#robyn kerr
roseillith · 1 month
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mcblingbrat · 1 year
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L.A.M.B. Spring/Summer 2007 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show
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nqbuddy · 2 years
Make time for Mog - a purr-fect adventure at Northampton's Royal and Derngate
Make time for Mog – a purr-fect adventure at Northampton’s Royal and Derngate
Judith Kerr’s forgetful cat brought to life by brilliant Wardrobe Ensemble in show for families which runs until June 19th Watching hundreds of kids engage with live theatre again was pretty sweet, as were my companions for the show. Alfred, aged six, and his ten-year-old sister Bella were drafted in when I remembered my own children, so often my companions at theatre reviews, were actually…
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stevescoles · 2 years
Make time for Mog - a purr-fect adventure at Northampton's Royal and Derngate
Make time for Mog – a purr-fect adventure at Northampton’s Royal and Derngate
Judith Kerr’s forgetful cat brought to life by brilliant Wardrobe Ensemble in show for families which runs until June 19th Watching hundreds of kids engage with live theatre again was pretty sweet, as were my companions for the show. Alfred, aged six, and his ten-year-old sister Bella were drafted in when I remembered my own children, so often my companions at theatre reviews, were actually…
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wheelsnipecelebrini · 13 days
Generally speaking, I’m fascinated by how narratives around athletes are built. Some of the basic models are: Well He Loved It So Much So We Never Pushed Him He Is Just Like This vs. We Built This Phenom From The Ground Up With Our Genius Guidance.
Connor Bedard pretty firmly falls in the former camp (take a shot every time his parents are quoted saying their son is effectively a Terminator with hockey-playing software installed). Macklin Celebrini is definitely more in the “I, his father, handcrafted him into a more bespoke sports robot”; there’s been a lot of attention on his dad’s career as VP of player health and conditioning in the NBA’s Golden State Warriors org being a cornerstone of Macklin’s development.
I also generally have interest in the mechanics and minutiae of injuries and rehab. Anyone who’s rehabbed a serious injury can probably relate. Anyway, all this media is catnip to me, so, here, have a Rick Celebrini media roundup, focused on the last few years as draft buzz around Macklin increased.
ESPN | What makes Macklin Celebrini the next big thing in hockey
Rick helped Macklin and his siblings -- brothers Aiden, 19; RJ, 12; and sister, Charlie, 15 -- along each of their athletic journeys, where he balanced the line between trainer and dad.
"When they're working out, I tell them there has to be a professionalism to your approach and what you do. And that's when I'm not Dad," Rick said. "But in their times when they're vulnerable, then I become Dad, and I'll always be Dad."
"When Rick first got [to Golden State] his kids would be running up and down the court playing pickup 3-on-3, with the whole family, Robyn too," [Golden State Warriors head coach] Kerr said. "It's so funny seeing them as kids and then all of a sudden, you find out the two older boys are big-time hockey players.
"And then I started to really ask Rick more about his kids and what they were doing. Then there's little Charlie, the tennis player. And then I realized, Rick's cooking something up in his house. ... He's just churning out athletes over there."
There's a reason the Warriors wanted to support Rick. He's been crucial to their culture and success.
"He's one of the best human beings I know, and that's straight from the heart," [Golden State Warriors head coach] Kerr said. "He's got this great combination of emotional intelligence and technical knowledge of his field and humor and authority. The players see him every day, and so for us it means so much that he's one of the first people they see and feel, and he just sets an incredible tone."
[Golden State Warriors player Draymond] Green called Rick "a giver."
"He gives his time, he gives his energy, he gives his effort," Green said. "He's a magician when it comes to the body. He's a magician when it comes to the mind. He is our secret weapon and he's an incredible father. He's an incredible man."
Sharks on NBCS | 08 May 2024
Rick Celebrini: I’ve said this a number of times, you know, he was born to be a hockey player, as much as I tried to convince him into other sports or other activities, he always gravitated to being a hockey player.
The Athletic: Inside what may be Macklin Celebrini’s final days of BU hockey: Shoe Check, heartbreak, and a big decision
Plenty of college coaches reached out to Macklin. Pereira was the first to call Rick, who was in the 2022 NBA Finals with the Warriors against the Boston Celtics at the time. Pereira left a voicemail:
“Rick, this is Joe Pereira from Boston University. Before I go any further, I want to let you know I’m not a Celtics fan. I know you’re flying into town. I want to talk to you about your boys.”
Rick soon replied via text: “LOL. I’ll give you a call later.”
