likely be in the library while his uncle was allowing him in to study Orr.
Galaed and Aengus have spent many a night when they were younger trying to out-do each other with their mesmer magic. They had an amicable rivalry that grew into a highly healthy respect for the other's abilities.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
if Romeo is 7 in EoD, and I have it set that he becomes king of orr at roughly 20 years old, that means... (insert math noises) it's at LEAST 1345 (17 years old) when his bloodline is discovered and he starts training.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
spiritually tagged by @uselessidiotsquad, it's interview time! ... it got long so the main interview is under the cut
The screen is black, there are somewhat muffled sounds of it being placed and flashes of light. A yellow, leafy sylvari has a hand over the lense. There's chatter muffled as if her thumb is covering the mic.
She finally moves her hand to reveal Romeo, sitting with a smile and his hands in his lap. On his brow is a silver circlet with tiny chains draping around like vines, and a purple and blue gemstone on the forehead, inlaid with an etching of a raven's wings.
The sylvari quickly moves to sit across from him, revealing that it's Keeva. She's grinning, holding a list of papers. The smile on her face causes a tiny reflection on her cousin's son.
K: "Okay! So, I have a list of questions here I'm supposed to ask." She l looks down at the papers, shuffling them around. "Oh, they're out of order... Ah well! Okay, I know your name, but for the interview, introduce yourself."
R, with a chuckle: "Romaeus Aine. King of Orr. In human terms, your first cousin once removed."
(Keeva wrinkles her nose, causing Romeo to laugh and wave a hand)
R: "But I was raised sylvari, I can hardly keep track of all those terms. You're just my cousin to me."
K: "Humans have so many confusing terms and technicalities." She looks at the papers, lips poking out as she reads the next question. "Oh-! I was supposed to introduce myself too! Keeva Corbeau! Firstborn of Kahedins and Aengus, twin of Daithi! Romeo's cousin on his mom's side! Vie is my baby cousin, Malo and Bran were always-"
R: "Keeva, the interview."
K: "OH. Oh right. Um... What are you goals for Orr?"
R: "Hm... Right now, clear the waters. We've done well on the land, but there are some ponds and lakes that still need cleaning up. The magic I have helps with filtration and clearing pollutants, but the Unchained are up to Ylva to take care of."
K: "Ooh, how is she doing? She taking good to being a queen?"
R: (laughs) "It takes time for both of us. And of course for Tristan. She's against the idea of being a passive queen that waits for attacks. I think she'll be a wonderful Warrior-Queen."
K, nodding, a big smile over her face. She glances down at the paper. "Okay a lot of this is just about Orr... And that's boring, progress is slow, so I'm gonna- (he blinks a few times as she says this sentence) - freestyle and ask my own questions!"
R: "Uh- Well, I'm sure you were asked to-"
K: "I will, I will! But some will just be my own! So, when you were in DR training to be a king under Jennah, did you remember anything of when you were a kid?"
R: "Honestly, had I remembered any of that it would have come long before that period, likely when I was visiting Aunt Jonah and Logan. But no, anything from that part of my life was when I was far too young to fully remember. I have flashes of faces and rooms, but that's it."
K: "Do you miss them? Jarlath could probably summon their ghosts, so you could-"
R: "Keeva, I'm happy with my life. I don't regret being raised by Canach and Vielcos. I've loved being in the Grove. I don't remember my birth parents enough to miss them."
K: "Does that hurt? I mean... I can't imagine not remembering my dads..."
R, shrugging half-heartedly: "Mostly just wishing they could have guided me in things sylvari can't. Like... You remember when I was 13. Dad really had his hands full trying to help me with that."
K, nodding: "Ohh yeah, I remember that. You really were a handful. So-"
The camera beeps. Both look over, Keeva frowning.
K: "Oh, it's running low on battery. I think we've got time for one more question. Um..." She looks at the paper again, flipping through to look for a good question to end on. "Ah, brambles, none of these are good." She looks back up at him. "... Tell me about your crown. It's a lot more plain than anything I've seen even Jennah wear."
R, with a smile, lifting a hand to brush the gemstone, "Ah, it was crafted by Ylva's father. He created matching pieces for the three rulers of Orr, each reflecting a part of the other two. The stone is one found only in the nation, a sea sediment jasper. They were formed while submerged, Tristan and Ylva both have a matching stone in theirs. He gave each of us an aspect of one of the Spirits of the Wild- raven's wings for the wit of a ruler. Ylva has a wolf paw, for the unity of the pack. And Tris has what looks like a bear scratch. The whole 'mama bear' thing, he said it was."