The next day, Rick met with Pandolfo and his staff. When the Warriors traveled to Boston for Game 6, the Celebrini boys came along.
Rick believes his son can see the bigger picture with this future-changing decision. He has been open to insight from his support system, including family, advisers with CAA (like Pat Brisson and Matt Williams) and coaches.
“Me and (Warriors coach) Steve Kerr talk about this all the time,” Rick said. “There’s a value to being patient and developing at a level that’s more conducive to development. The NHL is not a developmental league. The NBA is not a developmental league. You’re either ready or you’re not. But college hockey is more conducive to that with the schedule, the work in the weight room and practice schedule.”
“An Arizona scout called me and goes, ‘For what you do for a living, where would you say he is on his developmental curve?’” Rick recalled. “Honestly, he’s a puppy. He shaves once every couple weeks. He’s not even through puberty. He really is a kid, kid. He’s got a little bit of maturing and growing to do, just getting that thickness of a man’s body.”
The Mercury News | How Warriors trainer’s son became NHL’s top draft prospect — and possibly Sharks’ future star
“I think it’s been massive for me,” Celebrini told this news organization. “Everything from injury prevention to different things to work on and understanding how an athlete works, the tolerance of an athlete — all that knowledge kind of displayed onto us, it all helped massively in our development.”
Rick isn’t a mad scientist. He never forced any of his children to play sports.
But here they are, elite athletes anyway: Macklin soon the top pick, Aiden already drafted by the Canucks, Charlize, 15, one of the top Canadian players her age, and RJ, the youngest with perhaps the most potential in the rink.
“It’s been around them their whole lives,” Rick said, “so I think they’ve just naturally gravitated to (sports).”
Much else was taught, though, by one of North America’s brightest sports medicine minds, including cross-sport exposure.
“I feel like soccer helped me in so many ways, even ways I didn’t really think about,” Macklin told this news organization. “Vision or spacing, just problem-solving. There’s so many benefits to playing different sports.”
After getting his PhD in physical therapy at the University of British Columbia and playing pro soccer, Rick worked three Winter Olympics — first as a physiotherapist for Canada’s Alpine Ski Team and then as the 2010 games’ chief therapist and medical manager. He became the Vancouver Whitecaps’ team physiotherapist and co-founded the Fortius Institute, where he worked with close friend Steve Nash. In 2018, he joined the Warriors and soon became one of the most respected members of the organization.
Rick brought his work home with him, too. When his kids were little, he’d create obstacle courses for them on playgrounds, “gamifying” physical activity. During a flight delay at the Orlando airport after a trip to Disney World, he set up a sprinting circuit for the kids in the terminal.
“You’re really trying to tease out multi-directional movement and cutting, change of direction, ducking under things and jumping over things,” Rick said.
Part of Rick’s PhD research was in motor skill acquisition. In layman’s terms: how to optimize movement. In Rick’s terms: building a young athlete’s “physical literacy.”
On beach vacations in Maui, Rick would lead his kids through sprints and hops in the sand. In another game, Rick would kick a soccer ball and have Macklin and Aiden race to retrieve it, critiquing their strides.
The Celebrini family’s unofficial motto is “What did you do today to get better?”
The Warriors’ whisperer: If Golden State is to repeat, he’ll have a hand in it
“He just guided me through tough days,” [Golden State Warriors player Klay] Thompson said. “So many calf raises. So many days on the shuttle board. Then the HydroWorx? Pssh. If it wasn’t for Rick Celebrini, I wouldn’t be where I am today. That’s a fact.”
Celebrini doesn’t score points. He doesn’t make roster decisions. He doesn’t sign checks. Yet, owner Joe Lacob empowers him. President of basketball operations Bob Myers believes in him. Kerr listens to him. The team’s stars swear by him.
Celebrini might be the most powerful figure in the organization you don’t know. In many ways, the NBA’s most valuable franchise, while loaded with legendary figures and dynamic personalities, shifts on the acumen and decisions of this 55-year-old former soccer player from Canada.
“Coach is 1A,” Stephen Curry said, followed by a chuckle. “(Celebrini) might be 1B.”
“I think that position is one of the three or four most important in the whole basketball operations department — especially considering that the players are the most important people,” Myers said of Celebrini’s role. “We have $360 million invested in our players and their health. So finding someone to navigate that, you can’t overstate that level of importance.”
The Warriors are certain they’ve found the right person in Celebrini. At 6-foot-1, he still has the shoulders of a center-back and the jawline of a hockey goon. But his ready smile and friendly disposition give an unassuming vibe. His allegiance to the background, his preference for existing beneath the championship fray, throws people off the scent. Inside the franchise, though, Celebrini is a pivotal figure.
On the same night that Thompson returned from his 941-day absence — a milestone for Celebrini’s rehab process — Green felt tightness in his left calf in pregame warmups. He stopped his routine short, went into Celebrini’s office and gave him a heads up.
“All right, we’re going to get an MRI on your back,” Celebrini said.
‘No, but Rick, my calf is tight,” Green insisted.
“Yeah,” Celebrini said. “Let’s just MRI your back.”
Celebrini was right. The MRI revealed a disc injury in Green’s lower back. A nerve problem was causing weakness in his left calf.
“He knew right away,” Green said. “He’s blown my mind.”
Several athletes who have dealt with Celebrini say his ability to figure out the source of a persistent problem is key to his treatment process. He’s like Dr. House for athletes.
Curry immediately noticed Celebrini’s attention to detail and the creativity of his approach. Nine days later, the Warriors were in Dallas. Celebrini and Carl Bergstrom — then the Warriors’ director of performance — put Curry through a pregame workout he describes as one of the hardest he’s ever done. It involved a wall, a BOSU ball and 100 single-leg squats.
In between the 10 sets of 10 squats, Curry and Celebrini essentially … slow-danced?
“Basically, it’s like a ballet dance,” Curry said, “where you simulate real-life game movements, but you do it at such a slow, methodical speed. So it’s training your neurological system to be like, ‘I remember the pattern of these moves,’ even though you’re not going full speed. It was so methodical, but he was locked into every single set. And that’s when I knew, like, I was getting stronger in the process of healing and I was gonna come back ready to go.
Celebrini became interested in sports medicine as a teenager, after he fractured his ankle playing soccer. He did his rehab with Alex McKechnie, who was also treating professional athletes, and Celebrini was intrigued.
He played college soccer at Capilano University for his first two years. He transferred to the University of British Columbia in 1987, playing five seasons at the school and winning four consecutive Canadian soccer championships. He also played for Canada’s under-20 national team in the 1987 FIFA World Youth Championship and eventually defended for the Vancouver 86ers of the American Professional Soccer League.
After graduating, Celebrini began pursuing his career in sports medicine while playing professionally. His career on the pitch was constantly hampered by injuries, including multiple ACL tears. But his career in sports medicine was ascending. In 2010, Celebrini served as the manager of medical services and chief therapist for the entire Winter Olympics. In 2011, he was hired as the team’s physiotherapist by his former professional club, which became the Vancouver Whitecaps.
In 2013, Celebrini was a co-founder of the MultiSport Centre of Excellence in his hometown of Burnaby, British Columbia. The $54 million facility became an epicenter of elite sports medicine. It is from this post that Celebrini consulted and worked with athletes in the NBA and NHL.
[W]hen Green was recovering from a back injury that knocked him out of action for more than two months. Green said his rehab required relearning how to walk and run. Celebrini promised Green he would get him healthy as long as he committed to the process. Green did and Celebrini was by his side the entire way. He made the hour-plus drive from home to Chase Center to work with Green and often spent at least three hours per session in the weight room with him.
It was a brutal process, as mentally grueling as it was physically. Green remembers how Celebrini did every step of the work himself instead of delegating some of the work to his staff. Even during the 2022 All-Star break, when Green went to Cabo San Lucas, Celebrini went with him.
“I remember one day he needed to go see his son,” Green said. “He was in tears that he had to leave. We were in L.A. He was like, ‘I’m gonna go see Mack.’ He was in tears. He went for a day, came back and locked back in with me the next day. That might be the only day in the whole time that I did not see him.”
The Athletic | How NBA superstars showed the NHL’s next top prospect the way
The next day, Macklin underwent an MRI that revealed a significant injury, a partial posterior labrum tear. An orthopedic surgeon recommended immediate surgery.
“I’m thinking it’s my second game of the year and my season is pretty much done,” [Macklin] says. “I’m facing a six-month recovery and my year is over. All of this work for two games, and now I have to rehab my whole shoulder.”
That’s when Dad entered the picture. “He called me in tears,” Rick says. “I consulted with a couple of colleagues and people I knew.” Their consensus: Skip the surgery for now. Opt for rehab.
“So I was out for two weeks, rehabbed it, got it strong enough and stable enough to play,” Macklin says.
A subsequent MRI revealed that the once partial posterior labrum tear was now complete. The injury was now classified as severe and surgery was unavoidable.