Both laugh, continuing to chat as the screen fades to black.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
romeo ★ for minei, maybe? (and I can totally share facts on her if you want, just let me know!) :D @kerra-and-company
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
Local Vari Raised boi likes the local Reaper girl, hopes she and his brother can become good friends
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
Romeo ⭐ Sanne :3
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
Romeo and Sanne become friends challenge 2k22
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
hi hi! have 🎹🎁💣💰 for romeo, if you want! :D @kerra-and-company
Darling baby romeo! Answering of course for Cactus Blossom Romeo, let me know if you want a different version ;3c
🎹 - playing an instrument
He actually plays a few! He played a little bit of the violin when he lived in DR with his biological parents, and he plays a bit of a sylvari-ified harp. He's wonderfully talented with string instruments and enjoys playing them.
🎁 - giving presents to others
He loves giving handmade gifts, though of course sometimes they're not exactly what the other person would have wanted. It's much easier for him if he's closer to the person. Family and his spouses, he's great. Others? Eehhhh....
💣 — explosives
His father is Canach. He's learned a bit... But not much, honestly. He's much more comfortable with his magic than actually using explosives, but he does know how they work.
💰 — finance
Since becoming a king, Romeo has been getting better with finances. He still does enjoy nice things of course... But well, he has to be careful with them. He does sometimes struggle, and has since he was young.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
Since I got to meet him at the rp event, how about a bossfight for Romeo?
okay so i'm setting this as an alternate romeo you meet through the Mists somehow because otherwise I'm ?????? as to why he'd be a boss fight. It's probably a strike.
There are three phases to the battle against the King of Orr. First, he's alone. He's using fire and air, a lot of knockback and CC himself. This is a phase where you want to use ranged to keep away from his hits and just deal with getting pushed around a bit. Every 5%, he uses a fire ability that blasts out across the entire field. Dodge or die.
Once he hits about 75%, he calls in Tristan. There are two elementalists. Tris will be using water and earth, healing Romeo and keeping you from getting close to himself. The healing will not be big numbers, so if you keep doing enough damage it's negligible. If you take out Tristan's CC bar, you'll get Romeo moving to protect him, and get time to hit both of them at once. Tristan's health goes down faster than Romeo's, until they both hit 50%. The 5% is still in play, though with shaking earth. Go left or right, get knocked over.
Then begins the third and final phase, where they call in Ylva. Now, this phase introduces where you need to be on the defense as well as the offense. Ylva hits hard and keeps in melee range, trying to distract you from Romeo. Her health doesn't go down as fast, but you have to take her down to at least 50% to get Romeo and Tris to drop the shield around themselves and rejoin the fight.
Once all three of them are at 50% and in the fight, it's a blend of the previous. Tris is trying to heal both Romeo and Ylva, while Ylva is in melee and hitting hard. At every 5%, there is still the sweep of fire, but this time with shaking earth and pull from Ylva. If you try to dodge backwards, Ylva will pull you back. If you dodge left or right, you'll get knocked over by the shaking earth. You must either jump or dodge forward.
When all three are down to 20%, they move to the center and Ylva switches to blocking. Break her CC to do bigger numbers against the trio. Her bar recovers fairly quickly so be ready to break it again. With that broken, this stage should go very quickly, draining them down to 0%.
Tris belongs to @salad-tales
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
Romeo's differences based on ship
LoTD (Lilac of The Deep) Romeo has lots of tattoos on his arms and bsck. He's a lot more... aggressive in a sense than normal Romeo. He will go and hunt down things much faster. He uses mainly fire and water, and his daggers reflect Sayeh's armor. His hair is shorter and he wears a mask with a circlet pattern on the forehead.
Viehearne Romeo is much more of a scholar. He often joins Jarlath in study, and loves discovering new things alongside his brother. He prefers to rule more traditionally Orrian, though there are still very clear differences. He is much more in touch with nature. His hair often has several leaves and vines braided into it and is longer than normal. He has a few leaf tattoos too, and a necklace Trahearne made for him.
Vigilant Whispers Romeo is more martial. He fights head on, and will not back down. He uses the flaming greatsword and is terrifying on the field. He knows battle tactics and will lead from the front. He is still very much the Romeo we know and love at heart however. He keeps his hair very short and tied up, and has a small burn on his left cheekbone from training with Rosalus.
Note that Swap AU is the only version where Vie does not adopt Romeo, so sadly there is no Engvie/Commander Canach version of Romeo
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
For the Tarot thingie: 6 cards for Romeo? (If you want to split it, maybe 3 major arcana and 3 minor arcana)
Life and creation. The new king of Orr stands at the precipice of a new era, a new dawn for his land. The dragon cycle has been reborn, and so too has Orr. He will stand alongside his queen and their husband, and they will bring forth prosperity and peace.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
so for key this week i made Lilac of the Deep AU Romeo and ???