Macklin’s surgery was conducted in Vail, Colo., by Dr. Peter Millett, a shoulder specialist who has operated on several NHL-level players, including Montreal Canadiens defender Arber Xhekaj last summer.
The surgery went well, but as Rick and Macklin settled in for a lengthy summer of rehab, doubts emerged.
Rick would say later it was the “most pressure I’ve ever felt working through an injury with a player.”
Helping top athletes recover and rehabilitate from injury is his profession, honed over years with teams in Vancouver and from 2018 with the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. But with his own son, he wondered: “Should I get someone else to do this with Macklin?”
“When it’s your son, with the emotional piece, and going into his big draft year, there was an element of stress and anxiety,” he says. “Once the dust settles and you focus on the task at hand, that’s when each day has its objectives, and you just execute on them.”
Rick and Macklin spent a large part of the summer of 2023 together.
On the Celebrini family ranch in Northern California, where they moved after Rick joined the Warriors, Macklin worked diligently to rehab his shoulder under his father’s watchful eyes.
Rick, the team’s director of sports medicine and performance, has been a leader in his field for years. He worked with the Canadian men’s Alpine ski team at the 1994 and 2002 Winter Olympics, served as medical manager and chief therapist during the 2010 Winter Olympics and was the director of rehabilitation for the Vancouver Canucks of the NHL (from 2014-18) and the Vancouver Whitecaps of MLS (from 2011-18).
[Macklin] said his dad helped him anticipate and endure the hard days. “He was clear to me, ‘This is a challenge you’ve never faced before, and it’s going to be difficult,’” Macklin says. “And … he kept telling me, ‘It’s going to heal.’ That was something I had in the back of my mind the whole time, like, ‘Yeah it’s sore, but it’s going to get better. Eventually it’ll be back to full strength and back to normal.'”
Rick spoke from experience. He had worked with Kevin Durant while he recovered from his torn Achilles tendon injury. He had helped Klay Thompson return from his torn ACL. He was able to tap into those experiences, helping his son trust that those difficult days would pass.
“Early on when the objective was to reassure him, you draw on those anecdotes,” Rick says. “With the surgeon and the injury that he had, there was never a doubt that if he was comprehensive and worked at all elements of the rehab of his shoulder and the rest of his body … that he would come back stronger.
“I was able to give him real life examples and that helps when it isn’t just encouraging words from his dad.”
San Jose Hockey Now | Rick Celebrini Pulling for Sharks to Draft Macklin Celebrini
Sheng Peng: Rick, you’re a soccer guy…even represented Team Canada in your youth…and your wife, Robyn, also a college soccer player. Yet all three of your sons are hockey players and your daughter is a tennis player.”
Rick: Yeah, we failed miserably. [laughs] I thought we had a chance of at least one of them becoming a soccer player.
TSN | Macklin Celebrini shares a special connection to Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors
Draymond Green: He is someone that is invaluable to us. He keeps guys on the floor, and when guys aren’t on the floor, he puts plans together to make sure guys are firing on all cylinders. A guy you can go talk to and confide in, that’s who Rick is to this team.
Rick Celebrini: I truly feel a commitment to the players, to look after them as athletes but [also] as human beings, and I don’t say that lightly. It really drives not only what I do, but how I do it, these days.
Rick Celebrini: I have, at different times, challenged them: if you really love this, if you have a passion for it, let me help you get to the pinnacle of that sport.
Aiden Celebrini: He was our dad, but he was also our director of player health and performance. “What’s your plan today? What are you doing to get better today?” That was his philosophy with us growing up.
Steve Kerr: We joke a bit with Rick. Do the kids really need to hear that every single moment? Can you just watch a movie one night? There’s no doubt, he treats his kids just like he treats his players.
Robyn Celebrini: What Rick would tell [Macklin] is: this is what it takes. You can’t do what everyone else is doing and expect to achieve greatness. Most people just see the glory, but a lot of people forget about all the hard work that goes into those moments.
Macklin Celebrini: He’s serious. When it’s time to work, it’s time to work. I like that, I respond to it.
Rick Celebrini: I mean, it’s a tough life. I think he understands it’s necessary for him to achieve his defined goals.
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tobys-walrus-crew · 3 months
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Toby Stephens with his Co-Stars Sanjit De Silva, Robyn Kerr and with Tom Watson, playwright J.T. Rogers and director Bartlett Sher at the opening night of Corruption Play at LCTheater on Monday
Photo credit: Tricia Baron
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🦘 Booklr Reads Australian - Authors on My Shelves 🐨
so, I’ve been trying to think of a way to recommend a lot of Australian authors really quickly for Booklr Reads Australian. what I came up with was just to give y’all a giant list of all the authors I have at home! 
most of them are YA and/or fantasy authors, and I’ve marked my favourites with an asterisk (*) but if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask 😊
1. Sarah Ayoub 2. Eugen Bacon 3. Shirley Barber * 4. AJ Betts 5. Danielle Binks * 6. Cally Black 7. Steph Bowe * 8. Alice Boyle 9. JC Burke 10. Meg Caddy * 11. Frances Chapman 12. Wai Chim * 13. Claire Christian 14. Lyndall Clipstone 15. Claire G Coleman 16. Katherine Collette 17. Harry Cook 18. Cath Crowley 19. Robyn Dennison 20. Cale Dietrich 21. Lauren Draper 22. CG Drews * 23. Michael Earp 24. Kate Emery 25. Sarah Epstein 26. Alison Evans * 27. Fleur Ferris 28. Carly Findlay 29. Helena Fox 30. Lisa Fuller 31. Emily Gale 32. Meg Gatland-Veness 33. Sophie Gonzales 34. Erin Gough * 35. Leanne Hall * 36. Pip Harry 37. Sonya Hartnett 38. Adam Hills 39. Simmone Howell 40. Megan Jacobson 41. Amie Kaufman 42. Melissa Keil 43. Nina Kenwood 44. Sharon Kernot 45. Kay Kerr * 46. Will Kostakis 47. Jay Kristoff 48. Ambelin Kwaymullina 49. Benjamin Law 50. Rebecca Lim 51. Gary Lonesborough * 52. Kathleen Loughnan 53. Miranda Luby 54. Tobias Madden 55. Melina Marchetta 56. Ellie Marney * 57. Freya Marske 58. Jodi McAlister * 59. Margot McGovern * 60. Nikki McWatters 61. Anna Morgan 62. Jaclyn Moriarty 63. Liane Moriarty 64. Garth Nix 65. Lynette Noni 66. Carly Nugent 67. Poppy Nwosu 68. Kate O’Donnell 69. Shivaun Plozza 70. Michael Pryor 71. Alice Pung 72. Emily Rodda * 73. Autumn Royal 74. Omar Sakr 75. Holden Sheppard 76. AG Slatter 77. Jo Spurrier 78. Krystal Sutherland * 79. Jared Thomas 80. Hayli Thompson 81. Gabrielle Tozer 82. Christos Tsiolkas 83. Alicia Tuckerman 84. Ellen van Neerven 85. Marlee Jane Ward 86. Vikki Wakefield 87. Lisa Walker 88. Jessica Watson * 89. Allayne L Webster 90. Anna Whateley * 91. Samantha Wheeler 92. Jen Wilde * 93. Rhiannon Wilde 94. Lili WIlkinson 95. Gabrielle Williams 96. Rhiannon Williams 97. Fiona Wood 98. Leanne Yong 99. Suzy Zail 100. Nevo Zisin 101. Markus Zusak
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From May 27th to May 30th, 2024
DOLLY PARTON “Coat Of Many Colors”; ROY BAILEY “Business As Usual”; IRON MAIDEN “A Matter Of Life And Death”; SEBADOH “The Freed Man”; THE CLASH “Black Market Clash”; BADLY DRAWN BOY “Have You Fed The Fish?”; AUTECHRE “Chiastic Slide”; MOTORHEAD “Ace Of Spades”; 'WEIRD AL' YANKOVIC “Off The Deep End”; JOE HENDERSON “Page One”; FAIRPORT CONVENTION “Full House”; INXS “Kick”; LITTLE RICHARD “Lifetime Friend”; KERO KERO BONITO “Time 'N' Place”
FRANK SIDEBOTTOM “ABC & D”; ROY BAILEY “Never Leave A Story Unsung”; JANET JACKSON “Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814”; SHONEN KNIFE “Burning Farm”; UMPHREY'S McGEE “Hall Of Fame: Class Of 2011 – Set 1”; MARTIN GREEN & ELIZA CARTHY “Dinner”; LESTER FLATT & EARL SCRUGGS “You Can Feel It In Your Soul”; TEDDY WILSON & HIS ORCHESTRA “Teddy Wilson 1937-1938”
THE BEATLES “With The Beatles”; SIMON & GARFUNKEL “Bridge Over Troubled Water”; SUZANNE VEGA “Songs In Red And Gray”; ROBYN HITCHCOCK “Groovy Decay”; ELIZA CARTHY & NANCY KERR “On Reflection”; ELLA FITZGERALD “Ella Fitzgerald Sings The Jerome Kern Song Book”; THE CARS “The Cars”; DAVID BOWIE “Aladdin Sane”; TIM BUCKLEY “Starsailor”; DAISY CHAINSAW “Eleventeen”; GENE “Olympian”; THE WEDDING PRESENT “The Old Trout, Windsor, 28-10-1993”; BROADCAST & THE FOCUS GROUP “Broadcast & The Focus Group Group Investigate Witch Cults Of The Radio Age”
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emzeciorrr · 2 years
Adidas MYSHELTER from Pomp&Clout on Vimeo.