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this expression is just perfect for this boy good lord
also yes his eys are a different color, I couldn't remember what they were before. and his hair is sunbleached a little bit
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
birthday headcanons :3
Vie enjoys a quiet celebration. At least, as quiet as it can be with how big her family is and how rowdy Canach can be. She celebrates at home in the Grove, usually at night. They have a small picnic on one of the outer islands where she and Malomedies often go to stargaze. You can see the Moon Drop at midnight from there.
Fiadh loves it loud. A big moot, all towards celebrating her! Drink, food, yelling, the whole shebang! Give her a moot and have the skalds sing of what she's endured to get this far!
Romeo still prefers to celebrate privately. He's grown to really enjoy spending the night in the royal gardens with his loves, after a day spent almost ignoring the fact that it's his birthday. He doesn't like it being a big deal.
Twussa has really stopped celebrating herself. The sylvari she’s treating like to get her a few little things on the day, and her nieces insist she has at least a cupcake. But herself? She’s fine with the day passing by.
Ciara is used to the massive celebration of her siblings. It’s always a big celebration in her family, as big as the family itself is. Twenty siblings and cousins leads to that… And she loves having her papas’ attention for a day!
Farah likes a day hunting with their mother. Sayeh usually takes them off for a hunt early in the morning, they spend the whole day out and return at nightfall. Where the rest of their family has prepared the rest of the celebration. They don’t actually know when their birthday is, so they celebrate the day they were adopted.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
OC Interview Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
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"Greetings, I've heard through the grapevine that you're after an interview. Walk with me while we talk, yes?"
Can you introduce yourself? "Romaeus Aine, son of the Pact Spymaster and King of Orr."
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status? "Ah, well... I was raised among sylvari so I suppose by human standards I am genderfluid- though I identify as a man. I am polyamorous pansexual, and quite happily married to my queen and our husband."
Where and when were you born? "Divinity's Reach, I believe it was... 1328. Though my family celebrates my adoption as my birthday, as we don't know the actual date."
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style? "The First Commander has trained me, I am well versed in use of the staff. I have recently taken up use of a sword, Ylva is quite proud to be teaching me."
Lastly, are you happy? "Indubitably. I lead the final restoration of Orr, my family is safe, and I have my darling beloveds."
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them? "Massive! I have several cousins and aunts and uncles. Adding Ylva's family, even two mothers-in-law. We are incredibly close. Ylva does write to her mothers and they seem to accept me."
Have you ever ran away from home? "If you count running off to explore, then yes." He laughs "Saoirse and I were hard to tie down when we were young."
Would you consider marriage or having children? "I would never consider not being married to Ylva and Tristan, if that's what you mean. As for children, well... We're unsure if we could even have any biologically. Though I must have one eventually to carry the bloodline... Otherwise, I'm sure we would be happy to adopt."
Do you secretly hate one of your friend? "Not a friend, but when you play the game of the court you do have to hide how much disdain you carry for the Countess."
Which friend knows everything about you? "Hm. I believe that would have to be Jarlath- my brother and the Royal Necromancer. Or I suppose... I guess he's the Vizier now?"
Are you literate? Have you been to school? "I did attend schools in Divinity's Reach before my birth parents' death. Then I was taught by my grandfather and granduncle in the Grove. Queen Jennah was kind enough to tutor me in the Court when my bloodline was discovered. And yes, I am quite literate."
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true? "... No comment."
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize? "Would you count my royal blood? It wasn't even myself that realized. Though I suppose you're after something more like... How powerful my magic had become after I underwent the Coronation Ceremony."
Do you have mental health or physical issues? "I would hardly answer a question like that-! I can't put my nation at risk!"
What is your current main goal? "We are constructing a temple of Nature. A place of dedication to Melandru and The Spirits. Ah- and the Pale Mother."
Drink or food? "My aunt's food is divine, and discovering old Orrian food is much more exciting than drink."
Cats or dogs? "Hm, I suppose dogs? Ylva has been training several wolves."
Early bird or night owl? "Night owl."
Optimist or pessimist? "As king, I must be a realist. Though... I try to be an optimist."
Sassy or sarcastic? "I have learned both from my dad. He is quite proud."
Been caught sneaking out "Haha, a few times when Tristan and I were young. My mother is hard to sneak past."
Broke a bone "When I was young, yes. Not very often recently."
Received flowers "Oh yes. Tristan is quite eager to gift me what blooms in the garden. Not picking them! Just dedicating them."
Ghosted someone "No?"
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get "As I said, the game of the court."
accept this as a tag if you wanna do another~
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
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so i was looking for something in my screenshots...
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