Directed by Ryan Staake Production Companies: Pomp&Clout Executive Producer: Ryen Bartlett Head of Production: Kevin Staake Producer: Dustin Highbridge UK Production: Riff Raff UK Line Producer: Kate Brady Director of Photography: Kristian Zuniga Editor: Rigel Kilston Music: Scott Storch Photographer: Andrew Alvarez Lead VFX: Jeff Beukema Additional VFX: Michiel Krop Colorist: Nick Metcalf, The Mill NY Sound/ Mixing: Rob Albrecht Production Agency: Whale BV Whale BV Producer: Ezra Xenos Agency / Client: adidas Creative Director: Paul Mann Art Director: Rob Glad Senior Creative Producer: Jaime Watson Lead SFX: Jeff Moratti SFX: Jarrod Lvey, Karl Thwaites, Tom Tracey
Production Supervisor: Anastasia Counihan Assistant Production Supervisor: Mike Vitiello 1st AD: Reggie Banniester 2nd AD: Sunny Fehlig Casting: Big Apple Casting 1st AC: Haley Wetherington 2nd AC: Yasmeen Jawha Steadicam Op: Michael Klein DIT: Celeste Perez Gaffers: Ben Hunt & Pat Dillion Swing: Paul Alban Key Grip: Bryan Landes Jig Tech: Mike Kirsic Stylist: Renata Gar Hair and Makeup: Heather Wolverton Parking Coordinator: Robert The Coneman Photo Assistant: Aleja Ramirez, Alberto Torres Office PA: Lyla Rose PA Key: Jason Morrison PA (Prod Cube): Ryan Arnold, Ed Louis Set PA: Anna Langston, Devine Mcrae, Lin Xu, Sara Falco, Tasha Saminjo, Henry Komaros PA: David Tiger Cortes PA: Michael Pluchino Driver PA: Jimmy Germaine Communications Manager: Camila Soares
Cast Models: Kai Moran Jordan Smith Hannah Kerr Theodore Lee “Hero”: Odalys, Jimothy Lacoste Body Doubles: James Campbell, Karina Bik Featured Friends: Roisin Tapponi James Fan Leojjie Estacio Geena Rios
Supporting Artists: Charlotte Marie Oliver Fritz Helene Goldthorpe Adonis Kapsalis Old Woman: Bailey Rosen Extras: Norka Vasquez George Fasbinder David Jenkins Jr. Cassidy Napolitano
Camera: Panavision Camera (Stills): KM Camera Catering: Broadway Catering G&E: Handheld Films Insurance: March Jib: Empire Jibs Payroll USA: CAPS Permits: NYC Environmental Protection Permits: MOFTB Prod. Supplies: Wits End Group Shipping: FedEx Special Effects: J&M Special FX Trucking - Production: Edge Auto Rental Walkies: Hinterland Communication ___________
Production Manager: Laura Duffy Location Manager: Rupert Bowkett Location Manager: Joe Storelli 1st AD: Tom Kelly 2ND AD:John Robinson Runners: Lucy Kelly Dan Hasson Elia Redondo Charlotte Miller Security: James Dimmock, Dave Cook
Steadicam Operator: Jess Doxley PA: Miri de Villers 1st AC: Barney Batchelor 2nd AC :Toby McKay Camera Trainee: Robyn Skead DATA WRANGLER: Jason Hunte Camera Car Driver: Anthony Bugge Camera Specialist/ Remote Car Operator: Jonathan Dennis Jimmy Jib Technician: Sean Webb Sound Recordist: Roger Cutting Gaffer: Paul Molloy Electrician: Rob Stewart Electrician: Ryan Delahunty Trainee Electrician: Jordan Gosling Rigger: Graham Petherick Production Designer: Sean Fenn Prop Master: Graham Cole Props Transport: Tom Hamilton SFX Senior Technician: Matt Beckwith SFX Technician: Ryan Crew Costume Designer: Kerry Saxton Costume Assistant: Lucy Pugh-Bevan Seamstress: Louise Halswell Hair and Makeup: Lu Hinton Traffic Management Team: Bill Stanley, Dean Mitchell, Paul Kybert Wardrobe/ Makeup Split Driver: Geoff Eley Dining Bus Driver: Manj Dhaliwal Client/ Agency Driver: Akbar Ali Mini Bus Driver (12 seater): Djamel Dokkari Mini Bus Driver: (16 Seater): Greg Sommer
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Scoop 2006
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roseillith · 9 days
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maasslitagency · 3 years
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shortkingvi · 3 years
rwby and soccer are like two of my favorite things and i don’t see enough posts that combine the two, thanks for that last post and i would LOVE to see more of your headcanons if you have the time
thank you <3333 soccer is legitimately my greatest love and joy and i am always ready to speak abt it. in keeping with that and your enthusiasm for my ramblings, i am turning this ask into my rwby soccer!au masterpost that maybe i will add more to as i think of them.
anyways, soccer!au under the cut!!
teams are beacon, atlas, shade, signal, haven, etc. i’m pretending these are the national teams because A: it makes my headcanons makes more sense and B: it’s my au and i can do what i want lol
ruby is the youngest player to receive her first cap in team history. she’s 15 when she plays her first national team game, beating the previous record coincidentally held by raven, who was 16 at the time of her first cap
yang and blake are in a “secret” inter team relationship on team beacon. i say “secret” because it’s only the media that’s surprised about it,,, they think they’re slick but the fans just KNOW, you know (i will not provide you with an irl example of who i am comparing them to, but i feel like y’all could probably guess if you love woso drama and gossip like i do)
weiss and winter’s family are the major sponsors of the atlas avalanche, so it’s a huge deal when they both sign with beacon. winter was actually atlas’ major draw before leaving and it stirred the entire football community up BIG time
winter and robyn are also in a relationship except robyn plays for mantle so it’s like a fun little opposition romance. funny enough, NO ONE knows about this until they get married and announce it out of the blue one day
yang suffered a severe knee injury that threatened her career at a pretty young age (yes i am projecting no u cannot stop me from doing it),,,, she had a dual ACL MCL tear that took her over a year to come back from but she comes back with a vengeance and wins league golden ball her first season back
on the subject of yang, her mother’s career is a constant shadow over her own. she’s not close with her mother but the media loves the narrative that they are and she works tirelessly to break free from the connection
the happy huntresses are all on mantle together and they make up three defenders and robyn who is the gk. fans still call them the happy huntresses in this AU
pyrrha was the biggest trade deal in woso history,,,, i’m talking beacon dropped sam kerr dollars PLUS some for her which she then promptly funnelled into her youth program she runs on the side
blake is the league top scorer. amen.
yang takes on a wendie renard / sam mewis role on team beacon, cleaning up corners or free kicks and specializing on aerial balls
nora got cut from every team in the league for her height before proving that as a gk, you don’t always have to be tall to be effective
neo is in the league and she plays like alysha chapman. i’m talking small, evil, and angry
finally, when beacon wins the championship they have a locker room celebration on par with the uswnt’s 2019 one (if you are not familiar with soccer and want to bond with these crazy lesbians go watch their post world cup celebration vids). yang is the ashlyn harris in this scenario, but only this one. by this i mean she’s balls to the wall drunk and bordering on getting everyone in trouble
finally for real because i just thought of this, blake is christen press. A: because i love cp and B: because i will let you do with this information what you would like
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blindedbythelightt · 3 years
1, 3, 8
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Thought This Through - Josh Kerr
Thank You, Lord - Chris Tomlin
Promises - I AM THEY
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
F-150 - Robyn Ottolini
Ring Pop - Jax
My Person - Spencer Crandall
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
Cake By The Ocean - DNCE
Mercury Rising - Tezza
Single For The Summer - Sam Hunt
Thank you for asking questions!
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010s: 160 - 156
160. Margaret Berger - “I feed you my love” Norway 2013
This is definitely the section of the ranking where I feel comfortable enough to park the fan faves I like, but not love. 🤗 “I feed you my love”, definitely falls into that category for me. It’s a discount Robyn track, and one that liberally abuses its dubstepping budget. 
However, I kind of lowkey ADORE Maggie Burger (-mel giedroyc). ^_^ She seems like just.. a naturally evervescent sparkplug of a human? What really sells “I feed you my love” to me specifically is her diction. It’s like Mélovinese but even better, somehow. Enjoy this adverbatim transcript:
akokoown eena silen tri tru de dark-NYTE yo lissen tumi wen i wis-PEIR brok-end-wurds in yor ~eeyu~
enyopuhsh yo puhsh mihar tu da sur-FIS am blin det har  bat yo wek-MI yo-wek-mi-ap  frum da snoa wer a wuz ~boarn~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yopuddanayf uh-GENT ma beck en yo DER MI to fes dee uh-teck yo sej for kau-WERDS derz no ri-WORD fill da ~kheet~
ooohhhhh tek ma hend a trast yor werd brynn da fi-YEAH a don kerr iv et hurds a haff da fyucher on ma tung giv mi uh ~kes~
159. Lidia Isac - “Falling stars” Moldova 2016
Yes and I *also* feel comfortable enough ranking random NQs higher than celebrated runners up. 🤭
Real question: Is “Falling stars” really that much worse of a song than “Sound of silence”? I’d say the compositions are quite even  with the only real difference being the care they’re given, which Moldova, a poor country with a population of three million, simply can’t afford to do so, lacking both the talent and the resources. 
As hopeless as “Fallen stars” is though, I must commend Lidia Isac here: In spite of the very narrow odds she faced, she pulled of a very valiant attempt at qualification. I think she’s a engaging and has good chemistry with the astronaut dancer (who btw, forgot to take off his backstage pass <3 incompetence <3 <3 <3). I will never reneg on praising a plucky underdog, and Lidia is precisely that.  ________________________________________________________________
158. Leonor Andrade - “Há um mar que nos separa” Portugal 2015
Lmfao you forgot Leonor was still in this, didn’t you? Well let that be exactly why I rank her this high 🤗. Let me open with a Personal Leonor Anecdote: 
Back in 2016, a few of my friends and I did a CO-OP ranking of all entries between 2007 and 2016, ranking them in turns. With over 500 entries in the mix, everyone just *forgot* about Leonor and she quietly made it to 75th place without ever being in danger of getting taken out before. 😂
As you can expect, my Leonor Fandom initially stemned from how memorably unmemorable she is, but as all Ironic Appreciation goes, it’s only a matter of time before it sets itself as Unironic. Much like Lidia, Leonor is not a shabby or a money maker, but a spirited bottomgoddess. Her delivery is much more intense and fierce than you may remember. Kicking the air with her giant plateau heels <3 Aggressively oscillating her shoulder pads around as a means of punctuation <3  Incoherently yelling into a windmachine <3 Ah, the tactile futility of it all <3
157. Tamara Todevska - “Proud” North Macedonia 2019 
Oh dear how do I even tackle this one. Tamara still feels like a “Pleasant Random Underdog”, but she actually made he top 10!!! 😲
The gulf between “Proud as a song” and “Proud as a performance” is giant for me. I never cared about “Proud” as a song: It’s a stripped down power ballad with “relevant meaning”, which as you know is one of my least favourite Eurovision tropes. Also the “relevant meaning” here is female empowerment, which is awesome, but how much traction does that theme have in a song written by three white cisgender men? 
However, with their new name can the time for reinvention. North Macedonia went ToDevSka and it was beautiful. Tamara was a STAR and shone so bright (into the sky):
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and I mean, man, for a song I don’t fundamentally care about, I sure as hell love revisiting “Proud” and it’s all because of Tamara. I thought she would be a Gabriela (Guncikova or Horn, both work) we instead got a Kostov/Dami. She injects SO MUCH credibility in her song by making it a personal experience directed at her daughter. Poised and dramatic, yet warm and inviting. Tamara is the heart and soul of “Proud”. Simply put, she was brilliant. 
I can’t think of anyone more deserving of being their country’s first top 10 placer after a 7 harsh NQs. Well done.  ________________________________________________________________
156. Soluna Samay - “Should’ve known better” Denmark 2012
More pleasant randoms!!
Okay, so I remember how I am going to slaughter the underwhelming 2012 entries before the next shade of green? We’re almost there, so the time has come. Get ready!
However, Soluna doesn’t belong to that group for me, so I’m getting her out of the way first. “Should’ve known better” has a lot of heart and I find it very endearing. Overachieving drummer girl <3 All the backing musicians/singer combos <3 bringing her own furniture. <3 “Should’ve known” better is just a very quaint indie darling that many people overlooked, but never fail to conjure up a smile. ^_^
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